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Descripcin de la situacin: Depression of the 30's a cyclical event that comes societies destroyed and mass

unemployment is generating millions of people leaving to find food to earn money loses its value , producing
phenomena of recession and inflation at the same time devalued but I work for him , that is , no work , no
food , would lead the world to totalitarianism , destroying the great powers of Europe.
Tipo de situacin: It is reflected in the economic field , because I was the result of the over valuation of the
pound sterling 's fall is broken indeed the global economic system , which the pound was a basic piece.
England gold leaves. In addition to a decline in production occur.
Panorama de la situacin: This crisis has been international because economic activity was accompanied by a
further reduction of lending to overseas and a sharp contraction in demand for imports. This produced a
reduction in the flow of dollars to Europe and the rest of the world. Britain , meanwhile , abandoned the
traditional monetary system floating the pound, it produced its depreciation, the British leadership allowed
the British economy recovered reasonably rid of the conditions imposed by an overvalued currency and high
interest rates currency.
Antecedentes de la situacin: Britain had global economic leadership . During the years before the Great
Depression production and demand for its products , with a profound productive transformation dominated
by technological innovation , also participated Stock Exchange , which had an increase of prices increased ,
allowing the financing by the credit. Before several macroeconomic indicators had begun to suffer declines
without the economists of the time it detected and proper precautions were taken.
Relaciones entre actores: The uncertainty principle appears John Keynes who designed the macroeconomic
thinking, the thinker of the economic theory of the welfare state, saying the state should intervene and
guarantee pensions, education and invest in social development projects and generate employment because
interests they will not do.Generating a humanist thought after World War II, for three decades,
Europe will welfare states provided with Marshall Plan money, the only problem, reduce spending and begin
the era of the New England coming out of the ashes to rebuild streets and let each splinter bombardment.
Estrategias de los actores: Creditor countries (England and USA ) carried out a deflationary policy , restricting
credit and currency circulation ; This led the decline in industrial production and unemployment Obrero , the
mitigated with the decrease of foreign immigrants and with imports.

Germany one of the countries that was hit quickly .
American aid for reconstruction were repatriated in
1929 , with many companies and banks were
undercapitalized . They descended the gold and
currency reserves and the national currency lost
credit . The Weimar Republic made a rigid deflationary
policy restricting credit.
France. Experience the crisis later form . The effects
were not as severe , due to the strong franc and
reduced dependence on foreign trade France .
However, in 1932 , major companies go bankrupt . But
France will take to recoup its industrial production and
will do so only after the Second World War.
Tipo de actor John Keynes actor
individual, institucional, legal,
armado, formal.

plasmada en su obra Teora general del

empleo, el inters y el dinero, como
respuesta a la Gran Depresin

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