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ISSN 2337-6384

JP3, Volume 3, No. 14, Agustus



ISSN 2337-6384

JP3, Volume 3, No. 14, Agustus



Dimyati As Ari
(Mahasiswa Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris FKIP Unisma)
e-mail: dimyati

Abstract. The purpose of this study was to find out whether there was difference
ability of students with analytic cognitive style and students with global cognitive
style on reading ability. In this study, cognitive style sometimes refers to learning
style. The research design in this study was ex post facto studies. The subject of this
study was second grade students at MA AL-MAARIF SINGOSARI in exact science
I class, and it consists of 45 students and the population was 315 students.
Meanwhile, the instruments to collect a data were questionnaire and test. The
researchers analyze the data by using independent t-test. After computing the data,
the result of the value t-observe is lower than t-critical. It means the alternative
hypothesis was rejected and the null hypothesis was accepted. Thus, the study found
that there were no significant differences between analytic and global cognitive
styles in reading ability. The researcher offered suggestions future researchers to
conduct a study about the correlation between students cognitive style preference
and the students reading ability.
Key words: Reading, Cognitive Style, Reading Ability

Reading is also something crucial and
indispensable for the students because the
success of their study depends on the greater
part of their ability to read. If their reading
ability is poor, they are likely to fail in their
study or at least they will have difficulty in
making progress. Every learner has different
ability in reading because they had different
cognitive style. Each learner has different for
acquiring, processing information, making
decision, and problem solving from the
environment Van Patten and Benati (2010)
defined learning style sometimes referred to
as cognitive style. Cognitive styles refer to
someones overall preferences for learning
and processing information.

El-Koumy (2001) investigated the

effect of matching vs. mismatching
instructional approaches with analytic and
global learning styles on EAP students
reading achievement. The results of the study
revealed that students whose global and
analytic learning styles were mismatched with
instructional approaches showed greater
achievement in reading comprehension than
those students whose learning styles were
matched. Kozhevnikov, Kosslyn, Shephard
(2005) also demonstrate that object imagers
encoded and processed images holistically, as
a single perceptual unit. Whereas spatial
imagers generated and processed images
analytically, part by part. For example, when
reading fiction, an object visualizer usually

ISSN 2337-6384

JP3, Volume 3, No. 14, Agustus

forms a clear and and bright mental picture of

a scene or room that has been described. A
spatial visualize, when thinking of a building,
usually imagines its blueprint rather than a
specific concrete building (Blazenkova &
Kozhevnikov, 2008).

The procedure of data collection was

distributed the questionnaire to the student of
language major of second grade, and the
researcher explained the way of filling the
questionnaire to the students , so that there
was no misunderstanding about the fill of the
questionnaire. Next, the researcher use test to
know the students reading ability. Finally, the
researcher calculates the answer of the
questionnaire and test to get result.
Procedure of Data Analysis
The first analysis was questionnaire
analysis. This analysis was conducted to
determine the student in analytic and global
cognitive style preference. The second
analysis was test analysis. This analysis was
carried out to find the students reading ability.
To compare the means of both groups, an
independent t- test was used. Some
requirements for using the t-test have been
met. The analysis of the data used manual

The research design in this study can
be classified into ex post facto method
because the data investigated in this study
were gathered from existent information. ExPost facto research measures the cause-and
effect relationship without manipulating the
independent variables (Latief, 2012).
Population and sample
The researcher chose randomsampling technique because the researcher
wanted to take the data in population of
second grade students at MA AL-MAARIF
Singosari. The numbers of population were
315 students, divided into seven classes. They
were: two classes of exact science, two
classes of language classes, and three classes
of social science. Each class consists of 32 up
to 45 students.
In this study, the sample was the
students of the exact science I, which consist
of 45 students. Since the population was big,
it was impossible to use all of it, so only 45
students where 14 of them were males and the
rest of them 31 were female. The samples of
the study were determined by means of quota
random sampling technique with lottery
system. After conducting the research, the
total students that can be categorized into
cognitive style only 24 students.12 students
were classified into analytical learners and 12
students were classified into 12 global
Research Instruments
In this study, the instruments used to
collect the data study activities were
questionnaire and test. The questionnaire used
to find the cognitive style preference by
students. The test in this study used to know
the students English reading ability.
Procedure of Data Collection



It is found that reading comprehension
mean score of the analytic students with N =
12 is 63.1 and standard deviation is 35.5.
Meanwhile, the reading comprehension mean
score of the global students with N =12 found
67.2, and standard deviation is 157.1. The
next computation is calculating the standard
error of differences between means (SDx).
This computation found out that the SDx is
2.9. The final computation is to find the value
of t critical. The values of the ratio (obtained
t), is 1.414. This computation used level of
significant .0.05. The t- table for one tailed
test is 1.701. If the obtained t is smaller than
t-table, so the alternative hypothesis is
rejected and the null hypothesis is accepted.
In this study means, that there are no
differences of reading ability of students with
analytic and global cognitive styles at MA
The theory that stated by Klavis and
Stephenson (1996) show that analytic and
global learner approach many task differently
in reading. However, based on the statement
problem on chapter I, the researcher found
that the research is different with the theory,

ISSN 2337-6384

because the results of the research show that it

is not significant. Based on their reading
ability, the reading ability is not too different.
In addition, the researcher concludes that
analytic cognitive style is no better than
global cognitive style and on the contrary in
reading ability. The theory stated that analytic
students tend to slower reader on the good
reading comprehension. The implications for
second language acquisition are numerous. It
has been found that person who are
conceptually analytic tend to make fewer
errors in reading than global students Kagan
(as cited in Brown, 2006). Therefore, it
depends on how the students can connect their
cognitive style in learning process. The
research with shows difference, usually the
result shows that there is no significant
difference between the variables.
The result of the data analysis show
that the differences of reading ability of
students with analytic and global cognitive
style at second grade students at MA ALMAARIF SINGOSARI is not significant.
Because based on the computation, the ratio
between analytic and global students in
reading ability is -1.414, and the level of
significance this study is 0.05, where the t
table for one tailed test is 1.701. So, the t
observe is lower than t critical.
In conclusions, this study describes
about the student different cognitive style that
decided into analytic and global. Besides that,
this study also describes about students
reading ability. Based on the research, the
writer has two results. And the results are:
analytic and global students have the same
number of students which are 12 students in
each group, and the students that cannot be
classified into analytic and global are 21
students. For future researchers can also
conduct a study to find the correlation
between students cognitive style preference
and the students reading ability. Furthermore,
future researchers can develop a research
about cognitive style and reading ability but
in different problem and another cognitive

JP3, Volume 3, No. 14, Agustus


Agustine, D.S. (2007). A Descriptive Study of
Teaching Reading Comprehension at
Probolinggo. Unpublished
skripsi. Malang: FKIP UNISMA.
Analytic and Sequential Learning. (n.d).
Discover your best Study Methods.
Retrieved April 14, 2014, from
Brown, H.D. (2006). Theory of learning: An
pedagogy (4 edition). Pearson-Longman:
Blazenkova, O., & Kozhevnikov, M. (2008).
The new object spatial-verbal cognitive
style model: Theory and measurement.
Applied cognitive psychology. 23, (1),
Cook, D. A. (2005). Learning and cognitive
Theory,evidence, and application .
Academic Medicine. 80, (5), 226-278
Day, R. Richard., & Park, J. (2005).
questions. Reading in a foreign
language.17, (1), 1-8
Ekowati, Yanik. (2005). A Study of
Correlation between interest in reading
and readingchievement of the second
semester of English Department of
UnismaMalang: Unpublished skripsi.
El-Koumy, A. (2001). The Effect of Matching
Approach With Cognitive Styles on EAP
Students Achievement in
Comprehension.Proceedings of the 7th
EFL Skills Conference . The American
University in Cairo: CACE.
Hedgcock, J. (2009). Teaching Readers of
English. Student texts, and contexts:
Routledge: New York.
Klavis & Stephenson (1996). Global and
Analytic learners. Team Learning. 45, (5),
Kozhevnikov, M. (2007). Cognitive styles in
the context of modern psychology:


ISSN 2337-6384

JP3, Volume 3, No. 14, Agustus


Psychological Bulletin, 133, (3), 464481.
Kozhevnikov, M., Kosslyn, S. M., &
Shephard, J. (2005). Spatial versus object
visualizers:A new characterization of
visual cognitive style. Memory &
Cognition. 33,(4), 710-726
Latief, M. Adnan. (2012). Research Methods
on Language Learning An Introduction.

The Learning Community. (n.d). Global

versus analytic. Retrieved April, 14, 2014,
ourcesformat/tips-for-parents/globalvs.- analyticlerners-aspx
Van Patten, Bill., and Benati, G. Alessandro.
(2010). Key Terms. In Second Language


ISSN 2337-6384

JP3, Volume 3, No. 14, Agustus



Dyah Mrih Lestari
(Mahasiswa Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris FKIP Unisma)
Abstract. The aim of this article was to improve students writing skill. Research
design in this study was Classroom Action Research (CAR). This study carried out
some steps; they were planning, action, observation, and reflection. The subject of the
study was the students of the X-6 class that consisting of 47 students. The instruments
were used to collect the data were observation checklist, field note, and test. This
research was conducted in one cycle that consisted of four meetings. The findings of
this research showed that the implementation of Picture Series can improve students
achievement in writing narrative text. It was showed that their mean score of the test
was 79.14 after the implementation of this technique, so the criteria of study were
succeeded. In short, the implementation of Picture Series Technique improved
students writing skill in writing a narrative text at first grade of MA AL-Maarif
Singosari Malang.
Key words: Writing skill, narrative text and picture series

Writing is one of the language skills
that should be mastered in learning language.
Most of the students consider that writing is
the hardest skill to master, because the ability
to write in foreign language is more
complicated than the ability to speak, read, or
listen. It is hard to teach students how to write
because it involves many components such as
structure, vocabulary, punctuation, and
spelling (Harmer, 2007: 323). By asking
students to write, students can improve and
express their ideas into written form.
Moreover Nystrand (1989:75) said that
writing is a matter of elaborating text in
accordance with what the writer can
reasonably assume that the reader knows and
expect, and the process of reading is a matter

of predicting text in accord with what the

reader assume.
The teahers can use picture series
technique when teaching writing for students
to solve the students difficulty. The goal of
this technique is to help students enjoy and
interest in the learning writing, so the students
can have a good imagination and creativity to
write. According to Harmer (2007) said that
Pictures is one of the variety of teaching aids
which is used to explain language meaning
construction, engage students in a topic, or as
the basis of a whole activity.
Therefore, the researcher wants to
conduct a research to improve the students
writing skill. The research problem of this
study is How can picture series improve
students writing skill in writing a narrative
text at the First Grade Students of MA Al337

ISSN 2337-6384

JP3, Volume 3, No. 14, Agustus

Maarif Singosari Malang?. Based on the

research problem, the purpose of this study is
to describe the way picture series can improve
the students ability in writing a narrative text
at the First Grade Students of MA Al-Maarif
Singosari Malang.

be successful if the average score of writing

test are increase from 70 (given by the teacher)
and more than 75% students get score above
the standard minimum scores (75). In contrast,
if 75% of the students score dont increase
from 70 to 75, the research will be continued
to next cycle until meet the criteria of success.

The researcher used Classroom Action
Research as research design. According to
Latief (2012:144). Classroom action research
is an effective media in improving the quality
of English teachers performance in
instruction as well as students achievement
in learning English in classrooms. The
research design was chosen to improve the
learning and teaching activities in her
Based on the preliminary study, the
researcher used Picture Series Technique in
order to improve the students writing skill
that influence their score.
From illustration above, in this study,
the researcher took first grade students or
class X-6 of MA Al-Maarif Singosari Malang.
This study carried out some steps. Firstly, the,
researcher explained about narrative text and
divided the students into several groups. Then,
the researcher gave them the series of picture
and asked them to understand about the
pictures. After that, the teacher asked them to
make an outline and rough draft with their
group. Then, they submitted their work. And
finally, the researcher gave them a writing test
to make a narrative text about The golden
cucumber individually.
The subject in this study is the
students of first grade at MA Al-Maarif
Singosari Malang. The researcher take this
class because they are low in writing skill.
The number of first grade students in MA Al
Maarif Singosari Malang is 47 students. In
this study, the researcher used some
instruments to collect data such as
observation checklist, field note and test.
Reflection is the last stage of cycle in
which the researcher and the teacher
evaluated the effect of the action that has been
implemented towards the teaching and
learning in the classroom. The research will



The result of this study indicated that
the implementation of Picture Seres can
improve students ability in writing narrative
text. It was showed that their mean score of
the test was 79.14 after the implementation of
this technique, so the criteria of study were
succeeded. The result of the test showed that
the students writing skill was improve. It
could be seen that the students mean score
before implementing this technique was 70.
While after implementing this technique 77%
of 47 students got the score 75 in which the
mean score was 79.14.
The increasing
of the mean of students writing score become
79.14 showed that the researcher was
successful to get the criteria of success that
was the students mean score was 79.14. So,
the researcher concluded that the use of
picture series could increase students ability
of narrative text at MA Al-Maarif Singosari
Malang. It meant that the researcher did not
need to revise the plan and the researcher
stopped the research because the criteria of
success had been fulfilled. The findings of
this study also correlated with Raimes
(1983:27) that by using Picture Series
Technique is to provide a stimulating focus
for students attention. They had a positive
attitude, because in this technique not only the
high students who helped high student, but
also high students helped the low students. So,
they could follow the instruction of this
technique effectively.
Finally, the improvement of writing
skill of the First Grade at MA Al-Maarif
Singosari Malang by using Picture Series has
been successful, because the criteria of
success were reached. So, the researcher
stopped this research without continue to the
next cycle.


ISSN 2337-6384

JP3, Volume 3, No. 14, Agustus



Based on the result of this research
which was conducted only one cycle, it meant
that, in the cycle 1 the researcher has been
successful to improve the students writing
skill by using picture series technique. In this
research, the researcher tried to take the
conclusion based on the result of the study
that had been served in the previous chapter.
The researcher concluded that Picture Series
Technique was able to improve students
writing skill in writing a narrative text. Based
on the data had been collected by researcher
through test, Picture Series Technique could
stimulate students to express their ideas and
also motivated them when they write a
narrative text.
The suggestions for the English
teacher, they can use picture series as one
alternative in teaching strategy. Besides, the
teacher should explain clearly about narrative
text, generic structure of narrative text and the
students writing product, because not all the
students understand narratives and they
cannot write well.
For the students should not afraid of
making mistake when they write in English.
Besides that, the students not are shy to
express the ideas when writing a text. For the
future researchers, the researchers should
continue this kind of research and conduct to
the next research by using picture series.
Because strategy has succeeded to improve
students writing skill, and made it easy for
the students to write paragraphs or sentences.
Future researchers should conduct a similar

study on other skills such as Listening,

Speaking and Reading at other level of
students for the improvement of teaching
Brown, H. D. 2003. Teaching by Principles.
(Second Edition). New York: Addison
Westley Lonman, Inc.
Klasek, C. B. 1972. International Media in
Modern School. London: Macmillan
Latief, Adnan, H.M. 2012. Penelitian
Pendidikan. UM Press.
Latuheru, J. D. 1988. Media Pembelajaran
dalam Proses Belajar Mengajar Masa
Kini. Jakarta: P3G
Nystrand.1989. Writing English Language
Test. New york: Longman.
Pillai, Prabhakar. 2012. Why Are Writing
Skills Important. Buzzle. (Online).
Accessed on December 13th, 2013.
Raimes, A. 1983. Techniques in Teaching
University Press.
Walsh, K. 2010. The Importance of Writing
Skills: Online Tools to Encourage
Success. (online).
Wright, A. 1992. Picture for Language
Learning. Cambridge: Cambridge
University press


ISSN 2337-6384

JP3, Volume 3, No. 14, Agustus




Siti Nurul Azizah

(Mahasiswa Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris FKIP Unisma)

Abstract. This study aims at knowing whether students taught by using motion
pictures media have different achievement in narrative writing skill from students
taught using still pictures media. This study used quasi-experimental research design
as the researcher did not use non-randomized sample. The population of this study was
the second students of MTS AL MAARIF 01 Singosari Malang, but the sample of this
study was 51 students, 27 students of VIII F were in experimental group and 24
students of VIII H were in control group. This study utilized seven meetings. One
meeting was for pretest, one meeting was for modeling, four meetings were for
applying treatment, and the other was for posttest. The researcher applied different
treatments of both groups. Motion pictures were given in experimental group, whereas
still pictures were given in control group. The hypothesis of this study stated the
students taught using motion pictures media have different writing achievement on
narrative skill from students taught using still pictures media of the second students of
MTS AL MAARIF 01 Singosari Malang. The result of this study was students taught
using motion pictures media have different writing achievement on narrative skill
from students taught using still pictures media of the second students of MTS AL
MAARIF 01 Singosari Malang, and it showed that still pictures media were better than
motion pictures as media in teaching narrative writing text.
Key Words: Effect, Motion Pictures, Still Pictures, narrative Text, and Writing Skill

Writing skill is one of production skill.
According Richards and Renandya, writing is
the most difficult skill because the learners
master in developing and generating ideas
(2002:303). Brown (2003:218) states that the
ability to write has become an indispensable
skill and our global literature community.
Learning to write is a process of discovering
and organizing ideas, putting on paper, and
reshaping and revising them. People are able
to share their idea, feeling, or anything that is
their mind. It can be written by hand or by

typing. Harmer (2007:19) explains that

writing process was more complex than this,
of course, and the various stages of drafting,
reviewing, re-drafting, and writing, etc. He
also explained that the writing process was at
least as important as the product, and even in
exam writing task, the students, ability to plan
(quickly) and later read back through what
they have written in order to make any
necessary correction which is extremely
important. in writing process, it consists of
some stages, such as drafting, revising,
prewriting, etc. It is impossible for teachers if

ISSN 2337-6384

JP3, Volume 3, No. 14, Agustus

they do not media in teaching learning

process. Media are divided to be some kinds
of media, such as pictures, song, cards,
movies, etc. According Longman dictionary
(2000:308), a picture is a representation made
by painting, drawing, or photograph.
Although, motion pictures are series pictures
that have the illusion of moving image. The
use of pictures in teaching learning English is
able to give stimulation for writing-habit
activities (Brown, 2007:330). The writer
selects pictures, especially still pictures and
motion pictures as media in teaching narrative
text. Pictures are simple media and easy to get
because they can be found in magazine,
newspaper, and so on. After that, picture can
represent the material of teaching learning so
the students can be easy to understand. In
teaching narrative text, the teacher sometimes
gave same materials, but the teacher used
different treatments, still pictures and motion
pictures. This study concerned the effect of
still pictures and motion pictures on narrative
writing skill of the second grade students of
MTs AL MAARIF 01 Singosari Malang.

MAARIF 01 Singosari Malang. The

researcher did not use all students of VIII F
and VIII H, so the writer used two groups that
had not different amount of samples. The
writer used 24 students of VIII F as controlled
group and 27 students of VIII H as
experimental group.
In the making test, the writer made
test based on the English book for Students
class VIII. After that, the writer used most of
stories from Indonesia as topic, so it made
students easy to develop their idea to write the
story. In addition, the test had content validity
of the narrative writing material that had been
taught by their teacher.
After the writer analyzed the reliability, the
result was matched with the table below. In
this research, it was found the different result
of reliability analysis. In the pretest, the
reliability was 0.889. It meant that the data in
pretest was high reliability. In posttest, the
reliability was 0.839. It meant that the data in
the posttest was high reliability. In the result
of study, both pretest and posttest were
believable because they had high reliability.
The data analysis was done after the writer
collected the data by using test. The data was
only analyzed by using SPSS version 20.
According, Mistar (2013) ANCOVA was
chosen the following reasons:
The scores of two groups (control and
experimental group) be compared were
independent of each other.
The subject of this study were two groups
(control and experimental group), and the
researcher gave them to measure the
quality of their writing skill before and
after treatment.

Latif (2012:94) describes that there are
three kinds of experimental design. They are
true experimental design, quasi-experimental
design and pre experimental design The
writer applied quasi-experimental and
selected two groups pretest-posttest design,
this design chosen under following reasons:
1. This study chosen two class (control and
experimental) and given test to measure
the quality of students writing
assignment before used still pictures and
motion pictures in teaching learning
2. This study gave different treatment
students in control and experimental class
by using still pictures and motion pictures
in their narrative writing achievement.
3. This study gave posttest to know the
effectiveness of still pictures and motion
pictures in students narrative writing skill
4. The writer used nonrandomized sample.
In this study, the writer used the population in
the second grade students of MTs AL



In this study, the results were reported
based on the analysis of the data and the
procedures of the collecting the data, was
described in the previous chapter. In this
analysis, the study compared the result of
posttest of experimental group and the result
of posttest of control group to know the
students narrative writing skill before and
after the treatment. These media were chosen


ISSN 2337-6384

JP3, Volume 3, No. 14, Agustus


as the writer utilized two classes,

experimental group and control group.
In this research, the hypothesis stated
that students taught using motion pictures
media had different writing achievement on
narrative skill from students taught using still
pictures media of the second grade of MTs
AL MAARIF 01 Singosari Malang. In
addition, the null hypothesis stated that
students taught using motion pictures media
and students taught using still pictures media
had not different writing achievement on
narrative writing skill of the second grade of
MTs AL MAARIF 01 Singosari Malang was
not accepted because the obtained t-value is
22.583 and the critical for significant with 48
degree of freedom at 0.01level of significance
was 5.08. According Brown (2003:227),
picture sequence is a sequence of three to six
pictures depicting a story line can provide a
suitable stimulus for written production. In
study, why the students taught using still
pictures have better achievement than
students taught using motion pictures on
narrative writing text, it can be explained by
some reasons below:
The first, the different media use could
make different students enthusiastic. The
students score of control group was higher
than students score of experimental group,
although the students of experimental group
were more active than students of control
group. Based on Harjanto (2002:48-49),
picture is easy to get and to be used by
individual or group. The second is when the
teacher played motion pictures, the students
just focused it without paying attention the
characters, the plot, and setting of the story.
According Harjanto (2002:96), film without
sound does not have explanation when film is
being played. The third is the teacher just
played motion pictures two times when the
students forgot so they wrote the story based
on what they remembered. In control group,
students could looked still pictures when they
forgot the story. Based on Harjanto (2002:96),
the audience gets difficulties because the
scene which had played is difficult to replay.
It expects if film is played a whole of story.
The last is still pictures were often used than

motion pictures so the students of control

group were easy to follow the instruction and
they had habitual to use it.
The pretest score of control group was
higher than the pretest score of experimental
group. It meant that the students ability of
control group were better that students ability
of experimental group. The difference could
be looked from their means score (see table
4.5 and table 4.6). The average of pretest
score of control group was 44.79 and the
average of pretest score of experimental
group was 38.70, while the average of posttest
score of control group was 55.19 and the
average of posttest score of experimental
group was 40.30. the comparisons of the both
control group and experimental group
intended to know the significance the effect of
treatment on the students score on narrative
writing text, and obtained t-observed is
25.287, while the required critical value of it
was 5.08 using two tailed significant on 0.01
level of degree significant.
Brown stated that picture sequences
were able to provide the appropriate stimulus
for written production (2003:227). According
Harjanto (2002:48-49), picture has some
advantages. They are 1) concrete, 2) not limit
time and space, 3) can explain a situasion, 4)
cheap and easy to get, and 5) easy to be used
by individual or group. In addition, the study
of Widiastuti (2012) under the title
Improving Students Descriptive Text
Writing Skill by using pictures at the second
grade of SMP N 1 Prambon Sidoarjo in
academic year 2011/2012. The aim of her
study was to know what the picture is
appropriate to be implementation in
descriptive text to improve students writing
skill. The result of this research was using
pictures in descriptive text to improve
students writing skill had successes. It could
show significant result that students could be
easier to understand and construct their
Furthermore, the explanations above,
it was obvious that still pictures were
appropriate media for teaching writing in
English, and still pictures interested students
in narrative writing text. It could be

ISSN 2337-6384

JP3, Volume 3, No. 14, Agustus

concluded that students taught by using still

pictures were better than students taught by
using motion pictures.



The conclusions were presented based
on the data that has been analyzed in previous
chapter. From the data analysis in previous
chapter, there was significant difference of
using media, still pictures and motion pictures
as treatment on narrative writing skill of MTs
AL MAARIF 01 Singosari Malang.
Therefore, still pictures are better than motion
pictures in teaching narrative writing text.
After that, still pictures have significant effect
as media in teaching narrative text, and it
means that still pictures are effective as media
of learning, especially in narrative text.
The writer suggested to the teacher
that should use still pictures as media in
teaching narrative writing text because it was
more effective than motion pictures. The next
suggestion for the students, the students that
should understand what the appropriate media
to increase their writing ability. The last for
future research, the writer should use this
study as reference and this media in other
different research design or skill.


Brown, H. D. (2003). Language Assessment;

Principles and Classroom Practices.
Pearson Longman.
Harjanto. (1997). Perencanaan Pengajaran.
Jakarta: Rineka Cipta.
Harmer, J. (2001). The Practice of English
Language Teaching. Third Edition.
Pearson Longman: Cambridge.
Latif, A. M. (2012). Research Methods on
language Learning an Introduction.
Malang: Universitas Negeri Malang.
Longman Advanced Learners Dictionary:
international New Students Edition.
Mistar J. (2013). Handouts Statistics for
Language Teaching Studies. Malang:
Richards, J. and Renandya, W. A. (2002).
Methodology in Language Teaching.
First Published. Cambridge University
Press. The United States of America.
Widiastuti. (2012). Improving Students
Descriptive text writing Skill by Using
Pictures at the Second Grade of SMp N
1 Prambon Sidoarjo in Academic Year
2011/2012.Unpublished Sarjana Thesis.
Malang: Universitas Islam Malang.


ISSN 2337-6384

JP3, Volume 3, No. 14, Agustus



Slamet Mudofar
(Mahasiswa Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris FKIP Unisma)
Abstract. The aim of this study was to improve students speaking ability
Presentation, Practice and Production. The research design of this study was
Classroom Action Research (CAR). The subject of this study was second grade
students of SMAN 1 Malang, and it consists of 35 students, 15 of them were male
and 20 of them were female. This study used collaborative action research design
which consists of four steps. Those are planning, implementing, observing, and
reflecting. The data was collected by giving the test to the students. A preliminary
test; the students average score in preliminary test was 73. However the standard
minimum mastery is 78. The result of the study indicated that the average of the
students was 81.27. The data are obtained from the implementation of Presentation,
Practice and Production technique in improving students speaking ability. To
summarize, it can be concluded that the used of Presentation, Practice and
Production could improve students speaking ability. It is suggested for the English
teachers to use such technique to make the students actively participate in the
classroom activities.
Key words: Improving, Presentation, Practice and Production, Speaking Ability.

In this era, almost all countries in the
world use English as their first or second
international language. This case shows that
English becomes the most common language
that is used by entire people in the world.
People use it as the tool to communicate with
people in different countries. Harmer
(2007:13) states that English is language that
is used by people who have different first
language. Also, English has significant role in
many fields such as medicine, engineering,
and education.
In line with the statement above,
English is developed as one of the primary

lesson in curriculum in every country. In

Indonesia, English has been taught since
primary school, even kindergarten, till tertiary
school. Moreover in junior and senior high
school it becomes compulsory subject that
includes in national final examination.
English has four basic skills. They are
listening, speaking, reading, and writing.
Among those four skills, some people admit
that the most prominent skill is speaking
because that will be the measurement of how
well the foreign language. Therefore it is
believed that globalization is the reason why
we develop and learn English. Nunan (1991:
39) states that Mastering the art of speaking
is the most important aspect or learning in a

ISSN 2337-6384

JP3, Volume 3, No. 14, Agustus

second or foreign language and success is

measured in term of the ability to carry out a
conversation in language.
Based on the observation in the
preliminary study which has been conducted
by the researcher, in teaching English at XI.A
grade science of SMAN 1 Malang, the teacher
taught the student, especially in teaching
speaking skill, the methodology which has
been used is not significant appropriate by
using GTM (Grammar Translation Method).
The teacher asked students to write and
memorize some formula or pattern of the
sentence by ignoring the oral practice for the
sentences that have been memorized. This
method only focuses on the teacher not on the
students, so it makes the students passive in
learning English especially in speaking skill.
In addition, when the researcher gave spoken
test to the students, they are still low in
speaking performance. The result of the test
showed that the students average score are
73, while the standard minimum score is 78.
The effect of the teachers method
which is used in that class influences the
teaching of speaking resulted in various
problems coming up. First, students lack of
vocabulary makes them unable to say a word
during the class activity. Second, the students
seldom practice using English as their
communication. The third, the students are
lack of confidence to communicate in English
in the class, for example when the teacher
asks them to come forward to have a
conversation with their classmates, several of
them refuse it.
From the problems above, the
researcher is really interested in giving a
solution for the teacher to implement one of
Presentation, Practice, and Production which
it is known as PPP (Harmer: 2007).

used to improve the quality of the teaching

and learning in the class. In this research, the
researcher was involved in the action teaching
and learning process, collecting and analyzing
data, also making conclusion and report. On
the other hands, the problems of this research
came from the difficulties of students to speak
up during speaking classroom activity. So, the
focus of this research was to introduce the
students to an English teaching strategy which
can improve their speaking ability.
This classroom action research was
conducted at XI grade of SMAN 1 Malang,
which is located on Jl Tugu Utara No. 1
Malang. The researcher carried out the
research with the students of XI grade of
SMAN 1 Malang that the numbers of students
were 35 students as the subject, 15 of them
were male and 20 of them were female. The
researcher chose this class because most of
the students in this class have difficulties in
oral communication, lack of motivation, were
afraid to speak English, and less practice
speaking using English language. By
conducting this research hopefully the
researcher could improve students speaking
ability and their interest to learn English.
Kemmis, Taggart and Nixon (2014: 19)
state that procedures of conducting action
research consisted of four steps, planning the
action, implementing the planning, observing
and reflecting. Before doing those steps, it
was preceded by preliminary study. The
purpose of preliminary study was to identify
the problems that should be solved. After
finding out the problems, the researcher
constructed the general planning. Then, the
planning was implemented and observed,
while the reflection was conducted to identify
all facts including the success and failure as
well as the effect of implementation.
Before the researcher conduct the
research, the researcher conducted the
preliminary study to know what the problem
was faced by students in teaching speaking in
the classroom. In this stage, the researcher
interviewed the English teacher of the first
grade students of SMAN 1 Malang to get
information about the result of students
study. The researcher also did the observation

Classroom Action Research is an effective
media in improving the quality of English
teachers performance in instruction as well
as students achievement in learning English
in classroom. CAR is research design which



ISSN 2337-6384

JP3, Volume 3, No. 14, Agustus

with the English teacher to know about the

teaching and learning process. The researcher
found out that students got low score in
speaking because of some factors, they are:
students were afraid of making mistake and
shy to practice their speaking ability. The
students were afraid to express their idea
when the teacher practices them to discuses.
Students do not have enough vocabularies.
The mean students score were under the
standard score in that school, which the score
were 73 while the school basis of the
minimum mastery learning standard was, 78.
Based on the problem that the students faced
above, the researcher conducted the research
by using new teaching technique. This
technique was Presentation, Practice and
Production technique.
In this stage, the researcher focused on
the use of Presentation, Practice and
Production technique to improve students
speaking ability. The researcher prepared the
teaching technique, lesson plan, preparing
material and the criteria of success.

mean score was 73 and the lowest score was

65, while standard minimum score that should
be reached by the students was 78. Based on
the findings of preliminary study the
researcher interpreted that students of XI.A.1
class needed a suitable technique to improve
their speaking competence. That is by using
PPP (Presentation, Practice and Production)
This segment discusses the result of
this research based on the relevant theories
under the study of using Presentation, Practice
and Production technique to improve
students speaking ability of the second grade
of SMAN 1 Malang. Ur (1996: 120) has
indicated some characteristics of successful
speaking activity: maximum foreign talk,
even participation, high motivation and right
level language.
The procedures of implementing
Presentation, Practice and Production
technique are described as follows: 1) the
researcher began the lesson by greeting,
checking their attendance list, and giving
stimulus related to the material, 2) before
coming to the main activity, the researcher
brainstorming activity. It can be done by
activating their schemata related to the topic
or asking them whether there were some
vocabularies that they did not know the
meaning, 3) the researcher gave instruction
what they should do, 4) the researcher
explained or presented the material, 5) then
they practiced the material, 6) they were
given the time to create new sentences, 7)
they produced or explored their idea related to
the topic and context.
The objectives of this study were not
only improving their speaking ability, but also
their interest toward using Presentation,
Practice and Production technique in learning
speaking. So, in this study the researcher used
some instruments during implementation,
such as observation checklist, test and
The result of the test showed that
students score improved after implementing
teaching speaking using Presentation, Practice
and Production technique. The students mean
score of the test was 81 and > 80% of them


The findings of this research were
presented based on the data that was found in
the cycle. The data were obtained from the
test, questionnaire, and observation sheet.
Before conducting the research, the
researcher had conducted observation on 3rd
April 2014. Based on the preliminary study,
the researcher got information from the
teacher that there were seven classes of the XI
grade science students of SMAN 1 Malang,
class XI.A.1 up to XI. A. 7. The researcher
chose class XI.A.1 as the research subject
based on the recommendation from the
teacher. From the English teacher, the
researcher got information that some of the
students of class XI.A.1 were less motivated,
lacked of interest and got unsatisfied score in
their speaking test. In addition, the researcher
also directly conducted speaking test to get
their raw score. The test was in form of oral
presentation under the topic salesman.
Students were asked to promote something in
front of the class orally. The researcher and
teacher assessed them. Based on the test, the



ISSN 2337-6384

JP3, Volume 3, No. 14, Agustus

passed the standard minimum score, while the

mean of the score that was gotten from
preliminary study was 73 and only 20% of
them could pass the standard minimum score.
It means that, Presentation, Practice
and Production technique is one of effective
techniques in learning in the process of
learning and teaching especially, speaking. A
variation on audio-legalism in British-based
teaching and elsewhere is the procedure most
often referred to as PPP (Presentation,
Practice and Production) (Harmer: 2007).
Based on the questionnaire, it
indicated that students were enthusiastic and
interested in learning speaking by using
Presentation, Practice and Production
technique since it was enjoyable. Moreover
they responded that learning speaking by
using Presentation, Practice and Production
technique made them easier to understand
what the teachers explanation, especially in
speaking, made their motivation and
vocabulary improved. After learning speaking
by using Presentation, Practice and
Production technique, they found that
speaking was easy and Presentation, Practice
and Production technique was appropriate
technique for them.
Besides, observation checklist showed that
students quality of learning activity in the
class improved day by day. Finally, the
implementation of using Presentation,
Practice and Production technique and
material increased the students speaking
performance of XI grade of SMAN 1 Malang.

The teacher can use Presentation, Practice

and Production technique as an alternative
technique in teaching speaking.
The teacher should make the students into
heterogeneous group. So the students with
higher ability can teach the students with
lower ability.
In the end of the teaching learning
process, it is better for the teacher to correct
students single mistake in order that it does
not become ongoing mistake.
This research is conducted under
classroom action research design. Further
researchers can use Presentation, Practice and
Production technique though Experimental
research design. So, they can compare the
effectiveness of Presentation, Practice and
Production technique with another technique.
They can continue this research with
different population or grade, or conduct
similar research for different skill, such as
reading skill.


The result of the test showed that
students score improved after implementing
teaching speaking using Presentation, Practice
and Production technique. The students mean
score of the test was 81 and 80% of them
passed the standard minimum score. While
the mean of raw score that was gotten from
preliminary study was 73 and only 20 % of
them could pass the standard minimum score.
Based on the findings, some suggestions
need to be put forward in order to improve the
quality of teaching learning process.


Brown, H. Douglas. 2003. Language
Assessment: Principles and Classroom
Practices. England: Longman.
Brown, H. Douglas. 2007. Teaching by
Principles an Interactive Approach to
Language Pedagogy, Third Edition.
England: Longman.
Brown, H. Douglas, 2001. Principle of
Language Learning And Teaching. New
York: Prentice Hall.
Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan.
2013. Pedoman Penulisan KaryaIlmiah.
Harmer, Jeremy. 2007. The practice of
English Language Teaching, Fourth
Edition. England: Longman.
Harmer, Jeremy. 1991. The practice of
English Language Teaching. New
York: Longman.
Jack Richards C. and Willy A. Renandya,
2002. Methodology In Language
Teaching, USA: Cambrige University
Kemmis, el all. 2014 The Action Research
Planner. Springer.


ISSN 2337-6384

JP3, Volume 3, No. 14, Agustus


Latief, Mohammad Adnan. 2011. Research

Methods on Language Learning: an
Introduction. Malang: Universitas Islam
Mistar, Junaidi. 2011. Hand out Statistics for
Language Teaching Studies. Malang:
Universitas Islam Malang.
Nunan, David. 1991. Language Teaching
Methodology. A Textbook for Teachers.

London : Prentice hall international

Parida, B.R. 2007.
Improving English
Teaching. Role of Psycho-Social
Factors. New Delhi: Discovery
Publishing House.
Ur, Penny. 1999. A course in language
teaching: Practice and theory. United
University press.


ISSN 2337-6384

JP3, Volume 3, No. 14, Agustus



Slamet Taufiq
(Mahasiswa Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris FKIP Unisma)

Abstract. This article aims at knowing which one is better between multiple choice
format and short answer format in the test of reading comprehension. Multiple
choice is the test format which the answer is chosen only one, while short answer is
the test format which the answer is to write the answers based on the passage. The
research design in this study is quantitative research in the form of experimental
design. The subject of this study is eleventh grade of Billingual Science program,
and it consists of 25 students. In this study, there was only one group which got two
different tests of reading comprehension. The first test was using multiple choice
format with 50 items and the second test was using short answer format with 30
items the questions in this study were taken from national final examination and
from students book in. The finding of this study is students have better score tested
with multiple choice test than short answer test. during the process of the test,
students added knowledge from what they read.
Key words: multiple choice format, short answer format, and reading

Talking about reading, it is well
known that reading is one of receptive skills.
Receptive skills are skills where meaning is
distracted from the discourse (Harmer,
2007:265). It means that students have to
think to get meaning from what they read in
order to improve their progress.
Reading is ability to understand text in
printed form. It can also be defined as
comprehension, interaction of symbols,
decoding, mental process, and interactive
process (Cahyono & Mukminatien, 2011:57).
Reading is the change that takes place in
ones knowledge as a result of having
interacted with a text. In order that the readers

understand the text, they must understand

what the writer means first. Reading is a
passive skill because the readers can only read
from written text
The researcher tried to give
comparison by taking just two test. They are:
multiple choice format, and short answer
format. These are strategies that are really
different from the others. In multiple choice
format, students can just take for granted for
the answer and it is easy to be scored as soon
as possible (Brown, 2003:194). While in the
short answer format, Brown (2003) stated that
it is not so easy as multiple choice format. It
is the alternative way to conduct a test that is
designed with the reading pessage presented,

ISSN 2337-6384

JP3, Volume 3, No. 14, Agustus

and the test taker reads the questions that

must be answered in a sentence or two
Students that are tested by using
multiple choice format tend to answer as they
know the answers because the test is passive,
and it is very easy for them to guess the
answers if they do not know even though the
answers are wrong. It is certainly correct if
they choose the answers as the researcher
wants. Meanwhile, it is different from short
answer format. Many students tend to think
first before they answer because they can not
directly write. They should think about the
structure even though it is just the simple
Therefore, the researcher wanted to
conduct a research to know which one has
the higher score between multiple choice
format and short answer format. The
research problem of this study is do
students have better scores in the test of
reading comprehension with multiple choice
format than short answer format? based on
the research problem, the purpose of this
study is to know which one has higher score
in reading with multiple choice format and
short answer format.

May 12, 2014. In the second test, the

researcher took score 3.3 from 30 items of
short answer test, and the time was also 80
minutes. In order to know which was better
test for students score, the researcher
collected the score of both tests, and they
were compared. Then, the score of the tests
was used to determine which test had better
English score.
The subject in this study is the
students of grade eleventh of bilingual science
program at MAN Malang I in Malang city.
Because the class only one class, the
researcher took the students from grade
eleventh. The number of students from this
class was 25 students, and the researcher took
one group in this study as one group with
multiple assessment.
The instrument used to collect the data
in this research is test. The reading test which
the researcher used is the stategy book to do
national final examination of English and
students book for students in senior high
school. The researcher conduct the test under
consideration of teachers at MAN Malang I.
For the test itself, the researcher used
some question from strategy book to do
national final examination in the year 2010
and the students book in the year 2011. The
first test, the students got 50 items of Multiple
choice test, and the next test, the students got
30 items with short answer test.
The data was analyzed using t-test
because it compared between two means.
There are two types of t-test, they are:
dependent t-test and independent t-test.
Because the researcher only used one group,
the researcher used dependent t-test to
analyze the data and to test hypothesis.

The researcher used quantitative
research in the form of one shoot experiment
as research design. Experimental method
manipulates and controls the cause variable
and proceeds to observe the change in the
affect variable (Latief, 2012:92). The
researcher used pre-experimental design or it
is called One-Group with multiple
assessment, so there were one group tested
twice. There was no control and experiment
group. The researcher gave two kinds of test
The researcher used only one group of
the subject. The students were got two
different types of test format. Firstly, the
researcher conducted the first test on May 7,
2014. The time to do the test was 80 minutes
for multiple choice test, and the researcher
took score 2 for the first test since it consisted
of 50 items. The next test was conducted on



The data analyzed using dependent ttest. Then the researcher tested the research
hypothesis and the null hypothesis. The
observed t-value that the researcher got from
the data analysis is compared with the critical
t-value from the tables of critical t-values
at .05 level of significance. The critical value
of t with the degree of freedom (df) = N-1,

ISSN 2337-6384

JP3, Volume 3, No. 14, Agustus

significance .05 is 1.711, the observed t-value

is 2.518, and the critical t-value of degree of
freedom (df) is one tailed or directional test.
So, observed t-value is higher than critical tvalue. It means that the student have better
score in the test of reading comprehension
with multiple choice test than short answer
It is showed that the different formats
of reading comprehension tests gave different
students score even though both tests
conducted in the same class. Multiple choice
format gave better score for students than
short answer is also because of some
factors. Djiwandono (2011:42) argued that
multiple choice test has many over plus,
namely: (1) chance to guess the answer, (2)
covering large material, (3) the simple way of
answering, (4) easy to control the answer, and
(5) simple analysis of the test. Meanwhile,
short answer test usually used wh-question
words. The answer to these questions are
given with brief and short answer, without
whole and complete sentence because the
shorter the answer, the more appropriate and
the better the result (Djiwandono, 2011:68).
Finally, the finding shows that both
tests had different scores. It can be said that
multiple choice test gives better score than
short answer test. The evidence is known
from the students score that support their
comprehension. Meanwhile, it is different
from the second test or short answer test that
the score is not so high as the first test.

The suggestion for the teachers, The

English teachers should use multiple choice
test combined with other formats of the tests
for reading comprehension in order that
students get better achievement as proven
from the result of this study. Then the
teachers should choose the appropriate
supplementary materials related to the topic
of teaching English in order to be understood.
For the future researcher, because this
study investigated the effect of different
formats of reading comprehension tests on
students score, it is better for the next
researchers to conduct their research with
other skills and investigate other types of
formats to get more reliable and better score
from students. Then for the next researchers,
they should add more than two formats, so
they can enlarge their understanding about
In addition, the last suggestion is
directed to Department of Education Affairs.
As the researcher knows that the department
has power to improve education system in
this country. The Researcher suggests that the
quality of teachers should be improved
because the quality of students depends upon
the quality of the teachers.


Based on the hypothesis testing, it is
clearly known that the students have better
score in the test of reading comprehension
with multiple choice format than short answer
format at MAN Malang I. The researcher
considered that it is also possible to
implement test using multiple choice format
in other senior high school. However, it is not
good if testing reading comprehension with
only multiple choice format to get reliable
score of students ability.


Brown, H. D. 2003. Language Assessment
Principles and Classroom Practices.
California: Longman.
Cahyono, B.Y. and Mukminatien, N. 2011.
Techniques and Strategies to Enhance
English Language Learning. Malang:
State University of Malang.
Djiwandono. M. S. 2011. Tes Bahasa
Pegangan Bagi Pegangan Pengajar
Bahasa. Jakarta: PT Index.
Latief, M. A. 2012. Research Method on
Language Learning. Malang: State
University of Malang.
Harmer, J. 2007. The Practice of English
Language Teaching. Pearson: Longman


ISSN 2337-6384

JP3, Volume 3, No. 14, Agustus



Sugeng Prayitno
(Mahasiswa Jurusan Pendidian Bahasa Inggris FKIP Unisma)

Abstract. This study is aimed to improve students speaking through implementing

CTL Method. CTL Method is method in which students should connect the student
real life context with the academic subject. This study used Classroom Action
Research as the research design and the subject was class B of first grade students of
MTs Al Maarif Malang which consists of 22 students. The procedure of the study
consisted of four main steps: planning an action, implementation, observation, and
reflection. The instruments used to collect the data were field note, observation
checklist, and speaking test. The result of this study indicated that the
implementation of CTL Method can improve students speaking ability. 68.81 % of
students speaking score improved from 61.45 in average to 72.36 after the
implementation of the method. It also was recognized from field note and
observation checklist that students become more active in doing the activities during
learning and teaching process.
Key Words: Improving speaking skill, CTL Method, and Classroom Action

English become the most important
language in the world. At present, learning
English as a foreign language is very
importance, since English is the key to the
international currencies of technology and
commerce (Robert butler, 1978:6). As
international language, learning English
become popular in some of country. As like in
Indonesia, English become one subject that be
mastered. And many society began realize
about this fact.
Actually, there are four basics skill
that should be mastered in Junior High school.
They are speaking, reading, writing, and
listening. In Junior High school, each skill

needs more understanding for the student.

Because their level up to intermediate level
and this is a new change for them improve the
new language that different with their first
language or mother language. It is not easy to
master all the skills. There must be one
important skill that covers the whole skills.
Based on the statement above
speaking is the one of the language skill that
must be taught at the seventh up to the ninth
grade Students at junior high school.
Speaking is one of the most essential skills in
language teaching and learning. Moreover, to
some extents, it becomes a basic skill that
needs to be developed and practiced actively
and continuously during the teaching learning

ISSN 2337-6384

JP3, Volume 3, No. 14, Agustus


process. As stated by Nunan (1991:39),

Speaking is the single most important aspect
of learning foreign language and success is
measured in terms of the ability to carry out a
conversation in the language. It shows that
speaking covers not only knowledge of
language features, but also the process of
information itself.
Most students are exposed by English
at school only so that the teachers
significantly play important role to help
students to cultivate English speaking habit.
Teachers should build up students confidence
little by little instead of putting high
expectation for them in creating instant
fluency and spontaneous speak in English.
Good motivation and method seem a good
way to encourage students to always try to
speak. On the other hand, good method in the
way the materials are delivered to the students
may provide good result in speaking as well.
Basically, there are several methods in
language teaching and learning. One of the
methods of teaching and learning is
Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL).
Berns and Erickson (2001) said that
Contextual teaching and learning is a
conception of teaching and learning that helps
teachers relate subject matter content to real
world situations and motivates students to
make connections between knowledge and its
applications to their lives as family members,
citizens, and workers and engage in the hard
work that learning requires. Another expert
said Sears (2001:2) states, Contextual
teaching and learning (CTL) is a concept that
helps teachers relates subject matter to realworld situations.
Student were effected environment
factor problems, they less to speak English
until being not to be active, and they less
understand dont know of how to speak
English in daily-activity context.
Related with the statements above and
the problems above, the researcher is
interested in improving speaking ability at
MTs AL MAARIF MALANG because there
is a data that this school has a number of
speaking ability that can be possible to
improve especially in first grade in B class.

The standard minimum score is 70 and the

average speaking ability point in this class
was 61.45. The researcher would like to
improve this speaking ability up to 70 in
average because that reason, the researcher
will conduct the research to improve the
students speaking ability of MTs AL
MAARIF by title Improving the Students
Speaking Ability by Using Contextual
Teaching and Learning Method on the First
Grade Students of MTs AL MAARIF
In this research, this study belongs to
category of classroom Action Research
(CAR). Classroom Action Research English
Instruction (Ghony Djunaidy, 2008:2) is an
approach to English teachers professional
development and to improve students
systematically collect data and reflect on their
works and make changes in their classroom
practices. The study involved in observing
difficulty and classroom learning environment
for the purpose of planning, implementing,
observing, and reflecting the action. The
result of the reflection gives feedback for the
improvement of the plan in the previous one.
The final product of classroom action
research in speaking is a newly developed
instructional strategy for presenting writing
The researcher conducted the study at
MTs AL MAARIF which located on Jl. Umar
Sidiq Bocek, Karangploso. The researcher
taken seventh grade of students in B class and
the class is consists of 22 students.
Before conducting the research, the
researcher started with a preliminary study to
analyze, identify, and get the data in
accordance with factual and real condition of
the classroom. Therefore, the researcher
knows the condition of the students before
implementing this method. The researcher
observe classroom and interview the teacher.
The researchers get the problems about the
speaking. The researcher conducted pre-test
to know the ability of the students on


ISSN 2337-6384

JP3, Volume 3, No. 14, Agustus


speaking and the score test of the students less

standard score minimum 70.
The target of the success in this study is
the first the students improve their English
achievement, especially speaking ability and
the second is the students improve and get
more active in communicative speaking such
as conversation and as indicators that the
criteria are completed as follows:
The criteria of success are that almost all
the students can improve their writing when
60% of them will get the expected scores. The
speaking score targeted by the researcher is
70. The students can be active in teaching and
learning process.
There The procedure of this study as
follow before teaching, the teacher greeting to
them and guide them to pray together and
check the students attendance in B class. In
the early learning process, researcher started
by giving the brainstorming first about lesson
will be learnt such as introducing, greeting,
researcher ask to students, what do you
understand about the introduction to each
other person and how to introduce anyone
well? Examples:
Hallo, how are you? Good morning, how
are you getting on?
I am fine, thank you. I am very well
May I introduce myself? Can I introduce
myself? my name is Michael
There were some students answer and were
not, but they were enthusiast to learn with me.
Before then, I have to carry out about CTL
method that I will use. Then, I explained to
them about method. Afterward, the researcher
gives the text conversation first which still
has relation with lesson they will be leant.
The researcher then gives comprehension and
explanation about lesson. Researcher gives
few minutes to understand the text
conversation. The researcher read the text
conversation, instructed them to follow what I
read. I ask them, come forward to practice by
using the text with any partner. Belong to the
researcher if there were student were not
brave with their friend. In the end of time, the
researcher give the motivation about how
important is speaking English for student.

Before close the meeting one, the researcher

give the reviewing learning process before
the researcher give the lesson will be learnt by
them for next meeting. The lesson tomorrow
we are going learn about thanking, and
leaving-taking. Researcher asks them
feedback about the lesson before the
researcher closes the learning activities. The
researcher gives homework to make the
introducing and greeting. The program closed
by praying together.
For the second meeting, researcher
invited all of the students to pray together
then, check the students attendance. The
researcher reviewed the previous material,
about The introducing and Greeting to
anyone. The researcher started to give the
brainstorming then just, by asking the any
students knows about the thanking and
leaving-taking? At early, the researcher
gives the modeling the thanking and leavingtaking, examples:
Thank you so much for your help. Thank lot.
I appreciate your hand.
Good bye, see you later, see you tomorrow.
The researcher explained the material
followed with some students by mean of the
students more know clearly. Then, the
researcher then asks them to getting the pair
as partner to practice the speaking
conversation, divided the pair-work. The
researcher invite one by one for student to
model with partner in which the student
choose in the front of class. After some few
minutes, they have practiced. The researcher
give the steps of activities to be used the
practical in front of class from greeting,
introducing, thanking, and leaving-taking.
For knowing the students comprehension, the
researcher is modeled for twenty minutes then,
ask with a student with partner to practice in
forward before going to the front of class.
Before that, the researcher gives the drilling
and read first for them to make sure that the
researcher knows their reading and clearly in
conversation when they practice in forward
well. The researcher gives the homework to
be done at home as result of learning
evaluation in the class activity.


ISSN 2337-6384

JP3, Volume 3, No. 14, Agustus


Third meeting is the last meeting,

researcher tries not to change the pair, but
have exchange the name of text conversation
with using their own name. It can make them
naturally for them practice. Example:
Michael as Rudi, and Elizabeth is as suci and
so forth. The researcher give 20 minutes for
them make preparation practice learning
conversation before the researcher will
continue for real test in the four cycle it mean
have mean for making the students more
prepare. Before that, researcher also make it
clearly about of what steps will they speak in
front of class, so, researcher read in the
blackboard . (1) Greeting, (2) Introducing, (3)
Asking about something, (4) saying thanking,
and (5) Leaving-greeting. After teaching
learning in the class has done finished, the
researcher will continue for fourth meeting by
purpose is to make the students understand
and accustomed use the daily expression
above. So, the researcher closed by prays
together with students
The activities in the last meeting was
doing the test, but before starting the test
researcher asked them to prepare and remind
each of students to do test by themselves. The
form of test is conversation directly with their
partner before. But, the researcher give for
them time 15 minutes to make preparation
with their pair and remind and also sharpen
the comprehension.
After the implementation of four
meeting, the researcher did the reflection.
Reflection is needed for the enhancement of
the second cycle if the criteria of success the
action are not complete. The result of the first
cycle is indicating the progress and the
weakness of the action. Reflection will give
progress for the researcher to take plan and
revise to go second circle.
In reflection the researcher was going
to know everything have to change to make
progress in doing the second circle. The circle
of action will do until third circle by
researcher. The researcher is making progress
of plan and revise until the last action and get
the criteria of success are completed.


In this study the researcher found the
real problem that the students faced, like
internal factor, less understand how to speak
English and their speaking score were low. In
order to get authentic evidence, the researcher
conducted the first test.
The implementation of the action was
presented by describing the activities done in
each cycle of research. It was covered
planning, observing, implementation, and
reflection. Research findings were finished by
the supporting data. The important data
obtained during the action research were
presented by describing the activities done in
a cycle of the research covering the
implementation, the observation, and the
reflection of the action.
The researcher improved students
speaking ability by Contextual Teaching and
Learning of the second grade of MTs AL
MAARIF The researcher prepared classroom
action research in 1 cycle with some steps as
follows: Presenting the short dialogue,
Rehearsing of oral-monologue, Questioning,
Consider in-depth, Giving conclusion,
Interpretative activities,
activities, Giving the job, and Evaluation.
For first meeting the researcher gives
braining-storming about CTL and motivation.
Then, explain the main or core of the lesson
in the lesson trough asking understand some
of the expression in the text conversation.
Then, giving the example to read the text and
ask them to follow by as the modeling after
teacher. Just, the teacher gives the evaluation.
The second meeting the researcher, the
teacher reviewed last material and he give
new material and asking them about it. The
teacher practices it with students and asks
them to get the pair to practice and teacher
give 5 minutes to understand it and try to drill
before come forward. And teacher instructed
to do the home work by making the different
In third meeting, the teacher will change
the name of the text conversation with their
own name and give their opportunity to
practice, but the teacher reviewed the material
meeting one and two, the teacher give steps of


ISSN 2337-6384

JP3, Volume 3, No. 14, Agustus

practice for the conversation before doing the

Fourth meeting or test, the teacher did the
test for the students speaking achievement
trough their last partner. By giving 15 minutes
for the students make the preparation. Its
purpose is to make sure theme ready to
conduct test. The computation of test showed
that the students improved their speaking
ability. Besides that, it showed that the
students more active in the process of
teaching and learning using Contextual
Teaching and Learning Method while
learning in classroom activity. The result of
the test showed among 22 students, 7 of 22
students did not reach the criteria of success
that given by the researcher with score 70. So,
the students who passed the test were 15
students which consisted of 5 students got 72,
7 students got 72, 3 students got 80. It
indicated that the criteria of success of this
study were complete.
Based on the observation, the result of the
action in this cycle was satisfying. The use of
Contextual Teaching and Learning improved
the students speaking ability. The
improvement could be identified from the
mean score of the criteria of success and the
result of the test after treatments. There were
three points for the reflection in this cycle:

grammar, vocabulary, and comprehension.

The students mean score before was only
61.45 After being treated for forth meeting,
then conducting the test in the forth meeting
that the students mean score improved up to
72.36. Consequently, the students were able
to speak English fluency and most of them do
it well enough; also their accent was better
that before, but sometimes they still some
errors in grammar and find some difficulties
in pronouncing some word.
The implementation of using CTL
method as the method and strategy for
teaching speaking at first grade of MTs AL
MAARIF successfully improved the students
speaking ability well. This research was
successful because of some reasons:
First, the class atmosphere during the
implementation was good and the students
support to do this method in their class.
Second, the students interest learned the
material of Contextual Teaching and
Learning, such as learning interdependent
The students have positive respond
naturally to be role in conversation in
practicing in front of the class. Furthermore,
the students can practice in speaking
togetherness when being come forward front
of the class to do the text conversation
To sum up, CTL method is a kind of
method that can help the students in speaking
during the teaching and learning process, CTL
is useful for the students to make them
construct and inquiry their capability to speak
reflectivity in English speaking learning.
Those some the reasons why CTL method
really helps the students in speaking English.
Suggestion for teacher, speaking for
the students is considered to be the difficult
subject. The students felt worry and shy when
being speaks. It deals with the way the
teachers in teaching speaking. The teachers
have to use the appropriate technique and
method unless the students will get shyness
and not have the self-confidence and also less
connect with academic-learning activity
naturally to learn lesson in the subject. That is
why the teachers should apply the CTL

The mean score of the students found

72 from the result of the test, it showed that
15 students were successful or 68% students
got score 70. It means that, the criteria of
success were reached. Teaching-learning,
especially in speaking skill by Contextual
Teaching and Learning Method successful.
Based on the result of speaking test that the
mean score of the class more that SKM that
decided in the school. It means that the
researcher did not need to revise the plan and
did not need to continue to the next cycle
Based on the result of this research, it
can be concluded as follows: The use CTL
method as method in teaching speaking skill
significantly, such as the students accent,



ISSN 2337-6384

JP3, Volume 3, No. 14, Agustus


method in teaching speaking. The students

will not felt like that. Automatically, the
teaching and learning process can run well
and the object can be achieved.
For The students should not be afraid
of making many mistakes in speaking. They
learn by doing. If they got mistakes it could
make them study from their mistakes to be the
best. Besides that, the student should practice
by themselves at home so that their speaking
skills get better and better. The
implementation of this research trough using
CTL method in improving the students
speaking skills. It is expected that the result of
the study can be used as the additional
reference for further research in different
context that will give the contribution in
teaching English speaking.
Butler, Robert, 1978, Handbook of Practical
Writing, McGraw-hill, Inc, New York
Robert. G. Erickson. Patricia. M. 2001.
Contextual Teaching and Learning:
Preparing Students for the New
Economy. [online]. Available at: Assessed on:
May 31, 2014.
Sears, Susan. 2002. Contextual teaching and
Learning: A Primer for Effective
Instruction. Bloomington:
Delta Kappa Educational Foundation .
Nunan, David. 1991. Language Teaching
Methodology: A Textbook for Teachers.
London: Prentice Hall International.
Butler, Robert, 1978, Handbook of Practical
Writing, McGraw-hill, Inc, New York
Johnson, Elaine B. 2010. Contextual
Teaching and Learning: Menjadikan
Kegiatan BelajarMengajar Mengasyikkan dan Bermakna.
Bandung: Kaifa Learning.
press, Malang.


ISSN 2337-6384

JP3, Volume 3, No. 14, Agustus



(Mahasiswa Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris FKIP Unisma)

Abstract. This research was aimed to examine how Picture Series media can improve
writing skill at the eight grade of MTs. Hasyim Asyari Batu. The researcher
implemented Classroom Action Research (CAR) in order to improve students writing
skill by using Picture Series as media. The subject of study was the students of the
VIIID class consisting of 30 students. This study carried out some steps; they were
planning, action, observation, and reflection. Picture series was appropriate media to
solve the problem, and it to achieve students writing on MTs. Hasyim Asyari Batu.
The processes in picture series as media are: first, the researcher gave picture series to
the students and then the students choose one picture as their know. Second, the
students make a outline and rough draft before make a good narrative text based on the
picture given individually. Third, they do in group it can be four or five students and
discuss to revise their works. Fourth, the students share the result to the whole class
about the discussion by displaying the text. The researcher used test, observation
checklist, and questionnaire to collect the data during teaching and learning process.
The research was conducted in one cycle that consisted of four meetings. The finding
of this research disclosed that the Picture Series as media could improve students
writing skill. Based on the result of this research, the research improved the students
skill at the eight grade of MTs Hasyim Asyari Batu successfully.
Key words: Picture Series, writing skill

In globalization era, people need an
international language to keep communication
of relationship among countries. English is an
international language that many people use
it. Every country has an alternative method to
teach English for children. Japanese
Learning English involved four skills.
Those are listening, speaking, reading, and
writing. Based on the observation the
researcher found the following problems. The
first problem, the students had limited
vocabulary. It proved that many students

write repetition words in other sentences. It

means that the teacher was more active than
the students. She kept explaining the lesson in
the front of the class. The second problem, the
students felt bored in writing activities.
Boring activity made some students was very
crowded, and played with their friend. The
last problem the students did not know about
the right writing style and it made them
confused to organize the idea. They did not
know well how to put the sentences in
chronologically order of the story, which was
the orientation, complication or resolution.

ISSN 2337-6384

JP3, Volume 3, No. 14, Agustus

The researcher is interested in using

Picture Series media as an alternative
strategy. According to Wright (1997:72-74),
picture series are pictures which show some
actions or events in chronological order. They
usually tell some short of stories, but they
may also be use to depict a process how to
make something. In addition, picture series
can highlight certain language features and it
can illustrate a story or a process.
From statement above about Picture
Series media, it is kind of cooperative
learning. The students share and discuss with
their group. The more students discuss the
easier to students to learn. The importance of
this media is that the learning in community is
more efficient than learning individually.
Therefore, the researcher will give new media
to help the teacher of English subject to be
applied. This statement above became the
reason why the researcher wants to conduct a
research using the title Improving Students
writing skill of narrative text by using picture
series at the eight grade of MTs Hasyim
Asyari Batu.

solve the problem that the teacher and

students have. It is especially used to get
maximum result in their study. The focus of
this research is to introduce the students to the
English teaching media which is able to
improve their writing skill. The aim of this
research was to improve the teaching and
learning process in classroom, especially the
writing skill at the eight grade of MTs
Hasyim Asyari Batu. Before doing the
research, the researcher did preliminary study
of the individual students in order to know the
prior ability of the students in advance.
The setting of this research was the
first grade of the eight grade of MTs Hasyim
Asyari Batu. This class consisted of third
teen students. The location was in the eight
grade of MTs Hasyim Asyari Batu. The
subject of this research was one class of the
eight grade of MTs Hasyim Asyari Batu.
A wide variety of picture series is
available in the text book, comics and in
cartoon strip in magazines for the teacher to
copy enlarge In this study, the researcher and
collaborator teacher observed all the reaction
that students make to this action. For
collecting data, the researcher needed a test, a
piece of observation paper during teaching
and learning process using Picture Series as
media, and questionnaire sheet. All of these
were used the researcher as instrument to
collect the data. For the test, the researcher
asks the students to countinue about their
work in previous meeting.

In this research, the researcher used
Classroom Action Research (CAR). CAR is a
simple research to solve the problem usually
done by a teacher. Nowadays, Classroom
Action Research is not a new research design
in education because education faculty often
conducted seminars or training activities for
the teachers or trainers to introduce this
design. According to Harmer (1991) defines
that classroom action research is the name of
teaching learning procedures to improve
aspects of teaching and to evaluate the
success or appropriacy of certain activities
and procedures. It is especially used get
maximum result in their study. In this
research, the researcher is involved in the
teaching and learning process, collecting and
analyzing data, also making conclusion and
Latief (2012:144) said that classroom
action research for English subject was to
develop a strategy or undeveloped strategy of
teaching and learning process in order to



Based on the data, the result of the test
showed that the students writing skill
improved. The result of test or the final
activities showed that the students lowest
score was 52 and the highest score was 89, it
can be conclude that the mean of students
score was 75.5. Because the mean score was
improved since the Minimum Mastery
Learning Standard (SKBM) at MTs Hasyim
Asyari Batu was 65. The result of the test in
this cycle had been fulfilled the criteria of
success that 26 student of 30 students success.
It means that 75.5 % of the students got score
65 as the standard minimum mastery

ISSN 2337-6384

JP3, Volume 3, No. 14, Agustus


learning from the school and also the students

were active during the teaching and learning
process. Therefore, the researcher did not
need to continue the next cycle.
The result of questionnaire sheet
stated that mostly students strongly agreed to
all the questions related to the Picture Series
media. It meant that the students are more
motivated in studyingwriting after the
implementation of Picture Series media in the
classroom. But, there were two students that
answered slightly agree in item students seven
and eight. The seventh item talked about
enjoying students in the classroom when
studying writing skill through Picture Series
media. The eighth item talked about situation
of students whether they were fun and
interesting when they studied reading skill
through Picture Series in the class. So, based
on the data, the students motivation
implementation of Picture Series media.
Based on the previous data, improving
writing skill through Picture Series media was
effective. In the other words, the students
writing skill improved. So, Picture Series
media increased the students writing skill
and motivation to learn writing skill.
The process of teaching learning in the
class, of course based on the syllabus, lesson
plan, and some other sources. In Picture
Series media learning and teaching process,
students provided authentic text that they had
to share and communicate each other. In the
individual work, the students were not
allowed to ask the other students. Then in
group time, the students just shared their idea
to each group in order that they could find out
their own understanding. In this activity, the
students were more active, argumentative, and
selective. And the last activity was Share with
their group. Every group had to share the
ideas which they discussed in group.
In this study, the mean score was 75.5,
and more than 50% of the students scored
more than 65 in the first cycle. The researcher
found some difficulties of this media in the
class exactly in the eight grade of MTs
Hasyim Asyari Batu. The first difficulty was
some students came late to the class because

of the rain in the morning. So, the researcher

had to wait the student who came late to the
class in several minutes. It made the
researcher had to economize the time
maximally. The second difficulty was the
students were crowded in the first time before
beginning the class but, the researcher
shortened the time to begin the class with
discipline time.
Based on the result of
implementation of Picture Series in cycle one.
It discussed the essential activities in
improving writing skill using Picture Series as
media in second year students, and the
objective of the study. The researcher used a
picture series as media to improve writing
skill especially in the eighth grade of MTs
Hasyim Asyari Batu. Harmer (2007;330)
says pictures can provide stimulation for
writing habit activities. Therefore, they
could describe picture or write description of
the picture that they want to write, and it was
very useful interested when researcher had
initiative to modify write a narrative
paragraph added by picture series as the
media. The use of Picture Series media really
invited the students to be active in teaching
learning process moreover when the
researcher asked them to make narrative text
based on the picture series given as
stimulation to the students. Writing can be
interpreted as communication that we must
consciously learn.
According to Noor (1981), picture
series is a number of related composite
pictures linked from a series or sequence. It
means a number of picture have relation each
other to make a series or sequence. A picture
series is an illustration of picture that can be
used as two dimensional representation of
person, place or thing (Rivai & Sudjana,
1991:12). It means that picture is one of the
media of communication that can show
people, place, and thing that far from us. The
writing skill must be finally interpreted as the
ability to set out in writing a series of ideas,
e.g. composition (Morris, 1953: 109). Writing
is a way to produce language which the
people do naturally when they speak, (Meyers,
2005: 2). Writing is communicating with
others in a verbal a way. Writing is also an

ISSN 2337-6384

JP3, Volume 3, No. 14, Agustus

action or a process of discovering and

organizing the ideas.
In addition, the researcher felt
satisfied because the students achievement of
writing skill increased. And based on the
questionnaire sheet of students, most of the
students of VIID class were interested in
Picture Series media to be implemented in the
classroom. In the other word, this media was
success for improving students writing skill.

To the Next Researcher, in this study,

researcher had many weaknesses such as the
researcher just used the paper work. Since the
research was Classroom Action Research
(CAR) in which the result could be used for
next researcher that have same condition, it
was advisable that the next researcher can
improve the quality of teaching English using
Picture Series media for different skill, such
as speaking and writing, or applying Picture
Series media to improve students English


In this study, the researcher concluded
that the students writing skill increased after
the implementation of picture series media in
the grade VIIID at MTs Hasyim Asyari Batu.
It stated from the result of the final score that
was 89, and more than 50% of the students
got the result more than 75.5. During the
process of teaching learning, the students
were active and enthusiastic. The class was
enjoyable and interesting during teaching and
learning process. It could be seen from the
activities in group, and they shared about their
understanding of their works. According to
Wright (1997:18) says, pictures can help to
teach listening, speaking, reading, and writing
and allow the teacher to integrate these skills
In the teaching and learning process of
English in these activities, the eight grade of
MTs Hasyim Asyari Batu was interested in
and enthusiastic in learning when Picture
Series media was implemented. The first
activity was thinking time individually related
to the topic, then pairing work activity, and
the last was sharing. They learned from their
self and societies. The activities in Picture
Series media matched to the material given.
The suggestions are directed to
English teacher. English teacher should think
about using Picture Series media in order to
the students get better achievement in writing
skill as proven from the result of this research.
This media is also important not only in
improving writing skill, but also in speaking
and reading skill. It will be better to the
teachers if they use any kind of techniques or
media to be used for teaching the students in


Farida, Arie Isnatul. 2011. The Use of Picture
Series as Teaching Media to Improve
Writing Skill of Narrative text at Eight
Grade Students of SMP Negeri 1
Karangploso Malang.
Thesis; Islamic University of Malang Faculty
of Teacher Training and Education
English Departement.
Harmer, Jeremy. 2007. The practice of
English Language Teaching. (
edition completely revised and updated).
New york; Longman.
Latief,Adnan.2012. Research Methods on
Itroduction.(completely revised and
Taufiqurrahman Ach.2013.Improving Writing
Achievement Using Picture-Write-PairShare in Second Year Student at MTs.
Azzainiyah 02 Karanganyar Paiton
Unpublished Thesis;
Islamic University of Malang Faculty of
Teacher Training and Education English


ISSN 2337-6384

JP3, Volume 3, No. 14, Agustus



(Mahasiswa Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris FKIP Unisma)

Abstract. This research is conducted to know the effectiveness of picture series

on writing ability at the second grade of MTs. Hasyim Asyari Batu. This research
applied pre-experimental design. The subject of this research was the second
grade of MTs. Hasyim Asyari Batu. Pretest and posttest is used in this research.
The researcher used dependent t-test to analyze the score of pretest and posttest.
In this study used dependent t-test. The result of computation t-value was 15.252.
It was compared with the table of critical value at the level of significant.05 df
27 was 1.703. It means that there was significant different score between students
who used picture series than those who did not use picture series. In addition,
picture series is effective media to teach writing ability at the second grade of
MTs. Hasyim Asyari Batu. Picture series can make students interesting so they
have high motivation to learn English, Furthermore, picture series are helpful in
teaching and learning process the activity in the classroom become enjoy and fun.
So, the teacher can used picture series as a media in teaching writing, For further
researchers, who want to conduct a similar research about picture series they may
use different aspects investigated, research design, and research area.
Keywords: Picture series, writing achievement

In learning English, there are four
language skills that should be learn, they are
listening, reading, speaking, and writing,
(Litasari, 2010). Writing is one of the skills
that learned in the English class. According to
Nining (2013), in writing subject usually
occurred in selecting appropriate vocabulary,
organizing information, generating ideas,
punctuation, spelling, and mechanics in
writing. It cause to the student not interest in
learning English. It really needs creative
efforts from the English teachers to conduct
the process of teaching-learning. To be more

interesting, then the teacher have to create

many ways to explain the subject so that it
can be understood by the student. Based on
the researcher and English teachers
discussion the researcher found some problem
that accor to the students writing ability,
most of them got score under 75, it is because
they have low motivation that they are not
interested in doing the task since writing
activities are not interesting for them, and
they got difficulty in choosing an appropriate
words and grammar how to be a good
Based on the case above, a certain
technique is needed to help or to motivate the

ISSN 2337-6384

JP3, Volume 3, No. 14, Agustus


students, so the students are expected to get

highest score, and to be able to write a good
sentence. The researcher purposed picture
series to be applied in the second grade of
MTs. Hasyim Asyari Batu. According to
Rachmadie (2002), he stated that pictures are
very useful and effective media in EFL
Picture series is chosen based on a few
reason, picture series was suitable technique
in teaching learning process, and also the
students not felt bored when they learn by
using this technique. According to Feuteun in
Husna (2013:39), we live in a world
dominated by visual massage it means that
visual massage like pictures can stimulate the
students ideas. Pictures can also be used for
creative language use, whether they are in a
book or on cue card, magazine, and wall
pictures (Harmer, 1988).
According to Sukartiwi (1996), there
are some advantages that can be reached by
using pictures ; 1, To increase students`
motivation 2, To prevent students` boredom
in joining the teaching and learning process 3,
To make the teaching and learning process
more systematic 4, To make the students
easier in catching their teachers instruction.
Harmer (1988), stated that pictures are
important to makes students to guess what is
coming in the next lesson. Thus students
might look at a picture and try to predict what
it shows. Picture can also used for creative
language use, whether the picture in a book or
wall picture, teacher might apply it to students
to write a sentence or a text based on the
This research was conducted at MTs.
Hasyim Asyari Batu. The researcher took the
subject of class B in the second grade that
consists of 31 students, 14 female students
and 17 male students. Class B is chosen based
on a few reasons, such as the English teacher
gave researcher class B as the subject because
they have to focus for all subjects because
they have final examination. So, it was
impossible for researcher to apply the
randomization in grouping the subject into
one group, and other reason that the

researcher got from English teacher that their

writing achievement still below the standard.
In this study the researcher used preexperimental design. According to Latief
(2012), stated that one group pre-test-post-test
design is used only one group, than gives pretest, treatment and post-test.
The researcher used pre-experimental
research design with applies one group
pretest-posttest design. Because only one
class in the research.
From the statement above, it has been
clear that the researcher used preexperimental design to evidence whether
picture series gives better writing score of
students writing ability.
The experimental design is illustrated as
follow :
Table 3.1 One Group Pre-test-Post-test
Picture series
In this design measurement was
conducted twice. The first measurement was
conducted before giving the treatment that is
called pre-test. The second measurement
conducted after giving the treatment that is
called post-test.
The one group pre-test post-test design
involves one group which is pretest, exposed
to a treatment, and post-test. The success of
the treatment is determined by comparing pretest and post-test scores (Latif, 2012)
The result of the finding was taken
from the data collected from pre-test and posttest that have been done at MTs. Hasyim
Asyari Batu that consist of 31 students, there
were three students because they joined extra
circular, so the total number of the students
was 28 students who participate in this
The pre-test was administered on 19
May 2014, applying the treatment to the
subject was administered on 20 and 30 May

ISSN 2337-6384

JP3, Volume 3, No. 14, Agustus

2014, and administering a posttest again

measuring the dependent variable that was
administered on 31 May 2014.
By conducting this research, the
researcher found the average of pre-test was
50.53, the average of post-test was 81.96. The
total number of the students (N) = 28, the
differences between pre-test and post-test
) = 880, and total of the square of

students who used picture series than those

who did not use picture series.
Thus, the media are needed in the
teaching learning process, the activity in the
classroom become enjoy, happy, more
interesting, the students can understood how
to write and improve their ideas more easily
and clearly, and it can increase the students
writing achievement. To improve the
students ability, teacher must develop their
own filling system because it should represent
their individual needs and circumstances. The
most useful one for teaching and learning,
resources available for the instructional media
like picture series. According to Sharoes in
Zaini (2011:95), stated that Pictures can
stimulate expression, develop understanding,
add spice, and variety to verbal lesson, and
provided opportunities, for individual or
group study. Pictures series is one of good
ways to improve students writing
achievement since it can help them to
organize the words into a paragraph, give a bit
fun, make them feel more relaxed and help
them to generate the needed words to
construct a paragraph or essay.
According to Thornbury (2014) he
stated that we predict, deduce, and infer, not
only from what we hear and read but from
what we see around us and from what we
remember having seen. It means that the
students not only could write what they saw
in the picture, but they could predict, deduce
or infer further action or occurrence which
would happen about picture.
In this study the use of picture series is
proven by the data that was collected from
pre-test and post-test score. The finding
showed that there was a significant difference
between students who taught by picture series
than those who did not used picture series. It
was proven by the significant differences of
students mean scores of pre-test and post-test.
The result of the computation discussed in the
setting 4.2 shows the result of the t-value than
determine the significant of the result, it was
compared with the table of critical t-value at
the level of significant.05 and df 27 was
1.706. There was significant difference score
between the students who taught by picture

differences between pre-test and post test

) = 30850.
It means that there was significant
difference between students who taught by
picture series than those who did not use
picture series.
From the finding above it can interpret
that there were differences between students
scores on pre-test and post-test that analyzed
by using dependent t-test.
This research used pre-experimental
design with applies one group pre-test posttest design. The finding indicated that the
achievement between students who used
picture series than those who did not use
picture series were significantly different. The
students who used picture series had higher
score than those who did not use picture
Before doing the treatment in this
research, the researcher made lesson plan to
control and manage the material which would
be taught and manage the time. In the lesson
plan there was more activities, the teacher
should prepare the plan to maximize activities
which can be done in the limited time. The
students conditions which interest, active,
and enthusiast make class are controlled, so
the researcher also should made lesson plan
which was appropriate with students
Based on the statement, it can viewed
that the student progress in their ability has
become increasing after being treated with
picture series which has been held in the
school. Hadiansya (2007) in his study
reported that there was a significant different
in the students writing achievement between



ISSN 2337-6384

JP3, Volume 3, No. 14, Agustus

series than those who did not used picture

series, so the null hypothesis (H0) is rejected
and the alternative hypothesis (H1) is accepted.
Based on the test value, it can be concluded
that the differences between pre-test and posttest was statistically significant. In other word,
the result of post-test was higher than pre-test.
There were some effects of using
picture series on the writing achievement.
Picture series was an attractive media to teach
students, picture series made students
interested in teaching learning process, they
enjoyable and enthusiastic to learn writing.
The teaching learning process was relaxed
and fun so their attention to pay attention to
the lesson was higher than before.

difference on students writing ability who

taught with picture series than those who
taught without picture series.
Based on the explanation above shows
that the teaching writing using picture series
is effective to be applied or used in the
teaching and learning process in the second
grade of MTs. Hasyim Asyari Batu.


This chapter presents the conclusion
of the research finding in relation to its
discussion, and suggestions for English
teacher and farther researcher related to the
finding of the study.
After conducting this research, it can
be stated that teachers role is very important
in improving students achievement. Teacher
who used instructional media in teaching
learning activity can help the students to
improve their ability. It makes the students
interested in joining the lesson. They did not
feel bored anymore in joining English lesson.
According to Gerngross in Zaini (2011:99)
stated that using pictures in order to make
communication in the foreign language class
more lively, natural and stimulating in order
to train specific areas of language. As
language teacher, using media in teaching and
learning activity enhance language teaching.
After researcher analyzed the pre-test
and post-test by using dependent t-test, it
found the t value was 15.252. However, t
critical with df 27 at 05 level of significant
was 1.703 it mean that t value was higher than
t critical.
The result of the analysis show that
the effectiveness of using picture series was
successfully. Based on the hypothesis testing,
it is clearly known that there was a significant


Based on the conclusion above, the
suggestions are offered. For the teacher, it is
suggested to English teachers to use picture
series to lead students get many ides or more
easily in doing writing activity. The English
teacher can apply picture series for many
kinds of paragraph, so that can develop
students writing achievement. For other
researcher, in this research have many
weaknesses. So, for other researchers who
want to conduct a further research about
picture series with difference aspect
investigated, research design, and research
Alexander. 1996. First thing first, New
Concept English
Carol. Wahyuni. 1986. Writing a Foreight
language is the power and skill to use
vocabulary and structure: Cambridge
University Press.
Faridah, Roihanatul. 2012. Using Picture
Series to Improve Procedure Text
Writing Skill of Seventh grade Students
of MTs. Al-Rosyid Bojonegoro. Islamic
University of Malang.
Harmer, J. 1988. The Practice of English
Language Teaching, fourth edition
Printed in the UK by Ashford Colour
Press Ltd.
Hadiansyah, 2007. The Effectiveness of Using
Picture File on Writing Achievement at
Muhammadiah 06 Dau Malang
Husna, J. 2013 Improving Speaking Ability of
the Eight Grade Student of Mts Miftahul
Ulum Pronojiwo Lumajang Using
Random Picture
Islamic University of Malang.

ISSN 2337-6384

JP3, Volume 3, No. 14, Agustus


Jacob and Heaton. 1997. Testing ESL

Composition Profile: A Practical
Approach. Rowley MA. New Bury
Latief, Muhammad Adnan. 2012. Tanya
Jawab Metode Penelitian Pembelajaran
Bahasa: penerbit Universitas Negeri
(Accessed date 20th of July 2013).
Muhammad, Zaini. 2011, Using Picture
Series to Improve Students Writing
Ability A classroom action research at
MTs. Kembangkerang
Nining. 2013. Teaching Writing. Online on
June 21, 2014 from
Noor A.Y.1981. Preparing and Using Aids
for English language teaching.
Renkema, J. 1998. Discourse Studies an
company Amsterdam/Phildelphilia
Sumadi, Suryabrata. 1983. Metodologi
Penelitian. Jakarta: Rajawali Pers.
Sofiyatun. 2012. Improving students writing
ability with using picture series at SMP
6 Sumenep Islamic University of
Sabarun. 2007. Improving students writing
ability of the tenth students of MAN
Lamongan though picture series
Islamic University of Malang
Thornbury. Online on 27 May,


ISSN 2337-6384

JP3, Volume 3, No. 14, Agustus



Teguh Imam Santoso
(Mahasiswa Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris FKIP Unisma)

Abstract: This study used Classroom Action Research as the research design. The
subject of this study was one class of the eighth grade students in MTs. Al-Maarif
that consisted of 42 students. The procedure of the research consisted of four main
steps: planning, implementation, observation, and reflection. The data analysis in
observation used quantitative and qualitative data. The quantitative data was obtained
from the students writing test while the qualitative data was obtained from
observation checklist and field notes. The research consisted of three meetings in one
cycle. From the test, the mean score of the final test was 77.83, and the students who
reached KKM were 78.57%. From the qualitative data, it found that the students
were involved enthusiastically in the process of writing. The findings showed that the
use of visual media can improve the students writing skill. Based on the result, the
English teacher is suggested to apply visual media in teaching writing, because it can
solve the students problem in generating ideas. It is also suggested that the use of
visual media is needed to be explored further in different grades, skills, levels of
education, not only in writing activity but also in other activities.
Keywords: descriptive paragraph, visual media, writing ability

Writing can be seen as a media to
express ideas, feeling, and thoughts, it is also
as a useful publication tool. It is very effective
to spread out ideas, thoughts, politics, culture
through books, magazines, journals, and news
papers. In addition, it can be said that writing
is an effective tool to overspread idea
massively to ask the readers understand what
is written by the writer. Writing involves
more than just producing words and sentences.
In writing, a writer should be able to write a
series of words and sentences which are
grammatically and logically correct, so that
the reader can possibly understand what the
writer has in his/her mind or what his/her

purpose is. Brown (2000:348) mentions three

stages of writing process. The stages include
pre-writing, drafting, and revising. Langan
(2008:17) also points out that the writing
process includes four stages: prewriting,
writing the first draft, revising, editing and
proofreading. All the opinions above contain
similar ideas meaning that when students
produce a piece of writing, they will go
through between the stages in which they
make revision for the improvement of their
writing until finishing final draft.
In learning English, there are some of
genres that must be mastered by students. One
Theoretically, according to Evawina (2010:7)

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descriptive paragraph is a paragraph vividly

portrays a person, place, or thing in such way
that the reader can visualize the topic and
enter into the writer experience. Based on the
researchers observation during teaching
practice at MTs. Almaarif 01 Singosari
Malang, the students ability in writing
descriptive paragraph was still low and
unsatisfactory. The students assumed that
writing was very difficult, so the students
were passive and feel bored in writing
learning process. Especially to write a
descriptive paragraph, they lack in vocabulary,
spelling and grammar, so the students had
difficulty to express their ideas.
In addition the result of writing test
showed that the mean score of the class were
67. In other hand the minimum pasting grade
which be achieved by students is 75. It means
that they still failed to write English well. The
result of interview to the teacher also showed
that the teacher seldom taught writing to the
students through visual media as like picture,
real object, flashcard and etc. He just
explained the patterns and gave the example
of the text, and then he asked the students to
write a certain topic without any guidance.
According to Harmer (2007:330) the teacher
should be capable to motivate the students,
create the right condition for the generation of
ideas, persuade them of the usefulness of the
activity, and encourage them to make as much
effort as possible for maximum benefit. The
material used should also be able to stimulate
the students creativity. It is not enough to
rely on the textbook only. Thats why the
instructional media is needed to support the
students learning in writing. The instructional
media can create a nice condition and a good
design of material. It can make the students
fell enjoyable to join the class.
In this research, the researcher uses
visual media to increase the quality of the
teaching learning process and to maximize the
students writing ability achievement. The
researcher believes that the use of visual
media can lead the students into the joyful
and enjoyable atmosphere, so that one above
also can lead them to forget their common
impression upon the difficulty of English

rules. According to Susilana and Riyana (in

Jannah, 2013:195) using visual media has
some functions in teaching and learning
descriptive writing. One of the functions is to
enlarge dissection and experiments in
crowded classroom. The second functions is it
can give more messages with a limited time.
From those statements above, the researcher
conducted a research to improve students
ability in writing descriptive paragraph by
using visual media at The Eighth Grade
Students of MTs. Al-Maarif 01 Singosari
The researcher used a Classroom Action
Research (CAR) as the design of his study,
since this research directed to the strategy of
teaching learning process to improve the
students writing ability. The researcher used
CAR as the research design for a number of
reasons: The researcher was absolutely certain
that ability in writing descriptive paragraph of
the eighth grade students could be improved
by using the visual media. In addition, he had
no doubt about the students expectation to
have joyful atmosphere during the English
had been the most complicated subject they
had ever learnt. According to Borgia (in
Latief, 2012:145) classroom action research
starts from teachers serious concern about
their success in their own instructions, their
students learning progress, their students
behavior, their students learning problems,
and the learning environment, which they
always assess throughout the whole process
of instruction for the purpose of planning,
implementing, and evaluating improvement.
Therefore, the purpose of classroom action
research is to solve the problem in the
classroom, in this research the problem is
come from eighth grade students of MTs. Al
Maarif Singosari in writing.
This research was conducted at MTs.
Almaarif 01 Singosari Malang. It is located at
Jl. Masjid No.33 Singosari, the Regency of
Malang, the Province of East Java. There
were three reasons why the researcher
selected this school as the setting of research.
Firstly, MTs. Almaarif 01 Singosari is a

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JP3, Volume 3, No. 14, Agustus


school where the researcher teaches English

at eighth when the researcher hold the
practice teaching (PPL) for two months.
Second, the school, where the researcher
teaches has not applied the use of visual
media in improving the students ability in the
process of writing descriptive paragraph.
Meanwhile, almost every student finds the
difficulties in expressing the idea through the
written form, equally, they have poor ability
in composing descriptive paragraph. Third,
actually, English is not the favorite course in
MTs. Almaarif 01 Singosari, because the
basic lesson of MTs itself is Islamic religion.
So, the researcher fells that he wants to
change the less interest and motivation in
improving the writing ability into the more
developed intention to learn. There are eight
classes of the eighth grade, class A-H in the
second grade, but the researcher took one
class as the subject of his study. The subject
of the research was the eighth grade students
of VII-B of the second semester in the
academic year of 2014/2015 which consists of
42 students.
Before doing the research, the
researcher interviewed the English teacher at
the second grade students of MTs. Almaarif
01 Singosari to get information about the
result of the students study and researcher
also took the students score. The data showed
that the average score of pretest was 67
whereas the standard score was 75. It could be
seen that almost of students writing skill is
still low. Based on this condition, the
researcher needs to implement visual media to
improve their writing ability. Criteria of
success were set up to determine whether the
action in the research was successfully
completed or not. The criteria of success for
Classroom Action Research are derived from
the classroom problems to be solved and the
classroom goals to be achieved. Students
academic achievement is one criteria of
success. The minimum mastery of criterion
(KKM) considering English subject gains
score 75. So this study is regarded successful
if 75% of students attain the score equal or
greater than 75 as the minimum mastery
criterion for English subject. If the study

meets those criteria, thus the study is called

successful, but if it has not met those criteria,
it is called not successful yet and need
improvement to meet the targets. The
successful action is proven by the test and
observation notes.
To improve students writing skill, the
researcher prepared 3 meetings in a cycle, 2
meetings were for research implementation in
teaching and learning process using visual
media and the last meeting is used to conduct
the test.
In the first meeting, the researcher
explained and gave an example about
descriptive paragraph in prewriting, then ask
the students to make brainstorm their ideas
through visual media that researcher already
showed. Visual media also was used to
support the lesson as the media. For the class
activity, the researcher prepared things. Such
as copying descriptive paragraph from
researcher example and some pictures of
famous people as media. After students make
brainstorm their ideas, then they finished the
first draft.
In the second meeting the researcher
asked the students to revise in pair their first
draft that they already made in the previous
meeting, and make the final draft. It is aimed
to improve students descriptive writing skill.
That was described in the lesson plan. After
they finish the final draft, the researcher asked
them to submit their work and scored by
analyze it using scoring rubric.
For the third meeting, the researcher
planed to give the test to know the students
writing achievement after implementing
visual media in teaching English. The test was
about the writing by described students idol
based on the picture that have prepared before
by the students in home.
This part presents the result of
analysis data from test, observation checklist,
and field notes. In the process teaching
learning, in the eighth grade students seemed
enthusiastic in learning descriptive writing
when visual media were used. The students
were also enthusiastic when the researcher

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JP3, Volume 3, No. 14, Agustus


showed the pictures in the whiteboard. Many

students raised their hands when the
researcher asked them to give some
description about the pictures.
In order to determine the success and
failure of the action, the researcher made a
reflection on the implementation of the action.
The reflection was focused on the analysis of
the teaching and learning process. The
analysis was based on the obtained data from
the observation checklist and the field notes.
Based on the data from the research
instrument, it is found that using visual media
could improve students writing skill,
especially in writing descriptive paragraph.
The data shown that almost most of students
got better score after implementing visual
media than their own test before
implementing visual media in preliminary
study. Overall, most of student got
improvement in all aspects of writing
(organization, grammar, mechanism, and
improvement could be seen in grammar and
mechanism. The students improvement also
come from students interesting and
enjoyment during organize their ideas in
implementing visual media. The research
proved that the percentage of students who
reach KKM (standard minimum of the school)
was 78.57% from 42 students. It means that 9
students didnt pass the test, and there are 33
students reached the standard minimum of the
school and criteria of success. So, it was
reached the criteria of success, there is (1)
75% or 32 students achieve the score 75.
Then it could conclude that the
implementation of visual media was an
effective way to solve the students problem
in generating and organizing ideas.
In Ahmaduns study (2011), picture
was used as visual media to generate students
ideas. The picture should be appropriate with
the material. They should support the material
in order to make the students easily
understand and comprehend the material. A
picture is an illustration of picture that can be
used as a two dimensional visual
representation of person, place, or thing
(Nana Sudjana & Ahmad Rivai, 2007:12). By

describing pictures the students can express

their ability, idea, feeling as possible as freely
in writing and spoken. Beside that, using
visual media (picture or real object) will help
the students associate what they saw with
their real life experience. Often students who
have good imagination, they imagine and tell
what they have seen without guide from
researcher. Jannah (2013) also proved that
visual media can improve students
descriptive paragraph by improving the
percentage of students score, students
involvement in the writing activity, and
learning process. As Arsyad (2002:30) said
that the combination of paragraph and picture
can interest the student attention. It also can
help students raise the attention in focusing a
subject and to make them active in learning
From the explanation above, the
researcher can concluded that descriptive
writing skill was improved because of the
implementation of using visual media strategy
in the teaching and learning activities. The
successful of this action can be seen by the
score of the students written product from
preliminary study, students test in the class
meeting, and the students final test in the last
This study was concerned on the
implementation of visual media to improve
writing ability at eighth grade students of
MTs. Al Maarif 01 Singosari Malang.
Related to the findings and discussions, it was
concluded that the use of visual media on the
teaching of descriptive paragraph was
successful. This media can be an effective
way in solving students problem in
generating ideas, this media implemented in
prewriting stage that continue by peer
evaluation in editing and write the final draft.
The main processes of implementation of
visual media in teaching writing were as
In the process teaching learning, the
researcher used following some procedure
during the implementation, they are: (1)
researcher gave the students the example of

ISSN 2337-6384

JP3, Volume 3, No. 14, Agustus

descriptive paragraph by using visual media.

Then, the researcher and students discussed
about descriptive paragraph that given. (2) the
researcher chose the topic. (3) the researcher
gave students worksheet of the questions
related to the topic then it is answered by
students. (4) the students wrote a descriptive
paragraph by saw the media. (5) the students
exchanged the work to their pair then correct,
edit, and revise it. They checked the writing
component as like grammar, content,
mechanics, and organization of the paragraph
(6) after accepting the feedback from peer, the
students write their final writing.
All the writing stage was done by the
students in the second meeting, and it proved
that the implementation of visual media in
prewriting stage was successful to solve
students problem in generating ideas, the
successfulness shown by students who reach
score above 75 after implementing visual
media, there were 78.57% from 42 students. It
means that 33 students success reached score
75. And the last meeting was the time for the
researcher conducted the test to measure
implementing visual media.

Thesis was not published. Medan: State

University of Medan.
Folse, Keith, S. 2009. Key to Teaching
Grammar to English Language
Learners: A Practical Handbook. New
York: University of Michigan Press.
Harmer, J. 2007. The Practice of English
Language Teaching, 4th Ed. England:
Pearson Education Limited.
Jannah, N, 2013. The Use of Visual Media to
Improve Descriptive Text in Writing
Skill. JP3, (Online), Vol 1, No. 13,
Agustus 2013. (http://www.fkipunisma., accessed in 25 May 2014)
Langan, J. 2008. College writing skills with
readings, 7th Ed. New York: Mc GrawHill Companies, Inc.
Latief, M. A. 2012. Research Methods on
Language Learning An Introduction.
Malang: UM Press.
Lindsay C. & Knight P. 2007. Learning and
Teaching English: A Course for
University Press.
Nunan, David. 2003. Practical English
Language Teaching. New York: Mc
Nunan, David. 1991. Language Teaching
Methodology: a Textbook for Teacher.
London: Prentice Hall.
Oshima, A & Hogue, A. 2007. Introduction to
Academic English, 3rd Ed. USA:
Pearson Longman.
Richard, Jack C. & Renandya. 2002.
Methodology in Language teaching: an
Anthology of Current Practice. New
York: Cambridge University Press.
Ur, Penny. 1999. A Course in language
Teaching: Practice and Theory.
Cambridge: Cambridge University
White, R & V. Arndt. 1997. Process Writing.
Harlow: Longman.

Ahmadun. 2011. The Effectiveness of Using
Visual Media to Improve Descriptive
Text Writing Skill. Thesis was not
published. Semarang: IKIP PGRI
Blanchard, K. & Christina R. 1994. Ready to
Write: A First Composition Text, 2nd Ed.
Longman: Pearson Education.
Brown, H. Douglas. 2000. Principles of
Language Learning and Teaching, 4th
Ed. White Plain, New York: Pearson
Brown, H. Douglas. 2000. Teaching by
Principles: An Interactive Approach to
Language Pedagogy, 2nd Ed. New York:
San Francisco state university: Wesley.
Longman, Inc.
Evawina, E. 2010. Improving Students
Achievement on Writing Descriptive
Paragraph through the Application of
Student Team Achievement Division.



ISSN 2337-6384

JP3, Volume 3, No. 14, Agustus



Try Ammalia Khoirunnisaa
(Mahasiswa Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris FKIP Unisma)
Abstract. The aim of this research was to improve students reading comprehension
skill. Based on preliminary study, most of the students of the second grade students
of MTs Almaarif 01 Singosari Malang have problems with reading comprehension.
Their mean reading score was 65 whereas the minimum mastery learning standard
was 75. The researcher used CIRC (Cooperation Integrated Reading and
Composition) technique to solve those problems. The design of this study is
classroom action research (CAR). There were 42 subjects in this research. The
instruments used to collect the data in this research were observation check lists,
field notes, and test. The finding showed that CIRC technique improved students
reading comprehension skill. The teaching procedures are; (1) dividing students into
some groups (4-5 students), (2) distributing journals, (3) complete incomplete
sentences in paragraphs, (4) find the main idea, (5) present the result and give
feedback, (6) drawing the conclusion, (7) closing the meeting. There were 83% of
the students who passed the minimum mastery learning standard while the mean
score was 84.
Key Words: CIRC and reading comprehension

Teaching reading at Junior High School
is focused on reading for learning. Students
need to read every day although it only a few
minutes. Through reading students can
develop their vocabulary, pronunciation,
intonation, and etc. Through reading, people
can transfer their emotion of new knowledge.
Reading is kind of process including words,
understanding, and fluency and absorb the
texts in order has meaning (Leipzig: 2013).
Reading comprehension is the ability to read
text, process and understand the meaning.
Students who can convey their ideas and
arguments or can give the solution of the
problem of the text, so they understand that

what they read. Moreover, if they are

accustomed to read, so they can easily to
understand and to find the main idea of the
texts. Daiek and Anter (2004: 5) states that
to read successfully, you need to constantly
connect what you already know about the
information to the author has written. It
means that the reader should understand what
that they are read based on the authors write.
According to Simanjuntak (1998: 4, in
Yossuke, 2011), Reading comprehension is
not just reading aloudly voice but reading is
established to understand the meaning of
words, sentences, and paragraph as well as
sense relationship among the ideas. It is
important for reader to understand the

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meaning and also the main idea of the passage

when they read. So, it can be called that we
understand what we are read.
In Indonesia, curriculum is very crucial
to support the education in school.
Curriculum is a set of plan that include the
purpose, content, material to teach in order to
achieve the aim of education (Ladjid, 2005: 4).
In MTs Almaarif 01 Singosari Malang using
school based curriculum to assess teaching
and learning process. Refer to Junior High
Syllabus particularly for the second grade;
students must be able to understand recount
Connecting to the research, the
researcher here is an English teacher that has
done a preliminary study. The students have
low reading comprehension skill. There are
25 students get under 75 (that is 65), while the
basis of the school standard is 75. That
condition showed that reading comprehension
especially in recount text for the second grade
students of MTs Almaarif 01 in second
semester have some general problems in
reading activity including supporting details,
difficult to understand the text, finding
synonym, less of exercises, and finding the
main idea. Moreover, they lack of vocabulary.
Lacking of vocabulary and less of exercises
caused them having low reading interest and
difficult in understanding texts, so their
reading score was low. Besides that, the
teacher still uses conventional technique in
their class. It is called TCL (Teacher Centered
Learning). TCL is a system learning which is
teacher become the center of teaching and
learning activities and students only get the
material from the teacher. So, students tend to
be passive and it make the students
absorption was weak because they just
listening to the teacher without got from other
source. The researcher used one of technique
of cooperative learning to overcome the
students problems. That is CIRC
Composition). According to (Irma: 2013)
Improving learning outcomes especially in
solving the problem in the form of problemsolving. Besides that, Davidson ( 1990: 8-9,
in Kagan, 1997: 17) explained that

cooperative learning are an exercise that

teacher divide students into some groups
completion, discussion, or usually resolution,
working in small groups, encourage
cooperation and work together, and every
student can share and give opinion with others.
According to Gomleksiz ( 1993, in Malino,
2013),Cooperative learning is an in-class
learning approach which is used to help
learners develop a positive image both for
themselves and their peers, and to improve
problem solving and critical thinking skills in
order to encourage learners in terms of social
skills based on cooperation. According to
The Online Teacher Resource website
described that cooperative learning is the
good way in learning which are have five
positive interdependence, interaction with
others, process of group, and small group).
CIRC technique was developing in
Baltimore at 1987 which the purpose to
improve reading and writing achievement
students (Sukarto: 2010). Through CIRC
technique students have much opportunity to
share in class especially in understanding the
text. One of the purpose of CIRC technique is
to increase the opportunity of students in
reading such as giving feedback in their
activity and also drilled them how to response
each other in learning the material (Slavin,
2005: 202).
Therefore, the researcher wants to
conduct a research to improve the students
reading comprehension skill.
The design of this study is classroom
action research (CAR). As stated by Latief
(2012:144) that CAR is an effective media in
improving quality of English teachers
performance in
instruction as well as
students achievement in learning English in
classroom. So, CAR can help the success in
students learning process. CAR is designed to
improve the students reading comprehension
through CIRC (Cooperative Integrated
Reading and Composition) technique.
According to Madden (2004), CIRC
technique was built of cooperative learning

ISSN 2337-6384

JP3, Volume 3, No. 14, Agustus


model that engaged students to discuss or

interaction in reading comprehension by
working in group.
This research conducted at MTs
Almaarif 01 Singosari Malang in beginning
of March 2014. The researcher took one class,
VIII-B. The subject of class VIII-B were 42
students (28 girls and 14 boys).
The researcher implemented CIRC
technique to improve students reading
comprehension. She conducted four meetings
in her research. Three meetings for
implementation of CIRC technique and one
meeting for evaluation. If the first cycle
succeeds and gets satisfactory result, the
researcher stopped and made a report. But if
not, the second cycle would be continued.
CIRC technique has six steps, but the
researcher add one step to complete
incomplete the sentences in paragraphs by
using complete sentence in order they also
could increase their vocabulary. The
implementation stage is that the students are;
(1) dividing students into small groups that
consist of 4 until 5 students, (2) distributing
clipping or journal based on the topic, (3)
paragraphs, (4) writing the main idea on the
paper, (5) presenting their result and give
feedback, (6) drawing the conclusion together,
and (7) closing the meeting.
In this study, the researcher evaluates
the teaching and learning process. It was
conducted when the implementation was
conducting in the classroom activities. The
researcher used some instruments that
consisting of ; (1) observation check lists, the
aim of this instrument is to know the
development of students during the teaching
and learning process, (2) field notes, the aim
of this instrument is to know the progress of
students interest in reading comprehension, (3)
test, the purpose of this instrument is to
measure how far the students reading
comprehension skill improve. She took the
data from the result of the observation and the
final work of the students. The researcher
used 30 questions of reading comprehension
test. There were 15 multiple choice questions,
10 true-false questions, and 5 essay questions

that related to reading comprehension about

recount text, because it enables the researcher
to measure the improvement in their learning
before the test gave to the students, it made
valid and reliable. Validity addresses
whether your research explains or measures
what you said you would be measuring or
explaining (Wahyuni, 2012: 36). Reliability
refers to the consistency of test scores-that is,
how consistent they are from one
measurement to another (Gronlund and Linn,
1990: 77). So, the test can called reliable if
the score can consistent in more one test or
another researcher.
Reflecting is the important way in
order to know whether the implementation is
successful or not. If 75% of students got score
75, the research will be stopped. On the other
hand, if the students score wasnt increase
from 65 to 75, the research will be continued
to the next cycle until the measurement get
The research findings were completed
by the supporting data. Based on the finding
in meeting I, all the activities run well based
on the lesson plan but those needed
improvement. The students were crowded
because they still unusual with this technique.
The researcher found that the students were
unmotivated, passive, and bored with the
teaching and learning process. Based on the
finding in meeting II, all of the activities were
done base on the lesson plan gradually. The
students had good achievement in their
learning than previous meeting. They were
more motivated, active, and more enjoy in
following the technique. Based on the finding
in meeting III, almost all of students have
great improvement in following the steps in
CIRC technique. The students became
enthusiastic in sharing their opinions,
disciplined, and enjoy the teaching and
learning process. They were interested and
enjoyed in reading, they could convey their
sharing with their good opinions. Moreover,
they looked happy and relaxed with the
technique that it made students encourage to
express their idea. In the last meeting, the data

ISSN 2337-6384

JP3, Volume 3, No. 14, Agustus

showed that there were 83% of the students

who passed the minimum mastery learning
standard while the mean score was 84. The
researcher presented the detail of the data in
table 4.1 below.

technique guides teachers in motivating

students to work in group at the same or
different level. It showed that the mean score
of the students reading comprehension skill
was improved from 65 to 84.
The procedures of CIRC technique in
this research were six steps. According to
Suprijono (2009: 130-131), steps in CIRC are
teacher divides students into small groups that
consist 4-5 students, distributing clipping or
journal based on the topic of learning,
students work with their group to find the
main idea of the texts and write it on the
paper, they present the result, drawing the
conclusion together, and closing. But, the
researcher add one step in order the students
could improve their vocabulary too by using
complete sentences strategy. So, the following
of steps included: (1) deciding students into
four until five persons in CIRC technique, (2)
distributing clipping or journal based on the
topic of learning, (3) completing the sentences
in paragraph, (4) working with their group to
find the main idea of the texts and write it on
the paper, (5) presenting the result of their
group discussion, (6) drawing the conclusion
about the text or journal together, (7) closing.
The students acquire the process of teaching
in understanding text such as how to identify
the main idea and how to make conclusion
(Slavin, 2005: 209).
In brief, CIRC technique had
successfully improved students reading
comprehension skill of the second grade
students of MTs Almaarif 01 Singosari
Malang. Moreover, this technique could
enrich the students vocabularies.
comprehension to the students, it is suggested
to the teachers consider CIRC technique in
the process of teaching and learning reading
to improve the reading comprehension skill of
their students in other grades. Considering
that the researcher had limited time in
implementing CIRC technique to improve the
reading comprehension skill of the second
grade students of MTs Almaarif 01 Singosari
Malang, the researcher suggests for future
researchers to conduct an experimental

Table 4.1 the Recapitulation of the Test

Students passed the criteria
of success
Students failed the test
Students were absent
Total of Students
passed the test
Percentage of students failed
the test
Total percentage
The mean score


Based on the table above, all of

students (42 students) joined the test. There
were 35 students passed the criteria of success
with the percentage 83%, 7 students failed the
test with the percentage 17%. The procedure
of CIRC technique has six steps, but the
researcher add one step to complete
incomplete the sentences in paragraphs by
using complete sentence in order they also
could increase their vocabulary. The
implementation stage is that the students are;
(1) dividing students into small groups that
consist of 4 until 5 students, (2) distributing
clipping or journal based on the topic, (3)
paragraphs, (4) writing the main idea on the
paper, (5) presenting their result and give
feedback, (6) drawing the conclusion together,
and (7) closing the meeting. Thus, the result
of this test had been fulfilled the criteria of
success of this research.
Based on the research finding
presented in the previous chapter, it can be
concluded that the students reading
comprehension skill was successfully
Kurniawan (2012: 6) argued that CIRC



ISSN 2337-6384

JP3, Volume 3, No. 14, Agustus

research related to this technique in other


accessed in 17 May 2014).
Slavin, R.E. Cooperative Learning Teori,
Riset, dan Praktik. Translated by N.
Yusron. 2005. Bandung: Nusa Media.
Sukarto. 2010. Cooperative Integrated
Reading and Composition Sebuah
Alternatif Meningkatkan Reading Skill
Inovasi Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris.
om/2010/01/cooperatif-integratedreading-and.html, accessed in 15 May
Suprojono, A. 2009. Cooperative Learning
Teori dan Aplikasi Paikem. Surabaya:
Pustaka Pelajar.
Wahyuni, S. 2012. Qualitative Method
Theory and Practice. Jakarta: Salemba
Yossuke, Y. 2011. Definition Reading

An Article. Johnson and Johnson's Thoughts
on cooperative learning. (Online),
accessed in 17 May 2014).
Daiek, D & Anter, N. 2004. Critical Reading
for College and Beyond. New York:
McGraw-Hill Companies
Gronlund, N.E. & Linn, R.L. 1990.
Measurement and Evaluation in
Teaching 6th Edition. New York:
Macmillan Publishing Company.
Irma, K. 2013. Paper of Cooperative
Integrated Reading and Composition
accessed 26 May 2014.
Singapore: Seameo Regional Language
Kurniawan, E.H. 2012. Improving Students
Reading Comprehension Achievement
Through CIRC Strategy at The Eighth
Grade Students Of MTsN Bandarkidul
Kediri 1. Unpublished Thesis. Malang:
FKIP Islamic University of Malang.
Ladjid, H. 2005. Pengembangan Kurikulum
Latief, M.A. 2012. Research Methods on
Language Learning An Introduction.
Malang: UM Press.
Madden, N. 2004. Cooperative Integrated
Reading and Composition. (Online),
accessed in 13 May 2014).
Malino, J. 2013. Cooperative Learning
Method According to Some Experts:
Sunal, Hans, Slavin, Anita Lie, Erman
Suherman, Gmleksiz, Kauchak and



ISSN 2337-6384

JP3, Volume 3, No. 14, Agustus



Uswatun Khasanah
(Mahasiswa Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris FKIP Unisma)
Abstract. This article aims at knowing the effect of giving training in using oral
communication strategy on EFL learners strategy use and on their speaking ability.
Oral communication strategies are techniques used by non-native speakers to help
them solve some speaking problems that they faced. The research design in this
study is quantitative research in the form of experimental design with applying OneGroup Pre-test Post-test. The subjects of this study are students of second semester of
English Department, which consist of 19 students. There was only one group in this
study, which got pre-test in form of strategy questionnaire that consist of 12
statements before giving treatment and post-test in form of the same strategy
questionnaire and spoken test in form of explaining 10 Indonesian texts and 10
pictures after giving treatment. The training gave in six meetings treatment by giving
the students examples when and how to use the strategies. The finding of this study
is there are effects of giving oral communication strategy training on students
strategy use and on their speaking ability. Through giving training in using strategy,
the students awareness is increased; it helps them to use the strategy as often as they
need in solving their speaking problem. Therefore, they can keep their speaking more
fluently and make their conversation longer.
Key words: Oral communication strategy training, test

Speaking is the main skill that has an
important role in language because the main
purpose of learning foreign language is the
ability to communicate using the target
language. Nunan (1991) stated that mastering
the art of speaking is the most important
aspect of learning a second or foreign
language and success in measured in terms of
the ability to carry out a conversation in
language. English include four basic skills;
they are listening, speaking, reading, and
writing. Among these skills speaking is more
emphasized than others. This is because

generally people use speaking as a means of

communication in daily activities. Although
people cannot ignore the significant of writing,
as another form of communication, speaking
is still more popular to the people.
English is as a foreign language in
Indonesia. Indonesian people as non-native
speakers sometimes get difficulties in solving
some problems when they are speaking
English, such as lack of vocabularies to
describe what they want to say, lack of
information, pronunciation, and confidence.
To overcome those problems there are
some strategies that enable to help the

ISSN 2337-6384

JP3, Volume 3, No. 14, Agustus


learners of English. Some researchers

conducted the studies related to this case.
communication strategies as: first, the ability
of second language learners to anticipate the
difficulty when they want to express their
meaning by avoiding or modifying their
communicative intent. Second, the ability of
second language learners to solve the problem
when they are involved in speaking by trying
to search the alternative way in getting
meaning across.
Litllewood also explain the main
characteristic of communication strategies.
The main distinguishing characteristic of
communication strategies is that it occurs
when a learners becomes aware of a problem
with which his current knowledge has
difficulty in coping (1994:83). Moreover, he
said that the speech production process is
further itself raised to a higher level of
Furthermore, Ellis (1985) explained two
key concepts figure of communication
strategies. First, communication strategies are
conscious. Varadi (1973) in Ellis (1985:181)
consciously employ by the learner in order to
reduce or replace some element of meaning or
form in the initial plan.
communication strategies are problemoriented. They are employed by the learner
because he lacks or cannot gain access to the
linguistic resources required to express an
intended meaning.
Frch & Kasper (1982) in Ellis
(1985:182-185) provide the typology of
communication strategies which refer to
production. They classify communication
strategies into two major types: reduction
strategies and achievement strategies.
Reduction strategies has two types, (1) formal
reduction strategies; (2) functional reduction
strategies. Achievement strategies have two
major types: (1) compensatory strategies and
(2) retrieval strategies.
To sum up the explanations above it can
be can be concluded that communication
strategies are the way used by L2 learners to
anticipate or solve the problem in speaking

when there is a gap between their knowledge

and their communicative intent. This speech
production happens consciously when the
learners aware about the problem rose.
It is believed that communication
strategies has an important role for language
learners competence
in learning target
language. As McDonough (1995) and Oxford
(1996) said in Yaman, Irgin, Kavasoglu
(2013), language learners need to use
communication strategies because the use of
specific communication strategies plays a
great role in learning the target language.
Language learners need to use communication
strategies to overcome difficulties in
Those, the writer interested in carrying
out research at English Department of Islamic
University of Malang, because the writer
knows in that place, Communication Strategy
especially for speaking has never been
introduced, also it has never been taught
explicitly and trained to the students. In this
study, the researcher will train the students in
applying communication strategy in their
speaking. It is believes that instruction has a
role to orient the learners and focus their
attention on a given topic included
communication strategy techniques will be
communication strategies can help EFL
learners in English Department of Islamic
University of Malang to solve their
communication problem in oral English and
then it can help students to have longer
conversation with the interlocutor. In this
present study the researcher wants to know
the effect of giving oral communication
strategies training on learners performance
and the effect of communication strategies in
their speaking ability.
Therefore, the researcher wants to
conduct a research to know the effect of
instruction for EFL learners. And the research
problems of this study are (1)Do the EFL
learners of English Department of Islamic
University of Malang have better performance
in using Communication Strategy after they


ISSN 2337-6384

JP3, Volume 3, No. 14, Agustus

were trained using Oral Communication

Strategy than before trained in using Oral
Communication Strategy training?
(2) Do the EFL learners of English
Department of Islamic University of Malang
have better speaking ability after they were
trained in using Oral Communication Strategy
than before trained in using Oral
Communication Strategy?

variable, while the dependent variable was the

students performance in using oral
communication strategy and their speaking
The treatment was in second to
seventh meeting. During the oral lessons the
students engaged in a variety of group
discussion task involving some topics from
the course book and some of them decided by
the researcher and the students. Before task
was being started, the researcher informed
some oral communication strategies that will
be applied during task. The researcher also
gave training of using those strategies. The
strategies in six meetings; stalling or time
gaining strategies (using fillers, or hesitation.
E.g. mmm, Well, let me think..),
circumlocution, getting help, using selfrepetition, using self-correction, asking for
In this study the researcher used
questionnaire and spoken test as the
instrument and to collect the data. The
questionnaire used is a strategy questionnaire
and speaking test in form of explaining
Indonesian texts and pictures.
The strategy questionnaire consists of
12 statements, which involve 6 strategy given
to the students. The students also had a
speaking test. Each student got one
Indonesian text and a picture. They should
explain them by using English.
The data in this study was analyzed by
using t-test. There are two types of t-tests,
these are: dependent t-test and independent ttest. The type used was dependent t-test
where only one group in this study. This is to
test the hypothesis.

The research design used in this study
was quantitative research in the form of OneGroup Pre-test Post-test experiment. Based on
Ary, Jacob, and Razavich (1997:247) a OneGroup design usually involves three steps: 1)
administering a pretest measuring the
dependent variable; 2) applying the
experimental treatment X to the subjects; and
3) administering a posttest again measuring
the dependent variable.
In this study, the researcher used one
class where there was no control group as the
comparison. The researcher gave test to the
subjects twice; pre-test and post-test. Then the
scores from pre-test and post-test were
analyzed to find out the difference between
pre- and post-test results in order to know
which one higher than the other.
The test for pre-test was in form of
questionnaire while the test for post-test was
in form of the same questionnaire and spoken
test. The questionnaire was a strategy
questionnaire that consists of 12 statements.
The spoken test was in form of explaining
Indonesian texts and pictures provided by the
researcher. The students were asked to
explain one text and one picture and the
research recorded them to make easy in
giving the score.
The population of this study was
students of second semester of English
department of Islamic University of Malang.
There are 5 classes; A, B, C, D, and E. The
researcher took E class as the sample of the
study where the total of the students was 19.
In this study, there was one technique
used, it was training in using oral
communication strategy was independent



The data was analyzed by dependent ttest. In this study the researcher uses SPSS
version 20 t-test. After analyzing the data, the
researcher tested the null (H0) hypothesis
whether the score is accepted or rejected.
Based on the data analysis, the t-value
for the first research question is 9.724. Then,
the t-value was compared with the value of tcritical from the table of critical at level of


ISSN 2337-6384

JP3, Volume 3, No. 14, Agustus


significant .001. The t-critical at level of

significant of .001 with the degree of freedom
(df) 18 is 3.922. Therefore, t-value for both
of the two research questions is higher than tcritical. It means that there are significance
difference students performance in using
communication strategy and students
speaking ability. The sum score of post-test is
higher than the sum score of pre-test.
Based on the analysis of questionnaire
given for pre-test, the researcher found that
most of the students did not know about
communication strategy for speaking. So
thats why the researcher should introduce the
strategy and train the students why, when and
how they use the communication strategy to
help them solve their speaking problem.
communication strategy also gave the effect
on students speaking ability. This is because
they aware about the strategy and use the
strategy when they faced the problem when
they are speaking to keep their speaking
and/or their conversation
longer. The use of communication strategy for
students speaking help Language learners
need to use communication strategies to
overcome difficulties in communication
(McDonough, 1995 and Oxford,1996 said in
Yaman, Irgin, Kavasoglu, 2013).
This finding supports the findings of
the previous studies. Lam (2006) where his
research focused on effects of oral
communication strategy teaching (OCST) on
learners performance and on strategy use.
The finding showed that the treatment class
had better performance than the comparison
class. He also used multi-method approach
where the effect was on young L2 learners
tend to rely on Bedrock Strategies in oral
communication strategy task. Lam (2010)
concluded based on his study that focused on
effect of giving strategy instruction for ESL
learners in term or proficiency level, the
strategy instruction affect more lowproficiency students than high-proficiency
communication strategy training gives
significance difference on students score in

strategy use and their speaking ability. As has

been explained in the finding of this study,
the EFL learners need to be trained in using
oral communication strategy, in order to give
them chance to know the strategy they can
use in their communication especially in
The result for the first research question
showed there was significance different score
communication strategy after giving treatment.
The null hypothesis was rejected and the
alternative hypothesis was accepted. From the
explanation the researcher can conclude that:
1. The giving of Oral Communication
Strategy (OCS) training rise students
awareness about the strategy they can use
in solving speaking problem.
2. The giving of Oral Communication
Strategy (OCS) training gave positive
effect on students performance in using
communication strategies.
Then the result for the second research
question showed the higher score on
students speaking ability in posttest than
the score in pretest.
1. There is a significant difference of Oral
Communication Strategy (OCS) training
before and after giving treatment.
2. There is a positive effect of giving Oral
Communication (OCS) Strategy on
students speaking ability.
From the conclusions of both research
problems, furthermore the researcher agrees
that Oral Communication Strategy (OCS) is
Based on the conclusion above, the
writer gave suggestions related to the study to:
The English teacher
Because the training of OCS gave effect
on students performance, it is good for the
teachers to try to give the communication
strategy explicitly to English learners.
The learners
It is better for the EFL learners to apply
the appropriate OCS in their speaking in order
to make their speaking more fluent.
The future researcher


ISSN 2337-6384

JP3, Volume 3, No. 14, Agustus

For future researchers who interested

communication strategy, the writer suggested
to choose others kind of communication
strategy and try to give the treatment in
different and most nice way.

Communication Strategies: Implications
International E-Journal. 3(2).
strategies and Foreign Language
Learning [Electronic version]. 5(4), 4448.



Techniques of Spoken English as Foreign
Language for
Adults Beginner at STAI
Mahad Aly Al Hikam Malang. Malang:
Universitas Islam Malang
Ary, Donald., Jacobs, Lucy Cheser., &
Razavich, Asghar. 1979. Introduction to
Research in Education. Second edition:
United State of America.
Cahyono, Bambang Yudi, & Utami Widiati.
2011. The Teaching of English as a
Foreign Language in Indonesia. Malang:
State University of Malang press
Nunan, David. 1991. Language Teaching
Drnyei, Z. 1995. On the teachability of
Quarterly. 29 (21), 55-85.
Ellis, R. 1985. Understanding Second
Language Acquisition. Oxford: Oxford
University Press.
Ellis, R. 1997 (Ed). Second Language
University Press.
Lam, Wendy Y.K. 2010. Implementing
Communication Strategy Instruction in
the ESL Oral Classroom: What do lowproficiency learners tell us?.TESL
Canada Journa,l 27(2), 14-17.
Lam, Y.K.2006.Gauging the Effects of ESL
Oral Communication Strategy Teaching:
A Multi-method Approach. Electronic
Journal of Foreign Language Teaching.
Littlewood, William T. 1984. Foreign and
Second Language Learning. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press
Maleki, A. 2010. Technique to Teach
Communication Strategy. [Electoric
version]. 1 (5), 640-646


ISSN 2337-6384

JP3, Volume 3, No. 14, Agustus



(Mahasiswa Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris FKIP Unisma)

Abstract. The study is focus using films as instructional media to improve listening
ability at second grade of MTs AlMaarif 01 Singosari. The students have difficulties
to fill the listening material which given by the teacher. This situation made the
students get bored, they were not enthusiastic to hear, and they were inactive.
Therefore, they were less motivated on the learning and teaching process. In addition,
the researcher found that the students listening score was low. This study used
Classroom Action Research as the research design. The data analysis in observation
used quantitative and qualitative data. The steps of applying films are easy. First, the
research explained about film. Second, the researcher gave the students script of film.
Third, the students watch the film. Four, asked the students to make note while they
watching film. Fifth, after the studnts watch film, the researcher divided the students
into group. Sixth, the students discuss. Seventh, the researcher handout students
worksheet and did the task. Eight, asked the students some vocabulary. The findings
of the research showed the use of films can improve the students listening skill. It
was proved by the result of the test, the students score in which the average score
was 79.52.
Key Words: English Film, Listening Ability

English as a foreign language in this
country has been regarded as the first foreign
language which learn from elementary school
to university level, even in some cities
English has been taught since level
kindergarten and it has also has been as a
subject of the national curriculum. Thus,
English become one of the important
subjects taught in any level of education field
in Indonesia.
Learning English involves four skills.
They are listening, reading, writing, and
speaking. It is known that speaking and
writing are called productive skills. While

listening and reading are called receptive

skills. In this occasion is focuses on listening.
Beare (as cited in Susanti, 2012) says that
teaching listening skills is one of the most
difficult tasks for any English as second
language. This is because successful listening
skills are required over time and with lots of
practice and there are no rules as in grammar
teaching, so it is make the students frustating.
According to Miller (as cited in Khudriyah,
2010) listening is very difficult and active
process. In listening, students always meet the
same and new pronunciation; because of this
many of students are still confused
comprehending sentence.

ISSN 2337-6384

JP3, Volume 3, No. 14, Agustus


It is known, students have problem in

listening and understanding what they hear.
The teacher should be responsible for these
difficulties. The teacher should consider
various ways how to explain about English
subject to the students well. Sometimes,
teaching English in class seem that learners
are not interested in studying. Avoiding
difficulties, the teacher ought to get effective
way, good material and appropriate teaching
media to enable students good listening skill.
Students can start listening to songs, watching
tv show, film and tape recorder. In order to
make them interested in learning, and make
them motivate in learning, it is suggested that
English teachers should using media in their
teaching and learning process and the class
will be more meaningful and enjoyable.
In teaching and learning, teacher has
many ways for using the media to help
students in listening, such as games, pictures,
songs, poems, video and VCD. So, this
learning material is concerned with the media
for teaching English. It is also important to
improve teachers knowledge about the
instructional media in presenting materials.
Through media, it is help students
understanding and motivated them in learning
In the other hand, the English teacher in
MTS AlMaarif 01 Singosari never using film
or others as media in teaching listening.
When teaching listening, the teacher using
traditional method which just read the subject
by himself. So, that make students feel bored
and they did not pay attention and there is no
motivation of the students. Based on
interview the English teacher, in this case the
students also lack in pronunciations and
memorized their vocabulary. It is make them
difficult to understanding while they listening.
It is shows which the mean of their listening
score is 50.87. Whereas the minimum
standard mastery of listening subject in this
school is 75. According to Briggs (1970)
defines media are physical means which are
used to send messages to the students and
stimulate them to learn. According to Scanlan
(1997) that instructional media encompasses
all the materials and physical means an

instructor and teacher might use to implement

achievement of instructional objectives. So,
that is why the researcher using film in this
research, because films are not only used for
entertainment but they also can provide
approach for language teaching and learning.
The design of the research is
Classroom Action Research (CAR). Arikunto
et all (2010) states that Classroom Action
Research is self-reflection done by teachers in
the class which an action with the purpose of
improving both their teaching and students
In this research, the researcher involved
in the action teaching and learning process
collecting data also making a conclusion and
report. The result of this study research is the
process in teaching listening to the students
by using film technique. However, if the
research fails, the researcher will revise the
plan of the action.
The subjects are 40, consisting of 24
females and 16 males. The second grade
students choose as the subjects of research
because of the basis of the result of class
observation that they have low ability in
listening skill, because most of the students
have low motivation in learning listening skill.
The researcher conducted the study that
consists two cycles. The cycle consists of
three meetings, two meetings for research
implementation and the last meeting was for
conducting listening test. The researcher used
three instruments those are field note,
observation sheet, and writing test to obtain
the data.
The data analyzed were qualitative and
quantitative data. The quantitative data
obtained from the result of students listening
test, and the qualitative data were obtained
from the observation and field notes.
The research findings were presented
according cycle I and cycle II. The findings
were obtained from the test, observation
checklist, and field notes during the action.

ISSN 2337-6384

JP3, Volume 3, No. 14, Agustus


The findings of this study showed that the

implementation of using films as instructional
media in teaching listening had enhanced the
students ability in listening. It is showed the
students average scores in cycle II was 79.52.
The data gotten from observation sheet,
field notes, and listening test were analyzed,
evaluated, and reflected. The result of
observation sheet showed that the students
were active, motivated, and enjoy while
teaching and learning process. And the
researcher found some important notes that
had to be marked. First, the result of field note
showed that all of students were more active
to participate in listening class. Second, the
students had a little in the firts cycle, but in
second cycle got many of new vocabulary.
Third, Over all teaching English by using
English film was interested and enjoyable to
conduct in learning English.
And the result of listening test showed
that all of the students can increased their
score. This score based on KKM.
Improving listening skill by English film
was effective. In other word, the students
listening skill were improved. This finding
exclusively related to the statement was
Wagner (as cited in Adriyati, 2006) the use of
video/film texts allows listeners to use the
non-verbal components of communication
that can help them in processing and
comprehending audio input. Students had
much of participation and motivation to learn
listening skill. Beside it, all of the students
successes to improve listening skill were
suitable with targeted.
The students vocabulary increased as
they were finding new storage word in film. It
is mean that the students would be
strangeness the difficult word. The students
tried to understand and know how to acquire
and the new vocabulary appropriately.
Arcario (1993) and Lonergan (1984)
point out that the extended context:
interesting context, rich visual imagery, and
often exagerated actions and gestures of film
provide students with multi-sensory input that
is close to what they find in real life
communication. The information in film had
taught students rich knowledge, thus the

students acquired a great deal of information

and variation to be presented when speaker
describe something.
Finally, requirements support students
listening skill to be better had been provided
in film. English film was good technique to
teaching listening skill. It made students
interest and improved their listening skill.
The researcher draws the conclusion based
on the study that had done and presented in
the previous chapter. Based on the result of
the analyzed data, it was concluded that the
improving students listening skill on English
achievement of second grade at Mts AlMaarif
01 Singosari by using English film can
increase students listening skill. It showed
that students average score of the second
grade listening ability was 79.52, it means
that students achievement improve students
listening skill on English achievement of
second grade at Mts AlMaarif 01 Singosari in
listening had reported positive effect and the
technique to improving listening skill by
using English film was successful because the
score reached above the target score 75.
Finally, this technique implied that it
could be used by the researcher of listening
class to develop and improve the students
listening ability with any other activity and
style based on the students interested.
In this final part of the study, the
researcher wants to share some suggestions:
For the teacher, Considering that the used
of using English film in teaching listening
could improve the students learning process
as well as their achievement in listening skill.
It is better for the teacher to implement this
method one of the alternatives that can be
used in teaching and learning of listening skill.
It is better for the teacher to be more creative
to get students attention in leading question,
instruction and explanation. The teachers are
suggested to invite and encourage the students
to do the activities as getting involved in the
class discussion, reporting the result of their
works to the class, and giving comment and
response on that report. The teacher is
suggested to use more English film. That will

ISSN 2337-6384

JP3, Volume 3, No. 14, Agustus


be used to create enjoyable experience for the

students and to keep the classroom alive.
For the Students, The students should be
more active in teaching and learning process
using English film. They had to find material
to teach them self. The students also can
modify the way they learn listening by using
English film, and they can choose other film
which the best for them.
For the School, The school should
provide adequate media for teaching English.
Since English is too difficult for them, they
need some media to help them follow the
lesson. So, the school must give more
facilities to support in teaching English.
Further Researcher, Since this study
include two English films, it is suggested for
further researcher to implement this method
use more English film and interest film.
Meanwhile, for further researchers are
suggested to conduct research with other
media which improve the students listening in
English learning and can expand the scope of
the study. It is also suggested future
researcher to implement this method in
experiment design research. Com. Accessed

April 12, 2014.
Khudriyah, Siti. 2010. Improving Students
Listening Skill of Second grade at Mts
AlMaarif 01 Singosari by Using English
Movie. Unpublished Thesis. UNISMA.
Liao, Stella. Listening Strategies and
Applications in EFL Classroom.
plicationsinEFL. Accessed April 12,
Scanlan, Craigh. L. Instructional Media:
Selection and Use. Available at:
December 01, 2013.

Adriyati, wienny. Using and Authentic
Selected Film for Teaching Listening
Accessed April 12, 2014.
Arikunto, Suharsimi, Suhardjono, dan
Supardi. 2010. Penelitian Tindakan
Kelas. Jakarta: Bumi Aksara.
Briggs, L.J. (ed.) (1977). Instructional Design:
Principles and Applications New Jersey.
December 01, 2013.
Brown, H.,Douglas. 2001. Teaching by
Principles an Interactive Approach to
Language Pedagogy. San Frasisco State
Champoux, Joseph E. 2007. Film as Teaching
Resource. Available at : http://www.


ISSN 2337-6384

JP3, Volume 3, No. 14, Agustus



Wiwin Tinuk Puji Rahayu
(Mahasiswa Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris FKIP Unisma)

Abstract: This articles aims at knowing the effect of pictures aided text in reading
skill. The researcher wants to know which one the better comprehension of read use
picture aided text or read without picture aided text in reading skill. The research
design in this study is experimental design. The subject of this study is the first grade
of junior high school of SMP Islam Almaarif 01 Singosari Malang, and it consists of
37 students. There was only one group in this study, which got two different of
reading test, the first is read without picture aided text and the second read use
picture aided text. Each question consists of 20 items, in this test the researcher use
the same text but different question to know their comprehend in text and in form of
multiple choice. The findings of this study showed that the first grade students of
SMP Islam Almaarif 01 Singosari Malang who read with picture aided text have
better comprehension than who read without picture aided text
Key Word: Picture aided text, Students Comprehension, Reading Skill

Reading is a receptive skill. This
means that reading is a process in which
students do not produce but receive, deal with
and understand a language. Reading is one of
those skills that are not easy as people think.
In reading process, students are expected to
have knowledge. When a student understands
what they read, they will get some
information that they can share or
communicate with other people. It can be
concluded that reading is the important skill
to improve the ability of people to
communicate with others whether on written
or spoken. Because reading is the important
skill, that the students are needed to read
various texts to get information or to have

According to Harmer (2007; 178)

Pictures enhance the text, giving readers (or
students) an extra visual dimension to what
they are reading. It means that text with use
picture can give the readers some of
imaginations about contain of text itself..
(2008:330) stated that picture is a painting,
drawing, or photograph that shows a scene, a
person or thing. In a book, a picture is an
illustration that accompanies the text, often in
a childs picture book. Picture can help the
students to understand about contain of text
and not make the students bored when they
read text. Some of the students dont like read
because they are not enthusiastic to read text.
Picture has many kinds of advantages.
According to Gerlach (2013) they are
inexpensive and widely available, they

ISSN 2337-6384

JP3, Volume 3, No. 14, Agustus


provide common experiences for an entire

group, the visual detail make it possible to
study subject, which would turn to be
impossible, they can help you to prevent and
correct disconcertion, they offer a stimulus to
further study, reading and research visual
avoidances is power tool, they help to focus
attention and to develop critical judgment,
they are easily manipulated.
Therefore, the researcher wants to
conduct a research to know of the effect of
picture aided text, especially in reading test.
The researcher problem of this study is Do
students who read with picture aided text have
better comprehension than students who read
without picture aided text in reading skill at
the first grade students of SMP Islam
Almaarif 01 Singosari Malang? And there
are two hypothesis of this study. The first is
alternative hypothesis is The students who
read with picture aided text have better
comprehension than students who read
without picture aided text in reading skill.
And the second is the students who read with
picture aided text do not have better
comprehension than students who read
without picture aided text in reading skill.
Based on the researcher problem, the purpose
of the study tries to measure the effectiveness
of picture aided text on students
comprehension in reading skill at the first
grade students of SMP Islam Almaarif 01
Singosari Malang.
The previous study conducted by
Rummilah (2012) Improving Reading
Comphension By Using Picture Series as
teaching Media of First Grade Students at
Mts. Al-Maarif 01 Singosari and this
research was classroom action research. The
result of study is the use of pictures series as
teaching media could improve the students
reading comprehension.
The next previous study conducted by
Nikmah (2009) Teaching English using
Pictures to Students of SMA Wahid Hasyim
Malang and this research was classroom
action research. The result of study is
teaching English using pictures can improve
the speaking ability of students.

The researcher used quantitative
design. Latif (2012: 94) stated that
experimental design have many variation
include true experimental, quasi experimental,
pre-experimental, or factorial designs. This
research used pre-experimental. In this
research, the researcher used pre-experimental
design in form of one group pre-test-post-test
In this study, the researcher used one
group to collect the data. The first is pre-test
and the second is post-test. In the pre-test the
researcher give the students text without
picture aided text at the first grade of SMP
Islam Almaarif 01 Singosari Malang. And the
post-test the researcher give the students text
with picture aided text at the first grade of
SMP Islam Almaarif 01 Singosari Malang.
And finally, the researcher compared the
score of pre-test and post-test.
A population is the all the inhabitants
of a particular place. According to Ary,
Jacobs, & Razavieh (1979: 129) stated that
population is the larger group. The population
is student of the first grade at SMP Islam
Almaarif 01 Singosari Malang with the total
number of 274 students and the researcher
taken shuffle. The researcher took sample in
V11 F because they have selected from seven
classes. After defining the population, the
researcher selected the sample. According to
Gay (1987: 103) stated that sample is one that
is representative of the population from which
it was selected. The sample of this study was
the student at first grade of SMP Islam
Almaarif 01 Singosari.
The data in this study was analyzed by
using t-test. According to Mistar (2007; 30)
the t-test is used when the researcher
compare two means to find the significant of
the difference between two. There are two
types of t-test, there are independent t-test and
dependent t-test. Because only one group in
this study, the researcher used dependent ttest to analyze the data and in order testing the


ISSN 2337-6384

JP3, Volume 3, No. 14, Agustus


The data was analyzed by dependent ttest. The researcher tested the alternative
hypothesis (H1) and the null hypothesis (HO)
whether the use of picture aided text is
rejected or accepted. In correlation with the
research problem, the findings showed that
student who read with use picture aided text
have significant better result than students
who read without picture aided text. Therefor,
from the result above showed that the
alternative hypothesis (H1) is accepted and
the null hypothesis (HO) is rejected. It was
proven by the difference of students means
score of the pre-test and the post-test. The
mean score of post-test was 67.58 and pretest was 64.59. The result t-test measurement
of the post-test of read use picture aided text
(X) and the pre-test read without picture aided
text (Y).The t-observed was 6.6, while the tcritical on 0.01 level of significant is 2.457,
so the t-observed was higher that t-critical
showed that there is significant difference of
reading comprehension between read with use
picture aided text and read without picture
aided text.
Picture is one of media that can be more
effective in learning process. Especially in
reading, reading with use picture can help the
students to read text. For example, picture can
help the students to awaken their imagination
when they read. According to Harmer (2013;
178) Pictures enhance the text, giving
readers (or students) an extra visual
dimension to what they are reading. It means
that text with use picture can give the readers
some of imaginations about contain of text
itself. The reader can understand the text with
look the picture.

The researcher found the mean of the test

with read with use picture aided text was
67.58 which higher than the mean of test with
read without picture aided text was 64.59.
And proven by the score of t-observed 6.6
which higher than t-critical with df 36 is
2.457. It can be concluded that read with use
picture aided text was more affective to
increase students comprehension in reading
skill than read without picture aided text.
The suggestion for the English teacher
are the English teacher should think about
using picture in reading in order to get better
comprehension as proven from the result of
this study. And The teacher should make a
good condition when the student read a text
and awaken the imagination of the students
when they read.The suggestion for the next
researcher are The next researchers are
expected to take longer time to conduct such
study in order to enlarge the treatment and to
be able to improve English reading
comprehension. And The next researchers
should do the research intensively so that the
result can be reliable, valid, and accountable.


From the hypothesis testing the
researcher found that the hypothesis H1 is
accepted and the Ho is rejected. Therefore,
from result of the hypothesis showed that
student who read with use picture aided text
have significant better result than students
who read without picture aided text. It was
proven by test score both read without picture
aided text and read with picture aided text.


Ary, Donald. Jacobs, L.C. Razavieh,
Reasearch in Education. (Second
Edition). Holt, Rinehart and Winston, inc.
Arikunto, Suharsimi. (2002). Prosedur
Penelitian. Rineka Cipta. Jakarta
Gay.L.R. 1987. Educational Research
Apllication. Third Edition: A Bell &
Columbus Ohio
Harmer, J. (2007). The Practices of English
Language Teaching. England
Latif,A. (2012). Research Methods on
Language Learning an Introduction.
State university of Malang.
Ko, A. (2011). The advantages and
Disadvantages of Picture used , (online),
dvantages-and-disadvantages-ofpicture.html accessed November 6, 2013


ISSN 2337-6384

JP3, Volume 3, No. 14, Agustus


Mistar, Junaidi. (2013). Statistics for ELT

Studies. Islamic University of Malang.
Nikmah. (2009). Teaching English using
pictures to students of SMA Wahid
Hasyim Malang. Skripsi. English
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comprehension by using picture series a
teaching media of frist grade students at MTS.
Al-Maarif 01 Singosari. Skripsi, English
Departement, Faculty of Teacher Training
and Education Islamic University of Malang


ISSN 2337-6384

JP3, Volume 3, No. 14, Agustus



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