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A. Background of Problem

All of us possible have a lot of hearing dreadful story about HIV / aids. that
Penyebrangan AIDS take place quickly and possible have now there is around us.
Hitherto not yet there is drug which can heal the AIDS, even disease which in this time
not yet can be prevented with the vaccine. But all of us needn't fear. If healthy us
berprilaku and hold responsible and also ever hold the firmness of religion teaching,
hence we will free from the HIV / aids.
B.Purpose process of writing
handing out is done/conducted to fulfill target expected can be of benefit to all of
us in adding science and knowledge. detailedly is intention of research and this handing
out writing is :
1. Knowing cause AIDS and also generated danger
2. Knowing the way of prevention HIV / AIDS.
C.Metode Writing
To get the data and information needed by a writer utilize the method of
observation and bibliography. As for technique Ctilized at this research shall be as

Technique Interview the Intention of technique interview this is so that/ to be

obtained by a more complete picture hit the studied case. Repondennya cover
some educator clan which writer assume enough understand about this problem

Book Study of At this method, writer read the book and literature of which deal
with this handing out writing

Internet of At this method is writer, also look for the items of which deal with this
writing in intern.

HIV ( Human Immunodeficiency Virus)

Klasifikasi Virus : Group: Group VI ( ssRNA-RT)Familia: Retroviridaegenus:

Lentivirusspesies: Human Immunodeficiency virus 1Spesies: Human Immunodeficiency
virus 2HIV ( human immunodeficiency virus) [is] a retrovirus which infection of cell of
system of impenetrability of human being body - especially CD4+ Cell of T and
macrophage, vital component from system of system of body impenetrability " host - and
break or damage [of] their function. Infection from HIV cause the reduction quickly from
system of body impenetrability, causing immured insuffiency.
HIV represent the elementary cause of AIDS. HIV have been used by since 1986
( Coffin Et al., 1986) as name for the retrovirus of proposed first time as cause AIDS by
France Luc Montagnier, what is initially naming it LAV ( lymphadenopathy-associated
virus) ( Barre-Sinoussi Et al., 1983) and by Robert Gallo from United States, what is
initially naming it HTLV-III ( the introduce of AIDS n HIV h1986) as name for the
retrovirus of proposed first time as cause AIDS by France Luc Montagnier, what is
initially naming it LAV ( lymphadenopathy-associated virus) ( Barre-Sinoussi Et al.,
1983) and by Robert Gallo from United States, what is initially naming it HTLV-III
( human T lymphotropic of virus of type III) ( Popovic Et al., 1984)
HIV is member from gender lentivirus , part of family retroviridae marked with
the long period latensi and a wrapper lipid from sel-host of early encircling a protein

center / RNA. Two species of HIV of human being infection: HIV-1 And HIV-2. HIV-1 is
more " virulent" and catching easier, and represent the source from most infection HIV in
all the world; HIV-2 of most shut-in still in west African ( Reeves And Doms, 2002).
species of early in west African and middle, jump out of the primata to human being in a
process which is known as by zoonosis.HIV-1 evolution have from a simian
immunodeficiency virus ( SIVCPZ) found in subspesies chimpanzee, Pan Troglodyte
troglodyte ( Gao Et al., 1999).HIV-2 jumping species from a different strain SIV, found in
sooty mangabeys, old world monkey of Guinea-Bissau ( Reeves And Doms, 2002).HIV-1
owning 3 group or grup succeeded identified [by] pursuant to difference of at envelopenya that is M, N, and O ( Thomson Dkk, 2002).
biggest Group M of prevalensinya and divided by into 8 subtipe of pursuant to
entire/all genomnya, what is each differing geographically ( Carr Dkk, 1998). biggest
Subtipe of prevalensinya is subtipe B ( a lot of found in African and As subtipe A and D
( a lot of found in African), and C ( a lot of found in African and Asian); this subtipesubtipe represent the part of group M from HIV-1. Ko-Infeksi by subtipe is which
berrbeda improve the sirkulasi form the rekombinan ( Catching CRFs)PenularanHIV
through/ passing relation/link of kelamin and coitus oral, or through/ passing anus, blood
transfusion, use with needle terkontaminasi of [through/ passing] hypodermic medicinize
and in health treatment, and [among/between] mother and its baby during a period of/to
pregnancy, birth and a period of/to suckling. UNAIDS Transmission. Use of physical
Protector of like condom latex suggested to lessen the infection HIV of through/ passing]
Lately, suggested that by a circumcision can lessen the risk of spreading of virus
HIV expert believe that this matter still too early to recommend the boy circumcision in
order to preventing HIV.Pada year-end 2004 estimated by among/between 36 till 44
million one who live by HIV, 25 million among other things is resident of sub-Sahara
African. Estimate sum up one who infection HIV in all the world in the year 2004 is
among/between 4,3 million till 6,4 million people. ( AIDS Epidemic update the
December 2004).Wabah this do not flatten in region certain wilayan caused by more
suffering nations than the other. Even at state level even also there is its infection level

difference at different area. Sum up one who live by HIV increasing in all world shares,
though have been done/conducted by various preventive action which ketat.Sub-Sahara
African remain to represent the most incured by hard area of HIV of among pregnant
woman clan at age 15-24 year in a number of state over there. This anticipated by
because of to the number of venereal disease, practice incise the body, blood transfusion,
and obsolence mount the health and gizi over there ( Bentwich Et al., 1995). In the year
2000, WHO approximating that 25% blood unit which transfusion in African do not dites
for the HIV OF, and that 10% infection HIV in that continent is happened to by pass the
blood.Di Asia, epidemic HIV especially because of all anaesthetic consumer pass the
hypodermic needle, good coitus of antarpria and also with the commercial worker seks,
and its cutomer/ client, and also their couple seks. Its prevention still less memadai.
Struktur HIV differ in structure by retrovirus explained previously. Level of about
120 nm in diameter ( per 120 billion metre, about 60 times smaller than red corpuscle)
and its[his] harsh " spherical"
AIDS ( Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome)

folded by Red Ribbon is positive people who solidarity symbol is infection of

virus of HIV and AIDS.ACQUIRED Immunodeficiency Syndrome or Acquired Immune
Deficiency Syndrome ( shortened by AIDS) is a group of symptom and infection ( or:
syndrome) arising out of because destroying nya of system of impenetrability of body of
human being of effect of of infection of virus HIV;or other;dissimilar virus infection is

which loo like groaning other species ( SIV, FIV, and so called lain-lain).Virusnya by
xself Human Immunodeficiency Virus ( or shortened by HIV) that is virus weakening
impenetrability of at human being body. One who is incured by this virus will become the
rentan to infection oportunistik and or is easy to incured by tumor.
hough handling which there have earned to slow down fast of virus growth, but
this disease not yet really can disembuhkan.HIV and virus of a kind contagious generally
through/ passing direct contact among/between husk coat in ( membrane mukosa) or
blood stream, with the pregnant body dilution of HIV, like blood, sperma, vagina dilution,
dilution preseminal, and irrigate the milk ibu.Infection can be happened by through/
passing intimate relation/link ( vaginal, anal, and or oral), blood transfusion, hypodermic
needle which terkontaminasi, among/between mother and baby of during pregnancy,
copying, or suckling, and also form the other contact with dilution of body of
tersebut.Para of man of science generally have a notion that AIDS come from African
Sub-Sahara.4 Nowadays AIDS have come to the disease epidemic. AIDS of infection
Estimate have 38,6 million people in all the world.
At January 2006, UNAIDS cooperate by WHO estimate that AIDS have caused
the death more than 25 million people of since is first time confessed at date of 5 June
1981. Thereby, this disease represent one of epidemic most killing in history. AIDS
claimed by have caused the death as much 2,4 till 3,3 million soul in the year just 2005,
and more than 570.000 soul among other things is child One-Third from this death
amount is happened in African Sub-Sahara, so that slow down the economic growth and
break the strength of human resource over there .
real treatment Antiretrovirus can lessening death storey;level and its his hard is
infection HIV, but access to the medication is not made available in all social
negara.Hukuman for patient HIV / aids, heavier generally if/when compared to by a
disease patient kill other. Sometimes the social penalization also partake thrusted upon to
worker of health or volunteer, in concerned in taking care of one who live by HIV / aids
( ODH)

symptom And komplikasi

Various symptom AIDS generally will not be became of by the people who own
the good body impenetrability system. Mostly the condition of effect of of infection by
bacterium, virus, fungi and parasite, what is usually controlled by elements of damage by
body impenetrability system of HIV. common/ public Infection Oportunistik discovered
at patient AIDS. HIV influence most of all body organ. Patient AIDS also bigger beresiko
suffer the cancer of like sarkoma Kaposi, gracious neck cancer, and cancer of
impenetrability system of[is so-called limfoma.
Usually patient AIDS own the systematical infection symptom; like fever,
sweating ( especially at night), pembengkakan gland, chilled, feel weak, and also heavy
degradation of badan. certain infection Oportunistik suffered by patient AIDS, also
depend on frequency storey;level of the happening of the infection in geographical region
of place live patient.
Especial emphysema
Photo of pneumonia X-Ray of at lungs ,couses by Pneumocystis jirovecii.
Pneumonia pneumocystis ( PCP)10 seldom be met at healthy people owning good body
impenetrability, but is generally met at one who this infection HIV. cause of disease is
fungi Pneumocystis jirovecii. Before existence of diagnosed, treatment, and effective
routine precaution in Western countries, this disease generally immediately cause death.
In nations expand, this disease still represent the first indication of AIDS of at people who
not yet dites, although generally the indication do not emerge unless sum up the CD4 less
than 200 per L.Tuberkulosis ( TBC) represent the unique infection among
related/relevant other infection of HIV, because earning contagious to one who healthy
( imunokompeten) of [through/ passing] respiration route ( respirasi). He earn is easily
handled by if/when have been identified, can emerge at stadium of early HIV, preventable
and also through/ passing medication therapy. But that way, resistensi TUBERCULOSIS
to various drug represent the potential problem at disease of this ini

.Although disease appearance in nations West have decreased because using of

therapy with the direct perception and other newest method, but is not that way that
happened in nations expand the place HIV at most found. At stadium of early infection
HIV ( sum up the CD4 > 300 cell [of] per L), TUBERCULOSIS emerge as
emphysema. At stadium continue the infection HIV, he often emerge as systematical
disease groaning part of other body ( tuberkulosis ekstrapulmoner). Its symptoms usually
have the character of is not specific ( konstitusional) and [is] not limited [at] one
tempat.TBC accompanying infection HIV often groan the bone marrow, bone, channel of
kemih and digestion channel, liver, lymph gland ( nodus limfa regional), and nervous
system of center.Thereby, symptom which emerge possible more go together the place of
appearance of disease ekstrapulmoner.
especial digestion Channel disease
Esofagitis is peradangan of at throat ( oesophagus), that is food band from mouth
to stomach. At individual which infection HIV, this disease is happened by because
mushroom infection ( mushroom kandidiasis) or virus ( herpes simpleks-1 or virus
sitomegalo). He even also earn because of mikobakteria, though its case is chronic
Diare is which cannot be explained at infection HIV can be happened by because
various cause; for example infection of common/ public parasite and bacterium ( like
Salmonella, Shigella, Listeria, Kampilobakter, and Escherichia coli), and also infection
oportunistik which is not common/ public and virus ( like kriptosporidiosis,
mikrosporidiosis, Mycobacterium Avium complex, and virus sitomegalo ( CMV)
representing cause kolitis).Pada of some case, diarrhoea happened by as side effects from
obat-obatan used to handle the HIV, or side effects from especial infection ( primer) from
HIV itself. Others, diarrhoea earn also represent the side effects from antibiotic used to
handle the diarrhoea bacterium ( for example at Clostridium difficile). At final stadium of
infection HIV, diarrhoea estimated to represent the guide of the happening of change of[is
way of digestion channel permeate the nutrisi, and also possible represent the important
component in dismissal system of which deal with HIV.

Nerve disease and especial psychological

Infection HIV can generate immeasurable of behaviour disparity of because
trouble of at nerve ( neuropsychiatric sequelae), what is because of organism infection for
nervous system which have come to the rentan, or as direct effect of from that disease is
sendiri.Toksoplasmosis is disease which is because of parasite bersel-satu, so-called
Toxoplasma gondii. This parasite usually brain infection and cause to chafe the acute
brain ( toksoplasma ensefalitis), but he also infection can and cause the disease of at eye
and paru-paru.meningitis Kriptokokal is infection meninges ( membrane closing over
brain and backbone marrow) by mushroom of Cryptococcus neoformans. This matter can
cause the fever, headache, tired, queasy, and vomit the. Patient also possible experience
of the epilepsy and muzziness, what is otherwise handled to by earn the progressive
Leukoensefalopati multifokal is disease demielinasi, that is disease breaking nerve
shroud ( mielin) closing over fiber of nerve cell ( akson), so that destroy the passing of
nerve impulse. He is because of virus JC, what is 70% its population there are in body of
human being in a condition laten, and cause the disease only when impenetrability system
very weak, as that happened at patient AIDS. This Disease expand quickly ( progresif)
and disseminate the ( multilokal), so that usually cause the death during one month after
diagnosis.16Kompleks demensia AIDS is disease of ability degradation bounce the
( demensia) that happened because downhill it metabolism of brain cell ( ensefalopati
metabolik) what is because of infection HIV; so that and pushed also by the happening of
immured activation by makrofag and mikroglia of at natural brain of infe [releasing]
neurotoksin. specific Nerve damage, see in the form of cognate ketidaknormalan,
behavioral, and motorik, what emerge through years after infection HIV happened.
This matter relate to the its his low circumstance sum up the cell of T CD4+ and
height of virus payload of at blood plasma. its Apparition number ( prevalensi) [in]
Western countries is about 10-20%,but in India is only became of 1-2% contract of
infection HIV.This Difference is possible happened by caused by his/its is difference of
subtipe HIV in ferocious India.

Kanker tumor and ( malignan)

Sarkoma Kaposipasien with the infection HIV basically own the higher level risk
to the happening of some cancer. This matter because infection by virus of DNA of cause
of mutation genetik; that is especially virus Epstein-Barr ( EBV), virus of herpes
Sarkoma Kaposi ( KSHV), and virus of papiloma human being ( HPV).SARKOMA
Kaposi is tumor which most commonly groan the patient which infection HIV. this
Tumor Apparition at a number of homosexual young fellow of year 1981 is one of first
forerunner of epidemic AIDS.
This disease because of virus from subfamili gammaherpesvirinae, that is virus of
herpes manusia-8 which is also referred as by virus of herpes Sarkoma Kaposi ( KSHV).
This Disease often appear in/on the husk in the form of blot keungu-unguan, but can
groan the other;dissimilar organ, especially trap the, digestion channel, and high level
paru-paru.Kanker lymph ( limfoma cell B) is cancer groaning phabocyte and gathered in
lymph gland, for example like limfoma Burkitt ( Burkitt'S Lymphoma) or of a kind
( Burkitt's-like Lymphoma), diffuse large B-Cell lymphoma ( DLBCL), and limfoma of
nervous system center the primary, a more regular emerge at patient which infection HIV.
This cancer oftentimes represent the condition estimate ( ugly prognosis). At some
case, limfoma is especial sign of AIDS. This Limfoma most because of virus of EpsteinBarr or virus of gracious herpes Sarkoma Kaposi.Kanker neck at woman incured by HIV
assumed by a especial sign of AIDS. This Cancer because of virus of papiloma
manusia.Pasien which infection HIV also can be incured by a other tumor, like limfoma
Hodgkin, cancer of large intestine of under ( rectum), and cancer anus. But that way, a lot
of common/ public tumor-12tumor like cancer of bosom and large intestine cancer
( colon), what do not mount its occurence at patient of infection HIV. . In place
doing/conducting of very active therapy antiretrovirus ( HAART) in handling AIDS,
apparition of various cancer of which deal with downhill AIDS, but at the (time) of same
of cancer later;then become the death cause which most commonly at patient which
infection of HIV.
INFEKSI oportunistik lainnyaPasien AIDS usually suffer the infection
oportunistik with the symptom is not specific, especially light fever and heavy loss of


body. this infection Oportunistik is inclusive of infection of Mycobacterium aviumintracellulare and virus sitomegalo. virus Sitomegalo can cause the trouble chafe at large
intestine ( kolitis) is such as those which explained above, and trouble chafe at retina eye
( retinitis sitomegalovirus), which can cause the blindness. Infection which is because of
mushroom of Penicillium marneffei, or referred as by Penisiliosis, nowadays is third
infection oportunistik is which most commonly ( after tuberkulosis and kriptokokosis) at
one who are positive of HIV in endemic area of South-East Asia
new HIV multiply the visible x'self pop out as small circle ( coloured by the of
green) at surface limfosit after groaning the cell; seen with the microscope elektron.AIDS
represent the hard form for effect of of infection HIV. HIV is retrovirus which usually
groan the vital organ of system of human being impenetrability, like cell of T CD4+ ( of a
kind cell T), makrofag, and cell dendritik. Damage HIV of cell of T CD4+ directly and
indirectly, though cell of T CD4+ required by system of to impenetrability of body can
function goodness. . If/When HIV have killed the cell of T CD4+ till its amount decrease
till less than 200 per mikroliter ( L) Blood, hence impenetrability in cell storey;level
will lose, and as a result is condition of[is so-called AIDS.
Acute Infection of HIV will continue to become the infection of laten klinis,
later;then arise the symptom of infection HIV of early, and finally AIDS; identified by
checking amount of cell of T CD4+ in blood and also the existence of certain infection .
Some expert feel concerned about that perception of[is lack of susceptance HIV of at men
circumcise, can improve the behavior of sexual beresiko so that lessen the impact from
effort this prevention .Pemerintah of United States and various health organization
suggest the ABC Approach to degrade the risk incured by HIV of through/ passing
relation/link seksual. As for its formula in Ianguage Indonesia:
-You avoid the seks,
-Behave each other devoted with the couple,
-Prevent by kondom.
Kontaminasi is dilution of infection body Doctor worker following universal care,
like imposing latex gauntlet of when injecting and always clean the hand, can assist to
prevent the organizational infection HIV.All of prevention AIDS suggest the consumer


narkoba in order not to shar the other substance and needle is which is needed to draw up
and take the narkoba ( inclusive of appliance inject the, ball cotton, transfer with a spoon
the, water of pengencer drug, straw, and others). People require to use the new needle and
sterilization to every injection. Information of about cleaning needle use the whitener
provided by health facility and program the needle conversion.
Flatten the HIV of among adult of per state by the end of year 2005.
?? 15-50%
?? 5-15%
?? 1-5%
?? 0.5-1.0%
?? 0.1-0.5%
?? < 0.1%??
there no dataUNAIDS and WHO estimate that AIDS have killed more than 25 million
soul of since is first time confessed by the year 1981, making AIDS as one of epidemik
most breaking at history. Though just now, access the treatment antiretrovirus become
better in a lot of region in world, epidemik AIDS claimed by that estimated by 2,8 million
( [among/between] 2,4 and 3,3 million) life in year 2005 and more than the half a million
( 570.000) representing child Globally, among/between 33,4 and 46 million people
nowadays live by HIV.5 In the year 2005 among/between 3,4 and 6,2 million infection
people and among/between 2,4 and 3,3 million people by AIDS pass away the,
improvement from 2003 and biggest amount since year 1981.Afrika Sub-Sahara remain
to represent the ugly region is which infection, with the estimate 21,6 until 27,4 million
soul nowadays live by HIV. Two millions [ 1,5&-3,0 million] from them [is] children
which its age is lower the than 15 year. More than 64% from every person who live by
HIV in African of Sub Sahara, more than three per four ( 76%) from all woman live by
HIV. In the year 2005, there are 12.0 million [ 10.6-13.6 million] motherless child /
orphan AIDS live in African of Sub Sahara.


AIDS cause the loss of earnings and improve the health expenditure by a
domestic. Decreasing of it earnings cause to decrease it expenditure, and there are also
transfer effect from education expenditure go to the expenditure of health and obsequies.
Research in Ivory Coast indicate that the house of[is date of with the patient HIV / aids
[release] the expense of twice the a lot of for the medical treatment of than for the
expenditure of domestic lainnya.
Refusal for small AIDS group of activist, among other things the inclusive of
some man of science which do not check AIDS,

questioning about existence of

relation/link of among/between HIV and AIDS,that existence with there HIV,and also
truth for attempt and treatment method used to handle it. Their claim have been checked
and is widely refused by community ilmiah, although is continuously propagated by
through/ passing internet and have time to own the political influence in African of South
arch of through/ passing former president of Thabo Mbeki, causing its government is
blamed by for respon which is not effective to epidemik AIDS in state that.



From Economics of HIV and AIDS slow down the economic growth by breaking
amount of human being ably produce the ( human capital). Without good nutrisi, health
facility and medicinize exist in nations expand, people [in the nations become the victim
AIDS. They do not only cannot work, but also will require the adequate health facility.
Forecast that this matter will cause to collapse the economic nya and relation/link
in area which heavy infection, epidemik have left a lot of orphan which is taken care of
by grandfather and its grandmother is which have old.

height mount the death

( mortalitas) in an area will cause to minimize it worker population and those who have
skill. All slimmer worker will be predominated by the youngster, with the slimmer job
experience and knowledge so that productivity will decrease. The increasing of worker
leave to see the ill family member or leave of because pain also will lessen the
Mortalitas mounting also will weaken the mechanism yield the human capital and
invesment of at society, that is because loss of earnings and die it all people : is old.
Because AIDS cause to die it young adult many people, he weaken the population of
Iease payer, lessening public fund like education and other;dissimilar health facility is
which do not relate to AIDS. This give the pressure of at state's finance and slow down
the economic growth. itshis Tardy effect is growth sum up the taxpayer will is
progressively felt by if/when happened by the make-up of expenditure for the handling of
ill people, training ( to replace the ill worker), ill expense replacement, and also treatment
he weaken the of victim AIDS.
This matter especially is likely enough happened by if keen improvement of
mortalitas adult cause to make a move it responsibilities and is wrong, than family to
government, to handle all orphan tersebut.Pada mount the domestic, AIDS cause the loss
of earnings and improve the health expenditure by a domestic. Decreasing of it earnings
cause to decrease it expenditure, and there are also transfer effect from education
expenditure go to the expenditure of health and obsequies. Research in Ivory Coast
indicate that the house of is date of with the patient HIV / aids [release the expense of
twice the a lot of for the medical treatment of than for the expenditure of domestic the




HIV ( human immunodeficiency virus) is a retrovirus which infection of cell of

system of impenetrability of human being body - especially CD4+ Cell of T and
macrophage, vital component from system of system of body impenetrability " host - and
break or damage of their function. Infection from HIV cause the reduction quickly from
system of body impenetrability, causing immured insuffiency.
HIV represent the elementary cause of AIDS.ACQUIRED Immunodeficiency
Syndrome or Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome ( shortened by AIDS) is a group of
symptom and infection ( or: syndrome) arising out of because destroying nya of system
of impenetrability of body of human being of effect of of infection of virus HIV or
other;dissimilar virus infection is which loo like groaning other species ( SIV, FIV, and
others )



The rising generation is generation which just now step on its foot/feet in adult
world. Generally them still look for spirit as human being which wish assumed by a
adult. So that each;every step taken generally tending to to try - try because nature of
keingintahuan of human being to matter - matter assumed newly. If in the reality step
which they take wrong perhaps will cause very the fatal.Hal-hal is a period of/to gristle
representing step of early very have to be taken heed by the rising generation. The rising
generation also very is easy persuaded by people incitement of around his/its. Others the
rising generation is a period of/to where about friendship is anything, and do/conduct
something with, becoming if one of them there is which hence narkoba hence other friend
of penasaran and finally they try also .
Where narkoba within call kaitanya by miras, smoke, and free seks causing HIV /
aids . Generally consumer narkoba with the hypodermic needle is depending type which
is at most used by young clan. And way of this also most of rentan to infection of virus
HIV / aids, so that a lot of bydm soriyt - wilt new generation of the nation before
expanding and finally tarnish the expectation to become the nation router.
Such as those which writer have elaborate at previous chapter that HIV / aids is
dangerous disease because the virus groan the our body impenetrability systems in
melaan of all disease. To avoid the the mentioned earn the writer suggest the matter - the
following matter :
1. For which virus infection not yet HIV / aids better : a). Learn [so that/ to be] getting
the whip hand of diri;b). Owning strong life principle to say " DO NOT" to all type
instructing to narkoba and psikotropika lainnya;c). Fortifying x'self by agama;d). Taking
care of harmonious of family of because free assocciation frequently become the escapee
for child - child which depresi.
2. For patient HIV / aids better
a) Powered of x'self to HIV / aids
b). Trying for the life of longe


c). Will be mixed with the people of about nya / lingkungan;

d). Tough and non-stoped to pray to request the kesembuhan.
3. For family of patient HIV / aids better :
a). Motivating patient to accustomed live by HIV / aids so that can do/conduct the
pattern live the sehat;
b). Motivating patient HIV / aids for the activity of will in going on more life of
baik.AIDS is malignancy which to date not yet in finding its drug. Disease AIDS
in causing by hypodermic needle free and seks is which is in causing by what
assocciation bebas
.SO, IF /when we wish [is] peaceful the than our AIDS better :
Learn [so that/ to be] learning having a command over
Owning strong life principle Fortifying x'self with the religion
And take care of harmonious of family
Because free assocciation frequently become the children escapee which depresi
Dan for patient HIV / aids better :
x'self to AIDS Trying for the life of longe
with the people of around
and non-stoped to pray.


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