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ETH Zurich
International Relations and Security

This Week at the ISN

Our Weekly Content Roundup

28 - 31 December 2015

JUMP TO Editorial Plan | Security Watch | Blog | Video

// Security Watch

This week, our two Security Watch (SW) series mix previous articles with new ones. Our first series, for example,
examines the growing contribution cities are making to global governance; the link between Russian arms transfers and
Asias military modernization; SIPRIs latest report on the top 100 arms producers and military service companies in the
world; and the relationship between complexity, psychology and modern war. Then, in our second SW series, we look at
the Copenhagen School's theory of securitization; the results of the Ideological Conflict Project; the role of swarm theory in
military decision-making; and Russias quiet military revolution

Foreign Policy for an Urban World: Global Governance and the Rise of Cities
28 December 2015

Peter Engelke believes it's time for the world's foreign policy, security, and development communities to acquire a better
understanding of global urbanization. After all, large and mega-cities are wielding considerable power on the world stage
and are forging new forms of governance. More

A Dual History of 'Securitisation'

28 December 2015

Is the Copenhagen School's theory of securitization, which argues that the process is directed less by political elites than
by the form or logic of security discourses, ready for an overhaul? Stefano Guzzini believes so. The original theory, after
all, was shaped in a specific time and place. More

Russian Arms Transfers and Asian Military Modernisation

29 December 2015

The Ideological Conflict Project: Theoretical and Methodological Foundations

29 December 2015

What are the theoretical and methodological foundations of CIGI's Ideological Conflict Project? Today, Thomas HomerDixon and Steven Mock explain how they combined complexity theory, cognitive science and ideology research in order to
grasp the role ideology truly plays in conflicts. More

The SIPRI Top 100 Arms-Producing and Military Services Companies, 2014
30 December 2015

Who were the Top 100 arms-producing and military services companies in 2014 and how lucrative were their global arms
sales for the year? In the latter case, here's SIPRI's answer - despite decreasing sales for the fourth year in a row, total
arms revenues for the Top 100 companies in 2014 remained higher than during the 2000s. More

Let Me Tell You about the Birds and the Bees: Swarm Theory and Military Decision-Making
30 December 2015

Ben Zweibelsohn thinks that swarm theory and its associated techniques could help armed forces react more effectively to
today's security problems. Such an adjustment, however, will only work if military institutions jettison their centralized
hierarchies and other long-standing institutionalisms. More

Complexity, Psychology, and Modern War

31 December 2015

Russia's Quiet Military Revolution, and What it Means for Europe

31 December 2015

What should Europe do to counter Russia's military strategy, which currently puts a premium on hybrid warfare and
tactical nuclear weapons? Gustav Gressel's recommendations include 1) planning and preparing to cope with more hybrid
scenarios, and 2) crafting a coordinated position on nuclear deterrence. More

// Blog
Proposal of a Dignity Scale for Sustainable Governance
28 December 2015

According to Nayef Al-Rodhan, human dignity matters. In fact, it matters so much that we need to think harder about the
role it plays in good governance and social cohesion. Today, Al-Rodham contributes to the discussion by identifying nine
"primordial governance-based dignity needs" we should uphold at all times. More

Interview - Michael Hardt

29 December 2015

Michael Hardt is best known for his collaboration with Antonio Negri, with whom he wrote the "Empire" trilogy. In today's
question and answer session, he outlines 1) how his understanding of the world has changed over time, 2) how he
expects social movements such as Podemos to evolve, etc. More

Interview - A Window into the Life and Mind of Mary Kaldor

30 December 2015

Why has Mary Kaldor maintained her firm belief in cosmopolitanism's ability to resolve today's conflicts? Also, does she
regret having popularized the distinction between 'new and old wars'? The answer to these and other questions can be
found in today's question and answer session with this prominent academic. More

Interview - Charles King

31 December 2015

Why have US studies in international affairs recently come under attack? Also, why is the US government prioritizing
research on security issues over regional studies? The answer to these and other questions can be found in today's Q&A
with Georgetown University's Charles King. More

// Video

Freedom with Philip Pettit

In this video, Princeton University's Philip Pettit discusses his book "Just Freedom", which outlines his interpretation of the
condition and how it relates to notions of social, democratic and international justice. More

The Modern Mercenary: Private Armies and What They Mean for World Order

In this video, Sean McFate discusses his book, "The Modern Mercenary", which examines the private military industry's
role in today's security environment. McFate specifically looks at the industry's economic structure, current operations,
future and potential impact on international relations, etc. More

// Multimedia Content
Here is a selection of this week's additions to the ISN Digital

Publications More
// Facing China: Crises or Peaceful Coexistence in the South China Sea More
// Regional Security Deterioration after the Collapse of Libya
// Partnership without Alliance? The Contained Volatility of Indo-US Relations, and a Prognosis More

Videos More
// Thinking About Military History in an Age of Drones, Hackers, and IEDs More
Team: How to Succeed by Thinking Like the EnemyMore
Security Role and Capabilities In the 2020s More

Audio / Podcasts More

// War and Ecology in China: Henan Province, the Yellow River and beyond
// Lawyers, Causes and Political Violence: Re-examining Legal Professionalism in Conflicted and Transitional Societies

// Drugs and the Death Penalty: Capital Punishment and Global Drug Control More

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