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A Simple Guide for Life;

Morals, Love, Sex and More

Jereme, Nichols

Copyright 2007 by Jereme Nichols

Chapter 1


Page 1

Chapter 2


Page 2

Chapter 3

Being Yourself

Page 7

Chapter 4


Page 9

Chapter 5


Page 13

Affection, and
Love to Your
True Love
Chapter 6


Page 16

Chapter 7


Page 19

Chapter 8

Sex and

Page 21

Chapter 9


Page 31

Chapter 10

Closing and

Page 43


Chapter 1
In recent years, I have seen that parents are afraid to tell their kids
anything. They do not want to talk to their kids about puberty or sex. As
well as they dont try to explain to their kids about what it means to be a
good person or what it takes to be a good person. This book is meant to
help parents tell there children about different aspects of life, as well as
help young adults who were never talked told those aspects of life.
Parents if you do not want to talk to your children about sex or puberty
yourself you could just give them this book and let them read it. Just
make sure to read this before you give this to them, to make sure this is
what you want your kids to know.
The aspects of life this book will talk about are morals that will help
them be a good person or that can help them become a better person. It
will also describe the process of puberty in a hopefully simple easy to
understand way so that parents can inform their children of what their
bodies will go through and not feel awkward. In addition, it will talk
about sex, love, and a few other things. This isnt a book that is trying to
be vulgar; it is a book that is hopefully helpful in times of awkwardness
or unknowing.

Chapter 2
Parents should not be afraid to talk to their kids about what it
means to be a good person at any age. It should be something you do that
is natural, so that it can aide your child in present and in future. For you
see, if a parent does not talk to their child at an early age then the parent
may feel awkward later on trying to talk about that subject or their
children wont listen to them. Guiding your child into being an adult is
the goal of what it means to be a parent. The way you guide your child is
to tell them the truth and give your child understanding of what he or she
needs to know, so that they can make wise decisions later in life. It
should not be the goal of the parent to shelter their child from life, or the
things that happen in life.
To be a true adult, a person must be kind. There are different ways of
understanding what it means to be kind, but what it truly means is that
you try not to hurt others with what you say. That is the basic meaning of
what it is to be kind, it is striving not to hurt others with your words
because no one wants to be hurt by what people say. Nor should you try
to hurt others with what you say. If you do want to say something mean
you should ask yourself Is what I am about to say or did say, mean?


Was what I said or about to say filled with anger or hate? If you say yes
to these things in your mind then these things are probably going to hurt
some one or did hurt someone. However, being a true adult isnt just
about thinking about what you say before you say it, it is also looking
back on what you said that was hurtful and trying not to do it again. This
looking back on the bad things you did and trying not to hurt other
people with what you did is another moral, and that moral is being
The second moral is the moral of being gentle. Being gentle is similar to
being kind in that you should try not to hurt others. Although, you should
try not to hurt others by what you do with your body or the objects you
have in your possession. Again, no one wants to be hurt nor should you
try to hurt others. If you are about to hurt some one, think about the pain
that you are going to cause them, is that pain something you want to feel
yourself? Would you want to be punched, kicked, or hit with something?
Im sure you wouldnt want to be hit. However, there is one exception to
this moral and that has to do with sports. In many modern sports, players
of the sport get hurt. Usually, this hitting of each other isnt in anger but
is part of the game. The reason this hitting is ok in a sport is that people
know and accept the hitting and pain as part of the game.

A Simple Guide for Life

Nevertheless, that does not mean that you should hit some one, while
playing a sport, out of anger because playing a sport is about having fun
not having anger or hate. To hit someone in anger, while you are playing
a sport, is saying that you are no longer playing but are doing it for
revenge and not for fun. Revenge is not right, only self-defense is right.
The third moral is the moral of being honest. Being honest is simply
telling the truth and accepting the truth. Trying to be honest is important
because being honest tells a person if they can trust you and if they want
to be around you. Unfortunately, for some people being honest is harder
then it is for others. Some people do not want or are unable to be honest
because of a psychological problem. This inability or unwanting to be
honest to others or to yourself can hurt the people that you care for, since
your lies may cause them pain or suffering. For some people, you should
try your hardest to try to understand them and try not to let what they say
hurt you. However, that doesnt make it right for them to hurt you. If
they do hurt you with their lies, you must protect yourself from their lies.
The forth moral is being respectful. Being respectful is about trying not
to hurt others with your arrogance, anger or by being rude. This trait can
be hard for many reasons, like the reasons above.


Where people are unable to tell the truth or when you think you know
something about a subject and you believe you cant be wrong. It takes
an intelligent and honest person to be respectful. You have to be able to
understand and be honest enough with yourself to admit that what you
are about to do might hurt someone or be wrong. Then it is your
obligation to try and no do what is about to hurt someone. Since you
know it is going to hurt someone. This includes hurting yourself.
The fifth moral is being responsible. Being responsible is about trying to
fulfill your obligations and accepting your actions for what they do to
people. It is also about striving not to hurt others or yourself by actions
that you know will hurt someone. For example, if you constantly overeat
you have to be honest with yourself so that you can accept that you have
an eating disorder. If you arent honest with yourself, you may not be
able too admit to having a problem and thus continue overeating. This
may cause you later in life to become overweight or even obese which in
turn may cause you to get sickly.
Rationality is the final moral and probably the most controversial. You
see in order to be rational you need to put your emotions on hold and
look at what is happening to you or others with logic.

A Simple Guide for Life

Nevertheless, that does not mean that you have to be heartless, it just
means that you have to think things through to the best of your abilities.
You especially need to be rational in great times of importants like in a
car crash. It may be very frightening but if all you do is let yourself feel
emotions you may not think about getting help or trying to prevent
yourself from getting hurt worse. Being rational is about trying to stay
calm and simply trying to use your brain so that you can make wise
Those are the basic morals that I believe both parents and young adults
should try to live by in their lives. I am not saying those are the best or
the ones that everyone believes in, they are just ones that are important to
me. So make your own decisions and choose the morals that you believe
are needed in life to be a good person. These are just hear to help you
decide and are here to help you to become a better person.

Chapter 3
Being Yourself
In current times, it is some times very hard to be yourself or to
have your own beliefs. That is why it is important to talk to your child
about trying to be themselves and not trying to blindly imitate others just
to fit in. Their unique qualities are what make this world a place with
many different cultures and beliefs. It is truly sad when a person with a
truly unique mind is teased just because of who they are or what they
think. This should not happen in our time but it does.
Parents sit with your child at an early age and tell them to be proud to be
different. If you do this, they may just have a chance at being different
and having their own minds instead of being just another person in the
crowd. Tell them that being unique is what makes them a person, not just
fitting into the crowd. When you become a part of the crowd, you will
loose your own mind and your own soul to that single train of thought
and belief. It is being a unique individual that allows people to find true
friends and true loves. People in the crowd only accept people in the
crowd as equals. Remind them that if everyone thought the same there
would not be any other cultures, religions, foods, different types of
television, or races of people. There would only be those people that
think, look, and express themselves in one way. That one way of
thinking is the crowd, but it can also be called a cult.

A Simple guide for life

Yes a cult, a group of people that are so obsessed with that single way of
thinking that it hurts, outcasts, and slanders others because of their
different way of thinking or doing something. Cherish those people that
are different and cherish even those people that pick on you for being
different because they are just as different from you as you are different
from them. Tell your child that those people that slander or pick on them
for being different are people that do not know what it means to be a
person or what it means to be a good person because a good person tries
not to judge others for being different. Good people should only judge
others because of the pain and suffering they cause others.

Chapter 4
Love is nothing to be ashamed of and any person that is mentally
able to understand what love is can have love for some one or something.
So it is very important to explain to your child about love so that they
can figure out if they are in love or not. Nevertheless, the younger a
person is the more potent the emotion of love can become. If your child
is hurt by the person they love at a young age it could be very upsetting
to them and even cause some bad side effects to them later in life. Since
being hurt at an early age could develop into a fear of being close to
others. Thus, you need to help guide the younger ones even more then
the older, so that they do not get hurt. However, you should not say they
cannot love, since love isnt about wanting love; it is about your mind
acquiring it because of how you feel for some one. It does not matter if
you want love, love happens when love happens. No one can control
whom they have love for nor should people try to control it, since love is
something very special given to us by our creator or creators. You either
have love some one or you dont, and the person you fall in love with
could be anyone. However, for children that have hit puberty you truly
need to tell them this one simple fact and that is that sex is not love and
love is not sex. This is vastly important since some of the young adults
friends may try to tell them that sex is love.


A Simple Guide for life

Love is a deep caring for some one that makes you feel happy, safe,
loved and that you can trust. This feeling of love will also make you
want to make that other person feel the same way. Although, knowing if
you are in love can be tricky even when you are old. Some people say
that when they feel like they are in love, they have butterflies in their
stomach, or that they feel warm all over. While others say that they have
a hard time talking when they are near that person. Although, I do not
know the right way of finding out if a person is in love, I suggest that
you ask yourself the following questions, since these questions could
help you figure out if you are in love.
Does this person make me fell happy, safe, and loved? Do I care deeply
about this person even when he or she upsets me? Do I want this person
to be in my life as long as I live? Do I feel like I should try to make this
person feel happy, safe, and loved? Is this person more important to me
then money and or objects? Do I treasure the time I spend with this
Nonetheless, you dont have to answer yes to these to be in love. These
questions are here to aide you in your time of confusion. There is one
exception to this. If you are truly in love with some one then you should
say yes to this question.



Is this person more important to me then the money or objects this

person has? this one question is very important. If you are truly in love,
you will answer yes to this, if you do not answer yes to this you probably
are not in love. The reason behind this is, money is not love and love is
not money. If you love a person, it is simply being able to be around that
person that you hold dear to you. If you are more concerned about how
much money that person has then it isnt love that you have, it is simply
greed, and greed should never be confused with love.
Once you know that you love that person you should probably try to find
out if that person loves you as well. However, you should try to be
patient since not everyone knows right away if he or she loves some one,
some times they may never know. If they dont know if they love you,
try giving them these questions and allowing them to find out in private
and then ask them in a few days. That way they have time to think about
how they feel for you and about how you make them feel. If you do rush
that person to give their answer you run the risk of scaring that person
off and they may not want to be with you.
Please note that even when you know you love someone, there are
different types of love.


A Simple Guide for life

To make it simple ill just say there are three types of love, although there
are probably more. The first love is a guardians love. By this, I mean a
love based on wanting to protected and help that person or thing in life.
Parents usually have this type of love for their children, although you
dont have to be a parent to have this. The next love is a true friends
love. This is a love that is based on a deep trust for that person or thing
that allows you to accept them for who they are without being jaded by
lies or anger. This type of love is very common between a human and
their pets, since animals are able to accept a person easier then a human
can. For younger kids this type of love can be very beneficial since they
will experience a love without question that can help them know what
true love is like. The third is true love, which is a deep feeling of wanting
to be with a person or thing for the rest of your life, because of the fact
that that person makes you feel happy, safe and loved. This type of love
is what leads to people wanting to marry each other in life. There is one
final note on the different types of love and that is that you are able to
have any of these loves for a person or thing. You could have true love
for some one as well as a guardians love. It does not really matter what
types of love you have for some one, what matters is that you love them.

Chapter 5
Displaying Affection, and Love to a True Love
Over the course of your life, you may have many friends and
even many loves. Unfortunately, because of the ever-increasing
separation from each other and separation from nature, we are slowly
forgetting the importants of displaying physical love and/or affection
towards one another. Something else has also started happening, we are
trying to make our displays of affection or love less meaningful. This
doesnt apply only to young adults but to parents of children as well. We
all need to be shown that we are loved or cared for, because it is a part of
our minds.
These displays of affection only apply to the people you date.
Some thing you need to know is that there are different ways of
displaying love and affection for people. The simplest way is to tell a
person how you feel. The person that you know you love is some one
special to you and because of that, the way you display affection to that
person should be special as well.
When you first start to date each other, you should try sticking to simple
displays of affection, since you do not know if you love that person.


A Simple Guide for Life

Holding hands is a good way of displaying affection to a person early on

and even later into the relationship. The act of holding a persons hand is
telling them that you care about them and enjoy being around them. It
can also be used to comfort an upset person. The warmth of your hand
and the act of holding their hand can give them strength and hope for the
future. Another way is to hug each other, which means the same as
holding hands but just in a more intense and intimate way.
After you get to know that person, a kiss on the cheek or head can be a
very good way of displaying your fondness for that person. A kiss on the
on the head doesnt have to mean that you love that person. People that
love each other can use it as well, since it is displaying how you feel for
that person. When you know that you love someone that is when you
should begin thinking about kissing them on the lips or more. The reason
for this is that a kiss on the lips isnt just something that you give to a
person just because you went on a date with them, or because you care
about them. A kiss on the lips is something that is personal and special.
This type of kiss is one that should only be used by lovers. To kiss other
people on the lips when you do not love them is to tell others that that
type of kiss doesnt mean anything to you. It can also tell others that the
displays of affections beyond kissing do not mean anything to you or that
you do not understand the importants of them.


Displaying Affection, and Love to a True Love

There are other places to kiss a person, like on the neck, which should
only be used by lovers. The reason for is that it is a sexually intimate
kiss, used to promote arousal and displays of love. There are other areas
one can kiss, but I wont talk about that type of kissing in this chapter.

Chapter 6
Girl Development
Parents you really do need to talk to your young girls about them
going through puberty before they go through it. Puberty can be very
stressful because of the confusion the child may have about what is
happening to them, especially when a young girl attains her period.
However, if you talk to them about it, their stress could be greatly
reduced, since they will know about what is going to happen to them.
Thus, they will be able to prepare mentally for when they do get their
periods and they wont be afraid of it.
Now when telling them about puberty you shouldnt be mean or tell
them it is something they should feel bad about. Just take them aside and
gently tell them what will happen and if they get a little embarrassed let
them go ahead and be embarrassed but reassure them that it is ok to feel
a little strange talking about this. Just give them time to get used to
hearing what you are saying before you continue and if she doesnt want
to hear everything in one-day talk about puberty with her over a few
days. Puberty doesnt happen all at once nor should telling your child
about puberty. It should feel natural and at a calm pace, not something
that feels rushed and panicked.


Girl Development

The first thing that usually happens to a young girl is breast

development. Therefore, you should begin by telling your child when she
will probably start to develop breasts. Tell them that they will usually
start developing bosom, also known as breasts, at about 10 years of age
but remind them that it could happen at a younger or older ages for
different girls. In addition, there is nothing wrong with developing
breasts since it is something natural and shouldnt be feared. Usually
once a girl attains breast development this is a sign that she will get her
period soon, but it could be months or even years before she gets it. This
is due to many factors, like nutrition, family life, genetics, and or outside
forces. Once a girl starts developing breasts she will usually start having
additional hair growth on some parts of her body, like her crotch and
legs. Although, not all women develop pubic hair or leg hair, while
others may develop great amounts of either. Before they get their period
you need to tell them what the period is going to be like. Tell them that
once she does get her period that she will start to bleed a little from
between her legs without being hurt. If your girl wants to know why then
tell them the truth. It means that she is producing eggs, and they are
emerging from her ovaries from within her body, which are causing her
to bleed.


A Simple Guide for Life

Now since people develop at different rates, your young girl will
probably develop at a different rate. In America, the average age that a
girl attains her first period is at about age 12. There can be cases where a
girl gets her period before age 10 and some girls have their periods
before they get breast development. In some cases they will actually
develop pubic hair before breast development while other girls develop
signs of breast before age ten and with no signs of puberty for many
years. On average, American girls reach their final height at about age
14, which can vary depending on different reasons. In addition, girls
usually reach their final breast size at about age 15 to 16.

Chapter 7
Boy Development
For boys, puberty isnt as stressful but can still be embarrassing.
Talking about puberty to your boys before puberty happens can help
with the embarrassment of changing voices or even midnight emissions,
also known as wet dreams. Either way, explaining to your young boy
should be easier then a young girl since their changes usually arent
scary and dont involve bleeding. They mostly involve embarrassment or
On average, in America, a boy starts puberty at about age 13. This
however can vary depending on different reasons. The first physical
changes a boy will have are the enlargement of his testes, which will
usually reach their final size 6 years after they begin puberty. After the
boys testes start to grow the boys penis will begin to enlarge. The penis
will usually reach its final size at about age 18. Over the course of the
boys puberty, they may experience wet dreams, emission of seminal
fluid while they sleep. This is nothing to be ashamed of and can be
common to many boys going through the early stages of puberty. Soon
after the development of the boys testes, he will probably grow pubic
hair. It is then after the first signs of pubic hair that a boy will begin to
develop facial hair although, in some people they develop little to no
facial hair.


A Simple Guide for Life

Usually after the development of facial hair a boy will begin exhibiting
voice changes to a lesser or greater degree. On average, in America, a
boy will reach his final height at about age 17 years. Remember since
each person develops at a different rate boys but hit puberty at a younger
or older age. In addition, they may develop hair at different times then
what is stated.

Chapter 8
Sex and Love Making
Once your child hits puberty I really suggest that you talk to them
about sex, lovemaking and rape. In todays world, most children learn
about sex from questionable places like friends, even people off the
internet and many times the people they learn sex from either misinform
them or simply do not know anything about sex. Then there are the sex
education classes that do nothing but give the child information about
sex without showing any emotion or explaining the emotional importants
of sex. It has and should always be the parents that tell their children
about these things. Infact, it is the obligation of parents to do so, even if
they feel scared, awkward or even disgusted talking about sex to their
children. However, in this so-called modern time many parents dont
wish to tell their children about sex since they believe that their children
arent old enough to know about it. Alternatively, they may believe that
their children arent mentally mature enough to understand the impact of
sex. Well, these last two ways of thinking are why children of those
types of parents go out and get answers about sex from other people.
This in turn may cause them to get a misunderstanding of the importants
of sex, as well as increasing their chances of being hurt. This way of
thinking, where parents say that they are trying to protect their kids is not
protection it is sheltering.


A Simple Guide for Life

Sheltering isnt protection; it is keeping them ignorant from what they

need to know in life so that they can protect themselves with that
knowledge. A child usually can only become as mature as the amount of
time the parents takes to make them mature. If parents dont or will not
talk to their kids about what is needed, then the child will have a high
chance at never becoming mentally mature even if they are physically
mature. If they dont get that knowledge, it will cause them to be overly
sensitive to that subject later on. This ignorance and misinformed
knowledge of sex is what will hurt, since they wont have the real
knowledge about it to make a wise decision of who and when to have it.
As such, you should explain to them about what they need to know, so
that they can become mentally mature as well as physiologically.
Sex is the act of placing ones genitals in or on the living body of another
mentally and physically willing being to achieve sexual release, also
known as orgasm. Lovemaking is similar to sex except that you dont
strive for sexual release but you strive to express your love for that being
in a sexual, physical, and emotional form. Rape on the other hand is the
act of placing ones body or object in or on another unwilling being to
achieve ones own sexual or mental gratification, which may cause
mental or physical pain, and suffering.


Sex and Love Making

Although a current belief is that a person must give verbal consent to

another person to have sex, this particular belief has holes. In some
cases, a person can give verbal consent but they are not mentally or
physically willing to do sexual acts. Therefore, verbal consent isn't what
matters most, but the mental and physical willingness to do sexual acts
with another being is what matters most. Infact, in most cases of willing
partners it is almost never verbal consent that they give but instead it is
the physical and emotional signs that they give to their partner. These
signs are usually based on the way the body moves, the scents the body
produces, the emotions the partners give one another or the appearance
of the persons body.
To be physically willing is to be physically consenting and giving
physical signs to your partner that you are ready and willing to do sexual
acts. This can also be called physical arousal. Mental willingness is to be
mentally consenting and giving verbal or emotional signs that you are
ready and willing to do sexual acts. This is what a person needs; verbal
consent is just an extra type of consent that is not always necessary but is
just as important.


A Simple Guide for Life

The second step to explaining sex to your young adult, a child that has
hit puberty, is to tell them about the different forms of sexual acts that
lead up to sex and lovemaking. Explain to them that once they have
gotten to the kissing stage in a relationship that it is ok to put some
thought into doing more with that person, so long as they know they love
them and so long as the other person loves them. However, make sure to
tell them that they should only do these things with a person they love
since these acts are done to display their love for another person that
loves them too. These acts are not meant to be done to make other people
Before you talk about anything else, you first need to tell your child that
if they feel uncomfortable when they do these things, that they should
tell the person they are with to stop. If the other person truly loves them,
that other person will stop no matter what. However, if that person
doesnt stop, even when asked, then that person doesnt truly love them.
If this is the case then you should tell your child that they should not be
with that person. That person does not respect your child and is only
thinking about what they want and not what your child wants. Remind
them that its ok to feel a little weird or scared while doing these things
for the first time, since it is something they have never done before.


Sex and Love Making

The first step after kissing is the touching phase. By this, I mean that
they begin to touch each others bodies when they have their cloths on.
This phase is safe when done with someone they trust and establishes the
physical and mental boundaries of the two. After the touching phase,
looking at each other naked is the next step. Again, if done with someone
they trust and care for then there shouldnt be any reason to fear this. It is
once they become comfortable with each others bodies that they should
choose to go on to do more. Once both of them have chosen to do more,
the next thing is to start touching each others naked bodies to achieve
sexual release, also known as climax or orgasm. This step is vital in
getting each other excited so that they can have sex later if they choose
to do so. The reason for this is that it establishes a physical bond that
makes it easier to become aroused. Even though this is described as
being masturbation of each other, this is a type of sex nonetheless
because one or both of them are getting sexual release through the act of
making contact with another willing persons genitals. The next phase,
which is optional, is oral sex. Simply put, it is using your mouth on each
others genitals to achieve sexual release. This can also be used to get
each other sexually excited and is a type of sex. Anyone who says
different does not know what sex is or has been misinformed.


A Simple Guide for Life

The act of using your mouth to give someone else sexual pleasure is still
sex because of the simple fact that you are making contact with another
persons genitals to give them sexual release.
Finally, there is the actual act of intercourse. Parents when you get to this
point you really need to tell your young girl or boy that the first time a
girl has sex it will probably hurt since the man will have to push his
penis through the girls hymen. You may feel weird talking about this to
your child but they do need to know this. If they do not know what a
hymen is then tell them. A hymen is a thin ring of skin that partially
covers the opening of a woman's vagina. In addition, tell them about the
clitoris, which is a small nub just above the vaginal opening. The clitoris
is a vital part of a females body that allows them to feel sexual pleasure.
However, remind them that they still have the right to tell their partner to
First, they need to get each other in the mood for sex, not just have sex.
To be in the mood the man must first have an erection and the woman
must be wet in her vagina. If she isnt wet then she isnt ready and the
man will have to get her in the mood if he wishes to have sex with her. If
he wants to get her in the mood then he will have to be patient with her
and gently kiss and caress her.


Sex and Lovemaking

One vital part of her body for him to touch to get her excited and to
achieve orgasm is the clitoris. This single spot on a womans body is the
most sensitive and is where a womans orgasm stems from. If she
doesnt get excited then they should not have sex since the act of sex
while her body isnt excited, may cause her pain. However, if the man
isnt excited then the woman needs to kiss and touch him. Touching his
penis will probably get him excited since this is one of his most sensitive
spots on his body. It usually doesnt take much to get a man excited by
physical touch.
The second step of intercourse is the penetration. Penetration is the act of
pushing ones penis into the womans vagina. After the penetration, tell
them that there are two usual ways of having intercourse. The first is for
the man to be on top while pumping his penis in and out of the womans
vagina. The second way is for the woman to be on top of the man and to
move her own body up and down the shaft. Although, they can do what
ever feels good to the both of them. This in and out motion will cause
friction between the penis and vagina, which will usually cause both
partners to feel good. However, it is sometimes necessary to stimulate
the clitoris of the woman in order to make it more enjoyable for the
woman. After some time, each partner will orgasm thus ending the act of


A Simple Guide for Life

There is also homosexual intercourse but this book wont talk about that,
although most of the above applies to homosexual intercourse as well.
Orgasm in a man will feel like a tightening in his testes and penis.
After which he will feel a gush of sperm travel from his testes and out of
his penis. During this gushing, all the muscles in his body will tense up
and he will experience a pressure through out his body until the complete
release of his sperm. This sperm can impregnate the woman if no
contraception is used. The womans orgasm is slightly different since
they dont have a penis or testes. A womans orgasm is hard to explain
even by some women but ill try to give a description which maybe
helpful for some girls. At the onset of a females orgasm, the womans
vagina will contract a number of times, during each contraction the
clitoris will send a wave of warmth and energy that will wash over the
females body. In addition, each contraction and wave of warmth will
cause her muscles in her body to temporally contract as the wave washes
over her. A womans orgasm does not start in her vagina, infact it is the
stimulation of the clitoris that causes the contractions of the vagina. This
should be told to both boys and girls since it will aide a boy in pleasuring
a girl instead of just blaming her for being prudish, which is usually a
side effect of a man not stimulating the right parts of the womans body
or because of prior abuse.


Sex and Lovemaking

Furthermore, girls shouldnt be afraid of telling their partner where to

touch them to make them feel pleasure. If their partner truly loves them
they will be happy to find out how to make them feel pleasure or more
Now that you have explain sex to them make sure to tell them that it is
possible for a girl to get pregnant after having sex, making love, or even
by being raped a single time.
The next thing you should talk about is contraception. Make sure to tell
your girl that she should wait until she is 14 before she gets pregnant
since her body isnt yet ready to give birth even if she is able to get
pregnant. If she wants to know why tell her the truth, a girls pelvis
usually doesnt reach its adult shape and size until age 14 and if she tries
to give birth before that, she will probably have a harder time giving
birth to the child as well as experience more pain then if she was older.
In addition, tell her if she does not want to get pregnant, she should use
condoms when having sex or other contraceptives. Likewise, tell a boy
that if he does not want to get a girl pregnant that he should us condoms
or other contraceptives.


A Simple Guide for Life

However, you must know some things about some forms of

contraceptives, like birth control pills. Birth control pills may seem like a
good thing but they should only be used as a last resort, this is because
this type of contraceptive can produce a number of unwanted or even
dangerous side effects. Some of these effects are acne, weight gain,
depression, and urinary tract infection, changes in blood pressure, blood
clots, stroke or even heart attack. Some of these effects pertaining to
blood and heart attack can even have a higher chance of occurring in
woman with obesity, high cholesterol, or women that smoke. If you
believe that your daughter needs to take a chemical contraceptive please
talk to a doctor before hand about the different risks associated with it.
Condoms are okay to use with most people unless they are allergic to the
latex found in the condom itself.

Chapter 9
Once your child reaches puberty it is a good idea to talk to them
about children and the raising of children. In recent times, it is even more
unlikely of a parent to talk about this subject then it is sex or morals. For
what reason I do not know but it is true. This brings up the question if
you do not tell your child how to take care of a child how are they going
to know when they are older. Will they learn from a book, from the
internet, or from a psychologist? Well, parents you are the ones that are
supposed to show them the ways of taking care of a child since you are
the ones that are raising them and are supposed to guide them to become
mentally and physically healthy adults. The only way to do this is if you
know how to be mentally and physically healthy yourself. This means
that you must be loving, honest, and sensitive to your childs needs and
It is important that your children knows why and when they should have
children. As in the chapter before, it was said that a young adult should
wait until at least the age of 14 but there are other reasons to wait. A
person should not want a child to simply fill a hole in their heart, mind,
or to try to fix their own mental imbalances. Having a child is not
supposed to be a possession to make you happy; a child is something that
you should get through the act of making love.


A Simple Guide for Life

That child that you receive from that lovemaking is supposed to be a

precious person that you wish to protect and guide into adulthood so that
you can be proud of the good person that that child becomes. It is only
when your child understands this that they should even think about
having children. If they never understand this then they shouldnt have
children period.
When raising a child you must remember how you should act towards
your child as being a parent. A parent must be loving, honest, and
sensitive to their childs needs and wants but you must also be firm in
your orders that you give to your child. By this, I mean if you give your
child an order, like clean the dishes, you need to stand firm and not
waver if your child says no. If your child says no, it does not mean that
you should hit them or yell at them, what it means is that you need to
express your emotions why it is important for them to follow your
orders. Grab the childs arm firmly, but do not hurt them, look right into
your childs eyes and tell them they need to do what you said because
you are their parent and that they need to listen to their parents.
However, once your child does the dishes reward them for their good
deed but do not; I repeat do not reward them with items, money or food.
If you want to reward your child for being good then you must reward
them with your love and happiness.



This means that you reward them by hugging them, kissing them,
thanking them, and maybe even tickling them. The reason for this is that
if you reward them with food, money or items they will acquire a
disturbed and unhealthy view of what love is. They will see greed and/or
objects as love instead of actual love, caring, or affection. This will cause
them to raise their own children the same way or in a worse way, which
will have a high chance at making each next generation of your family
more and more mentally unhealthy. Objects, money and food are not
love nor shall they ever be love, they are luxuries. These things are not
necessary in raising a mentally wise child and only provide comfort.
They do not provide real love and never will. However, I am not saying
these are unnecessary in having a healthy child, I am only saying they
should not be confused with rewarding a child in the place of true
emotions. However, in the case of your child disobeying you even after
making your point clear you must punish them, take away the luxuries
that they like to have, for instance TV, games, cell phones, and even
Besides disciplining your child there is the way you view your child. As
a parent, you are a person that protects and guides your child. Protecting
your child doesnt mean preventing them from doing anything or
preventing them from knowing anything.


A Simple Guide for Life

It means that you tell them what they need to know so that they can
protect themselves as well as you protecting them. If a parent keeps
everything away from their child, be it good or bad, then your childs
mind will not have the mental strength to handle normal experiences.
When they go through a stressful time in their own lives away from their
parents, they will be unable to handle the stress since they wont have
any experience with what is happening to them. The stress of that new
experience will be overpowering to them and they might break down and
may be permanently traumatized. If you want an example then try
thinking of it this way. Your mind is kind of like your eyes. Your eyes
need to be exposed to normal light so that they can function in normal
light, but if you prevent them from being around normal amounts of
light, they wont have the experience to adjust to normal amounts of
light. When you step into the light when your eyes arent used to it then
they will be over whelmed, they wont refocus for the new amount of
light. Your eyes will then feel pain, temporarily go blind or they will get
damage to the interior parts of the eyes. Without experience with
something, the experience of something even normal people do could
become harmful, but that doesnt mean that that normal experience is
bad it just means that they didnt have the experience needed to go
through it without harm.



If you want a different example, it is like trying to pick up something too

heavy and pulling a muscle. While if you have experience lifting things
then you will probably lift the heavy object without any trouble.
Another aspect of the way you view your child is that your child is not a
possession; they are a family member and a human being. As such, you
must treat your child with respect and kindness. Just because they are
young does not give you the right to treat them like dirt. Your child isnt
an object that you can control without consideration, as a parent you
guide your child into doing what is right by informing them of what is
right and wrong not just by barking at them. Being firm with the child
isnt being disrespectful, since everyone needs to be firm in their
standings or beliefs. I am just saying do not be cruel with your words or
actions, like calling them names or hitting them just because you are
angry. No one deserves to be hit or slandered just because of some ones
anger or arrogance.
There is an additional side of being a parent and that is being a family
member. This means that you do stuff with your child and that your child
is a part of your life not just a momentary whim. If you and your child
are together then you should be doing something together, except when
you are making love to your spouse of course.


A Simple Guide for Life

If your child wants to play while you are on the computer then you
should get off the computer. Play with your child or ask your child to
join you on the computer. Furthermore, if you do have a child, then you
do not have the right to tell them to leave you alone, if what you are
doing is completely unimportant to the family. Nevertheless, even if you
are doing something that is important to the family then you must take
time out for your family. Since, if you do not spend any time with your
family, then you are actually disconnecting yourself from that family.
Thus, everything you are doing for the family then means nothing.
Therefore, when your home with your kids, just dont sit there and be
alone with people around you, go out into the yard with your kids and
play a sport. If you cant do sports, go into the kitchen with your child
and have them help you cook, make the simple act of doing stuff with
you something enjoyable. Even if you do not want to do the others
activities you can still go and do so many other things in this world
together with your child like; playing on the computer, watching TV,
writing a book, playing musical instruments or listen to music together.
Dont squander your time with your child being alone around them
because when your child finally leaves you, you will look back on the
way you spent your time with them and wish to have done things
different. You will wish you could have been there for your child and did
things with them.



You will morn because you will see that you werent being a parent but
instead you will see that you were just being a person that owns a child.
Cherish your children just as you would cherish your spouse, as equals
and as loved ones. When you are with your child dont forget to express
your love and caring for them. Hold their hand when they are happy so
that you can show them that you share that same feeling. Hold them
when they are sad to show them that you care and that you wish for them
be strong through that sadness. Your physical displays of affection and
caring are just as important as you talking to them are. Your displays of
affection may mean even more then talking about life with them, since it
will give them a foundation of understanding of what it means to be
kind, gentle, and loving.

Chapter 10
I would just like to thank those people that have read this short
book and I hope that it has helped some one somewhere. There is
something more I would like to say, I am not a doctor nor am I a
psychologist. I am just an average person who is concerned with the
mental well-being of people as a whole and the mental well being of
modern society. Because lately all I have see from mankind is emptiness,
greed and deceit. I do not want people to become emotionally empty,
consumed by greed, and compulsive liars. I want them to be happy
because of the people around them and at piece with having what they
need not what they want. Now I do not think there is anything wrong
with getting something you want but when you crush everything in your
way to get it then it becomes wrong and that is what has happen to our
culture. We destroy everything of true meaning, we tear down trees and
pave over the earth in concrete, which causes all manner of animals to
die off. Then there is the fact that we reward the greedy and the vulgar
even if they are untalented. Therefore, if you listen to anything I have to
say then listen to this.


A Simple Guide for Life

The further away from nature man gets the further away from normal we
shall be. Sex is natural, as well as love; greed on the other hand is
unnatural, since it is made from the disturbed view of modern society of
what is important in life. If we as human are to survive, we must find
balance between our nature and our technology. We must stop lying to
our children and to ourselves so that we can become mentally and
physically healthy. This includes our government stop trying to lie to us
and trying to control us with their own disturbed view of right and
Also, please try out this small game.
It is a free stick figure platform mmorpg that is in beta. Please remember
that since it is in beta it wont have very many features or monster but
the creators are working hard to expand it. Also, if you enjoy the game
please donate to the game to help keep the servers up for public use.

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