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"Speci?cation of Letters Patent.

, No. 896,434.

Patented Aug. 18, 1908. .

Applicationl?led. December. 3, 1904. Serial No. 235,280.

oontinuousl actingcolumn chambered still

To all @071 am it may concern:

Be it known that I, HARRY O. CHUTE, a

citizen of the United States, and a resident of
' the city of, Cleveland, county of Cuyahoga,
State of Ohio, have invented certain new and

of the type nown as beer stills, in which.

the raw or crude liquor fed into the same at

or near the top and descending therethrough

is subjected to the action of the ascending

useful Improvements in Distillation Appa heated vapors produced by vaporizing a se~

ratus, of which the following is a full, clear, lected portion'of the liquor removed from
that remaining after the evaporation of the
and exact description.
This invention relates to apparatus of the
kind known as continuous stills, and relates
particularly to stills employed for the separa
tion of wood alcohol from pyroligneous acid,


The boiler used for so vaporizing .

this selected portion is preferably structurally

separate from the still and comprises up
per and lower chambers and an intermediate

though of course such stills may be used for heating chamber, through which pass heat
ing tubes connecting the upper and lower
other purposes.

The invention consists in the combination, chambers, said tubes being heated by live.

with a column still, of a separate boiler or steam or' other heating fluid circulating

heater of improved construction; in means around them in said heating chamber. The
employed for avoiding the feeding of ta y or heatin chamber has no ?uid connection
other insoluble matter into this heate ; in with t e liquid chambers. Said boiler fur
means for regulating the point of entry into ther comprises exterior circulating tubes con
the still of the crude liquor and the returns necting the upper and lower liquid chambers.
from the exchanger; in means for admit
' ting said returns at a point above that at


The lower compartment or chamber of the

still constitutes a settling chamber of ca

which the crude liquor is admitted; in novel pacity sufficient to permit the tarry and

means for testing the quality of the vapor in other insoluble products to settle, automatic
the still; and in various other features, as means being provided for drawing off these
hereinafter more fully described and par tarry products with the liquor in said cham
ber and for maintaining a substantially uni
ticularly pointed out in the claims.
The objects of my invention are, to increase form level of liquid in said chamber. A

the e?iciency of fractional distilling appara~

tus, such as may be employed for the distilla
tion of pyroligneous acid; to avoid the dilu
tion of the liquor Within the still by steam or
like vapor employed for heating; to improve
the means employed for applying heat in the
still; to prevent the entry of tarry matter into

pipe having an adjustable end piece, is pro

vided for drawing off a portion of substan
tially tarefree or clear li uor from this cham

ber, and conducting suc liquor to the boiler

before mentioned; and another pipe con


ducts the vapor from this boiler back into

the still. The liquor to be distilled enters

the heater; to provide improved means for the upper portion of the still, after ?rst pass
regulating the action of the still; to provide ing through a suitable heat~exchanger Where

means for. testing at will the vapors in the in there is an exchange of heat between the
still; and generally to make the apparatus outgoing vapors from the still and the in

simple, durable and highlye?icient.

coming liquor. By means of suitable valves,

the incoming liquor may be admitted to the

tion with reference to the accompanying still at any one of a plurality of chambers of
I will now proceed to describe my inven

drawings, illustrating diagrammatically one said still; and by similar means the vapors
form of apparatus embodying my invention, condensed in the exchanger, may be returned
and will then point out the novel features in to the still at any one of a plurality of points.
claims. The said drawing shows a side ele Preferably in?owing liquid is introduced at
vation of'the apparatus, parts of which have a point in the still Where the average alco
' been broken away or sectioned to show the holic richness of'the liquid on the plates in
50 internal construction.
the chamber is not widely different from



In this showing, Figure 1 illustrates the that of such in?owingliquid. In connection

apparatus as a whole, partly in elevation and with the still, I preferably employ what I

partlyin vertical, section; and Fig. 2 illus term a tester consisting of a small con no
trates, on an'exag erated scale,_the connec-' denser arranged to be connected at will, to
l '55

tion of pipes man a of Fi



any one of a number of thelower chambers .

In my apparatus, I pregerably employ a of the still, and to draw off vapors from the


particular chamber with which it may be Said ipe h is connected with the column at a
connected at any moment. Vapors so plura ity of points by means of valves h, h
drawn off and Condensed, ?ow into a suitable and ha. The vapor from the column passes

hydrometer cup, wherein ?oats a hydrome through the pipef into the heating chamber
ter. By this means, the quality of the of the exchanger i and thence passes into the 7.0
vapors in the various chambers of the still main condenser j, and when condensed, out
connected to the tester, may be determined through pipe at. Any vapor which may be
readily whenever desired.
condensed in the exchanger may be returned

Pyroligneous liquor is the aqueous por to the still through a trapped pipe g connect
tion of the products from the destructive ed with the column at a plurality of points,
distillation of wood.


It contains besides a by means of valves 91 g2 g3 and g4.

large uantity of water,>methyl 'alcohol

Thev settling chamber b at the bottom of

which oils at 66 degrees centigrade,, and the still, is provided with a pi e e, the mouth


acetoneboiling at 56 degrees centigrade, of which is near the bottom 0 such chamber,

through which pi e the tarry products,

which two latter materials together for

the wood alcohol of commerce. Pyroligne


hich settle to the ottom of this chamber 1),

ous liquor also contains acetic acid-boiling a the acid liquor may be drawn off. Float

at 119 degrees centigrade, and other organic 0, operating a valve d in said ipe, regulates
volatile acids, and the liquor also contains the evel of the liquid in cham er b. A pipe '
more or less tarry products.

In distilling n opening into the chamber at a point above


such liquor with the apparatus ordinarily the level of the draw-off pipe e, serves to
used, the alcohol, if completely distilled off draw o? a portion of the liquor substantially

from the liquor, carries with it a portion of' free from tar or other insoluble .im urities
the acids; and to so distil o? practically all and also free from alcohol and the li e from
of the alcohol requires the evaporation of a chamber b and to introduce the same into the
large proportion of the liquor. My appa boiler ; and, as shown, this pipe has an ad
ratus serves to separate the alcoholic or



justable mouth piece m, whereby the level of

spirituous portion of the liquid in a concen the inlet mouth of this pipe, may be varied.
trated state, substantially free from acid In the construction shown, this mouth iece
and delivers the acid portion undiluted, no m is a sim le bent tube, by turning wiich,

free steam being used in heating.

Referring now to the drawing, a designates
an ordinary column still. I do not illustrate
the'same in detail, as the construction of such
35 stills is well understood. It will be under
stood that such still comprises a plurality of

the level 0? the mouth may be adjusted as

desired. The vapors are. returned from the

boiler 19 to the u per ortion of chamber 6,

above the level 0 the liquid therein, through

a pipe 0.


As shown in Fig. 2, pipe at is provid d with

chambers through which the liquor treated a screw union consisting of a ?ange 2 , the
descends rogressively, and through which outside of which is threaded and rigidl at
the heated) vapor ascends progressively. At tached to the pipe m, a ?ange 23 rigidly at


the base of' this still there 1s a settling cham tached to pipe n, and collar 21 ?tting oer
ber b. Adjacent to the still is a heater or ?ange 23 and screwing on to the thread _ n

boiler p comprising upper and lower cham

bers v9 and w respective _, and an intermedi

?ange 22. This permits pipe m to be turnel

relative to pipe n and therefore permits th

ate heating chamber t, which latter chamber mouth of pi e m to be adjusted relative to

is steam-tight and contains a large number the liquid evel in the settling chamber. 110
of ubes 8 connecting chambers g and w. Any other type of rotatable union however
Steam or other suitable heating ?uid may be may of course be used and the type shown is,;.
ad itted to this chamber t through a con

negtion u, and the exhaust or condensed

merely exempli?catory.

The operation of this apparatus is as fol:

'50 steam, or heating ?uid, esca es through a lows: The crude liquor entering through pipe

connection '0. Chambers g an w are further is, is heated prelinunarily, during its passage l
connected by external clrcul'ating ipes r. through the exchanger 01, and thence passes

Pipes 1' being air-cooled cause a circu ation of into the still through pipe h and one or an


other, or two or more of the valves h1 h2 and

liquid downward therethrough.
ll The heater or boiler thus constructed may ha. Within the still, it descends successively 129

e made quite cheaply, and the tubejs's, from chamber to chamber of the still, being
which are exposed to the steam pressure, heated therein by the ascending vapors, the
may be made quite small, thus permitting alcohol within the liquor being thereby dis- '
them to withstand relatively high steam tilled o? fractionally and caused to pass o?
pressure even when made of relatively thin through pipe f, while aqueous vapor, acid 125
weak material. The liquor to be distilled is vapor and the like, in the uprising vapors,
passed by suitable means, such as a pump Z are condensed and caused to descend. The
and pi e is, into an exchan er i of famillar liquor which collects in chamber b is sub
form s own in section, an thence passes stantially free from alcohol, and any tar
65 through a trapped pipe it into the column a. therein collects in the lower portion of said 15:0


chamber disturbance of the liquor in the The vapors drawn through pipe 4 into this

chamber being prevented by introducing in

condenser, drop through pipe 9 into hy

drometer cup 8. The hydrometer serves to

?owing liquid near its bottom through pipe 'y indicate
the average richness of the vapors
and is drawn off through pipe 6, together in the chambers
with which the tester is
with the acid. A portion of the substan
tially tar-free liquid from the top layers of placed in communication. By this means

the mass of liquid within such chamber 1) is may be determinedthe point in the still at

drawn off through pipe n and passed through which the liquor becomes substantially free

the heater or boiler 19, whereby such liquor is of In
the drawing, 1 designates .a pressure
10 evaporated and its vapor returned through gage of familiar form, comprising a cylinder
pipe 0 tothe still, such vapors rising through connected at its upper end to the still and a
the chambers of the still and constituting
extending upward from such cylinder;
the means whereby the alcohol is distilled pipe
pipe is customarily provided with in
off from the descending liquid. Both a and
dicating means at a point above that at
which the pipe is shown as broken oil in the
' the level of liquid in the settling chamber 1)
and boiling chamber 1) will be the same. drawing.
The still is supported on a base 23, which
The valves h, if, and h3permit the entering may
be of any desired shape or construction.
liquors to be admitted to the still at di?erent
I claim is;
heights in order that substantially all of the
the combina
alcohol shall be evaporated. The various




with a chambered column still provided

valves g1 g2 g3 and g4 permit the condensation tion
lower end with a quieting and settling
from exchanger 0', to bereturned to the still at
chamber and with a draw-oil outlet, of a
various points. Such condensation liquors, heater
having a liquid supply passage com


being exceedingly rich in alcohol, serve to municating with said settling chamber at a
condense any acid remaining in the vapors
after its passage through the crude entering point above said outlet, said heater provided


liquor, without depriving the uprising va with lneans for returning vapor to said set


chamber near the top thereof .

pors of their alcohol. In order that this tling
apparatus, the ('()_ml)lll21 .
?nal- separation may be efficient, I prefer tion withdistillation
column still provided.
ably so adjust the valves mentioned, that
the crude liquor enters the still below the at its lower end with a settling chamber and I
condensation liquor returned from the ex~ with a draw~o? outlet, and automatic level

changer i. By properly adjusting these va


rious valves, the operation of the still may be

so regulated as to regulate the percentage. of
the alcohol in the distillate while completely
separating the alcohol from the acid, all in
one operation.

regulatin'g means controlling such outlet, of

a heater having a supply passage communi


cating with said settling chamber at a point

above said outlet, said heater provided with

a connection for returning vapor to said still.

3. In distillation apparatus, the combina
with a chambered column still provided 105
I By use of the separate heater p I avoid the
lower end with a settling chamber and
introduction of steam into the still, as has
draw-off outlet, of a heater having a
been done heretofore; the introduction of

liquid supply passage communicating with

cause it tends to dilute the acid liquor and such settling chamber, and provided with
render the separation more expensive. How means for adjusting the point of communica

steam being objectionable ordinarily be

ever, if desired, as for heating the apparatus tion. to various heights above said outlet,
in starting steam may be admitted through said heater further provided with means for
the opening 3. By means of theadjustable returning vapor to the still.
mouth piece m, I avoid drawing into the 4. In distillation apparatus, the combina


boiler, not merely the main mass of tar which

collects at the bottom of the chamber 5, but
even the separateglobules of tar which have
not as yet coalesced. In this way I avoid
the baking of the tar on the surfaces of the
heating tubes of the boiler 1), which, ifit oc

tion with a chambered column still provided

at its lower end with a settling chamber and
with a draw~oii outlet, and automatic level



regulating means controlling such outlet,

of a heater having a supply passage com

municating with such settling chamber and

curs, materially lowers the efficiency of the provided with means for adjusting the point
of communication to various heights above
In order to be able to test the liquor in the said outlet, said heater further provided
still and determine the quality of the liquor with means for returning vapor to the still.
5. In distillation apparatus, the combina
in the various lower chambers, I employ a
with a chambered column still provided
tester 2, comprising a small condenser

connected to the lower portion of the still at at its lower end with a settling chamber, of a
various points, by means of a pipe 4 and heater and means connecting the same with
valves 5, such condenser being provided said settling chamber comprising a bent
with an inlet 6 and outlet 7 for cooling ?uid. pipe Within such chamber rotatable to vary






the level of its mouth, said heater provided also means for indicating the quality of the;
with-means for returning vapor to the still. liquid condensed. from the vapor so drawn off.
6. In distillation apparatus, the combina
9. In distillation-apparatus, the combina
tion with a chambered column still having a tion With a continuously operating cham

quieting and settling chamber at its base, bered column still comprising heating means -

. of a separate heater therefor comprising up

and means for supplying liquor to the upper

Ipier and lower chambers, an intermediate portion "thereof and means for withdrawing
eating chamber, pipes passing through such ' exhausted liquor from the base, of a tester
heating chamber, and'connectmg such upper comprising a condenser provided with means
and lower chambers, and circulating pas for'connecting it to the vapor spaces of the
sages connecting saidu per and lower cham still at any one of a plurality of intermediate
bers, and located outsiqefsvaidheating cham levels to draw o? vapor, a receptacle receiv
ber, said heater provided With'supply and ing the ?uid condensed, and a hydrometer

return connections to said still, the supply therein.

connection drawing off li uid at a point
'10. In distillation apparatus, a continu- _
above thebase of said "sett ing chamber of .ously operating fractionating still compris
the still, and the return connection deliv ing _a chambered column still, means for
ering vapors to the settling chamber at a continuously feeding raw hot liquor into an

point near its topand above normal level upper chamber thereof, 'saidmeans com
of liquids therein, whereby the same normal .i risin a heat exchanger adapted to transfer
liquid level is maintained in both heating eat om out?owing vapors to in?owing
chamber and settling chamber.
liquor, a quieting and settling chamber com
7. In distillation apparatus, the combina municating with the column still at the base
' tion with a chambered column still provided

- with heating means, of an exchanger there


thereof and provided with automatically

for, provided with vapor and liquor connec

tions comprising adjustable means for ad
mitting the heated liquor to said still at any
one of a plurality of levels, and comprising
also means for returning condensed liquid


comprising a condenser provided with means

for connecting it to the vapor spaces of the
still at any one of a plurality of intermediate

levels to draw o? vapor, and comprising


means for preserving, a constant

liqui level therein by drawing oif regulated '

amounts of liquid from the base of said quiet
ing chamber, and a heating chamber ar

ranged to take liquid from said settling

chamber at a point above the automatically

to said still at any one of a plurality of levels. controlled liquid outlet thereof and to return
8. In- distillation apparatus, the combina vapors of said liquid to a point near the top
tion with a continuously fed chambered of said settling chamber and above the nor
column still comprising heating means and mal liquid level therein.
means for supplying liquor to the upper por
In testimony whereof I a?ix my signature
tion thereof and means for withdrawing ex in presence of two witnesses.
hausted liquor from the base, of a tester ~



[L. s.]


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