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I, A. Konviser, A. I. Nakorchevskii, V. V. Sinitsyn, E. L. Smorodinskii, and G. B. Froishteter
Izv. AN SSSR. Mekhanika Zhidkosti i Gaza, VoL 3, No. 4, pp. 197-201, 1968
The hydrodynamic and heat transfer problems for nonisothermal
laminar flow of non-Newtonian fluids were considered in [ 1 - 8 ] .
tt was emphasized, and this is confirmed by numerical calculations,
that for these fluids the greatest influence is that of the viscosity
change, which has a significant effect on the velocity profile and
thus on the transport coefficients even for relatively slight temperatuxe change across the flow section.
Data are presented in [4] of calculations of the internal heat
release during lubricant transport. These calculations show that in
order of magnitude the heat release resulting from dissipation by
mechanical energy at the usual transport velocities is comparable
with the thermal fluxes which usualIy occur in heat transfer apparatus for the plastic lubricants.
The equation

~ = ~eE/~r



only qualitative value for verifying the equation proposed in this


/0 ~



G 8 gO'

Fig. 2
was used in [t, 2] to solve the heat transfer problem for laminar
flow of pseudoplagtic fluids. Here y is the shear rate, r is the shear
stress, T is absolute temperature, and m, n, and E/R are constants
which are independent of tempexature.





8 CO


/0 z

Fig. i
Figure 1 shows generalized data from viscosimeter measurements
using (1) for a 0.75 % aqueous solution of carboxypotymethylene
(CPM) (curve 1) and a 3~ aqueous solution of carboxymethylcellulose
(CMC) (curve 2) [ i ] .
The introduction of Eq. (1), defining the velocity profile with
account for temperature variation, into the usual equation for heat
transfer made it possible to obtain numerical solutions which are in
good agreement with experimental data for both heating and cooling.
The equation
~,,' = --~ (l + ~ - 1 ,


= ~y + kV~,

where g0 is the dynamic viscosity, was used in [3] to solve analogous

The viscosity temperature dependence was taken into account
using the usual formula
go =

AeEI Rr.

As mentioned previously, the relation (1), which is used later

in the form of one of the terms of the flow equation for plastic
Iubricants, must correlate the experimental data for different temperatures with a constant value of the exponent n. This condition
is usually not satisfied, To determine the possible errors of this
method we reduced the data for aqueous solutions of several polymers,
whose curves are presented in [7]. The results of the analysis are
shown in Fig 2 (1) t. 25% CMC, 2) 4% PVA, see Table 1). tn spite
of the known variations of n (the value varies for the CMC solution
in the range 0. 786-0. 827 and for PVA in the range 0. 678-0. 702)
it was possible to obtain satisfactory agreement of the experimental
data with Eq. (1) for an averaged value of the exponent n.
Of interest are the values of ( E / R ) ~ = e o n s t , presented in
Table 1.
We see from Table 1 that with increase of the polymer concentration the value of the parameter E/R increases; for more highly
concentrated systems such as the plastic lubricants we would naturally
expect still larger values.
The actual nature of the flow curves of the plastic lubricants is
very complex and has not yet been described mathematically. Analysis of numerous viscosimetric measurements (several hundred flow
curves), and also analysis of the literature data, has shown that if
we follow the path of obtaining the simplest approximating function for the experimental flow curve, this requirement is satisfied
completely by the relation (for T = eonst)


The resulting numerical solutions were verified by experimental

data, which reflected indirectly the agreement of the velocity and
temperature profiles.
The data presented in [1-3] indicate that the method of solution
of such problems with the use of the flow equation with a temperature
facto~ is more exact than the introduction of an empirical correction
accounting for the viscosity variation, following Zider and Tart,
modified by Metzner et at. [5] with application to non-Newtonian
fluids. As shown in [6], this correction corresponds well to the heating data and considerably more poorly with the cooling data.
The method used in [7] to reduce the experimental heat transfer data to zero magnitudes of the thermal flux can obviously be of


where ry is the yield point.

Characteristic of this relation, as for power-law equations in
general, are the objections of "dimensionality," "infinity," and
"nullity" [8]. The dimensionality objection has been discussed many
times [9], and it can be considered established that for many engineering applications it is not significant. As for the "infinity" objection, for lubricants it is not a definitive factor, since under practical conditions the flow is reaiized with relatively small values of
the shear. The "nullity" objection, in essences is removed by the
intzoduction into Eq, (4) of the quantity r., which assumes foz
~"--< Ty a pseudosolid state of the medium and, consequently, the
plastic viscosity
qp = (~--+~) I~
in the range ~-= 0-ry must
any arbitrarily small stress
pearance of a deformation.
spond to a definite value of


equal infinity. Naturally, in reality

applied to a body must cause the apTherefore the quantity r = T must correY
yy and the viscosity must be noninfinite.



Table 1
Fluid composition



3% aqueous solution of CMC



1.6~ aqueous solution of CMC

1.25o]o aqueous solution of CMC




aqueous solution of CPM


0.35~ aqueous solution of CPM

4o]o aqueous solution of polyvinyl alcohol (PVA)


[7] reduction by
[1] present authors

[~] reduction by
present authors

Table 2

kc, N/m2

I 2.17. iO-4
OKB- 122- 7
Lubricating grease [ 14] 3.67- iO-~

Ee ~

N " secn/
/k 9 m z

E/t~ ~

2.08. iO~
2.59. tO-1


O. 280
O. 364




For very s m a l l shear rates (below 0.001 sec -1) the existence of
a region gp = const has been proved [10], which does not correspond to the assumed relation (4); however the a v a i l a b l e experim e n t a l data i n d i c a t e that for the plastic lubricants even at shear
rates less that 0.1 see -1 the viscosity is e x t r e m e l y high and reaches
values of the order of several thousand poises [11, 12],
Therefore it is quite a c c e p t a b l e to t a k e ~p -* oo as x--c-xu . Moreover, we must bear i n mind t h a t the region of very s m a I i shear rates
under the conditions of the problem under consideration does not
h a v e any significant importance.
We introduce into (4) a t e m p e r a t u r e factor on the basis of the
following considerations. We assume, as in the preceding studies,
that the viscosity temperatttre d e p e n d e n c e corresponds to an exp o n e n t i a l law, extending this d e p e n d e n c e to the plastic viscosity,
which is defined by (5).
Equation (4) for T = T 1 and 9 = ~ is
'q -- "q,, =

,4~ "h"' 9


The connection between the shear rate 7 at the wall and the
average shear rate D = O / aN 3 may be obtained from the RabinovichMooney equation [9] (in the following the values of r and y are t a k e n
at the wall, i . e . , ~ = x~,? = ~?~) :






It is not difficult to show that for T~ - - xy = const and v a r i a tion of the temperature from T 1 to T i the shear rate Yi w i l l be defined by the relation

Since no a d d i t i o n a l conditions other than x - - ~ = const are

imposed on 9 - - ~v, Eq. (6) is v a l i d for any arbitrary values of the





Fig. 4


We find from (4) that





Substituting the value of 7 from (12) and (11) we h a v e



-~-D =

1 ( "~-- "% ~ m
T \ T ;


Solving (13), we obtain


1[-- -fy





,,,,,,- - + - - , ,




Fig. 3

shear stresses. Moreover, on the basis of the previously presented

results for the pseudoplastic fiuids, we can assume that satisfactory
correlation of the e x p e r i m e n t a l data m a y be obtained for constant
values of k 1 and n over a quite wide range of variations of the t e m peratures and shear stresses. Further, assuming that E is constant for
a g i v e n fluid, we write (6) in the form

k,[ 'y exp

( i _ i

The constant of integration C = 0 from the following condition:

D = 0 for T = T v.Thus
D =/;I



Equation (10) together with (15) was verified using our experim e n t a l data and the flow curves obtained by Vinograd and P a r l o r
[14] for synthetic grease. In view of the extensive calculations,
they were performed on an e l e c t r o n i c computer.


The v a l u e of the yield point r y also depends on the temperature.

If the yield point is considered from the position of the Mises-Hencky
concept [83 with account for the fact that (8) owes its origin to the
Frenkel hypothesis on the s i m i l a r i t y of fluids and solids [13], after
several s i m p l e calculations we can obtain the r e l a t i o n

293 ~

Then on the basis of (9), Eq. (8) m a y be written as
"q = "r~, exp [ 0.5E~ ( 1


3230 ~ . =

Fig. 5

The e x p e r i m e n t a l flow curves are compared winh the c a l c u l a t e d

data in Figs. 3 - 5 (TsIATIM-20] [Central Institute of Aviation Fuels



and Lubricants], OKB-122-7 [Special Design Bureau], lubricating

grease, respectively), the solid CLOVesare experiment, the dashed
curves are calculation using (16). In spite of some deviation, in
general the agreement between the calculated curves and the experimental data must be considered quite satisfactory. This makes
it possible to consider (10) an acceptable approximation for the
actual flow curves of the plastic lubricants with account for the effect
of the temperature factor. A more extensive verification of this equation in the future is desirable, particularly in the region of higher temperatures and low shear rates.
Equation (1O) contains two parameters ryl and k I , which are
determined from the flow curves corresponding to the temperature
T t , This relation is not convenient in this form for subsequent use
in the hydrodynamics and heat transfer equation, since the value of
the temperature TI may not coincide with the initial flow conditions.
Therefore we rranstorm (10) so that quantities appear in it which
are constant for a given lubricant, independent of the conditions for
the definition of the constants:
= k= exp(


Here k c and k are defined by the relations



0.5Ec \

--R-T1, '

Table 2 presents the values of the constants in (16) for the theoretical flow curves shown in Fig. 3-5.
We see from the data of Table 2 that the discrepancies in the
values of the constants E/R and Ec/R are relatively small, and the
quantities E are approximately equal to Ec. This situation is not
unexpected. If we follow Frenkel [13], then the activation energy
E of a particular substance must vary only with transition from one
aggregate state to another, and this variation is a result of the difference in the relative positioning of the atoms. With regard to the
plastic lubricants, transition through the yield point does not in any
way mean a change of the aggregate state; it means onty the appearance of irreversible deformations.
The slight disagreement between E and Ec may be explained by
the approximate method of determining the values of ry, which were
obtained by extrapolation of the experimental curves into the region
of zero values of the shear rates.
Confidence in the values of Ec requires additional verification
from the results of direct determinations of the yield point. If such
data are accumulated, then from the experimental flow curve for
only a single temperature we can obtained the approximate values of
the constants in (16) by using (17) and (18). If flow curves are available for two or more values of the temperatures, all the constants
are determined directly by solving (16).



The somewhat increased complexity of (16) in comparison with

the usual theological equations, which ignore the temperature factor,
is not essential in application to the problems in question, which
require numerical solution in all cases.
Simultaneous consideration of Eqs. (16), the equations of motion
and energy balance, permits determining the velocity and temperature
profiles for nonisothermal flow of plastic lubricants and solving several
important applied problems. This more complex problem is the
subject of further investigation.
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11. G. I. Fuks, Viscosity and Plasticity of Petroleum Products [in
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30 Octobe~ 1967

Kiev, Moscow

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