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Fausto Intilla
The Synchro Energy Project
Beyond the Holographic Universe
(traslation by Rosanna Branch)
Lampi di stampa
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On cover: “Li” Under kind grant of: The TaoDeck, care of: Acupuncture Clinic of
Gainesville - Florida (USA) web site: This book faithfull
y reproduces the text supplied by the author. Copyright © 2007 Lampi di stampa V
ia Conservatorio, 30 – 20122 Milan - Italy ISBN 978-88-488-0650-3 e-mail: lampid
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Foreword by Professor Massimiliano Chitvic (physicist). . . . . . 9 PART I – The
Synchro Energy World . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 STARGATE . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Do no
t open that door.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Al
l the poison that you do not need… . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 It is ne
cessary to suffer before we can learn… . . . . . . . . . . . 25 The Creative Sou
l … . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Subtle is the
Lord… . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 A Univer
se of Information ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 The magic
spoon. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 A u
ngrateful task.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
52 ARKHÈTYPON. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . 57 Synchronisms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . 57 Virtual Realities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . 63 Dynamic and Potential Information . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . 74 THE SYNCHRO ENERGY EXPERIMENT. . . . . . . . . . . . . 92 Fro
m subconscious nucleuses to Synchronicity. . . . . . . . . . 92 The SQUID Magnet
ometer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104 Meditation, a “remedy
” for retrocausality? . . . . . . . . . . . 105
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PART II – God=mc2 (Chosen readings from the original italian version: Dio=mc2) .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Between Good and Bad. . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Wondering Soul . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Beyond evolution. . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Errando discitur
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tempus o
mnia medetur. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Denarius
Nummus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The eq
uations of evolution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Human
, too human . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Th
e other side of Time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Astronomy, brief chronologic history. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Vis V
italis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . Bibliography. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . .
117 119 122 127 141 150 155 161 165 172 177 181 185
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“Science is nothing but the search to discover unity in the wild variety of natu
re – or more exactly, in the variety of our own experience”.
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Foreword by Professor Massimiliano Chitvic (physicist).
This is a book on existence. It is about how existence appears in our eyes, brok
en into several fragments. It is upon the effort that the several small fragment
s which we call man make in order to piece unity together. It is also about the
uselessness of such efforts. Forasmuch such fragmentation is only apparent, like
some kind of Mayan veil. Existence and unity pervade the entire universe; perha
ps when we talk about universe it is like talking about existence. Existence pre
sents itself before our eyes as energy (it is worth remembering the equivalence
between mass-energy, according to which matter is nothing but matter in a partic
ular form. E=mc2),and as such, it is found everywhere. Each thing is shaped by e
nergy (Logos?) and returns to energy and finally is energy. Energy is the source
, the source of information, encoded according to appropriate laws which we are
slowly discovering. We should just think about all the information we can gather
from the structure of the visible universe through the sun’s rays; or even, whe
never possible, by measuring matter. We have therefore realized a formula which
is so dear to our fundamental principles: God (energy) is everywhere, omnipotent
and omniscient. The title of the book is therefore appropriate. With regards to
matter, more precisely energy in disguise, even we as human beings (and not onl
y ourselves, but also all the living beings and anything which surrounds them) b
elong to existence, we are existence but have forgotten it. All gnostic sects, h
ad already come this conclusion in ancient times. The common trait of their doct
rines was the existence of a persisting spark of divine energy in each human bei
ng which repeatedly
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“attempts” to rejoin itself with the primigenial source. This divine spark is no
thing but a name given by ancient men to energy. But we, as “modern” evolved and
technologically advanced people, have forgotten this. In an unspecified moment
of the XVIII century we allowed materiality – which also belongs to existence –
to close our minds to awareness. Since that time, our path has become more arduo
us. We no longer hold the immediate perceptiveness of belonging to existence (as
makind still possessed in the Middle Ages), we have a necessity to recover frag
ments one by one with great effort. And all that we are able to gain from this i
s simply a series of partial, sectorial visions of unity. It is really worth rem
embering what Parmenide stated in his “Poem on Nature”: “It is essential that yo
u learn about everything: the solid well-rounded heart of truth and the opinion
of human beings in which there is no true certainty. But this you shall also lea
rn, how all things that appear certainly are that way, being all part of each me
aning”. According to Parmenide existence is not to be interpreted as a monolithi
c oneness, but as a whole which does not fight off or cancel out the multi-facet
ed but includes it in itself and guarantees as well as safeguards its reality. A
s a consequence, Parmenide believed that Existence is the true meaning of realit
y, the “heart of truth”, whilst things which appear, all phenomena are its manif
estation in its content. The real meaning of things which appear can only be gat
hered by understanding their relationship with existence and how existence has a
concrete subsistence in its manifold appearance. Parmenide lays down an identit
y between terms which we no longer knew about. As mentioned above, as human bein
gs, we have forgotten to be part of the Everything, denying it (in several ways,
even religiously) inasomuch as absurdly stating the void. By doing this we prov
ide wrong assertions on the way things appear and the meaning for carrying them
out. This is the wrong consequence of the forgetfulness we mentioned before. On
the other hand, we must not negate the experience of things and events but rathe
r refute this erroneous vision of experience, otherwise we push ourselves furthe
r from the Everything and create the image of a monstruous personage. This is th
erefore what it means to recover various fragments that lead us towards Unity (f
ragments which only appear as such and due
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to our western views of dividing the relationship between phylosophy and theolog
y). This is the task that awaits us, whether we are aware of it or not. Intilla’
s book wishes to go towards this direction. The efforts that mankind makes in or
der to rewrite the lost Unity are amenable to scientific inquiry as well as the
phylosophical one. But none of these two cases can reach its objective by operat
ing in a sectorial way. It is essential to make an effort to overcome specialist
ic divisions. Reductionism is a very comfortable method for solving problems, th
e problem is decomposed into several minor problems until a solution to those is
obtained. Moving from solution to solution it is then possible to reach the sta
rting point. On the other hand, by following this the fundamental axiom which te
lls us that the Everything is above the sum of its parts is lost. By working in
watertight compartments, mankind only makes the situation worse; in fact there a
re no scientific theories which prove above any reasonable doubt, the participat
ion of the Everything into each element. We can only “catch” here and there some
vague “hints” (for example through quantum and relativistic mechanics) and by p
ausing and reflecting on their meaning (at times forcing it) extrapolate some “c
lues”. But nothing more. Not even the lately analysed GUT theories of Great Unif
ication, can “explain” the Universe in a single formula, or are able to help us
in any way. Although they supply us with more coercive clues, they are still onl
y clues. What happens when we turn to cosmology? We actually move from the bleak
est desperation of absolute materialism to an enthusiasm for feeling that we hav
e found our place in the Universe. These are both completely wrong standings. De
speration because all data available tells us that the Universe is destined towa
rds thermodynamic death leading us along with it. It takes a hold on us so that
the uselessness of our presence in the world becomes reality and we ask ourselve
s what the purpose for such frantic search is if everything is destined to end.
Desperation because the materialistic interpretation tells us that we are the fr
uit of chance and we are here just because casual conditions that have always al
lowed us to be here have led us here.
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Enthusiasm because such data, if interpreted with another key, tells us that the
universe presents conditions that make it inevitable for “observators” to appea
r, namely intelligent beings able to carry out research on the universe and them
selves. Enthusiasm because the analysis of these conditions tells us that by var
ying any one of them in a slight way we may not exist and therefore our appearan
ce in the cosmos was “programmed” in the DNA of the universe. Such contrasting p
ositions, irreconcilable between themselves are dependent upon the interpretatio
n that wishes to provide the same estimative elements. As recently found, they a
re dependent on personal convictions of those who interpret therefore not object
ive. Phylosophy doesn’t make this any easier. With its multi-faceted sides the t
wo standings already stated above, which are essentially amenable to the current
s of materialism, denying any participation of the Everything (as well as negati
ng its actual existence) together with the ontology of the Everything, all becom
es finalized towards the demonstration of the Everything and the comprehension o
f its manifestations. Various theologies and religious faiths do not contribute
to making it all clear, as retreated in their own certainties, mutually excludin
g themselves, generate dogmas whose purpose is not to illuminate the walk of awa
reness of mankind but to control their consciousness. But if we look carefully,
we have some proof. Some individual proof. This is not a clue or opinion subject
to interpretation but actual proof providing us with certainty. This proof is a
theorem demonstrated by the logician Kurt Goedel (who in his Theorem of Incompl
eteness of 1949 astonished his friend and colleague Einstein by demonstrating th
at it was possible to travel through time if starting from the equations of Gene
ral Relativity), demonstrating the existence of God. It is a God that is differe
nt from the one presented by all religious faiths and perhaps this is the reason
why the theorem has been “forgotten”, studied only by specialist mathematicians
(it is easy to think that if God exists – and God does exists according to the
irreproachable demonstration of Goedel – as he speaks the language of mathematic
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This book appears to be enveloped in an Indian cosmological thought fog but I do
n’t know whether the author is aware of this. According to Hindu thought, there
is no room for irriducible dualism, any real opposition in the logic of opposite
s within which all our perceptions function. Whether such constrast is spirit an
d matter, conscious and unconscious, inactive or living, white or black, good or
bad, etc. it is always about opposites between complementary and interdependent
elements which exist only in relationship to the other. The Universe, according
to the Hindu thought, is speculation, a game of probability, possibilities whic
h are not unique, that could be different, which is different in other dimension
s, in other spaces (and which modern science discovers more and more each day).
The Cosmic Being incessantly imagines other Universes which exists on other leve
ls with respect to the one we perceive. Even within the world we believe we know
there are other worlds, different orders of dimensions and perception which giv
e rise to different realities. Separate on certain levels, they do however remai
n connected to the others. Within the order of what can be perceived by us, ther
e is no solution of continuity between the different levels of creation, between
matter, life, thought and consciousness. There is nothing but differences in di
mension, modality, moments and degrees. According to the Hindu cosmology, there
are no limits to the possibility of worlds contained within each. Even at the le
vel of human perception, the Hindu say that there is an endless amount of stars
and planet worlds that can be comopared to ours, which include living beings tha
t are similar to us and actually look like us in many different ways. The Earth
and mankind do not constitute a single and isolated phenomenon. In conclusion, I
would briefly like to talk about an issue which is very dear to me. A topic whi
ch in some way pervades and is found throughout Intilla’s book, like a note whic
h accompanies from the beginning to the end a symphony of various issues united
yet distinct. I refer to the influence of the psyche above matter or rather of t
heir mutual influence, since psyche and matter are two aspects of a
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single reality. It is a known fact that matter influences psyche; psyche is inte
nded in the most restricted acceptation of the “personal psyche of man”. If we s
imply think about the moon and its effects on the tide which influence the mood
of individuals (and not by chance, customs and popular traditions name such indi
viduals “moody”). But psyche and matter both influence each other in a different
way. It is the case of acausal coincidences or synchronisms. The theory of sync
hronicity is a theory developed by C.G.Jung in collaboration with Nobel prize wi
nner W.Pauli (theory of the principle of exclusion which concerns the various or
bitals that an electron can more or less occupy in an electronic cloud surroundi
ng the nucleus of an atom). In a few words, some external events happen which pr
ecisely confirm an internal psychological situation and vice versa. In order to
clarify this point, I will make a personal example. Several years, I walked alon
g the roads of my city near the railway station. I had recently split up from th
e girl I was with at that time or more precisely, I had been left by her. I spen
t a long time not being able to understand why she had made such a choice, falli
ng into melancholy and later resentment. But, as they say, time heals everything
and slowly mends all the pain. On that day, I was reflecting upon the ability o
f time to cure the wounds of the soul. I sat on a bench and deep inside I felt t
hat the pain and resentment felt for such abandonment had gone and I said to mys
elf: “It has been a long time, F. What has happened is over and I no longer feel
resentment towards you. Actually, I wish you all the best and that you may find
true happiness. Be at peace F.” At that precise moment, a white dove landed and
perched near my feet. The connection between the two events, my interior situat
ion and the happening of such external happening is obvious. Normally people ten
d to gather such situations but relegate them between bizzarre coincidences that
every now and then happen to all of us without placing no importance to them an
d missing the opportunity to get in touch with the primiginial source of psychic
life. With the Everything himself. In such lucky moments, we are able to realiz
e that we are not isolated entities but we are part of an
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Everything and that anything we say, do or think (yes: thought is creation) modi
fies the universe in itself. There is obviously another way in which the psyche
influences matter, in a way which is more consonant to the mentality of the west
ern world. I refer to an action consequent to a rational reflexion. A very banal
example can be based on the decision of building a house, decision which heavil
y influences matter, transforming idle material into a complex structure yet inf
luencing and transforming its surrounding environment. I know that the example i
s banal but the rational process implicated is identical to that of digging a we
ll or declaring war to a State. I will stop here, otherwise all the cues and ref
lextions deriving from the reading of Intilla’s book would lead me far, very far
. But I do hope that whoever will read this book will do the same. Intilla has g
iven us the opportunity to reflect and he has provided it in an intelligent way.
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“Dear Fausto, you should not apologize for any “crazy idea”; they are the only t
hings that move human knowledge forward. In my opinion, the most serious problem
facing contemporary science is the arrogance of its practitioners,who seem inca
pable of saying two simple phrases “I don’t know” and “I was wrong”. But without
the humility implied by these, it is impossible to learn something new. One can
only reinforce what one thinks one already knows. We are touched by your enthus
iasm for our work (...). Although this topic continues to be regarded as controv
ersial by most mainstream scientists, it does seem to be attracting a growing in
terest and respect, especially among younger people. Perhaps the paradigm is not
as far from that long-predicted shift as we had thought (...). Sincerely, Brend
a Dunne PEAR Laboratory Manager Princeton University,NJ.”
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ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I would like to thank Cinzia Turnaturi (technical operator at th
e Institute of Hygiene at the Policlinic University A. Gemelli of Rome) for help
ing me delve into, through her inspirational observations, some aspects related
to the interaction which substists between psychic processes inherent to techniq
ues of meditation and the Principle of Retrocausality (which is strictly linked,
even in an implicit way, to the Jungian theory of Synchronicity hence “indirect
ly” to my theory of “Unconscious Nucleuses”). Dear Readers, I would like to apol
ogize if some of the mathematical “formulas/ equations” included in this volume
do not include the classic algebric symbology (an example is the “ : ” symbol be
tween numerator and denumerator, instead of the usual fraction stroke); such cho
ice was partly made willingly for “technical” reasons.
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PART I – The Synchro Energy World
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“We are looking for something, that’s already found us”.
Do not open that door... In this moment in time, my thoughts are analysing a ser
ies of infinite possible structures…I ask myself which will be followed to begin
and bear its fruits. I see a staircase. At the top of this staircase is a door.
What will be behind this door? I shall walk up…here is the door, here am I faci
ng it. I touch the handle. Who knows, will it be open or closed? All I need to d
o is lightly touch the handle to discover it…and there it is, the door begins to
open… The place where I find myself is truly enchanting, maybe it is a good thi
ng being here…even for just a short while, let’s say…a few minutes. One…two…thre
e…four minutes…now would be better for me to return to the house, it is getting
late. I will return tomorrow. I leave. I close the door and walk down the stairc
ase. And here I am the following day. The same staircase; the same door. I walk
up the stairs. I am facing the door. Who knows, maybe today it will be open agai
n, or maybe not? It will be enough to lightly touch the handle to discover it…an
d there it is, the door begins to open… The place where I find myself is still t
he same. I only stay for three minutes and then leave. I close the door and walk
down the
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stairs. I will return tomorrow morning. Time passes by…the following day… Here a
gain, here is the staircase and here is the door. I walk up the stairs. I am in
front of the door and think: “It will most probably be open”. In a rather self-a
ssured way, I touch the handle…and there it is, for the third consecutive time,
the door was actually open. I am not at all surprised. Once again, I am in the s
ame place. I stay here for about two minutes. Then I leave, close the door again
and walk down the staircase, promising myself to return tomorrow. The next day…
Here is the usual staircase and the usual door. I start walking up the stairs.
“So, let’s see…today I must go to the barber’s, go to the post office to send so
me letters, check my e-mail, return my mother’s oven dish…but anyhow, I’ll walk
into this wonderful peaceful place of idyllic appearance”. There are only three
steps to go and I will be at the door; I can already see myself across the thres
hold, inside that pleasant place”. I have the unconscious and nearly absolute ce
rtainty that in a few instances I will touch the handle and open that door, that
nothing and nobody can stand in my way. I give a glimmer of a smile and in a ra
ther decisive way, I lower the door handle throwing myself forward with an outbu
rst and … strangely enough…the door is not opened and I nearly hit my head again
st it. Once again, just as it often happens throughout one’s life (…or more live
s), the last pieces of a simple puzzle do not seem to match with its own expecta
tions. The logic of the Universe is far more complex. Each time that our expecta
tions are transformed into something more “solid”, that is, into mental structur
es which no longer allow for any kind of doubt, and that therefore define a pote
ntial future as something not definitive, which no longer has potential, as it i
s nearly completely taken for granted; it is in that precise moment, that all th
e wave functions that our system (body-mind-soul) has managed to previously coll
apse in our favour (therefore creating a “positive” reality), completely change
direction to give space to a less favourable reality. Do you know what this mean
s? It means that our expectations, our most deepest desires, our stupid firm bel
ieves and our stupid illusions…make our surrounding reality change in the
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most unfavourable way! To give you a most trivial example, for what reason did t
he stock exchange start its slow and inexorable decline, exactly at the stroke o
f the year 2000? On the first of January of the year 2000, investors’ exhilarati
on was at its highest point! The expectations of million and millions of investo
rs had already reached the highest point because everyone believed that an out o
f proportion growth in all the financial markets (above all in the fields of tec
hnology and telecommunications). But for what reason do you believe that for two
thousand years, all the religions in the world have been professing the same th
ings? Someone about two thousand years ago, had noticed that the only way for ma
nkind to be saved is to be without stupid illusions and desires; and this was a
long time before all the world scientists “discovered” quantum mechanics changin
g their concept of reality. This strange cosmic law, is relevant to all sides of
the human sphere. Whoever fervently desires unconstrained richness, will never
obtain it, whoever deeply desires a partner for life (true love, as they say), w
ill never find it!…and so on. All the poison that you do not need… The heart is
a factory of desires, but they may only be realized if we are able to secretly h
old them within; the moment that those desires emerge to the surface, and attack
the brain, the potential to fulfilling those desires disappears (and the only t
imes when they are fulfilled, there is a high price to be paid). But how is it p
ossible (someone will surely ask) to safely keep in secret the desires of our ow
n heart, hoping that these will come true, without making our “supreme organ”and
our body go into motion to realize them? Well, I would answer the question in t
he following manner: there are two ways to bring our soul towards whatever we de
sire the most; the first is to analyse all the “apparent data” that the reality
in which we live (family environment, working environments, bars attended freque
ntly, friends, relatives) is able to give us, by later using the brain to elabor
ate a plan which is completely rational so that our objective can be reached and
that in the end, our body can carry it out. The second way is to lie down on a
bed and let our body (including the
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brain, obviously), absorb all the information that the entire cosmos is able to
supply to us; the moment that our soul has decided which part of the earth it sh
ould transfer it to, we simply need to let our body and mind (rational thought)
leave the bed together and follow it…without making any objections. By using the
first method, you will certainly have about twenty per cent probability to fufi
ll your dreams; by using the second, the probability is approximately seventy pe
r cent. The main point now is: nobody is able to know exactly what dreams, aspir
ations, greatest desires are hidden in their own uncounscious nucleus. Following
our own soul, would therefore mean to walk towards potential events of which we
cannot completely know (not even in the slightest way) the developments, whethe
r positive or negative for the person himself or other people involved. In this
case, what we would carry out, would exclusively mean to be an act of faith, wit
hout (as previously mentioned) knowing the effects. An ancient Chinese proverb s
ays:“God punishes you when he lets you achieve your desires”. Now, according to
you, in which of the two cases would God try to punish us? In the first case, wh
ere we exactly know our desires and manage to reach them, or in the second case,
when we don’t exactly know what our desires, but finally (with a good seventy p
er cent of probability) will implicitly be revealed and therefore be offered on
a silver dish? You hold the right answer. If anyone believes that I have not bee
n clear enough, I can add this: the first method, based on “apparent data” (…mis
leading) and on the rational thought which around these takes shape, certainly d
oes not create happiness of the soul (as I perhaps initially and erroneously imp
lied), but only the “physical” and partly psychic one. Instead, the second one,
based on cosmic information and on the subconscious nucleus, could place the sou
l, if not under a state of “happiness”, in an environment in keeping with happin
ess, therefore more correlated with the human being under question. I can alread
y hear the voices of wise men admonishing…”Only a madman could abandon everythin
g that he has built in many years of sacrifice, to go and die of hunger who know
s where!”…”People who behave in such a way, sooner or later end up in psychiatri
c care!”…
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”If God gave us the gift of a brain, maybe it is because every once in a while w
e should use it” …and so on. Well, after all they are not so wrong. Whoever leav
es the old path for the new one, knows what he leaves behind but does not know w
hat he will find, as an old saying goes. Normally, whoever constantly follows th
is proverb, will not be able to expect much from life. The Sacred Graal of …happ
iness, is only for the most fearless. There are however those who are convinced
that true revolution lies in normality; well, for some aspects it could also be
true. But life, true life, the one that if we listen enough, we feel running thr
ough our veins with a pressing rythm, could be revealed as a reality made of com
fort, routine, deliberation and Hegelian rationalism ? Which dreams could ever b
e realized in such reality; maybe those in which God punishes you once they are
achieved? And the old wiseman, at this point answers: “Watch out guy, Nicholson
teaches that only few people are able to fly on the gowk nest without hurting th
emselves”. It is necessary to suffer before we can learn… About a year ago, I me
t a girl who was a few years older than me; her father was of Romanian origin, w
hilst her mother had Serbian/ Croatian roots. She was one metre seventy three cm
of height, fifty eight kg without shoes and clothes, brown hair, hazel eyes and
a mind as sharp as a razor. The typical femme fatale of Slavic fascination, abl
e to make anyone fall in love (including the idiot who is currently writing). Wi
thout going into details, in one way or another I was able to make her fall for
me and within weeks I took all my rags to her house, and started living with Mis
s Universe. At the beginning, things were going well, but each time she looked i
nto my eyes and told me she loved me as well as said that she wanted to stay wit
h me all her life (…and “beyond” this life), through good and bad, as the love t
hat she nurtured for me (as she said) was nearly boundless, well each time she c
ame out with such nonsense, I would always unfailingly feel a strange uneasiness
in the solar plexus area, which travelled up towards my heart. It was as if eac
h time she placed her eyes on me she absorbed part of my elan vital. That is whe
n they
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started, what she considered to be exclusively stupid paranoid fits and nothing
else. I soon ended in a deep state of depression; I was ill and did not know who
to blame for this strange and unjustifiable uneasiness…but now I know: I could
only blame myself! When we feel a strange uneasiness in the solar plexus area, i
t is necessary to interpret it as an alarm bell! Our subconscious at that moment
in time (or the system body-mind-sould, if you prefer) has already filtered and
elaborated all the cosmic information, which in itself has been able to define
in a subconscious level, a whole series of potential futures (that could therefo
re be reached), all unfavourable to the stated person-victim’s expectations. Her
parents had never been very open towards me, actually, I felt hatred and disdai
n towards me. They had never explicitly confirmed their feelings towards me or m
ade me understand this in other ways, but I felt it; each time I met them, the “
tension” in the air was tangible. This matter kept on making me feel more and mo
re oppressed; until one day I decided (just like any yankee that you can respect
, ready to make justice alone and in no half-way measures), to break the ice and
take the bull by its horns. I had an argument with her parents (this conflict t
ook place in the absence of my beloved one), and as a good self-taught psycholog
ist, let all the bad come to the surface… According to them, it was a simple cul
tural difference and educational difference (according to these people, I was no
t sufficiently educated for their little princess) and I did not represent to be
the ideal man for their refined offspring. The following day, I saw the woman w
ho was supposed to have later been my future wife, Miss Universe. She looked in
my eyes with obvious disdain and showing off her full pride she said: “This time
you have really done it, how did you dare jumping on my parents in such a way?
This is the last straw, I will let you know when you can come to collect your st
uff. If you hadn’t argued with my parents, we would probably have got married an
d had children. Goodbye”. It was a reply which made be believe that there had be
en something else to it for some months but that she had obviously been afraid t
o loose her little puppy, always ready to satisfy all of her needs, she never ha
d the courage to reveal. Everything happened, whilst I, like a perfect idiot, sw
ayed in a sea of tears, begging her to think about it again
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and forgive the great mistake I had made, according to her, by arguing with her
parents. She didn’t even shed a tear. At that moment in time, I understood that
I had spent a year of my life, with a merciless woman, totally cold, wretched an
d heartless. A few days after our separation, I wrote her this letter: “Maybe I
should not have desired your love so much; maybe I should not have desired your
parents’ love so much and I should not have longed for a life that is so simple
and balanced. By doing this, I have not done anything but lowering the wave func
tions towards the wrong direction, and the future which has arisen has been ever
ything but favourable. But how can a human being let go of a desire of love, jus
t the moment that he feels he has found it? Maybe the secret is here. The spell
lasts only while unaware of the I-WHERE-WHEN; the moment that our eyes are open
and at the same time doors of perception, love, the spell, disappears in a twink
le of an eye. The meeting with the twin soul, the one that not everyone is lucky
to find through a lifetime, can only happen in a moment of great suffering (…or
viceversa),where all the doors of perception are totally open…an instant in whi
ch time appears to crystalize, where the ticking of the clock seems to stop all
of the sudden, it is like the transit between life and death…where silence reign
s supreme, and in your own mind, in your own Universe, you can only hear a choru
s of voices that always repeats the same line…Amazing Grace, a sweet melody that
goes deep into your bones and makes you tremble and cry at the same time whilst
joyous. In this precise moment, when the sky all of the sudden appears to be pa
inting in red, blue, white and all of the other colours of life, we have the tot
al awareness that the person by your side, will follow you for the rest of her e
arthly existance. Life is like a painting of Pollock, that can be dug deeply, ev
en in the chaos it is possible to find some order, some logic of events, which a
s they follow, define the life of each human being. We’ll take a look at the las
t things that Miss Universe told me before pronouncing her last magic word that
ended the spell: ”If you had not argued with my parents, we would have probably
got married and we would have also had children…”. Well, now, with
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the wisdom of hindsight, I laugh at it; but I can ensure you that at that time,
I was so distraught that I would have actually apologized to her parents, in ord
er to stand by her side. How blind, how foolish of me, how naive…with my eyes cl
osed, blinded by the last flashes of passion, I was going to make the biggest mi
stake of my life! Fortunately, I opened my eyes and didn’t make that great mista
ke. I will now analyze what would have happened if I had apologized to her paren
ts. In the best of cases, they would have accepted my apology, still continued (
and probably greatly) to nurture a hatred and disdain towards me. Miss Universe,
on the other hand, would have also nurtured some sort of hatred towards me, at
least for some time, until the tension between the two of us would have slowly d
ied out. But how long could this state of things have carried on? This fake rela
tionship, where her parents could only place their negative influence? Maybe the
time to get married and bear a few children? Well, I feel that you may already
know the answer. All your sins will soon find you out. Wanting to take the bull
by its horns and immediately, I did nothing but accelerate the times and bring a
bout our inevitable separation; thus avoiding the most disastrous consequences (
many of you know what a legal separation consists in, especially when children a
re involved). There are some paths in the life of every human being, that our so
uls cannot avoid, for simple reason that they themselves actually “programmed” s
uch paths! A few months after our separation, in the period when I was starting
to find a certain psychological-physical state, I wrote to my analyst the follow
ing letter: “Dear Doc. M, I am writing this letter, so that you can realize, how
(after the events have taken place) I see reality around me, therefore, as a co
nsequence, you may be able to analyse in a most complete and objective way as po
ssible, the entire physical-psychological context that I have “regretfully” take
n part in (I say regretfully in inverted commas, as I feel that every negative e
xperience in life, must be seen and interpreted as a teaching, in order to impro
ve each approach that any human being sooner or later is obliged to face, with a
ll of life’s adversities).
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You are a psychologist, and therefore will know more than I that man has needs a
nd motivations which he is not aware of (Freud built his whole analytical system
around this basic intuition). The point is that nobody knows what mankind’s “tr
ue” needs are. Freud himself changed his mind as many as three times on the natu
re of desires and instincts. Initially, he spoke about sexual and survival insti
ncts; then he spoke of pleasure and aggressiveness; finally of a vital instinct
and death instinct. From that time, psychotherapists, have always tried to compr
ehend mankind’s “true” needs. For example, Rank emphasized the need for a strong
and constructive will, Adler spoke of longing for power, Ferenczi of the need f
or love and acceptance (and maybe my case falls within this school/theory of psy
chotherapy…but only apparently, I must make this clear), Horney of the need for
security, H.S. Sullivan of biological satisfaction and security, Fromm of the ne
ed for meaning, Perls of the need to grow and mature, Rogers of self-defence and
self-improvement, Glasser of a need for love and self-respect, and so on. What
we can finally deduce is that man is unaware of a few aspects of himself (that i
s his Shadow, to use a Junghian term); and beyond this, wanting to dig deeper, i
t seems clear and obvious that each of the main schools of psychotherapy, turn t
owards a different level of the “subconscious spectrum”. All these schools, ther
efore come to complementary conclusion. The psychological profile of the girl I
lived with for about a year, as you rightly pointed out during one of our sittin
gs, is distinguished by a strong ambition towards everything that life in itself
is able to offer us, but apart from this, is distinguished by a strong behaviou
r projective of negative qualities (such as snobbing, malice, false modesty, etc
…). All these projections of negative qualities, which have always characterized
the nature of my ex-girlfriend, have always (obviously) been in conflict with t
he projections which on the other hand characterize my nature; that is projectio
ns of a positive nature, such as kindness, strength, wisdom, etc… This forced in
teraction, between natures which are so different, that is, between me and my ex
-girlfriend , influenced furthermore by the developments which were anything but
positive interactions between me and my ex-girlfriend’s father (he himself was
also dominated by a behaviour defined nearly exclusively of a disproportioned qu
antity of projections which where of a negative nature
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– something rather unusual for a doctor - ; behaviour which he cannot be aware o
f as all this negative material has been by him dissociated, alienated, repudiat
ed, thrown away, but that even though such potential reserve, has always been in
some kind of projections. The reason for his profile-psychological behaviour to
wards society, which actually characterizes his daughter too, my ex girlfriend,
I believe is partly due to all of life adversities which he had to face as a for
eigner, in an alien land) could only have matured sooner or later in an inevitab
le separation between the two of us. The implausible hypothesis is that everythi
ng originates from, is everything that we see in other people or in the world’s
only a projection. In order to reabsorb or recover our projections we project ou
rselves completely onto the other object or person. In theory, it would be neces
sary to do the opposite of alienation, that is identify. As you will certainly k
now, the job of identifying with the woman chosen to be a life companion, this w
ould have never taken place, as it is strongly against my nature. Such work, is
solely achieved when there is an interest in psychoanalysing a determined subjec
t for therapeutic purposes. What is most obsurd in all this, is that at the end,
I was the one to come to you and not the opposite! But at the end, everything b
alances out, the easy and the difficult blend, the high and the low lie side by
side, the forward and backward follow one another. …there are no mountains witho
ut valleys, and those who try to eliminate the valley, will be forced to demolis
h the mountains. Those who say to want justice without its correlative, injustic
e, or a good government without a bad government, do not believe the great princ
iple of the Universe, neither the nature of the whole of Creation. Hatred of evi
l only reinforces evil, and the opposition reinforces whatever we go against. It
is a law which is mathematically exact. The continuing denunciation of evil and
of its emissaries does nothing but encourage its growth in the world, a truth r
evealed sufficiently in the Gospels, but to which we obstinately stay deaf. What
my ex girlfriend and her parents should understand (but I strongly doubt that t
hey will one day be able to do), is that moderate cynicism has always been a fea
ture of people who have great culture and humanity. All the possibilities of aut
hentic affection between human beings depend on being able to accept and know an
element of
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unshakeable roguery, within ourselves and in the others. (It is a real shame, th
at such way of seeing reality, is a feature most exclusive to anglosaxon people;
sentences like…son of a ….! and so on, in determined contexts, can be meant as
a compliment only in a city like New York or Los Angeles). The strength of fanat
ism, no matter how “effective” may be, can always be bought at the price of unaw
areness, and whether one has a more or less good cause, invariably reveals to be
destructive, as it operates against life: it denies the ambivalence of the natu
ral world. “I could live in the nutshell, and believe myself to be the King of a
n endless space, if it was not for some bad dreams” Shakespeare had seen correct
ly, it is really the bad dreams, or bad ambitions, that change the destiny of ev
ery human being (…and as a consequence that of entire mankind!) in the most unfa
vourable way one can imagine. Mine, fortunately, is heading towards the right di
rection…the “dark forest” is now a vague memory of my past.
The Creative Soul … In your opinion, what is inspiration? Who knows how many peo
ple in this moment in time, with a smile full of pride and selfconfidence, will
remember that famous statement made by Edison ...but this is a book for learned
people, so why write it? Do you really want to know what inspiration is? Well, n
ow I will reveal it to you.…Inspiration is the moment when your soul precedes yo
ur body, your mind! … It is the moment when you find yourselves in front of a un
cut stone with a chisel in your hand…facing a piece of paper with a pen in your
hand…facing a canvas with a paintbrush in your hand…in front of a piano with you
r fingers on the keyboard…. and there is no way in understanding how you managed
to find yourself there! An instance beforehand you were elsewhere, carrying out
other tasks, and then, all of the sudden, you find yourselves at the exact poin
t where all the forces of the Universe flow to ensure that a
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creative act takes place! Initially your mind is astonished, then asks the follo
wing questions: but what on earth am I doing here? Then, in the spur of a moment
, the answer comes from above, and your hands, just like magic, your hands begin
to move uncessantly, according to schemes belonging to a Divine logic, chaotic,
irrational…and in that precise instance, each awareness of I-Where-When disappe
ars into thin air! Each sense of identity is lost, a shattering energy takes ove
r your entire body, and you become the painting, the music, the stone, love…you
are the entire Universe, you are God! Carmina Burana……….introduction………. Ambitio
n is a synonim of desire, and desires as we previously discussed,you know where
they take you. It is essential to abandon every stupid illusion, every stupid de
sire in order to access the doors to infinity! To be able to…not observe…but bei
ng, the Aleph…the Omega, a nail, a tree, a planet, a star! To be able to see Ete
rnity in an hour, the Universe in a Grain of Sand. Yet, it is so simple, to clea
r the doors of perception, it is enough by carrying out a simple act of faith. B
lake had seen righteously; and walking on his footsteps, even Huxley,Grof,Castan
eda and many others. Stargate is the magic word…whoever passes at least once in
their lifetimes this threshold, will no longer see reality as he always perceive
d it to be…but will see it as it truly is: infinite, spectral, without space nor
time. Subtle is the Lord… Let’s stay for a short time on the concept of love. H
ow many of you will have heard at least once in their lifetimes, from friends, r
elatives or even their own parents, the following idiocy? If you never leave you
r home, you will never be able to meet your soulmate!” Well, this is the biggest
lie, the biggest idiocy which millions and millions of people believe in, and u
nfortunately, their sentimental sphere takes shape around, taking the most unfav
ourable and unhealthy directions which a poor human soul could ever follow in th
e course of a lifetime (…or more lives!). Believe me.
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Nobody can escape their own destiny, nobody can escape from synchronous mechanis
ms (and therefore apparently casual…but only apparently, to clearly say) of the
Universe (…Jung teaches) nobody can escape from God’s power ! But it is essentia
l that I give you a banal example, by telling you a purely fictitious story (eve
n though I would not be surprised if it had actually happened!): Jack was a thir
ty year old man, tall, robust, fascinating and was a Manhattan broker. He lived
a perfect life of a bachelor and lived in a beautiful loft in Long Island, in Qu
eens. He had a Chevrolet Corvette and a substantial bank account. His working da
y normally started at 7.30 AM, with a French toast, warmed up in the microwave o
ven, a decilitre of boiling coffee sweetened with four teaspoons of sugar. At 8.
45 A.M. his arse was already sat on a comfortable chair covered in material, abo
ut twenty metres of height from the still humid and totally shadowed floor of Wa
ll Street, in the middle of millions of cubic metres of cement, waiting for the
New York Stock exchange bell to ring at exactly 9.00 to mark the start of the fi
nancial day. After the hell of the first four hours of exchange, when normally t
he shares reach the maximum daily peaks, there was the usual lunch break that co
nsisted of a still smoky hot-dog buried under a decilitre of ketchup, mustard an
d french fries, all ingurgitated in a straight posture, in the corner between Br
oadway and Pine Street. Another small sacrifice between two and four PM and then
, at the end of the trading day, the usual beer in Greenwich with the same idiot
s, who after having lost the usual ten high denomination banknot with some trash
y share, couldn’t wait to curse and talk badly about Merryl’s analysts. Finally,
back to the home, sweet home, where there are just the last unpaid bills waitin
g for him, a few leftovers in the fridge and a few messages on the answer machin
e left by one of the latest bitches, looking for a chicken to pluck…and maybe fo
r life. He wasn’t at all out of women, maybe he had too many. And finally there
was the week-end, which normally, when he was free from a tryst, spent some hour
s with his parents in a small house in Woodside, discussing the same old rubbish
with his father regarding the golden years of the Giants as well as the future
of the Superbowl. In theory, Jack had everything…a beautiful loft in the Sunnysi
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a nice car, a lot of money to squander and a lot of charming which he did not ha
ve to go after to bring them to bed. They all wanted the same thing anyway; his
money, and Jack really had a lot of it. But although he had so much, Jack still
missed something. Something that he could have never have bought, not even with
all the gold in the world, something that as time passed, he had already stopped
believing in, but that at the same time, left him with an open wound which help
ed him carry on day after day, in a state of depression getting deeper by the da
y. This something is generally expressed with a simple four letter word: LOVE. I
t was this that Jack missed, love…true love, the deep one, honest, warm, sincere
…a perfect blend between him and an ideal companion for life, but the good Lord,
did not appear to be listening to call for his help. [Let’s consider that durin
g the times of great psychic suffering, normally the “doors of perception” are m
uch more “open” than usual, that is, than when a person is enjoying some kind of
psychicphysical balance]. A little bit before arriving home, he stopped the car
in front of a drug-store. His intention was to go in and buy the usual anti-dep
ressants. He turned the key and the engine of his powerful Chevrolet Corvette of
an amaranth red colour, stopped to switch its thermic energy into useful mechan
ic work. He sighed with his eyes placed on the steering wheel, then slowly lifte
d up his face full of sadness, until his visual ray was perfectly horizontal, al
lowing him therefore to read without impediment, the writing in block capitals,
printed on the rear window of the car parked directly in front of his: CALIFORNI
A DREAMIN’. At that moment in time, Jack, saw all of his life in the twinkling o
f an eye; from that time, he started asking himself a series of endless question
s:”What is the meaning of all this?, I have everything, just everything…but in r
eality, I have nothing, nothing at all… The great, magnific, omnipotent Jack, Ja
ckass…I have nothing at all! My life is empty, stupid, insignificant. But what o
n earth am I doing here? Fuck it…can you hear me God? Fuck it, fuck it, fuck it
again!” He looked at the drug-store entrance and started to observe his hands. H
e stopped observing his hands and stared at the writing on the rear window of th
e car in front of him…he deeply stared at it for a few sec34
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onds, then, suddenly, he brought his right hand on the ignition key and switched
on the engine. He left the car park and a few blocks away he took the 495th str
eet East direction; about seven km later, he took the 678th direction South. App
roximately twelve km later south direction, the 678th could only in one directio
n…to the Kennedy Airport!…and Jack wanted to go right there! He had nothing with
him, apart from his woollen coat, passport, a pair of shades; and his MasterCar
d with a credit limit of one hundred and twenty thousand dollars. He reached Ken
nedy Airport about thirty minutes later, parked his car in a no parking area and
in a few minutes found himself in a long series of check-ins connected to a mul
titude of airline companies. The first thing he did, was to find out about the d
eparture time of the first flight to…Los Angeles! Miraculously, he found a place
on the first flight which was going to leave within two hours. He purchase a si
ngle ticked, sat between the other travellers awaiting boarding time. Four hours
later, he was standing facing the city of Los Angeles. In his pocket he had abo
ut seventy dollars cash; he took a taxi and asked to be left in a Travelodge in
the area of Venice Beach; luckily, he immediately found a room . It was eleven p
m exactly on a Thursday at the beginning of September; a day that Jack would hav
e remembered for the rest of his life. He took off his woollen coat and comforta
bly lied on his bed. He took a deep breath with a semi-open mouth, crossed his h
ands on his chest and closed his eyes. He was exhausted. He thought about his jo
b in New York, aware that on his return…if he would ever return…the bone, someon
e would have already been caught by someone else. In any case, he was not having
second thoughts, no doubt or worry of any kind…because deep in his heart, he kn
ew he had done the right thing; Jack, in that precise instant, knew that he was
the right person, in the right place and at the right time! Something not well d
efined, in his mind, kept on reassuring him trying to convince him more and more
, that whatever he had done in the latest few hours, belonged to some sort of Di
vine picture. It had to be done, full stop! He therefore started wandering on fo
ot or by bike the streets of Los Angeles, without a destination, without project
s for the future, feeling
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like a “luxury” vagabond; with the money that he had saved, he could easily live
in that way for about six or seven years. In the first days, he worried about t
ransferring his correspondence for sickness and accident insurance to the Travel
odge where he was staying. During the first days, he often called his parents wh
o were in vain trying to alleviate their anger and desperation…he had really mad
e a big mistake, and he was well aware of it. But he was also aware, deep in his
heart, of another thing; that is that despite the pain he had caused his parent
s with his crazy actions, in any case, he would have never gone back on his foot
steps. With the passing of the months, his phone calls to his parents in New Yor
k became rarer and rarer. Jack limited himself to sending a postcard once in a w
hile, trying to reassure them on his perfect health. When he did not walk along
Main Street or on Santa Monica Blvd, he spent his days crouched somewhere on the
enchanting Venice beach, reading novels by Asimov or Clark; he had always loved
science fiction. The first winter for Jack, was not so bad as he had initially
imagined…when it was too cold, instead of wondering like a dog around Venice, he
stayed in his Travelodge room, reading or listening to old Garth Brooks, John D
enver, Beach Boys, Doors songs…he loved country music, but he also loved the wes
t coast music of the seventies…years when, according to what his father told him
, taking a girl to sleep was as easy as drinking a beer at the bar. Just before
the beginning of summer, Jack started to feel terribly sad and dispirited, even
more than he had felt in New York, a few hours before he had headed towards Los
Angeles. In his mind, he had started to feel a reasonable doubt about his improv
ised, sudden and irrational departure from New York, where he had left without n
otice to anyone or anything, and even left a safe one hundred thousand dollars a
year job. But it was useless crying over spilt milk, it was really useless and
he had come to accept this. He had left with the hope, principally fed by that s
ingular event*1 (which he felt to be a real sign of destiny) from
Singular and surrounded by symbolism only for him obviously, that is from his po
int of view, strictly subjective and correlated to the context-situation where i
n that situation he found himself to be.
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the writing on the car in front of the drug-store where he was going to walk in,
to meet his soulmate; but unfortunately, during his first seven months of stay
in Los Angeles, he did not have the pleasure of meeting not even one woman, who
could have ever mirrored the characteristics of a potential soul mate. He was fu
lly aware of his new image; he was conscious of the fact that in the eyes of any
woman or girl he might have met and got to know, he would have uniquely appeare
d as a looser. He looked just like someone who was rather early, queueing up in
front of the sad sign of the Salvation Army with many others begging for soup an
d a piece of bread. With the passing of time, he was nearly completely convinced
that no mentally fit woman would have ever accepted starting a sentimental rela
tionship with him, at least until he would have shown a minimum interest in find
ing a new job. The point was that he was lacking the motivation to find a new jo
b. And such motivation, that is, the will to want to return to fight for a digni
fied life, he was convinced he could uniquely acquire again with the support, th
e understanding and unconditional love of a mate willing to follow him through g
ood and bad. Jack was therefore finding himself stuck in a rut, and this was pre
venting him from deciding which way to go. He was in a most absurd situation, fr
om which he did not know how to escape. Returning to New York would have been us
eless; it was in his mind that something surely had to happen, he was fully awar
e of this, but he did not know how to extirpate it. What had initially appeared
to be a sign of destiny (the writing on the car: California Dreamin’) now seemed
like a trick, a hoax carried out by the Almighty. July started with days where
the temperature at approximately two in the afternoon rose up to thirty/thirty-t
wo degrees Celsius; and it was during one of those days that Jack, still more an
d more depressed and without any motivation to continue to live, decided to take
off for the last journey in his life. He went out at about nine in the morning,
leaving his room in the Travelodge and headed towards the Venice Boardwalk; alo
ng the journey which separated his Motel from Venice Beach, he walked in front o
f a small liquor store. He carried on for a few metres and then suddenly stopped
; made sure (in a positive way) that he had his ID card, he turned around with
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decisive steps walked once more a few meters which divided him from the entrance
of that store. He placed his hand on the handle of that glass door and walked i
n without hesitation. Two young Mexican boys looked at him in a rather detached,
neutral way; Jack bought a bottle of whiskey and left that small store, once ag
ain walking along the beach of Venice. Fifteen minutes later he reached the Boar
dwalk of Venice; he walked for another ten minutes heading south, between only a
few people of still tired faces and then stopped in front of the entrance of an
other store. This time it wasn’t a liquor store, neither a drug-store where he c
ould have purchased some anti-depressants. He walked in, placed his paper bag wi
th the drink he had previously purchased on a narrow counter covered by a lumino
us white film. For some time, he stared person standing on the other side of the
counter, a tall and robust man of around forty years of age and then came out w
ith a ridiculous utterance: “I … have a problem”, he said in a rather bland way.
The only reply that the guy over the counter could have ever given, which obvio
usly didn’t take long to reach his ears, was the following: “Friend, everyone ha
s problems in Los Angeles”. Jack smiled with woeful and lost eyes and lost in hi
s reply continued: “…I need a wetsuit and a surfboard, only for today…” About tw
enty minutes later, Jack placed next to him the surfboard he had just hired, a b
ig paper bag where he had placed his Whiskey and the wetsuit he had just hired,
and finally placed his bottom on the still humid sand of Venice Beach. He lit a
cigarette and started contemplating the ocean; then he looked around to ascertai
n that no policemen or other people were around to annoy him with some “proper c
itizen” observation, he took out his Jack Daniels bottle that he had in his big
bag and opened it still leaving it in the small paper bag that had been sold in.
Another six puffs of cigarettes , lit out the cigarette in the sand and started
to sip the whiskey. Within an hour, Jack had finished the whole bottle. Already
completely drunk, with his mind totally blurred as well as with a few hallucina
tory sign, he took his surfboard and stood up staggering. In that precise moment
, a guy with blond hair walked
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by, and with a sneering smile, he gave him the following advice:”Hey friend, if
I were you, you would not go out with that fossil *2”. Jack did not even underst
and the simple words of that young guy; he was totally out that he only heart so
me kind of echo that he could not understand where they came from, and maybe he
did not even notice the shape of the boy passing him by. A few instances later,
he found himself in icy waters and fortunately only slightly moved by the Pacifi
c. All of his memories ended there, in the ocean waves, a few twenty metres from
the fine yet already wet sand of Venice Beach. Sixteen hours later… When Jack o
pened his eyes, he observed the walls of the room where he was lying and then th
e bed where he had comfortably been lying down, guessing that he was in a hospit
al room. Undoubtedly, someone, sixteen hours before, having noticed his state, h
ad been able to tear him from the icy waters of the Pacific. Jack was still aliv
e, but in that moment he did not know whether to be happy about it or whether he
wanted to cry. The only thing that he kept on asking himself was the reason why
God had saved him. He stayed in that room, under strict surveillance, for anoth
er six hours, than at about seven in the evening a nurse asked him whether he wa
nted to eat in his room or on the ground floor in the canteen. Jack decided to g
o to the canteen for his dinner. He wore a jogging suit that the hospital had ki
ndly offered, he was accompanied by the nurse to the ground floor to the entranc
e of the canteen. At that time, the nurse left him and he walked in without hesi
tation in an enormous room mainly filled with patients, as well as the hospital
personnel, all sat at tables of six-eight people and busy eating the first dish
of their evening meal. Jack went to get his food to the counter close to the kit
chen area, and went to sit down in one of the last free places left between the
twenty or so tables that covered at least two thirds
The guy who had hired him the surfboard, had given him an old wodden Bear surfbo
ard (this doesn’t mean that Bear boards are considered to be “worthless” but sim
ply that after thirty years, any board of any brand should no longer be in the w
ater but in a museum such as the Surf Museum of Santa Cruz,CA).
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of the room entire area. In front of him, there was still miraculously a free pl
ace. He started placing food in his mouth and slowly chewing the first bites of
meat, with the look of who has just lost his whole family in a plane accident. A
t that time, about twenty metres away, a nurse walked through the canteen door p
ushing a wheelchair where a beautiful girl of about thirty years of age was sitt
ing. She had long, straight, silky blond hair; immediately the nurse looked at t
he free space opposite Jack and started talking to the girl in the wheelchair. “
Look Miss Dunne, I think I can see a free place over there, near that guy with a
blue jogging suit” [Jack]. Miss Dunne, placed a hand on her hair and then repli
ed: ”Mmm…from far away he appears to be a nice guy; I bet he won’t even wait a m
inute before he starts showing off his entire Ego in the hope to appear friendly
and interesting…oh God, I already feel assaulted by boredome even before I sit
at that table”. The nurse smiled and accompanied to the empty place opposite Jac
k; she moved the chair and placed the wheelchair in its place, then headed towar
ds the kitchen counter for her first dish. They both greeted each other with a h
ushed “Hallo”; Jack gave a faint smile and then immediately became serious, glan
cing at his dish and every once in a while observing in a faded way the rest of
the world through the windows of the canteen. After a few minutes, the nurse ret
urned to their table and placed a tray with the first dish in front of the lady
with the golden hair. Once again, Jack gave her a faint smile and once again use
d his vocal cords. “Enjoy your meal!” he said. She thanked him with a semi-smile
and then started eating. He really liked that woman, the energy seemed to emana
te, she appeared to be positive. And the incredible thing for Jack was that she
did not even appear to be stupid; actually, even though they hadn’t even started
a real dialogue, she appeared to be a rather intelligent and well-educated woma
n. It was as if his sixth sense, was making him understand that with that woman,
sat by pure chance opposite him, would have been able to talk about anything. W
ithout even introducing herself; Ms Catherine Dunne, stared at Jack for an insta
nt and
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then said: “Look, God is really enjoying himself seeing you so down and dispirit
ed” He then answered: “Mmm…I did not believe God was so cruel.”.And she replied:
”Oh…he is crueller than you can ever imagine”, she put forward her right arm tow
ards him and introduced herself with a bright smile: “Hallo, my name is Catherin
e…Catherine Dunne”. Jack shook her hand and introduced himself as well:”Jack… Ja
ck Caster… like the general”. Jack and Catherine sat at that table for about fou
r hours, as if a mysterious power had forced them do carry out a “forced dialogu
e” but at the same time was terribly harmonious and reassuring for both. At abou
t midnight, Jack took Catherine to the entrance of her room, waved goodbye and w
ished her a good night sleep with a smile and a handshake. He then returned to h
is room, went to bed, but was unable to sleep the whole night. Even Catherine th
at night was unable to sleep. The following morning, the two saw each other agai
n in the canteen, this time for breakfast. They both sat at the same table, oppo
site each other, and the moment their eyes met again, they both understood that
the would have spent a lot, actually an immense amount of time, together.Jack ha
d finally found the woman of his life. The teaching that we can deduct from this
tear-jerking story with surreal contours, is that nothing happens by chance. Al
l the events, including those that appear to be more casual and thus without int
rinsicly appearing meaning, belong to a Devine Plan that cannot be deciphered in
any way by a common human mind. Even the most tragic and sad events belong to t
he Divine Plan; it is only after the Bad that you can reach the Good and vice ve
rsa! Lao Tzu said: Is there a difference between the yes and no? Is there a diff
erence between the good and the bad? Should I fear what others fear? Foolish! To
have and not to have together emerge The simple and the difficult come to compl
etion The long and the short balance themselves out
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The tall and the small support each other The forwards and the backwards follow
each other.*3 But let’s not go too deep for now, in this kind of reflection. In
the brief story that I told, it is possible to easily notice in what way some ca
ses it is possible to notice true synchronism. In this specific case (just like
in many others), both people described (Jack and Catherine) were not even lightl
y touched by the minimum intention to want to meet (Catherine would have actuall
y preferred to sitting elsewhere, as she thought she may have had to interact wi
th, in her opinion, a disagreeable person). Their minds, before their bodies met
, were clear from any kind of expectation or desire towards who they were going
to meet (Catherine was going to meet Jack and vice versa). In this case, it is p
ossible to speak about true “external forces” which pushed the bodies (and later
the minds) of our two friendly people to interact with each other. Catherine wa
s lead towards Jack’s table by a simple choice of the nurse who nearly obliged h
er to do so, dictated by the conditions of the environment in that precise momen
t (in fact, the place in front of Jack, was one of the few places left to be ide
ntified by the visual field by the nurse from that point in the room!). As far a
s Jack was concerned, he had no other choice but to stay there. Even his situati
on was a totally obliged choice and the reasons are the following: a) The cantee
n was rather crowded and therefore would have found another place with difficult
y (even if in his mind he might have thought about moving elsewhere) and he was
fully aware of this. In this case the action of “external forces” was determinin
g. b) For a simple reason of respect and background, he would have hardly moved
from that chair in the moment that someone was going to sit opposite him. In thi
s case it was a determining action of an “internal force”, related to the “highe
st” functions of his psychic sphere, that themselves govern all the processes of
behaviour. c)The woman who had sat in front of him, was rather attractive; she
actually mirrored the rules of physical beauty that he found con-
Lao Tzu ,”Tao Te Ching”, Milan (Italy), Mondadori,1978
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genial. Someone could now erroneously think that the fascinating aspects of this
woman could be intended to be a kind of “external force” in comparison to poor
Jack; well this is absolutely false. It was the most primordial Jack’s impulses,
that is those principally linked to his libido, to determine a kind of strength
able to keep him firmly attached to that chair. Even in this case, therefore, i
t was “internal powers” to determine the action. When things must happen, they w
ill surely happen. Full stop. Speaking about subjective will, is always highly a
leatory. “We are drawn by fate towards what we refuse to get nearer to by walkin
g with our heads erect”.
In “Introduction to Tantra: A Vision of Totality”, there is a beautiful consider
ation regarding the way, at an Ego level, our subconscious interacts with other
Bands levels (biosocial, existential and transpersonal) which define the entire
spectrum. Acording to the Lama Yeshe : ”Our Ego(...) the neurotic mind which gra
bs hold of a solid sense of personal identity in order to find a support, is ext
remely powerful, and will fight against any vision that could threaten his secur
ity. It is deeply upset by the possibility that the self, just like any other th
ing, could simply be a figment of the conceptual thought. Therefore, we must exp
ect enormous resistance when we meditate upon the non-existing autonomy of the S
elf. It is a natural thing, is simply consists in our our profoundly radicated E
go which fights against his own destruction”. Making a few hypothesis, more than
simple considerations, on the nature of the various Bands-levels which define t
he entire spectrum of our subconscious and the way the interact between each oth
er, we can easily reach the conclusion that the lately analysed (Bandslevels and
relating mutual interactions) determine psychic status of the subject under dis
cussion and as a consequence the conformation of the territory where it can be b
orn or the opposite, each singular synchronistic event. It is therefore essentia
l to be predisposed so that a synchronistic
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event can be triggered off within our psycho-physical sphere and therefore head
towards a determined type of evolution whether positive or negative. Each psychi
c-physical status however, prearranges a determined synchronistic event; we are
never immune therefore to synchronisms, as even in them, there is some kind of h
ierarchical event. We start with the simplest form of synchronism, for example t
he one able to change a boring day into a much happier and interesting day, perh
aps after a...”totally casual”...meeting with an old friend at the market, a fri
end that we have not seen for a long time; up to the most complex synchronism ab
le to change, sometimes, the whole path of our lives. (such as for example, what
sparks the phenomenon of falling in love). A Universe of Information ... In Ark
hétypon, I firmly supported the idea that the fundamental constituent of energy
is Information. From this consideration, I deduced some even more important idea
s; that is: .Whatever physical entity (organic or inorganic) carefully considere
d in this Universe, apart from representing a complex form of energy (energy at
a “solid state”), represents also a complex kind of Information, that I have nam
ed Potential Information. . All the dispersive kinds of energy (such as for exam
ple gas or the smoke of a cigarette), even considered with difficulty, consist i
n billions and billions of atoms, and each atom is to be considered to be a comp
lex form of Information. . Any subatomic particle, is itself to be considered as
a complex form of Information. . The photons, that is the quantum of energy, be
cause lacking in mass and therefore imponderable, represent the smallest complex
form of information known by mankind. At this point, someone could easily make
the mistake of believing that the entire Universe mainly consists in potential i
nformation. Well, you are wrong. Things are not like this at all. There is anoth
er kind of information, which I have denominated dynamic informa44
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tion, and that in turn represents the fundamental constituent of the following “
parts” of the Universe; that is: _-the collective subconscious according to Jung
; _-every singular thought that takes shape within a human brain. _-every singul
ar thought that takes shape within the a non-human brain. _-every word, phrase o
r discourse accomplished meaning pronounced by a human being. If it takes place
with one or more human beings (or machines, robots, computers, etc…) able to ass
imilate even just a small percentage of such information, we will talk of active
dynamic information; whilst in the absence of human beings or “intelligent mach
ines”, we will talk of non-active dynamic information. Such dynamic information,
non-active, in my opinion is able to join with the collective subconscious in a
ccordance with Jung. The same thing goes for each word, phrase or discourse at a
ccomplished meaning which is transmitted via methods of communications known to
all of us (books, television, radio,etc...). In order to talk about active dynam
ic information, it is necessary to read and understand at least the slightly, wh
atever is written in a book, or what is said on television, on the radio, etc. .
. Non-active dynamic information included in a book, whether this is never read
by anyone, is anyhow not able to link to the collective subconscious...or at le
ast I don’t believe it is…well, don’t ask me too much…even my intelligence has a
limit! To make you understand in the best possible way the concept of dynamic i
nformation, it is perhaps better to give you a rather banal example of how it op
erates within the Universe. We therefore remain with our feet on the ground and
simply observe what happens the moment we take a book into our hands and begin t
o read it. If it consists in a scientific paper, each single concept expressed i
n the book, the moment that it is comprehended by us thus assimilated, constitut
es in our mind a certain number of bits of information. What we can assume from
this consideration, is that the more the quantity of information increases withi
n our cranium, and the more
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the energy available at our brain’s disposal.. This is for the simple fact that
information and energy represent the same thing! Speaking of information or spea
king of energy, means talking about the same exact thing! It consists in a pure
and simple dichotomy, comparable to that supported by Einstein the moment he dis
covered that mass and energy are exactly the same thing, because mass is nothing
but a complex form of energy. Nowadays, scientists have finally understood that
energy itself is nothing but a complex form of information! Nowadays, physicist
s speak of information, codified by an atom of any element; in a not very distan
t future, physicists will talk about how much information constitutes, represent
s, a determined element. We will therefore say that a Joule of energy (or an ele
ctron Volt of energy, eV) equals to a total amount of bits of information. Every
human being, is therefore to be considered as a complex form of energy; this me
ans that he is constituted by a certain quantity of potential information (body)
and a certain amount of dynamic information (mind). In Arkhétypon, I also gave
the name to the system which takes shape from these two types of information (po
tential and dynamic), and called it : Information of syntony. I then referred to
a particular structure of the human mind, saying: “Only a mind that works in an
analogue way is able to extract from the surrounding environment, constituted b
y the collective subconscious (dinamic information) and from any type of physica
l entity (potential information), the highest quantity of information of syntony
(potential+dynamic), tolerable by a common human brain (or any human body, prov
iding that it is not only our higher organ which captures such information…)”. W
e have therefore just established that the quantity of energy which constitutes
the mind of a human being is comparable to the quantity of information (or bit o
f memory) of which such mind consists in. In conclusion, we can say that the qua
ntity of energy that constitutes a human body, is incremental in the following t
wo ways: The first, is extracting as much information as possible (with educatio
n and learning in any field, whether scientific, political, military, etc…), in
order to increase our own dynamic information. The sec46
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ond however, is to increase the potential of our own physical capacities (for ex
ample by practicing sport, body building) so as to increase our own potential in
formation. Increasing our own muscle mass, means to increment our muscular energ
y (don’t forget that mass and energy are exactly the same thing), which definite
ly means increasing our own potential muscular information. Having said somethin
g like this appears to be something ridiculous, but I ensure you that this is th
e actual reality of things. A good energetic level, is therefore acquired, the m
oment when we contemporaneously increase potential information as well as dynami
c information. The magic spoon One of the most sensational results of the Genera
l Theory of Relativity, is that similarly to heavy masses, whatever forecast bas
ed on the Euclidean geometry , is to be considered completely unreliable. It was
from this important discovery that they reached the idea of a curved space. It
has now been known for some time, that no “gravitational glue” *4 exists (as wro
ngfully stated at the time by Newton and Keplero) between the stars and planets
populating our Universe. The Earth does not rotate around the Sun due to a gravi
tational effect which has not yet been identified, but goes round it because suc
h “route” is the only one that it can travel through within easy reach of our st
ar. This is due to the fact that the space around the Sun is curved. The geometr
y of the Universe has nothing Euclidean about it. But this is not easily compreh
ensible by anyone. In my opinion this should not however frighten you; if I was
wrong, I can set your mind at rest by bringing your attention to the fact that t
here are millions of books on the market going into detail (for the profane, and
in a very simple way) in the various themes of General Restricted Relativity. T
he entire Universe is structured according to fields of energy,
However, in astrophysics, for practical reasons inherent to calculating operatio
ns, they are still many constant and units of measures which go back to the firs
t laws of Newton on gravitation are still widely accepted and used.
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characterized by their own shape and intensity. Any “solid” object belonging to
our Universe (from a matchbox to the biggest star which has never been identifie
d), is fundamentally nothing but a field of energy. We alone, are nothing but fi
elds of energy…that is waves of probability. Considering the fact that approxima
tely 98% of an atom consists in an “empty space” and that everything in the Univ
erse (including man) is in itself constituted by atoms, someone could obviously
have a few doubts about our “real existence”. Maybe Minsky was right in supporti
ng that the Universe ultimately…does not exist! If we really wish to end it beau
tifully, we should simply consider the fact that the result between two potentia
l gravitationals (positive and negative) constitute the entire Universe…is nothi
ng at all! It is from this last consideration, that many scientists have started
doubting the origins of the Universe arising from a Big Bang; claiming that the
Universe could actually have generated itself from nothingness! And therefore w
ithout an initial Big Bang. Therefore, just like there are many “inevitable rout
es” between stars, comets and planets, also on Earth there are such inevitable “
routes” between all the organic and non-organic entities which populate it. In A
rkhètypon, I considered such “routes” to be like energetic tunnels, where any ki
nd of physical entity (man included) is found trapped and is obliged to follow a
determined route, following predefined schemes. Starting from these considerati
ons, it is therefore possible to challenge the concept of subjective will and th
e concept of time. The moment that such concepts are challenged, we inevitably r
each the idea of a predetermined future; the arrow of time disappears and we sta
rt to see a bridge between the quantum reality and the microscopic reality in ac
cordance to Newton’s theories. The breakdown of past, present and future that we
utilize in order to determine an exact arrow in time, exists only in our minds;
in the absolute reality of things, this arrow of time does not exist, the runni
ng of time does not exist but only a unicum temporal-spacial time of more dimens
ions. It is true that each value of time is related to the inertial system it re
fers to (and that is demonstrated by the Restricted Relativity), but an absolute
value of time (which englobes all these
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“relative” times connected to its own inertial system), as claimed by H.Bergson
and a little later by I. Prigogine, must necessarily exist. In the last pages of
the book Between Time and Eternity ,Ilya Prigogine and Isabelle Stengers, in th
e conclusion of a subject regarding the distribution of average time in space-ti
me, they expressed themselves in the following way:: “Contrary to what appears t
o be resulting from Restricted Relativity, there is therefore a universal time t
hat begins with observing a physical relativistic phenomenon, in this case being
the propagation of the wave. [Here, Prigogine refers to the example of an islan
d and the observing of the “modernization wave” it is concerned with. Such wave
would allow the homogeneity of the island’s space-time.N.d.A]. In the Minkowskia
n description, the observers observe each other reciprocally. Furthermore, they
observe, the evolution of the field, the dynamic unstable system which enables t
he introduction of an inner time.(...) The introduction of dynamic unstable proc
esses therefore allows to reconcile the fundamental idea of Einstein of multi-fa
ceted times linked with the existence of a Universal becoming, as supported by B
ergson”. So far, we have discussed that whether we talk of mass, energy or infor
mation, we are talking about the same thing; that is of an “entity” which consti
tutes the entire Universe in three different states of existence. (For example,
we talk of mass when we talk of a stone; we talk of energy when we talk of quant
um light, whilst when we talk of the mind, we can easily talk of information). B
ut where could we place Time, the absolute Bergsonian one? In God=mc2 I suggeste
d the idea that Time, whether intended to be some kind of energetic resonance pr
oduced by three different states of energy (mass, energy, information), the mind
included. Whilst, for the human thought, I supported the following hypothesis:
“The human thought (and perhaps not only ours),can be only in part influenced by
the illusory “running of time” that we perceive in the physical reality in whic
h we live; it can override the space-temporal barriers, as it is not the fruit o
f a striking quantity of energetic interac-
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tions which define our physical reality, but rather a multidimensional resonance
of interactions as such”. Both Time and human thoughts, according to this hypot
hesis, are nothing but some kind of energetic resonance. The mind, that is dinam
ic information, is therefore able to generate, as well as thoughts, also Time! T
he deceptive “running of time” therefore, varies from subject to subject. Just l
ike Einstein already claimed at the beginning of the last century; everyone will
surely remember that famous rather ironic explanation that he gave to a journal
ist, eager to understand in the best of ways the concept of Relativity. In “God=
mc2”, I even suggested a personal theory on the concept of biologic time. And af
ter this brief digression on …the mysteries of Time, I would like to return for
a while to my discussion on energy fields which constitute the entire Universe.
The way we have got used to seeing our surrounding reality, will not surely help
you to easily understand what I am about to explain, but you should not worry a
bout it, I also found it difficult to see the reality of things with another set
of eyes. Do not therefore feel discouraged, if what I am going to expose appear
s to be taken from a science fiction story or by a rather exaggerated introducti
on of a Yoga manual. In life, there is a time also to understand, but no one wil
l impose it on you…where and when (to understand); it will be your fate to princ
ipally determine the if and ultimately the where and when. But I shall come to t
he point. Closely observe the two following schematic drawings and various formu
las that accompany them:
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where ”m” is mass;”E ” stands for energy;”c ” stands for light velocity; “F “ st
ands for force and “g ” stands for gravitational accelleration (intensity of ear
th field).
Now, let’s suppose we have a cylinder support of a stretched shape pushed into t
he ground (see fig.1), able to withstand any type of force that applied onto it,
without ever breaking or bending. We then lean on it a metal bar, a parallelepi
ped which is stretched with a square base, exactly on its centre-half (centre ho
rizontal axis), so that both sides of the support “protrude” in equal measure. W
e now apply a F1 force on both ends of this metal bar, which has a sufficiently
enough value able to bend the same. The (F1) force applied on both sides of the
metal bar, is to be intended as the product of a fictitious mass (m), for the ac
celeration of the gravitational field (g). In this case, it is therefore essenti
al considering any kind of mass, that is a certain quantity of energy…at a solid
state, which ”presses”, as to invading another quantity of energy (that is the
metal bar). The moment we apply this force, we witness an exchange of elementary
particles. The largest quantity of energy (F1), “crashes” onto a smaller quanti
ty of energy, constituted by a bar. The moment that this process ends, and the e
nergetic equilibrium is reinstalled, we believe that the bar has bent, but in re
ality there has simply been an exchange of particles between two energy potentia
ls (or quantity of energy, however one might want to say between two energy fiel
ds, one which is “stronger” and the other “weaker”. There has been a deformation
of the spacial-temporal tissue circumscribed to the event (to
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the experiment corporeals), just in conjunction with this exchange of particles.
The force that has been applied (F1), can be considered as an energy! In fact E
= (F . c2 ) / g ; and it can be expressed for example as Mev or in Gev (respect
ively Mega or Giga electro volt)... or in Joules. Even if it is expressed in New
ton, the force still remains a kind of dynamic energy, that is the result of an
exchange between elementary particles. It is indeed true that F = (E . g ) / c2
! It isn’t the spoon that bends; it is the space around it that distorts.
A ungrateful task... No one is able to know what the true meaning of life is, bu
t at least, someone was able to understand what various activities which for cen
turies have been governing and modelling human existence actually represent. Tow
ards the end of the book “The Anthropic Cosmological Principle”, the authors, J.
D.Barrow e F.J.Tipler , discussed the subject in the following way: “(...)all of
life’s activities, whether they consist in scientific research, economic produc
tion or mystic meditation, consist in the elaboration of information. (...)A lim
it which is above the total quantity of information that can be produced by usin
g the entire amount of material resources of a solar system is 1070 bit. Because
1019 bit / s (1010 bit / person per second x 109people) represents a lower limi
t for the rhythm of information elaboration in our civilization, our solar syste
m will be completely consumed in less than 5000 years if science continues to gr
ow in such an exponential way to the current rhythm throughout this lapse of tim
e. Therefore, in a few thousands of years, whatever activities it will be dedica
ting itself to, an advanced civilization will be in a need for new resources”. A
few pages later he adds: “(...)Therefore, whatever an intelligent being does, a
nd not only his thoughts ,is to elaborate information in one form or another. It
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that all thoughts and imaginable actions of any possible form of life, are ultim
ately subjected to constrictions imposed by the law of physics which rule the el
aboration of information.” Every biological entity of this planet, is to be cons
idered as some kind of “method of energy exchange”. These entities, ultimately r
epresent the analysis of structures (or of systems, as one may say) opened (rath
er fragile) towards its surrounding environment, able to extract from such envir
onment, all the energy required in order to live. The moment a human being takes
in food, all he does is elaborate (paraphrasing Barrow and Tipler) information
in the “solid state”(that is, food), into other kinds of information which are l
ess complex, moving from caloric energy to a pure and simple dynamic information
, which ultimately constitutes all of our thoughts. Nothing is created and nothi
ng is destroyed, everything is transformed…someone said a few centuries ago. Now
, it would therefore be wrong to believe that only biological entities are able
to feed themselves (as open structures) and reproduce themselves. Even if it cou
ld seem incredible, it is not only the chemical factors of carbon, able to gener
ate physical entities of this kind; that is open structures able to feed themsel
ves and reproduce themselves. In 1950, Von Neumann, suggested a machine able to
reproduce itself, of which the replication cycle resulted surprisingly similar t
o that of viruses. In “The Anthropic Cosmological Principle”, Barrow and Tipler
explain with the following words the functioning of a machine by Von Neumann: “I
n Von Neumann’s scheme, a machine which reproduces itself consists in two parts,
a constructor and an information deposit which contains the instructions for th
e constructor. The latest is a machine which manipulates the matter enough to be
able to make the necessary various parts of the selfreproducing machine and ass
emble them in the final structure.The complexity of the constructor greatly depe
nds on that of the selfreplicant machine and by the material available in the en
vironment. The most general type of constructor, called a universal constructor,
is a machine, or if you prefer, a robot, able to do anything as long as it is g
iven the appropriate instructions.(...)The deposit of
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information consists in the memory of a calculator which contains detailed instr
uctions on how the constructor needs to manipulate the matter: first of all, it
supplies the instructions to make a copy of a constructor without the deposit of
information, or a constructor with an empty calculator memory. The deposit of i
nformation is therefore duplicated, that is it registers the information contain
ed in the memory of the calculator. Finally, the deposit of information and the
constructor are assembled, so that the create a copy of the original machine. Th
e copy has all the original information, so it is therefore able to reproduce it
self in the same environment”. Now, someone could object about the fact that Von
Neumann’s machine should be intended to be like a physical entity open towards
the environment which surrounds it (even though it is able reproduce itself); an
d in fact he would have all reasons to do so. Von Neumann`s machine, as describe
d by Barrow and Tipler, is certainly able to self reproduce but it is absolutely
not able to power itself, which is an essential condition if we want to describ
e it as a physical entity open towards the environment which surrounds it. Such
machine, to be able to produce others similar to it, must accomplish a task, whi
ch means that it must consume energy. It will therefore only be able to produce
a limited number of machines, a number that will obviously be in relation to its
own autonomy (that is on the length of its own batteries!). The machines that a
re therefore produced, will themselves be bound to the quantity of energy which
they initially have at their disposal, destined to lower the more they actually
produce others. Therefore, to be able to talk about a machine, similar in each a
nd every way to a living system, that is a physical entity, open towards its sur
rounding environment and thus able to power itself and secondarily able to repro
duce, it is necessary that the same is able to constantly extract energy from it
s surrounding environment ... without ever having to be serviced by man! It is o
n the basis of these principles, that we will be able to elaborate, in a future
which is surely not too far away, some kind of machine… of a perpetual motion. T
o enable machines to self replicate themselves it will be anyhow necessary to wa
it a long time…a very long time. The creation of such kind of machine, able to r
eflect some proper
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and real living systems, is not however impossible. A solution could be to ensur
e that they can be powered by the energy of the sun; unfortunately with the tech
nology that is nowadays available, they would not be able to constantly store a
sufficiently high quantity of such energy to be able to reproduce themselves. We
will therefore have to wait a few hundred years, before such machines can be pr
oduced. Until mankind will not be able to design and produce in series, engines
of total annihilation, the film Terminator will never have any prophesy in it. B
elieve me. Even supposing that one day science could create such monsters, that
is machines able to reproduce themselves, we can only hope that they would alway
s operate and in any case for the wellbeing of mankind. “Science, each inclined
towards its own direction, has up to now not caused much harm; but one day, the
merging of fragments of dissociated conscious will open up panoramas of reality
so terrifying…that we will either go crazy for the revelation, or will run away
from its mortal light, searching refuge in the peace and security of new dark ce
In the last few decades, scientists have gone very close to the equation which i
s the basis of all of Creation, that is: mass = energy = information; however, t
hey unfortunately still consider information to be something well distinct from
energy. They consider it to be something closely connected to energy, but its in
trinsic properties have little to do with such entity (energy). The Swiss physic
ist Daniel Spreng, managed to give his best contribution by devising a type of t
riangle, actually also homonymous (Spreng Triangle), which defines relationships
symbiotic between energy, time and information. In this triangle, any combinati
on of two of the three variables mentioned above, is able to modify the value of
the remaining variable (or vice versa; that is: any variation of one of these t
hree variable entities, is able to perform a modification combined in the other
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Each point of the triangle represents a possible combination of information, tim
e and energy necessary to accomplish a determined task. The top vertex of the tr
iangle, represent the point of maximum energy; whilst that on the bottom right,
defines the point where the “required” energy is apparently null. The vertex bel
ow to the right of the triangle, mirrors the world of the primitive man, whereas
the necessary information needed to build instruments able to reduce physical l
abour, it was necessary to spend more time and energy in any ambit of human acti
vity. The pensive philosopher, or the physic deep in thought for the elaboration
of the desired Theory of All, is found in E=0; point where it is necessary to s
pend much time and information in order to reach concrete results. The current w
orld, modern and rather advanced as far as technology is concerned, is currently
found in the proximity of the higher vertex of the Spreng Triangle, where he ha
s given time a zero value; because in such contest, where much quantity of energ
y and information is employed, each activity carried out by mankind is considera
bly accelerated.
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“You cannot petition the Lord,with prayer”.
Synchronisms The alien carefully looked at the crystal, contemplating it for a f
ew minutes; then he turned towards the wiseman and made him aware of his future.
“Everything is already written in the stars”, he said, “and your will or anyone
else’s will could never change it. Your will and that of your peers, are part o
f a sole will, part of an objective which is unknown to human beings; besides, f
or any other civilization which is markedly evolved in this Universe. The subjec
tive will of any biologic entity is a mere illusion. We desire whatever is impos
ed upon us; those who accept the game, fight, suffer and obtain nothing. And it
is this way that God entertains himself, this is his favourite pastime. There ar
e those who actually fight death but must unwillingly survive. A tumour kills on
ly those who are afraid of it. Anxiety, fear and depression increase out of prop
ortions the volume of a tumour. Are you afraid of death? Are you afraid of disco
vering what lies on the other side of the wall? Well, your time surely will not
be delayed.” After he had heard these last words, the wiseman who was rather afr
aid, immediately asked the alien. “Why are you talking about a tumour? Am I actu
ally ill? Will I soon die, is this what you are trying to tell me?“ The alien, c
almly replied:“The tumour I am talking about has
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many faces, and each of them has a mnemonic inprint of all of your suffering. On
one side, the graceful face of an insensitive woman, on another the image of a
few typewritten pages…a thesis, another of the dark and sparkly eyes of a joyous
little boy…in more than six hundred faces there is the image of your genes encl
osed in a golden cage. The other faces are yet to be completely formed. I am tal
king about a virtual tumour, but if you shall continue undeterred to desire, thi
s could become real. If you decide to play the game, that is that you will try t
o obtain everything you desire, you will go through hell and consequently get cl
oser to God. I want to emphasize that the subjective will does not exist, whoeve
r decides to play the game, desiring and thus fighting against the program, is o
nly carrying out whatever God wishes him to. The almighty brings suffering only
to those who need to; because it is only through suffering that love and respect
towards our peers can be learned.“ The wiseman tightened his shoulders and bega
n to intensely think about what the alien had exposed and the moment his mind re
ached the maximum effort, his eyes saw the crystal slip from the alien’s hands a
nd loudly shattering on the floor; he shifted his astonished look away from the
floor and said: “Oh my God! I could have saved it at least a hundred times, it w
as falling so slowly”. Immediately the alien replied:“Don’t be astonished, it wa
s “my” will that the crystal fell while you were racking your brain’s out, so th
at you would understand that the speed of our thoughts is actually more elevated
than the speed on which we live and move”. “But now, without that crystal, you
will not be able to reveal my future” expressed the wiseman worriedly. The alien
smiled and turned towards him with a gentle voice: “Information regarding your
future is inscribed everywhere...on your nails, on that small stone next to my r
ight foot” he said pointing at it “... on the iris of my left eye, on each rose
petal which make your garden so beautiful..on any ponderable body of this Univer
se but not on energy quantums; as they are... information. The crystal is one of
the optimal ways to enable to extract and decode all the information which surr
ounds us, relating to our past, present and future; temporal parameters which in
the absolute reality of objects do not exist. There is solely an unicum tempora
l space with more dimensions.“
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At that point, the alien dug into an internal pocket of his cream coloured space
suit and extracted a small, flat, transparent and colourless disk, with the phys
ical characteristics similar to glass, and delicately handed it over to the wise
man, who was readily opening his hands to receive it. He sighed, looked seriousl
y into the wiseman’s eyes and said: “Whatever you are looking at into your hands
is nothing but a holographic disk; if you will find a way to make it rotate in
the right direction and at the correct speed, as well as hitting it in the right
place and with the right electromagnetic vibration frequency, and if you will b
e able to capture on a magnetic support all of the images that it will produce,
as well as decode them in the right way…if you are able to do all those things,
then the film of your entire life will be projected in front of you with all of
its fullness and magnificence”. Each human being, the moment they were born unti
l the day they die, finds himself living in some sort of energetic tunnel of the
diameter equalling his height and of a boundless length, similar to a snake whi
ch creeps, twists itself and moves leaving traces on the earth’s surface and per
haps on great part of the Universe, a series of endless arabesques of the most u
nusual shapes, which would appear trivial and unreadable to the human eye (shoul
d these actually be observed); but contrary to what one may think, totally trans
latable and rich in meaning in the presence of a Divine Mind. Some people believ
e that ...Human species is the name of the software and Universe the name of the
hardware; but if the software name was Universe, what would be the hardware nam
e? Perhaps… God? Can hardware autonomously action themselves and organize themse
lves? Most probably the most evolved; otherwise it would be necessary to imagine
, apart from an endless series of Aleph also an endless series of Eternal Father
s. In a single energetic tunnel, two, three, four or actually hundreds (if not t
housands) human beings can “live together”; so an individual, without knowing, c
ould actually be linked via some kind of wave function to another person who act
ually lives on the opposite side of the globe, twenty thousand kilometres away f
rom him. When two human beings perceive that between them there is an affinity o
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thought, it is actually possible that they find themselves in the same energetic
tunnel. A meeting between two individuals who spontaneously feel some sort of a
ffinity of thought, sometimes to an observer, whether slightly or rather intelli
gent (also in the eyes of those concerned) can appear to be totally acausal ther
efore unexplainable from a rational point of view, exclusively taking in conside
ration the most recent and significant events of the lives of these two people a
nd then making a small a probable calculation on the possibility of a such meeti
ng actually taking place. Jung spent a great part of his life trying to come to
a rational and objective explanation which could highlight and therefore define
in terms more or less scientific the previously mentioned phenomenon; however, a
ll that he was able to do (apart from adding such phenomenon a touch of occultis
m by resorting to the Tarot and Astrology)*5 was to denominate such coincidences
as significative*6 syncronisms and associate the concept of contemporaneity of
events, (by him defined as sincronicities, which is a phenomenon caused by acaus
al nexuses), a decorated idea bringing forth the concept unifying the latest by
attempting a connection with the theory of archetypes, the concept which looked
at the gifts and extra-sensorial potential of each individual, and finally by br
inging together everything (wherever necessary) with the concept of collective s
ubconscious or to possible links between psyche and matter. Jung’s adopted posit
ion to define the phenomenon of sycronicity,which according to many at that time
(as well as nowadays) appeared to be slightly hasty and of a methaphysical tast
e, anyhow reveals all of its importance in a broader context: the one where embr
acing the hypothesis of an holographic Universe. (I will go into further detail
later in the book). Being able to understand the significance, meaning and logic
of endless arabesques of countless energetic tunnels created on the
*5 *6
Confr. “Syncronicity” of Carl G.Jung (ed.Bollati & Boringhieri,1980) Coincidence
s which are significative for the simple fact that they are able, thanks to the
contructive thought which normally is aroused and takes shape between two or mor
e similar minds, to bring a change (if not decisive, still an important one) to
the life of one or both parties.
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earth surface and probably also in more distant spaces, would mean knowing all t
he laws of chaos governing our Divine Design. Man still hasn’t been able to perf
ectly understand how...his own brain functions, so how can it know how God’s fun
ctions. Trying to be optimistic, we could however ask ourselves: “Could there ev
er exist, in a certainly rather distant future, a physical instrument created by
man, which when located in a determined distance from the Earth (or even on Ear
th), which is able to detect and record all the movements made by a convulsive m
ass of energetic tunnels, of each biological entity present in such tunnels, and
then, resorting to the most complex mathematical formulas which regulate the la
ws of chaos, establish with absolute certainty, where Mr Smith is located and wh
at he will be doing on the 4th of July in the year 2015 at 18.45…and thirty seco
nds?“. I believe that this question does not even deserve an answer; therefore l
et only Mr. Jack-A rack his brains out actually trying to find one. The sole pur
pose of human evolution (or of the Divine Program if you prefer), is to be able
to come to a single energetic tunnel, from which no other isolated energetic fil
ament begins (prevalently constituted by biological entities characterized by th
e syntony of vibration, in contrast with the one of its surrounding environment)
, where there are probably only a few thousand human beings, ready to accomplish
a gap leap and therefore being able to move to other areas of the Universe to o
bserve other worlds without ever actually interacting with them, by simply enjoy
ing their beauty and uniqueness. Significant coincidences or syncronisms (the wa
y Jung loved to define them) which characterize the life of each individual gift
ed with a certain intellective originality, represented the basis onto which all
possible analogue deductions focus on, which let us comprehend, from a more int
uitive rather than rational point of view, the intrinsic meaning of the previous
ly mentioned theory. It is actually the most improbable and therefore extremely
significant events which are able to modify (when manifested), whether for the b
etter or the worst, the destiny of mankind. Only one person out of two billion (
at that time) individuals was able to understand how obtain an extraordinary vas
t amount of energy from a ...simple atomic nucleus. What if Einstein and Hitler
had never been born?
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It could be easily be stated that the evidence of each extremely improbable even
t, from a purely rational point of view, would necessarily and contemporaneously
entail, as a “logical” consequence, some extremely significant implications upo
n the human behavioural model. The theory of Stephen J.Gold of the pointed equil
ibrium, Darwin’s theory of the natural selection and finally Jung’s sincronicity
, all have a sole common denominator: the extreme mathematical improbability of
acausal events which characterize them. Human intelligence does not completely f
ollow the entropy principle, it actually constantly evolves towards a state of h
igher order; obviously I do not refer to the intelligence of each single human b
eing and thus to the brief useful time span (which can be exploited with difficu
lty) as defined by his life, which has no way of increasing itself, but I refer
to the intelligence of the entire human species. At this point, it is absolutely
necessary to remember that: despite the probability of existence (or manifestat
ion) of a higher order referring to a microscopic system (atomic-molecular) is e
xtremely scarce, they will anyhow be much higher that the probability of existen
ce (or manifestation) of a higher order referring to a macroscopic system. In an
isolated significant coincidence as well as in a qualitative leap at an evoluti
ve level referring to mankind or to any other animal species, there is always th
erefore a trace of the shadow of a high improbability of manifestation of a high
er order referring to a macroscopic system. Because the probabilities of manifes
tation of a higher order referring to an atomic-molecular system, are higher in
comparison to those of a higher order referring to a macroscopic system; it can
be inferred that casual genetic mutation in an animal species must forcedly be m
ore frequent than evolutive qualitative leaps as well as each significative coin
cidence (in this case intended as a significant event for the whole of mankind,
such as a fall of a meteorite of immense dimensions on our planet). If our neuro
ns had not been able through hundreds of thousands of years of evolution to reac
h a state of a higher order, we would very probably still find ourselves at the
Stone Age; or maybe we
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would never have actually existed, because the impossibility, for an atomic-mole
cular system to reach a determined and rather elevated order state, would imply
a “phase displacement” of some percentage upon the most common value of Nature c
onstants (such as Planck’s for example) which, as well as not granting us our ex
istence, would also not let the Universe, which to us is so familiar, to exist.
Virtual Realities Human thought is not constrained by any spatial-temporal limit
. This is demonstrated by the fact that at times (principally when awake) we per
ceive images relating to our habitat, where a determined event is defined, which
within a few hours*7 appear in front of our eyes with amazement, obviously in t
he physical reality in which we live in our daily lives; this means that these i
mages represent events relating to our existence (life) which must still occur,
that they are about to become real. Such phenomenon is commonly defined, in the
psychoanalytical terminology as a dejà vù, and could, in some way, fall within t
he limited case in such phenomenology relating to the human psyche. “To the unco
nscious psyche, time and space appear to be relative, that is knowledge is found
in a spatio-temporal continuum where space is no longer space and time is no lo
nger time. Therefore, if the unconscious develops and maintains a specific poten
tial in the unconscious, a possibility of perceiving and “knowing” parallel even
ts arises”.
We can reach places with our thought which cannot be reached with our physical b
ody. In an hypothetical time machine equipped with highly evolved technology abl
e to disconnect the human mind from the first dimensional reality (where with a
physical body it in*7
The lapse of time between the perceived image, that is between the perceived eve
nt and its manifestation in the physical reality, can anyhow vary according to t
he case, from a few seconds to actual years.
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teracts with its surrounding environment) and projected in another N-dimensional
reality, that is in another space-time dimension (for example in the year 2000
BC or 2300 AC)*8, the body of an hypothetical time traveller would find himself
on a comfortable “shrink’s couch”, whilst his mind (in a terrestrial reality rat
her remote in time or rather distant in the future), associated to a “virtual” b
ody to which everything would obviously appear completely real, which could obse
rve every event happening in that determined lapse of time, but never actually b
e able to interact with them. In whichever N-dimensional reality “He” would find
himself, would always be a passive spectator, a ghost able to walk through wall
s without any effort, but with a beating heart and therefore sensitive to each b
io-dynamic change of his state and condition. The reason that would not make him
sink to the depth of the earth, would solely be his...beliefs, his willpower; t
he strength which if used in other terms, could even grant him the power to move
around by ...flying. Travelling through time, in his case, would therefore be s
imilar to daydreaming. Each temporal interval, is to be included (like a well de
fined point) in a determined oscillation of the curbing of space and to every de
gree of oscillation, would therefore have to be associated to a determined space
model, actually named as N-dimensional. Such oscillation of the curbing of spac
e could actually be cyclical, and its duration could range from a few minutes (r
ather difficult to believe)
The idea of a space dimensions must absolutely not deceive us by letting us fly
with our imagination to dream about ...“things from another world”. Time is one
and space as well, space to which it is associated, and every second that our cl
ock scans includes an endless series of spatiotemporal dimensions. It is essenti
al in this case to be able to distinguish a space of many dimensions as a purely
abstract concept, feature which exclusively falls in the field of mathematics,
from the classic (real) quadri-dimensional one (3D+t) which increases thanks to
the infinite values of t (time), in a series which is also an infinite series of
spatiotemporal “models” of space-time, incautiously as well as probably imprope
rly defined as N-dimensional. There are some theories in the field of physics wh
ich offer to demonstrate the possible existence of pluri-dimensional realities (
ND+t) which is not exclusively in the field of mathematics but actually in the f
ield of physics and therefore only conceivable in other Universes thus as absurd
as far from anything we could possibly conceive; in any case, such theories mus
t not be taken into consideration in this contest.
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to a few terrestrial millenniums (slightly more credible). It would be possible
to reach such evaluation (slightly more reliable than the latest) by indirect me
ans should it be possible to measure the frequency and intensity of gravitationa
l waves. If the oscillation of the curbing of space was actually cyclical, it wo
uld not at all be difficult to imagine models of space repeating themselves thro
ugh time. To make an example: if in 1492 AC on Earth there was an X-dimensional
space model, the same could have exactly corresponded to its X1- dimensional 220
0 AC twin. Which other fundamental factor should therefore be considered in the
creating of a hypothetical time machine (apart from the parameters of measuremen
t relating to the oscillation of the curbing of space), so that an hypothetical
traveller could easily decide to move into the year 2200 AC, without unwillingly
finding himself, after having pressed a button, in the year 1492 AC.? Easily sa
id: the expansion of the Universe. Up to now we have mainly considered the possi
bility that human thought travels through time; without obviously being able to
demonstrate that it actually exists. Nevertheless, admitting that this possibili
ty could mirror a certain level of probability inherent to nature to travels thr
ough time (from a rational-intuitive point of view) and therefore to be consider
ed completely plausible, we could ask ourselves: how would an hypothetical time
traveller finding himself virtually projected to a temporal interval rather far
from his N-dimensional reality (for example in the year 2500 BC or in the year 6
500 AC, at approximately 4500 terrestrial years of distance from his temporal di
stance) see the physical-dynamic reality surrounding him? Would he actually see
the images (more precisely events) of such reality in a distorted thus ...“unnat
ural” way due to a great difference of curbing of space with respect to the one
inherent to the temporal interval left behind by him (by his mind, to be more pr
ecise) to transfer himself into the past or the future? On the other hand, would
such problem actually not exist because his virtual image would immediately ada
pt to any model of space he would find himself ? By appealing solely to our comm
on sense, we could easily opt for the second option.
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In conclusion, this brief digression on time travels (forecasted by Einstein’s e
quations in his theory of special Relativity which were never seriously taken in
to consideration by any serious scientist, due to the Paradox of twins, Paradox
of grandfather and many other “logical” paradoxes) I will now take into consider
ation the possibility, for a human being (or for any other physical body, whethe
r animated or not), that is for a physical entity formed by atoms and molecules
and therefore ponderable, to travel through time. Granted that it is not actuall
y my intention to try to support such possibility or actually minimize it; my in
tention is to uniquely analyze the aspects and most significant consequences fro
m a “quantum-classical” point of view (therefore leaving the resolution of all “
logical” paradoxes, to phylosophers and most ascetic scientists). Therefore, let
’s imagine two points in space (A and B,see fig. 1.1), between which there is a
determined distance (c), in three distinct dimensional situations; that is in th
ree distinct spatiotemporal tissues. In order to facilitate your comprehension,
I would suggest to compare distance “c” to the spatiotemporal tissue.
Apparently, when we reflect erroneously in euclidean terms, it would appear that
the distance between A e B decreases parallel to the decline of the curving of
the spatiotemporal tissue or viceversa. Well, this is absolutely untrue. Let’s i
magine that the spatio-temporal tissue (c) represents a long metallic filament c
onstituted by atoms and molecules. By measuring the distance between points A e
B that is, between their extremities, in whichever model of N-dimensional space
we find ourselves, the filament would always appear to be the same length. This
is for the simple fact that not only the metallic filament is influenced by the
spatio-temporal curving but also the observer. Where is it therefore necessary t
o research physical differences inherent to the three filament models? (see fig.
1.1) Otherwise,
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going back to travels through time, should research be carried out in the three
models (in case the same individual finds himself in three different models of s
pace or spatio-temporal tissue)? Would the three filaments-individuals show in a
ll the different models (three) of space-time the same quantum behaviour? Let’s
try to find out: A dilated spatio-temporal tissue, due to its own “strong” curvi
ng, implies a considerably decrease of the absolute value of Time (|T|) and in l
ine with a considerable increase of the absolute value of space (|S|). Such impo
rtant characteristic of the spatio-temporal tissue is nothing but a logical cons
equence of the mathematization of the space-time concept, that is:|T|.|S|=K(wher
e K represents a constant present in each point of the Universe). This hypothesi
s-consideration was reached on the basis of Prigogine’s on Universal time (which
originally was Bergson’s); idea which was developed mathematically in the book
”Between Time and Eternity” with an analysis on systems of time distribution, av
erage times within space-time. It is clear that no physicist which is ..mentally
healthy, would actually ever dare to challenge the fact that space and time are
completely relative to the system in which they belong; and would therefore nev
er actually dare to talk about space and absolute time. But as we have seen, tha
nks to Prigogine’s work, it is at least possible to accept the idea of Absolute
Time. Now considering that we fully accept the fact that the entire Universe is
defined by some kind of Absolute Time, thanks to that simple game of symmetries
which has always characterized every new principle in the scientific field, it i
s therefore essential that its adversary exist…which is Absolute Space! If we co
nsider certain the argument that the fundamental structure of space-time remains
constant in each part of the Universe, we must also take for granted that space
and time must necessarily abide to a universal law of complementarity, actually
apt to guarantee the invariability of the fundamental structure of space-time .
.. in any area of the Universe! At this point it would be completely wrong to be
lieve that I would want to readdress Einstein’s popular Cosmological Constant; t
he product of space and time (whether absolute or
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relative), defines a constant which cannot be expressed in a unit of energy (Jou
les,eV,cal,...)! On the other hand, what such constant represents, which I have
defined with the symbol K is nothing but the spectre, the ”soul”, of each spatio
temporal structure obviously expressed with a symbolic unit of measure. In brack
ets: It is now known that as J.Magueijo says : ”(...) the problem of the Cosmolo
gical Constant is due to the fact that the energy of emptiness is not “diluted”
by the expansion of the Universe, it is the opposite of what happens with matter
and radiation. For this reason the energy of emptiness would quickly end up dom
inating the Universe, unless it weren’t possible to already find a way to brutal
ly suppress it in the primordial Universe.” Magueijo, a physicist of Portuguese
origins who is well known throughout the world, also claims that the speed of li
ght is not constant in the Universe; from such hypothesis-premise he has elabora
ted a series of theories linked to the concepts of Special and General Relativit
y (which together take the name of VSL; the acronym is translated in varying spe
ed of light) with which he claims to have “found a way to exorcise the Cosmologi
cal Constant”. There is only one way to ripristinate the concept of Constant Cos
mology, without it contrasting the laws of the Theory of Relativity, and such Co
nstant is to be intended as a symbolic entity, linked to the concept of energy f
rom Plans which are so fine, which today’s man is still unable to visualize and
therefore able to expose in a mathematical way; only in such acceptation, it is
possible to identify the constant K, with the Cosmological Constant. The increas
e of the absolute value of space, implies a necessary atomic-molecular compressi
on of the subject under discussion suitable for guaranteeing its energetic compa
ctness. This is a condition necessary so that the atoms which constitute the bod
y under discussion do not tend to disassociate themselves from each other (which
the tendency of atomic dissociation, more commonly known as radioactivity happe
ns to bodies found in a space contracting itself and which the absolute value of
Time tends to considerably increase). A radioactive body, must therefore be int
ended as a complex form of energy, able to induce space to contract itself!
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It could therefore by supposed that a radioactive body moves in space at extreme
ly elevated speeds, that it emits a minor number of radioactive particles, with
respects to another (identical) body which is instead found in a state of stilln
ess. We have therefore arrived at this point able to propose a new guise, as a f
inal condition of our model of initial space-time N-dimensional, the so-called..
.Contraction of lenghts (according to the General Relativity and “related” Loren
tz’s high speeds; such analogy appears evident if we consider space covered by a
body in linear motion, as dilated with respect to the space circumscribing the
same body in an inertial system. Let’s now compare our argument with the basis o
f General Relativity in order to make them more evident and therefore, as far as
some aspects…convalidate them: a)The theory of G.R. states that in the proximit
y of mass, watches are slower.[The value of absolute time decreases considerably
when space tends to dilate itself, and vice versa. A strong curbing of space, i
mplies a strong dilatation of the same. Around mass, space is rather curved, so
it implies that watches should therefore run slowly]. b)The theory of G.R. state
s that in the proximity of mass, gauges (lengths) actually get shorter. An inter
esting aspect therefore of the physical reality our really pleasant time travell
er could find itself, at a distance of a few milleniums from his starting tempor
al interval (that his from his initial space model), is that the same could make
it appear (to Eternal Father’s eyes, the only observer who is not subjected to
spatio-temporal bonds), with a different “stature” for each different spatio-tem
poral model. He could obviously never be aware of such thing. All these consider
ations and “logical” deductions on the nature of time travelling, we could solel
y accept if we took for granted the initial argument on cyclical oscillation of
space-time curving of the Universe; otherwise the same would not make any sense.
...Dulcis in fundo:
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With a simple analogue reasoning we could come to the following conclusion: if t
he contraction of lengths in the theory of General Relativity reflects in some w
ay the Contraction of Lorentz expected for bodies in linear motion at high speed
s, because for both a determined dilatation of space appears (in order for them
to manifest themselves) and considering the fact that for each value of the Cont
raction of Lorentz corresponds a respective relativistic increase of the mass of
the body under question, it could be deducted that such relativitist increase o
f mass would also somewhat correspond to the contraction of lengths expected in
the proximity of mass, that is, where the space is more curved and therefore mor
e dilated. I am simply saying that the mass of a body could vary depending upon
the curving of the space in which the same is found. The mass of a body moving a
way from Earth, should therefore as a principle, noticeably diminish. Such decli
ne, however, due to its endlessly small entity, will surely remain still imponde
rable for several years to human beings. Inertial mass and gravitational mass, c
ould therefore not be the same but because on Earth the variation of the Gravita
tional Constant is too small to be measured, nobody has yet been able to deduce
such possibility. As a last analysis, we could risk the hypothesis that the freq
uency of stationary waves which define the energetic levels of atoms constitutin
g a determined body that moves away from Earth, due to an decrease of the curvin
g of space and therefore a slight contraction of the same, tends to increase sen
sibly. In such case, the body under discussion would lean towards manifesting a
determining radioactive behaviour (even if minimal) which would lead to an inevi
table and obviously imponderable diminishing of its mass. From this hypothesis,
another follows which is even more bizzarre: The increase of frequency of statio
nary waves, would entail a proportional increase of quantum interferences of the
system taken into consideration. The velocity of decoherence of such system, be
cause of its progressive move away from the Earth, would therefore lead to a dec
rease; this is because in such a system, there would be
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more quantum interferences to eliminate*9 The body in question, could therefore
in this case, present a determined quantum-classical behaviour. If we go back fo
r the nth and last time to our dearest time traveller (Mr.Jack-a-fly ), we could
even imagine that he, in determined models of space where he could unfortunatel
y be “projected, he would adopt a quantum-classical behaviour. In front of the e
yes of a possible troglodyte or scientist in the year 2600, he could therefore a
ppear and disappear; exactly as the light of an intermittent lamp. Such hypothes
is or considerations could surely remind someone of the most striking parts of C
harles Berlitz’s book: Experiment Philadelphia. And if we were invaded by “horde
s of tourists from the future” on a daily basis, contrary to Hawking’s beliefs,
but could not realize it for the simple fact that we are unable to see them? ...
Thank’ you God
Sometimes, what we are unable to conceive, is the result of an interaction betwe
en similar worlds, but unfortunately placed in mod*9
In a model of “measure”, whatever produces a reduction of the waves pack, it is
the interaction of the system which is around it (for example the same “measurin
g device”). More generally, quantum objects are never completely isolated by eve
rything which surrounds them, with the term “everything which surrounds them” we
mean anything which interacts with the system (a device, air molecules, photons
, etc...).Multiple interactions between a quantum object and “whatever surrounds
it”, cause a much faster destruction of system quantum interferences . Interfer
ences are a undulatory phenomenon, and characterize quantum behaviour. The distr
uction of interferences, entails a suppression of the superpositions of states c
haracterizing the quantum object; the same therefore, uniquely having some simpl
e state, immediatly assumes a classical behaviour. In a macroscopic object (for
example a cat), each of its atom interacts with all the other atoms of the envir
onment which are around it. All these interactions spontaneously provoke a “buzz
ing” of quantum interferences, which nearly instantaneously disappear. This is w
hy quantum physics is not applied on our scale: the systems are never isolated.
This phenomenon has been christened as “decoherence”, more precisely the destruc
tion of coherence of the quantum states which eliminates interferences. The velo
city of decoherence increases with the size of the system. For example a cat, wh
ich consists in approximately 1027 particles, makes uncoherence in 10-23 seconds
. This explains why “living-dead” cats have never been seen, and finally why dec
oherence is so difficult to observe. (taken from the magazine: Science &Vie,Febr
uary 1999,pp.47;50).
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els of space which are different. Do you perhaps believe that the three-bars of
Oscar Reutersvärd is an object which is impossible to conceive for an individual
who is found to be living in a model of hyperbolical space? (Try to play with o
ne of his models made of foam). The human mind would be able to conceive even th
e impossible, if only it was able to leave determined models (or layers) of holo
graphic space where it is constantly trapped. The immense quantity of informatio
n which constitutes the mind of a human being (of an average age, intelligence a
nd culture) is strictly bound, in the way that it moves through other holographi
c structures in the reality it is circled by, from determined biophysical scheme
s which have had the chance to become concrete and therefore assume a well defin
ed aspect which is more or less constant in time (I obviously refer to the pheno
menon of autopoiesi and the respective analogies with that of the dissipative sy
stems of Prigogine), in the course of millions of years of evolution. Such bindi
ng, between the human mind and its potential migrating capabilities through othe
r holographic layers, have anyhow become weaker and weaker as well as inconsiste
nt the more the degree of analogic elaboration of the human thought adopts highe
r values, at the expense of the old mnemonic mould of the binary mould. The day
when the greater part of humanity will be able to access the wonders of psychoki
nesis and clairvoyance is not undoubtedly close by, but neither too far. The evo
lution of the mind-body-reality system which surrounds it, is the result of cons
tant interaction between these three elements (integrated in Bohm’s holomovement
), which can be compared to the one defining the non-linear phenomenons of class
ic dynamics and the one defining the non-local phenomenons of quantum mechanics.
This evoluting continuum of such holographic model of reality could however, in
a distant future resonate with other models of a holographic state where each p
hysical entity (whether animated or not) would present itself, thanks to a perfe
ct frequency syntony (vibration) between the interactive parts of the system, fr
ee of each bound and inherent to its nature, as far as mass, density, motion and
position and free of each bound which is inherent to the nature of the environm
ent surrounding the same (gravitational attraction, atmospheric pressure, etc...
) . Only by accepting this premise, we are able to imagine a future where man is
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able to move objects from a distance just with the power of the mind or to visua
lize determined events even before they actually happen. Each biologic entity wh
o is a highly thinking being (I mainly refer to human beings in this planet and
if we paraphrase Leibniz, we obviously could not include monads within such thin
king beings) so it can be imagined as an immense accumulation of information (or
memory bytes)*10 which is super-organized, dynamic and in con*10
The capacity of a common human brain is generally valued at around 1015 bits; it
is believed that such information is stored in synaptic connections. Considerin
g that during a single mental event, only a small part of the brain oscillates b
etween each and a maximum of ten per cent of its total volume, we can easily rea
lize how extremely vast the potential latent information in the human brain is.
In each case, the potential information relating to the human mind, still remain
s the tip of an iceberg, if compared to the potential information relating to th
e system mind-body or to the mind-body-surrounding environment which is even mor
e complex. In order to fully understand the meaning of this latest consideration
, it is necessary to ask the following question: What is information and where d
oes it actually originate? Mechanics demonstrates us that the number of encoded
bits in a limited region is compared with the number of possible quantum states
in such region. Bekenstein’s limit determines the fundamental limit relating to
the number of possible quantum states within a limited region. If information I
is linked to the number of possible states N from the following equation: I = lo
g2 N, then Bekenstein’s limit to the quantity of information coded within a sphe
re of ray R and of total energy E is: I ≤ 2πER / ( hc ln 2). Generally if ado te
d, as a su erior limit to the number of bits, codified by art of any hysical e
ntity which has a mass of one hundred kg and a volume of a roximately 4,2 m3, t
he value would be: I ≤ 2,57686 x 1045 bits. Having said this, someone could righ
tly ask himself what such blessed information is and where the same originates f
rom; however erha s, everything would become clearer in his mind if he were to
ask himself the following question. What is energy? Well, the uzzling hy othesi
s-conclusion which can ossibly be reached with a sim le analogue reasoning, is
that ultimately, energy re resents nothing but a com lex form of information. It
was extremely difficult for hysics at the beginning of last century to acce t
the idea that mass is nothing but a com lex form of energy, and I su ose that f
or the orthodox scientific community of the 21st century it will be just as diff
icult to acce t the idea that the fundamental constituent of energy could be ur
e and sim le ...information. “(...)all entities which are resent in the current
Universe, codify a quantity of information which is well below the quantity all
owed by the quantum theory of fields. For exam le, if a hydrogen atom codified a
ll the information which is granted according to Bekenstein’s limit, it could co
dify a roximately 4 x 106 bits of information (...)Therefore a hydrogen atom co
uld a roximately codify a megabyte of information, whilst it usually codifies m
uch less than a bit. The hydrogen
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tinuous evolution, information which constantly renews itself and sometimes ex a
nds within determined limits; therefore su osing that it is ossible beginning
in such a distance future some kind of interaction or energetic resonance betwee
n the various hologra hic states which make our Universe, and in this way creati
ng henomena transcending each rinci le of hysical order between the different
elementary forces of nature (objects materializing sim ly with the ower of the
mind, sychokinesis, etc…), would not at this stage (in my o inion) be too haza
rdous. Each hysical event that comes into the category of such aranormal heno
mena, because it is substantially undefined and therefore unconceivable accordin
g to the rules of orthodox hysics if embracing the hy othesis of a hologra hic
Universe, it immediately makes it ossible to find a logical ex lanation (which
is difficult to understand and not easily imagined; s eaking of which, I would s
trongly recommend reading the book: The hologra hic Universe,by Michael Talbot,1
991). Dynamic and Potential Information It is actually well-known since time imm
emorial, that the energy of a given system is always reserved (nothing is creat
ed and nothing is destroyed, everything transforms itself), and this is the basi
s of the rinci le of thermodynamics. Not all kinds of energy are however able t
o organize themselves, I obviously refer to heat and other kind of dis ersive en
ergy. The one million question which I actually want to ask you is the following
: if information actually re resents the fundamental constituent of energy, can
the same organize itself through chaotic and dis ersive structures of energy? We
ll, by acce t-
mass surely isn’t used in an efficient manner! If we resumed that the ray is th
at of a roton (R= 10-13 cm),the quantity of codified information in the roton
is constituted by only 44 bits! Such value is really small with res ect to the c
om lexity of the roton – three valency quarks, innumerable quarks and virtual g
luons- which it is actually so com lex that we haven’t yet been able to calculat
e the basic state of fundamental rinci les by using the Standard Model, even if
we used the most advanced su ercom uters!”
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ing the argument that all the henomena of a aranormal nature*11 are effectivel
y totally real for the subject who erceives them, it would definitely a ear so
. “We are not human beings who live a s iritual ex erience. We are s iritual bei
ngs who live a human ex erience.“
Information which creates energetic configurations that are orderly and dynamic
(or dissi ative structures) “with which” it chooses “to live”; it could anyhow “
survive” well even through... or it would be erha s better to say ...with the f
eatures of energetic chaos, without necessarily having to create orderly structu
res. Therefore, what could actually be the “reason” which ushes information to
create determined energetic structures? Well, an answer to this question could b
e the following: every once in a while even the Universe, more recisely God, th
inks; and everything which has form and structure therefore re resents nothing b
ut art of his memories. They are indelible until his death (thermal death of th
e Universe)? What if the same continued to exist eternally assuming other sha es
and hysical characteristics, once they have reached the Omega Point?*12 How wi
ll the next Universe be, will it also consist in light, starts, lanets and blac
k holes or only by light? Will God be reborn healthy or maimed? We could endless
ly s eculate on these and
Namely re-death ex eriences, the henomenon of multi le ersonalities, the visu
alization of human energetic fields, out-of-body and out-of-mind journeys where
there is no actual order relating to the “nature” of s ace and time (in a way th
at each lace is instantly accessible as well as each time interval, whether bel
onging to a rather remote ast or a rather distant future), s ontaneous recoveri
es from diseases which are more or less incurable, the henomenon of stigmatas a
nd many other unex lainable “miracles” from a scientific, ty ically orthodox oi
nt of view. According to F.J.Ti ler, the latest, a ears to be an hy othesis whi
ch should not be discarded. (See:The Phyiscs of Immortality, Frank J.Ti ler).
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many other questions belonging to the category of sychic rocesses OTW (Out of
This World). All high frequency elecromagnetic radiation (starting from X rays u
to γ rays) is able to markedly influence the quantum structures of a system; t
he same is therefore able to vary determined schemes of dynamic orders relatin
to the elementary particles which constitute the atoms of any complex form of en
ery (ponderable bodies), thus brinin the physical entity mentioned so that it
assumes other abnormal physical aspects (as they are unusual and oriinal), som
etimes observable (as in the case of tumours for bioloic entities, for example)
and sometimes observable with difficulty if not actually unobservable even with
the most evolved physical instruments (by radiatin a stone with γ rays for a c
onstant period of twenty-four hours, the same will always maintain the same shap
e, even if we observe it for an infinite lenth of time). What actually stands o
ut from these considerations is that an electromanetic radiation at a hih freq
uency is able to influence in a sinificant way only bioloic entities (that is
complex open and dynamic forms of enery) and probably on many other dissipative
structures (whether animated or not); that is to say that forms of enery in na
ture which are mostly fraile and delicate. By irradiatin a bioloic entity wit
h hih frequency rays, we increase the quantity of quantum interferences in the
system: [Bioloic entities(B.E) – the environment which surrounds it], by doin
this, we et the system (and especially the ‘B.E) to assume a velocity of decohe
rence which is less elevated. Such condition which is created (which is obviousl
y “unfavourable” to the ‘B.E), makes sure that such entity, extends its quantum
behaviour to layers which are hiher than its own “eneretic cortex”. Even if su
ch phenomenon extended to few atomic roups and not to entire molecules, the sam
e, with time (sometimes even lustre; still dependin upon the intensity of the i
rradiance and by the bioloic structure of the entity under discussion), would a
nyhow manifest all its influence on a lare scale; for example as in the case of
tumours. Similar to any kind of butterfly effect, it therefore cannot be foreca
sted by any dianosis or physical measurement, …before it enters in the classic
Newtonian reality. Let’s o back to the concept of enery and assume the fact th
at it is really constituted by ...“inseparable particles of information”.
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Someone at this point could believe that even oranic oranism or actual stones
could have some kind of conscience, or that they are anyhow able to perceive in
some way everythin which surrounds them. It is therefore necessary, in order to
sustain a certain coherence between all the aruments exposed up to now, to dis
tinuish information in two distinct classes: a) Potential Information (which co
nstitutes each ponderable physical entity). b) Dynamic Information. Any kind of
conscience therefore, must be intended as the manifestation of an elevated and d
ynamic order of information. Dynamic information can be imained at this point l
ike some sort of resonance derivin by potential information. If it is true that
these two kinds of information eventually create a unicum, in which the laws of
classical physics (dominion of dynamic information) interact with those of quan
tum mechanics (dominion of potential information), it follows that our rational
conscience (dynamic information) can draw at any time information from our consc
ience (potential information) and vice versa. ...and this is how Jun found the
peace he had lost. Here is a one-million dollar question: is the potential infor
mation of an oranic entity superior or identical to the potential information o
f a non-oranic entity? Can Carbon, Nitroen, Oxyen and Hydroen perhaps be con
sidered as ...“monads” which are much more evolved that other monads (elements?)
Is the potential information of an element identified perhaps based on its own
mass and atomic number? Let’s compare for a moment the values of these two physi
cal sizes relatin to the fundamental constituents of life as previously mention
ed (C,N, O,H): Atomic Number 6 7 8 1 Mass Number 12.01 14.008 16.002 1.008
Carbon(C) Nitroen(N) Oxyen(O) Hydroen(H)
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We therefore have six neutrons and six protons for Carbon, seven netrons and sev
en protons for Nitroen, eiht neutrons and eiht protons for Oxyen. Well, it a
ppears that the symmetry ame is perfect; furthermore, Hydroen, since constitut
ed by only one proton (obviously excludin the tritium, one of its isotope) and
therefore conceivable as a sphere, even represents the emblem of the concept of
symmetry.*13 Where is it therefore necessary to research the value of potential
information that constitutes and characterizes the atom of a determined element,
in the beauty of “symmetry” between neutrons and protons formin nucleus?...It
could be an idea. If it was so, we could expect reat thins from the interactio
n between Calcium,Helium, and Silicon elements. (Ca atomic number 20, mass numbe
r 40.08; He atomic number 2, mass number 4.003 ; Si atomic number 14, mass numbe
r 28.06) and Hydroen. Information loves symmetries and analoisms because it is
only thanks to them that it is able to acquire values that are always increasin
 and therefore manifest itself in all of its fullness and beauty in the physica
l reality in which we live. Consider for an instance the beauty constituted by s
ymmetries of a snowflake; combined Hydroen and Oxyen can make miracles. But wo
uld such miracles be possible without the symmetries of the neuron-proton which
characterize the nucleuses of these two elements? In which reality are miracles
created and take shape, in the quantum reality or the classic one subjected to N
ewton’s laws? Only a mind which works in an analoue way is able to extract from
the environment surroundin it, constituted by the collective conscience (dynam
ic information) and by each type of physical entity (potential information), the
hihest quantity of information of syntony (potential + dynamic) bearable by a
common human brain (or by a common human body, even supposin that it is
In this “ame of symmetries”, solely based on the numeric equality between proto
ns and neutrons (constituents of nucleus), an important component which we shoul
d take into consideration, is represented by the fact that the nuclear power (fo
r liht neucleus), makes it reach the maximum stability if the number of neutron
s is approximately the same as the number of protons.
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not only our superior oran to capture such information. We could endlessly spec
ulate about this point too). But the analoue machine can also have some disadva
ntaes, as when it no loner puts limits to it, it acquires much more informatio
n than what it is allowed, and inevitably folly takes over. One of the best anal
oue machines of the beinnin of last century is surely represented by the fiu
re of Albert Einstein. If we were capable of buildin a machine (computer) with
mnemonic circuits, prevalently constituted by the elements Ca,He and Si, where t
here would be an interaction between them accordin to analoue schemes (thus dr
awin potential information from one to the other, and information of the synton
y from its surroundin environment), the same would very probably be able to sim
ulate human intellience even before reachin the 1000 teraflops velocity of ela
boration of information. Apart from such velocity, the idea that the same could
start to power itself would not be ruled out. In that case it will no loner be
enouh to ...“unplu it “to deactivate it; why would that be so? People, if a pl
ant was able to feed itself by drawin all the necessary enery exclusively from
the sun’s would row les. Anyhow, a computer, as “powerful” as it co
uld be, since it is a closed eneretic structure, will never be able to modify i
ts physical confiuration (that is to autonomously enerate other parts, which h
ave been added or substituted to its own physical model). If the analoues weren
’t the basis of all potential information, constitutin the facet we are offered
in the classic Newtonian reality, we would surely not be able to dianose any d
isease by observin the iris of the eye of a human bein which is affected by su
ch illness or cutaneous anomalies on one of his ears (that is the imae of the h
uman fetus as analoue base and therefore all to be deciphered and interpreted)
nor to foresee a potential future by observin the casual disposition of the Tar
ots. Even in randomness there is an intrinsic order (as it has been discovered i
n the last years by studies carried out on the behaviour of chaos), this means t
hat the same must necessarily represent a symbolic imae (belonin to the Newto
nian reality) of a potential predefined spatio temporal continuum, in which it i
s possible to catch a siht of past, present and future events. The same thin a
pplies for the chaotic aspect normally linin dreams. The only
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difference between dreams and synchronism is that the first is created from a qu
antum reality and it solely manifests itself in such reality, whilst the second,
synchronism, also fundamentally arises from a quantum reality but manifestin i
tself at some time distance in all of its completeness as in the classic Newtoni
an reality. Dreams and synchronisms, therefore represent a symbolic imae (which
is all to be deciphered) by the events which have characterized in the past, ch
aracterize in the present and will characterize our life in the future. With the
increase of deree (velocity) analoue information of human thouht, would not
at all be risky to believe that with the passin of thousands of years, the vast
majority of humanity will finally be able to access the marvels of clairvoyance
and many other marvels belonin to the rein (so far) of ...the paranormal. Pe
rhaps in a few thousands of years, many individuals will be able to scrutinize,
apart from his own future and that of a few others, even the one of the whole of
humanity. Let’s now consider a human bein whose beauty stands out thanks to hi
s perfect harmony and symmetry of all of his features (macroscopic beauty) and t
hanks to the perfect “cellular symmetry” which characterizes all of its oranism
, which is obviously clear to our eyes, only at a cutaneous level (microscopic b
eauty)*14. If it is true that potential information loves to interate itself ma
inly in physical entities endowed with a remarkable symmetry between its compone
nts, the value of potential information inborn in this individual will have to b
e rather vast with respect to several other people who endowed with discrete bea
uty. Admittin that the interaction on a quantum scale subsists between dynamic
information (rational conscience) and that the potential one (unconscious) innat
e in the mind-body system of each individual could also extend to its surroundin
 environment, it

A few months-old child therefore, because it has an extremely elevated microscop
ic beauty and usually also a certain amount of macroscopic beauty, must necessar
ily be constituted by an amount of potential information which is far superior t
han any other adult human bein, thus able to considerably attract its own reson
ance of dynamic information. Such arument would explain why a baby of a few mon
ths has a rational conscience which is extremely limited...he still mainly lives
in a dream world..
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could easily be deducted that the dynamic information of each individual leans t
owards bein attracted (more than by its own potential information, if this does
not have a sufficiently hih value), by the considerable potential of informati
on situated in individuals who are endowed with a certain macro-microscopic beau
ty. (A ood analoy with this phenomenon can be extracted from the General Theor
y of Relativity, which states that small masses are attracted to bier ones). T
his probably explains in “quantum terms” how physical attraction arises (or sexu
al impulse) towards a member of the other sex...that is how pain actually arises
. Between two individuals who are endowed with the same quantity (or value) of d
ynamic information, sometimes the phenomenon called love takes shape…The concept
of an existin dynamic information, that is of an imponderable entity which tra
nscends each definition of quantum order (meanin cateory), able to oranize it
self throuh chaotic structures prevalently constituted by potential information
(that is by complex or dispersive forms of enery), it is identifiable by the o
ne slihtly more archaic which is simply expressed with the word ...soul. In the
phenomenon called love, what is known as “soul mate”, is represented by a deter
mined model of dynamic information, exactly similar to the model of dynamic info
rmation which if met, it is destined to be united (and when this happens, there
is no Saint in Heaven who is able to prevent it from happenin). The same applie
s to friendships... obviously the sincere ones. In theory, “beautiful” people sh
ould therefore have a much more invasive unconscious in comparison to people of
discrete beauty, thus rather closer to the ...dream world. Considerin that this
world is much closer to a fantastic-virtual reality more than a purely physical
reality, and the same will therefore exercise a rather stron attraction on its
own resonance of dynamic information (more precisely on the resonance flowin f
rom it). A ood analoy able to perfectly mirror this arument, can be derived o
nce aain by the theory of General Relativity, which claims that the intensity o
f a ravitational field, increases with the increase of mass; in this case, mass
should obviously be identified with the unconscious (potential information). Th
e subconscious therefore, is no loner to be considered as an innate entity excl
usively in the brain of a human bein, but as
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an entity which constitutes the entire human body thus consistin of potential i
nformation. Presumin that the level of human intellience (understood as the sp
eed of elaboratin information in a prevalently analoue way) is directly propor
tional to the level (or value) of dynamic information which definitely constitut
es the mind of an individual (soul), we can easily understand why people who are
“too beautiful” are almost never endowed with reat intellience. Someone could
rihtly ask himself: But how is it possible that people who are endowed with r
eat intellience, feel reat physical attraction (as in sexual impulse) towards
members of the opposite sex characterized by remarkable beauty, even when they a
ctually reconize that the same are of a rather relevant stupidity? Well, this i
s a natural phenomenon which often happens, but it should be remembered that it
is only dynamic information (rational subconscious) which happens to be attracte
d by individuals who are endowed with such remarkable beauty. In such context, t
he important conscience (potential information) role of the individual endowed w
ith a reat intellience emeres. The subconscious of the same, since it is clos
er to the physical reality of thins, and since it also exercises a scant attrac
tion on its own resonance constituted by dynamic information, is able to “commun
icate” better with the latest thus makin it aware of the risks and daners it w
ould meet if it accepted to fall into the arms of Venus. (Have you ever actually
asked yourselves why in the arms of a beautiful woman we seem to have the feeli
n that we are more stupid than we usually are? Well, it isn’t just a sensation…
it is that we actually become more stupid). Everythin which I have so far set f
orth represents the rule. The exception, (even if to many, it would appear to be
a paradox) is due to the fact that in the world, there are also several extreme
ly “uly” who are also extremely stupid people, as well as the fact that there a
re several rather beautiful people who are also much more intellient. These are
nature’s mysteries. We should therefore not foret that in the society in which
we live, sometimes, in order to survive, people are actually forced to pretend
they are stupid, when in reality they aren’t, or vice versa intellient, when in
reality they are actually stupid. Lettin ourselves be trans82
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ported by this stupid reversal of roles, created by the most developed civilizat
ions of this planet, means to live in perfect disharmony with our own bioloical
structure and with our surroundin environment; and when the soul suffers (that
is, when the dynamic information is determined not to follow the advice of the
subconscious), the synchronisms of life start to decrease, leavin room to an ev
er increasin and conspicuous amount of incidents and psychophysical illnesses (
illnesses are always psychophysical, there are no such thins as uniquely physic
al or uniquely psychic illnesses). When pain becomes too reat to be bearable, t
he soul normally manifests the will to leave this material and insinificant wor
ld (as this is how it appears to a strulin soul), thus materializin throuh
cancer or suicide. Sexual desire, I believe arises out of an intrinsic necessity
of dynamic information to constantly maintain a determined tension and intensit
y, able to ensure a perfect balance with all the potential information with whic
h it principally interacts (body) and with the information of syntony of its sur
roundin environment. It must be remembered that the information of syntony is c
onstituted by the potential information of each physical entity (that is the inn
ate one which can also be found in stones), more than that of the collective dyn
amic (Jun defined it as the “collective subconscious”, however, as I have alrea
dy used the term “subconscious” to define the potential information of a human b
ein, it would be rather a contradiction to use it once more in order to define
the collective dynamic information …represented by the soul of human beins who
are still alive or who died centuries ao). Any illness or psychophysical disord
er, therefore fundamentally oriinates by a constant “missed taret” of such equ
ilibrium. This latest observation, as many could notice, is in perfect syntony w
ith the basics of Freudian psychoanalysis. When the dynamic information (anima)
of an individual, “imposes itself ” in order to reach a determined objective, it
normally tends to suffocate his sexual instinct in order to reach a determined
tensionintensity (defined by a complex dynamic-oranizin scheme), able to spark
off all the elaboratin processes analoical to the information of syntony, whi
ch will therefore let it reach a level of intellience necessary for the achievi
n its final scope of his worldly existence.
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The final scope of the soul, pre-defined the instant when it decides to reincarn
ate itself, that is the moment in which the fetus has already reached a certain
dimension, could be for example, to understand how it must feel to live an exist
ence in extreme poverty and sufferin, or how it must feel to be extremely rich;
it could be to understand how it must feel to deeply love someone as well as to
be deeply loved, as well as realizin how a Don Giovanni who totally dedicates
his life to a mundane life and promiscuous sex, to understand what it feels like
to be a celebrity…but sometimes, who knows for which reason, the soul chanes i
ts mind and decides to o back to the afterlife; if this happens in the first th
ree months of his life (and it is normally the case, because it is rare that the
soul decides to spontaneously leave his own body after ten, twenty or thirty ye
ars of life .., such phenomenon is normally accepted (more than explained) by th
e scientific orthodox community and defined with the term: white death. However,
if this happens at a later stae, the same is (as it loically would be) consid
ered as somethin which is not natural, rather mysterious and thus obviously sci
entifically unexplainable. We could therefore accept the idea that the soul in s
uch cases wants to experiment what is normally felt when enactin a suicide, or
how it feels to die after bein run over a car or killed by a unshot; but with
difficulty we can have an idea of why the soul, in very rare cases decides to le
ave its own body in a spontaneous and natural way. Maybe there is a kind of suff
erin which is so reat (even when the body appears to be in a perfect physical
state), which obviously the soul has decided to experiment in the same day of it
s own reincarnation, able to make it abandon a bioloically functionin body, fo
r ever or for a determinin temporal interval, in a spontaneous and natural way.
How could we otherwise explain the death of individuals submitted to atrocious
torturin even thouh the moment when the soul detaches itself, they still have
a bioloically functionin body? It isn’t at all difficult to imaine for what r
eason the souls of these individuals almost never come back to the physical real
ity. It may seem to be an absurd idea, but when a soul decides to reincarnate it
self is as if it has decided to continue sufferin…to continue learnin aain. B
ut to learn what? Somebody may surely ask. Who is the one who moves the strins
of this stupid ame of human exist84
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ence? I really believe that we will not discover it, even when we will o to hea
ven, as it may be that not even God understands the scope of his existence. Cons
ider for an instance, the fantastic hypothesis that the imaes of a determined v
ideoame could leave the screen of your PC and communicate with you, they would
obviously be baffled when they learned their “real” physical reality and the sco
pe of their existence. In front of the omniscient God who has created them (more
precisely you) and would be able to make them disappear into thin air when and
how he wishes, they would surely accept with their head down, their condition of
inferiority and inorance. What emeres from such considerations is as follows:
if they (the imaes) are not at all aware of the fact that you are not omniscen
t beins, you yourselves, in any case actually are (aware). And if our Universe,
that is God, was aware of the fact that he is not an Omniscent Bein? Who stand
s on the other side of our Universe and moves his strins? And if there still wa
s “someone” apart from The One who is on the other side of our Universe? This is
how we actually et to the concept of Infinity, a concept over which no kind of
potential or dynamic information can actually reach. Even if we tried to concei
ve the concept of Void of Information, the same havin been created by us, must
necessarily exist. Inexistance cannot exist. Let’s take aain into consideration
the human model, as a basis of the conceptual development of the mechanics of I
nformation, that is of the natural principles which reulate the infinite scheme
s of interaction between all the holo-eneretic layers constitutin the entire U
niverse. The process of ain of a human bein, fundamentally beins the moment
when he is taken from his mother’s womb and brouht to the liht of the earthly
reality. If we consider such process, as a continuous and inexorable breakin of
cellular symmetries, the same, in substance would represent nothin but a conse
quence of the second principle of thermodynamics (entropic). Now, if we assume t
hat dynamic information (rational conscience) of a human bein could develop and
continue to increase, only with the happenin of a proressive detachment from
its own potential information (physical body) from which it is contantly enerat
ed, we could assume that
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such phenomenon is strictly correlated to the entropic principle. If we enerali
ze, we come to the conclusion that human intellience does not follow the princi
ple of entropy in the common term sense, thus constantly headin towards a major
state of disorder (or disoranization), but it follows it in an inversely propo
rtional way; that is that the same rows with the increase of the eneretic diso
rder. Therefore, if the Universe is oin towards an inevitable thermic death, t
he dynamic information which continues at the same rate, to develop and increase
(with the passin of the milleniums), throuh the evolution of thousands and th
ousands of animal species (which populate our planet and probably several others
in other alaxies and solar systems), is oin towards the perfect oranization
, towards the Great Unification…or as Tipler would say, towards the Omea Point.
It has now been known for a lon time (thanks to the work of S.Grof), that the
intake of determined doses of LSD on behalf of individuals who have no apparent
psycho-physical disorder, is able to take such people to live experiences in whi
ch their potential information (i.p.) stronly prevails upon the dynamic one (i.
d.). Such phenomenon, could therefore essentially be due to possible causes rela
tin to a temporary alteration of their i.p.: the first consists in a possible a
mplification of the power of attraction of the i.p., on the dynamic one; the sec
ond, a possible decrease of the production of such resonance (i.d.) on behalf of
the i.p. It is rather probably that the first cause (that is the amplification
of the power of attraction of the i.p.), is nearest to the actual reality of thi
ns. In fact, if the i.d. didn’t have, durin the interval of time which is enl
obed in the i.p. (due to the effect of LSD), a rather hih value of tension-inte
nsity, the same would not be able to interact productively [durin a determined
interval of time (included in the broadest one defined by the intake of the spec
ified dru) in which the reressive hypnosis is applied],with its own i.p. and n
either with the dynamic one of the old fashioned one (that is the one constitute
d by the sum of dynamic information of previous lives) enlobed in the same (in
the i.p.) riht from the day when the individual under discussion was born; and
therefore any memory reardin the period
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previous to their birth could not emere in the physical reality (that is when h
e was still in the womb) as well as any memory oin back to distant past lives.
“Each emotional state causes a modification of the conscience, modification whi
ch Pierre Janet defined as “abaissement du niveau mental”: which means that a ce
rtain shrinkin of the subconscious takes place and at the same time a strenthe
nin of the conscience, as many profanes in the subject can easily note, especia
lly in the presence of intense beloved ones. The tone of the subconscious increa
ses to a certain measure, which easily provokes a radient from the subconscious
to the conscience. As a consequence, the conscience falls under the influence o
f impulses and instinctive contained contents”.
Such observations, remain in any case, simple hypotheses, as it should not be ex
cluded the fact that dynamic information, durin an experience arisin from the
intakin of LSD, is effectively produced or enerated) by the i.p. at rather red
uced quantities. Or if the two phenomenon (amplification of the power of attract
ion of the i.p. + decrease of the capacity of production of the i.d. on behalf o
f the i.p.), happen, durin such experiences, contemporaneously. Considerin the
fact that the entropy (ΔS) of a system, increases when the enery increases (ΔE
) ;the relationship ΔE/ΔS (that is the one derivin from enery with respect to
the entropy) will therefore represent an important quantity which we will name w
ith the letter T. At this point, identifyin T with the absolute temperature we
will obtain: Eq.1 T = 1 . ΔE K ΔS ; where K is Boltzmann’s constant
Assumin that E = (i.p) . (i.d) , that is that enery is the same to the product
of potential information for that dynamic, we will obtain the followin equatio
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(i.d) = E = T . K . ΔS i.p i.p
We notice, by observin the last equation, that with the increasin of the value
of the entropy (ΔS), we have a proportional increase of dynamic information. Su
ch equation, brins to validate more of Tipler’s hypothesis on the “final reachi
n” of the Omea Point. The activity of the brain of a human bein, is defined o
n the basis of the quantity and type of electromanetic waves which the same ema
nates and also emanates to its surroundin environment. Such waves, are constitu
ted by an immense number of particles of enery which are endlessly small and wh
ich are scattered in the environment where the individual under discussion is si
tuated. These particles, are however, fundamentally constituted by potential inf
ormation. Assumin (as we have previously supposed) that the dynamic information
is constantly enerated by the potential information, it could even be deducted
that the above mentioned particles, are “shielded” by a certain quantity of dyn
amic information (obviously unobservable and not quantifiable by any physical in
strument); that is that the same are “enclosed” in a very fine “spheric layer” o
f dynamic information. This is how we inevitably et to the concept of collectiv
e dynamic information (or collective subconscious, as Jun would have defined it
). The soul of a human bein (that is its own dynamic information),is therefore
conceivable as somethin dynamic which reenerates constantly and which scatters
in the environment (still probably remainin linked to the body-source) which s
urrounds the same. The collective dynamic information, will therefore have to be
constituted by a percentae of “human thouhts” (that is of “thouhts” of human
beins which are still alive) and by a remainin percentae of dynamic informat
ion constituted by complete-complex forms of “human thouhts” (that is of souls
belonin to deceased human beins). Obviously we only arrive at such conclusion
if we accept the hypothesis that dynamic information of a human bein, the mome
nt in which all his vital orans stop workin, is still able to oranize itself
perfectly, thus assumin a rather complex form, and therefore
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automatically disassociate from the potential information which has constantly 
enerated it. What human beins normally define with the term of : “sufferin”, i
s nothin but a condition of imbalance of a system i.d - i.p, or of a system i.d
-i.d, or rather of a system i.p - i.p.(If we pour half a litre of water at a te
mperature of 60° C,in a litre of water of only 10°, the system i.p- i.p consider
ed, will suffer only until it does not reach the thermic balance. You must bear
in mind that such system consists in half a litre of water (i.p) and a litre of
water + its surroundin environment, the sum which once aain equals to i.p). If
we take in consideration a sinle “thinkin” bioloical entity, such system wil
l therefore be constituted by the followin components: mind (soul o i.d) - body
(i.p) – its surroundin environment (i.p + i.d)*15. Each bioloic entity, repre
sents a small interatin part of the system i.d - i.p which constitutes the ent
ire Universe. In a human bein, any psychic crowd (from schizophrenia to depress
ion), is fundamentally due to a condition of imbalance of the system : [mind - b
ody – surroundin environment]. A determined kind of sufferin, for a common hum
an bein, can even last for the duration of his entire life, if he does not try
to put a minimum effort into followin the “advice” of his subconscious (i.p) an
d to therefore find the “riht” environment which would help it live quietly. Ob
viously, it isn’t always possible to “freely move” when and how we wish to; but
the subconscious (conceivable as an antenna which is constantly able to absorb t
he information of syntony) if we “listened” to in the best of ways, is able to s
upply us the indications/solutions necessary to leave a determined condition of
eneric imbalance. Such indications, if followed “by the letter”, don’t always h
ave an immediate effect; actually, in the majority of cases, it is necessary to
spend tens of years
Let’s not foret about the fact that on Earth, the surroundin environment on th
e bioloic entità taken into consideration, is constituted by endless bioloic e
ntities which are “hihly thinkin” (human beins) and by several other bioloic
entities which are less evolved (animal and veetal); therefore, an environment
which is rich of dynamic information.
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to be able to find that perfect harmony which was lost or actually never “enjoye
d” since birth. Generally people with the hiher predisposition to sufferin are
those: who are either very stupid, or “too intellient”. And unfortunately, thi
s is due to the fact that the entire human civilization is mainly constituted by
people with mediocre intellience. When the dynamic information of a human bein
 is not able to communicate with his own body (i.p or subconscious, however we
wish to call it), the waitin time to leave a determined condition of imbalance
(sufferin) reveal to be too lon for the individual under discussion (everythin
 depends upon the intensity of the dynamic information: the reater it is, and
the more it will be able to stand the waitin times which et loner), and inevi
tably illnesses such as cancer or the act of extreme suicide will follow. The co
ndition of eneretic imbalance of the system i.p-i.d inherent to an animal speci
es (for example the human one) solely ends the moment when the same extinuishes
itself. Terrestrial Paradise cannot exist, as it would o aainst the second pr
inciple of thermodynamics. The only condition of absolute balance is the one def
ined exclusively by dynamic information. If the human soul wasn’t constantly sea
rchin for absolute balance, it wouldn’t have fouht wars for thousands of years
, finally creatin the atomic bomb. Dawkins is riht to support that human enes
(DNA) behave in a selfish way; the only system which the dynamic information of
a species has available, in order to reach its final scope (that is the absolut
e equilibrium), is that to induce the enes to assume a selfish behaviour, by se
lectin them in favour to a hiher intellience (conceivable as a hiher dynamic
tension ... the dynamic information of the Universe is a child who is slowly r
owin). The human species will anyhow be destined to o throuh the staes of en
eretic balance, perhaps accordin to intervals of cyclic time more or less reu
lar; forasmuch the selfishness of our enes, with time, will learn to conceal it
self so as to make the existence of individuals less of a sufferin and that the
y may sweetly be led towards the absolute balance. When everythin ends, we will
perhaps not even realize it.
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No one here ets out alive What is commonly defined as “subjective will” (relati
n to an individual), is nothin but a complex ame of cause-effect (and its ori
ins are lost in ancient times) of a system, whose components take the name of:
mind – body – its surroundin environment. Each choice or decision which each hu
man bein is “forced”*16 to take each day in the course of his life, is the resu
lt of an exchane of information between the components: mind – body – its surro
undin environment, of the system in which he belons, in accordance with the pr
inciple of thermo-dynamics*17. A human bein is always lookin for someone who u
nderstands him, because a reciprocal understandin is nothin but an exchane of
information (dynamic for friendships; and dynamic + potential between two peopl
e who love each other in a most profound and intimate way...therefore includin
the one between two homosexuals) necessary to achieve a determined balance in th
e system [mind – body – its surroundin environment] of an individual. A ood le
vel of eneretic balance can be reached by frequently oin to your psychoanalys
t…providin that he is able to understand you (for example, they just make me fe
el irritable) whilst the optimal one can be solely reached if one has the immens
e luck to find true love, more precisely the perfect harmony which arises from a
total exchane of information. There is no lethal illness for a human bein, if
he is permitted to cure himself just with the power of love.
To make an example, because I like blond women, this is perhaps due to the fact
that in many previous lives I married women with liht hair (…and with time I ha
ve realized that they only brin trouble) Taste does not arise from nothin; eac
h effect has its cause. But because this context also involves dynamic informati
on, it would be necessary to talk about the second principle of thermal-mind-dyn
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“ in memory where distant facts constellate, formin twirls in As the flux of me
mories, so it is in life where vortexes open up and rotate repotted in coinciden
ce, in an unexplainable simultaneity. They are elements which should be divided
by time and space. Pure marvel arises out of those livin in such instances: an
aura is iven off by such overlappins. It reminds us of the metaphor of scholas
tics: the anels that are out of the river of time, once in a while, dip their f
oot in it. When coincidences happen, it is like catchin a limpse of an anelic
footstep in our world”.
From subconscious nucleuses to Synchronicity A few years ao, I had the chance t
o meet …by “pure chance”*18, the famous American researcher Brenda Dunne, Manae
r of the Institute and Research Laboratory PEAR (the acronym is translated in: P
rinceton Enineerin Anomalies Research), situated near Princeton University, in
New Jersey, USA. At that time, my thouhts were almost all addressed towards re
search able to unify the concepts of Syncronicity (Junian), the ones
Whoever knows the basics of the Junian Theory of Synchronicity, and reconizes
in this a ood dose of reliability and truthfulness, is also aware of the fact t
hat nothin (…absolutely nothin) happens in the life of any human bein by pure
chance; but rather that everythin has been predefined accordin to some kind o
f Divine Plan which leaves no room for any casual event. And this is the only re
ason why I have placed the expression by pure chance in quotation marks.
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of non-locality and collapse of wave function. That such correlation actually ex
ists, is evidently deduced by analyzin with a minimum of critique all that such
principles and theories offer us with their anecdotes, their “speculations”, th
eir “healthy cultural roots” from which they come from and so on; but bein able
to define the real outlines and fundamental characteristics (perhaps even in ma
thematical terms) is “a different kettle of fish”. I therefore had the chance to
discuss such subjects with Dr. Dunne and several members of PEAR. The complexit
y on the loical-mathematical plaine which obviously arose from wantin to find
a theory unifyin the three theories mentioned above, initially enerated some k
ind of impotence added to a frustratin feelin of semi-awareness that we were 
oin to venture into somethin far “too complex” for some common human minds (li
ke ours, obviously; even if supplied with a ood dose of “scientific wisdom”). W
e therefore spent a few months tryin to unite our strenth and to reach to some
sound hypothesis that would allow us to come up with some experiments able to d
emonstrate at least some of the “basic principles” of unification of the three t
heories at issue (Sincronicity, non-Locality and collapse of wave function). All
our attempts however, proved to be rather unsuccessful. The turnin point came,
unexpectedly, some time after havin unanimously iven up the task of accomplis
hin “psychic efforts” in a direction which seemed to us almost surreal and perh
aps within the limits of “scientific common sense”. The intuition which helped u
s take the first steps towards a partial actualization of some aspects related t
o the above mentioned and rather yearned for “unifyin theory”, came the moment
when I had lost all hope to find any solution (or basic principle) that would be
“objectively acceptable” and which could be adopted to the current theoretical
model of the concepts at issue. A simple intuition that led me towards the formu
lation of the followin principle (which I named as the Principle of Quantum Com
pensation of “unconscious nucleus”):“For each annulment of any subconscious ener
etic nucleus principally defined by determined (human) expectations-conditions,
there is a determined collapse of the wave function (which defines the reality
that takes shape around the subject-individual), whose outcome
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shall be positive or neative, dependin on the intensity of the parametres of t
he subjective reality, related to the subconscious nucleus of the subject-indivi
dual under discussion”. What must clearly be defined (before any other thin) in
such Principle, is the meanin of “subconscious nucleus”. The idea that such nu
cleuses are to be exclusively intended in a “fiurative way” because tendentiall
y we are induced to consin them in a psycholoic (and not physical) ambit, is t
o be excluded from the start. They are therefore to be meant as real and proper
eneretic structures which could even extend over the volumetric limits of the b
rain (or simply be found elsewhere, in another part of the human body); this is
like quantities of enery that are freed in determined particular conditions and
above all physically not quantifiable as they are “interated” in our electroma
netic field. Beyond this arument, it is also necessary to consider another whi
ch is of no less importance; more precisely that such nucleuses surely have (in
my opinion) a dualistic nature (that is, they can be intended as proper enereti
c structures, as well as waves of probability). Havin made some preliminary rem
arks, in order to tackle what follows such theories, it is anyhow essential that
the definition of “Principle of quantum compensation of subconscious nucleuses”
be clear. First of all, I hope that my research will o beyond the simple “quan
tum interpretation” of human thouht. A question that I have been asked several
times on the scientific forums on the Internet (Italian, Enlish and American fo
rums which I normally participate in order to divule my theories for the purpos
e of understandin what are, in the eyes of the interested reader, the most obsc
ure points contained therein and that therefore require further elucidations) is
the followin: “What is intended by positive or neative outcomes mentioned in
your Principle of subconscious nucleuses ?” Generally, in order to answer this q
uestion, I borrow a brief extract from a text included in one of my books (God=m
c2), actin as introduction to one of the latest chapters (Starate) and therefo
re acts as an example-anecdote which in my opinion is an excellent way of provid
in a hint to the answer to a question that appears rather simple but that at th
e same time is found linked to concepts not so evident and easy to comprehend. T
he text is as follows:
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“(…) I see a staircase. At the top of this staircase is a door. What will be beh
ind this door? I shall walk up…here is the door, here am I facin it. I touch th
e handle. Who knows, will it be open or closed? All I need to do is lihtly touc
h the handle to discover it…and there it is, the door beins to open…The place w
here I find myself is truly enchantin, maybe it is a ood thin bein here…even
for just a short while, let’s say…a few minutes. One…two…three…four minutes…now
would be better for me to return to the house, it is ettin late. I will retur
n tomorrow. I leave. I close the door and walk down the staircase. And here I am
the followin day. The same staircase; the same door.I walk up the stairs. I am
facin the door. Who knows, maybe today it will be open aain, or maybe not? It
will be enouh to lihtly touch the handle to discover it…and there it is, the
door beins to open… The place where I find myself is still the same. I only sta
y for three minutes and then leave. I close the door and walk down the stairs. I
will return tomorrow mornin. Time passes by…………the followin day……… Here aain
, here is the staircase and here is the door. I walk up the stairs. I am in fron
t of the door and think: “It will most probably be open”. In a rather self-assur
ed way, I touch the handle…and there it is, for the third consecutive time, the
door was actually open. I am not at all surprised. Once aain, I am in the same
place. I stay here for about two minutes. Then I leave, close the door aain and
walk down the staircase, promisin myself to return tomorrow. The next day… Her
e is the usual staircase and the usual door. I start walkin up the stairs. “So,
let’s see… today I must o to the barber’s, o to the post office to send some
letters, check my e-mail, return my mother’s oven dish…but anyhow, I’ll walk int
o this wonderful peaceful place of idyllic appearance”. There are only three ste
ps to o and I will be at the door; I can already see myself across the threshol
d, inside that pleasant place”. I have the unconscious and nearly absolute certa
inty that in a few instances I will touch the handle and open that door, that no
thin and nobody can stand in my way. I ive a limmer of a smile and in a rathe
r decisive way, I lower the door handle throwin myself forward with an outburst
and…stranely enouh… the door is not opened and I nearly hit my head aainst i
t.Once aain, just as it often happens throuhout one’s life (…or more lives), t
he last
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pieces of a simple puzzle do not seem to match with its own expectations. The lo
ic of the Universe is far more complex. Each time that our expectations are tra
nsformed into somethin more “solid”, that is, into mental structures which no l
oner allow for any kind of doubt, and that therefore define a potential future
as somethin not definitive, which no loner has potential, as it is nearly comp
letely taken for ranted; it is in that precise moment, that all the wave functi
ons that our system (bodymind-soul) has manaed to previously collapse in our fa
vour (therefore creatin a “positive” reality), completely chane direction to 
ive space to a less favourable reality. Do you know what this means? It means th
at our expectations, our most deepest desires, our stupid firm believes and our
stupid illusions…make our surroundin reality chane in the most unfavourable wa
y! In such “borderline case”, we could therefore talk about a neative outcome,
related to a determined subconscious nucleus (the absolute subconscious convicti
on that the door will be found open). As a matter of fact, the reality shapes th
rouh the mutual interaction between these self expectations-convictions (absolu
te and semi-absolute) of each mind-human thouht with those of another individua
l (or “thinkin” bioloical entity) as well as our surroundin lifeless environm
ent, ivin rise to the final analysis of the collapse of the wave function rela
ted to the system taken in consideration that in turn influences the wave functi
on of the entire universe as known by us. The eneretic nucleuses that define hu
man expectations-convictions are comparable (because strictly connected) to the
“wave function collapse”, which as a final analysis, defines the Reality of thin
s surroundin us. The reason why such expectations-convictions, which create tr
ue and proper “solid” structures at a physical level (subconscious nucleuses tha
t are dissolvent with difficulty) ive rise to some “neative collapses” of the
wave function (in a way that the reality takes shape around the subject in an un
favourable manner), is unfortunately still not clear. The lack of solid subconsc
ious nucleuses (which is of stron expectations and convictions in relation to a
determined object-context) of an individual, facilitates the occurance of synch
ronistic events (synchronisms) and ives a certain psycho-physical serenity to t
he subject under discussion. What
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must be remembered is that all the work carried out by a serious and intellient
psychotherapist durin any sittin with his respective “patient” is nothin but
an exchane of information, performed to dissolve (thanks to a chane of perspe
ctive proposed by the analyst and sweetly instilled at a conscious-unconscious l
evel in his patient) each useless and badly interpreted expectation-conviction o
f the latest upon the Reality that he believes he lives in. Jun defined such ra
ther mentally radicated convictions of some individuals as Constellations, and l
oically speakin, not easily dissolved while patientanalyst work is bein carri
ed out. It was therefore at this point that I manaed to catch a limpse of the
first pencil of liht towards the first possible experiments that were oin to
be carried out, in order to demonstrate, at least partly, some principle basics
related to the concept of the subconscious nucleuses. The Synchro Enery Project
(SEP), was oin to take off, and simply “feelin”, was for me an ineffable emo
tion. The first experiment (in which sixty volunteered to be submitted to the EE
G data), was carried out at the beinnin of November 2006 in a small laboratory
close to the University of Lausanne (in Switzerland), with the aid of three ext
raordinary people (who I shall always thank for their patience and above all tru
st they placed in my ideas-theories since the beinnin) and whose names are: Pa
tick Reiner (theoretical physicist), Jean-Michel Bonnet (electronic enineer) an
d Christine Duval (neuropsycholoist and physioloist). The experiment, rather s
imple from any point of view, required the followin material: - 89 cards of the
Zener typoloy but lackin any imae; all of different colours but only on one
side, but of the same colour if turned. Such cards are then divided into three d
istinct colours: twenty-two white cards, sixty-six red ones and only one black c
ard. They are then placed on a table on top of each other (piled up, more precis
ely on a deck) in such sequence and covered (that is, by showin the rear side):
Black – three red cards – a white card – three red cards – a white card – three
red cards – a white card – three red cards – a white
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card – three red cards – a white card – three red cards – a white card – three r
ed cards – a white card – three red cards – a white card – three red cards – a w
hite card – three red cards – a white card – three red cards – a white card – th
ree red cards – a white card – three red cards – a white card – three red cards
– a white card – three red cards – a white card – three red cards – a white card
– three red cards – a white card – three red cards – a white card – three red c
ards – a white card –three red cards – a white card – three red cards – a white
card – three red cards – a white card (the last card at the end of the deck will
therefore be the white one, while the black card will be placed on the table su
rface, covered by the other eihty eiht cards). -A modular machine (Modul Machi
ne) for electroencephaloram (EEG). It was also necessary to build (and this is
where Jean Michel Bonnet was truly decisive, in order to proceed with the experi
ment), a bimodal conversion transitional switch (for an inverted sinal entry) a
nd to connect the white noise modulator to the hih frequency DC enerator. With
out this switch, we would not have been able to ensure that the double propeller
inherent to the card sequence would extinuish itself. This would have cancelle
d any stimulus sinal inherent to the EEG riht from the start. The experiment c
onsisted in the measurin (in as many as sixty subjects-voluntary individuals) t
he EEG averae frequence (Mc Creery and Claride, 1996) and Pearson’s Correlatio
n (Rho) between the two emispheres (for delta, theta, alfa, and beta frequences)
, durin the task of card disposition (in sequence) one next to the other with a
relative “uncoverin” of the same, until the last card of the deck, the black o
ne. My assumptions (which in the end proved to be founded), were substantially a
s follows: the subject under discussion, durin the experiment, should have crea
ted-enerated a simple eneretic subconscious nucleus (due to the radual consol
idation of his expectations on the reular sequence of colours of the cards), wh
ich would have remained “hidden” (thanks to a reular-ordinary oscilla98
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tion of frequency of his EEG) until the moment of his uncoverin of the last car
d (whose colour black was obviously in net constrast with the reular sequence o
f colours of the remainder of the cards). At such point, the precise moment in w
hich the last card (the black one) was to be uncovered, the surprise when observ
in-ascertainin that the latest had nothin to do with the ordinary sequence of
the previously extracted cards, should have immediately “destroyed” that simple
eneretic subconscious nucleus (self-enerated throuh a radual consolidation
of expectations on the reular sequence of the colour of cards) producin a hih
frequency anomalous wave (to the limit of the Beta band) that should have been
reistered in the EEG analysis. More “Nuclearised” expectations we’ll have (on t
he sequential succession of the cards) at a subconscious level in the subject an
d more evident will be the peak of the “anomalous wave” which will oriinate fro
m the dissolution of such temporary subconscious nucleus, the moment in which th
e “anomalous card” is uncovered (in contrast with the sequential scheme of the p
revious cards). The results of such experiment, in as many as 42 subjects over s
ixty, showed some anomalous peaks in a rane of between 30 and 30,5 Hz, in relat
ion to the uncoverin of the last card. Instead, Pearson’s Correlation, showed i
n such subjects (42) a sudden decrease of coherence between the two emispheres,
the precise moment when the last card was bein uncovered. Even if my hypothesis
was revealed to be founded, this simple experiment still wasn’t demonstratin t
he effective existence of “subconscious nucleuses”, but in some way led us towar
ds assumin it. In fact, even ufficial science admits that unexpected stimuli (i
n this case, the card which was not in sequence) can enerate neurophysioloical
reactions which are cerebral or not but from this, nothin I wished to prove wa
s not deduced. Another decisive turnin point came the moment I felt somethin w
hich was rather more important, in relation to a particular electromanetic fiel
d, more precisely the heart. What I had to do initially was to transform the fol
lowin hypothesis-supposition in some kind of “fact” throuh a loical (not expe
rimental) analysis related to a system which is unfortunately not
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well known: the human electromanetic field and the various interactions with ce
rebral waves of the same individual. The hypothesis that I formulated was the fo
llowin: The dimension of the heart’s toroidal electromanetic field is only and
exclusively amplified durin the dissolution of the subconscious nucleus but no
t in the case of an “anomalous peak” of the EEG due to a simple temporary emotio
n. Such hypothesis has its roots in the fact that no eneretic subconscious nucl
eus can exist, situated in areas that are rather distant from our brain, able to
dissolve only and exclusively throuh cerebral waves. Chinese medicine, based o
n the manipulation of determined physical areas of an individual, finds the solu
tion to determined psycho-physioloical problems (for example acupuncture) leads
towards the confirmation of such hypothesis without a shadow of a doubt (thanks
to its two thousand years of history) and in my opinion turns it into a “fact”.
Even if such considerations, claimed by a theoretical physicist, could almost a
ppear to be blasphemous (especially in the eyes of any physicist-scientist who i
s absolutely faithful to the academic consensus and therefore as a principle is
contrary to consider-evaluate any hypothesis which could appear to them as “rath
er unorthodox”), I am still of the opinion that they will sooner or later have t
o be revaluated, even by the most sceptical subjects so that they may finally be
endowed with a worthy and well-deserved importance which unfortunately for the
past two thousand years, prevalently seems to be a preroative of the eastern wo
rld. What I shall therefore expose from now on reardin the followin experimen
ts on subconscious nucleuses makes sense only and if it is considered as proper
arument and basis of my latest consideration (exposed in bold letters above); o
therwise everythin shall inevitably lose credibility and meanin. The heart’s m
anetic field is approximately 5000 times more powerful than the one produced by
the brain, but it isn’t hampered by tissues and can be measured even at a dista
nce from the body with an Quantum Intereference Superconductin Instrument (SQUI
D) that is based on manetometres. I will now refer to the experiment proposed t
o PEAR, and can say that it is possible to establish a link between the EEG “ano
malous peak” at the moment of the dissolvin
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of a subconscious nucleus (enerated by a determined subconscious constellation)
, and width of the Toroidal CEM (Toroidal CEM = body’s electromanetic field, e
nerated by the heart whose eometry is in the shape of a Torus). The dimension o
f the Toroidal CEM varies from a minimum of 2,5 and a maximum of three metres (w
ith a vertical axis centred in the heart); by measurin the relationship between
the “anomalous peak” of the EEG at the moment of dissolvin a subconscious nucl
eus and the value of its dimention (width) of the Toroidal CEM (also carried out
durin the dissolvin of a subconscious nucleus) a constant value should be obt
ained. (EEG / SQUID = K). My principle supposition (even in this case later conf
irmed by our experiments), was that the Toroidal CEM slihtly increased in width
, at the moment of the EEG “anomalous peak” due to the annihilation of a determi
ned subconscious nucleus. As we have previously seen, it is true that science ad
mits the possibility of anomalous waves durin a determined event touchin the e
motional centre of an individual; however, if we place a SQUID measurement next
to the EEG measurement carried out durin a dissolvin event of a subconscious n
ucleus, it is possible to ascertain which anomalous waves are due to a simple te
mporary emotion and which are due to the annihilation of a subconscious nucleus.
And the reason is a simple one: The dimention of the Toroidal CEM is amplified
only and exclusively durin the dissolvin of a subconscious nucleus but not in
the case of the EEG “anomalous peak” due to a simple temporary emotion! Therefor
e, by carryin out two parallel experiments (with measures SQUID and EEG side by
side), one foresees an EEG “anomalous peak” due to the dissolvin of a subconsc
ious nucleus and one foresees an EEG “anomalous peak” due to a simple temporary
emotion; and if we finally calculate the values athered by the EEG/ SQUID relat
ionship in these two pieces of data, it will be possible to ather the followin
: the only values that will define a constant will only be the ones athered by
the EEG/SQUID relationship in the “anomalous peaks” experiment enerated by the
dissolvin of a subconscious nucleus.
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In the beinnin of February 2007, we started with the second phase of the Synch
ro Enery Project. First of all we created two roups of volunteers, each of 60
people, 120 people in total. The first roup was submitted to the experiment wit
h 89 cards by placin the statistic data next to the EEG (electroencephaloraphy
) data and SQUID (maneto-cardioraphy) data; the second roup was also submitte
d to the experiment (with the statistic data next to the EEG and SQUID data) but
with an additional “characteristic” compared to the first roup, more precisely
: durin the quiet session in which the subject had to uncover one card after an
other, approximately thirty seconds after he started carryin out the operation,
a cap un shot was bein fired (obviously without the subject’s prior knowlede
) riht behind his shoulders, a few metres distance*19 away. The first ratifica
tion was reached when I ascertained that the results related to the first roup
confirmed (with a relatively low marin of error) the hypothesis of a constant v
alue (K) athered by the EEG/SQUID relationship in the case of “dissolvin” actu
al subconscious nucleuses. The most impressive atherin was the fact that the T
oroidal CEM of subjects belonin to the first roup, once ampliefied (in the me
asure of a few centimetres) durin the extraction of the last card (in 39 subjec
ts over sixty) it took approximately 40-50 minutes for each individual’s values
to return to the standard (ordinary). This we were able to verify thanks to four
volunteers who accepted to remain under observation a few hours loner than the
standard duration of the experiment. The second and final ratification was whe
n I ascertained (once aain confermed by my hypothesis) that durin a simple tem
porary emotion (induced in subjects belonin to the second roup with the unexp
ected firin of a cap un shot), the Toroidal CEM practically remained unchaned
Jean Michel was almost always the person to carry out such “thankless task” whic
h consisted in secretly firin the cap un shot at the riht time. Even now, whe
n I remind him about that phase of the experiment, even if jokinly, he observes
that it wasn’t at all fun bein insulted in several ways when faced with “rathe
r unsociable” individuals.
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However, at this point, a careful reader could undoubtedly ask the followin que
stion (which is completely leitimate and pertinent to the core arument in ques
tion, defined by an startin point which set itself to find a meetin point betw
een the Junian Theory of Synchronicity, the Principle of Non Locality and the c
ollapse of wave function), more precisely: “But what does the dissolvin of a su
bconscious nucleus have to do with the Theory of Synchronicity?” Each synchronis
tic (or synchronic) event is characterized by the fact that durin each manifest
ation, the subject placed in such “mutations of perspective”experiences on the r
eality of thins (which he interprets accordin to his own subjective parametres
) essentially defined by determined schemes (subconscious nucleuses) where sever
al expectations normally tend to weaken, a “spiritual rowth”. I realize that we
are still rather far from findin a true theory able to unify the concepts of S
ynchronicity, Non Locality and collapse of wave function; but the fact that we w
ere able to find actual correlations between several aspects-consequences of the
theory of Synchronicity and my theory of subconscious nucleuses (which were pro
ved by the results carried out on the Synchro Enery Project) should lead us to
believe that perhaps we are on the riht path to one day reachin somethin more
vast and concrete. A dear memento by Brenda and Robert:
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The SQUID Manetometer The quantum interference superconductin device (SQUID) c
onsists in two superconductors separated by fine layers which form two parallel
joints as the Josephson type. The device can be confiurated as a manometre to
obtain incredibly small manetic fields from livin beins.
The field limit (or “threshold”) for such (SQUID) device, equals to 10-14 T. The
manetic field of the heart, on the other hand, equals to 10-10 T; while the on
e of the brain equals to 10-13 T. The reat sensibility of SQUID devices is asso
ciated to chanes in measurements in a manetic field connected to a quantum flu
x. One of the discoveries connected to Josephson’s junctions was that the tha fl
ux is quantized in the followin units:
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If a constant “in excess” flux of current is kept within the SQUID device, the t
ension (voltae) measured oscillates with the chanes of phases in the two junct
ions, thus dependin on the chane of manetic flux. Meditation, a “remedy” for
retrocausality? To conclude with a “touch of mystery” this disseminatory exposit
ion on the Principle of quantum compensation of subconscious nucleuses and its v
arious correlations with the theory of Synchronicity and the collapse of wave fu
nction, I would now like to take in consideration an “element” that has so far b
een excluded in this context but that has a lot to do with it because it also re
veals an important factor that is not indifferent, especially if placed aside th
e principle of Retrocausality. This “element”, is nothin but a particular state
of our conscious: the meditative one. Not so lon ao, I had the pleasure to di
scuss such matter with Cinzia Turnaturi (cited in the beinnin of this book, wi
thin the Acknowledment section), who is an Italian expert on meditation techniq
ues and Buddhist phylosophy. I must say that had I not considered her hypothesis
-opinions on the interaction between the meditative state and principle of retro
causality rather uninterestin, I obviously would not have included our brief “e
xchane of views” in this volume. If it is true that our mind alters reality (“I
cannot believe that the moon exists only because I observe it” – claimed Albert
Einstein when discussin upon issues inherent to the collapse of wave function)
, and if it true that meditation (yoa,zen,…) “alters” the mind (that is, it pro
duces non-ordinary mental states) it follows, from a loical point of view, that
meditation is to be considered as a factor-vector in the process of “alterin”
reality (vularly: meditation indirectly “alters” reality). Who is or what is in
the end that makes the wave function
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collapse? The observer or the observed (whether it is an animated or lifeless bo
dy)? …well, until today, no one has been able to find some definite answers to s
uch question. The reality is simply …Maya, which is somethin that no human bein
 will ever be able to know its “inner nature”; in the past we believed that mas
s and enery were two distinct thins but in the beinnin of the last century,
uncle Albert chaned the rules. Then towards the second half of the last century
, theories of Information (Shannon;Bekenstein) appeared…but nowadays we know tha
t enery is nothin but a complex form of Information. The day we will discover
what it actually is and fundamentally, what information is, we will surely be ab
le to claim that we have reached a reat aim (… about the “definition of reality
”). Accordin to Turnaturi: “Meditation modifies reality in a way that it erases
the distortion caused by the non meditative state. In other words, it does not
modify reality but makes it real, which means it makes it what it actually is. I
t is the non meditative state that modifies reality. Reality cannot be defined b
ecause reality is an experience and in order to experience somethin, the mind m
ust be placed on one side; and how can you use the mind to define one thin whic
h excludes the mind? When I say that it is the non meditative state to modify re
ality, I mean that it is the mind which modifies it. When we observe reality thr
ouh the mind, we have a distorted imae of it and we observe it directly with t
he non functionin mind so reality appears the way it actually is. Furthermore,
observin reality with the filter of the mind, is like observin it in play-back
; our perception takes place a few instances after thins have actually happened
. However, when we observe thins without the mind, phenomena are seized the ins
tant they happen. My “research” tells me that not only the past modifies the fut
ure (the mind is past) but also that the future modifies the past. In the last y
ears, thorouh research has demonstrated the existence of retrocausality: situat
ions whose causes have been collocated in the future and information actually mo
vin back time. This work suests that insertin such information in the decisi
onal processes
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for the purpose of overnin the present in the most efficient and effective way
. The most famous demonstrations on retrocausality have been produced by: • PEAR
(Princeton Enineerin Anomalies Research) which, by studyin the interaction b
etween mind/machine, has demonstrated the possibility to modify the functionin
of enerators of casual numbers with a simple intentionality (Jahn e Dunne 2005)
. In these experiments, the anomalous interaction between mind-machine appears t
o be more enhanced in the retrocausal modality PRP (Preconitive Remote Percepti
on), reachin a sinificant result (risk of error) of p=0,000002 (Nelson 1988).
•The Conitive Science Laboratory studied powerful stimuluses and discovered the
existence of a cutaneous reply of 3 seconds (James 2003), with statistical sin
ificance (risk of error) of p=0,00054. • Radin and Bierman (1997) demonstrated t
hat the advance reply of the autonomous nervous system and cutaneous conduction
can be used as prediction aents for future experiences. • Parkhomtchouck (2002)
used FMRI (functional manetic resonance imain) to study Retrocausality. All
the above research has demonstrated that emotions constitute the main vehicle of
retrocausality and information which come from the future. Luii Fantappiè in 1
942 came to the same conclusion, when he found the connection between the neati
ve solution of Dirac’s equation, syntropy and emotions (Fantappiè 1993). Chris K
in (1989) links retrocausality to free will and claims that in each moment, lif
e must choose between Information comin from the past and Information comin fr
om the future. Accordin to Kin, this activity of constant choices, such basic
indeterminism ives rise to the learnin process and conscience. Kin hihlihts
that subject conscience is a necessary consequence of supercausality arisin fr
om the union of ordinary causality with retrocausality. (Kin 2003).
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Turnaturi: “If ordinary causality and retrocausality are determined by thouht,
thouht is therefore what makes us conscious of our individuality. In fact, with
out thouht, one loses his individuality and walks into the universal consciousn
ess. It is desire that transforms the positive into neative. Furthermore, we ha
ve always been askin ourselves why thins o wron. We are the masters of our u
nfavourable reality. As a scientist, you talk about the collapse of a wave funct
ion, as a profane, I talk about thouht as “action” and just like any action, it
provokes opposite answers. To make myself understood, I could make a comparison
with tu-of-war. If I try to push you down, you react the opposite way. The Bud
dhist philosopher says that the world is our own “creation”, in a way that it is
our thouhts which model the world, accordin to our expectations and there are
as many worlds as there are minds. Trascendin the mind means to observe the on
ly world (the only reality) that at that point is the same for everybody. “Obser
vin” the world throuh thouhts means to build a world which is all your own an
d which will inevitably crash with the world of other human beins. The rational
conscious is relative because it does not let us see the whole picture but just
one side of it. The rational mind creates opposites and can only “see” one at a
time. If it sees white, it cannot see black, if it sees the riht, it cannot se
e the wron and if it sees the bad, it cannot see the ood. The rational mind th
erefore has its limitations and it is almost as it is surrounded by a fence over
which it cannot see. Transcendin the rational mind (which Buddhism calls eo)
means to be able to see in an instance, all the opposites that at that time are
no loner opposites but complementary and one cannot exist indipendently from th
e other. Transcendin the rational mind means to seize each positive and neativ
e aspect, all the beauty and uliness, the ood and bad. And it is for this reas
on that the one who trascends his mind appears to be contradictory or rather cra
zy; this is because he has freed his mind from the poles imposed by thouht thus
not allowin him to observe totality. And it is for this reason that it is said
that the one who has trascended his mind (the awakened, to be more precise) bec
omes the universe because he no loner has limits and becomes endless like the u
niverse. Absolute Reality cannot be demonstrated because it belons to a subject
ive experience that lies in the absence of thouht; and how can I
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translate in words (therefore demonstrate) an experience happenin in the absenc
e of “words”? Each intuition happens in instants of thouht cessation and if you
are able to become aware of this, your rational mind transforms it into the “Mi
nd of God”. From my point of view, meditation produces states of consciousness t
hat are not ordinary, which as a result establish (fix), throuh the phenomenon
of retrocausality, determined life paths from which we cannot “subtract” ourselv
es as they “cristallize” at a subconscious level, fixin some “rules” we are not
aware of which we are “forced” to follow until the end of our earthly existence
. This is undoubtedly one of the concepts requirin further clarification and cl
ose examination so that it may lose the veil of ambiuity it is enveloped in. Th
e first thin that must be done is to set a basis upon which all the respective
hypothesis-theories on the subject under discussion can be fixed; that is: medit
ation and its “relationship” with reality. Such basis could be become imbued on
one of these two possibilities which for some immemorable time have iven rise t
o discussions on the concept of free will; more precisely : determinism or indet
erminism? My answer is therefore as follows: determinism (…nothin happens by ch
ance, nothin at all). Havin set such arument from the start, we can therefore
o beyond this… By adoptin the concept of determinism, any “model” of “subject
ive will” that we may want to adopt in order to “explain” the act of meditation,
would not make any sense (exactly, in a context of “stron objectivity”). The “
main pathway” any individual walks upon, in the course of his earthly existence,
is only one but with endless and potential diramation which themselves may comp
letely lead to be “off course” and with difficulty provide the way of oin back
to the “main pathway” or towards “parallel pathways” that in any case lead to a
predefined destination. The final destination is therefore always and exclusive
ly one (and for each human bein there is a different final destination, precise
ly a determined “evolutionary oal” which may only be refined with time, more pr
ecisely with other lives). Therefore, the reason why some people are more prone
to respect compared to others and that are easily able to o into non ordinary s
tates of consciousness (meditation) is an unknown matter
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(as in the context of “powerful objectivity” talkin about subjective will, cons
cious choices and free will make no sense). The only acceptation in which we can
understand the followin assertion, namely: “Meditation alters reality”, is the
followin: Freein the mind by all “superfluous information” surroundin us (me
ditation) therefore does not mean openin a passae towards other “main pathways
” but simply eliminatin all the “ramifications” leadin us towards “danerous”
areas for our health-safety (and which are also non-educational) to fix, throuh
the phenomenon of retrocausality, a scheme of multiple (but not endless) “posit
ive ramifictions”, (in keepin with our nature) throuh which we can comfortably
“pass on” imainin all of its “benefits” thanks to retrocausality. Therefore,
throuh meditation, we can fix parametres at a subconscious level that will let
us walk throuh endless “positive ramifications” for the rest of our lives, and
we may be able to uess apriori their importance in relation to the “meanin of
our life” (obviously varyin from individual to individual). Principally, (thoer
etically), medication should therefore provoke in the subject takin it, a minor
quantity of “conflicts of information” (at a subconscious level) with respect t
o reress hypnosis and PNL (neurolinuistic prorammin).
Turnaturi: “Free Will does not exist, even if we believe the opposite. And this
is due to the fact that the eo (fictitious entity) could not “think” differentl
y. Our actual eo is our free will, in a way that it leads us to believe that we
have free will. But from the moment that our eo is false, our free will also b
ecomes false, because the same solely depends upon the existence of the eo. Con
cernin the reason why some people appear to be more prone to meditation than ot
hers, my “opinion” is that this depends on a mix of luck and evolutionary level
of the subject. It is a bit like developin a determined illness: it depends on
enetics (luck) and the subject’s behaviour (evolutionary level)”. Rather intere
sted are also her hypothesis-considerations on the correlation between meditatio
n and retrocausality which undoubtedly distance themselves in some ways from min
e but anyhow offer some excellent points of reflexion:
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“Throuh meditation ceases the phenomenon of retrocausality (and causality) whic
h we have when we are unaware, whilst bein meditative, means to be aware. When
we are in a state of meditation there are no expectations, therefore the phenome
non of retrocausality does not take place and the positive event which follows i
t is not a transformation from neative to positive but what it should have been
in the first place. In other words: havin expectations (not bein in a state o
f meditation) transforms reality in neative events, whilst not havin expectati
ons (when we are in a state of meditation)reality becomes what it is and cannot
be defined as positive nor neative. Meditation is par excellence a condition de
finitely eliminatin all conflicts because conflicts come from the mind but if w
e are in a state of meditation, the mind is not “present” so where are all the c
onflicts? Instead, PNL is a mental task just like any psycholoical therapy; psy
che means mind and wherever the mind acts, there shall always be conflicts. Medi
tation eradicates problems from their roots and when we eradicate roots, weeds a
re no loner able to row”. Laplace once claimed: “ intellience which, in a spe
cific instance, knows all the powers An animatin nature and the respective situ
ation of all livin beins composin it, even if it was deep enouh to supply th
is data to an analysis, it would embrace within the same formula, the movement o
f the biest bodies of the universe and the lihtest atom: nothin would be unc
ertain and the future, just like the past, would exist in his eyes.” Well, this
theory has been proved wron because everyone preferred to base himself on the P
rinciple of Indetermination of Heisenber, inorin the fact that the same orii
nates and takes shape from human inorance, defined by our own limits of observa
tion. Generally, mankind prefers to believe in what he is only able to see… but
if everythin was visible, paradoxically, he would no loner be able to see anyt
hin because he would be blinded by the Bein. Determinism died since the birth
of Heisenber’s Principle of Indetermination and all scientists are careful not
to di it up aain for the fear of losin credibility within the community they
operate and possibly lose their jobs.
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Determinism therefore, concealed in the heart of several scientists (…perhaps th
e best) will still continue to exist rantin science the permission to never bo
ther Heisenber, Schrödiner, Bohr and all those who set the foundations of QED.
(If Gödel had really been taken seriously, the whole subject of mathematics wou
ld have eventually ended on a dead track. Each science, in order to make prores
s, paradoxically requires a touch of Illoicality and Inorance on our part. Tur
naturi: “When the mind is filled with too much knowlede, there is no room for t
he new. Knowlede is culture, which is obviously important but if knowlede is n
ot accompanied by intuition which ives rise to “absence” of mind, it is therefo
re in the presence of inorance and this only creates limitations. Of course, th
is may be a paradox, but life itself is a paradox and this fact can only be “und
erstood” if we reason “without” the mind because the mind is unable to see parad
oxes, consistin of reasonin and bein loical. I believe that a scientist or a
researcher must have a bit of inorance before he can become a real scientist a
nd a real researcher because only when everythin that has been acquired in one’
s mind is emptied can there be room for the Everythin. Your story about a door
at the top of the stairs showed us how all positive expectations have transforme
d reality in an unfavourable event; I would like to add that when expectations a
re neative, reality takes shape around the subject in a way which is favourable
. It is the classical example of when we are awaitin a phone call anxiously tha
t never comes and instead arrives after we have lost all hope. Each time we have
expectations, we modify our surroundin reality while when we do not have expec
tations (meditation) reality manifests itself (therefore is not modified) for wh
at it is and cannot be claimed as positive or neative, rather neutral. It must
however be said that in a way, it is almost as if it were positive, but only thr
ouh a perceptive point of view because when we are in a state of meditation we
feel a sense of wellbein. Meditation, however is not a non-ordinary state of co
nsciousness but it is the mind which provokes non-ordinary states and the moment
that we do not know meditation we think that the same is not ordinary. What you
call subconscious nucleuses are formed by mental activity (expectations) while
when we are in a meditative state there is no formin of subconscious nucleuses.
Accordin to me, this is because in
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meditation there are no thouhts (and therefore there are no expectations). If m
editation is the absence of thouht, therefore an absence of expectations, subco
nscious nucleuses do not verify and therefore there are no phenomenas of casualt
y and retrocausality. Meditation is not somethin more, it is not an acquired st
ructure; meditation is somethin less, a lost structure. Buddha stated that it i
s the mind creatin the world and each of us creates his own world. Instead, med
itation makes all personal worlds disappear and turns it into a reality which ap
pears the same for everyone”. After such hypothesis and considerations, it is cl
ear that the careful reader will come up with the followin question: but does t
he conscious state which we commonly define as “meditative” (thus, the act of me
ditation), effectively places a “break” on the principle of Retrocausality or no
t? Well, in order to answer this question with a minimum of objectivity and caus
e conition, it is essential to remember the followin: in 1942 Fantappiè (one o
f the reatest Italian mathematicians) demonstrated that the positive solution o
f enery (+E) is overned by the law of entropy, while the neative solution of
enery (-E) is overned by a symmetric law of entropy that he calls sintropy. By
studyin the properties of sintropy Fantappiè discovered with his reat surpris
e, the coincidence between these properties and the typical characteristics of l
ivin beins, includin order, oranization, rowth and tendency to complexity;
he therefore came to assert that the typical properties of life are a consequenc
e of causes collocated in the future. For any value of E (enery) that we would
therefore want to consider within a psychic state which excludes determined acti
on-reaction stimuluses, the same could be null with difficulty. We may even wish
to consider the psyche intended as a complex form of dynamic information (which
in the end is always enery but in a particular state between the ponderable an
d and imponderable) and exclude cerebral mass and all of its components (neurons
, neutrotransmittors, neuropeptides) which play throuh external stimulaes in fa
vour of a constant “eneretic oscillation”. As stated previously, even if we con
sider the psyche alone, if it is to be found in some sort of “condensed state” (
meditation) where it is no loner possible to interact with external stimulaes o
f reality, the same
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will have to assume “eneretic values” due to “external streths” bein surely e
ndlessly small but never void; and this is for the simple fact that “an empty fi
eld space” cannot exist.
“Only the idea of field as representative of reality, combined with the eneral
principle of Realativity manaes to reveal the true inner core of Descartes’ ide
a: that there is no existence of empty field space.”
With these last clarifications-considerations I don’t intend to invalidate Turna
turi’s hypothesis (or validate them, obviously); rather I would like to help my
most “curious” readers understand that thins are not as simple as they may appe
ar at first lance. Havin said this, it is clear that in such a complex field w
here the borderline between physics and metaphysics becomes more and more subtle
, any door leadin to new frontiers still inexplored by scientific research rema
ins open. Therefore, everythin is possible, even if not experimentally demonstr
able; let’s not foret the fact that several theories in physics (and especially
some postulates of Relativity) formulated in the beinnin of the last centurie
s have been able to be experimentally demonstrated only in the last decades (it’
s enouh to think about the condensates of Bose-Einstein which were mentioned in
the beinnin of the book). What should also be considered is the fact that eve
n in a mathematical ambit, which ives rise all ideas-hypothesis of the world of
physics, include “truths” that still have not been demonstrated on the basis of
which we continue to build theories of physics that still make little sense in
some respects. Without botherin Gödel, for example, it is enouh to think about
the last theorem of De Fermat*20, which was only possible to be demonstrated (i
ndirectly) after
Such theorem states that for the followin equation : xn + yn = zn , there are n
o solutions with inteer numbers n above 2. By simply chanin the 2 in Pitaora
’s equation with any other number above, it becomes practically impossible to fi
nd a solution with inteer numbers. The demonstration of such theorem was found
not too many years ao by mathematician Andrew Wiles.
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three hundred years further to its formulation! There are therefore ideas follow
in brief paths before they can be demonstrated; others take loner and this obv
iously depends on the complexity that such ideas reveal throuh time and the imp
ortance they envelop in the practical applications they should in the end includ
e, in order to improve the quality of determined functional aspects of old and n
ew technoloies (which in turn are linked to the quality of our lives). Therefor
e, measures developed within my theories of the Synchro Enery Project which now
appear to be an absolutely arduous task, if not rather impossible may in future
find applications in determined scientific-technoloical ambits. My hopes (…eve
n if it were wron to have any hopes because as we know, they only lead towards
disappointments and displeasin events), currently could be summarized with the
followin simple consideration: now that the die has been drawn, someone sooner
or later may follow the same pathway, possibly reachin new oals, perhaps even
more sinificant from the ones that I have been able to reach throuh the exploi
tation of my modest culture and intellience.
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PART II – God=mc2 (Chosen readins from the oriinal italian version: Dio=mc2)
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Between Good and Bad
“I will only believe what I am convinced in because I am convinced, without trus
tin the words of others”.
“Everythin leads us to believe that there exists a certain point in the spirit
at which life and death, the real and the imainary, the past and the future, th
e communicable and the incommunicable, the hih and the low, cease to be perciev
ed as contradictory. “.
I can still clearly recall the memory of a briht and breezy sprin mornin when
, walkin to my elementary school with a school friend (I think it was around th
e beinnin of the 80s, perhaps on the fifth year of elementary school). Alon t
he walk which divided our carefree family life from the more riid and borin sc
hool life, in an instant of illumination which I could now define as the product
of a brief and unconscious meditative state (perhaps stimulated by my proressi
ve mental detachment from impulses supplied by a “conditional reality” of the ch
aneable world surroundin me) I had the most aberrant intuition that a youn bo
y could ever have in those fleetin years in life. With complete natural truthfu
lness, I turned towards my youn friend and asked him the followin questions: “
Patrick, why I am myself and not someone else? Why was I born in 1972 in Bellinz
ona, Switzerland and not, for example in 1927 in New Dehli, India or in another
part of the world?” And aain…”Why do I belon to this animal species? Why was I
born on this planet and not on
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another perhaps on another solar system or perhaps in another alaxy, millions o
f liht years from Earth?” I still remember his reaction. He slowly turned his h
ead towards me and when he looked at me, I had the impression that his loomy pu
pils where tryin to scrutinize throuh what was allowed, tryin to discover wha
t was concealed in the twists and turns of my psyche. With a sliht and circumst
antial stutter and a pale face (this actually bein his nature) after havin ref
lected for an instant, he replied that he “actually didn’t have a clue” and that
after all, havin answers to such questions would not have chaned our lives in
any way. Loically, up to now, I still have not been able to answer all such qu
estions that I have been carryin with me for over twenty years, and it is a for
eone conclusion that I will never be able to fulfill such endless demandin tas
k. However, in the immense psychic effort that I have tried for several years, i
n the attempt to try to find a more or less “subjectively acceptable” answer to
all these impossible questions, in a distinctive fraction of a second, when my t
houhts touched the limit that is ranted to any other human bein (limit which
is only ranted to mathematics, because everythin becomes endlessly irrational;
it could be actually be claimed that mathematics is the “Voice of God”), I had
that wonderful but also puzzlin intuition (perhaps that of the Aleph, as it wou
ld have been defined by Jore Luis Bores; or perhaps that of the Omea point, a
s it would instead have been defined by father Teilhard de Chardin) who brouht
me to formulate the followin consideration: “To be and not to be, existence and
nonexistence are nothin but two sides of the same coin”. Existence and Non Exi
stence, could be imained as two tanent and parallel lines extendin for an end
less distance, and at the end actually rejoin their startin point formin a eo
metrically perfect circle of infinite dimensions. If we finally want to widen su
ch concept by redifinin it, no loner on an euclidean front, but in a space def
ined by Gaussian coordinates (therefore also takin in the “multidimensionality”
of space-time), we could rejoin the same to that Nietzschean phylosophical feat
ure which poses the concept of Existence (in universal terms), in the ambit of t
he Eternal Spiral where
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everythin is repeated: where in this case the perfect circle represents one of
the endless “rins” constitutin the Eternal Spiral. Such instinctive behaviour
in each animal species defined as “love for (or towards) life”, therefore oriin
ates from thouht (belonin to still youn animal species) far from the possibi
lity of accessin the kind of thouht which is much more evolved and which mould
ed by millions and millions of extreme intuitions, becomes pure awareness of an
Absolute Reality. It would not be difficult for a civilization where such deree
of awareness can easily be reached, to imaine a hih rate of suicides and an e
xtremely low birthrate. But at what point can suicide (obviously the one inflict
ed by an individual who has no psycholoical disorder or illness) represent some
thin which is insane or innatural for a human bein? Whatever we can conceive a
nd classify below the parameter of: “Good”, falls within a picture of a reflecti
on conditioned by our own nature. On the contrary, everythin conceived and clas
sified under the parameter of: “Bad”, falls within the picture of a distorted re
flex, in this case, conditioned by an unusual and oriinal kind of nature, which
obviously no loner falls within the norms of the ordinary nature that we were
so fond of. If we now o and analyze these two parameters: Good and Bad, on a mu
ch hiher conceptual level, completely detached by the ordinary and conditionin
nature defined by the enetic code of any human bein belonin to the animal k
indom, a nature which does not allow us to conceive others outside the same, we
realize that these two conceptual parameters: Good and Bad, have no absolute va
lue; they are nothin but a reflex, which is sometimes oriinal but most of the
ordinary, of our nature. Comin down to a lower conceptual level thus by only ba
sin ourselves on the ordinary nature of each bioloical entity (of the animal k
indom) of the earth, usin Oscar Wilde’s words, we could surely claim that: “Ev
erythin that is understood is ood”.6
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The Wonderin Soul
“ I know and all that I have learned leads me to believe that All the world in o
ur present conscious is only one of the many existin worlds of consciouses and
that such worlds must contain valid experiences even for our life; and in spite
of the fact that those experiences and the ones of our world remain separate, th
ere is between the two connectin points an enery which filter from one to the
other turnin it into an unicum”.
I would now like to move on and analyze a concept so dear to theoloians and mil
lions believers from every reliion; the concept of the “soul”. Accordin to the
oloians, each human bein, differently from other animal species, has a soul; a
ccordin to them, it is comparable to some kind of unobservable “enery”, which
cannot be quantified or distinuished, which each and every human bein possesse
s durin his or her earthly life, and that is undyin, even after death. The sam
e, is therefore considered, accordin to theoloians, as some kind of enery per
vadin our body (some however, believe that the same is only concentrated in the
brain) and the moment in which we die (that is when our electroencephaloloy ap
pears flat and there is therefore no neural activity) is able to dissassociate i
tself from the body and continue to exist eternally in a world which represents
the dark side of the coin: the one of Non Existence. Such kind of enery is also
considered, accordin to Christian and several other reliions, the same ranti

n a life to be manifested or in
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other words: it is Life in itself. Each human bein therefore, is considered as
some kind of machine whose fuel is named as the “soul”; without which (the machi
ne) would not be able to move, interact with its surroundin environment and the
refore, in simpler words, it would not be able to live. When we reach the concep
t of the soul, the mechanistic vision of life (in this case referrin to an indi
vidual human bein), is met in almost all reliions (as it wanted to bear witnes
s that mankind, from the beinnin of time out of mind, has never wanted to acce
pt the idea of havin to eventually deal with death and disappear definitely in
the emptyness); however, some of reliions, such as Buddhism, Zen, Taoism and e
nerally all Eastern reliions, appear to divere from the mechanistic vision of
life, the World and the entire Universe in the most absolute manner. All of thes
e reliions or life phylosophies in fact, don’t follow the classic and currently
natural schemes of human thouht as this actually finds itself trapped and invo
lved in a continuous fiht with the usual binary structures (typical of any stil
l youn animal species); but such contrast with the normal model of human thouh
t, is uniquely met on a level in which lobal aspects of the entire existence ar
e considered. Theoloy, therefore admits the existence of two forms of souls: on
e (which is the one lettin us live, as it is life itself accompanyin us until
death), mered in the most absolute dissociable way with the body and mind; the
other “extracorporeal” one, more precisely the one which at the moment of death
becomes dissociated from our bodies and continues to exist eternally in an extra
physical world. Let’s now analyse the concept of earthly soul, associated with t
he body of each human bein throuhout their entire life, and we will connect it
with what is commonly deducted in the scientific world with reards to life in
itself. It would be almost incredible, but in this case, science offers us a vis
ion that is absolutely systemic of the life of each human bein. (Everythin is
correlated to everythin) we will therefore analyse the followin medical assump
tion: “The moment an animal human bein no loner presents any activity at a neu
ral level and therefore his electrocardioram appears to be flat, he can be defi
ned as clinically dead”.
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Therefore, in scientific terms, the soul, can be defined as some kind of psychic
enery produced by the activities of the neurotransmittors within the brain [a
way in which a determined quantity of mechanical work transformes (produces) a d
etermined quantity of calories; therefore a determined quantity of celebral or n
eural work, transforms (produces) a determined quantity of psychic enery]. “Not
hin is created and nothin is destroyed, everythin transforms itself”. Therefo
re, the same can exist (the soul or if you prefer, a psychic enery), only and e
xclusively durin its neural activity; the moment the same ceases, any kind psyc
hic enery (the fruit of a neural activity and unconceivable as an indipendent a
nd self-oranizin entity, as everythin is correlated to everythin) would imme
diately dissipate in its surroundin environment; that is, it would immediately
transform itself, interact and become part of its surroundin environment.
It has now been several centuries that mankind has been tryin to provide an exp
lanation of the concept of soul abusin scientific terms, and in particular the
extracorporeal one. Often, when try at all costs to provide an explanation for s
uch a delicate concept which for several thousands of years has been dear to eac
h human bein, the unforivable mistake is made, more precisely to use scientifi
c terms to explain somethin that has nothin to do with the physical reality in
which we live; a reality where it is absolutely not possible to observe what be
lons to the obscure side of the coin: the one of Non Existence. Somethin which
we often hear or read about concernin the human soul, is that it is some kind
of undyin psychic enery, or an eneretic and self-oranizin sphere…enery, en
ery, enery… Generally, those who support the idea of eneretic soul, talk abou
t it as if it was somethin ethereal, unobservable by our physical reality parad
oxically in strict correlation with it; by makin use (but perhaps we ouht to s
ay abuse) of the term “enery”, each time they attempt to define this eternal su
rvival after life. Admittin the existence of some kind of enery which is not e
ssentially the fruit of the transformation of another form of enery, would ther
efore be like admittin that in nature, scattered here and
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there in space, there could be some form of sparse caloric enery spheres, that
are self-oranizin and undyin; this would o aainst all the laws and principl
es of thermodynamics, which are aruments accepted until a contradictory experim
entation is verified. For example, the most modern form of the Principle of Theo
rmodynamics is the followin:”It is extremely unlikely (but not impossible) that
heat spontaneously passes from a colder body to a warmer one”. In fact, even ps
ychic enery could be defined as the transformation of some part of each neurotr
asmittor, into another kind of enery; if it is true that E=mc2, each neurotrans
mittor represents nothin but another complex form of enery. Even mankind subst
antially represents a complex form of enery (able to oranize itself yet not un
dyin); by calculatin that in 1 k of mass there is somethin like twenty five
billions of kWh of enery “encapsulated”*1*1 so I will therefore let you calcula
te how much enery a 70k man represents. Finally, oin back to the concept of
soul, we must conclude that the same may not be defined in physical or even scie
ntific terms. If we want to consider that man truly has a soul dissociatin itse
lf from his body after death (therefore acceptin what William Blake stated appr
oximately two hundred years ao that “Everythin that can be conceived, is an im
ae of reality”), the same will never be able to reveal itself to the physical r
eality in which we live; and it will never be able to be observed or detected wi
th physical instruments. Someone may now remember what I previously stated about
the concept of Existence and Non Existence, more precisely that both are nothin
 but two sides of the same coin (comprisin a physical and extraphysical realit
y); thus you may ask yourselves: “But if the soul belons to the dark side of th
e coin, the one of Non Existence, and if it is true that Existence and Non Exist
ence could be conceived as two parallel tanent lines (of an infinite lenth), w
hy couldn’t Existence and Non Existence interact amonst themselves?” Well, I be
lieve that in each instant of our lives, we interact with everythin belonin t
o the world of Inexistence; and that everythin
Considerin the balance between mass-enery, it would not really be riht to tal
k about enery encapsulated in a mass, since mass and enery fundamentally repre
sent a sinle concept, defined with two different words.
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we “achieve” in our life is nothin but the fruit of the interaction subsistin
between Existence and Non Existence. All of our actions, the movement in itself
of an entire life of each human bein, is comparable to that of an elementary pa
rticle ; the same can in fact exist simply as the fruit of interactions and inte
rdependences between other sub-atomic particles. Each interaction between Existe
nce and Non Existence, is therefore manifested simultaneously on two different f
undamental levels: the physical (real) and the extra-physical. Here is therefore
the solution to the enima of the wave-particle dualism and how it can transfer
from an atomic orbital 1s to an orbital 2s, disappearin from a point in space
and then reappearin into another: this is how we can conceive differently the f
act that a sinle electron could contemporaneously move throuh two holes of a m
etallic plate; this is how we are able to conceive differently … Schrodiner’s “
livin-dead cat” and so on.
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Beyond evolution
“It is much more important that an assertion be interestin rather than true”
The space object which had the brihtness and colour of moulded old, decelerate
d briskly movin throuh the speed of liht to a state of absolute stillness. It
was shaped in a bizarre way, of a shape symilar to the human eye, the alien obj
ect appeared to be constituted by two eometrical solid shapes with superimposed
pyramidal-shaped bases. Still in its mesopause*2, above immense mother of pearl
colour clouds, at approximately eihty kilometres distance by the earthly roun
d and brihtened by the sun rays, the perfect spatial machine chaned its eomet
rical appearance as if it was constituted by some kind of plastic material into
a spheric shape. It provided an ineffable ift to only few elect beins of the b
lue planet and after a few instances, it became invisible in the most absolute w
ay, disappearin in time-space in a fraction of a second. However, from the invi
sible sphere, eyes and non-human minds were beinnin to ive rise to careful re
flexions. “Look Alem! This is the water planet. It is populated by several
Atmospheric layer situated at approximately 80-90 km distance of the earth surfa
ce, whose temperature oscillates between 70 and 80 derees Celsius. Apart from t
his atmospheric layer, the temperature increases exceedinly until it reaches a
value of approximately 2’200°C at around 400 km distance from the earth surface.
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animal species, but the most predominant is the human species” said the small cr
eature with the conic head and disproportionate almondshaped eyes to his travell
in companion. “It really is an enchantin planet” observed Alem with an entranc
ed look. “But tell me Aleph, this kind of animal species you are talkin about,
has it already reached the third evolutionary phase?” asked once aain the small
creature which looked similar to Aleph’s in its physical appearance. Aleph open
ed his small trianular-shaped mouth and smiled showin the lon and compact bon
y tissue that constituted his toothin: “No, the human species must still et ov
er the first. Human beins evolve rather slowly: this is, I believe, due to the
conformation of their brain. You see, the human brain doesn’t have a conical sha
pe such as ours. Their brain is similar to the “most evolved” animal species of
the Godar planet in the 248 Ross System”. “ Are you talkin about the Meracis?”
asked Alem. “Yes, indeed. However, they have already moved on to the second evol
vin ae. In the past, the Meracis were the predominant species of the Godar pla
net which had about ten billion inhabitants, but now there are only two billion
remainin. Still now, they are tryin to make up for the mistakes that were made
durin their first evolvin phase”. Alem remained rapt for a few instances and
then, with an ever increasin interest towards the subject which had been put on
hold, he started to talk to Aleph once aain: “Do you believe that the Meracis
will save themselves from a premature extinction?” “Yes, I believe so, even if t
hey are only at the dawnin of the second evolutionary phase and in spite of the
fact that unfortunately, only few remain”. “Will they reach the third evolution
ary phase? “ continued Alem. Aleph smiled once aain and said: “No... it is unco
nceivable, the
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structure of their brain does not rant such evolutionary advancement. And human
s will obviously never be able to reach the third evolutionary phase”. “Therefor
e, both humans and the Meracis are exposed to a premature extinction due to the
cosmic factor, or am I wron?” continued Alem, eaer to know. “ Alem! What are y
ou sayin? Each animal species belonin to the Universe, before it can reach th
e third evolutionary phase is subject to a possible premature extinction. Even o
ur animal species has risked extinction due to the cosmic factor. The first evol
utionary phase is a critical phase; but even the second evoluationary phase is c
ritical because other than the risk of a premature extinction due to mistakes ma
de by the species in the first evolutionary phase, there is a risk of premature
extinction due to a cosmic factor”. “But our species didn’t make many mistakes d
urin the first evolutionary phase” shrewdly observed Alem. “Yes, it’s true. We
have quickly evolved and made few mistakes in the first evolutionary phase thank
s to the conic shape of our brain. If we had had a brain similar to human beins
or the Meracis, we would have never reached the third evolutionary phase and we
would have been extinct below the perpetual ice which for several detlan has be
en coverin our planet of oriin”. Aleph, from the heiht of his knowlede, answ
ered patiently to each question which Alem was askin him, without varyin his m
ild and eloquent tone of voice. Alem observed the Earth remainin in coitation,
pointin his bi almond shaped eyes to a vast and isolated land which had emer
ed, called Australia; then, moved by a shadow of a doubt,bean talkin about the
subject once aain: “Therefore, if we exclude the cosmic factor, human beins a
nd the Meracis could avoid a premature exctinction but would perpetually stay in
the second evolutionary phase”.
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“Exactly” confermed Aleph. “If we exclude the cosmic factor they could survive f
or another three or four deifron before they actually o into exctinction”. “Wil
l we be extinct too?” “Most probably yes. Accordin to primitive science, a scie
nce which dates back to our first evolutionary species each animal species of th
is Universe is destined to become extinct sooner or later”. “Do you believe that
there could be a fourth evolutionary phase?” asked Alem, almost excited. Aleph
remained quiet and hesitant for a few instances, as if the question asked in suc
h a naive way, had subconsciously disturbed him, but then, he replied: “I have b
een told that there are some livin beins which travel in separable capsules an
d that are able to move them around space by exploitin the cerebralelectroravi
tationalmanetic power. Such beins could have reached the fourth evolutionary p
hase”. “What about us, will we ever be able to reach such evolutionary phase?” “
Well, our scientists have only lately discovered endless applications applied to
the psycoelectroravitationalmanetism. And we must also remember that only a f
ew nano-detlan have passed since our reat discovery of temporal enery. In the
past, we believed that the antimatter and time were two distinct items, nowadays
we know that a vast concentration of temporal enery, ives oriin to antimatte
r particles. The human species, are already rouhly aware of temporal enery; in
fact, human beins (thanks to Setinein*3’s thouht, a reat scientist belonin
to their first evolutionary phase) have already distinuished
Einstein’s anaram.
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space-time in two sectors which they themselves define as: hih ravitational po
tential and at a low ravitational potential. When human beins will realize tha
t in places far from Earth, in reions rather distant from the Earth, the avera
e number of antimatter particles present in space is rather low compared to anti
matter particles oriinatin from the Earth itself, and will probably come to th
e conclusion that time and antimatter are nothin but different kinds of the sam
e enery. Therefore, you should be able to perceive that evolution can hold many
surprises for us. In this universe, nothin should be taken for ranted. A rea
t phylosopher who came from the first evolutionary phase who, if I am not mistak
en, was called Storialete*4 said: The one who tries to educate himself must firs
t of all be able to doubt, because intellectual doubt leads us to discover the t
ruth”. Alem, naively asked his fellow: “But isn’t it rather incoherent the fact
that you mention primitive phylosophical concepts in order to introduce them as
educational purposes in the reality of our times? Aleph at that point ot anry:
“You are stupid! Nothin makes minds so imprudent and useless such as inorance
of past times and disreard for ancient work”; and I believe that Jertoub*5 was
actually riht”. Alem remained quiet for a lon time, meditatin on the extreme
ly important subject he had learned by Aleph’s phylosophical talk and then, with
out aner, he peacefully turned towards him: “You just said that in this univers
e we should never take anythin for ranted and that we should doubt anythin; n
ow, on the basis of your claims, I would like to ask you: What is the reason whi
ch leads you to believe with certainty that human beins and the Meracis will ne
ver reach the third evolutionary phase?”. Aleph, after Aleph’s sharp and careful
reflexion in connection to what he had previously stated, was dazed and perhaps
surprized by such a simple yet embarassin question. “ Actually, distinuished
scientists comin from our contemporary era have affirmed that ...” For a small
moment in time, Aleph went
*4 *5
Aristotele’s anaram. Joubert’s anaram.
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quiet, feelin as if he was makin a reat mistake, a mistake which would inevit
ably have destroyed the complex phylosophical puzzle that had been reinin in h
is mind for some time, then he said: “Do you know somethin Alem? This is the cl
assic example in which the student surpasses his teacher. Let me conratulate yo
u Alem, sometimes you prove to have a rather uncostumary discernment”. Alem smil
ed, pleased with himself and asked: “I have never understood somethin about you
Aleph, which is: for what reason a lover of all sciences such as yourself, in s
pite of the immense store of scientific and phylosophical knowlede you have at
your disposal, expresses himself in such a simple and hardly researched manner i
n order to build and define concepts that are at times rather profound and of a
reat phylosophical value”. Aleph, slihtly opened his wide hazel eyes and with
a calm voice said:: “I knew that sooner or later you would have asked me this qu
estion. Alem, you should know that the most profound thouhts and teachins clos
er to the truth actually derive from the most simple words and discussions. Stor
ialete said: “Words are beneath the wisdom that they should inspire”. The simple
r the words and discussions and the less obstacles thouhts will encounter in it
s endless ascent towards the truth. Alem, in a doubt, asked: “But if you say tha
t the ascent of thouht towards truth is endless, this therefore means that you
suppose that absolute truth is unreachable?” “I am very pleased with you Alem, a
nd do you know why? Simply because you were able to connect what was said a whil
e ao reardin doubts of the intellect, with your nth question. You said: This
means that you assume... you didn’t say… this means that you consider… the fact
that you used the verb suppose is rather sinificant because from this we can de
duct that you have rasped Storialete’s teachins reardin doubts of the intell
ect perfectly and subconsciously, because this is what I believe happened, you m
ade use of this in your latest question. Alem was left speechless when faced wit
h Aleph’s observations
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because rihtly, he had believed that he had truly made use of the teachin of d
oubts on the intellect in a subconscious way. It hadn’t been a pre-elaborated re
asonin to suest him, in his last question to make use of the verb assume, rat
her his subconscious. This meant that the teachin of doubts on the intellect, h
ad benevolently placed its roots in his opened mind. Aleph, without bein asked
anythin by Alem, replied to the question which had been put aside and continued
to express his ideas reardin the relationship between simplicity-thouht: “I
haven’t answered your question yet Alem; you were askin me whether I assumed th
at absolute truth is unreachable, weren’t you?” Alem nodded. “Well, yes, I belie
ve that absolute truth is actually unreachable. The steps leadin to knowlede a
re endless Alem; and absolute truth is actually placed at the end of this endles
s ladder. But now, I would like to o back to the relationship subsistin betwee
n a simplicity understood as characteristic defined by very few elements and the
use of matter. In order to reach the hihest and most souht-after levels of te
chnoloy, it essential to carry out an in-depth and uninterrupted research on sc
hemes and technoloical models which seeminly appear to be perfect and not alte
rable but that in reality belon to a low level of technoloical evolution. Incr
easin the density of schemes and models, not alterable technoloy and science 
ain an ever increasin value. Here is an example: can you see that trianular bu
tton which is found in the centre of the control panel?” said the man pointin t
o it, “that button can carry out eiht functions, that is as many as the finers
in our hands; because dependin on the finer that presses it, the same will be
able to activate the electro-manetic transformers, weih the capsule in a pre-
established direction or make the capsule speed in space increase… can you under
stand what I am tryin to express? In order to reach a hih technoloical level,
it is not necessary to continually increase the number of elements present in s
chemes and models and associate each of them to a sinle function, rather it is
essential to reduce the number of elements and multiply its functions as much as
possible”. Alem scratched the top of his cranial cone and remained absorbed in
his thouhts for a lon time, tryin to restore order in that
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multitude of teachins that had been assimilated in an extremely short period of
time, amalamatin ideas and concepts in the most bizzarre and varied ways in a
manner that no human mind could conceive. After such a lon psychic task, once
a ain he turned to Aleph: “Once I read somethin by a phylo-scientist*6 from anc

ient times, I believe he was called ... Ramul, or Ramel...”. “Ramond, was he cal
led Luap Ramond*7 the phylo-scientist you are talkin about” promptly specified
Aleph, “some time ao I also read some of his works; please carry on Alem” he fi
nally asked him . “In one of his works he said somethin about intellience: int
ellience is one, throuh different structures, just like the desire to live she
ltered is one, throuh one thousand architectural works. What do you think Aleph
, could it be really this way?”. “Well, I believe that Ramond was riht, but I o
nly aree with part of his statements. In my opinion, it is thouht, the sinula
r entity able to move freely throuh several cerebral structures. Intellience i
s the dauhter of thouht, the same could not exist without a thouht eneratinv
it; and the quality of intellience and its rade of nobility depends on the wa
y and speed in which thouht travels throuh the various cerebral structures. Hu
man beins’ thouhts like those of the Meracis, prevalently travel throuh binar
y structures. They do not have a binary-analoue-deductive thouht such as ours
and it is therefore for this reason that human beins and the Meracis are not ab
le to broadly predict the future. Even our species oriinally didn’t have an ana
loue-deductive thouht; but later, with evolution and above all thanks to the c
onic conformation of our brain, by enterin the third evolutionary phase, our th
ouht was able to undertake all essential transformations which now rant us the
ability to reason in a binaryanaloue manner and are therefore able to broadly
predict the future.
*6 *7
Term made up of two words: phylosopher and scientist. Paul Morand’s anaram.
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It is however true that between human beins, there are those normally named as
mystics, sorcerers or clarvoyants who are able, even if not endowed with a conic
-shaped brain, to reach a third psychic state; that is the awakenin state*8, th
e one in which it is possible to use the boundless powers of the superconsciousn
ess. At what state such individuals reach the awakenin state, our phyloscientis
ts still have not been able to find out; but it is a known fact that some are ac
tually able to telepathically communicate with us, obviously in a rather primiti
ve manner, and as they do not know the sinals and codes of the telepathic they
are not able to transmit a messae which makes sense. It is probably true that h
umans, in the next ten or fifteen detlan, that is when they will be endowed with
a more voluminous brain than the one they have now, they shall be able to take
advantae of certain powers of superconsciousness which until now, only certain
elect of their species unexplainably know and are able to make use of “. At that
point Alem, telepathically asked Aleph a question: “What makes you think that h
uman beins, in ten or fifteen detlan, in spite of the fact that they may be end
owed with a more voluminous brain and therefore have a more elevated intellectua
l potential, will not anyhow be able to make use of all the powers of superconsc
iousness?”. Aleph made an undistinuished rimace and after havin sihed, he re
plied to Alem verbally: “You see, unfortunately, human beins’ reatest problem
is that nature has not endowed them with a conicshaped brain. Human beins as we
ll as Meracis, because of this freak of nature, are only able to make use of a m
easly 10% of their reat intellectual potential. Now, in order to make use of al
l the powers of superconsciousness, it is essential that the individual make use
of 100% of his intellectual potential. In ten or fifteen detlan, human beins w
ill have a maximum of 70% of their intellectual potential, because their brain u
nfortunately does not have a conic shape. Do you understand now why I am of the
opinion that human beins will never be able to
In order to fully understand the meanin of state of awakenin and that of super
consciousness, the last chapters (III part, cap.V, VI, VII, VIII) of the book: “
Il mattino dei mahi”, by Pauwels and Berier (Ed.Mondadori, Milano) must be rea
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make use of all the power of superconsciousness and that as a consequence, it wi
ll be rather improbable that they will be able introduce themselves to the third
evolutionary phase?”. Alem lihtly areed and fell into a state of meditation.
Aleph, in each of his reply, seemed that he constantly followed a loical scheme
which was densely ramified and with difficulty refutable; it was a scheme which
uniquely induced reflexion and only rarely led to questionin the most delicate
points, thus leavin Alem in an unconscious state of continuous frustration. Bu
t in spite of this inevitable situation, caused by the deep differences in himse
lf and Aleph’s intellectual maturity (above all linked to experience), that Alem
rarely allowed his intellect to fall into a passive mode; far from this, even i
f most of the times, implicitly in front of Aleph, he imposed his intellect to d
oubt each thin, even items which accordin to him appeared to be irrefutable an
d evident. His was a stron mind and he was fully aware of it; he knew that soon
er or later, even if he had had Aleph’s similar fund of experience and knowlede
, he would have become a reat lover of all sciences just like his fellow travel
ler. Suddenly, his thouht slipped aainst the flow, oin back to reexamine eve
rythin which Aleph had initially expressed reardin the evolution of the human
species and what he had within limits defined... errors. He turned to Aleph and
made use of his tonue: “You know Aleph, after a careful reflexion about what y
ou initially displayed concernin the model of human evolution, I have realized
that there is still somethin which places my intellect in a state of deep perpl
exity: it is somethin which in the beinnin, I thouht I had understood perfec
tly, but now it unfortunately breaches my thouhts and brins a lot of uncertain
ty. It concerns the concept of error, Aleph; what do you exactly mean when you t
alk about errors made by mankind durin the first evolutionary phase?” he questi
oned with an unquiet soul. “Well Alem, I would really like to talk about mankind
’s errors with you but unfortunately, the author of this proram has just com-
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municated telepathically that he would rather do this in another multimedial rea
lity”. “What are you sayin Aleph? What proram are you talkin about?... and wh
o has telepathically communicated to you? “asked Alem openin his eyes wide and
with an dumbfounded look. “The author of the proram Alem, is he who communicate
d telepathically with me” replied Aleph in all tranquility and with a sliht smi
le. “We do not belon to the physical reality, we are imainary beins, created
by human beins’ fantasy who are currently eneratin all our thouhts throuh c
ircuits printed on his computer. In reality, our thouhts belon to the one who
enerated us, the author of the proram; all our reflexions are nothin but the
fruit of the psychic work of this primitive animal who, transported by his imai
nation in the multimedia reality we live in”. After such words Alem was astonoun
ded in a rather worryin manner, impatiently tryin to find a way out from that
enormous psychic chaos that had formed from the inside of his conic head. “I am
oin crazy Aleph. Do you therefore want me to believe that in reality we do not
exist? That we belon to the fantasy of a rouh and primitive human bein and t
hat we could therefore disappear into the void at any time without prior notice?
” “Well, theoretically yes, but this would only happen if the one who enerated
us deleted the entire proram contained within the computer file in which we exi
st. I stronly doubt that the human bein under question will lead to committin
such a mean action towards ourselves but anyhow, if my opinions are not enouh
to make you feel better, you can always ask him directly and find out what his i
ntentions are “. “Do you mean that... I am also able to dialoue with that bein
, the human bein of the proram?”.
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“Yes, you can Alem. We belon to him, to his thouht, we are not able to hide an
ythin from him. The reality in which we live has been enerated by him throuh
his fantasy; our thouhts in reality belon to him…I know that this is extremely
difficult to understand and accept, but unfortunately this is reality. Come on
Alem, you can ask him anythin you want”. “Well...I...” “Come on! In this moment
in time, he is here with us, ask him somethin, you can even do it telepathical
ly!”. Alem looked around with a troubled expression and verbally formulated the
followin question: “I...just wanted to ask you, what are... or what will be you
r intentions towards us, I mean…you will let us live, won’t you?” Aleph couldn’t
but smile and covered his mouth with his palmed hand. “DO NOT WORRY, I HAVE NO
INTENTION OF MAKING YOU DISAPPEAR”. Alem swalled slowly clearin the lump in his
s, yes…of course, I promise. Can I do anythin else for you?” he asked with a be
, DO YOU?”. Alem’s face turned briht red and Aleph’s smile turned into lauhter
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“He spoke to me telepathically Aleph! “he said excitedly. “He said that…but, wha
t are you lauhin at?”. “I know, I know Alem…I heard everythin” he stopped lau
hin and became serious aain. “Well, now you no loner have a reason to worry
about your …safety. Smile Alem, the multimedia reality is not that bad…”. The tw
o rey beins stayed quiet for a lon time, until Alem interrupted him: “ Aleph,
what do you think about oin on this enchanted planet and meet some human bein
?”. “ Are you crazy? They are primitive beins, if we o amonst them we will o
nly freihten them. Furthermore, we don’t know how they could react. It appears
that you have forotten the first rule of etholoy*9 Alem”. “Which is?” “Do not
disturb animals that are bein observed. Not lon ao, one of our capsules that
penetrated the atmosphere of this planet had a fault on one of its anti-ravitat
ional amplifiers and precipitated on a solid point of the planet. In spite of th
e stron impact on the planet surface, the pilots manaed to save their lives. T
heir capsule was semidestroyed but they were able to sinal their position to ot
her capsules who luckily were within the Alpha 21 solar system. Well, when the t
wo capsules entered the orbit of this planet in order to look for the pilots whi
ch needed to be rescued, the emerency sinaller suddenly stopped emittin lair
ion waves, thus preventin the two rescuin capsules to identify the point where
the two pilots were to be found. For a lon time, the two rescuin capsules and
others searched the entire solid area of the planet, but the pilots and their c
apsules were never found”.
Bioloical discipline which studies the habits and customs of animals and the ad
aptation of plants in the environment
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“Do you think it was mankind’s doin?” “Yes, many believe so, includin myself.
Accordin to me, the pilots of that capsule are still alive; those primitives ha
ve probably been studyin for some time our aerospatial technoloy. Who knows wh
at they are tryin to discover. Perhaps formulas and the secrets of electroravi
tomanetic enery, or perhaps the laws of black fields, fields which are able cr
eate spatio-time contractions. They are such dreamers!” “Remember Aleph, you mus
t never take anythin for ranted in this Second Universe” jokinly cautioned hi
m Alem. “It’s true, perhaps some human beins know far much more than we do and
probably…more than what several human beins believe”.
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Errando discitur
“Sometimes the truth makes its entrance in history, ridin upon the saddle of er
“One who never made a mistake never made a discovery”.
When I talk about the followin, what do I actually refer to?: Errors in the hum
an species durin the first evolutionary phase? First of all, it must be said th
at such errors are principally connected to the scientific-technoloical as well
as the political-economical sphere which takes shape and develops around the la
test mentioned. Because the topic under discussion is extremely complex and exte
nt, in order to help anyone’s mind (independently from his/her own cultural leve
l or scientific knowlede) “chain reflexions” may be triered off, it is essent
ial to cut it down to a simple example: let’s imaine that mankind, in the cours
e of its own evolution, invented (or made, or created or discovered) as many as
one hundred “thins”. (You may freely o throuh a wide rane of knowlede withi
n any field of science, as well as the political or economical one). Out of seve
nty of these “thins” man only knows the positive sides of them but not the nea
tive ones which they could conceal. This is not a
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serious factor because no neative sides to these seventy “thins” exist.*10 Out
of twenty of such “thins” mankind knows the positive sides, but does not know
the neative sides or lon-term damae that these could cause on a lon term (wi
thin a few hundred years) to the earth’s environment and the behaviour of the hu
man species [directly, or indirectly (throuh the feedin and other oranic subs
tances voluntarily or involuntarily fed into our bioloic cycle, such as vaccine
s, medicines, drus...)] and/or to other animal species. Havin created these tw
enty thins (or discovered, invented or made…) means havin committed involuntar
y (or secondary) mistakes. Out of ten of these “thins” man may know the positiv
e sides and also knows the neative side or lon-term damae that these can caus
e to the earth’s environment and/or to the behaviour of the human species (direc
tly or indirectly) and/or to other animal species. Havin created these ten “thi
ns”, means havin commited voluntary (or principle) mistakes. At this point, on
e could ask himself: why did man want to create (or made, build…) these ten “thi
ns” in spite of the fact that he was fully aware of all the neative points of
which they were saturated? He could have limited himself to developin those “th
ins” at a theoretical level, studyin them as if it had been possible to create
This may not be the exact truth because each entity of this Universe, whether or
anic or non-oranic, will never be able to be in absolute harmony with its surr
oundin environment. For each entity there are always two sides of the coin, pos
itive-neative, the fact is that most of the times, these entities present a ne
ative side to the coin which is so small and cannot be observed by the human spe
cies so we are therefore used to define them as “pefect entities” or entities wh
ich are in perfect harmony with their surroundin environment. Generally, these
neative points which are not observable by the human species acquire larer dim
ensions and as a consequence become more or less observable by our species only
after several thousands or even tens of thousands of years. (Unfortunately, all
is always awfully relative! Everythin is correlated to everythin and there is
nothin in this world that can be conceived as a sinular and independent entity
if we move our thouhts throuh a eneral conceptualization of the Universe). N
evertheless, in order to simplify the conceptual theme of the hundred “thins”,
it is essential to omit the existence of such neative aspects (which are in suc
h context extremely indecisive factors).
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them with other scientific criteria or abandon them whilst lookin for other sci
entific pathways. For what reason did he still wish to create them? An answer to
this reat enima could be the followin: there are scientists which spend all
their lives in order to come to a “reat” (or it would perhaps be better to say
revolutionary) scientific discovery and when they reach such aim, the wish to an
nounce to humanity their “discovery” is so reat, that even if the same was satu
rated with neative sides or aspects, they would only be able to distinuish the
positive ones (even if limited); but we cannot blame them for this. Their brain
isn’t conic-shaped, as many people think; they are common human beins and thei
r soul is susceptible, filled with joy, pain, pride, reed and presumption (espe
cially when apart from fame, money is involved). Would you like to smile? Well,
it isn’t so difficult to think that thanks to these ten “thins”, mankind risks
to be ... prematurely extinuished. “The enery produced by the breakin down of
the atom is a very poor kind of thin... Anyone who expects a source of power f
rom the transformation of these atoms is talkin moonshine... We hope in the nex
t few years to et an idea of what these atoms are, how they are made and the wa
y they are worked”. (twelve years later, the inhabitants of Naasaki and Hiroshi
ma discovered at their expense what the atom was capable of. N.d.A.). This is a
frament of an article which appeared on a British newspaper on the 12th of Sept
ember 1933, in which Ernest Rutherford expressed his disapproval upon the possib
ility of atherin enery from the atomic nucleus. In December l938, two German
scientists Otto Hahn and Fritz Strassmann, discovered the nuclear fission. By bo
mbin the Uranius with neutrons, amonst reactive products, they discovered some
elements of an intermediate number of mass, such as the radioactive Barium, a r
eaction which could not be explained. In l939, Lise Meitner and Otto Frisch, ann
ounced the solution to this enima*11. On
Such discoveries ave Einstein confirmation of the equivalence between mass and
enery (E=mc2), as theoretically stated in his theory of restricted relativity,
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the 2nd of Auust 1939, Albert Einstein, informed President F. D. Roosevelt abou
t the daner of a German bomb by writin that fatal letter thus markin the bei
nnin of the American proramme for the creation of an atomic bomb. On the 2nd o
f December 1942, under the supervision of Enrico Fermi at the University of Chic
ao, the first nuclear reactor in the world was placed into function. Its power
was initially of 0,5 W, equal to 1010 fissions per second. The experiment confer
med the possibility of carryin out a chain reaction. In your opinion, what shou
ld all these scientists have done, shut their mouths as alchemists had done for
several centuries? Or should they have turned to the whole of mankind proclaimin
: “After several years of research, we have discovered the way of creatin ener
y from the atomic nucleus. With such enery, it will no loner be necessary to
ather tons of carbon or petrol in order to produce electricity in your homes; y
ou will simply require seventy rams of natural Uranium in order to produce enou
h enery in your homes for a period of one year. In any case, it is for your ow
n ood that we prefer to hide the physical procedures that allow the exploitin
of such enery; enery which we consider hihly danerous, especially if used fo
r war. You should therefore be patient and wait a further one hundred years and
then you will probably (and this “probably” is of hih importance because, there
’s the rub!) you will have “clean” enery; and considerin the unlimited reserve
s of deuterium in the waters of the sea, it will probably also be a free resourc
e”. What if in a few decades mankind was able to make use of the nuclear fusion
for the scope of eneretic provision, thus exploitin the immense resources of d
euterium present in the waters of the sea, and after another twenty or thirty ye
ars discovered that such physical process represents a source of enery saturate
d in neative points? And what can be added, if we move onto the field of biotec
as outlined in a renowned article, published when he was still below the ae of
26: the nucleus of the Uranius atom was splittin in two freein a considerably
hih eneretic entity.
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as well as enetic manipulation?*12 What surprises does the future have in store
for us for the next thirty or forty years? Now, in order for you to comprehend
the concept of error in the best way, it is essential that I provide you with so
me examples: do you believe that the invention of the internal combustion enine
(Lenoir, 1860), in which cluster of ideas could we collocate it? Several people
would surely collocate it in the cluser of ideas of the twenty “thins” that in
clude some neative factors that are hidden or at least unobservable and unquant
ifiable in the short term because they believe that Lenoir in 1860 could not ima
ine what lon-term damae his invention could have caused to the earth’s enviro
nment, to mankind and other animal species [obviously considerin all that has c
aused the explitin of petrol, both on the fraile structures of our ecosystem a
nd the political and economic ambit. Multinational petrol companies and in parti
cular their unlimited power (one can also believe that they are able to choose u
pon the fate of the whole of mankind), represent the worse thin that Lenoir cou
ld ever have imained]. He could have never forseen the deree of industrial, ec
onomic and political development which mankind would have reached with the passi
n of decades. He could have never forseen the notable demoraphic increase in t
he world which from the beinnin of the last century until now (in spite of two
reat wars) that raphically has followed an exponential curb. In addition to a
ll this, what ave the decisive input, was the “fame-honour-money” factor; and t
o top it all, if we wish to describe thins on a purely humanitarian-idealistic
level, you should read the speech on nuclear scission and realize where “the rub
is”. . “In this Theatre of Madness*13, as someone already stated four hundred y
ears ao , man is nothin but... “a poor actor who trium-
Carried out on the cells of breedin animals and that of veetables used for the
diet of human beins; the latest cause an indirect risk for mankind (eneticall
y modified veetables) if used in diets of breedin animals. William Shakespeare
(Kin Lear)
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phantly and eaerly spends his hour on the stae and then nothin more is known
of him”.*14 But we should not simply limit to consider this banal example; let’s
move on to another field of science, in the biomedical one: in your opinion, wh
at should bioloists and doctors do all over the world: wake up one mornin and
proclaim to the entire humanity: “After several decades of studies and research,
we have reached the conclusion that 40%*15 of medicines we use to cure your sim
ple and common illnesses can, even within several years, enerate cancer both in
the subject who has made use of such medication as well as in the children he w
ill have born in the course of his existence (even after several decades from bi
rth). Should we also mention vaccines, which weaken your immune system and somet
imes brin on diseases without which they would have never manifested themselves
. We therefore believe that in three hundred years of history, medicine has done
nothin but weaken our human species further more. What is riht and what is wr
on nobody knows and nobody can know; unfortunately even medical science doesn’t
have steps to walk on. Must we stop in the middle of the stairway, cry on spill
ed milk and walk back down with a blushed face or walk up hopin to reach in the
future and embrace at least one branch of the Absolute Truth? The survival inst
inct is innate in every human bein and we have therefore no intention of dyin
of huner after three hundred years of studies and research, nevertheless the ph
armaceutical multinational companies would not allow this because they would kil
l us beforehand. We have therefore opted for the continuation of this lon and h
ard climb. You are free to do what you believe is riht; if you are not able to
do so in your youth and recover from a simple flu by usin phytotherapeutical, o
meopathic or psycholoical method (and so on), you should know that you always h
ave a choice:
*14 *15
William Shakespeare (Kin Lear) This percentae also includes all the medication
whose teratoen or iatroen potential are known or suspected; or in the worst c
ase, where both are found.
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a) to die at the ae of 20 due to a simple flu, providin a small contribution t
o the enforcin of the human species; b) or take antibiotics and avoidin death
in the in the prime of your life obviously bearin in mind that perhaps at the a
e of forty, you will develop liver cancer.” Any mentally healthy person will ch
oose to take antibiotics as it is written in our neuroenetic code: the survival
instinct. What is therefore ood and what is bad? If we analyze this from a poi
nt of view which athers our oriin from our own nature (which, if we remember O
scar Wilde’s thouhts on the concept of Good and Bad, we could define as Wildian
), we could state that a sick person takin antibiotics, may be viewed as all th
at we conceive and classify below the parameter of ood; because what he has don
e (by takin antibiotics) is uniquely conceived as a reflex conditioned by his o
wn animal nature (common and ordinary). But let’s o back to what our ood docto
r has just proclaimed; in one sentence he said (by castin a shadow on the Hippo
cratic Oath): “in three hundred years of history, medicine has done nothin but
increasinly weaken our human species”. This may seem like a paradox to you, but
this situation has been able to develop slowly in three hundred years of histor
y (the weakenin of our species), athers its oriin from our ... survival insti
nct”. What is therefore riht or wron in this brief earthly existence? Should w
e continue to walk on the steps of science, acceptin in the most absolute way w
hat Dante Alihieri stated a few centuries ao, that is: “You were not made to l
ive as brutes but to acquire virtue and knowlede”; or should we stop and start
oin aainst our own nature? (because this is what we would be doin if we star
ted to suppress our enius and human creativity). Science, that is, its developm
ent, is nothin but a reflex conditioned by our own nature. Wantin to suppress
our scientific development would mean suppress the enius and human creativity;
it would mean to invert the flux of time (thus trierin off some kind of human
reression). Hopin for such event, would be like hopin that sooner or later t
he Earth inexorably slips between the fauces of a Black Hole; but not even in th
is case, mankind will be forced towards an inevitable
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reression and extinction (even if in this case, it would be more appropriate to
talk about total annihilation), if he, on that day, will have reached the same
tecnoloical-evolutional level of our dear visitors. As you may have already see
n, placin inventions or scientific discoveries in the cluster of ideas of the s
eventy “thins” which solely present positive sides, or in the cluster of ideas
of the twenty “thins” which present positive as well as neative hidden points;
or finally, in the cluster of ideas of the ten “thins” which present evident a
nd remarkable neative sides, this entails the use of chain methods of reasonin
that are rather lon and complex to carry out, thus creatin serious difficulti
es for the one tryin to make the riht choice for the purpose of collocatin th
e invention or scientific descovery in the most appropriate cluster of ideas.*16
I will now quote in the followin lines, an excerption of an article that appea
red on the Italian maazine “Scienza & Vita” (Jan. ‘95), which looks at the foll
owin question: Vaccines and their relationship with the industrial economy; an
article which I consider to be rather sinificative to help comprehend the compl
ex mechanisms of the “Loic of money”, which for several decades have altered in
an apparently irreversable way the conscious of mankind; makin the same, the p
rinciple cause of all harm which is troublin humanity. (Wars, for example, cons
titute one of such harms and mean billions of dollars for the multinational comp
anies of death). Below is the excerpt of the article under discussion:
An interestin fact is that several demoraphers in the 50s believed that toward
s the third millenium, the production of food on Earth, would no loner have bee
n sufficient for most of the world population due to the relevant demoraphic in
crease. Such demoraphers, had not actually considered the scientific and techno
loic development of the 60s and 70s. Someone could now object and state: how ab
out Third World countries? Unfotunately these countries are subjected to the Lo
ic of money; a loic which ensures that richer countries become richer whilst th
ose that are already poor, increasinly poorer. [It isn’t such a difficult task
to realize in which way and in what measure these are strictly interconnected, G
ause’s principle of competitive exclusion (in this case refers to various human
races; in fact, enerally, Gause’s principle can be intended and uniquely associ
ated to several aspects of cohabitation between different animal species) and th
e above mentioned phenomenon of the Loic of money.]
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“The American scientific maazine (...) has interviewed the best in the world wo
rkin in the field of vaccines, as many as one hundred researchers, responsible
for the health of the public and producers of pharmaceuticals, repeatin the que
stion: which vaccines are actually necessary? The first on the list is those aa
inst AIDS (...) for the Third World. The list is then followed by the vaccine a
ainst malaria and one aainst tuberculosis (...) whilst the western world demand
s vaccines aainst RSV and pneumococcus. Will they be available in ten years’ ti
me? (asked Science): “No”, replied researchers in a chorus. “In spite of the fac
t that the vaccines are the most effective instrument and the intervention of do
ctors with the most favourable cost/ benefit relationship, industry doesn’t inve
st in this sector”. “Because capital invested in vaccine research does not make
a profit, it is best invested in symptomatic pharmaceutical products, as they pr
ovide a old mine...”. (...) It may appear to be a cynical answer but fiures a
ree with them. Accordin to a study carried out by UNICEF the world’s vaccine ma
rket uarantees immunity for the whole of a lifetime, is worth three billion dol
lars per year, as opposed to the 3.5 per year provided by Zantic, one of the sev
eral medications aainst ulcers. It is a bewilderin fiure because ulcers, an i
nflammation which radually erodes the astric mucous membrane is due to a bacte
ria: the Helicobacter pylori and could be definitely be eradicated with a vaccin
e. Instead, in spite of the fact that the Helicobacter colonizes the stomach of
approximately three quarters of the world population and favours the formation o
f astric carcinoma, industry looked at the fiures and decided that it simply i
sn’t worth it. If vaccines were necessary prevalently to the Third World, the a
me is not worth the candle...(...)”.
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Tempus omnia medetur
“Time is nothin but the form of our internal intuition. If from time, we elimin
ate the particular condition of our sensibility,even the concept of time disappe
ars: time is not inherent to objects themselves but simply to the subject which
senses them”.
If we trace a raph in function of time, of the one hundred “thins” that in the
course of his evolution mankind has “enerated”, we will notice that the sevent
y “thins” only presentin positive sides, date back to ancient times, whilst th
e twenty “thins” which conceal neative sides or aspects belon to more recent
times and the ten “thins” that present evident and numerous neative sides date
back to extremely recent (modern) times.. We can therefore reach this conclusio
n: the more the complexity of the scientific-tecnoloical-political-economic sph
ere increases, the more mankind is inclined to commitin voluntary and involunta
ry errors. The increase of involuntary errors is directly proportional to the in
crease of the complexity of the scientific-tecnoloical-politicaleconomic sphere
. The increase of voluntary errors is due to two factors, one which is predomina
nt (a) and one which is of secondary importance (b):*17
In Einstein’s latest years, after havin stopped and looked at a brief evaluatio
n of all the developments in the scientific, technoloic, political and economic
developments that in fifty years were accomplished thanks to a brief period of
reat creativity which in the first years of the beinnin of the century brouh
t liht to all of his talent, he came out with this brief self-critique: “If I h
ad known, I would have chosen to be a plumber”
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a) the ever increasin complexity of the scientific-tecnoloicalpolitical-econom
ic sphere. b) the influence of money on mankind (which I will discuss and deepen
in one of the followin pararaphs). In the last few years, mankind is tryin t
o cure all the voluntary errors which he has commited in the course of his own e
volution. Out of the ten “thins” which present evident and cospicuous neative
sides, mankind had to create (and still tryin to create) remedies which present
evident positive sides. But are we actually sure that these remedies, deep insi
de, do not hide numerous neative sides? And the virus spreads... out of twenty
involuntary errors, another five involuntary errors will be added to it; involun
tary errors “acquire more consistence” and are joined to an additional ten volun
tary errors (that are more serious), mankind then creates another ten “thins” (
not necessarily restricted to the scientific-tecnoloical field) which present s
everal positive sides (but some neative sides) and havin done this commits an
additional ten involuntary errors... and so on... The complex function brushed a
nd sketched on pae 154, culminates in this case, in an hypothetical future arou
nd the year 2’200 AC. (such peak in any case, could be reached even before the y
ear 2’200 AC by mankind or, contrary to popular belief, several centuries later.
But we can’t even exclude the case that such peak has already been reached by o
ur animal species and that in the last few years, humanity is already in a phase
which we could define as: “recovery of consciousness”). If this peak shall be r
eached in the centuries to come, the same could represent in the worst case, an
extinction of our animal species; somethin which I stronly doubt, considerin
the reat bioloic adaptability of the human species aainst environmental chan
es that can be caused by a cosmic factor or by our own species with voluntary an
d involuntary errors, which can directly or indirectly influence mankind (princi
pally throuh his diet). Instead, at best, if this apex will be reached in the c
enturies to come, the same could represent a turnin point, a chane of directio
n, a recovery of consciousness; in other terms, the human thouht would start tr
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ellin throuh some analoue-deductive structures, yet prevalently remainin att
ached to the same binary structures, which are typical of each animal species th
at is still rather youn When I talk about our animal species, pointin out that
the same is a still youn species, I refer to the fact that, if we consider the
entire history of life on Earth (which started around 3’000 million years ao w
ith the appearance of the first livin cells) and we compare it with the history
of mankind (we “only” started seventy million years ao), we easily come to rea
lize how far on the evolutionary plan, our species has yet to o. If we o back
to the concept of turnin point, we could assume that when this factor will take
place [takin into account that such factor still hasn’t happened; and that all
initiatives and ecoloic movements that have taken place in the last few decade
s (tryin to be idealists and thus admittin that in this case money does not co
me into it), they would witness], the influence of money on mankind would slowly
start to decrease. The double equation: + money = + power = + freedom would als
o start to slowly loose its illusory value in the mind of the most “educated”, t
herefore leavin room to the development of a less mechanistic and rather more s
ystemic mind towards life and all that surrounds it. If we now o back and analy
ze the raph on pae 154, we will notice that after the apex on the axis of orde
red (“thins”) the human species, in the course of centuries, will still commit
voluntary and involuntary errors and it is natural that such thin should happen
because proper and sinificant chanes in an animal species may be observed onl
y in lapse of time ranin for thousands of years (still considerin the increas
e, with the passin of milleniums, of what is commonly defined in the evolutiona
ry bioloy as a “evolutionary facilitation”, of sinificant mutations, sinifica
nt because they could take place one after another, within extremely brief lapse
s of time, namely quantifiable in centuries).*18
In evolutionistic bioloy, the concept of evolutionary facilitation is intended
in such terms, that is the way in which enes are oranized, in addition to the
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Havin terminated the period of voluntary and involuntary errors, humanity will
see itself projected into a future rich of ideas, discoveries and inventions whi
ch we could define more or less “neutral” and that with the passin of centuries
, they will be inclined to stabilize on a more or less neutral scientific-techno
loical level (see raph on pae 154). Now, what could erroneously be thouht is
that such ideas, discoveries, inventions which with the passin of centuries be
come more and more “neutral”, are the fruit of a rowin “contraction” of the sc
ientific-technoloical proress, some kind of “about-turn” in each field of the
Universal Science (where we can find sciences such as economics, politics, physi
cs, bioloy, etc). This is absolutely implausible. The Universal Science, will c
ontinue in the course of centuries and milleniums, to o up those steps which fi
nally lead to the end of the Infinite Ladder, to the knowlede of Absolute Truth
. Scientific and Technoloical truth therefore, in several hundred years, will r
each peaks so hihly elevated that today’s humanity cannot even dare to imaine.
But it will no loner be a sinle scientific and technoloical pseudoproress,
a proress in contrast with its surroundin nature, a proress which indirectly
takes away life from us, slowly suckin life from the one who enerated us and w
ho we depend on (Needless to say that I am talkin about our Earth…but I shall m
ention it anyway). It will instead be a proress symbiosis with nature, some kin
d of ecoproress in an almost perfect harmony (but let’s not foret that even fl
yin saucers burn the rass they land on when they come to pay us a visit)*19 wi
th the terrestrial and extra-terrestrial environment. To help you understand, if
I make a simple example, we would no loner see flyin saucers loudly wonderin
about in the skies spreadin which the mutaenic aents have an effect on them,
facilitates the channelin of evolution in certain directions
In reality, the phenomenon may appear to have nothin to do with the apparent ef
fects created by combustion but rather with the effects due to the action of int
ense fields constituted by electromanetic waves that are similar to microwaves.
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in tons and tons of Kerosene combusted as , but we will see machines that will
no loner be in contrast with nature, machines which will move across space tha
nks to the same forces provided by nature (ravitational, manetic fields, etc.)
, machines (perhaps of a discoidal shape?) which, by interactin with the powers
of nature they will be able to perform in the sky, formidable evolutions charac
terized by chanes of speed in unimainable directions and intensity (and at tim
es, even unobservable) by today’s mankind.
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Denarius Nummus
“ comes from nothin and from this common oriin derives the All duty of fratern
ity and mercy towards all creatures”.
BUDDHA ,563-483 A.C.
“ that lives is your neihbour”. All
The influence of money on mankind: The factor that we previously reconized as t
he secondary cause of all human voluntary errors and that we have desinated wit
h the terms: “influence of money”, is enerally conceived in positive terms (on
an individual and at times lobal term) by the most “educated”individual, unique
ly as a reflex of the followin equation, more precisely: + money = + power = +
freedom it is a double equation in perfect harmony with the mechanicistic and th
erefore reductionist thouht of mankind, who ot to know his major development w
ith the comin of the Cartesian-Newtonian era. It could be said that the mechani
cistic conception of life, arose from the birth of mankind because it is substan
tially the fruit of a thouht that (prevalently) travels throuh binary structur
es; but in a rather sinificant way, it placed its roots in the mind of mankind
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a few centuries ao, with the comin of the previously mentioned Cartesian-Newto
nian era.*20 In such equation (which if accepted and unconsciously assimilated i
n the most absolute way, leads to an exasperated form of individualism in any in
dividual), so aspects of the life of mankind that are fundamentally important ar
e not taken into account namely: a) Havin reached a certain level on the evolut
ionary ladder, each human bein depends on the other. b) Our lives are in the ha
nds of our peers; just like their lives is in our hands. c) Our life, the one of
other animal and veetable beins, of our earth and the entire universe is part
of a bier picture of a complex ame of interdependences. I feel it superfluou
s to specify that the above mention equation (+ money = + power = + freedom), no
t only makes no sense on an individual level (factor which may seem rather unlik
ely to some people) but rather if it is considered on a lobal level referred to
the whole of mankind, it assumes a worryin aspect of a self-destructive phylos
ophy. The mechanicistic vision of life: Mainly for practical reasons, when the l
evel of information and notions related to a determined sector of science (even
in the political, economical, social, etc…) reaches the top (which is the maximu
m the mind of a common individual is able to assimilate in a relative number of
years of study, in order to later make use of his knowlede durin the remainin
years of his life), this is when the inevitable necessity to classify this newb
orn branch of science comes in, with a new name which oriinates from the mother
of science it derives from; and this is how from bioloy arises physioloy, zoo
loy, botanics and so on. The point I would like to make and to help my reader u
nderstand, namely what mankind has quickly tried to classify as
In order to fully comprehend the meanin of the expression: Cartesian-Newtonian
Era, the followin book should be read: “The turnin Point”, by Fritjof Capra (S
imon & Schuster, New York)
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mother sciences in the last few centuries (such as physics, bioloy, chemistry,
psycholoy...) are nothin but branches of a sinle mother science which we coul
d define as: Universal Science. It is only for the past few years that mankind i
s slowly understandin the close interdependences existin between the different
mother sciences; and this is how bioloic phenomenas are explained and defined
in psycholoical terms and vice versa, chemical phenomenas in terms anthropoloi
cal, eoloical or even astronomical. Everythin is in correlation with everythi
n: Therefore, life appears to us as ame of interdependences; mankind can exist
only if everythin that is around him exists. If we destroy the environment we
live in, we destroy ourselves. Unfortunately, this is what has been happenin in
the last few years; mankind is implacably destroyin our one and only mother, t
he one who enerated, our Earth. Accordin to Enlishman James Lovelock, even th
e earth (which he calls Gaia, name of the female divinity Earth at the time of A
ncient Greece) could be considered as a livin oranism and therefore “a thinkin
 bein”; and it can’t be said that one day, the same will rebel aainst the ani
mal species which is suckin life from her: the human species, more precisely th
e cancer of the earth. Perhaps, she is already doin this, throuh the hole in t
he Ozone layer. And just like in a cure for cancer, mankind apart from killin c
ancer-causin cells, it also kills several healthy ones in its body, the earth w
ill have to carry out the same procedure, slowly killin not only mankind (if sh
e will be able to) but also other animal and veetable species. At this point it
is therefore justifiable askin ourselves a question: “how many milleniums”*21
should the human species still await
Mutations which are more or less sinificant durin the evolution of an animal s
pecies, are solely observable on timeframes ranin for several thousands of yea
rs. In the most fortunate cases, such as in the example of the human species, ta
kin into consideration that it is now located in a stae that the potentiality
of evolutionary facilitation (compare with previous notes), they have reached ex
tremely hih levels, it is possible to verify sinificant mutations even in time
frames quantifiable in centuries.
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(supposin that it does not extinuish itself prematurely) in order to completel
y free itself from those neuro-enetic impulses that date back to ancient times*
22 and that are so danerous for its survival (hauhtiness, avarice, lust, aner
, envy, reed and sloth…stranely enouh the seven deadly sins) and from that me
chanicistic mentality (obviously as danerous for the survival of our species) w
hich continues to obscure our view of a reality so different from the one that w
e currently know? If mankind is still hihly influenced by determined neuro-ene
tic impulses, , such as hatred, envy, selfishness, reed, (materialism), racism
[yes, I feel that even racism is the fruit of such impulses, in spite of the fac
t that several consider it (or it would perhaps be better to say conceal it) lik
e a phenomenon derivin from a bold individual or collective inorance], this me
ans that it is still located on a medium level of its own evolutionary ladder. N
ow, if it is true that evolution, with milleniums to come, will provide our spec
ies with an additional or further layers of cerebral cortex, human thouht could
start to et throuh others brain structures, not necessarely only throuh bina
ry structures. Throuh binary-analoue-deductive structures (more precisely, pre
valently analoue) mankind will perhaps be able to discover the secrets of his s
ubconscious without havin to resort to hypnosis. Throuh such “alternative” str
uctures, the thouht of mankind will therefore be able to ive a death blow to t
he mechanicstic vision of life (defined as the fruit of a thouht that prevalent
ly travels throuh binary structures) to move to a more wide vision of existence
that is systemic and founded upon the awareness of the interrelation of all phe
nomena: physical, bioloica, psycholoical, social and cultural. Likewise, the n
euroenetic impulses of an ancient kind which for milleniums have characterized
our mind, will be suppressed further with the formation of a new cerebral cortex
which (perhaps principally within the association cortex, obviously more develo
ped thanks to a new layer of rey matter), all information or stimulus reachin
The arument on neuroenetic impulses will be discussed further in the fourth fr
om the last chapter.
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the reticular system of activation and the lymbic system, will be able to be fur
ther analyzed and differently elaborated thanks to prevalently analoue circuits
. However, such theory also presents two sides of a coin; in a way it could be c
orrect or totally incorrect. First of all, it is essential to bear in mind that
the parametres of ood and bad (which are substantially reflexes conditioned by
our own nature, as previously discussed), reach a certain deree of evolution in
the animal species, tend to mere toether loosin in a more or less sinificat
ive way any kind of value or identity that our still youn animal species is use
d to attribute to itself. In order to finally define in a more complete way the
darker side of the coin, more precisely the net contrast with the theory exposed
previously, I will use the same words of F.Capra: “(...) The neo-cortex oriins
in the most ancient evolutionary phasis of mammals and developed itself in the
human species in an explosive rythm, without precedent in the history of evoluti
on and finally became stable approximately 50’000 years ao. By developin our a
bstract thinkin ability at such rapid rate, it appears that we have lost the im
portant capacity to ritualize social conflicts. In the animal kindom, aressio
n rarely develops itself inasmuch as it leads to the death of two adversaries. I
n fact, a fiht is ritualized and usually ends only when the loser admits havin
bein defeated, yet remains relatively unharmed. Such wisdom disappeared or sta
yed hidden in the depth of the emerin human species. In the process of creatio
n of an abstract world, it appears that we have lost contact with the reality of
life and that we have become the only oranisms that are often unable to cooper
ate with its peers and that brin death upon them (...).” Therefore, could “bad
aliens” actually exist in the universe? It’s rather possible that if we still ex
ist (in spite of the enormous damae that we have caused to this planet in just
one hundred years), it is due to the fact that perhaps, for someone, in some par
t of the universe, we are useful.
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“The reatest ability consists in hidin the bad beneath the appearance of the 
The man of the future will only have a vaue memory of what we now associate to
the concepts of affection e sentimentalism, but this will not mean that he will
be more cruel towards his peers and without any kind of respect for them. The ma
n of the future, endowed with a prevalently abstract-analoue-deductive thouht,
will understand, help and deeply respect his peers and any other terrestrial bi
oloical entity because he will be fully conscious of the enormous advantaes th
at such behaviour will rant to his own lifestyle. Eoism will lead mankind towa
rds the day of his extinction; however, with time, it will chane and adopt rath
er more complex and inexplicable appearance and will perhaps make us foret its
existence; but believe me, it will always be around us, because it is only with
it that we are able to survive. Eoism is a reflex conditioned by our own surviv
al instinct and with time, it will, “learn” to conceal itself behind the thick w
eb of social relationships that up to now have let us make proress (but especia
lly survive) and that in future, it will surely hand over another reat share of
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The equations of evolution
“ man, considered as a system subjected to behaviour is rather A a simple bein.
The apparent complexity of his behaviour throuh time is larely a reflex of th
e complexity of the environment it finds himself into”.
In order to provide a full outlook on this brief chapter on human evolution, I w
ould now like to move on to the concept of: “The influence of money on mankind”.
First of all, it must be said that it is not strictly riht to talk about an in
crease of the influence of money on mankind in the past three decades (as many c
ould assume, considerin the fact that approximately three centuries ao, the me
chanicistic of life was able to sinificantly impose itself and therefore able t
o start its slow action of “inebriation” of human thouht, with the comin of th
e CartesianNewtonian era), forasmuch money, since the day it was conceived and c
oined, it has had a more or less sinificance on the psyche of each and every hu
man bein. If in all the past centuries, we were unable to become fully aware of
how money influenced the human psyche, we owe it to the fact that such “influen
ce” existed at a time of a low level of complexity of political-economic-scienti
fic-tecnoloical sphere which obviously could not have unfairly been quietened (
as we will see later on in this text) and to be the principle cause of all the b
ad in our civilization, because such wrondoins were still awaitin to come out
and would therefore only emere when the level of complexity of the P-E-S-T sph
ere would reach a certain deree of development.
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Now that such “influence of money” is found projected in a historical period tha
t could be defined as a hih level of complexity of the P-E-S-T sphere, we can n
ow see the first sinificant damaes caused to our planet seriously threatenin
our survival. At what point is it therefore riht to assume that voluntary error
s are also caused by the influence of money on mankind? Such assumption could be
correct, only if we conceive voluntary errors, as the mathematical product of t
he influence of money and the level of complexity of the P-E-S-T sphere (I thou
ht it appropriate to facilitate the understandin of such concepts by usin simp
le linear equations): Eq.1.0: ( I M ) x ( P-E-S-T’s CLevel ) = # voluntary error
s Let’s now analyze this equation. In this case IM (influence of money) is defin
ed as constant whilst P-E-S-T’s CLevel (the level of complexity of the political
-economical-scientific-tecnoloical sphere) represents a variable. Now, up to wh
at point can we conceive IM as a constant? IM varies in function to the bioloic
evolution (which should absolutely not be confused with scientific proress) of
the human species, more precisely: each step taken on the evolutionary ladder d
ecreases the value of IM. But in what measure does IM, in function of the human
evolution, radually looses its value? Supposin that each step on our evolution
ary ladder represents in numeric terms a value of approximately 0,0001 units, we
can easily see how lon the “halvin-time” of the IM value is (we could even ta
lk about milleniums). If we therefore add the evolutionary factor in the previou
s equation, we will obtain the followin: Eq.1.1: [( IM) : (EvF)] x (P-E-S-T’s C
Level) = # voluntary errors Where EvF represents the evolutionary factor to whic
h we ive the symbolic value of 1. Each step on the human evolutionary ladder, w
e add to the EvF the value of 0,0001 (1 + 0,0001= 1,0001).
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We therefore note that the (IM:EvF) value, remains more or less constant in the
course of several centuries. If we now analyze the variable that we have defined
with the term of: “Level of complexity of the P-E-S-T sphere”, we will note tha
t the latest more or less considerably varies in the course of several centuries
. If we therefore remain with the 1.1 equation, it appears clear and evident tha
t the increase of voluntary errors is principally due to the increase of the P-E
-S-T’s CLevel, and secondarily to the influence of money on mankind. Now, we kno
w that the influence of money on mankind is essentially due to the fact that our
thouht, which prevalently travels throuh binary structures, leads us to summa
rize that if we are not really careful, the followin equation based on an indiv
idualistic plan appears as follows: + money = + power = + freedom Our thouht, w
ith the evolution, will find itself to travel throuh alternative structures whi
ch are larely analoue; the concept of a binary mould that now imposes itself i
n each human mind with the above stated double equation, with the passin of mil
leniums, will lose its value, therefore decreasin in an analoue way and in a d
irectly proportional way, the influence of money on mankind. If we therefore wis
h to substitute in equation 1.1, the evolution factor with another factor that w
e could define as : “Deree of analoical form of human thouht”. The day in whi
ch the value of (IM:EvF) will more or less be nil, that is when mankind will hav
e reach the “peak” of evolution and as a consequence the level of complexity of
the P-E-S-T sphere will have reach the top, mankind will no loner need to worry
about his new voluntary errors (because he will no laner make any); but rather
about his old voluntary errors. What about involuntary errors? They could be de
fined with the followin equation: Eq.1.2: (P-E-S-T’s CLevel) : EvF = # voluntar
y errors
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With the increase of the deree of evolution, up to what point do involuntary er
rors tend to disappear since the P-E-S-T ’s CLevel also respectively increases?
Unfortunately, the traic conclusion is the followin: makind shall commit a slo
w and irreversible evolution until it starts to find remedies to its own involun
tary errors. On the basis of these latest conclusions, we can therefore summariz
e a final and lobal equation, which is: Eq.1.3*23 [(P-E-S-T’s CLevel) x (1+IM)]
: (EvF) = # voluntary and involuntary errors*24 In a distant future, perhaps ne
ar to the beinnin of the fifth millenium, educated human beins will bein to
accumulate wealth not to acquire more power in order to exploit his peers to the
ir likin (as they will have finally understood that freedom obtained in such a
way is risky and fleetin; and the countless wars that have characterized the hi
story of human civilization are there between the lines of millions of books to
demonstrate it), but to equally distribute each kind of oodness between the inh
abitants of this planet because they will know that only from such behaviour the
y will be able to ain advantaes. But it’s still too early for all this to take
place. We the passin of centuries, slowly, what we now call the market economy
, will transform itself, without us realizin, into some sort of planned economy
. What Marx dreamt over a century ao will be realized only in a few milleniums.
Usually, it is claimed that eniuses represent the man from the future; but the
y are extremely rare those who are born a few milleniums in advance.
*23 *24
Compare with raph on pae 128 On the basis of this last equation, it would not
be a venture to claim that even human evolution can be defined with a simple al
orithmically compressible strin.
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Human, too human
“Therefore, if all members of scientific societies are even too many for a sinl
e object of human science, their complexity turns out to be insufficient as well
before it can elaborate makind’s science in eneral”.
Neuroenetic impulses of an ancient mould: Neuroenetic impulses of an ancient m
ould are innate in the minds of each individual, independently from the human ra
ce it belons to. All these impulses are radicated in our subconscious and appea
r to uarantee our survival. (Unfortunately thouh, not in each ethnic roup; in
fact, G.F. Gause’s*25 Principle of competitive exclusion, is even observable be
tween different races of mankind. It is enouh to think about man as a white nor
th-western race that is able to manipulate for his own advantae, the behaviour
of entire civilizations belonin to any race, on vast areas of each earthly con
tinent as well as exploit indienous labour and at times oranizin, whenever ne
cessary, civil wars with indetermined deadline. (Whoever believes that colonizin
 simply means brinin wealth to civilizations that are technoloically less ev
olved than ours is completely wron). The Intensity of Neuroenetic Impulses var
ies from each individu-
Gause’s principle states that if two species compete for the same limited resour
ses, in situations where they are both present, one of them will be more able to
exploit or control the access to such resource and in the end, will eliminate t
he other.
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al and in our species (human) even from race to race. It appears that the evolut
ion of our species has actually ensured that some impulses have been “waned” wit
h the passin of time, because they are no loner considered so necessary to ua
rantee the survival of at least one human race. This could also be true but the
truth of the matter is that some impulses (which accordin to several people the
y have been increasinly been waned within centuries), such as the racial impuls
e, seem to be rather predominant (at a species level) in a multitude of neuroen
etic impulses*26 and which (at an ethnic level) and accordin to their principle
characteristics and respective potentials, ive oriin to the phenomenon of com
petitive human exclusion; thus a phenomenon that is necessary (for each animal s
pecies that is still youn) to uarantee the survival of at least one human race
. At this point, someone could object and state: “but it is well known that a o
od distribution of economic resources at a world level would be enouh in order
to completely erase huner from the face of the earth: how limited are such reso
urces on our planet anyway? And at how far is the competitive human exclusion ju
stifiable?” Well, I would reply in the followin way: the phenomenon of competit
ive human exclusion even in this case is a reflex conditioned by a series of neu
roenetic impulses of an ancient mould; when such
Amonst these, we find the aressiveness impulse, the ratial impulse, the sexua
l impulse [meant as a natural-intentional predisposition for increasin the birt
h rate, more precisely like some kind of “procreational instinct”, which is ene
rally manifested throuh the trierin of the phenomenon of fallin in love. Th
e sexual impulse is uniquely meant as: “research of personal pleasure”; in order
to make thins not too complicated, it is not considered in the theory of neuro
enetic impulses. It is anyhow essential to bear in mind that such impulse plays
an important role in the birthrate increase, only in Third World countries wher
e there is a low level of scientific-cultural education; whilst it has no influe
nce on the birthrate of more “advanced” countries. There are therefore two kinds
of sexual impulses: Sexual Impulse (A) = “procreation instinct” Sexual Impulse
(B) = “research of personal pleasure.” When we calculate the individual intensit
y of a neuroenetic impulse of a human bein livin in a Third World country, th
e numerical value of potentiality of his sexual impulse (A), will therefore incr
ease as a result of the influence of a sexual impulse of a B type. It is easier
to consider by calculatin a value that is the sum of the two sexual impulses (A
+B)], the emotional impulse, and so on.
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impulses will dwindle with the passin of milleniums, such phenomenon will likel
y disappear. And at that point there will no loner be a reason for worryin abo
ut how limited resources on the earth for a population that should exceed ten bi
llion individuals actually are, because thanks to their wealth, entire human civ
ilizations will lean towards a nearly zero rate demonraphic increase”. Makin a
clear distinction between neuroenetic impulses that have actually “waned” due
to the evolution and between those that have remained more or less constant sinc
e the midst of time, therefore appears to be a rather ardous task. (The only imp
ulse that we could insert in the cateory of impulses that have remained more or
less constant since the midst of time, is perhaps only the sexual one; but this
seems to be more than normal, as it is the one that principally uarantees the
survival of our species). However, what we should bear in mind is that evolution
plays an important role in the mutation of neuroenetic impulses. Such potentia
lity mutations of neuroenetic impulses are essential and therefore of primary i
mportance in order to uarantee the survival of the entire humankind. Keepin in
consideration that the influence of money on mankind will decrease with the pas
sin of milleniums (or if we are lucker, centuries) and that therefore, the sust
enance means will also increase (prevalently food, water and shelter) for all th
e civilizations of this planet, the intensity of the sexual impulse will proport
ionally diminish aainst the influence of money; this decrease of intensity of t
he sexual impulse will anyhow be uniquely due to a radical chane of conditions
of the external environment which means that the level of bioloic potentiality
of such impulse will be comparable and therefore more or less identical to the c
urrent one even within the distance of centuries or milleniums. A mistake that s
hould not be made is to believe that if in all the extremely poor civilizations
of this planet, the sexual impulse is rather pronounced (still meant as natural-
intentional predisposition to help increase the birthrate), this is due to a bio
loic factor. This is absolutely untrue. In fact, each neuroenetic impulse, inc
ludin the sexual one, can
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considerably be amplified or attenuated dependin on the external environment (d
efined also sinificantly by the models of teachin and scientific-cultural educ
ation of the environment*27 under discussion) that are relatin to the sinle in
dividual or human race under discussion, yet still conservin the same level of
bioloic potentiality. The individual intensity of the Neuroenetic Impulse is m
eant as the value of the Averae Potentiality of the Neuroenetic Impulse (obtai
ned by summin the values of potentiality of each sinle and well determined neu
roenetic impulse of the individual under discussion, over the number of such im
pulses), divided by the Evolutionary Constant (a fixed value which depends on th
e bioloic evolutionary level of the animal species under discussion; in this ca
se mankind) and multiplied by the Deree of Hostility of the External Environmen
t (in determined environments for example, where the elements and infrastructure
s necessary to reach a ood level of schientific-cultural education level are mi
ssin, such Deree of Hostility considerably increases in value) . We therefore
obtain the followin equation:
Eq.2.0 Iind.NI = [(P0 + P1 + P2 + ...Pn) . HDEG ] : (np . kE) Where Iind.NI is t
he Individual intensity of a Neuroenetic Impulse; P is the value of Potentialit
y of a sinle and well determined neuroenetic impulse (for example the emotiona
l one); np is the number of neuroenetic impulses taken into consideration; kE i
s the value of the Evolutionary Constant and HDEG is the value of the Deree of
Hostility of the External Environment. The Intensity of the Race of Neuroenetic
Impulse (Irac.NI) is to be intended as the value of the Coefficient of Potentia
lity of the Neuroenetic Impuse related to a determined human race (αp), divided
by the Evolution ry Const nt (kE) nd multiplied by the Degree of
When we t lk of environment, in this c se we me n  country,  n tion,  city… o
r ny re  or region of the e rth which is limited by politic l bound ries.
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Hostility of the Extern l Environment. We therefore obt in the following equ tio
n: Eq.2.1 (Ir c.NI) = (αp . HDEG) : kE The Intensity of  Neurogenetic Impulse S
pecies (ISPEC.NI), is to be intended s the ver ge v lue obt ined by summing th
e v lues of (Ir c.NI) nd dividing everything by the number of hum n r ces (nr c
.). This is how we re ch the following equ tion: (ISPEC.NI) = [(αp1 . HDEG1) + .
..(αpn + HDEGn )] : (kE . nr c.) Note th t : The Degree of Hostility of the Exte
rn l Environment, in the equ tion 2.0 is rel ted to the re  of ction (especi l
ly the working environment + v rious spects of  d ily life in  specific vill 
ge or city) of the individu l under discussion; in eq. 2.1 it is rel ted to  v 
st territory which could include one or more n tions, whilst eq. 2.2 is rel ted
to the entire surf ce of our pl net. Consider tions concerning the different Deg
rees of Hostility of the extern l environment upon  subject: Within the Individ
u l Intensity of the Neurogenetic Impulse, f ctors th t could for ex mple incre 
se the Degree of Hostility on the extern l environment upon  subject could be t
he following: psychologic l pressures / mistre tment on beh lf of senior members
of st ff in the working environment, psychologic l pressures/ mistre tment in 
f mily environment, continuous rguments or qu rrels with  p rtner which re n
ot comp tible with the n ture of the subject t h nd, nd so on. Such f ctors co
nstitute the Degree of Actu l Hostility of the extern l environment on the subje
ct. On the other h nd, there re other f ctors which m ke up the Virtu l Degree
of Hostility of the extern l environment of the subject t h nd. The Degree of H
ostility is therefore sep r ble in two typologic models, the sum of
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which define the “ bsolute” v lue of such Degree. The f ctors which for ex mple
could incre se the “v lue” of Degree of Virtu l Hostility of the individu l t ke
n into consider tion, re the following: sexu l ss ult being suffered t n e r
ly ge, the memory of  serious event (violent de th or homicide) th t h s been
seen or lived person lly, the memory of  theft suffered in n individu l’s own
home, nd so on. All these f ctors/memories th t re impressed in the mnemonic c
ircuits of the subject t h nd rem in simmering nd therefore rel tively with li
ttle influence of the psychophysic l b l nce of such individu l nd only if the
s me re not stimul ted by extern l f ctors. In the c se of sexu l ss ult, the
Degree of Virtu l Hostility would therefore incre se only if “pronounced” dv nc
es were m de to the subject under discussion by str ngers or even worse, by rel 
tives; in the c se of person lly witnessing n homicide, for ex mple, the Degree
of Virtu l Hostility would incre se in n exponenti l w y only by seeing  pers
on c rrying  h nd we pon (even if it w s in  rifle r nge!); in the c se of  m
emory of theft in the subject’s own home, the Degree of Virtu l Hostility would
incre se e ch time the subject under discussion m y h ve to decide where to go o
n holid y… nd would even give them up for the fe r of h ving everything stolen f
rom their own home once g in. Concerning the Intensity of r ce of  Neurogeneti
c Impulse, the Degree of Hostility is bove ll linked to politic l/soci l f cto
rs rel ting to the country (N tion) t ken in consider tion nd to the clim tic c
onditions of the s me. This is lso pplied to the Intensity of Species of the N
eurogenetic Impulse. Conclusions: When the Intensity of  Neurogenetic Impulse o
f  single individu l (Iind.NI), f lls within the ver ge v lue rel ting to the
hum n r ce it belongs to, the subject under discussion will be ble to enjoy  g
ood psychic b l nce. However, e ch individu l h s his own p rticul r biochimic s
tructure (defined by his p rticul r genome which differenti tes it from the othe
r six billion individu ls of his own species) nd his own p rticul r neuron l fu
nctioning (which would not
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be ppropri te to define s the level of intelligence) th t in  complex g me of
inter ctions, determine the potenti lity of his neurogenetic impulses nd there
fore the v lue of the Aver ge Potenti lity of Neurogenetic Impulse [(P0 + P1 + P
2 + ...Pn) : np ] rel ting to his psyche. When the v lue of the Aver ge Potenti 
lity of  Neurogenetic Impulse of n individu l exceeds the ver ge v lue rel te
d to the hum n r ce it belongs to (previously defined with the symbol αp, or suc
h individu l finds himself living in n environment in which the Degree of Hosti
lity exceeds the ver ge ccept ble v lues for  determined psychic b l nce, or
(in the worse of c ses) these two f ctors both h ve simult neous nd const nt v 
lues th t re more or less high, we obt in  v lue of the Individu l Intensity o
f  Neurogenetic Impulse which is just s high; this me ns th t the subject unde
r discussion will surely suffer from determined psychologic l problems. When the
Individu l Intensity of  Neurogenetic Impulse re ches extremely high v lues, s
uch psychologic l problems occur nd re r ther intense m king the subject lose
touch with the physic l re lity, therefore m king him perform cts of folly or r
ther irr tion l; cts th t re commonly ssoci ted with the group of psychologi
c l problems defined s: function l psychosis (which include schizophreni , p r 
noi  nd m nicdepressive psychosis). The Index of Extinguibility of ny species
is due to the number of his volunt ry nd involunt ry errors nd by the Intensit
y of the Species of the Neurogenetic Impulse. Such index is obt ined with the fo
llowing m them tic expression: IEST-SPEC = [(αp1 . HDEG1) + ...(αpn + HDEGn )].[
(P-E-S-T’s CLevel) . (1+IM)] ___________________________________________________
__ (kE)2 . nr c, Note th t: In this c se, I h ve substituted the evolution ry f 
ctor (EvF) of equ tion 1.3 from the previous ch pter with the Evolution ry Const
nt (kE), re ching s denomin tor the product of (EvF).kE= (kE)2
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The other side of Time
Time tr vels in divers p ces with divers persons. I ’ll tell you who Time mbles
with l, who Time trots with l, who Time g llops with l, nd who he st nds still
with l.”
In this brief p r gr ph, I would like to present some sort of “Biologic Rel tivi
ty”, in which the strict rel tionship uniting the f ctor of time with the “Degre
e of Useful Inform tion” rel ting to e ch hum n being of ny nim l species (inc
luding m nkind) sh ll be n lyzed. First of ll, I will st rt by cl iming th t:
“The perception of the p ssing of time, v ries from nim l to nim l depending o
n its own extension (dimensions) within sp ce, upon its own inter ctions with m 
tter ( nd therefore with ll its respective molecul r st tes) which surround it
nd princip lly depending on the volume of his br in”. Any nim l, princip lly d
uring its w king hours, receives from its surrounding environment,  cert in num
ber of inform tion (or sensori l impulses) depending on its own five senses (sig
ht, he ring, touch, smell nd t ste). These five senses re defined by different
p r metres of sensori l inform tion th t v ry from nim l species to nim l spe
cies nd even between nim ls of the s me species. The p r meters of inform tion
rel ted to the senses c n v ry depending on the inter ctions th t t ke pl ce be
tween the nim l under discussion nd the m tter of its surrounding environment
(for ex mple the p r meter of visu l inform tion rel ting to  fish could never
be comp red to one living outside w ter, together with other sensori l p r meter
s) nd depending on its own dimensions within ny given sp ce. (The humidity rel
ting the ir, for ex mple, nd on
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other nim l species of more or less “rem rk ble” dimensions, h s  minim l infl
uence if not none t ll on the p r meters of sensori l inform tion; on  fly or
ny other insect of sm ll dimensions, the s me cquires  rem rk ble influence
upon their sensori l inform tion p r meters, bec use in this c se, w ter fumes c
n impose themselves with determin tion in the lives of such insects th t re so
close to the microscopic world). All these p r meters of sensori l inform tion
however (in the teeth of ll vivisectors), do not depend on the volume of the br
in of the nim l t ken into consider tion. The p r meters of sensori l, uditiv
e, visu l, t ctile, olf ctory nd gust tive inform tion rel ted to the nim l sp
ecies which is being ex mined, will therefore, for the purpose of convenience, b
e defined by  single p r meter which we sh ll c ll “Coefficient of sensori l in
form tion” σ (belonging to each animal pecie  and defined, for example, with th
e average value of the five en orial parameter ). At thi  point, we could defin
e the following equation: Eq.3.0: σ . IS(v,a,t,o,g) = IA __________ ___ ec. ec
Where “σ “ i  the Coefficient of Sen orial Information, IS repre ent  the number
of apparent en orial information or en orial impul e  (vi ual,auditory, tacti
le, olfactory and gu tative) and IA the number of ab olute en orial information
. The Degree of U eful Information related to each animal pecie , will therefor
e be defined by the equation: Eq.3.1: DUI = (IA / ec.) : (Vc . v) Where (IA / 
ec.) i  the ab olute number of information which the brain receive  in a econd
(able to be elaborated and not able to
intilla_ yncro_02.indd Sec2:173
19-11-2007 10:12:22
be elaborated), Vc i  the volume number of the animal’  brain and v i  the peed
of elaboration of information expre ed in “ Ab olute Information which can be
elaborated” in one econd. From the late t equation, we note that with the incre
a ing of volume of the brain and it  peed of elaboration of en orial impul e ,
the Degree of U eful Information tend  to decrea e; thi  mean  that with the in
crea e of it  intelligence, there i  a tendency to lo e a high number of en ori
al information. Such lo  therefore lead  to an ever increa ingly ab tract conta
ct between the animal under di cu ion and the environment it live  in (can you
recall F. Capra’  word  regarding the negative a pect  of our intelligence? Well
, it eem  to me that thi  theory pre ent  everal analogie  with what he expre 
ed with few but e ential phra e ). You could now a k your elve  “ What doe  th
e time factor have to do with all thi ?” Well, the temporal perception, which i 
the perception that each animal ha  of the “pa ing of time”, varie  from anima
l to animal depending on it  own “Degree of U eful Information”. For example, fo
r a human being who e Degree of U eful Information i  relatively low, time will
run much lowly compared with the time that could be perceived by a mou e in it 
brief frantic tyle who e brain i  literally invaded by million  or even billio
n  of en orial information. The inten ity of the life of an animal i  therefore
defined by the Degree of U eful Information it ha  available. At thi  point, we
could therefore define a “Biologic Time”, defined by the time factor and the De
gree of U eful Information of the animal under di cu ion, according to the foll
owing equation: Eq.3.2: TBIO = t : DUI Where TBIO i  the “Biologic Time” and t i
 the time we are u ed to determine with imple mechanical or electrical watche 
. Each animal in thi  earth will therefore have it  own biologic time, more prec
i ely it  average life pan, depending on it  own Coefficient of en orial infor
mation σ, of it  own number of en orial impul e  (which may be or may not be el
aborated) taking into account what it  brain
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receive  on average in a econd during it  waking hour , the volume of it  brain
and peed of the elaboration of information in it  brain and finally depending
on our perception of time which i : upon the temporal perception of the ob ervat
or (the e have not been taken into account in the equation  in order not to make
thing  too complicated). Let’  now think about the peed in which flie , ant ,
bee , butterflie  and everal other in ect  living on thi  enchanting blue plane
t, reach with their own movement . Have you ever a ked your elve  how many “ “ti
ny tep ” an ant make  to cro  your balcony in the timeframe of ten econd ? Hu
ndred  of them! Now, how many tep  do you believe a man could make in the timef
rame of ten econd ? Perhap  one hundred, two hundred? Well, certainly not…perha
p  ten, maximum fifteen or ixty, if we really want him to run. Have you ever a 
ked your elve  how many time  a flying butterfly flutter  it  wing  within the t
imeframe of ten econd ? Or how about how many time  a bee or ladybird flutter 
it  wing ? All the e example  or ob ervation  are u eful to make you under tand
that the reality in which in ect  live i  really different from the one mankind
live  in. If uch living being  that are o endle ly mall compared to u , are
able to move at uch high peed , it i  becau e they live in another dimen ion,
in another reality. Two minute  pent in our reality to them would probably equa
l to one hundred minute  of hour time! (if not more). Have you ever wondered why
the life of an in ect i  o brief ? Well you could probably find the an wer you
r elve  if you revi e the la t equation on Biologic Time. Each time we ob erve a
flying bee or butterfly or if we ob erve the rapid and nervou  movement of a wo
rking ant, we glance upon a reality which doe  not belong to u . If a man udden
ly found him elf “miniaturized” therefore ju t two millimetre  tall, the followi
ng would likely happen: fir t of all, if there were people tanding next to him,
he would ee uch “ uper-giant” people move with extremely low movement . In f
ront of a witched on tv, the image  of a cartoon would, for in tance, appear at
a rather low equence, he would ee each film photogram! Thi  man would perhap
 live for ju t three
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year , if ob erved by our reality; but he would anyhow die becau e in hi  realit
y, forty of our year  would already have pa ed! (In your opinion, why i  it o
difficult to catch flie ?).
“We have been educated to con ider the ab olute Newtonian time a  the only valid
mea ure in an objective and rational world. We mea ure our reality with our kit
chen clock and for thi  rea on we are a toni hed at the peed of a mou e and fee
l boredom when look at the lowne  of the hippo. But both live according to the
right rhythm of their own biologic clock. Small mammal  die early but live at a
n accellerated rythm and burn rapidly; great mammal  live longer but lowly. If
we take into con ideration their biologic clock, mammal  of different dimen ion 
tend to live the ame amount of time ”.
“ Bee  are not a  bu y a  we believe. It i  only the fact that they are unable t
o buzz lowly”.
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A tronomy, brief chronologic hi tory
“Sooner or later, each dogma mu t die out”
“Each great movement know  three pha e : fir t it i  laughed at, then di cu ed
and finally adopted”
For approximately two thou and year , people believed in the Ari totelian co mol
ogy, according to which the un, planet , the moon and tar  were fixed within e
ight chri talline phere  that rotated around the earth. They were con idered to
be phre  con tituted by the ky, a perfect ub tance which could neither be ch
anged nor de troyed . Matter wa  olely compo ed by earth, water, air and fire a
nd the earth wa  found in the middle of the univer e. With Copernico’  ma terpie
ce on the “Revolution of cele tial phere ” (pubbli hed in 1543, ju t before hi 
death), the foundation of Ari totelian Co mology collap ed. According to Copern
ico, the earth wa n’t the centre of the univer e but rather the un, around whic
h the earth and other planet  orbited. Thi  i  how the Copernican era tarted, c
o mology which wa  later upported by Galileo Galilei, who di covered the pha e 
of Venu  and on the ba i  of the e e tabli hed that uch planet rotate  around
the un and not around the earth, a  claimed by the Tolemaic-Ari totelian doctri
ne. With the “Dialogue concerning the maximum y tem ” (1632), Galileo forever d
emoli hed the Tolemaic y tem. Galileo’  greate t glory i  deeply rooted in hi 
method of re earch
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which wa  enunciated a  phylo opher and acted a  cienti t thu  ca ting the ba i
 of the modern cientific thought. The conception of a limited and tatic unive
r e a  een by Ari totele, Copernico and Galileo, wa  definitely ub tituted wit
h the one of an endle  and tatic univer e in 1687, with Newton’  fundamental w
ork: “Philo ophiae naturali  principia mathematica”, in which the great Engli h
phy ici t and mathematician hare  the merit of having et the ba ic  of mechani
c  with Galileo. Toward  the beginning of the twentieth century (1915) Albert Ei
n tein modified, with hi  theorie  of General Relativity, Newton’  gravity conne
cting what he defined a  ma -energy to pace-time. Such “force of gravity” whic
h according to Newton acted between tar  and planet , wa  defined by Ein tein a
 the effect of ma  on the geometry of pace; wherea  he merged together the pr
inciple  of inertia and the law  of gravity through a curved pace-time concept.
In pite of the fact that hi  equation  led him to think about a dynamic univer
e, Ein tein con tantly remained linked to the conception of a tatic univer e.
Between 1924 e il 1929, mea urement  carried out by American a tronomer Edwin Hu
bble, demon trated that the pectral line  of more di tant galaxie  pre ented a
move toward  the red (attributed to the Doppler effect) and therefore came to th
e conclu ion that galaxie  moved away from each other; in other term , it led to
the conception of an expanding univer e. Ein tein therefore had to believe once
again in the tatic nature of the univer e, fully accepting it  equation  and a
dmitting to have committed: “The bigge t mi take of hi  life”. After having reig
ned for over eighty year , General Relativity i  a ubject of di cu ion among t
a few cienti t  who further to current experiment , are contemplating whether
to look at it again and perhap  add more touche  to it. By tudying the binary 
y tem  of neutron tar  (binary pul ar ), cienti t  are hoping to claim to find
the validity of the theory of General Relativity, of which ba ic  actually lie
in the gravitational de cription of the Univer e. One of uch re earcher , Thiba
ult Damour, phy ici t and Profe or at the In titut de  haute  étude  cientifiq
ue , claim  that bodie  do not fall in a gravitational field in the ame way or,
in other word , that the fall depend  on their ma  and their nature denying th
at the inertial ma 
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and gravitational ma  are the ame and claiming that until now no one had ever
been able to notice becau e on the earth, the variation of gravitational con tan
t i  ju t too mall to be mea ured When neutron tar  form a binary y tem, fund
amental condition  able to ob erve the effect  related to the non linear part of
Ein tein’  equation, which permanently enclo e  all the complexity of the ame
equation  are fully ati fied. By i tematically recording radio emi ion  of th
e e tar , it ha  been noticed that their ignal, in the cour e of the year , wa
 ubjected to variation  of arrival time , thu  proving the exi tence of a di t
urbance in the y tem balance. The theoretical interpretation of uch di turbanc
e , i  ba ed on the non linear term  of Ein tein’  equation. But what about the
future of experimental re earch? Unfortunately, due to energy which i  increa in
gly more elevated required to accellerate the particle , everal phy ic  theorie
 of the 80  are and hall remain for a very long time not po ible to be experi
mentally verifiable (in any ca e not before theXXII century). One of the e theor
ie  i  the one of the “Great Unification”, which ugge t  to unite the three pow
er  of quantum pertinence, namely: the trong one, the weak one and the electrom
agnetic one. But uch theory require  uch elevated energy in order to be verifi
ed (1015 GeV), that until now, even the bigge t and mo t ophi ticated piece  of
machinery are able to reach. Thi  i  without mentioning the “Theory of Everythi
ng”, more preci ely the one which ugge t  uniting the four fundamental power  o
f nature: the three power  of quantum pertinence together with gravity (which ac
t  on a large cale). Such theory, in order to be verified, require  an energy o
f 1019 GeV, equal to 1019 billion electronvolt!.*28 “(...) there i  a tendency i
n the cience of the 20th century, to forget that there will be a cience of the
21 t century from which the view  of our knowledge of the univer e may appear c
ompletely different from our current view: perhap  we are uffering from a
All the information included in the la t part which are of a purely cientific n
ature, have been extracted from the italian magazine “Science & Life” (gen.’95).
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provincionali m of a temporary order, ome kind of arrogance that ha  alway  irr
itated our po terity”.
“Rarely ha  an important cientific innovation paved the way by convincing and g
radually converting it  own opponent . What happen  i  that gradually, the oppon
ent  di appear and ince it  birth, the new generation familiarize  it elf with
uch idea”.
MAX PLANK,1858-1947
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Vi  Vitali 
“If we wi h to call oul everything that ha  perception  and de irability (...),
all the imple or monad ub tance  can therefore be named a  oul ”.
Unfortunately, cience till ha n’t been able to give a clear and complete defin
ition to the concept of “life”; what till ha n’t been figured out, the rea on w
hy pecific complex form  of energy ( table) give origin to ome biologic entiti
e  (or it would perhap  be better to ay: they appear in the hape of E.B*29), w
hil t other  have not been able to. Well, in thi  paragraph I will expo e uch a
rgument, a very brief and purely per onal theory therefore completely confutable
, which i  principally propo ing to place under a different focal point and ther
efore a different outlook, the concept which define  the word  of “life” and “ o
ul”. I will therefore tart by dividing the variou  form  of energy exi ting in
nature into three principle typological model , defined on the ba i  of the ener
gy’  characteri tic  of tate that are taken into con ideration. We therefore ob
tain three di tinct energetic cla e  that I have denominated a  follow : a) Pri
mary Energy: it i  repre ented by complex form  of energy ( table) which are ina
ctive and of a more ore le  unlimited duration (degradable with difficulty in n
ature and of an unlimited duration when atmo pheric agent  are ab ent, or rather
in pace). Thi  cla  therefore include  bodie  which are commonly defined a  i
From now on, E.B, will tand for: Biologic Entity.
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b) econdary energy: repre ented by complex form  of energy ( table), active (E.
B) and that can remain a  uch (active), only by continuou ly ab orbing energy a
nd therefore forming a y tem or cycle of energetic exchange. The time factor in
thi  ca e, alter  the functionality of the’E.B intended a  mean  of energetic e
xchange. The E.B become  inactive (which mean  it no longer ab orb  energy) and
i  ea ily degradable when it interrupt  the energetic cycle confined in the natu
re of the E.B. (cyclu  mater) (due to natural or artificial cau e ) or the energ
etic cycle defined by the E.B a  well a  it  urrounding environment ( y temic o
r primary cycle). In popular term , uch phenomenon i  in ynthe i , defined by
the word death. The pha e of degradation of E.B initially tart  with the ce at
ion of the kinetic  of the entire entity (obviou ly if it con i t  in an E.B bel
onging to the “animal”’  kingdom. The rea on why I have placed the term animal b
etween inverted comma  will be under tood later when you will di cover how ubtl
e and difficult it i  to define, when analyzing the characteri tic  of micro cop
ic entitie , the boundarie  between the animal kingdom and the vegetable kingdom
), and then with the gradual ce ation of activity of energetic exchange of all
element  (organic molecule ) which con titute it. c) Tertiary energy: it i  repr
e ented by the heat and other form  of di per ive energy. Now, the one million d
ollar que tion i  the following: “Where doe  the kinetic  activity of a biologic
entity ari e from?” Well, in order to e tabli h thi , it i  fir t of all e ent
ial to take in con ideration the following a pect  of nature, which can be de cr
ibed in phy ic  term  and therefore ea ily be conceivable: ome element  (C,H,O,
N; of which the principle element i  Carbon, a  it i  alway  pre ent in any orga
nic molecule), when combined, they give ri e to compo t  or organic molecule  wh
ich, depending on the number of element  they are formed with, are denominated b
inary, ternary or quaternary. Two compo t , even if both formed by the ame type
of element  and have therefore the ame coar e formula, can con iderably differ
from each other due to their different tructural formula ( uch phenomenon i  k
nown a  tructural I ometry and i  due to a different union of atom ) or due to
a different po ition occupied by ome atom or group of atom  (po itional i ometr
y). Any organic
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molecule, in order to “ urvive” mu t con tantly ab orb energy from it  urroundi
ng environment before it can newly place it in uch environment in the form of h
eat, and with other  proce e  that everyone know . During uch pha e or energet
ic cycle, the molecule at i ue pre ent  endle ly mall o cillation  (kinetic a
ctivity) due to the con tant energetic exchange between the ame molecule and it
 urrounding environment. Any organic molecule (or biologic entity) i  therefor
e conceivable a  a mean  of energetic exchange. (In reality, all compo t  of ino
rganic nature are con tituted by atom  that are in con tant vibration and could
therefore al o be conceived a  mean  of energetic exchange. However, even a comb
ination between them in infinite cheme , will alway  have a potentiality of ene
rgetic exchange which i  extremely low and therefore will never be able to manif
e t not even the mo t mea ly kinetic activity). With uch viewpoint, it i  there
fore e ential to con ider carbon a  an element endowed with a high PEE (Potenti
ality of Energetic Exchange). Such element when combined with other element  (H,
O,N) will mo t probably al o be endowed with ome form of PEE, con iderably incr
ea e  it  PEE by giving origin to the phenomenon of kinetic activity (o cillatio
n ) that are more or le  imperceptible thu , organic molecule . The PEE of orga
nic molecule  , increa e  in an exponential way when the late t are combined tog
ether and form organic compo t  con tituted by million  of molecule . The follow
ing enigma now till remain : why do ome “million ” of organic molecule  give r
i e, for example, to a bacterium (more preci ely to a elf-organizing biologic e
ntity) while other “million ” of molecule  give ri e to common vegetable cell ?
Well, an an wer to thi  could be the following: when the PEE of a determined org
anic compo t increa e  above all limit , it trigger  off uch an elevated kineti
c activity that it i  able to provoke internally ome kind of reaction in which
all molecular circuit  (defined by determined chemical reaction  of element deco
mpo ition), they join according to well-defined cheme  and therefore give ri e
to ome ort of “intelligence” who e purpo e i  to coordinate the kinetic activi
ty of the entire organic compo t in order to obtain a determined
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model of elf-organizational energy leading to the lowe t wa te of energy. So th
i  i  perhap  how bacteria and other biologic “thinking” entitie  are created: t
hi  perhap  how animal life i  born. One thing manking can certainly be proud of
i  to be the mo t complex mean  of energetic exchange pre ent on the earth. Not
e: A very intere ting thorough examination of thi  theory, ha  been reported on
Internet,with a long article at: http://pe
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