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The Ghob

Goblinoids are a set of three distantly related species that have evolved into distinct
roles both socially and physically. It is unknown which species is the parent race and
unlike many species rather then claim to be the first the Ghob all claim to be descended
from the others and thus a better more evolved and adapted life form. The most common trait
of all Ghob is a lack of empathy. Unlike many of the evil humanoid races they are often not
inherently malicious but rather see no difference between another Ghob, another humanoid,
another creature, or even a rock. To them all things have desires and goals but ultimately
these matter less then their own. Some individuals might delight in the pain and suffering
of an other <and in fact the Bohg nearly always do> but those are individual and not racial
Like the element of fire that makes up much of their souls the goblinoid people consume with
little thought for later and thus are constantly seeking more to fuel their existence.
Strongly animistic The Ghob worship three semi deific concepts as the root of all things in
the universe with each racial group having one in particular it represents more then others
these things are as follows.
Desire: This is the initial impulse. Before anything else can happen there must be desire
and all things desire something. Air's desire to move makes wind. Fire's desire for food
drives it to spread. Plants desire to reach for sun creates growth and so on. This is held
most sacred to the Bohg who see their desire as the sum of the universe. Always wanting more
food, more money, more power, Desire always driving themselves forward.
Conflict: When the desire of two things have a different goal conflict is inevitable.
Conflict is good because without conflict one may not change and if one does not change then
one does not become more then one is now. Conflict also serves as a bench mark for who is
better. When wind and water have opposing desire storms happen. When earth and stone do not
see eye to eye very ground quakes. When fire goes to war it burns all in its way. The
Hobghob view conflict as the most important since it breeds strength and determines ones
place in the world by letting you know what is stronger and what is weaker then you
Satisfaction: After conflict is resolved if you have triumphed you acquire your goal.
Satisfaction is the stillness after the conflict and before the next desire. A feed stomach
does not growl. A fire banks into warm gently glowing coals. This is the most important to
the Ghoblyn who work in groups so that it may be gotten with as efficiently as possible.
How the Ghob subraces relate gods tends to vary largely based of the particular subrace. And
will be covered under each species entry

Goblins -- Goblins are the most numerous of the Ghob and in fact in their own tongue the
name 'Ghoblyn' means the person of the many. Due to their small stature they learned long
ago that success as a group is easier then success on ones own. Goblins despite being some
of the most self centered creatures on the plane are prone to gathering and functioning
quite well in large groups and are incredibly social. Unlike most communal creatures however
a goblin is not part of the community who is there to serve but instead views the community
as a tool to benefit the goblin and like any tool is must be maintained in order for it to
function. This means that goblins will almost never lie, cheat or steal in relation to the
social group they feel the most connection to be it family, tribe, or adventuring party.
They contribute to the group because what one gets from it is greater then what one puts in
Everyone outside the chosen social group however goblins have zero empathic connection to
and will be taken advantage of to the greatest benefit the goblin may manage. Goblins value
both personal freedom and personal responsibility believing it is the purpose of each
creature to do what it has to to find its success and happiness. Also hypocrisy is rare in
the species and they tend to not hold grudges against someone else ignoring the goblins
desires for their own. This also means goblins as a species are uncomfortable without having
a social group to be a part of. One should always be wary of a goblin that travels with no
companions since he is either so selfish that he can not control his impulses or dangerously
insane. Goblins place the most value on Satisfaction
Goblins tend to name their name tribes after animals or forces they seek to draw power from

by association. In religious matters goblins are likely to be pantheists, or animists rather

then worshiping a single deity.

Hobgoblins -- Hobghob in the ghobish tongue means the war people, They believe that only the
strong, one who has undergone much conflict are worthy of life. Victory and defeat are less
important to them then survival and they often would give more respect to one who survived
but lost ten conflicts then somebody who won a single one. Hobgoblins crave rank and
structure and are often uncomfortable without knowing every nuance of the social order and
ranking around them. The hobghob like rote and ceremonies on a personal level and equally
enjoy the conflict when opposing rituals force a conflict. Hobgoblins believe that ones
purpose is fated early on but ones skill and method of achieving said purpose are left to
the individual. It is not uncommon for a hobgoblin to pick the harder way of doing things
just to ensure himself steady conflict along the way.
Hobgoblins gather in Legions and companies not tribes Legion Names are either a form of hero
worship, intimidation, or an explanation of specialization the conflict. Hobgoblins worship
gods indirectly through ancestor worship as it is not the place of the living to know the
whims of the gods directly.
Bugbears -- In the goblin tongue Bogh means Unpeople or perhaps individual depending on the
context. This is not to say that bugbears are thought of as lesser or outcast, for to the
Ghob all things are less significant then themselves. Unlike the Ghoblyn and the Hobghob
bugbears are largely solitary having even less room in their thoughts for other creatures.
In fact most believe that they themselves are the only creatures fully capable of thought
and desire. They need no help from other to accomplish their tasks and they need no
opposition to test themselves against so in their minds other creatures are as all things
simply resources for their immediate use Your average bugbear will kill with no more
feelings towards cutting down a man than a blade of grass. Their focus on desire leads them
from one impulse to the next often leaving things unfinished as a new whim strikes them
since they derive more satisfaction from wanting a goal then achieving it. As they are the
only beings with desires that matter they are pleased with themselves when they can force
other to accomplish the bugbears desire rather then do it themselves
The bhog do not form tribes, they don't even respect family, If a child wasn't a minion for
one of its parents in the early years it's unlikely the species would be able to propagate

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