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The Attitude Factor;

The Impact of Attitude in Lifelong

Learning, Relationships, and Success in Life

Isaiah J. Roberts

North Star High School

March 16, 2010

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I. Introduction

II. Two different attitudes

A. A positive attitude

B. A negative attitude

III. The effects of attitude in one’s life

A. Attitude determines how well one learns

1. Approach learning with a positive attitude

2. Seek out new skills

B. Attitude affects relationships

1. Benefit others through one’s actions

2. Keep a good attitude towards coworkers

C. Attitude affects one’s success

1. Learn from failure

2. Work with a positive attitude

IV. Building a positive life attitude

A. Examine one’s outlook toward learning, personal, and professional attitudes

B. Adjust one’s attitude to look for the best, and move past the negative

V. Summary
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Attitude is the constant factor in each decision a person makes in every area of their lives.

Attitude defines a person’s perception of reality, influencing their response to every situation.

People’s attitude toward learning shapes their entire future, whether for good or for bad.

Relationships rely on the attitude of the individuals involved; when negativity is input in a

relationship, the same will be returned, just as positive offerings yield good results. Each

individual’s success in life is dependent upon his or her approach to work, learning, and failure.

Approaching each of these areas with a positive attitude is vital; a positive attitude leads to

success, negativity leads to obscurity. It is possible for anyone to develop a positive attitude

through careful examination of his or her outlook and making the decision to adjust their

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The effects of attitude reach deeply into a person’s life. Attitude is a constant factor in all

areas of life. The attitude one has toward gaining knowledge affects the quality of lifelong

learning (Awe, 2010). Relationships depend on the attitude one has concerning others (Batra,

2007). Within the workplace, one’s attitude also influences job performance (Yehuda, 2009).

Attitude remains a constant force, influencing decisions and forming worldviews. The purpose

of this paper is to describe the differences between positive and negative attitudes, their effects

on a person’s life, and to explain the steps to building a positive life attitude. Attitude affects all

areas of one’s life, including lifelong learning, relationships, or success in the workplace.

Building a positive attitude is the responsibility of each individual; the process may be difficult,

yet the benefits of changing one’s attitude are outstanding. Attitude determines one’s success;

negativity leads to failure, a positive attitude surpasses failure.

Two Different Attitudes

To understand the difference between a positive and a negative attitude, first one must

define what is an attitude. According to Webster’s Encyclopedic Dictionary, it is “a mental

position” (Cayne, 1992, p. 60). One’s mind forms a position, and evaluates events according to

this position. When examining a given event, the reality of the situation one sees from the

perspective of an individual’s attitude. “Humans are naturally opinionated. We form likes and

dislikes almost from the moment we first gain consciousness. Our stances on issues and our

attitudes about things are directly linked to our innermost thoughts and feelings” (Spaulding,

2008). Thus, a person’s ideals and backgrounds can influence their attitude toward reality. A

perpetual negative attitude may be caused by an adverse upbringing; likewise, a good childhood

can result in a positive attitude.

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A Positive Attitude

Those who maintain a positive attitude are optimists. The saying “every cloud has a silver

lining” could be an optimist’s motto. Because of their positive outlook toward all aspects of life,

optimists are generally successful in their endeavors, because they refuse to let failure stop them.

To this group, failure is simply another step in the process of succeeding. When discussing the

long list of failed experiments involved in finding a suitable filament for his electric light bulb,

Thomas Edison stated, “If I find 10,000 ways something won't work, I haven't failed. I am not

discouraged, because every wrong attempt discarded is another step forward” (Edison, 2010).

Edison was among the most famous inventors in the world, yet he was reported to have tried two

thousand different materials to build his electric light bulb. His attitude toward his work allowed

him to succeed. Edison, and others like him, wanted the best for their lives; they refused to settle

for a negative attitude.

A Negative Attitude

Those who have negative attitudes are pessimists. Their attitude toward learning,

relationships, and work build barriers to positive events. Pessimists allow even small issues to

reinforce their negative attitudes.

For example, they go to make coffee and find there is none left. They start the day by

sarcastically thinking, “Oh great, this going to be a good day”. Then, for the remainder of

the day, they allow minor inconveniences, unexplained challenges, or other less than

ideal events to reinforce their original negative thought (Pulsifer, 2008 page or


This negativity is an obstacle to success. One must consciously make the decision to change

one’s attitude, and take steps to make that change happen to overcome this barrier (Gracia, 2010,
The Attitude Factor 6

page or paragraph).

The Effects of Attitude in one’s Life

Attitude, whether positive or negative, affects one’s life through one’s decisions, and

reactions. This section describes three of the most important areas of life in which a positive

attitude is necessary. Pastor and Teacher, Charles Swindoll, realized the impact attitude had on

his own life:

…I believe the single most significant decision I can make on a day-to-day basis is my

choice of attitude. It is more important than my past, my education, my bankroll, my

successes or failures, fame or pain, what other people think of me, or say about me, my

circumstances, or my position. The attitude I choose keeps me going or cripples my

progress. It alone fuels my fire or assaults my hope. When my attitudes are right, there’s

no barrier too high, no valley too deep, no dream too extreme, no challenge too great for

me (2007, The Importance of Attitude).

Maintaining a positive attitude strengthens one to work through any difficulty and succeed in any

undertaking. One important area of life affected by attitude is learning.

Attitude determines how well one learns

A person’s attitude may be helpful in learning, or it may become an obstacle. Having a

positive attitude increases a person’s learning potential, whereas a negative attitude will often

cause one’s efforts to fail. One’s attitude in approaching learning is the most important aspect in

the process.

Approach learning with a positive attitude. One should daily be learning new things,

new skills, and new ideas. A positive attitude toward education is vital to learning. As Jide Awe

stated, “You absolutely must be willing to learn and you must love learning” (Awe, 2010,
The Attitude Factor 7

paragraph). This attitude towards learning greatly benefits those who choose it. By electing to

love learning, one will work harder to gain knowledge. Hard earned knowledge is precious to

the one who worked for it.

Keeping a positive attitude toward learning continues past the high school and college

years, extending throughout one’s career, and even into retirement. Learning is necessary;

therefore, a positive attitude toward learning is equally necessary. Lifelong learning takes many

forms, whether training for a job, figuring out how a particular DVD player works, or learning to

bake bread. In any situation, the attitude one holds toward learning will dictate the level of

success. Fore example, beekeeping is a risky business, and it is likely that a hive will fail during

the first two years; yet the best beekeepers learn from their losses, and begin building a new

colony (M. Adamson, personal communication, February 17 2010). By always looking for the

best aspects in an experience, even a failure can become simply another step in the process of

learning a new skill.

Seek out new skills. Because of the importance with lifelong learning, one cannot simply

wait for learning opportunities to come along. Being proactive in gaining new skills beyond

one’s job description may result in a promotion or possibly a new career. For example, a young

man in seminary worked for a construction company to pay his tuition. His job consisted of

cleanup detail, yet he spent extra time after his shift learning how to lay tile from a master

craftsman. Many of the best contractors seek his skills out, because he spent extra time learning

to become more than just a good craftsman: he became the best (R. Clum, personal

communication, February 28, 2010). One establishes hobbies by learning new skills (e.g.,

woodworking, drawing, or a new sport). Knowledge of history and mathematics is useful, and

quite interesting. Letting a persons skills stagnate only serves to hurt their chances for success.
The Attitude Factor 8

Success requires one to continually build skills and knowledge. Allowing one’s attitude toward

learning to be positive is vital in building a successful life.

Attitude affects relationships

A person’s attitude toward others impacts the quality of their relationships. When one

searches for deficiencies in

Benefit others through one’s actions. “Actions speak louder than words” (Unknown), as

the saying goes. One’s actions, and the attitude behind those actions, greatly influence one’s

relationships. A positive attitude toward others is essential to building strong relationships.

Through positive attitudes, and positive actions, it is simpler to build up trust and strong ties with

one another. Vijay Batra explains it this way:

If we were to start thinking of what we can do for others instead of thinking about what

others can do for us, we will be in better control of our lives. For instance, instead of

asking what your parents, spouse, children or siblings can do for you, you should try and

do as much as one can for them. You'll empower yourself by adding strength to your

family and your life. (2007, page or paragraph)

Spending extra time looking for ways to help close friends and family will strengthen one’s

relationships. This shows others that one is sincerely concerned for their comfort and happiness.

Relationships extend past one’s personal life; a good attitude in the workplace eases tension with


Keep a good attitude toward coworkers. Tension is the workplace can strain coworker

relationships. The rigors of daily work incur stress, and without a conscious decision to have a

positive attitude, one easily slips into negativity. This stands in the way of effective

communication with coworkers. Without correction, a negative attitude will hurt professional
The Attitude Factor 9

relationships. Those who choose to cultivate a positive attitude are team players; they build up

their coworkers and work hard. (Allgeyer, 2010, Lose the Bad Attitude at Work). These positive

qualities, resulting from a good attitude, greatly enhance a person’s effectiveness and success.

Attitude Affects One’s Success

The effect of attitude on effectiveness and success is enormous. When a person works

hard, with a good attitude, their influence reaches beyond the immediate area. This concept is

discussed in the Bible: “Do you see a man skilled in his work? He will serve before kings; he

will not serve before obscure men. (Proverbs 22:29 New International Version). Success

demands that one go above the established norms. One of these norms is the acceptance of


Learn from failure. Failure is an inevitable part of life. Even among the most famous

men in history, one finds evidence of many failed ideas and inventions. Perhaps the most famous

of these is Thomas Edison, the renowned inventor of the electric light bulb, among other

inventions. Though he was a demanding employer, he did not resent failure in his staff. He saw

failure as another step in the process of solving a problem (M.I.T, 2010, Thomas Alva Edison).

Edison held 1,093 patents at the time of his death, yet failure was an everyday part of his life.

The difference between successful and ineffective people is their attitude toward work and


The people who are successful in this life believe that failure is not an option. Whether in

their personal or professional life, if they are knocked down, they make the conscious

choice to get back up. No matter the cost, they continue to move straight ahead instead of

worry about past mistakes and wallow in their misery. That is what is the difference

between successful people and those that continue to fail (Smith, 2010, Failure is Not an
The Attitude Factor 1

Success happens when a person refuses to let failure rule their life. Looking for the hidden

blessing in the midst of a failure is a characteristic of one who works with a positive attitude.

Work with a positive attitude. Success in the workplace is entirely dependent on the

attitude that one has toward work. Working with a negative attitude serves to hurt one’s

productivity. The effect of adjusting one’s attitude to be positive is enormous; one will be able

to work much more efficiently and produce high quality results (Oneng, 2010, Attitude

Adjustment: Ways to Transform Your Career). Maintaining a positive attitude at work is crucial

to success; unfortunately, 19% of workers see employment as nothing more than a source of

income, another 15% actively dislike with their work (Tischler, 2005, Attitude Adjustment).

According to Tamara Erickson, investing one’s mental energy into one’s work is essential to

productivity (Management Issues, 2005). The American Time Use Survey found that the

average person spent 8.8 hours at work, or related activities (2009). One spends approximately

one third of one’s life working; yet, 34% of the workforce maintain negative attitudes toward

their occupation. Employers carry the blame for enforcing negativity toward work (Tischler,

2005, Attitude Adjustment); however, the original attitude of the workers is the root of the

problem. There is one answer to this negativity; individuals must adjust their own attitude

toward work (Young, 2004, Attitude Adjustment: Ways to Transform Your Career).

Building a Positive Life Attitude

To have a positive life attitude, first one must invest time and effort into building this attitude.

Overcoming a negative attitude is difficult; however, once accomplished, one may reap the

benefits of a positive attitude.

Positive attitude helps to cope more easily with the daily affairs of life. It brings optimism
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into your life, and makes it easier to avoid worry and negative thinking. If you adopt it as

a way of life, it will bring constructive changes into your life, and makes them happier,

brighter and more successful. With a positive attitude you see the bright side of life,

become optimistic and expect the best to happen. It is certainly a state of mind that is well

worth developing and strengthening (Sasson, 2009, The Power of a Positive Attitude).

The first step in the process of changing one’s attitude is to examine the attitude, to determine

what one needs to adjust.

Examine one’s outlook toward learning, personal, and professional attitudes

Changing one’s life attitude from negative to positive is not easy. Close examination of

one’s feelings and reactions is necessary. A good first step is to examine one’s focus. Mary

Misciscin uses the example of two adults, Sylvia and Jack. Both receive an invitation to a

wedding, but their attitudes vary drastically. Sylvia immediately thinks of all the aspects of

weddings she dislikes (e.g., tacky wedding music, terrible food, having to talk to boring people),

already decidedly unhappy about the wedding. Jack, on the other hand, decides to have a

positive attitude. He starts thinking of the fun he can have at the wedding (e.g., dancing, eating

cake, meeting new people). Jack had already examined his feelings, and decided beforehand to

have a good attitude, no matter what happened. When they went to the wedding, they both found

exactly what they had expected. Sylvia had a terrible time, refusing to allow herself any

enjoyment. In contrast, Jack enjoyed every moment of the wedding, taking pleasure from the

experience (Miscisin, 2002, Alter Your Life by Your Attitude). Had Sylvia examined her

attitude, she would have realized that her focus was on having a bad time. The difference

between having a bad time and a good one is examining one’s focus, and then changing it.

Adjust one’s attitude to look for the best, and move past the negative. Changing one’s
The Attitude Factor 1
focus requires changing one’s thoughts. This may be difficult for those used to pessimism, so it

is key to decide beforehand to stand firm against negative thoughts and feelings. To change the

habit of pessimism, one must start by catching negative thoughts. Evaluate what is happening;

figure out what the facts of the matter are. Do not jump directly to worst case scenarios, instead,

calmly find the facts, and make decisions from there. Jerry Lopper gives an example: “When

your old car suddenly makes a strange noise you may jump to the pessimistic conclusion that

repair will be costly, but maybe a minor repair will solve the problem” (2007, The Power of

Positive Attitude). When an incident occurs, which seems terrible, one should examine the

situation for good events arising from the original incident. A positive attitude is necessary; good

effects do not always show themselves immediately (Hall, 2010, Change Your Attitude, Change

Your Life!). By deciding upon a new attitude toward life, one is in control, choosing positive

actions, and positive results. “A changed attitude changes results” (Burns, 2008, An Attitude

Reality Check).


Success in learning, relationships, and in the workplace, is entirely dependent upon one’s

attitude. A negative attitude yields only negative results, hurting one’s chances for success. A

positive attitude toward life produces positive results, benefiting those who decide to have a

positive outlook on life. These optimists are successful entrepreneurs, political leaders,

inventors, scholars, and a myriad of other vocations. Failure is their stepping-stone to greatness;

they refuse to allow life to beat them down. Anyone can attain this successful attitude by

carefully examining their mindset and changing it to look for the best in all situations.
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Allgeyer, K. Lose the Bad Attitude at Work. Accessed on February 17, 2010, from

Attitude. 1992. In Cayne, B.S. (Ed.), Webster’s Encyclopedic Dictionary (p. 60, Deluxe Ed.).

New York: Lexicon Publications Inc.

Awe J. Learning Starts with Attitude. Accessed on February 15, 2010, from

Batra, V. Attitude Affects Relationships. Accessed on February 16, 2010, from

Burns, K. An Attitude Reality-Check. Accessed on February 18, 2010, from

Charts from the American Time Use Survey. 2009. Accessed on March 4, 2010, from

Edison, T. A. The Quotations Page. Accessed on March 2 2010, from

Gracia, M. 5 Steps to a Positive Attitude. Accessed on February 17, 2010, from

Hall, K. W. Change Your Attitude, Change Your Life! Accessed on February 17, 2010, from,-Change-Your-Life!&id=89091

M.I.T. 2010, Thomas Alva Edison. Accessed on March 4, 2010, from

Lopper, J. The Power of Positive Attitude. Accessed on February 16, 2010, from http://changing-
The Attitude Factor 1

Management Issues. 2005. Accessed on March 4, 2010, from

Miscisin, M. Alter Your Life by Your Attitude. Accessed on February 18, 2010, from

Pulsifer, C. How to Recognize A Negative Attitude. Accessed on February 17, 2010, from

Sasson, R. The Power of a Positive Attitude. Accessed on February 17, 2010, from

Smith, A. Failure is Not an Option. Accessed on February 17, 2010, from


Spaulding, K. Attitudes and Attitude Change: Thoughts, Feelings, and Opinions. Accessed on

February 17, 2010, from


Swindoll, C.R. 2007. The Importance of Attitude. Accessed on February 15 2010, from

Tischler, L. Attitude Adjustment. Accessed on February 18, 2010, from

Yehuda, G. Building my Business on Positive Attitude. Accessed on February 18, 2010, from

Young, S. 2004. Attitude Adjustment: Ways to Transform Your Career. Accessed on February

18, 2010, from

The Attitude Factor 1
Oneng, S. Attitude Adjustment: Ways to Transform Your Career. Accessed on February 18,

2010, from

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