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prof drdijkhuizen

AV va n de Ve re n i gd e Natie s

scientific entrepreneur

initiator ENPower
UN Womens Rep

who are you?

t h e p o w er o f w o m e n e nt re p re n eu rs
and their social impact

new value creation

economic value
social value
personal value

s o c i a l e nt re p re n e u rs h i p
c re a t i n g va l u e by m a x i m i z i n g i m p ro ve me nt s
i n h u m a n a n d e nv i ro n m e nta l w e l l - b ei n g ,
ra t h e r t h a n m a x i mi z i n g s h a re h o l d e r va l u e

3 key dimensions

Source: European Commission, 2014

W h a t i s s o d i f fe re nt ?

m o t i ve s

m a i n st r e a m e n t r e p r e n e u r s
b e i n g i n d e p e n d e nt a n d a u t o n o mo u s

social entrepreneurs
high orientation to change and
improve the world (meaningfulness)

(source: Lukes & Stephan, 2008)

What is similar?
co m p e t e n c i e s fo r s u c c e s s

p e r s e v e r a n ce

C h a l l e n ge
sustainable business:
s o c i a l co nt r i b u t i o n & f i n a n c i a l v i a b i l i t y

European situation
What is social entrepreneurship?
Many different legal forms:
co-operatives, social co-operatives, community interest companies,
associations, foundations

< 1 % of business population

Majority hybrid business model

Womens social entrepreneurship (1/2)

* Higher representation women in SE than ME

* 26% human health and social work 19%
* Most relevant social issues:
inclusion marginalized people/groups diversity
inclusion education

Womens social entrepreneurship (2/2)

* Wo m e n m o r e i n n o v a t i v e i n n e w
m a r ke t c r e a t i o n
* Gender pay gap 23%
* Higher job satisfaction

bron: Huysentruyt 2014

Poor understanding of concept SE
Lack of supportive legal framework
Access to markets
Access to finance

Tip 1
s e a rc h fo r co o p e rat i o n w i t h
t h e r i g ht p a r t n e rs

Tip 2
sell the true story
with all your passion
w i t h y o u r co re va l u e s

Tip 3

p ra c t i ca l exa m p l e
E N Po w e r

Josette: womens entrepreneurship

United Nations: elimination and prevention of

violence against women and girls

you and I, we all got dreams

How starting your own enterprise increases selfesteem and independence and therewith
freedom of women worldwide

EN Power

economic independence
elimination of taboo

women entrepreneurs
in refugee camps

According to the World Bank, women invest 60% more of

their earnings than men in social capital food, education
and health care for their families. 60% more! This benefits
whole societies.
Josette Dijkhuizen
October 2013

different stories but with the same goal


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