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CEL351: Design of Hydraulic Structures

Major Test

Time: Two Hours Marks: 40

Solve the following:

Assume any suitable data, if not given.


Q.l (a) Discuss briefly the energy dissipators to be used below an overflow spillway,
when T.W.c. is below J.H.C. for all discharges. [2]

(b) Design a lined canal to carry a discharge of 50 cumecs. Assume bed slope as 1 in
8100, n as 0.015 and side slope as 45°. [3]

Q.2 ~Draw the uplift pressures obtained by Khosla's solution and Bligh's theory for a
h9rGo~tal impervious floor. [2]
~ ~~~
~ A wide irrigation channel is designed to have a depth of 3'm and bed slope of 1.6
x 10-4.The bed sediment has an average median size of 0.3 mm. If the specific gravity of
bed soil is taken as 2.65, fall velocity of bed !mrticles as 0.04 mls and the I)bs~rved
Manning's 'n' to be 0.02, compute the bed load transported by the channel in N/s/m
width of channel. Also compute the suspended load concentration at 2 cm above channel
bottom. Consider f3= 1,k = 0.4 andv = 1.01xlO-6
m2/s. [5]

r\.4:w corrected subsoil hydraulic gradient lines for the following structure:
7 ~awith
intermediate pile:
203.00 .


.. .

. ~
T 194.0.
. ..,. . 194.0
~. . ..- . -. .. T1.75m
~12m. "I~ . . 29m. . --I" '11m. . 19Z.00
'4 52m- 1114

ttO7 [8]
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~ ~') P.T.O.

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Major Tes~ - CEL351: Part ~?.£

CI J;( -:? JL it L 6(:>
w~@ 0 '1 1..- l(;
11/ Max. Marks 20

~i~11 in dIeblanks ~ (4 Marks)

»e resultantofforcesmustliewithin L)m- to avoid tension in a gravity dam body.
L Acceleration due to earthquake is most adverse in -~-~~ direction in load
combination D and ~- direction in load combination E.
3. Earthquake forces are estimated using --_nm_mu-method if dam height is less than 100 m
and by ummm-_m_mm- methodotherwise.
4. In a practical profile the top width is m and uls slope starts at m__m--_nu.

J A 100 m high, M15 concrete (OCe= 4.0 N/mm2, Sg = 2.4) gravity dam assuming
intermediate uplift (C = 0.5) would be muu dam since critical height is mmum.

f Canal falls are required when groundslopeis _mumum-than canal bed slope.
~D works are not required in canals running along _mm___mmu. The preferred CD
structure is u_u u.

8. Energy is dissipated thmugh m and m--m-in Sarda type fall and glacis fall respectively.

/Ogee fall is not prefeY'd due to m and m______------------.

Q.2 Show that b =H/~- C) and () = Hyj)l2(Sc - C? + 1) to satisfy no sliding criteria in the
elementary profile of a gravity dam. (4 Marks)

~ ~-~~~~~~;~~~~~G~~~I~£~;l~:ld:~~'d~~l~~erpass~ge, can:l Syphon and Level(2c:::~:~

. Find the length and depth of the cistern in a Sard~ type fall of 1.5 m drop for the following data

1 . . .
both for uls and d/s canals - Discharge = 50 Jll~/s,Depth of flow = 1.8 m, Bed width = 35.0
m, and Side slope = 1.5H:1V. (4 Marks)
. Q.5 Design ca~ansitions and bed lev~ key points, and sketch barrel with dimensions
(including floor thickness) in an appropriate CD structure for the following data:
A Carial: Discharge = 50 m3Is; Depth of flow = 1.8 m; Bed width = 36 m; Side slope =
1.5H: 1V; Bed level = 202 m.
B River: Flood Discharge = 450 m3/s; Bed level = 200 m; HFL = 202.5 m; Silt factor = 1.
Inlf rf tvl }- (6Marks)
'fw --- [J ~(~> I~
Use appropriatedata/fonnula, if required.You may use the followinghints:

n =0.015; ? = 5-.)EH L ; ? = 0.25(EH L ?13 ; ? = 1.835LH312(H/Bt6

? = 0.55.jH + d; ? = 0.55.Jd; ? = CJQ; ? = 1.99LH3i2(H/Bt6 .!ih

? = C(V22
/2g - Vj2/2g); V = (1/n)R213
(?/Lt2; ? = (0.0152+ V2 /17.85 X(AI a)2 -1)

BcBfLf L B15 15
?- . ?-
. -
f c
( ( B
- B f15 1- B j.,. / ) )
. - BeLf -x(Bc -Bf)' B15
~~ ~OV'O">'i
tv 10
\ ":,G~(, ./ V;- \//
'( v"\-~)::0/
~0 )

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