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Joint Us to Be the Indonesian Youth Ambassador

If you consider yourself as a youth, active, dynamic

The programs offered for Yogyakarta Special Province’s Candidate selection year
• Ship for South East Asian Youth Program-SSEYAP (Kapal Pemuda ASEAN-
Jepang) - The length of duration is around 2 months.
• Australia Indonesia Youth Exchange Program-AIYEP (Pertukaran Pemuda
Australia Indonesia-PPAI) - The length of duration is 6 month (3 months in
Australia and 3 months in Indonesia)

The financing for each program is fully covered by the Indonesian government and
the sponsoring committee in each related country. One of the things that need to be
concerned by the future participants is to prepare their best to be able to represent
Yogyakarta Special Province.


1. Indonesian citizen
2. Listed as a citizen of Yogyakarta Special Province
3. Physically and mentally healthy
4. Not married yet
5. Fluent in English (both oral and written)
6. Have a broad view of international & national issues
7. Active in organization or other vocational activities
8. Have competencies in arts and culture
9. Never joined any international youth exchange program sponsored by
Department of National Education or State Ministry of Youth and Sports
Republic of Indonesia
10. Passed selection in provincial and national level


AIYEP Requirements:

1. Male
2. 21-24 Years of age

SSEAYP Requirements:

1. Female
2. 20-30 Years of age



1. Administrative Selection (results are announced at April 8, 2010)

2. First Phase selection (interviews): April 10, 2010 (results are announced
at April 11, 2010)
3. Second Phase Selection (finals) : April 16-18, 2010 (results are announced
at April 19, 2010)

1. English fluency
2. General knowledge
3. Leadership, civic and nationalism
4. Individual character, arts and skills
5. Program preparedness
6. Yogyakarta Special Province in-depth knowledge


• The registration form submission deadline is due from April 5, 2010 to April 7
2010 (every 10 AM – 1 PM) at Balai Pemuda dan Olah raga, nDalem
Ngadiwinatan KT II / 23 Alun-alun Selatan Yogyakarta.
• Insert registration form and the supporting requirements in yellow folder for
SSEAYP and a red folder for AIYEP.
• Applicants must submit in person completed form with following documents:

1. One copy of Yogyakarta ID Card (KIPEM/KTP DIY)

2. One copy of student ID Card (for student)
3. One copy of most recent academic Diploma (School/University/College)
4. Recent color photographs (white background): 4×6 and 2×3, 6 sheets each
5. Personal CV and supporting documents

APPLICATION FORM 2010 (Click here to download)

For detail information, please contact:

Contact Person: Kiki (0274-9655660), no SMS!

April 18, 2009

The Finalist of International Youth Exchange

Selection 2009
Posted by PCMI Jogja under News
1 Comment

Balai Pemuda dan Olahraga, Dinas Pendidikan, Pemuda dan Olahraga Propinsi DIY
and Purna Caraka Muda Indonesia Jogja would like to thank for all of you who have
been participated in Interview Test of International Youth Exchange Selection 2009.
Below is the list of finalists who have decisively qualified into the third/final phase of
International Youth Exchange Selection 2009. Congratulations!


(in alphabetical order)

1. Aan Kurniawan
2. Adhe Nuansa Wibisono
3. Akbar Hakim P.
4. Angga Kusumo Harwinindyo
5. Ari Sulistyo
6. Dimas Hendrajaya
7. Kuncoro Sejati
8. Yodim Kusuma

Reserved finalists: (in priority order)

1. Ganesha Maghemila
2. Yosi N. Adriyanto


(in alphabetical order)

1. Agustina Ari W.
2. Annisa Paramita Wiharani
3. Marceline Yudith
4. Ni Made Wilasari
5. Nur Adhib Angayomi
6. Surani Hasanati
7. Ummi Bariroh
8. Valerie Donna Rotarie

Reserved finalists: (in priority order)

1. Aniesa Nurma Dantie

2. Winda Irwanti


1. Finalist and Reserved finalist are requested to attend the briefing in BPO
Office on Monday, April 20, 2009 at 10 A.M. sharp.
2. Should it become unavoidably impossible to attend, please contact PCMI.
3. The attendants are also requested to bring notes and writing untensils.
4. The final selection will be held on April 24-26, 2009.

Once again CONGRATULATIONS for all!

April 17, 2009

Pengumuman Tes Wawancara Seleksi Pertukaran

Pemuda Antar Negara 2009
Posted by PCMI Jogja under News
1 Comment

Balai Pemuda dan Olahraga Dinas Pendidikan, Pemuda dan Olahraga Propinsi DIY
dan Purna Caraka Muda Indonesia Jogja mengucapkan terima kasih atas partisipasi
anda dalam Seleksi PPAN 2009 dan kami juga mengucapkan selamat bagi anda yang
lolos Tes Wawancara. Berdasarkan hasil seleksi administrasi dari 118 aplikasi yang
telah masuk, panitia memilih 30 (tiga puluh) peserta dari masing-masing program
yang berhak mengikuti Tes Wawancara.

Tes Wawancara akan diadakan pada:

Hari, tanggal:
Sabtu, 18 April 2009

07.30 WIB – selesai

Kantor Balai Pemuda dan Olahraga Propinsi DIY,
nDalem Ngadiwinatan KT II / 23 Alun-alun Selatan Yogyakarta.


• Registrasi akan dibuka paka pukul 07.30 WIB. Urutan registrasi akan
digunakan sebagai urutan wawancara.
• Bagi yang merasa memiliki talent/bakat, dianjurkan membawa alat
performance yang bersangkutan (gitar, suling, alat musik lain, alat sulap,
kostum, peralatan tari, portofolio hasil karya, dsb)
• Peserta dianjurkan untuk membawa bekal makan siang sendiri.

Adapun nama-nama yang lolos Tes Wawancara adalah sebagai berikut:

1. Aan Kurniawan
2. Adhe Nuansa Wibisono
3. Akbar Hakim P.
4. Andika Febiyanto
5. Angga Kusumo Harwinindyo
6. Ardani Nanda
7. Ari Sulistyo
8. Arya Budi
9. Chalis Setiadi
10. Dian Widi Susanto
11. Dimas Hendrajaya
12. Endy Santoso
13. Ganesha Maghemila
14. Gibson SH Marblin
15. Heri Kusmanto
16. Ihsan Ibrahim
17. Kuncoro Sejati
18. M. Firdaus A.
19. Mahesa Khrisna R.
20. Maulvi D. Muhammad
21. Rama Hendi Prastiyo
22. Ramadhan Nugraha
23. Ravando
24. Syahrul Khairi
25. Teguh Wiyono
26. Wahid Yunianto
27. Wildan Mahendra R.
28. Yodim Kusuma
29. Yosi N. Adriyanto
30. Yulius Andri P.


1. Agustina Ari Wisudawati

2. Aniesa Norma Dantie
3. Annisa Paramita Wiharani
4. Asih Nuryanti
5. Ayu Ika Nafarina
6. Desi Antikasari
7. Dewi Agus Damayanti
8. Dita Darmastari
9. Dyresti Nocetha
10. Emeresiana A.
11. Fransiska Maharani
12. Hesti P.
13. Indriani Kusumastuti
14. Karlina
15. Marceline Yudith P.
16. Ni Made Wilasari
17. Niken Triana Kadaryono
18. Nur Adhib Angayomi
19. Nurina Martia
20. Ridha Sri Wianti
21. Rizka Utami P.
22. Stefana Wahyu Sembiring
23. Sukresnowati
24. Surani Hasanati
25. Tiara Mahardika
26. Umi Gita Nugraheni
27. Ummi Bariroh
28. Valerie Donna R.
29. Winda Irawanti
30. Wiwit Wahyuningsih


April 4, 2009

Workshop International CV and Job Interview

Posted by PCMI Jogja under News
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Sebagai acara puncak dari seluruh rangkaian promosi Program Pertukaran Pemuda
Antar Negara (PPAN), Purna Caraka Muda Indonesia DIY telah menyelenggarakan
“Workshop International CV and Job Interview”.

IJAZAH sarjana yang kini tidak lagi menjadi jaminan masa depan yang lebih cerah
dan banyaknya pemuda lulusan perguruan tinggi ternama di Indonesia dan memegang
ijazah sarjana belum memiliki pekerjaan yang diidamkan, menjadi alasan kami untuk
berbagi. Karena mendapatkan pekerjaan memang bukan semata-mata mengandalkan
latar belakang akademik, namun juga kompetensi keterampilan, pengalaman
organisasi, serta kemampuan ‘menjual diri’ juga menjadi hal yang penting.

“Workshop International CV and Job Interview” ini telah diselenggarakan pada

Sabtu, 4 April 2009 di Lantai 2 Student Centre Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta.
Workshop ini menghadirkan pemuda alumni Program Pertukaran Antar Negara
(PPAN) sebagai pembicara, Ronal Amarantha Tuhatu, alumni Program Kapal
Pemuda Asean-Jepang (SSEAYP) tahun 1993 yang sekarang bekerja sebagai
Manager HRD Coca Cola Bottling Indonesia.
Materi “Workshop International CV and Job Interview” (silahkan download)

“Dalam Workshop ini kami membagi wawasan tentang strategi mengemas diri
melalui penyusunan CV yang komunikatif dan kompeten serta kemapuan menjawab
pertanyaan dengan cerdas dan asertif dalam wawancara,” ujar Desideria Cempaka,
Project Officer Workshop tersebut.

Acara yang dikemas secara santai ini mengundang banyak pertanyaan dari peserta
yang datang dari berbagai Universitas di Yogyakarta. Pada kesempatan ini, PCMI
Jogja juga mengajak para mahasiswa untuk ikut berpartisipasi dalam seleksi PPAN
2009, yang merupakan kesempatan ideal bagi para pemuda untuk menguji
keunggulan CV dan kepercayaan diri dalam wawancara. Selain itu, pengalaman
mengikuti Seleksi PPAN 2009 ini pun bisa menjadi nilai tambah positif bagi para
pemuda dalam mencari pekerjaan atau membuka lapangan pekerjaan baru pada masa
depan, dimana proses seleksi DIY dikemas sedemikian rupa, agar peserta dapat
merasakan program dalam waktu yang singkat.

Seleksi PPAN DIY 2009 ini diselenggarakan oleh Kementrian Pemuda dan Olah
Raga melalui Balai Pengembangan Pemuda dan Olah Raga (BPPO) DIY.

Tak lupa ucapan terima kasih kami haturkan kepada seluruh partner PCMI Jogja
dalam penyelenggaraan Promosi Program PPAN 2009 dan “Workshop International
CV and Job Interview”

• SAFEL Universitas Negri Yogyakarta

• American Corner Universitas Gadjah Mada
• FJK Universitas Atmajaya
• Universitas Sanata Dharma
• Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta
• Geronimo FM
• Djendelo Kafe

Special thanks to Bang Ronald sebagai pembicara di workshop dan seluruh teman-
teman alumni dari PCMI Jogja, Jateng, Jabar dan Kalteng.

March 20, 2009

The International Youth Exchange Program 2009

Posted by PCMI Jogja under News
1 Comment
If you consider yourself as a youth, active, dynamic and willing to take
this once life time experience…

Join us!
It might be YOU!

PPAN is a widely known abbreviation of Pertukaran Pemuda Antar Negara, or as

known asInternational Youth Exchange.

It is an activity organized by the State Ministry of Youth and Sport with the
cooperation from PCMI with the covenant by Authority Office of Youth and Sport.

The programs offered for Yogyakarta Special Province’s Candidate selection year

• Indonesia Malaysia Youth Exchange Program-IMYEP (Pertukaran Pemuda

Indonesia Malaysia-PPIM) - The length of duration is 1 month.
• Ship for South East Asian Youth Program-SSEYAP (Kapal Pemuda ASEAN-
Jepang) - The length of duration is around 2 months.

The financing for each program is fully covered by the Indonesian government and
the sponsoring committee in each related country. One of the things that need to be
concerned by the future participants is to prepare their best to be able to represent
Yogyakarta Special Province.

1. Indonesian citizen
2. Listed as a citizen of Yogyakarta Special Province
3. Physically and mentally healthy
4. Not married yet
5. Fluent in English (both oral and written)
6. Have a broad view of international & national issues
7. Active in organization or other vocational activities
8. Have competencies in arts and culture
9. Never joined any international youth exchange program sponsored by
Department of National Education or State Ministry of Youth and Sports
Republic of Indonesia
10. Passed selection in provincial and national level


IMYEP Requirements:

1. Female
2. 22-27 Years of age

SSEAYP Requirements:

1. Male
2. 20-30 Years of age



1. Administrative Selection (results are announced at April 17, 2009)

2. First Phase selection (interviews): April 18, 2009 (results are announced
at April 20, 2009)
3. Second Phase Selection (finals) : April 24-26, 2009 (results are announced
at April 27, 2009)


1. English fluency
2. General knowledge
3. Leadership, civic and nationalism
4. Individual character, arts and skills
5. Program preparedness
6. Yogyakarta Special Province in-depth knowledge


• The registration form submission deadline is due from April 6, 2009 to April
16, 2009 (every 10 AM – 1 PM) at Balai Pemuda dan Olah raga, nDalem
Ngadiwinatan KT II / 23 Alun-alun Selatan Yogyakarta.
• Insert registration form and the supporting requirements in a blue folder for
IMYEP and yellow folder for SSEAYP.
• Applicants must submit in person completed form with following documents:

1. One copy of Yogyakarta ID Card (KIPEM/KTP DIY)

2. One copy of student ID Card (for student)
3. One copy of most recent academic Diploma (School/University/College)
4. Permission letter from parents
5. Permission letter from the workplace (for employee)
6. Recent color photographs (white background): 4×6 and 2×3, 6 sheets each
7. Personal CV and supporting documents


March 1, 2009

Selayang Pandang
Posted by PCMI Jogja under PCMI
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This is the official website of PCMI Jogja

Asosiasi Alumni Pertukaran Pemuda Antar Negara


yang dilaksanakan oleh KEMENPORA Republik Indonesia

For detail information, please contact:

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