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Auer Rod Bodies sering ditemukan pada keadaan di bawah ini :

A. Agranulositosis
B. Multipel mieloma
C. Leukemia limfositik akut
D. Leukemia mielositik akut

Basic pathogenesis of acute leukemia:

a. Maturation blockade
b. Immature cells (blasts) tend to expand, accumulate and suppress normal
haematopoiesis leading to bone marrow failure
c. Bone marrow failure : anemia, leucopenia and thrombocytopenia
d. All above
3. Basic pathogenesis of chronic leukemia:
a. Massive proliferation of mature cells
b. Ineffective apoptosis
c. Transformation to acute leukemia
d. All above
3. Minor criteria of multiple myeloma:
a. Bone marrow plasma cell 10-30%
b. Lytic bone lesion
c. Renal insufficiency
d. All above
4. Myeloproliferative disease:
a. Hodgkin Lymphoma
b. Non Hodgkin Lymphoma
c. Multiple myeloma
d. Chronic granulocytic leukemia
5. The most common clinical presentation of chronic leukemia:
a. petechie, gum bleeding
b. Fatigue, shortness of breath
c. Fever, susceptible to infection
d. Spleen enlargement

6. The most common clinical presenting sign of CLL are:

A.Symmetrical enlargement of superficial lymph node
C.Splenomegaly and hepatomegaly
7. Repeated bacterial or fungal infection frequently found in CLL becaused of:
A. Humoral and cell-mediated immunodeficiencies.

B. Malfunction of spleen
C. Lymphocytes infiltration of RES
D. Abnormal function of lymphocytes

8. The correct statements about Hodgkin Lymphoma is:

A. Mostly found in elderly
B. Usually originated from T Lymphocyte
C. Resistent to chemotherapy
D. The characteristic of Hodgkin disease is Reed Sternberg Cell, a malignant cell
who originated from B- lymphoid lineage.
9. The Mayor criteria of Multiple Myeloma is :
A.Bone marrow plasma cells 10-30%
B. Lytic bone lesion
C. Ig M< 50 mg , Ig A < 100mg, IgG < 600 mg/dl
D. Bone marrow plasma cells > 30%
10. Differential diagnosis of CML :
A. Acute myelocytic leukemia
B. Acute lymphocytic leukemia
C. Chronic lymphocytic leukemia
D. Essential thrombocytemia
11. The most common clinical finding of CML is:
A. Petehiae and bruising
B. Chloroma
C. Splenomegaly
D. Weight loss
12. The symptoms of marrow failure in acute leukemia:
A. Splenomegaly, thrombocytopenia
B. Lymphadenopathy and splenomegaly
C. Hepatomegaly, splenomegaly, lymphadenopathy
D. Bleeding, infection and fatique
Seorang laki-laki datang dengan keluhan demam dan gusi berdarah sejak 2 minggu yang
lalu. Pemeriksaan fisik keadaan umum baik, keadaan spesifik tampak anemis, gusi
tampak hipertropi. Hepar dan lien tidak teraba. Laboratorium menunjukkan CBC: WBC
20,000/mm3, hemoglobin11,2 mg/dl, platelets 40,000/mm3, MCV: 92, MCH: 30,
retikulosit: 0,7%. Gambaran darah tepi menunjukkan sel-sel muda (blast) lebih dari 30%.
1. Diagnosis paling mungkin dari kasus ini adalah:
a. Leukemia Myeloblastik akut
b. Leukemia Limfoblastik akut

c. Leukemia Limfositik kronik

d. Leukemia Mielositik kronik
e. Leukemia akut

Komplikasi paling sering terjadi pada kasus diatas adalah:

Transformasi menjadi leukemia kronik
Infeksi, perdarahan, anemia

3. Gambaran anemia, leukositosis dengan dominasi sel muda, dan trombositopenia

pada kasus diatas disebabkan oleh:
b. Infeksi bakteri pada penyakit leukemia akut.
c. Infeksi bakteri pada penyakit leukemia kronik
d. Kegagalan sumsum tulang akibat infiltrasi sel muda(blast) pada leukemia akut.
e. Infeksi bakteri pada anemia aplastik
f. Infeksi bakteri pada anemia ITP
Seorang wanita, 21 tahun, mengeluh mudah lelah dan warna BAK nya menjadi kuning
tua sejak 2 minggu terakhir. Pemeriksaan Fisik penderita tampak lemah dan Pucat.
Vital sign: Nadi: 90 x/menit, RR: 22 x/menit, Temp: 36,8C, TD : 110/60 mmHg
Pemeriksaan khusus:Kepala: konjungtiva pucat, sklera ikterik (+), hepatosplenomegali
(+), lain-lain dalam batas normal. Laboratorium: Hb: 8,4 g/dL, MCV: 110 fL, MCH 25,
MCHC 30%, retikulosit: 7%, blood smear : normochrome normocyter, poikylocytosis
bilirubin direct: 1,0; bilirubin indirect: 5,4. SGOT: 35; SGPT 36; LDH 1200.
4. Anemia diatas termasuk dalam kelompok:
a. Anemia normositer, normokrom
b. Anemia mikrositer, hipokrom
c. Anemia makrositer, normokrom
d. Anemia normositer, normokrom dengan retikulositosis
e. Anemia normositer, normokrom dengan retikulosis normal
5. Diagnosis paling mungkin pada kasus diatas adalah:
a. Anemia defisiensi besi
b. Anemia hemolitik
c. Anemia Aplastik
d. Anemia perdarahan
e. Anemia penyakit kronik
6. Penyebab paling mungkin yang mendasari kelainan diatas adalah:
a. Infeksi malaria falsiparum dan kelainan otoimun
b. Thalassemia

c. Von Wilbrand disease

d. Anemia defisiensi besi yang disertai hepatitis virus akut
e. Defisiensi factor koagulasi
7. Indikasi pemberian transfusi darah adalah sebagai berikut:
a. Penderita anemia yang kehilangan darah akibat kecelakaan lalu lintas
b. Anemia berat
c. Penderita anemia hemolitik autoimun
d. Penderita anemia yang disertai gejala haemodinamik
8. Yang termasuk gejala khas anemi akibat defisiensi besi adalah, sebagai berikut:
a. Badan lesu, lemah, cepat lelah
b. Mata berkunang-kunang, Telinga berdenging
c. Konjunctiva pucat berdebar
d. Cheilosis, athropi papi lidah
e. Mata kuning
9. Penderita anemia akibat perdarahan kronik saluran makanan atas. Pada pemeriksaan
didapatkan Hb: 8 gr %, MCV: 70 fl, MCH: 18 pg, penderita tampak tenang dan tidak ada
keluhan. Pengobatan yang paling tepat pada kasus ini adalah sebagai berikut:
a. Transfusi PRC sehinggan Hb mencapai 10 gr %
b. Transfusi Whole blood sehingga Hb mencapai 10
c. Tidak diberikan transfusi darah
d. Transfusi PRC dan pemberian tablet Fe
e. Penderita diberikan tablet Fe dan obat untuk perdarahan kronik
10. Anemia pada kasus diatas disebut dengan:
a. Anemi normokrom normositer
b. Anemia hipokrom mikrositer
c. Anemia makrositer, normokrom
d. Anemia normokrom, mikrositer
e. Anemia hiperkrom makrositer
11. Yang dimaksud dengan pemeriksaan Darah Perifer Lengkap (DPL) pada pasien yang
menderita anemia adalah:
a. Hb, WBC, trombosit
b. Hb, WBC, Trombosit, MCV, MCH dan MCHC
c. Hb, Ht, WBC, hitung jenis, MCV, MCH, MCHC, Retikulosit, gambaran darah tepi
d. Hb, WBC, Trombosit, MCV, MCH, MCHC, ureum, kreatinin, SGET, SGPT
12. Gejala kegagalan sumsum tulang (marrow failure) pada leukemia akut adalah:
a. Splenomegaly, thrombocytopenia
b. Lymphadenopathy and splenomegaly
c. Hepatomegaly, splenomegaly, lymphadenopathy
d. Pendarahan, infeksi, lemah

13. Patogenesis dari leukemia akut adalah:

a. Proliferasi masiv sel matang
b. Apoptosis tidak efektif
c. Transormasi menjadi leukeia kronik
d. Hambatan maturasi sel blast/ sel muda
14. Diagnosis banding leukemia mielositik kronik adalah:
a. Leukemia mielositik akut
b. Leukemia limfositik akut
c. Leukemia limfositik kronik
d. ITP
15. Yang termasuk dalam kelompok anemia normokrom normositer adalah:
a. Anemia defisensi besi
b. Talasemia
c. Anemia sidroblastik
d. Anemia hemolitik
e. Anemia defisiensi B12
16. Anemia hemolitik adalah:
a. Peningkatan dekstruksi eritrosit yang melebihi kemampuan kompensasi eritropoesis
sumsum tulang
b. Anemia akibat kerusakan pada sumsum tulang
c. Anemia akibat infiltrasi sel ganas pada sumsum tulang
d. Anemia akibat penyakit berat yang berlangsung lama
e. Anemia akibat kegagalan sumsum tulang
1. Anemia means : C
a. a decrease in hemoglobin content, and RBCs count below the normal range.
b. a decrease in or RBCs count below the normal range.
c. a decrease in hemoglobin content, or RBCs count or both of them below the
normal range.
d. a decrease in hemoglobin content below the normal range.
2. Chronic blood loss anemia: Due to repeated loss of small amounts of blood over
a long period e.g.: A
a. Gastrointestinal bleeding (peptic ulcer), Excessive menstruation.,
Hemorrhagic diseases
b. Gastric Carcinoma
c. Hemorrhage post partum
d. Aplastic anemia
3. Causes of A-Hereditary hemolytic anemia: A
a. Enzyme deficiency e.g. G-6-P Dehydrogenase.
b. Incompatible blood transfusion.
c. Parasitic infection e.g. malaria.






d. Toxic agents e.g. snake venom & insect poisons.

Normocytic anemia e.g : A
a. Anemia of chronic disease, Mixed deficiencies, Renal failure
b. Iron deficiency
c. Thalalasemia trait
d. sideroblastic anemias
a. Hemosiderin
d. Serum iron
Small loss of iron each day in : B
a. Urine and faeces
b. Urine, faeces, skin and nails and in menstruating females as blood (1-2 mg
c. Urine, faeces and skin
d. skin and nails and in menstruating females
Latent phase of iron deficiency anemia :B
a. Blood hemoglobin level remains normal, MCV normal, TIBC normal,
serum ferritin decreased, transferrin saturation decreased, marrow iron
b. Blood hemoglobin level remains normal, MCV normal, TIBC
increased, serum ferritin decreased, transferrin saturation decreased,
marrow iron absent
c. Blood hemoglobin level decreased, MCV normal, TIBC increased,
serum ferritin decreased, transferrin saturation decreased, marrow iron
d. Blood hemoglobin level remains normal, MCV normal, TIBC
decreased, serum ferritin decreased, transferrin saturation decreased,
marrow iron absent
Bone Marrow examination in iron deficiency anemia :D
a. high cellularity, mild to moderate erythroid hyperplasia (25-35%; N 16
18%) , polychromatic and pyknotic cytoplasm of erythroblasts is vacuolated
and irregular in outline (micronormoblastic erythropoiesis), normal of
stainable iron
b. normal cellularity, mild to moderate erythroid hyperplasia (25-35%; N 16
18%) , polychromatic and pyknotic cytoplasm of erythroblasts is vacuolated
and irregular in outline (micronormoblastic erythropoiesis), absence of
stainable iron
c. hypo cellularity, mild to moderate erythroid hyperplasia (25-35%; N 16
18%) , polychromatic and pyknotic cytoplasm of erythroblasts is vacuolated
and irregular in outline (micronormoblastic erythropoiesis), absence of
stainable iron

d. high cellularity, mild to moderate erythroid hyperplasia (25-35%; N 16

18%) , polychromatic and pyknotic cytoplasm of erythroblasts is vacuolated
and irregular in outline (micronormoblastic erythropoiesis), absence of
stainable iron
9. Diagnosis Laboratory Iron Overload :B
a. transferrin saturation 15%, ferritin 400ug/L
b. transferrin saturation 56%, ferritin 350ug/L
c. transferrin saturation 10%decreased, ferritin 250ug/L
d. transferrin saturation normal, ferritin normal
1. Urutan perkembangan seri eritrosit ialah :
A. Rubriblast, prorubrisit, retikulosit, eritrosit
B. Rubriblast, prorubrisit, metrubrisit, retikulosit, eritrosit
C. Metarubrisit, prorubrisit, retikulosit, eritrosit
D. Rubriblast, prorubrisit, rubrisit, metarubrisit, retikulosit, eritrosit
2. Sitokin diproduksi oleh banyak sel-sel tubuh antara lain :
A. Granulosit
B. Limfosit
C. Makrofag
D. Semua sel di atas
3. Yang tidak termasuksel-sel granulosit :
A. Basofil
B. Eosinofil
C. Neutrofil
D. Limfosit
4. Urutan perkembangan seri neutrofil ialah :
A. Myeloblast, myelosit, neutrofil
B. Myeloblast, promyelosit, neutrofil batang, neutrofil
C. Myeloblast, promyelosit, myelosit, metamyelosit, neutrofil batang, neutrofil
D. Myeloblast, metmyelosit, neutrofil batang, neutrofil
5. Sel terbesar ukurannya dalam perkembangan sistem trombopoetik ialah :
A. Megakaryoblast
B. Megakaryosit
C. Promegakaryosit
D. Trombosit
6. Interferon dapat diproduksi oleh :
A. Sel leukosit
B. Sel limfosit
C. Sel yang diinfeksi virus
D. Semua disebut di atas

7. Pada evaluasi sediaan hapus gambaran darah tepi yang harus diperhatikan ialah :
A. Eritrosit
B. Leukosit
C. Trombosit dan lain-lain
D. Semua disebut di atas
8. Pada evaluasi sediaan sumsum tulang yang diperhatikan ialah :
A. Cellularity
B. M : E ratio
C. Seri system eritrosit, leukosit, trombosit dan lain-lain
D. Semua ditulis di atas
9. Asal muasal (leluhur) sel-sel darah ialah :
A. Hematopoetic stem cell (HSC)
B. Communited hematopoetic stem cell
C. Myeloid progenitor cell
D. Lymphoid progenitor cell
10. Periode definitif hematopoesis dimulai pada minggu ke :
A. 4 (empat)
B. 8 (delapan)
C. 12 (dua belas)
D. 16 (enam belas)
11. Hematopoiesis requires an adequate supply of minerals and vitamins. An
inadequate supply of iron, may cause
A. megaloblastic anaemia
B. sickle cell anaemia
C. hypochromic microcytic anaemia
D. normochromic normocytic anaemia.
1. A 60 years old male patient suffered from lymphadenopathy with night
sweating and weight loss. Pathological findings revealed heterogenous
cellular infiltrate includes lymphocytes, plasma cells, eosinophil admixed with
neoplastic cells which have effaced the nodal structure. What is your
diagnosis ?
A. HL, lymphocyte predominance type
B. HL, nodular sclerosis type
C. HL, mixed cellularity type
D. HL, lymphocyte depleted type
2. Older, HIV (+) patient predominantly suffers from one of the following
subtypes of Hodgkins lymphoma :


HL, nodular sclerosis

HL, lymphocyte-depleted
HL, lymphocyte-rich
HL, mixed cellularity


Hemostatic response involving :

A. The contraction of damaged blood vessels, platelet aggregation
B. The physiological processes of platelet adhesion, blood coagulation
C. Blood coagulation, contraction of damaged blood vessels
D. The contraction of damaged blood vessels, the physiological processes
of platelets adhesion, blood coagulation


Defective coagulation results :

A. Produce ptechial
B. Purpuric skin lesions
C. Hematomas
D. Bleeding from mucosal surfaces


Platelets disorders characteristically :

A. Echymoses
B. Bleeding from mucosal surface
C. Mucosal, and in some disorders recurrent joint bleeding (hemarthrosis)
D. Hematomas


Acquired coagulation disorders :

A. Haemophilia A
B. Liver disease
C. von Willebrand disease
D. Haemophilia B

7. The component of plasma responsible for maintaining the osmotic pressure of

blood is :
A. Albumin
B. Plasmin
C. Fibrinogen
D. Gamma globulin
8. Freds blood type was determined to be AB+. Which of the following is true
of Freds blood ?
A. There are no antibodies to antigens A, B, or Rh in the plasma
B. The RBCs contain the A and B antigens on their nuclei
C. The blood totally lacks the Rh factor
D. He cannot receive blood from someone who is type O negative
9. Which of the following people would have the most anti-B antibodies?


An adult male with B+ blood

An adult male with O- blood
An adult female with B-blood
A Female child with AB+blood

10. If a newborn was blood type O+ which of the following would his blood not
contain ?
A. Anti-B antibodies
B. Anti-A antibodies
C. Anti-Rh antibodies
D. Erythrocytes which express neither the A nor the B antigen
11. Which of the following females does not have to be concerned with
erythroblastosis fetalis?
A. A female with blood type OB. A female with blood type AB+
C. A female with blood type B+
D. A female with blood type O+
12. An individual with type B+ blood has which of the following antibodies in
their blood?
A. Anti-A
B. Anti-A and anti-O
C. Anti-B and anti-Rh
D. Anti-B
13. An individual who is blood type AB negative :
A. Can donate to all blood type in moderate amounts
B. Can receive types A, B, and AB but not type O
C. Can donate to types A, B, and AB but not to type O
D. Can receive any blood type in moderate amounts except that with the
Rh antigen
14. Which one of the following changes would not occur in the blood after seven
days of storage ?
A. A decreased concentration of dextrose and an increased concentration
of lactic acid
B. A decreased concentration of plasma K+
C. An increased prothrombin time
D. An increased pH level
15. A patient transfused by using red blood cell will get the unexpected
disadvantages such as :
A. There is no anticoagulant
B. The decreased level of allergic reaction

C. Possible infection hazards during preparation

D. Reduce the opportunity to get autoimmune reaction
16. What is the most appropriate treatment for a new born child (blood group A)
suffering from erythroblastosis fetalis ?
A. Simultaneous bleeding and transfusion with A-positive blood
B. Simultaneous bleeding and transfusion with A-negative blood
C. Transfusion with type O blood
D. Transfusion with type AB blood
17. Which of the following options should be chosen to treat patient with
coagulation disorder?
A. Packed red blood cell
B. Fresh frozen plasma
C. Whole blood
D. Thrombocyte
18. Which one of the following can cause the most dangerous situation?
A. An Rh-positive mother who is bearing her second Rh-negative child
B. An h-negative mother who is bearing her second Rh-positive child
C. An Rh-positive mother who is bearing her first Rh-negative child
D. An Rh-negative mother who is bearing her first Rh-positive child
19. One disadvantage of giving the whole blood to the patient is :
A. Complete coagulation factor
B. Good blood cell functions
C. Rapid supplying
D. High concentration of K+
20. The doctors should be cautiously given the whole blood to these
circumstances, except :
A. Renal disease
B. Post partum hemorrhage
C. Decreased cardiac reserve
D. Oedema anasarca
21. The most common reaction during the transfusion is :
A. Urticaria
B. Febrile
C. Delayed hemolytic
D. Heart rhythm disturbance
22. All of these signs related to acute hemolytic reaction except :
A. Headache
B. During anesthesia

C. After several days

D. depressed chest feeling
23. Complication of mismatched transfusion is :
A. Acute lung injury related transfusion
B. Acute kidney shutdown
C. Immune modulation related transfusion
D. Bacterial infection
24. To prevent the transmission of disease, a donor has to accomplish the criteria
such as :
A. 5 years convalescence period of hepatitis
B. 5 months recurrence from syphilis
C. 5 weeks from malaria last attack
D. 5 days after the last transfusion
25. Yang bukan termasuk klasifikasi MPD (Myeloproliferatif Disease ) adalah :
A. Essential thrombocytosis
B. Myelofibrosis
C. Leukemia granulositik kronik
D. Myelodysplasia syndrome

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