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Nama : Mahendra Puguh Perdana

Nrp : 2314100082


TPB 17

A. Tenses :
1. Present
a. Present tense
Pattern :
S + V(s/es) + O
I play football with my friend
He kicks the ball until 50 meters high
b. Present continuous tense
Pattern :
S + to be (is, am, are) + Ving + O
Example :
She is playing music beautifully
He is sleeping in the class
c. Present perfect tense
Pattern :
S + Have/has + V3 + O
I have eaten this morning
She has been sick since Monday
d. Present perfect continuous tense
Pattern :
S + Have/has + been + Ving + O
Example :
She has been reading the book since an hour ago
The driver has been driving the car until now
2. Past
a. Past Tense
Pattern :
S + V2 + O
Example :
He retired from his job yesterday
She came late this morning
b. Past continuous tense
Pattern :
S + was/were + Ving + O
Example :
Our team was playing volley against K-53 yesterday
He was asking me a question about you this morning
c. Past Perfect
Pattern :
S + had + V3 + O

Example :
The fire had burned the building when the fireman came
My brother had eaten all of the cake when I arrived this morning
d. Past perfect continuous
Pattern :
S + had + been + Ving + O
Example :
She had been playing the piano for two hours when her father arrived
He had practicing football for an hour ago
3. Future
a. Present future tense
Pattern :
S + will + V1 + O or S + be (is am are) + going to + V1 + O
Example :
I will go to your house tomorrow
He is not going to eat it
b. Future continuous tense
Pattern :
S + will + be + Ving + O
Example :
Teacher will be giving us an exam tomorrow
My father will be buying me a PC next week
c. Future perfect
Pattern :
S + will + have + V3 + O
Example :
I will have finished this homework next two hours
Next month, he will have gotten a trophy
d. Future Perfect continuous
Pattern :
S + will + have + been + Ving + O
Example :
She will have studying when you leave home
Next year, I will have been going to Singapore
e. Past future, past future continuous, past future perfect, past future perfect continuous
have the same pattern with present future, future continuous, future perfect, and
future perfect continuous. But we have to change will into would.
B. Compound
Compound sentence contains two independent clauses joined by a coordinator. The
coordinators are as follows: for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so. (we can call it FANBOYS.)
Pattern :
Simple sentence + coordinator + simple sentence
Example :

My father is working, so I go to school by myself

I like to watch cartoon, and my mother likes to watch drama
She is a good person, but his son is bad person
She doesnt want to throw it away or she is too lazy to throw it

C. Passive
In passive sentences, the thing receiving the action is the subject of the sentence and the thing
doing the action is optionally included near the end of the sentence.
Pattern :
[Thing receiving action] + [be] + [past participle of verb] + [by] + [thing doing action]
Example :
1. Present
e. Present tense
Pattern :
O + be + past participle(V3) + by +S
The ball is played by us
The ball is kicked by him until 50 meters high
f. Present continuous tense
Pattern :
O + to be (is, am, are) + being+ V3 +by+ S
Example :
The music is being played by her beautifully
The car is being driven by him
g. Present perfect tense
Pattern :
O + Have/has + been +V3 + by + S
Meatball has been eaten by me this morning
The bike has been repaired by my father
h. Present perfect continuous tense
Pattern :
O + Have/has + been + being +V3+ by + S
Example :
The book has been being read by her since an hour ago
The car has been being driven by the driver until now
2. Past
e. Past Tense
Pattern :
O + was/were + V3 + by +S
Example :
The food was cooked by my mother yesterday
The homework was done by him
f. Past continuous tense

Pattern :
O + was/were + being+ V3 + by +S
Example :
Volley was being played by our team against K-53 yesterday
A question about you was being asked by him to me this morning
g. Past Perfect
Pattern :
O + had + been +V3 + by +S
Example :
The building had been burned by fire when the fireman came
All of the cake had been eaten by my brother when I arrived this morning
h. Past perfect continuous
Pattern :
O + had + been + being +V3 +by + S
Example :
The piano had been being played by her for two hours when her father arrived
Football had been being practiced by him for an hour ago
3. Future
f. Present future tense
Pattern :
O + will + be +V3 + by+S
O + be (is am are) + going to + be +V3 +by+S
Example :
The duty will be finished by him tomorrow
The apple is not going to be eaten by him
g. Future continuous tense
Pattern :
O + will + be +being +V3 +by+S
Example :
We will be being given an exam by teacher tomorrow
I will be being bought a PC by my father next week
h. Future perfect
Pattern :
O + will + have + been+V3 + by + S
Example :
The homework will have been finished by me next two hours
Next month, a trophy will have been gotten by him
i. Future Perfect continuous
Pattern :
O + will + have + been + being+V3 +by+ S
Example :
Sociology will have been being studied by her when you leave home
Next year, a car will have been being gotten by me

j. Past future, past future continuous, past future perfect, past future perfect continuous
have the same pattern with present future, future continuous, future perfect, and
future perfect continuous. But we have to change will into would.
D. Causative
In causative we use: let, make, have, get
1. Let :
Allow some one to do something
Pattern :
S + let + person + verb
Example :
They let me take a break this Monday because of my condition
I let him clean my house
2. Make :
Force someone to do something
Pattern :
Example :
They make me clean his car
Teacher made us do the exam carefully
3. Have
Give someone the responsibility to do something
Pattern :
S + have/has + person + verb
Example :
they have me clean the roof
We have him drive the car
4. Get
Convince someone to do something
Pattern :
S + get / got+ person + to + verb
My brother gets me to help his homework
Aulia got him to repaire her PC
E. Degree of Comparison
1. Positive Degree
Compare an equal thing
Pattern :
S + be + as/the same + adj + as + O or
S + Verb + as/the same + adverb + as + O
Example :
He is as clever as his father
Rina counts the money as carefully as Jaya

2. Comparative Degree
Compare two or more things that one thing is bigger or more than the other
Pattern :
S + be + adj + er + than + O or ( one syllable)
S + be + more + adj + than + O ( more than one syllable)
Example :
My book is more expensive than yours
Tina is taller than Budi
3. Superlative Degree
Compare one thing with the other. One thing is the most() among the other
Pattern :
S + be + the +adj + est + O
( one syllable)
S + be + the +most + adj + O ( more than one syllable)
Example :
Ardi is the most diligent student in this class
He is the best engineer in this town

positive degree
much / many

comperative degree
farther / further

superlative degree
farthest / furthest

F. Countable and Uncountable

1. Countable nouns
They are things that we can count. Example: dog, chair, book, ball, etc.
Example :
a. For positive sentences we can use a/an or some (with a plural verb form)
There are three people standing in front of your house
There is a book in my bag
b. For negatives we can use a/an or any (with a plural verb form)
There isnt a book in my bag
There arent any fish in refrigerator
2. Uncountable nouns
we use some for uncountable nouns
Example :

There is some milk on the floor.

Is there any sugar?
How much wine is there?
3. Other expressions of quantity
A lot of can be used with both countable and uncountable nouns. A lot of is used in
positive sentences
Example :
There are a lot of people in the Relix mall
There is a lot of sugar in your tea
We use not many with countable nouns and not much with uncountable nouns.
There is not much money in my pocket
There arent many dogs in your house

Conditional sentences
The conditional sentences are sometimes confusing for learners of English.


condition possible to fulfill


condition in theory possible to fulfill


condition not possible to fulfill (too late)


If Clause

Main Clause

Simple Present

will-future (or Modal + infinitive)


Simple Past

would + infinitive


Past Perfect

would + have + past participle

Examples (if-clause at the beginning)

A. Simple Present :
1. If I pass the exam, my father will buy me a PC
2. My mother will go to Singapore, if I have enough money

B. Simple Past
1. If I were you, I would accept her present
2. My brother would go abroad, if he passed minimal toefl score
C. Past Perfect
1. If we had known about your condition, we would have accompanied you
2. I would have called you, if I had had a phone

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