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Language is a medium of communication. Languages are means of expression.

They c
an become links joining dissimilar cultures. English language study is indeed re
warding. In the past Learning a English language was not very popular but Learni
ng it today has become a basic necessity of every student who is ambitious. Most
schools around the world teach at least one English language. By Learning a Eng
lish language you can develop your self confidence and it adds up to your person
ality. Itâ s a bit tough to learn something which we havenâ t learned since our childh
ood. Those wishing to earn those extra dollars will have to take a plunge in thi
s adventure of Learning something new. Usually when Learning a language, one gai
ns insight into that cultureâ s history and people as well.
There can be many reasons to learn a English language like giving a competitive
edge to their careers. Multilingual students are offered better careers and busi
ness opportunities. Knowing a English language can increase oneâ s chances of secur
ing an admission to a college of his/her choice. Learning a English language ope
ns up a whole new dimension. It will definitely have a positive effect on your m
ental growth and development. With the advent of the global marketplace, having
a second or even third language on a resume is almost a requirement of the job-s
eeking professional.
For those who are in business with global presence Learning a English language b
ecomes all the more important. Many fields such as the travel industry, communic
ations, advertising, education and engineering have sectors dealing with English
language study. There are lots of opportunities in the service industry as well
. With mushrooming call centers Learning other languages definitely helps in one
s career.
Marketing executives who travel across the globe should learn more than one Engl
ish language. English language also helps in expanding social circle and busines
s contacts. Overall the Learning of a language which is not a mother tongue is b
elieved to play an important role in the career graph. Nowadays, English languag
e Learning is being included into employees training programs due to the proven
fact that it increases productivity.
Everyday, every time and everywhere we meet English; in television, in magazines
, and even on the street. English is commonly used nowadays. We can easily find
English wherever we go. English is not only commonly used, but also widely sprea
d. Many equipments must be operated in English and many countries use English as
National language (for political, economic, and educational purposes) or daily
language. English has become International language. Learning English is hard fo
r many people, especially they who are not accustom to English or who are not us
ing English as daily language. One way to make people mastering English is by in
troducing English since young age; since they were kids; we named it English for
Children. English is good for children. Why introducing English since young age
is so effective.
Teaching English since young age is so effective since children are fast to lea
rn and it will have good effects in their Learning ability further. Younger we l
earn English, more familiar they will be. The children will also have good basic
in English so hopefully they will not make to many mistakes in applying English
. Based on those reasons, hopefully the children also will be productive by Engl
ish. They can produce novels, poems, songs, etc which is of course can develop t
heir skills and talents in productive and promising way for their future.
Introducing English since young age is very crucial for their Learning developme
nt at school. At school, many students mostly in junior and senior high schools
consider mathematics as difficult and scary lesson to avoid. On the other side,
not a few students accept English as a threat. This situation can disturb their
Learning process. The students could feel that a problem is added before the pre
vious problem is solved and studying is only to get confused and trouble. This i
s another reason why English for Children is important. By mastering or understa
nding English since weâ re kids will help us to overcome this problem.
The students will no longer consider English as difficult lesson and their conce
ntration wonâ t be distract by thinking these two important lessons; English and Ma
thematics, because the students have deep understanding to English. English for
Children is good for children. There is no reason not to Learning English since
young age. Introducing English since young age has some positive aspects which c
an help them in their Learning development at school or in the society. English
might be so commonly used and taught, but we have to maintain the local and trad
itional languages. Children may learn English as young as possible, but local la
nguages shouldnâ t be forgotten to be taught to the children so the national identi
ty is still exist.
The number of English language learners has grown exponentially in recent years
and finding ways to educate Ells has become increasingly difficult. At the hear
t of this issue is the debate over which program methods should be used in imple
menting an effective model that assures academic success. The notion of professi
onal development. The excellent teacher must be thorough in understanding of hig
h-level teaching strategies and understanding the second-language Learning proce
ss. Principals must be fully aware of teacher certifications and training to as
sure that the proper personnel is in place to undertake such a task. Furthermore
, the effective principal fosters school-wide responsibility and accountability
in seeing that ELL students are given adequate resources and opportunities to ex
cel. In addition, fostering support from family members, community members, and
trained personnel will augment the probability of success.
As U.S. society has become more and more multicultural, the responsibility of ed
ucators to instruct non-English speaking learners has become vitally important a
nd significant.
English is second only to Mandarin Chinese in terms of the amount of people whic
h speak it, but second to none in terms of the number of people Learning it. It
is currently the primary language used on the World Wide Web, in the political a
nd business arenas. It has even become the language of today's pop culture. So
yes, I definitely think that Learning English is important.
While English may not have as large a quantity of speakers as Mandarin it is sti
ll more widespread and herein lays its importance. Mandarin Chinese is hardly
spoken outside Chinese communities, however in many regions of the world where E
nglish is not the native language, it is still widely spoken and integrated in t
he curriculums of educational institutions. In many countries Malaysia, for ex
ample, where there various ethnic groups with their own unique language, English
is used as a means of communications between all of them. So we see that the
importance of English doesn't lie in the quantity of people that speak it but in
way we use it.

Today the USA's influence on world information is dominant, English, being their
native tongue, the same is true for Britain. The music and other types of med
ia that come out of these two countries are broadcast around the world. Most o
f the world's largest pop stars record English albums, which are played and requ
ested in all the corners of the earth. Imagine feeling baffled and confused wh
en you hear a song on the radio, you don't know what is being said because you d
idn't bother to learn English and all around you the rest of the world is singin
g along. With the world steadily heading towards economic globalization it is
essential that English is taught and understood around the world so that the com
mon man can keep up with world issues.

Learning a English language at the earliest possible age, and by that I mean fro
m between 4 and 5 years old - that is, at nursery and primary school - opens up
a whole new dimension for children: it greatly benefits their reading and writin
g in their own language; there's evidence that, like musical education, it contr
ibutes significantly to the development of individual intelligence; and concrete
ly it improves overall results at school.
A new language opens up a whole new culture. A English language gives us access
to another culture, and our lives take on a new dimension. The great German poet
, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, said in 1827: "Whoever is not acquainted with Engl
ish languages knows nothing of his own." Seen like that, Learning a language is
almost comparable to a journey of discovery - and if we remember the great explo
rers and the 18th century gentleman's grand tour, you might almost call it a Bri
tish invention.
Conversely, to lose a language is to lose a whole culture. This realization has
led to determined efforts to preserve minority languages, including, for example
, in Britain, with the renaissance of the Welsh and Gaelic languages. There are
similar widespread efforts in Britain to promote community languages, for exampl
e by providing application forms in Urdu or other languages. It is a fundamental
truth that cultures define themselves through languages.
By Learning a new language, you gain new horizons, but at the same time you rein
force your own identity, and therefore also your self-confidence. A English lang
uage can contribute to a stronger personality. Apparently English languages are
even an essential quality of a lover. In Shakespeare's great comedy "Twelfth Nig
ht" we hear a gentleman being praised: He plays the viol-de-gamboys, speaks 3 or
4 languages and hath all the good gifts of nature.
The typical profile expected from future business leaders fully reflects the dem
ands of the globalised world. British language graduates find a good job more ea
sily than others. Knowledge of German in particular improves one's chances on th
e job market. Many German companies abroad, and many foreign companies in German
y and companies with close links to German-speaking countries look for employees
with language skills.
In spite of all the current economic difficulties in Germany, we are now, thanks
to the Government's reform policies, well on the way to overcoming our economic
weakness. Germany is still the most important trading partner for almost all th
e European countries and many countries outside Europe. A person who speaks Germ
an will be able to communicate better with business partners in the world's thir
d-biggest economy and one of the foremost exporting countries.
Politically, a positive approach in Britain to language Learning would have bene
fits on two different levels. Firstly, it would help to enable Germany to be see
n more as whole rather than just isolated aspects, and to break down a residual
antipathy or at least ignorance and indifference. That's of course our number on
e aim. And secondly, it would help to ensure that Britain does not remain apart
in Europe. In my view, it cannot be in Britain's interests to isolate itself pol
itically or culturally.
English is currently considered the universal language; this alone should convin
ce us to realize the importance of Learning English.

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