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Sage Jaimini propounded Jaimini Astrology. He was a contemporary of Sage

Parashara. The Sages have mentioned each others system in their respective

Salient Features of Jaimini system:

1. Karakas: Planets are arranged in descending order according to the
Longitudes. Any Planet attaining highest degree devoid of sign is christened as
Atma Karaka. Following descending order of degrees the remaining six planets are
named the Amatya Karaka, Bhratru Karaka, Matru Karaka, Putra Karaka, Gnati
Karaka and Dara Karaka respectively. It must be noted that any one of the seven
planets except Rahu and Ketu can become any one of the seven karakas
aforementioned. Hence they are called Chara Karakas. Atma Karaka represents
the first house and its significations. Similarly Amatya karaka indicates the
functions of second house, Bhratru Karaka denotes the third house, Matru Karaka
represents the duties of fourth house, Putra Karaka that of fifth, Gnati Karaka that
of Sixth House and Dara Karaka represents seventh house. There is an aphorism
called Lagna saptmayor Balereva in Jaimini Sutra meaning we should consider
the karakas from the strongest of first and seventh. It is this clue that makes us
understand that the eighth to twelfth houses are to be seen from Amatya Karaka
(8th), Bhrathru Karaka (9th), Matru Karaka (10th), Putra Karaka (11th) and Gnati
Karaka (12th) in addition to the houses they already represent. Thus the Seven
planets are assigned the role of governing all the twelve signs. Sometimes two
planets occupy the same degree and minute. Then they would jointly play the role
of one Karaka and Rahu would have to be considered for substituting one of the
missing karaka. If three planets contain the same degree and minute then Sthira
karakas are also to be taken into consideration for filling the missing karaka. Our
endeavour should be to first consider the longitudes of planets that are similar in
degree and minutes to their seconds thereby eliminating the introduction of Rahu
as one of the karakas. Since Rahu has no lordship of any of the signs this
proposition looks ideal. There are controversies that while considering Rahu its
longitude is deducted from 30 degrees since it enters a sign from 30 degrees
unlike other planets entering a sign from Zero degree. Rahu moves backwards
while other planets move clockwise. Hence this proposition. There are other
scholars who continue to take the longitude of Rahu as it appears in the
horoscope like any other planet. Our view is to accept the former proposition
since the natural course of movement of planets is a pointer in achieving the
longitude at the time of birth. Atmakaladibir Nabogaha saptanam ashtanam va
goes the aphorism stating consider seven or eight planets as the case may be. An
explanation has been given above to explain the point.
2. Aspect: Jaimini propounds that the Rasis aspect other signs along with the
planets posited therein. All movable signs aspect all fixed signs except the one
that is adjacent to it. If planets are posited in these movable signs they also
aspect in the same way. Mesha Rasi aspect Simha, Vrischik and Kumbh Rasis and
planets posited in these signs. It does not aspect Vrishabha Rasi since it is
immediately adjacent to Mesha. In the same way Kark Rasi would aspect Vrischik,
Kumbh and Vrishabha Rasis and it would not aspect Simha that is adjacent to it.
Fixed signs with planets thereof would aspect Movable signs except the sign that
is twelfth to it. A fixed sign Vrishabha Rasi would aspect Kark, Tula and Makar
rasis but not Mesha that is twelfth to it. The next Fixed sign Simha would aspect

the three movable signs Tula, Makar and Mesha except Kark. All dwiswabhava
signs would aspect only other dwiswabhava signs.


We can tabulate the aspects of signs in the following manner:

S. No.

Mesha (1)
Vrishabha (2)
Mithun (3)
Kark (4)
Simha (5)
Kanya (6)
Tula (7)
Vrischik (8)
Dhanu (9)
Makar (10)
Kumbh (11)
Mina (12)

Aspecting signs
Simha, Vrischik, Kumbh
Kark, Tula, Makar
Kanya, Dhanu, Mina
Vrischik, Kumbh, Vrishabha
Tula, Makar, Mesha
Dhanu, Mina, Mithun
Kumbh, Vrishabha, Simha
Makar, Mesha,Kark
Mina, Mithun, Kanya
Vrishabha, Simha, Vrischik
Mesha, Kark, Tula
Mithun, Kanya, Dhanu

Zodiacal Sign Number


3. Argalas: It is a new concept introduced by Jaimini. Though not similar to

Parasaras Bhadaka principles this concept is somewhat akin to the inherent
qualities of Bhadaka in so far as malefics are concerned. Parasara prescribes a
fixed planet as obstructing lord for Movable signs, fixed signs and Dual signs.
The 11th lord for a movable sign, the 9th lord for a fixed sign and 7th lord for a
dual sign are bhadakas in Parasara and they always tend to play a negative
role during their Dasa. Jaiminis Argalas can do both the ways that is the
planets and signs may augment the results of a particular Rasi or negate.
From Any sign whose Dasa is prevailing one should observe if any planets are
posited in the Rasis 2, 4, 9 and 11th thereof. They are called Argala Grahas. If
they happen to be natural benefics they are said to cause Subha Argala and
natural malefics cause Papa Argala. Subha argala grahas augment the results
of Rasis from where they are posited in the 2nd or 4th or 5th or 11th sign.
Malefic in such signs tend to reduce the effect of the Result of Rasis. Likewise
the planets among themselves in similar situation would augment or negate
the results that are to be given by a planet. Hence Argala concept is being
applied in Jaimini for both the Planets and signs. Another exception in Jaimini
is that these Argala grahas can have neutralizing effect if planets are
simultaneously posited between 2nd and 12th Rasis, 4th and 10th Rasis, 5th and
9th Rasis and 11th and 3rd signs from a particular sign. It is also true that if
the 3rd house from any sign contains more than three malefics they are said
to cause negative effects to the results of the sign from where these planets
are posited in the third house and there can be no counter availing effect in
respect of this kind of Argala. The planet/s posited in the 12th, 10th, 3rd and 9th
to any Rasi should be strong enough to neutralize the effect of planets that
are in the 2nd, 4th, 11th and 5th to a sign.

4. Padas: Jaimini introduces alternative lagnas for each sign/house. Thus there
will be twelve padas for the twelve signs/houses. They are respectively called
Pada Lagna (P-I), Kosa Pada (P-II), Bhratru Pada (P-III), Matru Pada (P-IV),
Putra Pada (P-V), Ripu Pada (P-VI), Dara Pada (P-VII), Ayu Pada (P-VIII),
Bhagya Pada (P-IX), Rajya Pada (P-X), Labha Pada (P-XI) & Upa Pada (P-XII).
-:3:Pada for each sign is to be reckoned by counting the number of signs the lord is
away from the sign and moving that many number of signs from the lord to
arrive at the Pada of that sign. Supposing the seventh lord is in the 11th house in
a horoscope it is five houses away from the 7th house. Hence counting five houses
from 7th lord we reach the third house. Thus the Dara Pada (P-VII) falls in the
third house. Likewise we have to calculate the pada of all the twelve houses.
Some classical texts prescribe certain exceptions in this regard. It has become a
subject of debate among certain modern writers like Dr. BV Raman, Dr. P.S.
Sastri, Shri K.N. Rao and others. As the results obtained are quite favourable in
calculating pada as aforesaid no mention is being made about the exceptions
here to avoid confusion.
5. Direct and Indirect Signs: Mesha, Vrishabha, Mithuna, Tula, Vrischika,
Dhanu are the six direct signs wherefrom counting would be done in the
clockwise direction. The other six signs Viz. Kark, Simha, Kanya, Makar,
Kumbh, Mina are indirect signs where counting has to be reckoned in
anticlockwise direction. This methodology is useful while reckoning dasa order.
6. Dasa system: The dasa system in Jaimini is that of signs. They are
christened as Mesha Rasi Dasa, Vrishabha Rasi Dasa etc. There are several
dasa systems in Jaimini. Some of them are Chara Dasa, Sthira dasa, Trikona
Dasa, Brahma Dasa, Soola Dasa, Mandook Dasa, Varnada dasa, Navamsa
Dasa etc. Every dasa system has a unique method of calculating duration.
Each dasa system is meant for a specific purpose though not clearly
mentioned. It is seen by empirical studies that Chara dasa and Trikona Dasa
can be applied for any kind of event in life, Sthira dasa, Brahma Dasa and
Soola dasa for reckoning Longevity and time of death.
7. Strength of Signs and Planets: There is no foolproof system of calculating
the strength of planets and signs. An improvised system is adopted for numerical
calculations. In certain cases Movable signs are considered weak, Dual signs
strongest and fixed signs of medium strength. The signs containing planets are found
to be stronger than the signs bereft of planets. As between signs containing planets
the one that possess more number of planets is stronger than the one that has lesser
number of planets. Planets are assessed on the basis of their situations, assignment
of karaka and in relation to Atma Karaka in the relevant horoscope. Seven situations
in order of placement of planets in the sign of Exaltation, Mool Trikona, Own,
Friendly, Neutral, Inimical and Debilitation are given 70,60,50,40,30,20 and 10 units
of strength respectively. The planets are then assigned 70 to 10 units of strength
according as they become Atma Karaka, Amatya Karaka, Bhrathru Karaka, Matru
Karaka, Putra Karaka, Gnati Karaka and Dara karaka in the horoscope. The third
calculation is assignment of units of strength of 60,40,20 to planets in Kendra,
panapara and apoklim houses to Atmakaraka. The total of these three strengths are
taken as Graha bala in Jaimini. It is no parellel to Shadbala strength of Parasara
System. There are four types of strength for calculating Rasi strength. They are
Chara Bala, Sthira bala, Drik Bala and Atmakaraka Bala. Chara Bala is assigning
20,40,60 units of strength to Movable signs, Fixed Signs and Dual signs respectively.
Thus this strength becomes common to all horoscopes. Sthir Bala is calculated at the

rate of 10 units of strength per planet posited in a sign. The signs having planets
would alone get this strength. As we consider only nine planets including Rahu and
Ketu a maximum of 90 units can alone be allotted under this strength per horoscope.
The third strength Drik Bala is on the basis of aspect of the Lord of the Sign and also
-:4:of Jupiter and Mercury. Consider only Jaiminian aspect as aforesaid in para 2 above.
Each such aspect could attain a value of 60 units of strength. The aspect of Jupiter
and Mercury normally can befall on three signs only as per Jaimini rule since any sign
can aspect only three other signs. Thus a planet in a particular sign could also aspect
like that of the sign where the planet is posited. It is also necessary to assign value
of 60 units to a house where Jupiter and/or Mercury posited besides their aspect on
three signs. Thus the aspect strength of Jupiter and Mercury would be allotted to
four signs. The fourth kind of strength is allotted to a sign that contains Atmakaraka
Planet. Only one sign can get 60 units of strength in respect of this strength. The
sum total of these four kinds of strength is added to the strength of Lords of the
signs to arrive at the total Rasi strength. The strength of Lord would be that of Mars
And Saturn only in respect of Scorpio and Aquarius even if Ketu or Rahu rules over
these signs.
8. Lords of the signs: While the lords of zodiacal signs Aries, Taurus, Gemini,
cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Sagittarius, Capricorn and Pisces are Mars, Venus, Mercury,
Moon, Sun, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn and Jupiter respectively as in Parasara
Jaimini has allotted dual lordship to Scorpio and Aquarius signs. It could be Mars or
Ketu for Scorpio and Rahu or Saturn for Aquarius signs. Jaimini has well laid out
rules for selection of lords for Scorpio and Aquarius sign. The rules are enumerated
below that are to be scrupulously followed.
Rules common to both Scorpio and Aquarius signs for selection of Lords:
a. Both Ketu and Mars become joint lords for Scorpio if they are
together in Scorpio or elsewhere in any sign. Similarly Rahu and
Saturn become joint lords of Aquarius sign if they both are in
Aquarius itself or in any other sign.
b. If either Ketu or Mars is in Scorpio choose the planet that is outside
Scorpio as Lord of the sign. Likewise if one of Saturn and Rahu is in
Aquarius sign choose the latter that is outside as the lord of Aquarius.
c. If Ketu and Mars are outside Scorpio alone in different signs or Saturn
and Rahu are outside Aquarius severally in a different sign then choose
the strongest reckoned in the following order:
Planet having more association in a sign is stronger and
therefore chosen as the lord.
If both of them have equal number of planets in
association with them choose the lord according to the
sign in which they are posited. Planets in dual signs
are considered the strongest. Fixed signs are middling
while Movable signs are considered weakest. Hence prefer
one in dual signs to fixed or movable signs. Between fixed
and movable signs choose the one that is in fixed sign.
If the planets that are being considered for selecting as
Lord of Scorpio or Aquarius are both in dual or fixed or
movable sign then choose the lord according to the
longitude. The one that has attained greater longitude
is preferred over the one that is at the beginning of the
sign. It must however be noted that Rahu and Ketu are
moving from 30 degrees to Zero degree in a sign while

other planets are moving from zero degree to 30 degrees.

Hence while considering the lordship according to the
longitude one must take care to reckon the longitude of
-:5:Shadowy planets by deducting the given longitude from 30
degrees before choosing the lordship under this ruling.
If by chance the longitude of both Rahu and Saturn or
Mars and Ketu happen to be equal then select the one that
is far away from the sign concerned enabling it to give
more duration for Dasa Reckoning.
9. Different kinds of lagnas:
Arudha Lagna: This is the same as Pada Lagna or Pada
of the first Bhava. Count the number of signs from Lagna
to the Lord of Lagna and move forward that much number
of signs from Lagna Lord. The Rasi arrived at becomes
Arudha Lagna or Pada Lagna. Suppose Lagna is Mithun
and the Lord Mercury is in Tula that is in the fifth sign
from Mithun move forward from Tula five signs to reach
Kumbh. Thus Kumbh becomes Arudha Lagna. Predictions
are given on the basis of Arudha Lagna. Hence it is
necessary to calculate.
Hora Lagna: Find the difference between time of birth
and sunrise on the day of birth. Convert the hour into
signs and half the minutes into degrees. Add Suns
longitude or Longitude of Lagna according as Lagna being
an odd sign or even sign. The sum arrived at is the
longitude of Hora Lagna. Suppose the time of birth is 6-47
p.m. and the sun rise is at 5-48 a.m. Then the difference
between time of birth and sunrise would be 18h-47m (-)
5h-48m= 12h-49m. Then convert the 12hours as 12 signs
and half of 49 minutes as 24and 30. We have to then
add the Suns Longitude or that of Lagna according as
Lagna is odd or even. Supposing the Lagna is odd and the
Suns longitude is 9s1036 then Hora Lagna would be the
total of Ishta kala and suns longitude i.e. (12 s 24o30 plus
9s 10o36) 22s5o6. Deducting multiples of 12 signs we get
10s 5o 6 i.e. Kumbh 5o 6 is the longitude of Hora Lagna.
Bhava Lagna: Calculate the Ishta Ghati for the time of
birth. Two and half times the Ishta Kala is Ishta Ghati.
Divide the birth ghatis by 5. The quotient plus one
counted from Sun or Lagna according as Lagna is odd or
even gives Bhava Lagna. Supposing the Ishta Ghati is
14.5 which when divided by 5 leaves a quotient of 2 and
reminder 0.9. If Janma Lagna is Tula an odd sign and the
Sun is in Makar counting three places (Quotient+1 signs =
2+1) from Sun Bhava Lagna would be placed in Mina.
Multiply the reminder by 30 to arrive at the Longitude of
Bhava Lagna. In this case multiply 0.9 (the reminder) by
30 giving you 27o in Mina.


Pranapada Lagna: Convert the birth time into Vighatis

(Pal) and multiply by 2. Add this to Suns Longitude if the
Sun is in a movable sign. Add 120 degrees with Suns
Longitude to twice Ishta Vighati if the Sun is in a common
sign. If the Sun is in a fixed sign then add 240 degrees

-:6:with Suns Longitude to that of Ishta Ghati multiplied by two to

arrive at Pranapada Lagna. If the total arrived at exceeds 360
degrees reduce the total by multiples of 360 degrees to arrive at
the Pranapada Lagna.
Varnada Lagna: This is a combination of Janma Lagna
and Hora Lagna. When Janma Lagna or Hora Lagna is in
an odd sign count clockwise from Aries upto Janma Lagna
or Hora Lagna. When Janma Lagna or Hora Lagna is in
even sign count anti-clockwise from Mina upto Janma
Lagna or Hora Lagna.
Thus you have two different
numbers. If the Janma Lagna and Hora Lagna are both in
odd signs or even signs then add these two numbers. If
one of them is even and the other is odd sign find the
difference between the two numbers. The sum or
difference as arrived at above is to be counted from Aries
directly if Janma Lagna is odd or counted indirectly from
Mina if Janma Lagna is even. Thus Varnada-I is arrived at.
On these lines we have to calculate the varnadas for all
twelve signs taking the second, third house etc. in the
clockwise from JL-I and HL-I signs.
Ghatika Lagna: Here each ghati is equivalent to 30
degrees. Multiply the birth ghatis by 30 and add the
product to the longitude of Lagna to arrive at Ghatika
Karakamsa Lagna: The Navamsa Rasi of Atmakaraka is
christened as Karakamsa Lagna.
(viii) Gulika: Divide the duration of the day into eight equal
parts. The first part belongs to the lord of the weekdays.
The count follows the order of the weekdays. At the end of
Saturns part we get the moment when Gulika rises. Let
us assume that on a Friday the duration of the day is 30
ghatis. Each part will have 3 ghatis and 45 vighatis. Venus
and Saturn rule the first two parts i.e. 7 ghatis and 30
vighatis. Thus Gulika rises at the end of 7 ghatis and 30
vighatis after sunrise. When a person is born during night
divide the duration of night into eight equal parts. Count
from the lord of the fifth weekday from the day of birth.
Gulika rises at the end of Saturns part.
Indu Lagna: Find the 9th Lord both from the Janma
Lagna and the Moon. Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter,
Venus and Saturn are respectively given a constant
number 30,16,6,8,10,12 and 1. Add the constants of
these two ninth lords from the Lagna and Moon. Expunge
multiples of 12 in the total. Count the number from
Moons sign. We get Indu Lagna.
10.Use of various lagnas:

Arudha Lagna: examine the nature of wealth and mode of expenditure.

Indu Lagna: Assessing wealth potential of a native.
Gulika Lagna: Determine the profession of a native.
Bhava Lagna: Assessing the potential of Janma Lagna.
-:7:Pranapada Lagna: It is used for Birth time rectification and predicting how life
would be if this Lagna falls in various signs/houses of a horoscope.
Ghatika Lagna: It is used to check how many rajayogas are formed in Jaimini
Varnada Lagna: Estimate the complexion of the native through this Lagna. It is
also used for calculating Varnada Dasa for assessing Longevity.
Hora Lagna: It is used in assessing the Longevity of a native.
Karakamsa Lagna: Predictions Particularly about the natives nature, profession,
house, studies, religious fervour are given through Karakamsa Lagna.
Purposes for which various Lagnas are calculated in Jaimini:
The various Lagnas if posited in Kendra or Trikonas to Janma Lagna or Navamsa
Lagna or Karakamsa Lagna they fortify the Janma or Navamsa or Karakamsa
Lagnas and thus provide results of Rajayoga to the native.
11. Kinds of Dasas in Jaimini:
There are 14 kinds of Dasas in Jaimini. Jaimini dasas refer to Rasis. No planet is
involved in Jaimini Dasa system. The twelve signs repeat in the order of first 12
Rasis. Each kind of dasa is calculated differently. Hence care must be taken to
calculate Dasas correctly before attempting predictions.
The names of dasas are as under:
1.Chara Dasa, 2.Sthira Dasa, 3.Thrikona Dasa, 4.Sula Dasa, 5.Brahma Dasa,
6.Varnada dasa, 7.Navamsa Dasa, 8.Ravi Dasa, 9.Kendra Dasa, 10.Yogardha
Dasa, 11.Drig Dasa, 12.Nakshatra Dasa, 13.Udu Dasa, and 14.Mandooka Dasa.
We however would be dealing with Chara, Sthira, Thrikona, Sula and Brahma
Dasas. Chara dasa and Thrikona dasa can be used for predicting any events in
life. Sula, Sthira and Brahma dasas are used for longevity purposes.
11.1: Chara Dasa:
Methodology: Dasas are of Rasis as already explained. The zodiacal rasis
would be the names of Dasas. The first dasa would be that of Lagna
always. The Second dasa or order of Dasa would depend on the 9th Rasi
falling in Savya or Apasavya group. As already said Rasis Mesha,
Vrishabha, Mithuna, Tula, Vrischika, Dhanu are Savya Rasis or direct signs
where counting has to be done in the clockwise order. The other six signs
namely Kark, Simha, Kanya, Makar, Kumbh, Mina are Apasavya Rasis
where counting has to be in indirect or anticlockwise order. Thus if the 9th
Sign from Lagna falls in the Savya Group then the order of Dasa would be
direct and the order would be the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc. rasis from Lagna. If
the 9th Rasis from Lagna falls in Apasavya Group then the order of dasa
would be 1st, 12th, 11th, 10th, 9th, etc. rasis from Lagna. The duration of
dasa would n-1 years with a maximum of 12 years and minimum of 1
year. Here n represents the number of signs the Rasi lord is away from
Rasi counted in the direct or indirect order according as the relative Rasi
falls in Savya or Apasavya Group. For example assuming Mars, the lord of

Mesha is in Simha the number of signs the Rasi lord is away is five since
Mesha Rasi is Savya Rasi and has to be counted directly to arrive at n and
thus the duration would be four years (5-1). If Jupiter the lord of Mina is
in Simha the number of Rasis the Lord is away is eight since counting in
the reverse order Mina, Kumbh, Makar, Dhanu, Vrischik, Tula, Kanya and
Simha we arrive at eight and thus the duration of Mina Rasi would be 7
years (8-1). In case the Lord is in the same sign then the duration would
be 12 years (13-1) since counting from the Rasi upto the Lord we would
arrive at a total of 13 and not 1. In respect of Vrischik who has dual lords
Mars and Ketu, and Kumbh who has Saturn and Rahu as dual lords the
following rules shall have to be applied.
Both Ketu and Mars become joint lords for Scorpio if they are
together in Scorpio or elsewhere in any sign. Similarly Rahu and Saturn
become joint lords of Aquarius sign if they both are in Aquarius itself or
in any other sign.
b. If either Ketu or Mars is in Scorpio choose the planet that is outside
Scorpio as Lord of the sign. Likewise if one of Saturn and Rahu is in
Aquarius sign choose the latter that is outside as the lord of Aquarius.
c. If Ketu and Mars are outside Scorpio alone in different signs or Saturn
and Rahu are outside Aquarius severally in a different sign then choose
the strongest reckoned in the following order:
i. Planet having more association in a sign is stronger
therefore chosen as the lord.
ii. If both of them have equal number of planets in
association with them choose the lord according to the
sign in which they are posited. Planets in dual signs
are considered the strongest. Fixed signs are middling
while Movable signs are considered weakest. Hence
prefer one in dual signs to fixed or movable signs.
Between fixed and movable signs choose the one that is
in fixed sign.
iii. If the planets that are being considered for selection as
Lord of Scorpio or Aquarius are both in dual or fixed or
movable sign then choose the lord according to the
longitude. The one that has attained greater
longitude is preferred over the one that is at the
beginning of the sign. It must however be noted that
Rahu and Ketu are moving from 30 degrees to Zero
degree in a sign while other planets are moving from
zero degree to 30 degrees. Hence while considering the
lordship according to the longitude one must take care
to reckon the longitude of
Shadowy planets by deducting the given longitude from
30 degrees before choosing the lordship under this ruling.
iv. If by chance the longitude of both Rahu and Saturn or
Mars and Ketu happen to be equal then select the one
that is far away from the sign concerned enabling it to
give more duration for Dasa Reckoning.
Controversies in calculation of Chara dasa:

It is stated that there should be addition of one year for those Rasis whose lord is
exalted and reduction of one year for those Rasis whose lord is in debilitation.
Consider Jupiter in Makar Rasi. According to this principle Dhanu Rasi would get only
zero year as the duration. Can there be a Rasi without any duration? Is it because of
the fact that Dhanu Rasi is a Rasi that would cause accidents and sudden fall in the
status? There is no clarity on this point in regard to this. Hence it is better not to
allot additional one year or reduce one year in case of exaltation and debilitation.
Another controversy is the choosing the Lords for Scorpio and Aquarius sign. It is
said that if one of the joint Lord is posited in the same sign he loses the lordship.
Some say that the lord who is posited in the same sign alone should be preferred to
one who is away. Jaimini is quite candid in preferring Lordship of these signs only if
both the lords are posited together in these signs and not singly. Another view is the
rank or order that is to be reckoned in case of Lords of Scorpio or Aquarius are
posited severally in two different signs. The general order of consideration is
Association of planets, Rasi Bala, Longitude and the one that is far away from the
sign. However some suggests that the order should be first Association followed by
Rasi Bala. The third consideration should be the one that is farther away from the
sign and the fourth one on the basis of lord in exaltation preferred over one in
debilitation. Results are seen in the former ranking than the latter one.
11.2: Sthira Dasa:
Sthira Dasa starts from Brahma. Brahma is to be reckoned in the
following manner. Brahma is the lord of 8th from Atmakaraka if the 8th lord is in
the third from Atmakaraka. If this rule is not applicable then reckon the strongest
of lord of 6th or 8th or 12th from either Lagna or 7th house whoever is stronger.
Choose the stronger of Lagna and 7th Bhava. Find the strongest of the Lords of 6 th
or 8th or 12th. Thus the strongest among 6 th or 8th or 12th from stronger of Lagna
or 7th Bhava becomes Brahma. It is also stated that this strongest lord should be
in an odd sign in a visible horizon. But this situation is very rarely seen. A clear
alternate system has not been found in the classical texts. However results are
seen from the position of strongest Lord wherever he is in the horoscope. It is
better therefore to consider the strongest as Brahma and calculate Sthira Dasa
from that Sign. The total duration of Sthira dasa is 96 years out of which 28
years apportioned to movable signs (4 x 7 Years), 32 years for fixed signs (4 x 8
Years) and 36 years for Common signs (4 x 9 Years). The order of dasa is regular
and moves always in clockwise direction.
Controversies in calculation of Sthira dasa:
Two views are expressed as regards the commencement of the Dasa. According
to one view, Sthira dasa starts from Lagna or the 7 th whichever is stronger.
Parasara does not support this view. Jaimini says Brahmadireva that is equally
supported by Parasara also. This means that the Sthira dasa starts from the Rasi
occupied by Brahma and the subsequent Sthira Dasas succeeds in the regular
order. There is also a suggestion by some learned men that the balance of the
first Sthira Dasa should be found by taking into consideration the degree
remaining to be traversed by Brahma Graha. This does not seem to have received
the approbation of commentators. Some say that if the starting Dasa Rasi were
odd, the order of succession would be direct. If it were even the order of Dasa
would be in the reverse direction. Even this view is not quite acceptable.
11.3:Thrikona Dasa:

There are four trines in the Zodiac. They are (Mesha, Simha, Dhanu), (Vrishabha,
Kanya, Makara), (Mithuna, Tula, Kumbha) and (Kark, Vrischik, Mina). The Dasas
of the Rasis run in this group of three (in the same trine) either clockwise or
anticlockwise according to the first dasa sequence is Savya or Apasavya.
Supposing the Lagna is Simha and the first trine is Mesha, Simha and Dhanu.
First ascertain which one among these three signs is strong and the first Dasa
would be of that Rasi in this trine. The strength is to be ascertained through Rasi
Bala calculations. Assuming Mesha, the ninth sign from Simha Lagna, is strong
then the order of Dasa would commence from Mesha and would go in clockwise
order since Mesha is Savya Rasi. Then the order would be Mesha, Simha, Dhanu,
followed by Vrishabha, Kanya, Makara, (the second trine group) and then the
next three trines Mithuna, Tula, Kumbha and lastly Kark, Vrischik and Mina. In
case Simha the Apasavya Rasi is strong in this trine then the order would be
reverse. Then the strongest sign Simha would be the first one in the trine
followed by Mesha, Dhanu and the next group would be Kark, Mina, Vrischik, the
third group would be Mithun, Kumbha and Tula and lastly Vrishabha, Makara and
Kanya. We can tabulate the order of Dasa as under:
Stronger Rasi
in the trine

Sequence of Dasa
Mesha, Simha, Dhanu, Vrishabha, Kanya, Makara,
Mithuna, Tula, Kumbha, Kark, Vrischik, Mina
Vrishabha, Kanya, Makara, Mithuna, Tula, Kumbha,
Kark, Vrischik, Mina, Simha, Dhanu, Mesha
Mithun, Tula, Kumbha, Kark, Vrischik, Mina, Simha,
Dhanu, Mesha
Kark, Mina, Vrischik, Mithun, Kumbha, Tula,
Vrishabha, Makara, Tula, Mesha, Dhanu, Simha
Simha, Mesha, Dhanu, Kark, Mina, Vrischik, Mithuna,
Kumbha, Tula, Vrishabha, Makara, Kanya
Kanya, Vrishabha, Makara, Simha, Mesha, Dhanu,
Kark, Mina, Vrischik, Mithun, Kumbha, Tula
Tula, Kumbha, Mithun, Vrischik, Mina, Kark, Dhanu,
Mesha, Simha, Makara, Vrishabha, Kanya
Vrischik, Mina, Kark, Dhanu, Mesha, Simha, Makara,
Vrishabha, Kanya, Kumbha, Mithun, Tula
Dhanu, Mesha, Simha, Makara, Vrishabha, Kanya,
Kumbha, Mithuna, Tula, Mina, Kark, Vrischik
Makara, Kanya, Vrishabha, Dhanu, Simha, Mesha,
Vrischik, Kark, Mina, Tula, Mithuna, Kumbha
Kumbha, Tula, Mithuna, Makara, Kanya, Vrishabha,
Dhanu, Simha, Mesha, Vrischik, Kark, Mina
Mina, Vrischik, Kark, Kumbha, Tula, Mithuna,
Makara, Kanya, Vrishabha, Dhanu, Simha, Mesha.

The duration of Thrikona Dasa is like that of Chara Dasa and therefore we use
(N-1) principle for calculating the duration.
11.4: Brahma Dasa:
If Lagna is odd, then the Dasa commences from Brahma Rasi and the order of
succession is direct. If Lagna is even the Dasa commences from the 7 th from

Brahma Rasi and the order of succession is in the reverse order. The span of a
Dasa, irrespective of the order of succession being direct or indirect, is equivalent
to the number of Rasis intervening between the Rasi in question and the Rasi
where the 6th lord from the concerned Rasi is situated. Hence ascertain Brahma in
a horoscope on the same basis as you had calculated for Sthira Dasa. Consider
Lagna is odd or even. If Lagna is odd the order of Dasa is direct and move in
clockwise direction. If Lagna is even the order of Dasa is indirect and move
anticlockwise. The first Dasa always commences from the Rasi where Brahma is
posited in case of Lagna being odd. The first Dasa starts from the 7 th sign of
Brahma if the Lagna is even. In either case note the 6 th lord. Find out the number
of Rasis the 6th lord is situated from the Rasi that commences first. If it starts
from Brahma count directly upto the 6 th lord and deduct one to arrive at the span
of Brahma Dasa Rasis. Proceed further until all the 12 signs are completed
counting being carried out in a similar way. If the Lagna is even the first Dasa
commences from the 7th Rasi from Brahma and moves indirectly. Note the 6 th lord
from that sign and count again directly the number of Rasis the 6 th lord is
situated from there and deducting one sign from the total arrive at the duration
of that sign. The order of Dasa in the second case would be anticlockwise. It must
be noted the counting of number of signs the 6th lord is away from the concerned
Rasis should always be direct. Assume that Brahma is in Dhanu and the Lagna is
Mesha. The Lagna is an odd sign and the first Rasi Dasa would start from Dhanu.
The 6th lord from Dhanu is Venus. Locate where Venus is in the horoscope.
Supposing Venus is posited in Simha the number of signs from Dhanu to Venus
would be nine. Hence the duration of Dhanu in Brahma Dasa would be eight (9-1)
years. That Dasa would follow with Makar, Kumbha, Mina etc. upto Vrischik. In
case when the Janma Lagna is even say, Kark and Brahma is in Kumbha, the
order of Dasa would commence from the 7th thereof that is to say from Simha
and proceed indirectly followed by Kark, Mithun, Vrishabha etc. upto Kanya. The
duration of Dasa should be counted in the similar manner as had been calculated
for Lagna that was odd. Note the 6th lord from Simha that in this case is Saturn.
If Saturn is in Mithun then counting directly from Simha to Mithun we would
arrive at a total of eleven years and deducting one thereof the span of Simha
dasa would be ten years.
11.5: Niryana Sula Dasa: It is one of the most important dasa systems in
assessing the longevity of other relatives. According to Dr. B. V. Raman the
methodology is as under:
If the Lagna is odd sign the dasa must start from Lagna. If the Lagna is an even
sign the Dasa starts from the 7 th. The order is direct or indirect according as the
Lagna is odd or even. The duration of each Dasa is 9 years. The Dasa order for all
odd Lagnas Viz., Aries, Gemini, Simha, Tula, Dhanu and Kumbha is direct and run
in clockwise order providing 9 years duration while Vrishabha, Karka, Kanya,
Vrischika, Makara and Mina would run in anticlockwise direction with a duration of
9 years each.
11.6: Niryana Phala Sula Dasa: This dasa system is employed mostly for
predicting the natives death. The duration of each Dasa is 9 years. It starts from
the 7th from maraka Rasi and succeeds directly or conversely according as Lagna
is odd or even and Maraka is said to happen when the Dasa reaches the Maraka
Rasi, which it generally does when the age is from 54 to 63. Hence in actual
practice it cannot be applied to Purnayu horoscopes.
The Rules for Antardasas in Jaimini:

Antar Dasa in Chara Dasa: The first Antar Dasa in Chara Dasa would depend
upon the 9th Rasi from the concerned Dasa Rasi. Consider the 9 th Rasi from any
Rasi to determine the order of Antar dasa. If the 9 th Rasi falls in Savya group then
the order of dasa is direct and run in clockwise direction. If the 9 th sign were an
Apasavya group then the order of Dasa would be anticlockwise. Accordingly the
first Antar dasa for any dasa Rasi can become the 2nd sign or 12th sign
thereof. Thus if we want to determine the Antar Dasa for Mesha Rasi the 9 th sign
from there is Dhanu, a Savya group sign. Hence the first Antar dasa would be the
second from Mesha Rasi i.e. Vrishabha, Mithuna etc. and run concurrently till
Mina and the last Antar Dasa would be the Antar Dasa of the Maha dasa Rasi. In
case we want to ascertain the order of Antar Dasa of Kark Rasi Dasa the 9 th sign
from there is Mina, a Rasi of Apasavya Group. Hence order of Antar dasa would
be anticlockwise and the first Antar dasa in Kark would be Mithuna, the 12 th from
Kark and run in the reverse order. In this case the Antar dasa would be in the
order of Mithuna, Vrishabha, Mesha, etc. till Simha and finally end with Kark. It
must therefore be noted that the relative Antar Dasa of any Maha Dasa Rasi
would be the last one be in the clockwise or anticlockwise order. The duration of
dasa would be in months related to the number of years of Maha Dasa Rasi. In
case the duration of Maha dasa is 12 years the Antar dasa would be of one-year
duration each. If the Maha Dasa has duration 8 years the duration of its Antar
dasa would be for eight months each.
Antar dasa in Sthira Dasa:
The duration would be the number of months of relative Maha dasa and run in
regular order that is always clockwise and the first Antar dasa would be that of
Maha dasa Rasi itself unlike Chara-Antar Dasa rule. Hence the duration of Antar
dasas of any Chara Rasi in Sthira dasa would be 7 months each, that of Sthira
Rasi would be 8 months each and that of Dual Rasi has to be 9 months each
since in Sthira Dasa the duration of Chara Rasi, Sthira Rasi and Dwiswabhava
Rasi is respectively 7, 8 and 9 years and it is constant and never variable.
Antar Dasa in Thrikona Dasa:
The order of Antar Dasa in Thrikona Maha dasa is on the same pattern of Maha
dasa. The sequence of Antar dasa is to be maintained in the same way as we
write the Maha Dasa order. The trines are to be maintained and run in the regular
order. The duration would be in months of duration of Maha dasa that are
represented in years.
Antar Dasa in Brahma Dasa:
The order of Dasa in Brahma would be the same as that of Maha dasa and the
span would be the number of months of Maha dasa duration.
Antar Dasa in Niryana Sula Dasa and Niryana Phala Sula Dasa:
The order of dasa in these two dasa systems would be the same order and
sequence of Maha dasa and run for a duration of 9 months each.
Karakamsa and Prediction:
Karakamsa Lagna and its effect:

The Navamsa Rasi occupied by Atmakaraka is called Karakamsa Lagna. The

twelve houses are reckoned keeping Karakamsa Lagna as the first Bhava. As the
Karakamsa Lagna can take any of the twelve zodiacal signs Jaimini has
expounded the meaning of Karakamsa Lagna in his own inimitable way. We
should remember seven primary Karakas, Karakamsa in Navamsa where
Atmakaraka is located, the strength of the Karakas, Rasis and planets, and
Jaiminis aspects and Argalas. If we fail to take these factors into consideration
our prediction will go wrong. If Karakamsa falls in Mesha Navamsa Rasi he says
Pancha Mooshika Marjaraha. It means if Karakamsa Lagna is Mesha there will
be fear from rats and cats. It does not give any clear exposition of what shall be
the reality. If there are too many rats it is but natural cats should also be there to
control the growth of rats. When does one expect too many rats? It is possible
only when too many grains are there. That can be interpreted as one having
prosperity in the form of wealth and grains. April is the month when the natural
Atmakaraka Sun gets exalted in Mesha Rasi. Does it any way help us understand
what Jaimini meant in the aphorism aforesaid? The commentators have not given
any plausible explanation in this regard and all that they have given is a true
translation of the Sanskrit version. Hence in Mesha Rasi natural Atmakaraka
being Sun get exalted and being strong in the sign it is but natural he provides
proper leadership traits in the native. It may not be the case in respect of other
planets becoming Atmakaraka and posited in Mesha Navamsa. If Atmakaraka is
in Vrishabha Navamsa Rasi it leads one to deal with quadrupeds. It means
that the native is likely to deal with cows, buffaloes and other mammals if
Atmakaraka is strong and aspected by benefics. We can further interpret that one
can become a dairy technologist, an agriculturist and so on. Atmakaraka in the
Mithuna Navamsa Rasi makes one corpulent and afflicted by skin diseases.
Why negative factor? Mercury, a significator of Skin owns Mithuna. If the sign is
afflicted it is but natural to suffer from such kind of diseases. What would happen
if the sign were beneficially aspected? Jaimini says Subadrukyogat na. If any of
the twelve signs or the seven planets is aspected by benefic such negative
tendency is unlikely. Hence in predicting negative tendency in a native care
should be taken. Otherwise be positive always is the signal Jaimini emphasizes.
In case Atmakaraka is in Kark Navamsa one suffers from water borne diseases.
Watery sign with Watery planet as its lord may be one of the reason for Jaimini to
say on these lines. Beware of saying negative interpretations in the absence of
other contributing planetary combinations. In case of Simha Navamsa the result
is said to be fear from canine animals. This is one of the dangerous and fearful
signs and during the operating period of Simha Rasi one should be careful, as it
has always been seen that the native is put into various forms of disturbances be
it concerning ones health or career. Atmakaraka in Kanya Navamsa acts akin to
Mithun Navamsa and also causes fear from fire. One will enter into trade or
commercial activities in case Atmakaraka falls in Tula Navamsa. Vrischik
Navamsa deprives the native from the affability of mother and causes danger
from aquatic creatures and snakes. Whether one is likely to have step mother or
go in adoption and be brought up by another woman or just loses ones mother
at an early age after birth are the different ways of interpreting this aphorism.
Another dreaded sign is Dhanu Navamsa. The operating period of this sign
causes sudden ups and downs in ones career or the native invariably meets with
fatal accidents. Makara Navamsa on the other hand creates fear from aquatic
animals, birds, skin diseases, wounds and defective glands. If Atmakaraka falls in
Kumbha Navamsa engages the native in charitable acts like digging of wells,
building temples, tanks etc. while Mina Navamsa being the twelfth Zodiac sign,
indulges the native into righteous deeds, charities leading to final emancipation.

Karakamsa and the profession:

Consider the planets with which Atmakaraka is associated both in Rasi and
Navamsa. Their nature, relationship, ownership, aspects and the like are also to
be taken into consideration to arrive at the total effect they may cause in taking a
native to a particular profession. When Atmakaraka joins Sun or Sun in the
second house from Atmakaraka Navamsa one will do public service or be in the
service of the Government. If Venus and Full Moon join him, one will have wealth
and comforts and earn out of education. Mars in such situation renders the native
engaged in preparing drugs and chemicals, carry weapons and live by an
occupation connected with fire. When Mercury is in that situation one can be
trader, weaver, sculptor, or versed in social affairs. Jupiter joining Karakamsa
makes a person a scholar of the Vedas, scriptures, a devoted observer of rituals
or a philosopher. Venus alone with Atmakaraka in Navamsa makes one an officer
of the government like ambassadors, national poets etc. and also the native is
long lived. Saturn in Karakamsa makes the native famous in his own line of
activity. Rahu in such a situation enables one to become a manufacturer of
weapons, a thief or a dacoit, a manufacturer of objects in metals or a doctor
dealing with poisons. Ketu in Karakamsa or in the second house gives a job
connected with elephants or theft. One can easily surmise that given a modern
meaning to the effect of Ketu a native may become a transport owner, smuggler,
Importer-Exporter of artifacts. When the Sun and Rahu joins Karakamsa and
benefics aspect them the native would be a medical person dealing with poisons.
When the Sun and Rahu in Karakamsa is aspected by Mars alone the native will
be an abettor of arson or indulge in burning houses. The aspect of Sun and Venus
on Karakamsa makes one an employee under the government or an ambassador.
Profession is to be judged from Karakamsa and the 10 th house from Karakamsa.
The consideration has to be the sign occupied by Atmakaraka in Rasi and
Navamsa along with the 10th from both the signs.
Some of the results in these places are found to be as under:
The Sun: Political power, government service, Minister, Governor.
The Moon: Government service
Mars: Printing Press, factories, chemicals, metallurgy, fire, army, police
Mercury: Business, sculptor, artist, textiles, versed in classics, teacher of
philosophy, author, weaver, editor and journalist, Lawyer, Intellectual.
Jupiter: Priest, judge, teacher, leader, scholar in religious subjects and
Venus: Author, ruler, Minister, ambassador, government official.
Saturn: Ordinary professions, manufacturing ammunitions and arms, hardware
merchant, printing, bodyguard.
Rahu: Archery, druggist, mechanic, machinery, doctor, soldier, bodyguard,
Ketu: Labourer, driver, mechanic, mason, bricklayer, smuggler.
The Sun with Rahu: Chemist, dealing with poisons, doctor.
Gulika aspected by the Moon: swindling

Ketu aspected by Venus: Religious ceremonies

The Sun with Venus: Ambassador, government or semi-government official
The Sun in the 10th aspected by Jupiter alone: Dairy Farm
Malefics in the 3rd and the 6th from Karakamsa: Agriculture and Horticulture
Jupiter in the 9th: Income from Estate Lands
The Moon in Karakamsa aspected by Venus: Alchemist
The Moon in Karakamsa aspected by Mercury: Medical Practice.
Saturn in Karakamsa or in the 4 th: gives skill in using arms, and one may be
employed in the army or the Police department.
Ketu in the Karakamsa or in the 4th: work related to timepieces: watch repairs
Rahu in Karakamsa or in the 4th: Mining work or work with machinery
The Sun and Mars in the 4th from Karakamsa: Job connected with arms
The Moon and Jupiter or Venus in the Karakamsa or in the 5 th: Author, editor or
Venus in Karakamsa or in the 5th thereof: Poet and an authority on Literature.
Jupiter alone in Karakamsa or in the 5th thereof: Authorship and versatile
Jupiter or Venus is in the 5th from Lords of Lagna or the 7 th: A distinguished
Malefics in the 3rd or 6th from Lagna Lord or 7th lord thereof: A commander
Malefics and Benefics put together in these houses: a leader of his community or
Karakamsa and Religion:
1. The Sun and Ketu in Karakamsa makes one a devotee of Lord Siva.
2. The Moon there leads him to worship the consort of Siva i.e. Goddess Gauri.
3. Venus in Karakamsa one has to propitiate Goddess Lakshmi.
4. Mars in Karakamsa the native would be a follower of Lord Muruga, (Skanda or
Subrahmanya) the son of Siva.
5. If Mercury or Saturn were posited in a benefic Karakamsa one would be a
follower of Lord Vishnu.
6. Jupiter in Karakamsa makes a person pray to Lord Siva.
7. Rahu in Karakamsa makes one a devotee of Shakti or Durga.
8. Ketu in such a situation makes one a devotee of Lord Ganesa and Skanda.
9. Saturn or Venus in malefic Karakamsa one would indulge in worshipping evil
The deities mentioned above are Hindu gods. Hence the followers of other
religion should pray to the deities prescribed in their scripture.
Upapada and Prediction:
The Pada of the 12th house is called Upapada. Just as already illustrated count as
many signs the lord of the 12th is away from the 12th Rasi and move forward that
many signs from the lord of the 12 th. We arrive at the Upapada sign. Predictions
regarding marriage, characteristics of spouse, health of spouse, birth and survival
of brothers and sisters, Children are to be reckoned from Upapada. The second
and 7th house and the Upapada sign will give an idea of the spouse while the 3 rd
and 11th would give details of brothers and sisters. The fifth and ninth from
Upapada are used to delineate children.
The Upapada sign or the 2nd house thereof well fortified by benefics would bring
proper spouse at the appropriate time. A strong or exalted benefic would give
prosperity after marriage and through marriage. An exalted planet in the 2nd of

Upapada may indicate plurality of marriage, spouse from a respectable and

wealthy family while benefics in the sign provides beauty to the spouse. Malefics
may bring disharmony among the couple, loss of spouse and sometimes-cruel
spouse. Debilitated planet without benefic aspect may dislodge the bond of
marriage or even create loss of spouse. Upapada falling in Taurus may also
indicate multiple marriages. Saturn and Rahu together in the second sign of
Upapada may lead to abandonment of spouse due to scandal or may even lead to
separation. Sun should not be considered a malefic while predicting through
Health of spouse from Upapada:
Venus and Ketu in the 2nd: Blood disorder
Mercury and Ketu in the 2nd: Decay of bones or corpulence
The Sun, Saturn and Rahu: Chronic Bone fever
Mercury or Mars sign in the 2nd with Mars and Saturn: Nasal disorders
Mercury or Mars sign in the 2nd with Jupiter and Rahu: Dental disorders
Virgo or Libra signs or Kumbh or Mina signs in the 2 nd with Saturn and Rahu:
Defective limbs or windy disorders.
Rahu in the 2nd from the 7th of Upapada: Protruding teeth
Ketu in the 2nd from the 7th of Upapada: Defective speech
Mars in the 2nd from the 7th of Upapada: ugly appearance
Note: 1. These negative tendencies need not be predicted only if benefics are
associated with these combinations.
2. These results are to be predicted after considering also the 7 th from
Upapada, the Dara Karakamsa and the owners of those houses.
Children and Upapada:
The 7th from Upapada, its Lord, Darakarakamsa and its Lord, Putrakarakamsa
and its Lord joined or Associated by Mercury: No Children
5th house from the 7th of Upapada and from its Lord or the 5 th from
Darakarakamsa and its lord or 5th from Putrakarakamsa and its lord associated with
Sun, Jupiter and Rahu: Many children
These combinations or these houses Associated with Moon: only one son
Mixed (both Benefic and Malefic) influence in these houses: Children late in life
Mars and Saturn association in these houses: Adopted children
Odd signs in these houses produce many or Male children while Even signs in
these houses produce few or female children.
Upapada and Brothers/sisters:
Mars, Jupiter, the Moon and Mercury in the 3rd and 11th from Upapada and its
lord: Many brothers
These houses aspected by Ketu: Many sisters
These houses aspected by Saturn and Mars or Saturn alone: destroy brothers
Saturn and Rahu in the 11th or 3rd from Upapada or its lord: Destruction of
Venus alone in the 3rd or 11th from Upapada or its lord: kills younger (if in 3 rd
house) or elder brother (if in 11th house)
Venus Aspecting Lagna or the 8th house: Loss of brothers since the 8th house is
the 10th from the 11th and 6th from the 3rd as Jaimini considers the 6th and 10th houses
from 3rd or 11th are maraka houses for brothers.
Rasi Dasa results in general:

The dasa of Rasi gives the results of the concerned house counted from the
Lagna, Karakamsa and Arudha Lagna
Rasi posited with an exalted planet or its own lord: gives favourable results.
Malefics in the 2nd from Rasi dasa: Financial losses
Sun or the Moon associated in the 5th from a Rasi dasa: Government disfavours
Moon and Rahu in the 6th or 8th from a Rasi dasa: sufferings due to Governmental
Sun alone in the 6th from a Rasi dasa: gives favours and gains.
Rasi dasa having malefics on either side (papa Kartari Yoga) or posited in it or in
the 8th house thereof: Produces Losses and misfortunes
Moon and Venus in the 3rd from a Rasi dasa: brings wealth and happiness
Moon and Venus in the 12th from a Rasi dasa: Losses
Rahu in the 12th from a Rasi dasa: gives ill health
Malefics in the 9th from a Rasi dasa: causes danger to father
Malefics in the 4th from a Rasi dasa: brings ill health to mother.
How to predict from Arudha Lagna?
Planets in the 11th from Arudha make one wealthy. If benefics are associated with
it, the wealth is lawfully acquired. A malefic joining or Aspecting it makes the sources
unlawful. It is better if the 11th has benefics or Planets in exaltation or in Mooltrikon
or in own house and the like. Planets in the 12th from Arudha makes one a
spendthrift. The Sun, Rahu and Venus joining or Aspecting the 12 th make one lose his
money by governmental actions. This is definite if Moon aspects them. Mercurys
association with the 12th brings losses through relatives or quarrels. Jupiter there
makes one pay more and more taxes. Mars and Saturn in the 12 th gives expenditure
through brothers. If the planets mentioned in the 12 th house are in the 11 th there will
be gains through the very sources. Arudha Lagna in the 7 th from Janma Lagna or
Karakamsa or in the angles or trines thereof make one very wealthy. It is bad if it
falls in the 6th, the 8th or the 12th houses. The Arudha of the 7th house falling in angles
or trines, or in the 3rd, the 10th, and the 11th houses shows great attachment between
the husband and the wife. There should be no malefic argala for Pada Lagna and for
the 7th from it. The Arudha of any house should not fall in the 6 th, the 8th or the 12th
from Lagna. The Moon, Jupiter and Venus severally or collectively in the 2 nd from
Arudha Lagna bestow wealth. An exalted planet in the 2 nd also gives wealth. These
results can also be interpreted from Karakamsa and Lagna also. Venus and the Moon
in the 4th from Atmakaraka or Arudha Lagna or Janma Lagna confer prosperity,
power and wealth.

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