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Hello Aimee!

word 1. dish NOUN /d/ [C] (FOOD)

a particular type of food or food prepared in a particular way as part of a meal:
This restaurant serves both Cuban and Chinese dishes.
word 2. conditioner NOUN /kndnr/ a thick liquid that people put on their hair after washing it to improve its
word 3. ignorance NOUN /nrns/ having no knowledge or awareness of something or of things in general: You
have to assume that incoming students have an almost total ignorance of the rules of grammar.
word 4. assemble VERB /sembl/ to bring or come together in a single group or place, or to put together the
parts of something:
[I] When the fire alarm rings, everyone is supposed to leave the building and assemble in the schoolyard.
[T] Workers were earning $20 an hour assembling cars.
Pronunciation Corrections
1. laboratory /lbrtri, -tor-/
2. interrupted /ntrptd/
3. arrived /rvd/
4. electronic /lektrnk/
5. mattress /mtrs/
6. wood /wd/
Grammatical Corrections
1. incorrect: The video was _________.
correct: The video was interrupted.
2. incorrect: I went THERE at the beginning of August.
correct: I ARRIVED HERE at the beginning of August.
3. incorrect: I can use ELECTRIC dictionary.
correct: I can use THE ELECTRONIC dictionary.
4. incorrect: I RENT a car.
correct: I RENTED a car.
5. incorrect: I find the one that I can satisfy with.
correct: I FOUND the one that I can BE satisfIED with.

Hello Kevin!
word 1. promote VERB /prmot/ (ADVERTISE)
to advertise something in order to sell it:
The new model cars are being heavily promoted on television.
word 2. advertise VERB /dvrtz/ to make something known generally or in public, esp. in order to sell it:
[T] He advertises his business on the Internet.
[I] Im going to advertise for (= put a notice in the newspaper asking for) someone to clean my house.
word 3. service NOUN /srvs/ (WORK)
work done or help provided, esp. for the public or for a person or an organization:
[U] She was given the award for a lifetime of public service.
[U] The airplane had been in service (= used) for fifteen years.
[pl] You should have the services of a lawyer.
word 4. showcase VERB /okes/ [T] (SHOW BEST PARTS)
to show the best qualities or parts of something:
In the opening set, he showcased his own songs.
word 5. pamphlet NOUN /pmft/ a few sheets of paper folded together to form a thin magazine that contains
information or opinions about something:
a voters information pamphlet
She wrote the pamphlet, "Grow Your Own Vegetables."

word 6. application NOUN /plken/ (USE)

[C] a particular use
[C] An application is a computer program that is designed for a particular purpose.
Pronunciation Corrections
1. famous /fems/
2. come /km/
3. organization /rnzen/
Grammatical Corrections
1. incorrect: Some of our customer IS Ford and BMW.
correct: Some of our customers ARE car companies such as Ford and BMW.
2. incorrect: They will introduction the people to our showcase what we do. correct: They will introduce/showcase
the products to the people.
3. incorrect: Our company is an international company so it HAVE many levels.
correct: Our company is an international company so it HAS many levels.

Hello Frank!
word 1. breastfeed VERB /brest.fid When a mother breastfeeds her baby, she feeds it with milk directly from her
breasts rather than with artificial or cow's milk from a bottle.
word 2. transportation NOUN /trnsprt, -port/ to take goods or people from one place to another:
The movers will transport thousands of pictures, charts, and recordings to the library.
word 3. expose VERB /kspoz/ [T] (SHOW THE TRUTH)
to publicly show that someone or something is bad or dishonest:
He was exposed as a fraud and a liar.
word 4. suburb NOUN /sbrb/ an area outside a city but near it and consisting mainly of homes, sometimes also
having stores and small businesses:
[pl] Most of the people who live in the suburbs work in the city.
word 5. film VERB /flm/ [I/T] (PICTURE)
to make pictures of something in making a movie, or to make a movie:
[T] Her last movie was filmed in Spain.
word 6. refection NOUN /rfekn/ (SHOW)
[C] something that shows, expresses, or is a sign of something:
Their finely decorated home is a refection of their good taste.
The teams losses of late seem to be a refection on the coaching.
Pronunciation Corrections
1. bruise /bruz/
2. ivory /vri, vri/
3. advertisement /dvrtzmnt, dvrt zmnt/
4. species /spiiz, -siz/
5. technology /teknldi/
6. emperor /emprr/
Grammatical Corrections
1. incorrect: We buy things convenient.
correct: We buy things CONVENIENTLY.
2. incorrect: There's a lot of trees around us.
correct: There ARE a lot of trees around us.
3. incorrect: The people destroy their home and build farm.
correct: The people CONVERT their HABITAT into farm.
4. incorrect: They are KIND than the elephants in Africa.
correct: They are KINDER than the elephants in Africa.

Hello Ms. Sue!

word 1. enrollment NOUN /nrolmnt/ to put yourself or someone else on an official list for an activity or for
membership in a group, or to accept someone in such a list: [C] Enrollments at medical schools are down this year.
Enrollment figures for next year are now available.
word 2. move VERB /muv/ (CHANGE POSITION)
A2 [I or T] to (cause to) change position:
I'm so cold I can't move my fingers.
Will you help me move this table to the back room?
Can we move (= change the time of) the meeting from 2 p.m. to 3.30 p.m. ?
Don't move! Stay right where you are.
I thought I could hear someone moving about/around upstairs.
If you move along/over/up (= go further to the side, back, or front) a little, Tess can sit next to me.
Police officers at the scene of the accident were asking people to move along/on (= to go to a different place).
Come on, it's time we were moving (= time for us to leave).
Let's stay here tonight, then move on (= continue our journey) tomorrow morning.
[I or T] to change the position of one of the pieces used in a board game :
In chess, the pieces can only move in certain directions.
word 3. bedding NOUN /bed/ the sheets, blankets (= covers to keep you warm), and other covers that you put
on a bed:
The new recruits at the army base were lined up to pick up their bedding.
Pronunciation Corrections
1. lock /lk/
2. wardrobe /wrdrob/
3. self-discipline /selfdspln/
Grammatical Corrections
1. incorrect: It usually HAPPEN in the mainland universities.
correct: It usually HAPPENS in mainland universities.
2. incorrect: There are many policemen IN the street.
correct: There are many policemen ON the street.
3. incorrect: The people in Macau IS more educated.
correct: The people in Macau ARE more educated .

Hello Pitbull!
word 1. lively ADJECTIVE /lvli/ having or showing a lot of energy and
enthusiasm, or showing interesting and exciting thought:
We have a lively group of seniors who meet to discuss the books theyve read.
Imelda takes a lively interest in politics.
word 2. tough ADJECTIVE /tf/ [-er/-est only] (STRONG)
not easily broken, weakened, or defeated; strong:
These toys are made of tough plastic.
You have to be tough to be successful in politics.
The police are getting tougher on illegal parking.

Results or actions that are tough are severe and determined:

Tough new safety standards for cars are being introduced this week.
word 3. bored ADJECTIVE /brd, bord/ feeling tired and unhappy because
something is not interesting or because you have nothing to do:
He was getting bored doing the same thing every day.
Pronunciation Corrections
1. usually /juwli/
2. learn /lrn/
Grammatical Corrections
1. incorrect: I will never feel BORING.
correct: I will never feel BORED.
2. incorrect: Whenever we Have a bad mood, he always MAKE funny faces.
correct: Whenever we ARE in a bad mood, he always MAKES funny faces to make
us happy.

Hello Owen!
word 1. freshman NOUN /fremn/ a student in the first year of a program of study in a college, university, or high
school (= a school for students aged 14 to 18):
She is a freshman at Harvard.
word 2. representative NOUN /reprzenttv/ [C] (ACT FOR)
a person who represents another person or a group:
The company has representatives in most European capitals.
word 3. entertain VERB /entrten/ (AMUSE)
[I/T] to keep a person or a group of people interested or amused:
[I] Childrens games and books seek to teach and entertain at the same time.
[T] Kerry and Bill entertained listeners of their radio show with tales of their adventures on an ocean cruise.
[I/T] to invite one or more people to your house and give food and drink to them:
[T] She was a good cook and liked to entertain her friends with new dishes.
[I] We didnt entertain much over the holidays this year.
word 4. various ADJECTIVE /veris, vr-/ several and different:
He underwent various treatments for the disease, none of them successful.
We enjoy eating in various types of restaurants.
After holding various jobs in different states, he settled in Oregon and opened a law office in Portland.
word 5. favoritism NOUN /fevrtzm, fevr-/ unfair support shown to one person or group, esp. by someone
in authority:
The teacher was careful not to show favoritism to any one student.
Pronunciation Corrections
1. Russian /r.n/
2. full /fl/
3. variance /verins, vr-/
4. find /fnd/
5. metal /metl/
Grammatical Corrections
1. incorrect: If some brother or sister help to know more about school life, you can make less mistake.
correct: If I only knew some seniors who can help me to know more about school life before, I could have made
lesser mistakes.
2. incorrect: I took the textbook every day.
correct: I TAKE my textbook with me every day.
3. incorrect: It's too many knowledge in the textbook.
correct: There's too much knowledge in the textbook.

Hello Aeris!
word 1. lives pl of life NOUN /lvz/ (TIME BEING ALIVE)
[C/U] (plural lives /lvz/ ) the period between birth and death, or the state of being alive:
[U] Life is too short to worry about money!
[C] Cats are supposed to have nine lives.
[C/U] (plural lives /lvz/ ) Life is also anything that is alive:
[U] animal/plant life
word 2. enormous ADJECTIVE /nrms/ extremely large or great:
He ate an enormous helping of pasta.
The wealthy will get enormous tax cuts under the proposal.
word 3. certainly ADVERB /srtnli/ (KNOWING TO BE TRUE)
When said in answer to a question asking for help, certainly means yes:
"Can you give me a hand?" "Certainly."
word 4. alone ADJECTIVE lon/ (WITHOUT PEOPLE)
without other people:
She decided to climb the mountain alone.
We can discuss your proposal when were alone (= when other people present have left).
word 5. billiards NOUN /bljrdz/ a game played by two or more people on a table covered in green cloth in which a cue (= long
pole) is used to hit a ball against other balls to send them into the holes along the edge of the table
word 6. ingredient NOUN /nridint/ one of the parts in a mixture:
Combine all the ingredients for the stew.
fig. She viewed color as an essential ingredient of good design.
word 7. electrician NOUN /lektrn/ a person who puts in and maintains wires which carry electricity into a building
Pronunciation Corrections
1. groceries /rosriz, rosriz/
2. stores /str, storz/
3. taco /tko/
4. muffin /mfn/
5. pudding /pd/
6. cafe /kfe/
7. equipment /kwpmnt/
8. wine /wn/
9. choose /tuz/
10. microbe /mkrob/
11. score /skr, skor/
Grammatical Corrections
1. incorrect: I haven't refrigerator.
correct: I don't have a refrigerator.
2. incorrect: I'll TAKE a picture for you.
correct: I'll SEND a picture for you.
3. incorrect: Some TEENAGER like my friends and I will play billiards.
correct: Some TEENAGERS like my friends and I play billiards.

Hello Ms. Aling!

word 1. conduct VERB /kndkt/ (DIRECT)
[T] to organize and direct a particular activity:
The experiments were conducted by leading scientists.
[T] fml To conduct people to a place is to walk there with them:
The usher conducted us to our seats.
word 2. questionnaire NOUN /kwestner/ a written list of questions that people
are asked so that information can be collected
word 3. murderer NOUN /mrdrr/

a convicted murderer
Pronunciation Corrections
1. requirement /rkwrmnt/
2. treating /trit/
3. uses /juzs/
4. box /bks/
Grammatical Corrections
1. incorrect: The book is writed with computer by the author.
correct: The book is WRITTEN with A computer by the author.
2. incorrect: He communicates his parents with a telephone.
correct: He communicates TO HIS parents with a telephone.
3. incorrect: The juice is drinked with a bottle by me.
correct: The juice is DRANK with a bottle by me.

Hello Ivy!
word 1. retire VERB /rtr/ (STOP WORKING)
[I/T] to leave your job or stop working because of having reached a particular age
or because of ill health, or to cause someone or something to stop being employed
or used:
[I] He worked in television after retiring from baseball.
[I] Ill be retiring soon.
[T] The aircraft was retired in 1990.
word 2. attempt VERB /tempt/ to try to make or do something:
[T] The teams quarterback attempted only 12 passes during the entire game.
[+ to infinitive] Dont attempt to do these tricks at home.
word 3. samurai NOUN /sm..ra/ a member of a military class of high social
rank from the 11th to the 19th century in Japan:
Samurai warriors
Pronunciation Corrections
1. politics /pltks/
2. violence /vlns/
3. anti - /nti, nt/
4. recite /rst/
Grammatical Corrections
1. incorrect: I still remember the slaughtered was happened in _______ province in

correct: I still remember when Japanese slaughtered many Chinese in _______

province during the WWII.

Hello Sunny!
word 1. enter VERB /entr/ (GO IN)
[I/T] to come or go into a place:
[T] The orchestra entered the hall.
[T] He entered a shelter for the homeless.
[I] Half of the museums visitors are children who enter for free.
[I/T] To enter is also to be admitted to or become a member of an organization:
[I] He entered the army at the age of 18.
word 2. telephone NOUN /telfon/ a device for speaking to someone in another place by means of electrical
[C] Your telephone is ringing.
[U] I tried to reach her by telephone.
word 3. sandwich NOUN /sndwt/ slices or pieces of meat, cheese, salads, etc., put between two pieces of
bread that are held together by the person who picks them up when ready to eat:
a bacon, lettuce, and tomato sandwich
My kids always eat peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for lunch.
Pronunciation Corrections
1. thin /n/
2. violin /vln/
3. shop p/
Grammatical Corrections
1. incorrect: I leared the piano at hankou.
correct: I LEARNED the piano at Hankou.
2. incorrect: The girl is calling.
correct: The girl is calling someone on the telephone.
3. incorrect: My parents. (Who do you call?)
correct: I call my parents on the telephone.
4. incorrect: She shops THE grocery items.
correct: She shops FOR grocery items.

Hello Barry!
word 1. appropriate ADJECTIVE /proprit/ (CORRECT)
correct or right for a particular situation or occasion:

Punishment should be appropriate to the crime.

I dont have any appropriate clothes.
word 2. outline NOUN /tln/ [C] (STATEMENT)
a statement of the main facts, ideas, or items:
The House approved the broad outlines of the presidents budget.
Pronunciation Corrections
1. delivery /dlvri/
2. coherent /kohrnt/
3. grammatical /rmt..kl/
Grammatical Corrections
1. incorrect: It makes the environment MORE NOISY.
correct:It makes the environment NOISIER.

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