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Name: Ho Min How

ID No: 1000241

1) To what extent are interpersonal skills important?

Students may get by on their technical and quantitative skills the first couple of years out of
school. But soon, leadership and communication skills come to the fore in distinguishing the
managers whose careers really take off. Besides that, developing managers interpersonal
skills also helps organizations attract and keep high-performing employees. Other than that,
the social relationships among co-workers and supervisors were strongly related to overall
job satisfaction. Lower stress in job and lower intentions to quit with positive social
relationships. Having good interpersonal skills is likely to make the workplace more pleasant.
Interpersonal skills is important because there is a growing awareness of the need for
understanding the means and outcomes of corporate social responsibility.

2) Give an example each of management function, role, and skill.

Management function.
a) The planning function encompasses defining an organizations goals, establishing an
overall strategy for achieving those goals, and developing a comprehensive set of plans to
integrate and coordinate activities.
b) Organizing function includes determining what tasks are to be done, who is to do them,
how the tasks are to be grouped, who reports to whom, and where decisions are to be made.
c) Leading function is motivate employees, direct their activities, select the most effective
communication channels, or resolve conflicts among members, theyre engaging in leading.
d) Monitoring, comparing, and potential correcting is the controlling function.
Management role
a) Interpersonal Roles - All managers are required to perform duties that are ceremonial and
symbolic in nature. All managers also have leadership role. This role includes hiring, training,
motivating, and disciplining employees.

b) Informational Roles - All managers collect information from outside organizations and
institutions by scanning the news media and talking with other people to learn of changes in
public tastes or what competitors may be planning.
c) Decisional Roles - In entrepreneur role, managers initiate and oversee new projects that
will improve their organizations performance. Disturbance handlers will take corrective
action in response to unforeseen problems.
Management Skills
a) Technical Skills - The ability to apply specialized knowledge or expertise.
b) Human Skills - The ability to understand, communicate with, motivate, and support other
people, both individually and in groups.
c) Conceptual Skills The mental ability to analyze and diagnose complex situations.

7) What challenges do managers face while employing OB concepts?

Responding to Economic Pressure
When times are bad, managers have to decide which employees must be fired, who are asked
to make do with less and be with those who worry about their future. The difference between
good and bad management can be the difference between profit and loss of an organization.
Responding to Globalization
a) Increased Foreign Assignments - Managers are likely to find themselves in a foreign
assignment which is to be transferred to their employers operating division or subsidiary in
another country.
b) Working with People from Different Cultures- understand peoples culture, geography and
religion to work effectively with them.
c) Overseeing Movement of Jobs to Countries with Low-Cost Labor It is increasingly
difficult for managers in advanced nations.
d) Adapting to Differing Cultural and Regulatory Norms Managers need to be cognizant of
differences in regulations for their competitors in that country.

Managing Workforce Diversity

Workforce diversity acknowledges a workforce of woman and men, many racial and ethnic
groups, individuals with a variety of physical or psychological abilities, and people who
differ in age and sexual orientation.
Improving Customer Service
Manager increase the success of these interaction by showing how employee attitudes and
behavior influence customer satisfaction.
Working in Networked Organizations
It allow people to communicate and work together. Motivating and leading people and
making collaborative decisions online requires different techniques than when individuals are
physically present in a single location.
Enhancing Employee Well-Being at Work
The biggest challenges to maintaining employee well-being is the new reality that many
workers never get away from the virtual workplace.
Creating a Positive Work Environment
Creating pleasing physical environments with attractive modern workstations.

Case Incident 2 Era of the Disposable Worker?

1) What aspects of the economic environment are causing dramatic decreases in labor costs?
People often link increased globalization to the decline in relative wages of less-skilled
workers in the advanced economies. But does increased international trade, especially with
developing countries, in fact worsen income inequality? There are two approaches to
answering this question. One focuses on the role of the price of imports in lowering the prices
of products and thus lowering wages. The second uses the quantity rather than the price of
imports as a measure of the intensity of import competition.

2) How do you suggest changing the future of business to prevent low levels of job security?
Most economic analyses have attributed this uneven distribution of economic hardship to
demographic factors like education, age or race. And also less educated, young and minority
workers are much more likely to be unemployed than the workforce as a whole. From this
few point we know that, most of low income people mostly lack of skill and education. To
prevent this problem, managers should give more chance for them to perform what they can
do, so that, they will not feel they are left out by the working environment. Besides that,
managers should have employment benefits.

3) What gets measured, gets done. Discuss how to measure the performance of a company
that take into account employee behavior.
A companys performance is affected by how employees with different background, cultures
and ethnicity work together in a workplace. It can be measured by the attitude of the
employees because it reflects the image of the company. Normally, employees who worked in
networked organization have different working attitude than presenting themselves in a
location. This case can be studied to analyze how well the company manage these employees
to make sure they do not slack off when they are performing duties. A company with great
performance can be measured by how the employers trained their employees in order to
enhance the customer service.

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