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Ir. Suroso Dipl.HE, M.Eng

Dr. Eng. Alwafi Pujiraharjo
Jurusan Teknik Sipil
Universitas Brawijaya

Efek Kekentalan pada Aliran

Pada anggapan ideal fluid (zat cair ideal)
tidak mempunyai kekentalan sehingga tidak ada
geseran antara cairan-dinding saluran.
Pada real fluid (zat cair riil) ada kekentalan
sehingga geseran akan memegang peran
penting dalam aliran.
Kekentalan - menyebabkan gaya geser
- kehilangan energi
Aliran Zat Cair Riil 2

Hukum Newton tentang Kekentalan

Tegangan geser antara dua partikel zat cair
yang berdampingan adalah sebanding dengan
perbedaan kecepatan dari kedua partikel.




Aliran Zat Cair Riil 3

Aliran Laminer dan Turbulen

Aliran laminer : gerak cairan dalam lapis-lapis
Aliran turbulen: partikel lapisan cairan bercampur
dengan partikel cairan lapisan lainnya

Aliran Zat Cair Riil 4

Osborne Reynolds - England (1842-1912)

Reynolds was a prolific writer who published
almost 70 papers during his lifetime on a wide
variety of science and engineering related topics.
He is most well-known for the Reynolds number,
which is the ratio between inertial and viscous
forces in a fluid. This governs the transition from
laminar to turbulent flow.

Aliran Zat Cair Riil 5

Osborne Reynolds - England (1842-1912)

Reynolds apparatus consisted of
a long glass pipe through which
water could flow at different rates,
controlled by a valve at the pipe
exit. The state of the flow was
visualized by a streak of dye
injected at the entrance to the
pipe. The flow rate was monitored
by measuring the rate at which the
free surface of the tank fell during
draining. The immersion of the
pipe in the tank provided
temperature control due to the
large thermal mass of the fluid.
Aliran Zat Cair Riil 6

Aliran Laminar dan Turbulen

Percobaan Reynolds
inertia force
Re =

viscous force / dumping

Aliran Zat Cair Riil 7

Hasil Percobaan Reynolds

Setelah melakukan percobaan berulang kali,
Reynolds menyimpulkan bahwa: aliran
dipengaruhi oleh kecepatan aliran U,
kekentalan , rapat massa , dan diameter
pipa D.
Angka Reynolds (Reynolds number): Re

Re =


Aliran Zat Cair Riil 8

Angka Reynolds Re
Angka Reynolds tidak berdimensi.
Dalam sistem satuan SI:
= rapat massa
: kg/m3
D = diameter pipa
u = kecepatan aliran : m/det
= kekentalan dinamis: N.det/m2 = kg/m.det
= kekentalan kinematis: / = m2/det

D u kg m m m.det
= 3. .
Re =

m 1 det kg
Aliran Zat Cair Riil 9

Klasifikasi Aliran
Menurut Reynolds aliran digolongkan
menjadi :
Aliran laminer : Re < 2000
Aliran transisi : 2000 < Re < 4000
Aliran turbulen: Re > 4000

Aliran Zat Cair Riil 10

Sifat Fisik Aliran

Aliran laminer
Angka Reynolds Re < 2000
Kecepatan rendah
Zat warna tidak tercampur dengan air
Partikel zat cair bergerak dalam garis lurus
Dapat dianalisis dengan matematika sederhana
Jarang terjadi dalam praktek di lapangan

Aliran Zat Cair Riil 11

Aliran transisi
Angka Reynolds 2000 < Re < 4000
Kecepatan sedang
Zat warna sedikit tercampur dengan air

Aliran Zat Cair Riil 12

Aliran turbulen
Angka Reynolds Re > 4000
Kecepatan tinggi
Zat warna tercampur dengan cepat
Partikel aliran zat cair tidak teratur
Rata-rata gerak adalah dalam arah aliran
Tidak dapat dilihat dengan mata telanjang
Perubahan/fluktuasi sulit dideteksi
Analisisis matematika sulit dilakukan
Sering terjadi dalam praktek di lapangan.
Aliran Zat Cair Riil 13

Aliran Turbulen

Simulasi aliran turbulen yang keluar dari ujung

akhir pipa
Aliran Zat Cair Riil 14

Boundary Layer
The idea of the boundary layer dates back at
least to the time of Prandtl (1904, see the article:
Ludwig Prandtls boundary layer, Physics
Today, 2005, 58, no.12, 42-48).

Aliran Zat Cair Riil 15

Boundary Layer
There are three main definitions of
boundary layer thickness:
1. 99% thickness
2. Displacement thickness
3. Momentum thickness

Aliran Zat Cair Riil 16

99% Thickness

u ( y ) = 0.99U
u ( y ) = 0.99U

u ( y ) = 0.99U

( x)

U is the free-stream velocity

(x) is the boundary layer thickness when u(y) 0.99U

Aliran Zat Cair Riil 17

Displacement Thickness #1

There is a reduction in
the flow rate due to the
presence of the
boundary layer

This is equivalent to
having a theoretical
boundary layer with zero
Aliran Zat Cair Riil 18

Displacement Thickness # 2
The areas under each curve are defined as
being equal:

q = ( U u ) dy and q = * U

Equating these gives the equation for the

displacement thickness:

* = 1 dy
Aliran Zat Cair Riil 19

Momentum Thickness
In the boundary layer, the fluid loses
momentum, so imagining an equivalent layer of
lost momentum:

m = u ( U u ) dy

and m = U 2 m

Equating these gives the equation for the

momentum thickness:

u u
m = 1 dy
Aliran Zat Cair Riil 20

Laminar Boundary Layer Growth # 1

+ d




Boundary layer Inertia is of the same magnitude as


Aliran Zat Cair Riil 21

Laminar Boundary Layer Growth # 2

a) Inertia Force: a particle entering the boundary layer
will be slowed from a velocity U to near zero in time,
t. giving force FI U/t. But u = x/t t L/U where
U is the characteristic velocity and L the
characteristic length in the x direction.
Hence FI U2/L

2 2
b) Viscous force: F

since U is the characteristic velocity and the
characteristic length in the y direction
Aliran Zat Cair Riil 22

Laminar Boundary Layer Growth # 3

Comparing a) and b) gives:
U 2






So the boundary layer grows according to L

Alternatively, dividing through by l, the nondimensionalised boundary layer growth is given


Note the new Reynolds number

characteristic velocity and
characteristic length

Aliran Zat Cair Riil 23

Laminar Boundary Layer Growth # 4

Critical Reynolds number for
flow along a surface is RL =
R* = 3.2*105
Critical velocity (u*) =
velocity when RL = 3.2*105

Aliran Zat Cair Riil 24

Prandtls Boundary Layer Theory # 1

Aliran Zat Cair Riil 25

Prandtls Boundary Layer Theory # 2

Aliran laminer dengan kecepatan seragam U0
setelah melalui pelat datar distribusi
kecepatan berubah dari 0 U0 seperti gambar
ada lapis batas dengan tebal .
Didalam daerah turbulen sempurna aliran
turbulen dipisahkan dari dinding batas oleh sub
lapis laminer

L = *

T = *
Aliran Zat Cair Riil 26

Flow at a pipe entry # 1

If the boundary layer meet while the flow is still laminar the
flow in the pipe will be laminar
If the boundary layer goes turbulent before they meet, then
the flow in the pipe will be turbulent
Aliran Zat Cair Riil 27

Flow at a pipe entry # 2

Aliran Zat Cair Riil 28

Flow at a pipe entry # 3

Ditinjau pipa bulat diameter D. Aliran bisa
laminar atau turbulen. Dalam salah satu kasus,
profil terjadi ke hilir sepanjang beberapa kali
diameter disebut entry length L. L/D adalah
fungsi dari Re.


Aliran Zat Cair Riil 29

Flow at a pipe entry # 4

Aliran Zat Cair Riil 30

Flow at a pipe entry # 5

In a pipe Reynold number is given by:
u D
Re =

For open flow:


Considering a pipe as two boundary layers

meeting, D = 2a = 2
Aliran Zat Cair Riil 31

Flow at a pipe entry # 6

Hence, the mean velocity in the pipe is
comparable to the free-stream velocity, U:

= 10
= 10 RL
Re =

If RL is R* = 3.2*105 then Re = 5657

Aliran Zat Cair Riil 32

Posisi daerah laminer, transisi dan turbulen

Aliran Zat Cair Riil 33

Pengaruh kekasaran pada sub lapis

Aliran Zat Cair Riil 34

Aliran Zat Cair Riil 35

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