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UCL CLIE Evening Classes
Autumn Term 2014




ELE ACTUAL A1: Course Book / Handouts

Activity Book /

Chapter 1: Saludos y presentaciones

Greeting someone. (Introductory exercise in page 10)

Introducing yourself and asking someones name. (ex 1, 2, p. 10)
Spelling words: the alphabet. (ex 3, 4, 5, p. 11 + handouts)
Names and surnames: conjugating and understanding the verbs llamarse and
apellidarse; interrogative cmo? (ex 7, 8, 9, p. 12 + handout)
Giving and understanding basic classroom instructions: listen, repeat, read,
writte, look, talk with your classmate, (ex 12, p. 13)
Saying goodbye (ex 13, p. 13 + handout)

Grammar revision
Recuerda, page 15
Leaflet provided by
the tutor with
grammar and
vocabulary exercises

Chapter 2: Origen y procedencia

Countries of the world: (ex 1, p. 18)

Nationalities: asking and telling the nationality. Masculine, feminine, singular and
plural of adjectives of nationality; conjugation of the verb ser; interrogatives de
dnde? qu? (ex 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, pp. 19-20 + handout)
Languages: asking and telling what languages you speak. Verb hablar (ex 9, p.
21 + handout)
Useful sentences in the classroom: how do you say? How do you spell?
Slower please; speak louder, please (ex 11, 12, 13, p. 21)
Numbers from 0 to 20 (ex 14, 15, p. 22)

Grammar revision
Recuerda, page 25
Leaflet provided by
the tutor with
grammar and
vocabulary exercises

Chapter 3: Informacin personal

Professions and places of work: masculine and feminine in nouns; indefinite

articles un, una, preposition en (ex 1, 2, p. 28)
Asking someone about their profession or studies and about their place of work
or study. Telling other people about your profession or studies. Regular ar
verbs estudiar and trabajar; interrogatives qu?, dnde? (ex 4, 5, 6, p. 29)
Numbers from 0 to 100. (ex 7, 8, p. 30).
Asking and saying the adress. Regular ir verb vivir (ex 10, 11, 12, pp 30-31)
Asking and saying the telephone number and the email adress. Irregular verb
tener; interrogative cul? (ex 15, 16, pp. 32-33)

Grammar revision
Recuerda, page 35
Leaflet provided by
the tutor with
grammar and
vocabulary exercises

Revision of the 3 previous chapters (handout prepared by the tutor)

Interrogatives: Cmo?, qu?, a qu?, en qu?, cul?, dnde?, de

dnde?, cuntos?
Present tense of the verbs llamarse, apellidarse, dedicarse, trabajar, estudiar,
vivir, ser, tener.
Further practice of the three previous chapters (name and surname, profession
or studies, place of work, nationality, place of living and address, telephone
number and email address) focusing in the first, second and third person plural
(nosotros/as; vosotros/as; ellos/as)

Chapter 5: Mi familia
Subchapter A: The family

Members of the family: masculine, feminine, singular and plural of nouns. (ex 1,
2, 3, 4, 5, pp. 48-49 + handout)
Talking about the civil status. Verb estar
Asking and answering questions about the family: their names, professions, or
place of living, number of brothers, age, etc Interrogatives quin/es?,
cuntos/as? and further practise with the interrogatives cmo?, dnde?,
qu?, a qu?, cul? (ex 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, pp. 50-51)

Leaflet provided by
the tutor with
grammar and
vocabulary exercises

Grammar revision
Recuerda, page 57
Leaflet provided by
the tutor with
grammar and
vocabulary exercises

Please note that the syllabus might vary according to class progress
and availability of materials. Do not hesitate to contact your tutor
for further information.

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