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This thesis dedicated for :

My beloved Parents, Mr. Sugiyo and Mrs. Widarti, who always gave spirit to

get my success "Thank you for everything"

My beloved husband Arman Hadi, who always prays and support for my

success " I love you so much"

My beloved sister Nabila Isyaramadhanti, who always gives me support
My beloved big family
My beloved friends, especially Regular 2010 class
My beloved lecturer and almamater of STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu.


The prophet (peace is upon him) said : the seeking of knowledge

Is obligatory for every Moeslem
(HR. Ibnu Majah)

Rasulullah Saw Bersabda : menuntut ilmu adalah kewajiban bagi setiap muslim


The name of the researcher is Tiyas Rahayu, she was born on January 05 th, 1993 in
Datar Lebuai, Aimaningan. She is moslem and the first daughter from two children of
happy, couple, Mr.Sugiyo and Mrs.Widarti.
The researchers educational background are :

Graduated from Elementary school of SD Negeri 3 Datar Lebuai, Airnaningan. in

the 2004.
Graduated from Junior high school of SMP Negeri 2 Pulau Panggung in 2007
Graduated from high school of SMA Negeri PGRI 2 Pringsewu in 2010
In 2010, She entered English Department of STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu


Thanks to Allah who always care all the time, so the researcher could finish this
thesis. The sholawat be to our prophet Muhammad SAW, with his family and

followers. This thesis entitled "The Effectiveness Of Carousel Method In Teaching

Reading Comprehension Of Descriptive Text At The First Grade Students Of SMPN
Satu Atap 1 Airnaningan In The Academic Year Of 2014/2015" is submitted in a
partial fulfillment of the requirements for Si Degree of English Study Program in
STKIPMuhammadiyah Pringsewu Lampung.
The writer using the method because interested to developing the Method in
Teaching Reading Comprehension at The First Grade Students Of SMPN Satu Atap 1
Airnaningan In The Academic Year Of 2014/2015.
In this thesis, the researcher would like to dedicate her respect, thanks and
appreciation to head advisors, lecturer, parents, brother, sister and this valuable
guidance, suggestion support, help and motivation during her study and finishing this
thesis. When finishing this thesis, the researcher has obtained assistance, aid, or
support and many valuable things from various sides. Therefore, the researcher would
sincerely thank to:
1. Drs. H. A.Rahman, M.M,M.Pd. as the Chairperson of STKIP Muhammadiyah
Pringsewu, Lampung.
2. Siswoyo, M.Pd. as the Chairperson of

English education study program of

STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu Lampung.

Dra. Lisdwiana Kurniati, M.Pd. as the Advisor who always helps and guides

theResearcher, in finishing this pieces of writing.

4. Dian Rakhmawati, M.Pd.B.I as the Co-advisor
who always helps, guides and
supports the researcher in finishing this thesis.
5. Suprapti, S.Pd. as the Headmaster of SMPN Satu Atap 1 Airnaningan .

6. Jumriadi, S.Pd as the teacher advisor who had permission to teach the students of
SMPN Satu Atap 1 Aimaningan. Thanks for your advices
7. All of teachers, staffs and students of SMPN Satu Atap I Airnaningan, who
always help the researcher in conducting the research.
This thesis can be accomplished only because they all contributed but the weakness
and mistake in this thesis remain completely on the researcher. Finally this piece of
writing is far from being perfect even though it is the result of some hard work.
However, it still has the problem that this writing will make some advantages English

Pringsewu, June
The Researcher,

Tiyas Rahayu



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