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I would like to learn how an Entity and a Vehicle can travel in Free Space.
Add-On Process Logic, Movement In Free Space, Vehicles
Key Concepts:
Add-On Process, FreeSpace, Initial Network, ModelEntity, Transfer Step, Travel Step
Moving in Free Space means that an entity is moving within the Facility window but it is not moving on a Link.
Technical Approach:
This project contains three models and each model demonstrates a concept in free space movement.
The model named FreeSpaceTravelWithNoDestinationSet contains a DefaultEntity with its Initial Network property
set to No Network (Free Space). The entity does not have a destination set when it travels so Simio will send the
entity to the closest External Input Node. In this model there are three possible External Input Nodes for it to travel
to; Input@Server1, Input@Server2 or Input@Sink1. Moving these objects around before or during the run will
show that the entity will always choose the node that is closest to its current location.
The model named TransferIntoFreeSpace_UseTravelStep contains a DefaultEntity with its Initial Network property
set to the default value of Global. This allows the entity to travel on the Path leaving the Source. When the entity
enters BasicNode1, the Add On Process uses a Transfer Step to transfer the entity into Free Space and then the
Travel Step tells the entity to move to the location where BasicNode2 is currently located. After the entity arrives
at that location, another Transfer Step transfers the entity from Free Space into BasicNode2. Since it is still on the
Global network, it will then follow the Path leaving BasicNode2 and travel to Sink1.
The model named VehicleTravelInFreeSpace contains a DefaultEntity and a Vehicle that both have their Initial
Network property set to No Network (Free Space). This demonstrates how a vehicle can travel in free space.
Details for Building the FreeSpaceTravelWithNoDestinationSet Model:

Place a Source, two Servers, and a Sink into the Facility window. Leave some space between the
objects so you can see the entity moving in Free Space.
Place a ModelEntity object from the Project Library into the Facility window.
Select the DefaultEntity instance in the Facility window and change the Initial Network property to
No Network (Free Space).

The entity does not have a destination set and because there are no links, the entity does not know where to go.
In this situation, Simio will find the closest External Input Node and send the entity there. In this model, the
External Input Nodes are Input@Server1, Input@Server2 and Input@Sink1. Whichever node is closest to the
entity will be selected as its destination. Move the objects around to see how the destination changes depending
on the distance between the entity and the input nodes.
Details for Building the TransferIntoFreeSpace_UseTravelStep Model:

Place a Source, a Sink and two Basic nodes into the Facility window. Connect the output node of the
Source to BasicNode1 with a Path. Connect BasicNode2 to the input node of Sink1 with a Path.
Select BasicNode1 and create a new Add On Process by selecting Create New in the dropdown of
the Entered Add On Process trigger property of this node. This will create a new process that will
appear in the Processes window.
o Place a Transfer Step into the process. Set the From property to CurrentNode and the To
property to FreeSpace.

Place a Travel Step. Set the Destination Type to Specific Object, set the Destination Object
to BasicNode2, and set the Units (under Maximum Movement Rate) to Meters per
Place another Transfer Step and set the From property to FreeSpace, the To property to
Node and the Node Name property to BasicNode2.

By default, the DefaultEntity is set to travel on the Global network. This allows it to travel on all Links. Therefore,
it travels on the Path leaving the Source and arrives at BasicNode1. At that point, we need to tell the entity to go
into FreeSpace. We do that with a Transfer Step, transferring the entity from the current node into Free Space.
The Travel Step is used only when an entity is in Free Space and it tells the entity where to move. When the entity
arrives at BasicNode2, it is still in Free Space so it cannot travel on the Path into the Sink. So we need another
Transfer Step that transfers the entity from Free Space into BasicNode2. At this point, its still on the global
network and therefore it travels on the Path into the Sink.
Details for Building the VehicleTravelInFreeSpace Model:

Place a Source, a Sink and a Transfer node into the Facility window.
Place a Vehicle into the Facility window.
o Set the Vehicles Initial Network property to No Network (Free Space). Set the Initial Node
(Home) property to TransferNode1 and the Idle Action property to Go To Home.
Place a ModelEntity into the Facility window from the Project Library (bottom left of screen).
o Set the Initial Network property to No Network (Free Space).
Select the Output@Source1 node and set the Entity Destination Type property to Specific and the
Node Name property to TransferNode1.
Select TransferNode1 and set the Entity Destination Type property to Specific and the Node Name
property to Input@Sink1. Set the Ride On Transporter property to True and the Transporter Type
property to Specific and the Transporter Name property to Vehicle1.

This is a simple model demonstrating that a Vehicle can travel in Free Space.
Instead of a Vehicle object, use a Worker object to show that a Worker can also travel in Free Space. A Travel Step
can also be used with a Vehicle or Worker object.

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