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The Billion Dollar Meditation

Posted by Barry Goss & Heather Vale Goss

Creators of The Manifesting Super Gold Pack
This meditation can be used for attracting anything you want, or just increasing
your financial situation beyond what you have dreamed possible. A friend of Jaf
ree and Margot’s used this technique and created $10,000 in 3 days! One of their
clients manifested $75,000 in just a few weeks with it, and another was offered
$3 million for his new business.
Are you one of those people who wonders how to get over the block of not being a
ble to manifest money, and therefore not being able to purchase things you desir
e? Well, congratulations… you just manifested this wonderful tool to help you ou
The entire meditation should take at least 15 minutes, and be done every day if
you want to reap profound results in attracting prosperity…
The Billion Dollar Meditation
Start by relaxing every muscle in your entire body. Imagine a warm, healing ener
gy and light caressing and entering every single cell inside you.
When you are deeply relaxed, repeat the sound “Ahhhhhhhh” out loud, or in your m
ind. This is the same sound you would make if you had a big epiphany or were wat
ching the most exquisite sunset. Let the sound come out effortlessly, releasing
and relaxing your being deep inside.
Let the sound flow gently and naturally out of your lungs and vocal chords. Don’
t force it out. Let it relax you deeper.
Then, imagine a golden liquid light running up from the base of your spine, thro
ugh your heart, and showering out the top of your head.
As it fountains out the crown of your head, the liquid light cascades down over
your entire body. You become a fountain of energy, bathing in golden vibrant goo
With each in-breath the energy flows up your spine to the top of your head. With
each out-breath it flows out your crown, cascades down around your body, and dr
enches your skin, muscles, bones and cells with warm golden healing energy.
After 7 minutes of bathing in your golden shower, take the remaining time to ima
gine hundreds of millions of dollars (in $100 bills) floating down from the clou
ds above, dumping all over your neighborhood, entering your house, and filling u
p your room!
Visualize yourself swimming through the money, touching the millions of dollars
around you! Look outside your window and see how EXCITED and ECSTATIC everyone i
s! It is raining millions of dollars in everybody’s home! There is more than eno
ugh for everyone.
Let yourself experience this abundance, and feel that you have more money than y
ou could ever spend or ask for. Experience the feelings of JOY, SECURITY, and EX
CITEMENT this money brings to you.
Allow this feeling of being infinitely rich to sink to the core of your heart, m
ind and soul! Know that you are a God-Being, and you deserve it!
As with all manifestation techniques, keep in mind that juicing up your emotions
— really FEELING the joy and excitement outlined in the meditation — is the bes
t way to kick the attraction power into high gear.
Now here’s an excerpt from Jafree and Margot’s Manifesting Manual, as featured i
n the Super Manifestor Gold Pack, to help you make the most of this exercise:
The more you can relax into your body during this visualization, the easier it w
ill be to experience feelings of abundance, and actually attract more funds into
your bank account. Receiving this increased abundance is also about releasing t
he attachment to your fear of poverty and failure.
This fear dissolves when you know in your heart that the Universe will always pr
ovide for you. This feeling of deep sufficiency occurs when you realize that you
are a God-Being and every cell in your body is vibrating with the Universe’s ab
In order to fully maximize the power of this meditation, set a strong intention
to maintain this abundant feeling and vibration all day long. It feels good to b
athe in these feelings of abundance all the time, so consciously refocus your en
ergy on these feelings whenever your mind strays back to poverty thinking.
The instant a fear arises, breathe through it, and IMMEDIATELY return to complet
e 100% sufficiency and abundance! Start walking, talking and acting as if you ha
ve already attained that ultimate goal you wanted to manifest.
This is an exercise in trusting the intelligent Universe, yourself, and the natu
ral manifesting process. So take your time and be patient with yourself. You wil
l learn as you practice it.
For years, the Billion Dollar Meditation has been a favorite for people who are
seeking freedom and abundance. Everyone wants the experience of being outrageous
ly abundant and free to do anything they desire. If you find you are having limi
ting beliefs that are blocking you from this experience, or a voice in your head
saying that this kind of abundance is not OK, you may need to identify and heal
this poverty-creating saboteur.
If you have difficulty feeling what it’s like to be surrounded by an abundance o
f money, you may want to experience the guided audio version of this meditation,
Manifesting an Abundance of Money, which is available in the Super Manifestor G
old Pack. This audio meditation is a healing experience that brings your body, m
ind and vibration into a greater alignment and receptivity with feeling complete
ly free and abundant.
Change begins at a deep level, and this meditation is a deep cellular transforma
tion that will allow you to almost effortlessly magnetize more abundance into yo
ur life.
Your Partners in the Quest For Living a Life Without Limits,
Barry Goss and Heather Vale Goss

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