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Acculturation: A process in which members of one cultural group adopt the beliefs and behaviors
of another group.
Cultural diversity: Refers to differences among people because of their racial or ethnic
backgrounds, language, dress and traditions.
Cultural misconceptions: Mistaken thoughts, ideas, or notions; misunderstandings about a culture.
These are false ideas about a culture resulting from misunderstanding rather than from reality.
Cultural Shock: A condition of confusion and anxiety affecting a person suddenly exposed to an
alien culture or environment.
Culture: All the ways of life including arts, beliefs and institutions of a population that are passed
down from generation to generation. It includes codes of manners, dress, language, religion,
rituals, games, norms of behavior such as law and morality, and systems of belief as well as the
Cross-cultural: Combining, pertaining to, or contrasting two or more cultures or cultural groups.
Ethnicity: Refers to shared cultural practices, perspectives and distinctions that set apart one
group of people from another. The most common characteristics distinguishing various ethnic
groups are ancestry, a sense of history, language, religion, and forms of dress.
Global culture: Refers to the culture developed at the global level through the new information
Hispanic: Is an ethnonym that denotes a relationship to Spain or in some definitions to ancient
Hispania which comprised the Iberian Peninsula. Organizations in the USA use the term as a broad
catch to refer to persons with a historical or cultural relationship with Spain.
Intercultural: Relating to, involving, or representing different cultures: (marriage, exchange in
music, etc.)
Ius sanguinis: is a principle of nationality law by which citizenship is not determined by place of
birth but by having instead one or both parents who are citizens of the state or more generally by
having state citizenship or membership to a nation determined or conferred by -ethnic, cultural or
other- descent or origin,[1] e.g. by belonging to a diaspora, i.e. without necessarily having
progenitors that are or were citizens of that state per se. It contrasts with jus soli (Latin for "right
of soil").
Ius soli: is the right of anyone born in the territory of a state to nationality or citizenship. Lex soli is
a law used in practice to regulate who and under what circumstances an individual can assert the
right of jus soli. Most states provide a specific lex soli, in application of the respective jus soli, and

it is the most common means of acquiring nationality. A frequent exception to lex soli is imposed
when a child was born to a parent in the diplomatic or consular service of another state, on a
mission to the state in question.
Latin: Refers to the original Italic tribe and those of Latin descent which speak a romance
language. Today, a common demonym of Latin American people or descent is Latin, Latino or
Multiculturalism: A philosophy that appreciates ethnic diversity within a society and that
encourages people to learn from the contributions of those of diverse ethnic backgrounds.
Race: A local geographic or global human population distinguished as a more or less distinct group
by genetically transmitted physical characteristics.
Racism: Racism is generally defined as actions, practices, or beliefs that consider the human
species to be divided into races with shared traits, abilities, or qualities, such as personality,
intellect, morality, or other cultural behavioral characteristics, and especially the belief that races
can be ranked as inherently superior or inferior to others, or that members of different races
should be treated differently.
Transcultural: Extending through all human cultures (as a mothers love for her child which exists
in all human cultures).
Violence: Violence is "the intentional use of physical force or power, threatened or actual, against
oneself, another person, or against a group or community, which either results in or has a high
likelihood of resulting in injury, death, psychological harm, maldevelopment, or deprivation.
Xenophobia: The irrational or unreasoned fear of that which is perceived to be foreign or strange.
It comes from the Greek words (xenos), meaning "stranger," "foreigner," and
(phobos), meaning "fear.

Origin of multi-ethnicity in Great Britain (Key points)

Labor migration from 1950-1970, mostly from the Commonwealth of Nations countries.
The family reunification of 1970.
The wave of the post-industrial movement. (2003-2004)

India 639000
Poland 526000
Pakistan 436000
Ireland 424000
Germany 293000

US Immigration timeline.

1860 Lincoln is elected president.

1880 The U.S. population is 50,155,783. More than 5.2 million immigrants enter the
country between 1880 and 1890.
1882 Chinese Exclusion Act. First federal immigration law suspended Chinese immigration
for 10 years and barred Chinese in U.S. from citizenship.
1917 Immigration Act established and barred all immigrants from Asia.
Quota Act of 1921 limited immigrants to 3% of each nationality present in the US in 1910.
1924 Quotas changed to 2% of each nationality.
1946 Procedures adopted to facilitate immigration of foreign-born wives, fianc(e)s,
husbands, and children of US armed forces personnel.
1952 Immigration and Nationality Act. Northern and Western Europe set at 85% of all
immigrants. Race not an impediment anymore for immigration.
1965 Hart-Celler Act abolished national origins quotas, establishing separate ceilings for
the eastern (170,000) and western (120,000) hemispheres (combined in 1978).
1978 Separate ceilings for Western and Eastern hemispheric immigration combined into a
worldwide limit of 290,000. (reduced at 270,000 in 1980) 1986 Immigration Reform and
Control Act provided for amnesty for many illegal aliens and sanctions for employers hiring
2001 Homeland Security Act.
2013 Obama reelection. 1846 Irish of all classes emigrate to the US as a result of the
potato famine.

American Cultural Traits.

Time is money
Keep your eye on the ball Objectives in life
Task orientation
Always in a hurry do not waste time, which is money
Treat everyone the same
Change things

British Cultural Traits.

Getting drunk (at the pub, after work)
Stiff upper lip
Enjoying other peoples misfortune
Tea time
Property values
Overly polite
Fondness for mowing the lawn
Sense of superiority among all the nations
Did I mention tea?

Americas identity crisis

Adapted from:

The Bradley Project on Americas National Identity issued a report which contends that
Americas national identity is being weakened by the spread of multiculturalism and globalization.
The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation established this project in 2007. The vast majority of the
2,421 respondents in an Interactive National Survey commissioned by the Bradley Project
expressed concern that American society is increasingly polarized and divided - and that
knowledge of the nations common heritage and ideals is eroding. The results are disturbing and
point to a growing problem that requires attention.

The study reveals that 84 percent maintain that there is a unique American national
identity. This consists of viewing American identity as based on a set of ideas and on a way of life rather than founded on ethnicity. Those surveyed define American national identity as a
commitment to freedom: This includes free speech, freedom of religion, freedom of opportunity
and political freedom. The American ethos (values) contains the following traits: competition,
individualism, optimism, self-reliance, religious faith and patriotism. The majority of respondents
view America as a unique democracy; the nation upholds the rule of law and has a formidable

Yet 63 percent maintain that American national identity is growing weaker; 24 percent
state that Americans are already so divided we can no longer sustain a common identity. Most
alarming is the result among younger respondents: Those below age 35 are more likely to declare
that there is no national identity. This points to a failure by the current generation of adults to
transmit the nations heritage to the youth.

The Bradley Project on American National Identity seeks to initiate a conversation on

Americas identity crisis. The study reveals that the overwhelming majority share a fear that
America is being balkanized (to break up - as a region or group- into smaller and often hostile
units); 80 percent of whites, 86 percent of blacks and 74 percent of Hispanics are concerned that
America is increasingly divided along ethnic and cultural lines. Americans can therefore begin to
demand changes in their communities based on the evidence available. For example, 89 percent
state that new immigrants must be Americanized - which means they must learn English and
embrace American culture. The majority of participants also agree that citizenship rather than
ethnicity should be the focus of education.

The advocates for this national conversation insist that their aim is to redress the balance:
they are not demanding the creation of a uniform America, but an America in which both diversity
and unity are in harmony. They declare that the pendulum has swung too far toward a devaluation
of all that is good in America. They also state that there is too much emphasis on our differences
rather than on areas of common ground.
The study recommends that American history be taught in elementary schools and
colleges; this includes teaching primary documents and a celebration of American heroes. They
also insist that newcomers must be taught American values, that we should provide civic
education based on explaining the principles of American democracy (not global citizenship) and
that we should institute a Presidential Award for American Citizenship to students and new

Americas national identity is being systematically and deliberately eroded by

internationalists and mutliculturalists who occupy positions of influence: They seek to replace
American nationalism with a globalist agenda.

The data presented by the Bradley Project provides hope that Americans want to reclaim
their national identity. A daily and long-term battle is necessary in order to resist current trends.

Reclaiming Americas heritage will require the sustained and determined action of Americans in
each community for years to come.

An American Identity Crisis?

We read two articles about American Identity, Ill include summaries of both with a
comment and then I will express my opinion:
A cultural identity is a sort of myth by definition. There are very few pure cultures left.
Since the Revolutionary War, the face of America has changed regularly. In the New World
Hispanic nations, the Spanish look belies a lot of cultural mixes.
Why is America, arguably the greatest representative of cultural diversity on Earth, looking
for a single American Identity?
If you tried to market America as a product, and used a single image to do it, youd
probably get sued for misrepresentation, if not actually institutionalized for your mental health.
Multiculturalism was a term designed to cover co extant cultures in a society. The Anglo
image (for America) may look normal, but lets face it, its pretty damn dishonest. The sheer
number of non Anglo contributors to American history would fill whole states quite easily.
Assimilation, as a word, has a few unfortunate echoes of the old days in which native
populations were to be assimilated in terms of erasing their cultures. Its not realistic to assume
people will come to America, drop their cultural identity, and pick up some sort of sitcom character
as their new role. Does America want people, or characterless socio-cultural doormats?
Have a look at the kind of people who are racists, and youve seen all you need to know.
Losers to a man, ignoramuses from birth, non-contributors on a colossal scale.
First of all, I would like to point out that this is absolutely the worst article Ive read in my
entire life. Not only is it full of fallacies, but it fails to point out the objective of its title. The first
fallacy comes in the first line by saying that a cultural identity is a myth by definition, because
there are very few pure cultures left. This is clearly an Ignorantio Elenchi fallacy and a Circular
Reasoning fallacy. Here is the actual definition of Cultural Identity: Culture refers to the customs,
practices, languages, values and world views that define social groups such as those based on
nationality, ethnicity, region or common interests. (Note that ethnicity is just one of the possible

factors, therefore we have the possibility of multiple ethnicities sharing culture). Cultural
identity is important for peoples sense of self and how they relate to others.1
The article continues to say that the New World Hispanic nations involved a lot of cultural
mixes. This statement is wrong; the new world Hispanic nations were a by-product of two large
cultural entities mixing, the Spaniards the Mesoamerican culture (multiple ethnicities sharing a
region, common religions and Cosmo visions, origins and similar traditions).
Then, the article disqualifies the action of looking for a single American Identity by
saying that America is the greatest representative of cultural diversity. The definition of national
identity is, according to Wikipedia is a person's identity and sense of belonging to one state or to
one nation, a feeling one shares with a group of people, regardless of one's citizenship status.
Therefore, the concept of national identity doesnt necessarily include a cultural identity but a
sense of belonging to one nation.
Then, with the line about the America as a product idea, we get another fallacy, Appeal
to Probability.
The sheer number of Anglo contributors to American History would fill states quite
easily, we get yet another fallacy for sustaining the main argument -cum hoc ergo propter hoc.
Then it dares to say that American culture necessarily has something to do with sitcoms,
this is as stupid as implying Mexican identity has necessarily to relate to telenovelas.
The final big fallacy, the ad hominem fallacy, have a look at the kind of people who are
racists, and youve seen all you need to know. Losers to a man, ignoramuses from birth, noncontributors on a colossal scale. Wow, if this were true, then all the foundations of modern
science, based on Aristotle, are wrong. We cant disqualify the intellectual abilities of a person
because of a social trait.
This article was so full of words and empty of coherent ideas I am not even considering
saying anything else about it in my opinion later.
The next article, Americas Identity Crisis is at least a little more sensible, but ultimately

The Bradley Project on Americas National Identity issued a report which contends that
Americas national identity is being weakened by the spread of multiculturalism and globalization.
The study reveals that 84 percent maintain that there is a unique American national
identity. This consists of viewing American identity as based on a set of ideas and on a way of life rather than founded on ethnicity. This includes free speech, freedom of religion, freedom of
opportunity and political freedom. The American ethos (values) contains the following traits:
competition, individualism, optimism, self-reliance, religious faith and patriotism.
89 percent state that new immigrants must be Americanized - which means they must
learn English and embrace American culture. The majority of participants also agree that
citizenship rather than ethnicity should be the focus of education.
The advocates for this national conversation insist that their aim is to redress the balance:
they are not demanding the creation of a uniform America, but an America in which both diversity
and unity are in harmony.
Americas national identity is being systematically and deliberately eroded by
internationalists and mutliculturalists who occupy positions of influence: They seek to replace
American nationalism with a globalist agenda.
I didnt find any fallacies in this article, overall, the main defect it has was the fact that
their statistics are based on a 2,500 people survey, which represents less than 0.01% of the
American population. Overall the article doesnt attack or question cultural heritage or ethnicity, it
highlights the importance of sharing unity and traditional American national values. This is why I
think this article wins the debate and ultimately the holds a truer position.
In my opinion, globalization and multiculturalism are damaging the identities of the
developed countries. This is happening because of the large history of immigration that they have
and the mixing of different cultures and religions, and the prostitution of values because of this
huge variety. It is of utmost importance that countries around the world solidify their shared
values, common history and identities to face the globalization phenomenon. This doesnt mean
erasing backgrounds and cultural traditions, but institutionalizing national identity, strengthening
their education systems, and defining their national values. These national values are above
religious beliefs and traditional customs. Learning of the nations heroes is also important, without

regarding their ethnicities, because these heroes are the ethos of the political and patriotic history
of the nation. National identity is not against cultural diversity, but multiculturalism has gone so
past the acceptable boundaries of sociopathic liberty, that is starting to look like libertinism,
endangering the very values of humanity and group organization (tribal) which is a basic human

A mixture of races.

There is a remarkable variety of ethnic groups living in the United States.

We can find a Chinatown, a Little Italy, Greek cafs and Spanish heritage in every
major city of the United States.
The country became independent in 1783.
There was a first census in 1790, when the population was aprox. 4 million, 800 000
thousand were black slaves.
Between 1820 and 1840, over a million people came to the country.
From 1340 to 1880, another 10 million arrived, most of them from continental Europe.
In the 1880s, a tenth of the population of Norway and Sweden sailed to America.
The big waves of immigration stopped in 1920, and the economic depression of 1930
reduced the flow for another 30 years.
Present day immigration has been shaped by the 1965 law, which favored those who
already had relatives in the country and those who possessed certain needed skills.
Today, there are some major movements within the country, mostly from blacks of the
south east to the cities of the west and north, and from people from the north to the
south, mostly after the invention of A/C.

A hooligan is a participant in hooliganism unruly, destructive, aggressive and bullying
There are several theories regarding the origin of the word hooliganism. The Compact
Oxford English Dictionary states that the word may have originated from the surname of a fictional
rowdy Irish family in a music hall song of the 1890s.[1][2] Clarence Rook, in his 1899 book,
Hooligan Nights, claimed that the word came from Patrick Hoolihan (or Hooligan), an Irish bouncer
and thief who lived in London.

Mod is youth subculture of the early to mid-1960s that was revived in later decades.
Focused on fashion and music, the subculture has its roots in a small group of London-based
stylish young men in the late 1950s who were termed modernists because they listened to
modern jazz.[1]
Significant elements of the mod subculture include fashion (often tailor-made suits); music
(including soul, ska, and R&B); and motor scooters (usually Lambretta or Vespa). The original mod
scene was associated with amphetamine-fuelled all-night dancing at clubs.[2]
There was a mod revival in the United Kingdom in the late 1970s, which was followed by a
mod revival in North America in the early 1980s, particularly in Southern California.[3][4]

Teddy Boy (also known as Ted) is a British subculture typified by young men wearing
clothes that were partly inspired by the styles worn by dandies in the Edwardian period, styles
which Savile Row tailors had attempted to re-introduce in Britain after World War II.[1] The
subculture started in London in the 1950s, and rapidly spread across the UK, soon becoming
strongly associated with rock and roll. Originally known as Cosh Boys, the name Teddy Boy was
coined when a 1953 Daily Express newspaper headline shortened Edwardian to Teddy.

Wealthy young men, especially Guards officers, adopted the style of the Edwardian
era.[citation needed] At that point in history, the Edwardian era was then just over 40 years
previous, and their grandparents, if not their parents, wore the style the first time around. The
original Edwardian revival was far more historically accurate in terms of replicating the original
Edwardian era style than the later Teddy Boy style. It featured tapered trousers, long jackets that
bear a similarity to post-war American zoot suits and fancy waist coats.

A skinhead is a member of a subculture that originated among working class youths in

London, England in the 1960s and then soon spread to other parts of the United Kingdom, and
later to other countries around the world. Named for their close-cropped or shaven heads, the
first skinheads were greatly influenced by West Indian (specifically Jamaican) rude boys and British
mods, in terms of fashion, music and lifestyle.[1] Originally, the skinhead subculture was primarily
based on those elements, not politics or race but, since then, race and politics have become
factors by which some skinheads align themselves. The political spectrum within the subculture
now ranges from far right to far left, although many skinheads are apolitical or hold
centrist/moderate views.[2] Contemporary skinhead fashions range from clean-cut 1960s modinfluenced styles to less-strict punk and hardcore influenced styles.[3] The non-far-right majority
of skinheads will often refer to the white power skinhead members as 'boneheads'.

A Muslim in America.
After having watched the BBC documentary on Muslims in America, I have several
thoughts in mind that I could discuss and present to bring the whole BBC position down. First of
all, I would like to note that the concept of Jihad is real and inherent to the Quran. Whatever
interpretation it is given, it denotes a natural discrimination and intolerance against people who
are not believers in Allah. This comes in direct contrast with Christians, who believe in
evangelization of all the peoples of the world rather than a struggle of Allah against oppression
and difference. This difference allows for a number of tensions between the two religions which
will never be able to tolerate each other completely. On top of that, we can observe that both
religions are, for the most part, for the subordination of women under the authority of men.
However, The Sharia law has made a statement for a total subordination and discrimination of the
freedoms of women. Women who profess Islam are obliged to wear burkas, hijabs and khimars, in
order to separate the sins from men and even their sexual natural periods are seen as inherently
dirty. This has rendered Islam as a retrograde religion, blind to every science and moral progress
of men and women of the Occidental World. Islam carries traditions that are considered as
ancient, who couldnt adapt to the modern, sophisticated world of Occident. This is extremely
important when we consider that, America, for the most part and from its origins as a country is,
by definition, a Christian country. We have to look at history as well, from the Second World War
to the creation of Israel as a state and the terrorist attacks of 09/11 to understand deep issues
between the nation of America and the Muslim international community. It is, in my opinion, true,
that at no point in the Bible a term like death to the infidels is mentioned on any of the gospels
in the New Testament. This cultural difference has increased the tensions between ethnic groups
in the United States. In the documentary, it is also said that the Muslim community rejected the
idea of helping the government identify possible threats of terrorism. This accentuated the
problem and demonstrated that Muslims indeed are contradictory, living in an ancient belief
within a modern world that cant accept its law or costumes. I understand the hatred of America
against Muslims, but I also understand that the American Society is very keen on following media
and propaganda, and these media agencies follow political interests. I believe that
Multiculturalism cant exist peacefully. As long as we maintain religious, cultural costumes and
beliefs, we cant cohabit the same place as those who follow other beliefs. The main problem with
multiculturalism is multiculturalism. In order to coexist as a race, human beings adapted

thousands of years of cultural morphing and arranged themselves in groups. The main survival
element of these groups was their cultural sharing identities, their shared values and morality as
human beings. This sharing of ideals, values and costumes, made it possible for humans to survive
in solid, homogeneous groups. Multiculturalism breaks these adaptations and proposes the idea of
heterogeneous groups in a limited geographical area. The results are obvious if we use plain and
simple logic. It is a truth that different religious will not be able to understand each other unless
they assimilate each other. If they dont, peaceful living in the same community becomes
impossible. We only have to look at history to prove this.

Phenomena affecting CD

Chapter I Unesco Summary

Geography becomes
Immigration Growth
Tourism Growth
Intercultural contact









Chapter II Unesco Summary.


Intercultural dialogue




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