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June 23, 1953




Filed Dec. 5, 1946

6 Sheets-Sheet l


$16272 Loumz'e] efLaz/jgne

June 23, 1953




Filed Dec. 5, 1946

6 Sheets-Sheet 2

Fig. 2.




June 23, 1953




Filed Dec. 3, 1946

6 Sheets-Sheet 3


June 23, 1953




Filed Dec. s, 1946

6 Shets-Sheet 5


Patented June 23, 1953




Juan L'oumiet et Lavigne, Playade la Teja,

Itabo, Cuba
Application December a, 1946, serial No. 113,775
'In CubaDecemberivi, '1945

11 Claims.

(Cl. 202-40)

This invention Ii-sin'the nature of an improve
ment upon my pending application Serial No.

very small, it could be assumed that the mini

mum :of steam consumption at the bottom of the
column of highest pressure is 9.09% of the lees it

6583508, vfiled March 30, 1946, for Distilling Proc

ess and Apparatus.
In that process the residues of any one of the

To that expense must be added the consump
tion of the calender of the proper column which

operating columns were injected in the next

column-of higher pressure so that the last one

may be estimated at 3% of the same lees.

of those columns, namely, the column of _highest

The'total minimum consumption woud be then

about 12% of the lees, and since We have reck

pressure, accumulated all the residues of the

feeding washes-tobe exhausted. That column of 10 onedformerly 19 parts of lees to one part of al

ili'ghes't pressure was then the only producer of

co'ho'l produced in the plant, the consumption of

steam Water per part of alcohol produced would


Under such operatingv conditions all the water

contained in the feeding washes was carried into

the extreme column of highest pressure in this

form of alcoholic liquid, partially exhausted, and

=2.28 parts

the function of that column was to complete its

exhaustion, extracting from it the alcohol it

an amount that is now considered excessive.

The present invention diminishes that con
sumption, providing that all or at least the greater
That ?nal "exhaustion of the residues in the 20
part, of the successive columns, produce the ?nal
column of greatest pressure represents an ex

exhaustion of a part of the liquids they operate.

In that form the water of the feeding washes is
partially evacuated with the lees produced in all

cessive steam consumption. The present inven

tion is directed to 'auoid that di?iculty.
If, .ior example, We :assume that the feeding
washes contain 5% alcohol and 95% water, 19
parts of water enter vthe apparatus with one part
of alcohol. All that water is brought together
in the column of highest pressure in the form

those exhausting columns, and therefore, only

the rest of the same is operated in the form of
poor alcoholic liquid in the column of highest
pressure. If the water evacuated in that column
is reduced to one-half or to 40% of the total
water of vthe washes, the steam expense is re

of a poor 'alcoholi'cliquid destined'to vbe exhausted

in that column.

But it is a 'fact that for obtaining that ex


duced proportionately. The pointed out dif?culty

haustion it is necessary to consume at least 9.09

parts of steam per 100 parts of operated liquid.
In effect, the distillation of a liquid mixture

would be overcome and the amount of operated

liquid in the column of highest pressure would
be determined principally with the object of gen

of alcohol and Water does not produce a pure

alcoholic vapor but a mixed vapor of alcohol and

lower pressure.

erating vapor enough to operate the columns of

If it is desired to raise the alcoholic richness

water containing a greater proportion of alcohol
of the product it is advantageous to obtain, par
than the liquid. The vapor produced is in the
tially at least, rich condensates, and for this
best case, eleven times richer in alcohol than
to fractionate the condensation operathe liquid. Consequently, if a. is the amount of
40 tions.
alcohol contained in 100 parts of liquid to be dis
The successive steps of a fractional conden
tilled, 11a would be the maximum amount of
sation of a not very rich alcoholic vapor, are ef
alcohol that could be contained in 100 parts of
iect'ed at successively decreasing temperatures
issued vapor, and that vapor would contain
with a possible interval vof more than 20 F. and
100-imparts of water per 11c parts of alcohol
even greater. It is then advantageous to cause to
issued from 1100 parts of liquid, that is,
heat with the heat made available in the ?rst step
of the condensation, the distilling operations ef
iected at a higher temperature, and with the heat

per 100 parts of liquid.

yielded by the other successive steps, the other

operations of the column effected at lower tem

The theoretical consumption of steam com

peratures, the relationship being such that when

prises. that 9.09-a and complementarily a con

the temperature of condensation of a step is less,

sumption equal to approximately 0.40a to evapo

rate the amount a of alcohol, that is, in total
9.090.60a.. Considering that a is in its turn

the temperature of the distilling operation heated

by that step .is also less.
'Onthe other hand, 'all along the. height of the


calender the alcoholic richness of the ascending

ing is effected by the injection of steam into the

vapor as well as that of the descending liquid

liquid, and this steam comes in its turn from the

spontaneous evaporation of the lees in the pre

increases successively from bottom to top, and

consequently the temperature of the distillation
decreases from bottom to top.

ceding columns which operate at higher pressure,

or from the lees in the same column.

In addition to the details of the methods uti

lized the invention likewise relates to apparatus
capable of applying these methods. It provides
a steam generator which spontaneously evapo
rates the lees, and a sediment removing heater,

Hence is deduced the convenience of operating

the steps of the fractionated condensation suc
cessively from bottom to top. In that form the

temperature of the heating condensing ?uid that

run in the calender falls as soon as the tempera

- which are applied to the puri?cation of the oper

ated liquids; a new recti?er of the vapor dis

ture of the heated distilled ?uid that runs in the

tubes cluster falls.

Generally, the interval of temperature existing

tilled in a column, and the appropriate modi

?cations of the calenders of the distilling rectify
tion of the heating vapor of the calender is much 15 ing units described in my former application Se
rial No. 658,508, ?led March 30, 1946, to adapt
greater than the difference between the tempera
tures of distillation respectively at the lower and ' - them to the fractional condensation.
In the annexed drawings, given by way of ex
upper part of the tubular cluster. That consid
eration may lead to effecting in one column only
Fig. 1 shows schematically the exhausting
the ?rst steps of condensation of the heating 20
group of a general installation for the production
vapors and to effecting the last steps of condensa
of alcohol;
tion of the remaining vapors in columns of
Fig. 2 shows a vertical section of a sediment
smaller pressure and greater alcoholic richness.
removing reheater comprised in Fig. 1;
The condensates produced in a column need
Fig. 3 shows a vertical section of a vapor pro
not necessarily be employed in the same column 25
between the ?rst and the last step of condensa- I

tector, by the spontaneous evaporation of small

as rectifying liquids. They may also ?nd appli

not only as rectifying liquids but as supply liq

amounts of water, which is comprised in Fig. 1;

Figs. 4 and 5 show in horizontal and vertical

ful?lls two requirements which generally do not

tion, respectively;

cation in the following lower pressure columns

section respectively a fractionated condensation

uids. They may also in certain cases ?nd appli
cation to the column from which they issued, 30 type distiller-recti?er comprised in Fig. 1;
Figs. 6, 7 and 8 show by'the ?rst ?gure a ver-'
which represents the classic case of retrograda
tical section of the complete recti?er utilized in
tion. This standard retrogradation may be em-_
Fig. 1, and by the other two ?gures the details
ployed to a certain extent, because the conden-'
of one of its coils in horizontal and vertical sec
sation of alcoholic vapors that heat a column

Fig. 9 is a flow sheet illustrating the flow of

counterbalance one another; the need on the one

hand of producing a sufficient quantity of heat

for the distillation; and the need on the other
hand of supplying a rectifying liquid which per
mits raising to the desired level the richness of i U
the vapors of this distillation. The excess of
calories which can produce condensation, uti
lizable for the second purpose, may often be use
fully absorbed by the known process of partial
retrogradation of the condensates of a portion 45
of the vapor produced.
The supply for the low pressure columns is

?uids in the apparatus.

In Fig. l is shown the exhausting group of a

general installation for the production of alcohol,

comprising ?ve apparatuses or columns D, C, B,

A operating at different and successively lower

The wine that is to be distilled arrives at MA,

and ?ows' in succession through the sediment

removing reheaters HA, 12A, 13A, MA, I5A, being

pumped from one to the other by the pumps 33A,

34A, 35A, 36A. Upon emerging from ISA it isv

forced by the pump I3IB into the tube 66A,

which divides and sends a. portion of the wine to
pressure. In the last one or more of these col 50 column A through 12A, and sends the rest into
the sediment-removing reheater [2B, This part
umns the supply may be composed exclusively of
of the wine is forced by pump 3lC, upon emerg
these condensates, and preferably of a plura1~
ing from 1213, into the tube 66B, which divides.
ity of these condensates of different alcoholic
A portion of the wine that it carries is sent by
richnesses which are injected into the column,
each of them at the point where the treated liq 55 tube 52B to the column B, and the rest is sent
through tube 650 to the sediment-removing re
uid has an alcoholic richness equal to or less
heater [2G, and from there it passes to column
than its own. The other way around, a column
C through tube 660.
may be interposed in the supply for the preceding
A portion of the incompletely stripped wines
higher pressure columns. For this purpose liq
column A is also utilized for supplying the
uids that are more or less exhausted are ex 60
preceding columns B, C and D. This partially
tracted from this column and are injected by
stripped wine is extracted from the intermediary
pumping into one or more preceding higher pres

therefore partially furnished by the condensation

from the preceding columns operating at higher

sure columns, approximately at the points where

the liquids being operated on in these columns
have an equal or slightly higher alcoholic rich

Most of the liquids supplying the alcohol col

umns contain calcium sulphate.

In order to

avoid incrustations of this salt, whose solubility

decreases considerably as the temperature rises,
the invention provides for superheating the sup
ply liquid, prior to its introduction into a col
umn, to a temperature sufficient to precipitate all
the calcium sulphate that the residues of the
column are unable to dissolve. This superheat

reservoir 3-A of the distilling-rectifying unit of

column A, and is forced by the pump Iii-B into

the tube 'HB which carries it to the sediment

removing reheater I IB.. It leaves this by the tube
12B, which branches before its entry into pump
1 36C.

A portion of this wine is thus conducted

by the tube'95B to the'intermediary reservoir of

the distilling-rectifying unit of column B,_and
the rest is forced by the pump 36C into the tube

96C which carries it to the sediment-removing

reheater IIC, from which'it is extracted by the

tube 120 which branches before its entry into
pump SID and which conducts a portion of this

2,043,220 .

wine to the dome of the distillingerectifying unit
of column C. The rest of the wine is forced. by
pump 3 ID to the dome of columnD. through the
sediment-removing reheaterv [ID and the tubes
96D and 12D.
The column D has no rectifying. unit, and com
prises only a distiller-recti?er of the type of
Figs. 4 and 5. This apparatus is composed of a
tubular cluster comprising the tubes I12 sup
ported at their upper and lower ends by the
plates I52 contained within a cylindrical casing
I50. This casing is extended below the tubular
cluster, forming a reservoir divided into two
parts; the upper part where the tubes have their;
outlet and which evacuates their residual liquid 15
through the tube I54; the other and lower part
constituting a reservoir supplied by the tube I55
with vapor that it injects through the tubes. I56
into all the tubes of the cluster. One tube corre
sponds to each tube of the cluster.
The same casing is extended above the upper
plate I52 in the form of a dome, comprising a,
supply tube I58 which descends su?iciently low
on the plate to form a hydraulic joint with the
liquid that covers the plate. This tube is situated 25
eccentrically relative to the dome, and the annu
lar crown comprised between this tube and this
dome is transformed into a separating coil for
the liquids carried along by the vapor produced
by the helicoidal surface I59.
The central casing is divided by approximately
horizontal diaphragms I63 to I61 into ?ve stages
through which ?ows downward the vapor that
The vapor guided by the vertical diaphragms 35
I62 ?ows with a rotary movement through each
stage from its periphery to its center, and in
versely. In the stages in which the ?ow is from
the center to the periphery, the condensations
are collected in a gutter I64 situated at the outer

duced at D is conducted through the tube 92D to
the bottom of the casing of the distilling-rectify
ing unit of column. C. There it operates like
steam in column C, and the collected condensates
are sent through the tube BIC to the upper part
of the rectifying unit of column B. However, the
most volatile part of this vapor does not con
dense there, and is sent through tube 936 to the

upper casing of the distilling-rectifying unit of

column B.
Column C comprises a distilling-rectifying unit
which is itself surrounded by a rectifying unit of
the type of Figs. 6, 7 and 8. This rectifying unit
operates in accordance with the process described

in U. S. Patent No. 2,182,566 by single-stage

operations comprising: injection of the rectify
ing liquid into the ?ow of vapor that is to be
recti?ed, its atomization by this vapor, and the
subsequent separation of the. vapor from the
rectifying liquid it carries along with it.
The rectifying unit (see Fig. 6) comprises the
annular space enclosed by the two cylinders Itl
and I02 transformed into a coil by the helicoidal
strip I03. 'Ihe vapor that is to be recti?ed ?ows
downward through this coil. The cylinders NH
and I02 are eccentric relatively to one another.

This eccentricity produces great variations in the

section through which the vapor passes. At the
point where this section is a minimum (see Figs.
'7 and 8) the passage is obstructed by a drum I I!

which has openings provided with alternately

converging and diverging tubes I06. At these
points the section through which the vapor passes
is almost entirely reduced to that of these tubes;
and consequently because of this arrangement the
vapor emerges from these tubes with great speed.
The drum is supplied with rectifying liquid, which
emerges from it in the direction in which the
vapor moves and through a multitude of small

perforations I05 in the corresponding wall its.

edge of the diaphragms, and are evacuated by the
In emerging from this wall the jets of expanding
tubes I65. The center of the diaphragm is open
vapor collide with the thin jets of liquid and
as shown at I66 to permit passage of the vapor
atomize this liquid. This produces an intimate
from the lower stage to the higher stage.
mixture of the two ?uids.
In the stages in which the vapor ?ow is from 45
The section through which the vapor passes
the periphery to the center the extraction of the
then increases, and the vapor speed decreases.
condensates is effected by central tubes I70, I68
The particles of rectifying liquid precipitated
and I69 respectively. All these extraction tubes
against the outer wall are collected, either by a
may be provided with automatic cleaners or with
gutter I08 at the outer edge of the helicoidal sur
extraction regulators.
The horizontal dia 50 face I03 or by a skimmer I07 situated along the
phragms have slopes, and the vertical dia~
outer wall I02 which retains these drops and
phragms have numerous passageways to facili
conducts them to the gutter I08. A metal coil
tate the movement of the condensates into all
H0 forming a spring bears against the outer
Wall, acts as a cornice, and de?ects toward the
In the distilling-rectifying unit of column B, 55 center of the gutter the drops descending along
which is heated by steam introduced through the
this wall. The post-recti?cation rectifying liquid
tube ID, the extraction tubes are connected with
collected in this form in the gutter i013 descends,
one another and the. condensed water is carried
contrary to the movement of the vapor, along
to the boilers by the tube 8 ID.
this gutter to fall into the tube I09 which pro~
The partially stripped liquids which supply it
longs it a little before it in this return movement
through the tube I58 (Fig. 4)v descend down the
reaches the drum III. The tube then conducts
tubes of the tubular cluster, using up their alco
the said rectifying liquid (see Fig. 6). along and
hol through distillation and recti?cation, and
below the outer edge of the helicoidal surface,
reach the lower part totally stripped, constitut
to the injection drum of a coil at a lower level,
ing the lees of highest pressures. Live steam is
65 where the rectifying liquid will be applied anew,
injected at the bottom of the column. through. the
in the manner described in the foregoing, to the
tube 8D. The mixed vapor of water and alcohol
recti?cation of a more impure vapor. The new
on the contrary rises along these tubes, increas
coil where the liquid is applied should be at a
ing in volume and in richness. Before going out
sufficient distance from the higher coil to permit
of the dome through the tube I60, it is purged 70 the pressure of the liquid in the injection drum
of the liquids it carries with it by the separating
to expel it at a su?icient speed through its ?ne
centrifuge constituted by the annular space com.
outlet openings. In the ?gure, this interval is
prised between the wall and the tubepl58 trans-.
three coils.
formed into a coil by the helicoidal. strip I59.
' The. higher coil of the helicoidal surface I03
The mixed vapor of water and alcohol pro 75 constitutes a separator of the liquid carried by

are conducted to the casing IA through the tube
.The vapors produced by the distilling-rectify
ing unit descend through the sleeve which sepa
divided between the second and third higher coils. UK rates this unit from the rectifying unit 43 which
surrounds it (represented in Fig. l by the tube
The cylinder IIlI which constitutes the wall of

the vapor, and injection of the rectifying liquid

does not take place there. The liquid that is col
lected there is conducted to the fourth. The
rectifying liquid that comes from the outside is

the rectifying unit surrounds at a short distance

9 IB) and entersinto this second unit through its

lower inlet. They are there recti?ed by the con

the distilling-rectifying unit. The vapor pro
densates from column C, and emerge from the
duced in this latter descends through this space
upper part of this unit through the tube 92B
to enter the lower part of the rectifying column.
which conducts them to the lower casing 2A of
The distilling-rectifying unit of column C
column A.
operates, as has been indicated, on partially
Column A is of the type of column B. It op
stripped wines extracted from the central reser
erates however with certain differences. The
voir 3A of the distilling-rectifying unit of column
A, after these wines have been reheated and had 15 condensates from its lower casing 2A are divided
into two groups: the ?rst corresponding to the
the sediment removed in the successive apparatus
lower stage are sent through the tube 8 IA to one
IE3 and IIC. It also operates on the residual
of the upper coils of the rectifying unit of the
liquids from its own rectifying unit, which are
same column in order to be utilized there as rec
raised to the dome of this distilling-rectifying
unit by pump 310 through the tube 860. The 20 tifying liquids, and the others are sent through
the tube 82A to the enrichment column. The
lees are evacuated from this unit through the
condensates from the upper casing IA are col
tube MC. Live steam is injected at the bottom of
said distilling rectifying unit through tube 8C.
lected in three groups and also remitted by the
In its turn the rectifying unit of this column
tubes 83A, 84A, 85A to the enrichment column
40 operates on the vapors produced in the dis 25 at different levels as though they came from one
stage higher in the group.
tilling-rectifying unit, which as has been indi
The uncondensed vapors in the casing IA are
cated descend in the space comprised between
sent through the tube 93A to the upper casing of
these two apparatus to enter the ?rst one by its
lower inlet. (In the ?gure this sleeve is sche
the enrichment column.
The distilling-rectifying unit of column A is
matically represented by the tube SIC.) The

rectifying liquid, which here works against the

supplied at its upper part with wine which, previ

flow, is the wine that is to be distilled and which

has previously been reheated and had its sedi
ment removed in the successive apparatus IIA,

the successive apparatus IIA, IZA, I3A, IllA, ISA

ously reheated and with its sediment removed in

is injected into its dome through the tube 12A,

12A, I3A, MA, ISA, I23 and I2C. It is conducted 35 and is supplied with the residual liquids of the
to the upper part of this unit through the tube
distilling-rectifying unit of the enrichment col

umn, which are conducted through the tube 42F,

The recti?ed vapor emerges in its turn from
and with the residual liquid from its own rectify
this unit through the tube 92C, which conducts
ing unit which is raised by the pump 31A through
it to the lower part of the distilling-rectifying 40 the tube 86A. A portion of these liquids, par
tially stripped during their passage through the
unit of column B.
However a portion of this vapor is branched
upper tubular cluster of easing IA, is extracted
through the tube 940 which conducts it to the
from the intermediary receiver 3A in order to
enrichment column of the type described in my
supply the preceding columns. The rest descends
former application Serial No. 658,508, which is 45 through the tubular cluster of the casing 2A,
not represented in the ?gures nor described in the
where its stripping is completed and its lees are
speci?cation because the invention does not
extracted through MA. Live steam is injected at
supply any improvement to the same. The
the bottom of said distillating rectifying unit
enrichment column is indicated diagrammatically
through tube 8A.
in Fig. 9. The more important relationships of 50
The vapors produced in this unit descend
the enrichment column F to the other columns
through the sleeve (represented in Fig. l by the
are clearly indicated in Fig. 9.
tube 9IA) situated between the distilling-rectify
The distilling-rectifying unit of column B is
ing unit and the rectifying unit 4A in order to
of the type shown in Figure 12 of my former
enter the lower part of this latter unit, in the
application Serial No. 658,508 having its calender
passage through which they are recti?ed in suc
divided to effect fractionally the condensation of
cession by the condensates produced in the casing
the heating vapor in the form shown in Figures
2B and conducted through the tube SIB, and by
5 and 6. It represents two ?ow units super
the condensates produced in the casing IB and
imposed vertically and separated by the reservoir
conducted through the tube 823. The recti?ed
3B. It is supplied at its upper part with wine
vapors emerge from the unit through the tube
which is previously reheated and has had its
92A, which conducts them to the lower casing
sediment removed in the successive apparatus
of the distilling-rectifying unit of the enrichment

IIA, IZA, I3A, I4A, ISA and I23, and the wine
is conveyed to the dome of this unit by the tube
12B, and by the return liquids of its rectifying
unit which are raised by the pump 1313 through
the tube 86B. The lees produced emerge through
4 IB. Live steam is injected at the bottom of said
distilling-rectifying unit through tube 8B
The condensates from the lower casing come 70
together and are injected into the rectifying unit
of column A, a little above the middle of this
unit, and the condensates of the upper casing:
come together and are injected into the upper
part of the same unit. The uncondensed vapors 75


Fig. 2 shows the details of a reheater and sedi

ment remover such as II A, IZA etc.

The appa

ratus comprises a cylinder I I9 divided into stages

by plates in the form of concentric conical frus
tums I22 having generatrices slightly inclined

relatively to the horizontal, starting from the

cylinder H9, and ending at the interior in a
flangededge. A central rotating shaft I20 passes
through the bottom of the cylinder, through a
stu?ing box, and carries conical disks I2I, each
of these conical disks corresponding to a conical
frustum plate I22 and covering, at a slight ver


tical distance, all the central opening plus a mar
gin. The upper part is transformed by a. helix
into a circular coil through which the vapor flows

produced is compressed in the thermo-compres

sor (ID by the live steam coming from line i,
conducted by the tube 76D. These two combined

in emerging, and where it is stripped of the liquid

steams are conducted by the tube 55D to the re
it carries with it.
heater and sediment remover I ID where they are
The bottom of the apparatus constitutes a
applied to superheating the wine. The uncon
decanter. The separated sludge emerges through
densed portion of these steams emerges from the
the tube I I8, and is collected in the tank I29 pro
reheater through the tube 5813 to combine with
vided with an upperand a lower tap, by whichthe
the steam conducted through the tube 556 and
sludge may be removed at intervals.
10 to act together in the reheaters of column C.
The wine enters this apparatus through the
This movement is regulated by a valve that is
upper tubing I3I which projects it against the
not illustrated in the ?gure.
?rst conical frustum. From there it rains o?
The lees treated in the evaporator 22D are
upon the ?rst conical disk I2I. By virtue of their
transmitted by the tube 43D to the evaporator
shock against this moving disk, which may be cor 15 2 ID which operates at a lower pressure than 22D.
rugated or grooved, the drops of wine bounce off
The steam produced in this evaporator is con
and split up, ?lling this part of the cylinder with
ducted by the tube 5IC to the thermo-compressor
?ne particles of Wine in movement. When they
'iIC, where it is compressed by the live steam
descend directly or along the walls, they ?nally
from line 1 brought in through tube 78C. These
drop upon the lower conical frustum plate I22, 20 two mixed steams emerge from the thermo-com
where they are again treated in the same way,
pressor through the tube 550, and combine, as, has
and so on.

been said, with the excess steam from the re~

heater and sediment remover of the column in
I26, and passes upward through the cylinder,
order to work in the reheaters and sediment re
entering each stage through the central opening 25 movers IIC and 12C. The uncondensed steams

The vapor comes in through the lower tubing

of its lower conical frustum plate, passing be

tween this plate and the corresponding conical
plate which covers it, and reaching the peripheral
part of the cylinder, and from, there it returns

in these reheaters combine upon emerging from

these apparatus in the tube 560, and combine
later on with steam conducted by tube 553 to
work in the reheaters of column B, all these move
between the same conical disk and the conical 30 ments being regulated by corresponding valves.
frustum plate immediately above it to seek the
The lees treated in the evaporator 2ID upon
central opening of this plate, and so on until it
emerging from that apparatus through tube 330
passes through the central opening of the last
combine with the lees emerging from the distill
plate. From this opening it passes into! the
ing-rectifying unit of column 0, and when com
outlet coil, where it is stripped of the liquid it - bined are conducted to the evaporator 2IC. The
carries with it, and from there it passes to the
steam produced in this evaporator is conducted
outlet tubing I32.
by the tube 5I-B to the thermo-compressor 'HB
All along this path the vapor is put into con
Where it is compressed by the live steam, taken
tact with atomized wine. This causes an ex
from line 1 by the tube 1613, into the tube 55B.
change of heat which produces condensation of 40 These steams combine, as has been said with the
the vapor and superheating of the wine. This
excess steam from the reheaters of column C and
superheating in its turn deposits the sediment in
are conducted to the reheaters I23 and I IB where
the wine.
they work; the uncondensed parts of the said
The steam to heat these reheaters and sed
steams combine in the tube 58B; and subsequently
iment removers is principally produced through , combine with steam brought in through tube 55A
the spontaneous evaporation of the lees.
to work in the reheaters of column A; all these
The apparatus employed to produce this spon
movements being regulated by corresponding
taneous evaporation is shown in Fig. 3.
It is constituted by a cylinder I42 comprising
The lees utilized in evaporator ZIC, which
a central rotating shaft I36 Which passes through
emerge from this apparatus through the tube
the bottom of the apparatus through a stuffing
440,, and the lees which emerge from the distill
box and which receives its movement from the
ing~rectifying unit of column B, when combined
exterior. This shaft carries ?nely perforated
supply the evaporator 2 IB. The steam produced
spinner baskets I33. Between two successive
in this evaporator is conducted by the tube EIA
spinners an annular conical frustum plate I34, of 55 into the thermo-compressor 1 1A, from which it is
similar construction to the conical frustum plate
compressed into the tubing 55A by the live steam
of the apparatus of Fig. 2, receive the lee that have
taken from line I, by the tube 16A, which com
been ?ung by the higher spinner and pours them
bines with it. These combined steams, as has
into the spinner immediately below. Each spin
been said, combined with excess steam from the
ner thus divides the liquid it works on into ?ne
reheaters of column B and are applied to heating
jets which it flings against the walls where they
wine in the successive reheaters Hm, I 5A, ISA,
are broken up and rebound toward the interior.
IZA and IIA. The uncondensed products in IIA
This atomization to a great extent promotes the
are pumped by the pump 3 IA.
spontaneous evaporation of the lees produced by
Prior to their entry into the reheaters I iiA, I3A,
their excess of temperature relatively to the pres
IZA, and I IA, these steams have added to them
sure of the vessel. These lees enter through the
respectively steams produced in the evaporators
tubing I38, which pours them on to the upper
24A, 23A,'22A and 2IA. The ?rst of these evap
plate, and they leave through the tubing I3I.
orators 24Axis supplied with the lees which have
The vapor that is produced goes out throught the
been previously treated in the evaporator 24B
tubing I39.
and which emerge from the said evaporator
The production and the utilization of the va
through the tube 43B combined with the resid
por for superheating the wines is effected in Fig.
ual lees-from the distilling-rectifying unit of col
1 as follows:
umn A, conducted by the tube 42A. The total of
The lees from column D are conducted through
the lees from the column passes through thesuc

tube 42D into the evaporator 22D. The steam

cessive evaporators 24A, 23A, 22A andl ZIA; and


because these evaporators operate at successively
decreasing pressures, they produce in each of

zone; feeding each of the other exhausting zones
except the last with the partially exhausted dis
tillant from the bottom of the preceding exhaust
ing zone, together with the liquid residue of its
own rectifying zone; applying as rectifying
liquids in each rectifying zone other than the

them a certain quantity of steam which is ap

plied, as has been said, to heating the reheaters
MA, l3A, I2A and HA respectively. To this end
the steam produced in 24A, conveyed through the
last condensed enriched product vapor of a fol
tube 54A, is mixed with the steam issuing from
lowing zone, supplemented in at least one rectify
the reheater 15A and the mixture is applied to
ing zone, other than the one that receives vapor
heat the reheater MA; steam produced in 23A,
conveyed through the tube 53A is mixed with 10 from the ?rst exhausting zone, by a secondary
stream of the original feed total current.
steam issuing from the reheater MA and the mix
2. An alcohol distilling process as described in
ture is applied to heat the reheater 13A; steam
claim 1, in which the various liquids that con
produced in 22A, conveyed through the tube 52A,
tribute to the feeding of a zone are injected in the
is mixed with the steam issuing from the re
heater 13A and the mixture is applied to heat the 15 operative units of that zone at different places
according to their alcoholic contents, in order
reheater IZA; and steam produced in ZIA, con
that the liquid injected at each point will be
veyed through tube 51A, is mixed with the steam
substantially the same in alcoholic content as
issuing from the reheater 12A, and the mixture
that of the liquid already being operated upon
is applied to heat the reheater HA.
The described devices are capable of detail 20 at the same point.
3. A distilling process as set forth in claim 1
modi?cations, the particular case described hav
in which the condensation in a determined zone
ing been given by way of example.
of the vapors produced in the following zones
I claim:
that contribute to its heating, is effected fraction
1. In a distilling process designed to extract a
de?nite ?uid from a binary mixture that contains 25 ally and the successive condensations extracted
separately are applied at different places in the
it, by means of successive operations effected in
same zone and in anterior zones of lower pres
exhaustion apparatus having a plurality of ex
hausting zones, and a complementary enrichment
4. An alcoholic distilling process as set forth in
column operating on the ?nal vapor product of
claim 1 in which the liquids designed to feed each
the exhaustion apparatus, in which exhaustion
exhausting zone are previously superheated to a
apparatus a ?rst vapor injected or produced at
temperature higher by at least 15 F. than the
the bottom of a zone is progressively enriched
temperature of the ?uid operated upon in that
while the ?uid operated upon, moving counter
step at the point of injection of said feeding, and
current to that vapor, is progressively exhausted,
sufficient to precipitate that part of the sulphate
the ?nal product vapor of said exhaustion appa
of calcium that would become insoluble during
ratus being enriched in the complementary en
the operations of the step referred to, that
richment column which liqui?es and separates
superheating being effected by direct heat ex
from said product vapor a liquid residue contain
change with steam which is condensed, and said
ing the major part of the less volatile components
precipitate is removed from the liquid before the
mixed with a small part of the more volatile com
introduction of said liquid into the exhausting
ponents, which residue is returned to the exhaus
zone in which the step is performed.
tion apparatus; the improvement which consists
5. An alcoholic distilling process as set forth in
in dividing the total current of original feed into
claim 1 in which the pre-superheating in liquid
a main stream and a plurality of secondary
streams, in transmitting the main stream of 45 state of the liquid designed to be employed in a
given zone is pro-superheated by direct contact
original feed downward through successive zones
with steam, produced by the spontaneous evapo
of the exhausting apparatus, in each one of a
ration of the residual lees of the following ex
plurality of those zones dividing a partial stream
hausting zones of the same process.
from said main stream, totally exhausting said
6. An alcoholic distilling process as set forth in
partial stream, and removing its residue from the 50
claim 1 in which the preheating of the liquid de
system; in exhausting partially in each exhaust
signed to feed an exhausting zone is preheated
ing zone but the last the remainder of the main
by direct contact with steam produced by the
stream and transmitting that remainder par
spontaneous evaporation of the residual lees of
tially exhausted to the next following exhausting
zone, in the last exhausting zone totally exhaust 55 the following exhausting zone of the same
process, compressed and ampli?ed by live steam
ing all the main stream operated upon and re
within a thermo-compressor.
moving its residue from the system; in comple
7. A distilling process as set forth in claim 1
menting each exhausting zone but the last, with a
in which the rectifying liquid supplied in a zone
rectifying zone in which is enriched the vapor
is supplemented by condensations of the product
produced in the corresponding exhausting zone,
of such zone in the amount necessary to absorb
in heating the ?nal exhausting zone with steam;
the excess of heat furnished by the condensation
in passing the product vapors of each exhausting
of vapor in such column.
zone except the last into the corresponding recti
8. In a process of exhausting an alcoholic bi
fying zone to enrich them; in condensing the
nary mixture comprising several. steps, each step
product vapor of the last exhausting zone and
being performed in a distinct exhaustion zone at
the enriched product vapors from each of the
distinct pressure increasing from zone to zone as
other exhausting zones except the ?rst in indirect
the exhaustion increases, with some of said zones
heat exchange with the liquid operated upon in
operating at pressures higher than atmospheric
the preceding exhausting zones in which vapors
are produced; in feeding the ?rst exhausting 70 pressure; a method for recovering the heat con
tained in the residual lees and applying said heat
zone with the main stream of the original feed
to steps of puri?cation performed upon the liquids
mixed with the residue of the enrichment col
feeding said zones immediately before their ad
umn that operates upon the ?nal vapor leaving
to the successive exhaustion zones, which
the rectifying zone of the ?rst exhausting zone
and with the liquid residue of said rectifying 75 comprises: transforming the heat of the lees




into latent heat of vaporization by successive

?ashes performed at successively decreasing pres

10.;v A distilling process of a binary mixture

eifected in. the exhausting column. of a distilling
apparatus which comprises an enrichment col

sures, and collecting in each ?ash the steam

spontaneously developed to produce. and feed dis

tinct streams of steam; utilizing each of said
steam streams successively from the. ?rst until
the last to the previous heating by direct heat
exchange of the liquids feeding the successive
zones, respectively from the ?nal zone of higher
exhaustion until the ?rst zone of lower exhaus

umn of the ?nal product vapors of said exhaust

ing column; in which exhausting process the

main stream of the original feed is progressively
exhausted in. successive. exhaustion zones wherein

the distilland ?owing downward to the bottom is

totally exhausted while in the ?rst zones the main
10 stream of that distalland is withdrawn partially

tion, and to that effect graduating the respective

exhausted at an intermediate level of the zone

pressures of the successive ?ashes in order to

provoke in each ?ash a temperaturefall of the

and directed to the following zones wherein is

zone and directed to the following zones wherein

an enrichment column added to the third zone;

is performed the exhaustion, which comprises:

feeding mixed liquid to and causing the liquid to

direct heat exchange with the liquid operated

performed its exhaustion, which comprises: feed

lees ?ow appropriate to the temperature differ
ing mixed liquid to and causing the liquid to
ence existing between adjacent exhaustion. zones; 15 ?ow downward through a ?rst exhaustion zone;
increasing the pressure and the ?ow of each
withdrawing the main stream of the distilland at
stream by live steam within a thermo-compressor
an intermediate level of said zone and directing
enough to respond to the requirements of a super
the same to the following zones; withdrawing
heating at liquid state of the feeding liquids
the. rest of the distilland at the bottom of said
heated by said stream 15 F. at least above the
?rst. exhaustion zone and removing it from the
temperature of the zone into which are injected
system; feeding mixed liquid to and causing the
at said points of injection; and removing from
liquid to now downward through a second ex
each such liquid the sediment produced'by said
haustion zone; feeding a portion of the distilland
superheating prior to its feeding into the corre
withdrawn at intermediate level from the ?rst
sponding exhaustion zone.
25 zone to an intermediate level of the second zone
97 A distilling process of a binary mixture
wherein it is mixed with the liquid ?owing down
effected in the exhausting column of a distilling
wardv along said zone; withdrawing the. distilland
apparatus which comprises anenrichment col
at the bottom of the second zone and removing
umn of the ?nal product vapors of said exhaust
it from the system; feeding a mixed liquid to and
ing column, in which exhausting process the main 30 causing the liquid to ?ow downward through a
stream of the original feed is progressively ex
third exhaustion zone; withdrawing the distilland
hausted in successive exhaustion zones wherein
at the bottom of said zone and removing it from
the distilland ?owing downward to the bottom
the system; supplying steam at the bottom of the
is totally exhausted while in the ?rst zones the
third exhaustion zone for the purpose of heating;
main stream of that distilland is withdrawn par 35 withdrawing vapors from the third exhaust-ion
tially exhausted at an intermediate level of the
zone at its top; passing those product vapors in

flow downward through a ?rst exhaustion zone;

withdrawing the main stream of the distilland at
an intermediate level of said zone and feeding
that distilland at an intermediate level of the
second exhaustion zone and causing the liquid
to flow downward until the bottom of said second
exhaustion zone; causing the remainder of said
distilland to ?ow downward through the rest of
the ?rst zone wherein it is totally exhausted and

removing it from the system; feeding an original

feed to the second zone and causing the liquid
to ?ow downward through said zone; withdraw
ing the distilland at the bottom of the second
zone and removing it from the system; supplying
steam at the bottom of said second exhaustion
zone for the purpose of heating; withdrawing
vapors from the second exhaustion zone, at the 55

top of said zone; condensing those product vapors

in indirect heat exchange with the liquid operated
upon in the ?rst zone to produce vapors in said
zone; withdrawing vapors at the top of the ?rst
zone, passing those product vapors in an enrich
ment column added to the first zone and with
drawing those enriched product vapors in an
enrichment column added to the ?rst zone and
withdrawing those enriched product vapors of
the ?rst zone and directing the same to the 65
enrichment column of the whole distilling ap
paratus as ?nal product of the exhausting col
umn; feeding the condensed product vapor of
the second zone as rectifying liquid into the en
richment column of the ?rst zone; and mixing 70
the ?nal re?ux of said enrichment column with
the ?nal re?ux of the enrichment column of ?rst
exhaustion zone and an original feed to provide
an enriched mixed liquid which is the liquid fed
to the ?rst exhaustion zone.

condensing said enriched product vapors in in

upon in the second zone to produce vapors in

said zone; withdrawing vapors at the top of the

second exhaustion zone; passing those product
vapors in an enrichment column added to the

second zone; condensing said enriched product

vapors in indirect heat with the liquid operated
upon in the ?rst zone to produce vapors in said

zone; withdrawing vapors at. the top of the ?rst

exhaustion zone; passing those product vapors
into- an enrichment column added to the first
zone and directing the same to the enrichment
column of the whole distilling apparatus as ?nal

product of the exhausting column; mixing the

remainder of the distilland withdrawn from the
?rst zone at the. intermediate point with the
reflux of the enrichment column of the third zone
to provide the mixed liquid used for feeding said
zone; mixing an original feed entering the system
with the re?ux of the enrichment column of the
second zone to provide the mixed liquid used for
feeding said. zone at its top; mixing an original
feed entering the system with the reflux of the
enrichment column of the ?rst zone and with
the reflux proceeding from the enrichment col
umn of the whole distilling apparatus to provide
the mixed liquid used for feeding the ?rst zone;
feeding an original feed entering the system as
rectifying liquid of the enrichment column of
the third zone; feeding the condensed enriched
product vapors of the third zone as rectifying
liquid into the enrichment column of the second
zone; and feeding the condensed enriched prod
uct vapors of the second zone as rectifying liquid
into the enrichment column of the ?rst zone.
11. A distilling process of a binary mixture
effected in the exhausting column of a distilling
apparatus which comprises an enrichment col


umn of the ?nal product vapors of said exhaust
ing column, in which exhausting process the
main stream of the original feed is progressively
exhausted in successive exhaustion zones wherein


remainder of the distilland withdrawn from the

?rst exhaustion zone at the intermediate point
with the re?ux of the enrichment column of the
third exhaustion zone to provide the mixed liquid
used for feeding said zone; mixing an original
feed entering the system with the re?ux of the

the distilland ?owing downward until the bottom

is totally exhausted while in the ?rst zone the
enrichment column of the second exhaustion zone
main stream of that distilland is withdrawn par
to provide the mixed liquid used for feeding said
tially exhausted at an intermediate level of the
zone at its top; mixing an original feed entering
zone and directed to the following zones wherein
is performed its exhaustion, which comprises: 10 the system with the re?ux of the enrichment
column of the ?rst exhaustion zone and with
feeding mixed liquid to and causing the liquid to
the reflux proceeding from the enrichment col
flow downward through a ?rst exhaustion zone;
umn of the whole distilling apparatus to provide
withdrawing the main stream of the distilland at
the mixed liquid used for feeding said ?rst zone;
an intermediate level of said zone and directing
the same to the following zones; withdrawing the 15 feeding an original feed entering the system as
rectifying liquid into the enrichment column of
rest of the distilland at the bottom of said ?rst
the third zone; feeding the condensed product
exhaustion zone and removing it from the system;
vapors of the ?rst exhaustion zone as rectifying
feeding mixed liquid to and causing the liquid to
liquid into the enrichment column of the second
flow downward through a second exhaustion zone;
feeding a ?rst portion of the distilland withdrawn 20 exhaustion zone; feeding different condensed en
riched product vapors of the third zone at dis
at intermediate level from the ?rst zone at an
tinct levels according to the respective degrees
intermediate level into the second zone wherein
of concentration as rectifying liquids into the
it is mixed with the liquid ?owing downward
enrichment column of the ?rst exhaustion zone,
along said zone; withdrawing the distilland at
the bottom of the second zone and removing it 25 and directing the condensed enriched product
vapors of the second exhaustion zone to the en
from the system; feeding a mixed liquid to and
richment column of the whole distilling apparatus
causing the liquid to ?ow downward through a
for application as rectifying liquid in said en
third exhaustion zone; withdrawing the distilland
richment column.
at the bottom of said zone and removing it from
the system; feeding a second portion of the dis 30

tilland withdrawn at an intermediate level from

the ?rst zone into a fourth exhaustion zone and

References Cited in the ?le of this patent

zone; withdrawing the distilland at the bottom
of said zone and removing it from the system; 35
supplying steam at the bottom of the fourth ex
Waterhouse ______ __ Feb. 20, 1900
haustion zone for the purpose of heating; with
Guillaume ________ __ May 19, 1908
drawing vapors at the top of the fourth zone,
Slavicek __________ __ Apr, 20, 1915
condensing said product vapors in indirect heat
Wiegand __________ __ July 6, 1915
exchange with the liquid operated upon in the 40 1,145,728
Barbet __________ __ Jan. 28, 1919
third exhaustion zone to produce vapors in said
Schneible ________ __ June 1, 1926
zone; withdrawing vapors at the top of the third
Carney __________ __ Mar. 8, 1934
exhaustion zone; passing those product vapors
Ott ______________ __ July 28, 1936
into an enrichment column added to the third
Reich ____________ __ Aug. 16, 1938
zone; condensing the major part of said enriched 45 2,126,974
Wentworth ______ __ Mar. 28, 1939
product vapors in indirect heat exchange with the
Schneider ________ __ Mar. 18, 1941
liquid operated upon in the second exhaustion

causing the liquid to ?ow downward along said

zone to produce vapors in said zone and directing

the remainder of said product vapors to the en


Hall ______________ __ July 7, 1942

Metzl ____________ __ July 21, 1942

richment column of the whole apparatus; with

drawing vapors at the top of the second exhaus
tion zone; passing those product vapors into an
enrichment column added to said second zone;
condensing said enriched product vapors of the


Peebles __________ __ Mar. 2, 1943


Bragg ____________ __ Aug. 31, 1943

Kiefer et a1 _______ __ Oct. 10, 1944
Eberhardt ______ __ Mar. 30, 1945

second exhaustion zone in indirect heat exchange
55 Number
with the liquid operated upon in the ?rst exhaus
Switzerland ______ __ Feb. 29, 1936
tion zone to produce vapors in said zone; with
drawing vapors at the top of the ?rst exhaustion
zone; passing those product vapors into an en
Vapor re-use process, Othmer, Ind. and Eng.
richment column added to the ?rst exhaustion
Chem, December 1936, pages 1435-1438.
zone and directing the same to the enrichment
Perry, Chemical Engineers Handbook, 2nd edi
column of the whole distilling apparatus as ?nal
tion. McGraw-I-Iill, 1941, pages 1407 to 1412.

product of the exhausting column; mixing the

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