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A general term that pertains to human beings regardless of its gender.

A living creature on the planet Earth, created above all.
Man has been created in the image and likeness of God.
Man is a spiritual-being living in a physical body which a living soul consists of mind, an
emotion and a will.
The human creature receives a mission to govern creation in order to make all its potential
shine or called to be the steward of Gods creation.

Composition of Man
Body - The body is the physical appearance, outer material surface, flesh, skin, inner bones
called skeleton, internal and external organs, the material parts that you are carrying around
everyday. The body responds sensitively to outer impressions, customs, communications or
thought changes from the mind too. The body is the sum total of what the soul is living, thinking,
speaking, acting or doing inside. The body is the costume over the souls activities.
Soul - The soul, the inner man underneath the body, is very mystical, invisible, fluid, non material
entity, wind like, silent, cannot be grasped, light, cosmic, ethereal in composition, able to travel
anywhere or leave the body at will, helps and holds the body to live, move, think, speak, act and
stand, lies inside under the body mass. The soul is the image of spirit.
Spirit - The spirit is the Father, creator, and Lord of both soul and body. The spirit is the inner
most layer of our being, is invisible, silent, permeates all, fluid, non material, wind like, ethereal,
cosmic, powerful, unstoppable by anything, forceful, loving, good, holy, kind, can perform
miracles and wonders at will in the life of all His creations. This is mans link to God which is a
feature, upon installation or activation that allows mans soul to be permanently united with God
in time and throughout eternity.

Bulacan, Patrisha B.
Reflection: My Purpose in Life
"The Lord has made everything for its purpose", (Prov. 16:4). Each day I wake up, I know I
have a purpose. I believe that we are all living for something. A purpose that I am about to find

out. Making mistakes and learning everyday through making differences and doing what is right.
Many people have different aspects about life, but I believe in fulfilling a purpose in life.
Life is a journey and every journey leads us to our destiny. We just need to take and enjoy
the ride. Most of us have no clue of what we want to do with our lives. But as we get older, we
understand and realize many things. We need to make decisions and directions for our lives.
Make our dreams come true, to one day form the foundation of what will lead us into what we will

As time passes by, I grow wiser, having a better relationship with God, and knowing that
whatever I do with my life has a connection with His intentions for me. I have found the true
happiness in God that I may be able to be His instrument in spreading His words while fulfilling
my lifes purposes.
I have always been independent and mature since I was a child. I am just a simple lady
with a lot of dreams. At this point in time, I know I am still young to state what really my purpose
is. But for now, like everyones dream is to graduate, work, help my family and to have my own
family as well. But then, I am still on my way to find and discover how to make all my dreams
come true and turn it into reality. God knows the hardships Ive been through and the efforts I
have put in everything I do.
Every day, life throws us different challenges and obstacles along the way. Even though in
some situations everything seems to mess up and go against our will. I always strive to be
optimistic and have a positive outlook in life. I believe that everything happens for a reason, and
its reason is to teach us a lesson that will make us wiser and a better person.
Right now, I am just so thankful for all the blessings and for what I am right now. God has
always been guiding me in every step I take. In the future, I will look back and think of all my
accomplishments. I will perceive my life not as a lifeless body, but a body that experienced the
full ride of life. I know someday, I will fulfill my purpose in life.

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