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Tax Alert

Volume 3, Issue 5

29 March, 2010
- S u d i t K Pa r e k h & C o .

Changes in Indirect Taxes

Recently there have been two important changes

on the indirect tax front, pertaining to Service Tax
and Value Added Tax (VAT). This alert outlines
these changes and their implications.

Compulsory Electronic mode this purpose, any person who has

of payment & filing of paid service tax including utilization
Service tax returns of CENVAT Credit, of more than Rs.
10 Lakhs in the preceding year will
be covered by this notification.
Manual filing of service tax returns
In the era of e-governance, the by such assessees would attract
Government of India had, some time penalties for non filing of returns.
back, introduced the facility of e-
payment of Service Tax and e-filing of
New procedure for e-filing
Service Tax Return. The facility of e-
filing of returns is, till date, voluntary The procedure for e-filing includes
for assessees. However, e-payment following steps:
was mandatory for the assessees
ǁŚŽƐĞ ͞^ĞƌǀŝĐĞ ƚĂdž ƉĂŝĚ͟ ĂŵŽƵŶƚ One time procedures:
exceeded Rs. 50 Lakhs during any i File a User Id (TPIN) request with
current year or in the preceding year. the Service Tax Department.
i Get the unique User Id (TPIN) and
Mandatory e-filing vide Password
latest Notification
Regular Procedures:
However now, vide the Notification
i Assessee has option to
No. 01/2010 dated 19th Feb 2010,
the service tax department desires to (a) File the return online direcly,
make both e-payment and e-filing or
mandatory for certain categories of (b) Download the off-line return
assessees from 1st April, 2010. For utilities which can be filled-

Volume 3 Issue 5 Tax Alert² Sudit K Parekh & Co

in off-line, validated and later uploaded required to be electronically filed in case of

through the internet assessees who are covered by the Notification. SKP
i The e-returns have to be uploaded on http:// can assist you in filing your e-Returns.
The detailed procedure for e-filing of returns is
mentioned in Circular No. 919 / 09 / 2010 dated 23rd
Value Added Tax (VAT) Rate in the State
March 2010, a copy of which can be sent by SKP if of Maharashtra set to rise from 4% to
you require it. 5%

How SKP can help you The Maharashtra Government has issued Notification
No. VAT-1510/CR 47/Taxation-1 dated 10 March,
SKP can assist you in the registration process and in 2010 enhancing the basic tax rate on goods covered
explaining to you the method of e-filing. It may be under ͞^ĐŚĞĚƵůĞ ͟ of MVAT Act, 2002, to 5%. The
noted that the new procedure is effective 1st April, enhanced tax rate is effective from 1 April, 2010 in
2010 and would apply to all returns filed on or after ƌĞƐƉĞĐƚ ŽĨ ŝƚĞŵƐ ĨĂůůŝŶŐ ƵŶĚĞƌ ͞^ĐŚĞĚƵůĞ ͟ ƚŚĂƚ
this date. Thus, even the returns for the quarter currently attract VAT @ 4%, other than the declared
ended 31st March, 2010 which would be due to be goods, as defined under the Central Sales Tax Act,
filed on or before 25th April 2010 will now be 1956 „

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