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Secondary Lesson Plan Template

Topic: Looking at Language in Speeches

Grade Level: 11 & 12

Length of class:
90 minutes

LEARNING GOAL/PURPOSE (What is the overall goal/purpose of this lesson)?

The purpose of this lesson is to get students to incorporate different figurative language
into their speeches. This will help them to have more professional speeches and speeches
that inspire more in-depth thinking from the audience.

LEARNING OBJECTIVES (What will students know or be expected to do in this lesson? Use
verbs from Blooms Taxonomy):
Students will be able to identify different figurative language types.
Students will be able to create an impromptu speech in pairs to demonstrate that they
possess the ability to use figurative language in speeches by an informal presentation.
Students will be able to verbally identify figurative language after listening to other
students present.
STANDARDS (What national or state standards will you address?):
Adapt speech to a variety of contexts and tasks, demonstrating a command of formal
English when indicated or appropriate.
Apply knowledge of language to understand how language functions in different contexts,
to make effective choices for meaning or style, and to comprehend more fully when
reading or listening.
Interpret figures of speech (e.g., hyperbole, paradox) in context and analyze their role in
the text.

RESOURCES/MATERIALS NEEDED (What materials and resources will I need in this lesson?):
Pencil or pen

PLAN for LEARNING (How will you organize student learning in this lesson?
LESSON SEQUENCE & PACING (How will I organize this
lesson? How much time will each component of the
lesson take?)

1. Hand out quiz and let them take it. This will
make them draw upon their prior knowledge of
figurative language types that they learned in
the previous week. Max. 10 minutes.
2. Briefly review the answers of the quiz. Start
talking about ways to incorporate metaphors,
similes, repetition, alliteration, etc. Model the
writing an impromptu speech (in an outline
form) incorporating figurative language types.
Max. 20 minutes.

3. Have students get into pairs and have them

write their own impromptu speech
incorporating different types of figurative
language like the teacher modeled. Students
will get to pick a school appropriate topic.
Max. 30 minutes.

4. Have the students present the impromptu

speeches in an informal setting. Having the
other students actively listen for figurative
language that was incorporated into the speech
(to be verbally pointed out at the end of the
informal presentation). Max. 30 minutes.

(How will I engage students in
learning or prepare students to
learn by activating/building up their
prior knowledge?)
Ask a question, think-pair-share
activity, Anticipatory set activity,
checklists, quick write, cooperative
learning activity, inquiry-based task,
carousel activity, KWL, circle map,
show a video clip, do a
demonstration, tell a story, quiz,
thumbs up, fist-to-five, etc.
(How will I help students acquire
and apply new knowledge and
Lecture, demonstration, guest
speaker, inquiry-based activity, text
analysis, discussion, debate,
simulations, skits, project-based
learning, jigsaw activity, cooperative
learning activity, flexible grouping,
learning center rotation, research
activity, etc.
(How will I assess my students
understanding or provide closure in
the lesson?)
Selected Response (Test, quiz, exit
Products from Performance
assessment (Skit, role play,
dramatization, debate, cooperative
learning, project, student-inquiry)
Written Communication (Shortanswer, journal entry, bulleted
response, essay, exit slip)
Personal Communication
(Questions, Discussion


How specifically will you differentiate your content, process, or product based on student
readiness, interest, or learning style? Will you gather information about your students
prior knowledge? Will you work to build on your students prior knowledge? Will you
scaffold student instruction? Will you flexibly group students based on readiness, interest,
or learning style? Will you give students choice in this lesson?



Quiz Power of Language

Match the following terms to the correct example. Write the corresponding letter on the line.
Each option is only used once.

____1. Let us never negotiate out of fear, but let us

never fear to negotiate. JFK Inaugural Address

A. Metaphor

____2. And I would watch Martin Luther as he tacked B. Alliteration

his ninety-five theses on the door at the church of
Wittenberg. -MLK Jr. Ive Been to the Mountaintop
____3. we're the brightest beacon for freedom and
opportunity in the world. - G.W. Bush- 9/11 Speech

C. Personification

____4. we will not be satisfied until justice rolls

down like waters and righteousness like a mighty
stream. MLK, Jr. I Have a Dream

D. Repetition

____5. Go back to Mississippi, go back to Alabama,

E. Onomatopoeia
go back to South Carolina, go back to Georgia, go back
to Louisiana, go back to the slums and ghettos of our
northern cities... I Have a Dream by Martin Luther
King, Jr.
____6. This nation has placed its destiny in the hands
and heads and hearts of its millions of free men and
women, and its faith in freedom under the guidance of
God. FDR- Four Freedoms

F. Simile

____7. It is obvious today that America has defaulted

on this promissory note insofar as her citizens of color
are concerned. MLK Jr.- I Have a Dream

G. Antithesis

Things you need to incorporate:

There needs to be at least 3-4 figurative language types
incorporated in your outline
You need an introduction, at least 4 main points in your
outline (so you and your partner can each say two points),
and a conclusion

You can only use a note card (50 words or less) when you present.
You only need one outline between you and your partner.
The outline needs to be in the same format as the AG, 4 main points, and

Topics (keep everything school appropriate):

Do you think technology enhances or hinders?
What human quality do we need more of? And why?
Why is a sense of humor important?
If you could invite anyone (up to three people) from the past,
present, or future, to eat dinner with who would it be and why?
If you could only eat three foods forever, what would they be and
The best way to spend a rainy day.
Is knowledge more important than wisdom?
Why do you think people stereotype?

Day 2 Reminders

You will have 10 minutes to work on finishing up your impromptu

o Each member has a notecard 50 words or less
o Practice!
o It needs to be 3 minutes in length

While you are listening to others listen for the figurative language tricks write
them down on a piece of notebook paper and we will discuss after each

What are impromptu speeches?

o What do you know about them?

Quiz Power of Language

Match the following terms to the correct example. Write the corresponding letter on the line.
Each option is only used once.
____1. it doesn't mean that we're anti-white, but it does mean
we're anti-exploitation, we're anti-degradation, we're anti-oppression.
The Ballot or the Bullet, Malcolm X

A. Metaphor

____2. I know I have the body but of a weak and feeble woman; but
I have the heart and stomach of a king Speech to the Troops,
Elizabeth I

B. Alliteration

____3. It will be our wish and purpose that the processes of peace,
when they are begun The Fourteen Points, Woodrow Wilson

C. Personification

____4. Though I am female and contracted this disease in marriage

and enjoy the warm support of my family, I am one with the lonely
gay man sheltering a flickering candle from the cold wind of his
familys rejection. A Whisper of AIDS, by Mary Fisher

D. Repetition

____5. A borrowed book is like a guest in the house; it must be

treated with punctiliousness The Pleasure of Books, William
Lyon Phelps

E. Onomatopoeia

____6. America's conscience is bankrupt. She lost all conscience

a long time ago. Uncle Sam has no conscience. The Ballot or the
Bullet, Malcom X

F. Simile

____7. I remember thinking as the cold water rushed in around my

head that I was for certain drowning. Chappaquiddick, MA,
Edward M. Kennedy

G. Antithesis

This was a quiz I wrote for Mrs. H to give after I left the students, so that she could see if they
understood the concepts.

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