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Meditatie desire & destiny

by deepak & oprah

Welcome to Day 1
Who Am I?
Welcome to our 21-Day Experience, Desire and Destiny! We are delighted and honored that you are joining us, as
together we expand our understanding of ourselves and we open to the magnificent lives we are meant to liveour
Our deepest, most heartfelt desires are like stars in a constellation
. . . brilliant, twinkling lights that show us the way and create pathways to our true destinies. It is our souls mission to
connect with, cherish, and realize our desires in order to live our lives to the fullest and make our greatest
contributions to the world. In fulfilling our heart-held dreams we flourish, serving ourselves and others from a place of
bliss, generosity, and love. Our journey starts at the beginning, in the center, as we go within to listen to our deepest
Our centering thought for today is:
I am my deepest desire.
We look forward to embarking on this rich and wonderful journey with you.

Today is a new beginning, the first step on a very special journey. Along the way there will be new sights to see and
concepts to learn. As you travel through this day, take time to acknowledge yourself and celebrate your choice to live
mindfully and wholeheartedly! With your mind and heart open, you are creating the space to manifest the life of your

Day 1
Who Am I?
I am my deepest desire.

So Hum
I am.

Day 1 Who Am I?
"The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the
day you find out why."
Mark Twain
Welcome to our 21-Day Experience, Desire and Destiny! We are delighted
and honored that you are joining us, as together we expand our
understanding of ourselves and we open to the magnificent lives we are
meant to liveour destinies.
Our deepest, most heartfelt desires are like stars in a constellation . . .
brilliant, twinkling lights that show us the way and create pathways to our
true destinies. It is our souls mission to connect with, cherish, and realize
our desires in order to live our lives to the fullest and make our greatest
contributions to the world. In fulfilling our heart-held dreams we flourish,
serving ourselves and others from a place of bliss, generosity, and love. Our
journey starts at the beginning, in the center, as we go within to listen to our
deepest truth.

Mindful Moment
Today is a new beginning, the first step on a very special journey. Along the
way there will be new sights to see and concepts to learn. As you travel
through this day, take time to acknowledge yourself and celebrate your
choice to live mindfully and wholeheartedly! With your mind and heart open,
you are creating the space to manifest the life of your dreams.


Day 1 - Who Am I?
Question 1 of 4
What is your answer to todays soul question, Who am I? As you write allow
yourself the freedom to explore, knowing there is no wrong answer to this
Question 2 of 4
What are your intentions for this 21-day experience? What do you want to
learn and create in your life during our time together? Being very specific
with your intention is a powerful way to start any journey. After writing, take
a moment to visualize each intention as a seed you are planting today within
your heart. The time you spend meditating and journaling each day is the
water and sunshine that allows your vision to sprout.
Question 3 of 4
Today we begin a daily exploration of gratitude as we invite abundance into
our lives. What are you grateful for today?
Question 4 of 4
Use this space to reflect further on your experience today.

Welcome to Day 2
Empowered Me
Today we explore the concept of karma, the ebb and flow of energy in our lives. We will discover that with awareness,
we have the opportunity to mindfully harness this natural current to create a life where our dreams and desires open
with effortless ease.
So often we hear about good karma and bad karma, but in reality, karma is simply a reciprocal exchangewhat we
give, we receive in kind. Through meditation, we connect more deeply with the present, increase our awareness of
what is, and emerge from the silence with a sense of balance and a desire to make right, conscious choices in our
lives. In this way, we begin to recognize our own undeniable role in creating the story of our lives and begin to align
ourselves with those choices that are the most nurturing for ourselves and everyone around us.

Our centering thought for today is:

I am a powerful creator.
We look forward to spending time together in meditation.

Take a moment to observe one choice before you today. Prior to making a decision, check in with your inner voice
and ask yourself, Is this the most nourishing choice for me and everyone around me? If the answer does not feel
right to you, then consider making another decision. If when you check in with yourself, your choice feels right in your
heart, then proceed with abandon.

Day 2
Empowered Me

I am a powerful creator.

Om Kriyam Namah
My actions are aligned with cosmic law.
Day 2 Empowered Me

"Man did not weave the web of life, he is merely a strand in it. Whatever he does to the web,
he does to himself." Chief Seattle
Today we explore the concept of karma, the ebb and flow of energy in our lives. We will
discover that with awareness, we have the opportunity to mindfully harness this natural current
to create a life where our dreams and desires open with effortless ease.
So often we hear about good karma and bad karma, but in reality, karma is simply a reciprocal
exchangewhat we give, we receive in kind. Through meditation, we connect more deeply with
the present, increase our awareness of what is, and emerge from the silence with a sense of
balance and a desire to make right, conscious choices in our lives. In this way, we begin to
recognize our own undeniable role in creating the story of our lives and begin to align ourselves
with those choices that are the most nurturing for ourselves and everyone around us.

Mindful Moment

Take a moment to observe one choice before you today. Prior to making a decision, check in with
your inner voice and ask yourself, Is this the most nourishing choice for me and everyone
around me? If the answer does not feel right to you, then consider making another decision. If
when you check in with yourself, your choice feels right in your heart, then proceed with

Question 1 of 4
As you give, so you receive. What ripple do you want to create in the world today?
Question 2 of 4
Cultivating equanimity in your life is a powerful tool. What are the activities that
bring you a sense of inner peace and balance? Reflect and write down whatever
comes to you without effort or judgment. Along with current activities, include
activities you have done in the past and some that you believe will nourish you yet
remain untried. Consider scheduling one of those activities each day this week.
Question 3 of 4
What are you grateful for today?
Question 4 of 4
Use this space to reflect further on your experience today.

Welcome to Day 3
Confident Me
The Spiritual Law of Least Effort tells us that we can do less and accomplish more, an idea that seems at odds with
what many of us have been taught throughout our lives. Weve been told that success is the result of hard work,
struggle, and sacrifice. Today we will tap into the ever present flow of natural ease that is available within, as we plant
the seeds to live our destiny each and every day.
The universe has infinite organizing power, and as conscious beings, we have ready access to this realm simply by
spending time in stillness and silence. The same consciousness that orchestrates the myriad rhythms of the whole

world dwells within each of us. As we cultivate present moment awareness and remain open to the many
opportunities life offers, we open to the power within us to realize all our dreams with effortless ease.
Our centering thought for today is:
Abundance flows easily and freely to me.
We look forward to our time together today.

Today, make the decision to practice defenselessness. Each time you find yourself involved in a discussion in which
you feel compelled to take one side over another or express your opinion in order to sway that of another person,
instead, gently let go of the need to defend your point of view. Make a commitment to follow the path of no resistance
in other ways throughout your day. Witness how effortlessly your day unfolds as you practice letting go and accept
things just as they are.

Day 3
Confident Me
Abundance flows easily and freely to me.
Sat Chit Ananda
Existence, consciousness, bliss.

Day 3 Confident Me

"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their

dreams." Eleanor Roosevelt

The Spiritual Law of Least Effort tells us that we can do less and accomplish
more, an idea that seems at odds with what many of us have been taught
throughout our lives. In general, we hold the belief that success is the result
of hard work, struggle, and sacrifice.
As were learning through our time together, the universe has infinite
organizing power and as conscious beings, we have ready access to this
realm simply by spending time in stillness and silence. The same
consciousness that orchestrates the myriad rhythms of the whole world
dwells within each of us. By aligning ourselves with consciousness,
connecting fully with the present, and staying open to the many
opportunities life offers, we have the power within us to realize all our
dreams with effortless ease.
Mindful Moment

Just for today, make the decision to practice defenselessness. When you find
yourself involved in a discussion in which you feel compelled to take one
side over another or express your opinion in order to sway that of another
person, instead, gently let go of the need to defend your point of view. Make
a commitment to follow the path of no resistance in other ways throughout
your day. Witness how effortlessly your day unfolds as you practice letting
go and accept things just as they are.

Question 1 of 4
Make a list of the areas in your life that feel like a struggle. Use this writing
time to let it all out; write until you feel complete. After journaling take a
moment to feel all of the sensations in your body, mind, and heart
associated with your writing. Take a deep breath in, using your breath to
send gentle love and light to any place within that feels tense, uneasy,
heavy, or conflicted. Visualize all feelings of struggle being released as you
Question 2 of 4

Reflecting on the answers to question one, describe how some or all of your
perceived struggles might be blocking abundance in your life. Take this time
to write how you can reframe your reaction to perceived struggle. Is there an
action or actions that will provide a sense of relief? What are the ways that
you can create a sense of peace, openness, and awareness during times that
struggle shows up in your life?
Question 3 of 4
What are you grateful for today?
Question 4 of 4
Use this space to reflect further on your experience today.

Welcome to Day 4
Conscious Me
All around us are messages that lead us to believe our lives are ones of scarcity and lack and that competition with
one another is the only way we can truly succeed. However, when we begin to witness the worldwhether standing
in the middle of a majestic forest or scanning the shelves at the grocery storewe come to understand that the entire
universe presents itself to us and is ours to enjoy.
In order for us to truly experience everything the world has to offer, we must first come to appreciate all that we
already have. By being truly grateful, we open the door to all the power, wisdom, and creativity of the universe,
connecting ever more deeply with pure consciousness and its ability to usher anything we can envision into our lives.
Our centering thought for today is:
Abundance surrounds me.
We are grateful for our time with you today.

Today, no matter where you are or what you are doing, take notice of the abundance that surrounds you. Abundance
may appear as a loose penny in the parking lot, a warm hug from a friend, or a plentiful display of produce at the
supermarket. Consider how effortlessly and easily these gifts and signs of abundance showed up in your experience
and give yourself permission to feel authentic gratitude for these blessings. You will be surprised and delighted by the
multitude of gifts that continue to appear throughout your day and for days to come.

Day 4
Conscious Me
Abundance surrounds me.

Aham Brahmasmi
I am the universe.

Day 4 Conscious Me

"The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new lands but seeing
with new eyes." Marcel Proust
All around us are messages that lead us to believe our lives are ones of
scarcity and lack, and that competition with one another is the only way we
can truly succeed. However, when we begin to witness the worldwhether
standing in the middle of a majestic forest or scanning the shelves at the
grocery storewe come to understand that the entire universe presents
itself to us and is ours to enjoy.
In order for us to truly experience everything the world has to offer, we must
first come to appreciate all that we already have. By being truly grateful, we
open the door to all the power, wisdom, and creativity of the universe,
connecting ever more deeply with pure consciousness and its ability to usher
anything we can envision into our lives.
Mindful Moment

Today, no matter where you are or what you are doing, take notice of the
abundance that surrounds you. Abundance may appear as a loose penny in
the parking lot, a warm hug from a friend, or a plentiful display of produce at
the supermarket. Consider how effortlessly and easily these gifts and signs
of abundance showed up in your experience and give yourself permission to
feel authentic gratitude for these blessings. You will be surprised and
delighted by the multitude of gifts that continue to appear throughout your
day and for days to come.


Question 1 of 4
Where in your life do you compare yourself to others or compete? How does
it feel? What is the inner dialogue or limiting belief that ignites competition
and comparison in your life? After writing, spend time with the feelings and
sensations connected to your written thoughts. Breathe in deeply and as you
exhale send yourself love and light. As you become aware you are presented
with the opportunity to practice a new way of being.
Question 2 of 4
Write an affirming supportive letter to yourself, one that reminds you of all
that you have to share with the world--your strengths, values, gifts, talents
and successes. As you celebrate yourself you make space to celebrate
Question 3 of 4
What are you grateful for today?
Question 4 of 4
Use this space to reflect further on your experience today.

Welcome to Day 5
Abundant Me


What lights you up more fervently than anything else in your life? Listen to whatever immediately comes to you
these are signs leading you to your true passion, your most heartfelt desire, and ultimately your destiny.
When we heed the call of our deepest desires, we fulfill our true destinies. Children do not shy away from their
passions, they effortlessly live from a place of wonder, play, and delight. For many of us, were taught that we must
abandon our natural passions as we cross the divide between childhood and adulthood. Yet, passion is what drives
us to be the very best individuals we can be.
Today, through meditation, we reconnect to our internal spark and begin to gently release those long-held stories
about who we should be as we become more intimately re-acquainted with who we really are. Together we will
practice shining brightly as the individuals we were born to be as we freely share our gifts with everyone we meet.
Our centering thought for today is:
I choose abundance.
We look forward to sharing much more with you.

Set aside one hour today to do something you thoroughly enjoy. It doesnt matter what it is . . . whether its a walk in
the woods, reading a good book, or creating a delicious meal . . . do it purely for the joy of the activity. As you settle in
for sleep tonight, revisit the experience in your mind, considering why this activity excited you or brought you joy. Set
the intention to awake the next day in this same state of mind and heart.

Day 5
Abundant Me
I choose abundance.

Om Bhavam Namah
I am absolute existence. I am a field of all possibility.

Day 5 Abundant Me

"Not what we have But what we enjoy, constitutes our abundance." Epicurus
What are the things that light you up and excite you more fervently than
anything else in your life? Whatever comes to you when you ask yourself
that question are signs leading you to your true passion, your most heartfelt
desire, and ultimately your destiny.
When we heed the call of our deepest desires, we fulfill our true destinies. In
our world, we often feel the pull of our passions when we are very young but
lose the connection to them through lifes conditioning. For many of us, were
taught that we must say good-bye to our passions as we cross the divide
between childhood and adulthood. Yet, passion is what drives us to be the
very best individuals we can be.
Through meditation, we begin to lose those long-held stories about who we
should be and become more intimately re-acquainted with who we really are.
We shine brightly as the individuals we were born to be and freely share our
gifts with everyone we meet.
Mindful Moment

Set aside one hour today to do something you thoroughly enjoy. It doesnt
matter what it is . . . whether its a walk in the woods, reading a good book,
or creating a delicious meal . . . do it purely for the joy of the activity. As you
settle in for sleep tonight, revisit the experience in your mind, considering
why this activity excited you or brought you joy. Set the intention to awake
the next day in this same state of mind and heart.

Question 1 of 4

Have you had a passion or dream that was minimized or squelched by yourself or
another? Write about what it felt like to share your dream and have it dismissed.
Did that experience impact how you respond to sparks of passion, dreams, and
desires in your life now?
Question 2 of 4
Reflect and spend time writing about what you can learn about yourself, others,
and life from that experience or other experiences like it. Our reaction to our selftalk and the input of others just might be blocking our dreams from coming to life.
Identify and write down several strategies you can use to protect the uplifting
energy and possibility that your innovative ideas, dreams and desires hold.
Question 3 of 4
What are you grateful for today?
Question 4 of 4
Use this space to reflect further on your experience today.

Welcome to Day 6
Resilient Me
In life, it is fairly certain that we will each experience difficult and challenging passages. Within each of these
moments we are given a special seed of opportunity, a gift. Many times, this point of view can be difficult to embrace
in the midst of what appears to be a setback. Today, we spend our time together opening our minds and hearts to the
blessings that come to us in disguise.
In the stillness of meditation we begin to gently release ego thoughts connected with success and failure. We begin to
trust the movement of life knowing that the universe has much grander plans for us than we could ever fathom. Each
step along the path of life, regardless of the destination, is an exciting part of the adventure. The moments
themselves are the gift, the journey itself, the rich reward.
Our centering thought for today is:
A gift resides in every moment.
We look forward to connecting with you in silence.


Use today to experiment with perception by tapping into the power of your thoughts, intentions, and the resilient
strength that is always with you. As you travel through the day, any time you feel a sense of struggle, or you hear
your inner dialogue sending you messages that cause you to feel you have failed or that you are less than, take a
moment to pause. Stop what you are doing and allow yourself to take a deep breath. Then re-write the story of your
inner response. Take time to identify the opportunities before you as a result of this perceived adversity. Give yourself
permission to be in gratitude for the opportunity to learn and grow.

Day 6
Resilient Me
A gift resides in every moment.

Om Vardhanam Namah
I nourish the universe and the universe nourishes me.
Day 6 Resilient Me

"We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because
thorn bushes have roses." Abraham Lincoln
Within each perceived failure or difficult life passage lives the seed of
opportunity, but so often in life when we experience a setback, we have
difficulty seeing the true blessing enveloped in this disguise. Through the
sustained practice of meditation, we begin to clear away ego thoughts
connected with success and failure and begin to understand that the
universe must have much grander plans in store for us that we can only
begin to fathom.


Each step along the path of life, regardless of the destination, is an exciting
part of the adventure. The moments themselves are the gift, the journey
itself, the rich reward.
Mindful Moment

Use today to experiment with perception by tapping into the power of your
thoughts, intentions, and the resilient strength that is always with you. As
you travel through the day, any time you feel a sense of struggle, or you
hear your inner dialogue sending you messages that cause you to feel you
have failed or that you are less than, take a moment to pause. Stop what
you are doing and allow yourself to take a deep breath. Then re-write the
story of your inner response. Take time to identify the opportunities before
you as a result of this perceived adversity. Give yourself permission to be in
gratitude for the opportunity to learn and grow.

Question 1 of 4
Think of a time you felt a dream went up in flames or felt the sting of failure.
Take some time to reflect. After considering that experience, write about the
things you learned about yourself and life from that challenge. Was there a
treasure in disguise, a new opportunity, or new beginning within that
Question 2 of 4
During meditation today, we were encouraged to release thoughts and feelings
about our perceived challenges and adversities to fill that newly cleared space
with infinite love and light. Take some time to fill your cup with possibility-describe your new vision for this day. Open wide, tap into your resilience,
positivity, and pure potential.
Question 3 of 4
What are you grateful for today?

Question 4 of 4
Use this space to reflect further on your experience today.

Welcome to Day 7
Fearless Me
Congratulations on completing the first week of our journey together! During this time, we have taken the important
first steps toward initiating transformation by going within to connect with who it is we really are. Our awareness has
expanded and we have opened to our authentic and divine nature. We have learned to honor our passions and longheld dreams while freeing ourselves from the limiting thoughts and beliefs that hold us back from the life we desire.
We are now more open to our infinite potential, our destiny.
Today, we embark on a powerful journey designed to help us gently release our fears, clearing the way to greet each
moment with a sense of strength, connection, wonder, and freedom. As we experience this special guided meditation,
we encourage you to connect with your True Self and the deep understanding of your abiding relationship with the
Our centering thought for today is:
I am free.
We look forward to todays journey together.

As you prepare for todays meditation, take a moment to become conscious of your breath, inhaling and exhaling
slowly and deeply. Begin to imagine the breath as a tool for cleansing and letting go of all that is not serving you in
the momenta tool which allows you to gently observe the state of your body, mind, and spirit. Conscious breathing
is a simple technique to transform and release feelings of fear, anxiety, and tension as you come into the present
moment. Give yourself permission to relax into your breath as you begin to enter more deeply into stillness.

Day 7
Fearless Me
I am free.


So Hum
I am.

Day 7 Fearless Me

"You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which

you really stop
to look fear in the face." Eleanor Roosevelt
Congratulations on completing our first week together! During this past
week, we have taken an important journey into better understanding who it
is we really are and we have grown in our knowledge of our authentic nature.
We have learned to honor our passions and long-held dreams and free
ourselves from the limiting thoughts and beliefs that hold us back from living
the life of our dreams.
Today, we will take a journey together that will help us as we gently release
our fears and embrace a journey on the road less traveled. As we experience
this special guided meditation, we encourage you to connect with your True
Self and the deep understanding of your abiding relationship with the
Mindful Moment

As you prepare for todays meditation, take a moment to become conscious

of your breath, inhaling and exhaling slowly and deeply. Begin to imagine the
breath as a tool for cleansing and letting go of all that is not serving you in
the moment- a tool which allows you to gently observe the state of your
body, mind, and spirit. Conscious breathing is a simple technique to
transform and release feelings of fear, anxiety, and tension as you come into
the present moment. As Thich Nhat Hanh notes in Peace is Every Step,


Conscious breathing is an important bridge between body and mind. Relax

as you bring together body and mind and enter more deeply into stillness.

Question 1 of 4
What is your greatest fear? Describe what it feels like. What is the inner dialogue
you experience around that fear? What is the message you can give yourself to
begin to gently release that fear?
Question 2 of 4
We connected with the song of spirit today, guiding us to remember that we are
free. What in your life makes you feel free?
Question 3 of 4
What are you grateful for today?
Question 4 of 4
Use this space to reflect further on your experience today.

Welcome to Day 8
What Do I Want?
Welcome to the second week of our 21-Day Meditation Experience,Desire and Destiny. Last week, we focused on
understanding who we are, connecting with our essential nature and divine essence. Today, as we invite abundance
and clarity into our lives, we begin to explore what it is we really want in this lifetime. This awareness guides us to the
steps on the roadmap toward living our destinies.
We may carry long-held beliefs about our identity and character that were given to us by others. These ideas
influence our perceptions about what we want in life. Today, as we meditate together, give yourself permission to let
go as you sink into the meditation. Let your heart and soul speak to you as we travel within to hear our inner song of
truth. Breathe deeply and receive on this day filled with transformational opportunity. Today we let our hearts lead the
way for all of the answers we seek live withinall we have to do is listen.
Our centering thought for today is:
My heart knows the answer.


We look forward to meditating with you today.


Spend some time today closing your eyes, connecting with your heart, and repeating the questions, What do I want?
What do I really want? Be open to whatever answers come to you. After a few minutes, open your eyes and write
down what you envision. Look at this list each day before you go into meditation and see how these things manifest
in your life.

Day 8
What Do I Want?
My heart knows the answer.

Om Varunam Namah
My life is in harmony with the universe.
Day 8 What Do I Want?

"Certain things catch your eye, but pursue only those that capture the
Native American Proverb
Welcome to the second week of our 21-Day Meditation Experience, Desire
and Destiny. Last week, we focused on understanding who we are,
connecting with our essential nature and divine essence. Today, as we invite
abundance and clarity into our lives, we begin to explore what it is we really
want in this lifetime. This awareness guides us to the steps on the roadmap
toward living our destinies.


We may carry long-held beliefs about our identity and character that were
given to us by others. These ideas influence our perceptions about what we
want in life. Today, as we meditate together, give yourself permission to let
go as you sink into the meditation. Let your heart and soul speak to you as
we travel within to hear our inner song of truth. Breathe deeply and receive
on this day filled with transformational opportunity. Today we let our hearts
lead the way for all of the answers we seek live withinall we have to do is
Mindful Moment

Spend some time today closing your eyes, connecting with your heart, and
repeating the questions, What do I want? What do I really want? Be open
to whatever answers come to you. After a few minutes, open your eyes and
write down what you envision. Look at this list each day before you go into
meditation and see how these things manifest in your life.

Question 1 of 4
What is your answer to todays soul question, What do I want? Take time to
reflect on what you really want, in your heart and in your soul. Write with
abandon! As you begin to declare your hearts truth, the universe begins to
Question 2 of 4
As you reflect on your hearts deepest desires know that it is inspiration
paired with action that activates the path to making your dreams come to
life. What are five gentle or even bold actions you can take this week to
begin to invite these things into your life now? Consider this carefully and set
yourself up for success. There may be several steps or even a process
involved so be realistic as you start the journey. Take your first steps this
Question 3 of 4
What are you grateful for today?
Question 4 of 4

Use this space to reflect further on your experience today.

Welcome to Day 9
Focused Me
Its difficult to arrive at a destination if we dont know where we are
headed. This is equally true for our life journey. In order to realize our
deepest desires, it is essential to identify exactly what we want and
stay focused on that intention with dedication, focus, and awareness.
At the same time, this practice requires us to let go of attachment to
any single outcome, opening us up to abundant possibility.
Todays meditation centers on bringing our heartfelt desires into
crystallized focus and putting our heart-centered attention on what we
envision. In this way, we align ourselves with the universe to reach
our intended destination, clear on what we hope to achieve and open
to all opportunities that help us realize our dreams.
Our centering thought for today is:
I am focused on what I want.
We look forward to our time together.

Before we meditate together, take a minute to notice if you have any
attachments, expectations, or doubts about your lifes purpose. Just
notice and allow yourself to be curious about whatever is present for
you in this moment. Inhale deeply from your belly, allowing your
breath to carry through your entire being. When you exhale, release
anything that isnt serving you in this moment. Invite your inner
knowing to open, expand, and guide you as you meditate today.

Day 9
Focused Me
I am focused upon what I want.

Om Varunam Namah
My life is in harmony with cosmic law.

Day 9 Focused Me

"We must walk consciously only part way toward our goal, and then leap in
the dark to our success."
Henry David Thoreau
Its difficult to arrive at a destination if we dont know where we are headed.
This is equally true for our lifes journeys. In order to realize our deepest
desires, we need to identify exactly what we want and stay focused on that
intention with single-pointed awareness. At the same time, this practice
requires us to let go of attachment to any single outcome, opening us up to
abundant possibility.
Todays meditation centers on bringing our heartfelt desires into crystalized
focus and putting our attention on what we envision. In this way, we align
ourselves with the universe to reach our intended destination, clear on what
we hope to achieve and open to all opportunities that help us realize our
Mindful Moment

Before we meditate together, take a minute to notice if you have any

attachments, expectations, or fears about your lifes purpose. Just notice and
allow yourself to be curious about whatever is present for you in this
moment. Inhale deeply from your belly, allowing your breath to carry
through your entire being. When you exhale, release anything that isnt
serving you in this moment. Invite your inner knowing to be with you as you
meditate today.


Question 1 of 4
Deepak reminded us today to focus on what we want versus thinking about
what we dont want. Write in detail about one thing you truly want in your
life. What is it? Paint the picture in detail. What will your life be like when you
have it? How will you feel? Who will be with you and what will you being
doing? Have fun with this one, dream big!
Question 2 of 4
As you connect daily with your inner knowing, your intuition, you notice that
you will find clarity and confidence as you select each step toward your
dream. What three things do you intuitively know will bring you closer to
living the vision you wrote in question one?
Question 3 of 4
What are you grateful for today?
Question 4 of 4
Use this space to reflect further on your experience today.

Welcome to Day 10
Passionate Me
It is not uncommon to set a goal and then push forward with our eyes so fixed on the destination that we become
unaware of the terrain on which we travel. Today we will practice navigating the path toward our destination with
fluidity and balance, remaining attentive to our goal with present moment awareness. As we do so, we take a
powerful step toward realizing our dreams and living our destinies.
In our passionate pursuit of our lifes purpose, our destination, we have the choice to stay present in the now, which
increases our awareness of the many supportive cues and opportunities that arise along the path. Staying connected
to the present enables us to enjoy every moment of the journeythe people we meet and the experiences we can
enjoy with themenriching us as we live out our deepest, most heartfelt desires.
Our centering thought for today is:
Now is my time.
We look forward to joining you in the stillness of meditation.



Sometime today, when you catch yourself projecting into the future, take the time to practice 10 rounds of conscious
breathing. Close your eyes and begin to witness the breath as it flows in and out of the nostrils. If it is helpful, count
as you practice this, inhaling for a count of five, holding the breath, and exhaling for five. After you repeat this
exercise 10 times, notice if you feel more grounded in the present, better able to seize opportunities as they present
themselves in the here and now.

Day 10
Passionate Me
Now is my time.

Om Vardhanam Namah
I nourish the universe and the universe nourishes me.

Day 10 Passionate Me

Wherever you go, go with all your heart. Confucius

It is not uncommon to set a goal and then push forward with our eyes so
fixed on the destination that we become unaware of the terrain on which we
travel. Today we will practice navigating the path toward our destination with
fluidity and balance, remaining attentive to our goal with present moment
awareness. As we do so, we take a powerful step toward realizing our dreams
and living our destinies.

In our passionate pursuit of our lifes purpose, our destination, we have the
choice to stay present in the now, which increases our awareness of the
many supportive cues and opportunities that arise along the path. Staying
connected to the present enables us to enjoy every moment of the journey
the people we meet and the experiences we can enjoy with themenriching
us as we live out our deepest, most heartfelt desires.
Mindful Moment

Sometime today, when you catch yourself projecting into the future, take the
time to practice 10 rounds of conscious breathing. Close your eyes and begin
to witness the breath as it flows in and out of the nostrils. If it is helpful,
count as you practice this, inhaling for a count of five, holding the breath,
and exhaling for five. After you repeat this exercise 10 times, notice if you
feel more grounded in the present, better able to seize opportunities as they
present themselves in the here and now.

Question 1 of 4
Describe the things that are abundant and perfect in your life right now, in
this present moment. What is the rising sun, the extraordinary gift you see
before you today?
Question 2 of 4
When you find yourself getting caught up in the twists and turns of life, what
are three activities or actions you can take that will bring you back to center?
Question 3 of 4
What are you grateful for today?
Question 4 of 4
Use this space to reflect further on your experience today.

Welcome to Day 11
Intentional Me

Over the past several days, we have defined what we want in life, responded to our hearts deepest dreams and
desires, and opened to the many opportunities that arise in the present moment. Today, we will learn more about
developing clear intentions for our lives.
We believe that attention energizes and intention transforms. We are the masters of our own lives, our realities, and
the universe offers us what we ask of it. Therefore, as we place our attention on what it is that we want, we set our
intentions to orchestrate everything in our lives to help us achieve our goals. As we become receptive in this way, the
universe conspires to support our every step.
Our centering thought for today is:
I create my reality.
We look forward to our time together today.

Before you enter your meditation, take a moment to set one intention for today. Perhaps you would like to share
kindness during your travels, or maybe you would like to integrate peace or joy into your day. Take a moment to
clearly identify this positive intention. As you close your eyes for meditation, let everything go. In this way, you plant
your intentions in the womb of creation and allow the universe to orchestrate the details.

Day 11
Intentional Me
I create my reality.

Aham Brahmasmi
I am the universe. I am absolute existence.

Day 11 Intentional Me

"Respond to every call that excites your spirit." Rumi

Over the past several days, we have defined what we want in life, responded
to our hearts deepest dreams and desires, and opened to the many
opportunities that arise in the present moment. Today, we will learn more
about developing clear intentions for our lives.
We believe that attention energizes and intention transforms. We are the
masters of our own lives, our realities, and the universe offers us what we
ask of it. Therefore, as we place our attention on what it is that we want, we
set our intentions to orchestrate everything in our lives to help us achieve
our goals. As we become receptive in this way, the universe conspires to
support our every step.
Mindful Moment

Before you enter your meditation, take a moment to set one intention for
today. Perhaps you would like to share kindness during your travels, or
maybe you would like to integrate peace or joy into your day. Take a
moment to clearly identify this positive intention. As you close your eyes for
meditation, let everything go. In this way, you plant your intentions in the
womb of creation and allow the universe to orchestrate the details.

Question 1 of 4
Describe the vision that you sent off to the universe on the billowing cloud
during todays meditation. Take time to write in detail. When our intentions
are clear we open the door for the universe to respond.
Question 2 of 4
Take a moment to consider the feelings and self-talk that comes up when you
think bold and dream big. Write down as many of these limiting thoughts and
sensations as you can. Let them flow freely until you feel complete.
Awareness and intention are powerful. Your dream is far more important than
any limiting thought, feeling, or belief--your dream is your destiny. Take time
now to write your limiting thoughts and beliefs a letter excusing them from

duty. As you do this, replace each limiting belief with an empowered

statement that allows the negative to release, opening you to pure potential.
Question 3 of 4
What are you grateful for today?
Question 4 of 4
Use this space to reflect further on your experience today.

Welcome to Day 12
Inspired Me
When we follow our hearts, we make life choices that seemingly open doors for us without force, we are then aligned
with our inner knowing. The path is revealed with ease. Other times, we may over-think our decisions, choosing the
guidance of the mind over the messages of the heart. We may find that in these moments, our paths become filled
with obstacles that hinder us at nearly every turn.
In todays meditation, we will connect deeply with our hearts, our most trustworthy inner guidance system. As we
relax into our heart-center, we access the wisdom of the whole universe and the blueprint for true happiness. The
invitation is to silence the chatterto gently release thoughts, judgments, distractions, and pressuresin order to
truly hear our hearts desires and messages. Only then can we source our inner inspiration and realize not only our
dreams, but our destinies.
Our centering thought for today is:
I am inspired. I am unstoppable.
We are inspired by our time together and look forward to connecting in the stillness today.

Gift yourself by dedicating time today to check your heart center pulse. Pause several times over the course of the
day, place your hand on your heart and breathe. Close your eyes and spend time noticing your natural breath. Feel
the easy flow of breath coming in and going out. Stop to feel your heart, allowing your senses to feel the rhythm of
your physical heart and the pulse of your intuitive feeling heart. Just feel, connecting with your center, just be.


Day 12
Inspired Me
I am inspired. I am unstoppable.

Om Varunam Namah
My actions are in alignment with cosmic law.

Day 12 Inspired Me

"Believe you can and you're halfway there." Theodore Roosevelt

When we follow our hearts, we make life choices that seemingly open doors
for us without force, we are then aligned with our inner knowing. The path is
revealed with ease. Other times, we may over-think our decisions, choosing
the guidance of the mind over the messages of the heart. We may find that
in these moments, our paths become filled with obstacles that hinder us at
nearly every turn.
In todays meditation, we will connect deeply with our hearts, our most
trustworthy inner guidance system. As we relax into our heart-center, we
access the wisdom of the whole universe and the blueprint for true
happiness. The invitation is to silence the chatter—to gently release
thoughts, judgments, distractions, and pressures—in order to truly
hear our hearts desires and messages. Only then can we source our inner
inspiration and realize not only our dreams, but our destinies.
Mindful Moment


Gift yourself by dedicating time today to check your heart center pulse.
Pause several times over the course of the day, place your hand on your
heart and breathe. Close your eyes and spend time noticing your natural
breath. Feel the easy flow of breath coming in and going out. Stop to feel
your heart, allowing your senses to feel the rhythm of your physical heart
and the pulse of your intuitive feeling heart. Just feel, connecting with your
center, just be.

Question 1 of 4
When we force an action in hopes of creating an outcome we desire, we can
actually block ourselves from magnificent possibilities. Reflect on a time
where you forced action. What cues did your body, mind, and spirit give you
along the way? As you begin to get in tune with and listen to your inner cues,
you begin to transform your life.

Question 2 of 4
Describe your most memorable experience of receiving, listening and
responding to your inner knowing. What cues or intuitive responses do you
receive that let you know you are in the flow of right action?

Question 3 of 4
What are you grateful for today?

Question 4 of 4
Use this space to reflect further on your experience today.

Welcome to Day 13
Faithful Me
When we hold tightly to a goal, we often find it to be elusive. We may say to ourselves, I want this so badly. I can see
my goal. Why cant I reach it? The answer lies within the fine art and practice of detachment.


As we detach from the outcome of whatever we desire, we let go and gently surrender to the wisdom of uncertainty,
which holds our freedom from the past, the known, and the limitations of any preconceived notions. In our willingness
to step into the unknown, the field of all possibilities, we give ourselves over to the creative mind that orchestrates the
dance of the universe, trusting that what we desire will come to us.
Our centering thought for today is:
I believe. I trust. I let go.
We look forward to our time with you today.

Take time today to explore the thoughts, feelings, and sensations connected to your experience of letting go. As you
travel through the day, practice the fine art of detachmentlet life flow. Invite yourself to shift your approach perhaps
taking a different route as you make your way to work or school or by staying calm when you might otherwise not.
Tune into what it feels like to let go; practice over and over today and see how your body, mind, and spirit begin to

Day 13
Faithful Me
I believe. I trust. I let go.

Om Bhavam Namah
I am absolute existence. I am a field of all possibilities.

Day 13 Faithful Me


"It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are." E.E.
When we hold tightly to a goal, we often find it to be elusive. We may say to
ourselves, I want this so badly. I can see my goal. Why cant I reach it? The
answer lies within the fine art and practice of detachment.
As we detach from the outcome of whatever we desire, we let go and gently
surrender to the wisdom of uncertainty, which holds our freedom from the
past, the known, and the limitations of any preconceived notions. In our
willingness to step into the unknown, the field of all possibilities, we give
ourselves over to the creative mind that orchestrates the dance of the
universe, trusting that what we desire will come to us.
Mindful Moment

Take time today to explore the thoughts, feelings, and sensations connected
to your experience of letting go. As you travel through the day, practice the
fine art of detachment—let life flow. Invite yourself to shift your
approach perhaps taking a different route as you make your way to work or
school or by staying calm when you might otherwise not. Tune into what it
feels like to let go; practice over and over today and see how your body,
mind, and spirit begin to shift.

Question 1 of 4
When we accept who we are, just as we are, with trust in the power of source
energy, we take an essential step along the journey to aligning with our true
purpose and destiny. Write a letter that shares what you wish you knew
when you were younger - about the importance, liberation, and power of
just being you in life. Write this letter of wisdom and encouragement to the
important young people in your life, and as a reminder to your inner child.
Consider sharing this letter with someone special.
Question 2 of 4

Describe the evidence you have in your life experience that helps you to
trust that things will be ok - to trust the timing in the universe. Maybe you
have a story that speaks deeply to your heart and opens your trust; perhaps
you see a sign in nature or hear a song over and over at just the right time.
Where can you let go and let life flow in your life today?
Question 3 of 4
What are you grateful for today?
Question 4 of 4
Use this space to reflect further on your experience today.

Welcome to Day 14
Grateful Me
Congratulations on completing the first two weeks of our 21-Day Meditation Experience! Spending time in silence is
an act of powerful self-nurturance. Through meditation, you are connecting more deeply with your heart,
understanding its desires, and clearing a path to realize your dreams.
Todays meditation focuses on gratitude. When we appreciate all that we have in life, our egos step out of the way,
inviting even greater abundance into our lives.
Practicing gratitude for our lives as human beings for the air we breathe, for our magnificent bodies, and the beauty
of being alive is a wonderful place to start. From this point of view, we can expand our gratitude outward, like ripples
in a still pond, appreciating everything and everyone we encounter and those who touch our lives as well.
Our centering thought for today is:
Gratitude is my prayer.
We are so grateful that you are joining us on this journey.



Set the intention to greet each moment of the day in gratitude. As each encounter and situation crosses your path
take time to pay attention to all of the things that you can be grateful for in the moment. May you cultivate the spirit of
gratitude with effortless ease and enthusiasm, for as you do so you transform your world.

Day 14
Grateful Me
Gratitude is my prayer.

So Hum
I am.
Day 14 Grateful Me

Let gratitude be the pillow upon which you kneel to say your nightly
prayer. Maya Angelou
Congratulations on completing the first two weeks of our 21-Day Meditation
Experience! Spending time in silence is an act of powerful self-nurturance.
Through meditation, you are connecting more deeply with your heart,
understanding its desires, and clearing a path to realize your dreams.
Todays meditation focuses on gratitude. When we appreciate all that we
have in life, our egos step out of the way, inviting even greater abundance
into our lives.
Practicing gratitude for our lives as human beings for the air we breathe,
for our magnificent bodies, and the beauty of being alive is a wonderful
place to start. From this point of view, we can expand our gratitude outward,
like ripples in a still pond, appreciating everything and everyone we
encounter and those who touch our lives as well.
Mindful Moment


Set the intention to greet each moment of the day in gratitude. As each
encounter and situation crosses your path take time to pay attention to all of
the things that you can be grateful for in the moment. May you cultivate the
spirit of gratitude with effortless ease and enthusiasm, for as you do so you
transform your world.

Question 1 of 4
How does being thankful for everything in your life pave the way for greater
abundance? What happens in your world when you shift into a place of
Question 2 of 4
Take time to write down all of the things you are grateful for that your
physical body provides.
Question 3 of 4
Who are you grateful for today? Write a thank you letter to one or all of them
detailing all of your appreciation and gratitude. Consider sharing your words
in an e-mail, text, letter or spontaneous call.
Question 4 of 4
Use this space to reflect further on your experience today.

Welcome to Day 15
How Can I Serve?
Today we delve more deeply into what it means to be of service. When we serve others from a place of love, we are
also serving ourselves.
For many of us, when we think of service, we envision great feats, sacrifices, large philanthropic donations, and other
grand gestures. While service can be all those things, service can be much more accessible in our daily lives. Giving
to others through service is simply recognizing what you do best in any given moment and offering that as a gift to
someone else. For instance, in this moment, you may be sitting in a coffee shop across from someone who looks like
she could really use a warm smile and, in this moment, you offer a smile in service to brighten her day. Giving can be
that simple.
Think about how good you feel when you give someone a gift in this way and notice how serving someone else is a
gift to yourself as well.


Our centering thought for today is:

Serving others serves me.
We look forward to sharing the gift of meditation with you.

Let today be your day to share random acts of kindness with generosity and joy. If you encounter someone in need
offer a gift from the heart, be it a kind word, a joke, or a cup of tea. Hold the door open for someone, just because.
Call a friend and share a kind word. When you are engaged in activity, give your full attention to it, knowing that when
you are fully present, you are doing something with love and serving the world with your time and talent. Enjoy the
energy that comes back to you as you walk through each moment with a giving and caring heart.

Day 15
How Can I Serve?
Serving others serves me.

Om Vardhanam Namah
I nourish the universe and the universe nourishes me.

Day 15 How Can I Serve?

"How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting
to improve the world."
Anne Frank


Today we delve more deeply into what it means to be of service. When we

serve others from a place of love, we are also serving ourselves.
For many of us, when we think of service, we envision great feats, sacrifices,
large philanthropic donations, and other grand gestures. While service can
be all those things, service can be much more accessible in our daily lives.
Giving to others through service is simply recognizing what you do best in
any given moment and offering that as a gift to someone else. For instance,
in this moment, you may be sitting in a coffee shop across from someone
who looks like she could really use a warm smile and, in this moment, you
offer a smile in service to brighten her day. Giving can be that simple.
Think about how good you feel when you give someone a gift in this way and
notice how serving someone else is a gift to yourself as well.
Mindful Moment

Let today be your day to share random acts of kindness with generosity and
joy. If you encounter someone in need offer a gift from the heart, be it a kind
word, a joke, or a cup of tea. Hold the door open for someone, just because.
Call a friend and share a kind word. When you are engaged in activity, give
your full attention to it, knowing that when you are fully present, you are
doing something with love and serving the world with your time and talent.
Enjoy the energy that comes back to you as you walk through each moment
with a giving and caring heart.

Question 1 of 4
We reflected deeply on the soul questions How can I serve? during todays
meditation. Take time to really explore answers that come through your
writing - just write freely.
Question 2 of 4
What are three specific actions you can take to illuminate the world around
you through sharing your unique gifts and talents in service to others?

Question 3 of 4
What are you grateful for today?
Question 4 of 4
Use this space to reflect further on your experience today.

Day 16
Uniquely Me

Bliss be my guide.

Om Varunam Namah
My life is in harmony with the universe.

Day 16 Uniquely Me

"Every individual matters. Every individual has a role to play. Every individual makes a
Jane Goodall
The expansion of happiness in this lifetime is our birthright. Finding what it is we are meant to
do and be and identifying that which brings us the greatest happiness is our highest purpose in
life. This is our dharma, our truth and, our destiny. Each moment presents us with a unique
opportunity to express ourselves in ways that only we can. When we answer the call of our heart
in each moment, we have the opportunity to experience pure joy.
Todays meditation explores what it means to live our lives blissfully in each moment,
understanding that the true reward is not the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, but the journey
along the rainbow itself.
Allow the bliss of being who you are, living as the unique soul you were born to be, carry you
along the path of this lifetime and you will be living your life to the fullest.
Mindful Moment


Today make a commitment to be who you really are and choose one thing that allows you to
express yourself in a way that is like no one else. Sing a song. Paint a painting. Share a heartfelt
conversation with a dear friend. Whatever it is that makes your heart sing, choose to engage in
one activity that is uniquely yours and enjoy where the journey leads you!


Question 1 of 4
There is no one else on the planet that is here to be who you are and give what you have to give.
Describe the qualities, gifts and talents that make you unique.
Question 2 of 4
We learned that our divine purpose is ever evolving throughout our lives. What do you believe
your divine purpose is in this moment?
Question 3 of 4
What are you grateful for today?
Question 4 of 4
Use this space to reflect further on your experience today.

Day 17
Inspirational Me

I embrace the teacher within.


Om Varunam Namah
My life is in harmony with the universe.

Day 17 Inspirational Me

It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge. Albert


Think about the people and experiences that truly inspire you. What is it about them that makes
you feel this way? For many of us, we are inspired when we feel something we have never felt
before. We feel uplifted when we gain a new insight that changes our perspective completely and
when we learn something new that forever transforms us.
Each of us has that power to inspire another. Within all of us lies a wonderful teacher, a soul that
greatly inspires others to seek the highest good and to engage fully in life, merely by expressing
your authentic self. Embrace that inner teacher and know that you have something very valuable
to offer everyone around you. Share your lessons freely and receive wisdom from others with
openness, joy, and love.
Mindful Moment

Today recall a teacher who really inspired you. Perhaps this individual was a person who taught
in a classroom, but perhaps it was someone elsea grandparent, a neighbor, or an athletic
coach. Take time today to reflect on the ways that this person transformed how you saw the
world, then without over-thinking it, consider how you can offer something of yourself to others
so that they too can be inspired.

Question 1 of 4
Who is someone you consider a significant and meaningful teacher in your life? What important
teachings did you receive from them? How has crossing paths with this person influenced how
you live and share with others?
Question 2 of 4
How are you a teacher in your life? If you feel like you are not a teacher, take a deep breath,
connect with your heart for a few minutes and then ask yourself that question again. Maybe you
teach the fine art of being light-hearted, or through your loyal friendship, perhaps you teach
others by daring to authentically speak your truth. Take your time and write the many ways you
are teaching others by just being you.
Question 3 of 4
What are you grateful for today?
Question 4 of 4
Use this space to reflect further on your experience today.


Day 18
Creative Me

I play. I create. I succeed.


Om Bhavam Namah
I am absolute existence. I am a field of all possibilities.

Day 18 Creative Me

"If you hear a voice within you say 'you cannot paint,' then by all means paint and that voice
will be silenced." Vincent Van Gogh
How often have you had the experience of struggling to remember a persons name only to have
the name effortlessly revealed to you when you were engaged in something entirely different?
The same thing happens when we wrestle with our minds for ideas or solutions. Once we let the
challenge go and engage in something that frees our minds, the lightning bolt strikes!
This is the value of play. Play opens the pathways for creativity to flow freely. When we are
engaged in play, we connect with the heart, rather than leading with our minds. As we access the
essence of pure potentiality, transformative ideas and solutions come to us spontaneously, and we
are boundlessly creative.
Mindful Moment

Take some time today to engage in a playful activity that you really enjoy. Challenge some
colleagues to a pickup basketball game at lunch or after work. Walk with your friends, or dip
your feet into the office-park fountain. Whatever you choose to do, allow yourself to enjoy the
freedom of playfulness and notice what unfolds.

Question 1 of 4
How do you like to play? What are the activities that are fun and exciting for you? How do they
make you feel? Perhaps there is something fun and exciting that you have been longing to try.
Consider scheduling that activity into your week.
Question 2 of 4

Write yourself a self-care plan for this week. How can you take good care of yourself? What
things can you plan to incorporate into your week that nourish and fuel you?
Question 3 of 4
What are you grateful for today?
Question 4 of 4
Use this space to reflect further on your experience today.
Day 19
Blissful Me

Joy is my highest purpose.


Sat Chit Ananda

Existence, Consciousness, Bliss.

Day 19 Blissful Me

Joy is a net of love by which you can catch souls. Mother Teresa
Today we will spend time reconnecting with our true bliss, that part of ourselves that many of us
will best remember from childhood. Think about what it was that brought you the greatest joy,
that made time fly, and that you could do forever without a care in the world. That is bliss.
While our childhoods may be behind us, our opportunity to reconnect with our bliss is right in
front of us, ours for the taking. When we find ourselves engaged in the activities and with the
people who make our hearts sing, we are grounded in the present and deeply connected to pure
Mindful Moment

Spend a moment today connecting with bliss in an everyday moment. When you are eating a
meal or taking a shower, practice acute mindfulness and allow yourself to experience this
activity with all of your senses. Do this as slowly as you can, delighting in the smells, tastes,
textures, colors, and sounds. What do you notice? Note how you feel after you spent time in this
way. How does bliss feel in your body?


Question 1 of 4
We are each unique and experience the world our own way. Take time to write about what bliss
looks and feels like to you. Describe a time in your life when you felt bliss.
Question 2 of 4
How can you cultivate bliss in your life today?
Question 3 of 4
What are you grateful for today?
Question 4 of 4
Use this space to reflect further on your experience today.

Day 20
Visionary Me

The world is waiting for my vision.


Aham Brahmasmi
I am the universe.
Day 20 Visionary Me

"Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much." Helen Keller

When we think of networking, we likely see ourselves at a cocktail party, handing out business
cards, meeting new acquaintances, and sharing a little bit about ourselves. But networking from a
spiritual perspective is something quite different.
As we spend more time in stillness and align ourselves with intuition, we understand our roles as
visionaries and are eager to connect with everyone around us in an entirely new way. Instead of
getting out there in order to make something happen, we embrace opportunities to venture out


because we want to meet new people, experience things we have never done before, and share
what we have learned with everyone we meet.
All of us are visionaries with something to share. Connecting fulfills us and enables us to help
others find fulfillment as well.
Mindful Moment

Make a point today of reaching out to someone you have never had a conversation with before.
For instance, there may be someone in your office to whom youve offered a polite greeting every
day but never learned his name. Take a few minutes and talk to this person; get to know him or
her and share something about yourself. Notice how much richer your life feels after you have
enjoyed this persons company.

Question 1 of 4
What does community look like in your life? Consider five ways that you can begin to cultivate
the experience of community and connection. As you strengthen your connection with others you
open the door to new ideas, opportunities, and relationships.
Question 2 of 4
Describe how you have benefited when youve followed your intuition to open up to a new
person. How did that benefit outweigh any hesitation you might have experienced before
connecting? Is there someone you have been hoping to get to know more or collaborate with in
your life? It is through bold action that transformation is ignited; consider reaching out to
schedule time to get together with that person this week.
Question 3 of 4
What are you grateful for today?
Question 4 of 4
Use this space to reflect further on your experience today.

Day 21
Extraordinary Me

My destiny is joy.



Om Bhavam Namah
I am absolute existence. I am a field of all possibilities.

Day 21 Extraordinary Me

"Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength,
the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world." Harriet Tubman
Congratulations on completing this 21-day journey with us! We are delighted that you have
ventured on this path to fulfill your destiny and experience abundant joy.
We hope that spending time in stillness each day has reawakened you to the thrill of being alive,
the gratitude for everyone and everything you share this life with, and an understanding that a
life of fulfillment and abundance is your birthright.
As you continue along this marvelous path of meditation, always remember that your true
destiny is joyfor yourself and everyone around you.
Thank you for inviting us to travel this road with you. Namast.
Mindful Moment

Continue to focus on the many people and things that bring you joy in this life. Your true destiny
is bliss and joy, as it is for everyone around you. Spend time contemplating the many lessons you
have learned on our journey together and see how they can help manifest joy in your life and in
the lives of everyone you meet. As you make your way through your day today allow yourself to
share your smile with others freely. Be the ripple of positivity and light that will change the

Question 1 of 4
Deepak and Oprah invited you to reach for the stars today, to hold a big and bold vision for
yourself, to unleash that deep desire you may have been holding close to your heart with such
care. Take time to write about the extraordinary vision you have for yourself and your life, write


with abandon! For as you see it, say it, and allow yourself to believe it your soul sings the song
that makes it so.
Question 2 of 4
On this last day of our journey together, how is abundance manifesting in your life today?
Question 3 of 4
What are you grateful for today?
Question 4 of 4
Use this space to reflect further on your experience today.

Day 22
Abundant World

Love and abundance for all.


Opens the heart chakra--activating peace, harmony, and love.
Day 22 Abundant World

"World peace must develop from inner peace. Peace is not just mere absence of violence. Peace
is, I think, the manifestation of human compassion." His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama
Welcome to the bonus day of our 21-Day Meditation Experience. Today we offer a special
guided meditation to ignite a ripple of peace and abundance out into the world.
We are all connected through pure consciousness, and the ebb and flow of pure potentiality
envelops all of us. In todays meditation, we will focus on that flow of giving and receiving,
sharing our gifts and offering gratitude in return to enable everyone in the world an opportunity
to benefit from this amazing journey.
Our centering thought for today is:
Love and abundance for all.

We look forward to sharing abundance with the world today.


Mindful Moment

<em 1.6em;"="">Today as you enter the stillness and silence of meditation, hold the intention
that everyone in the world will realize abundance. Consider the many gifts you have to offer and
do so freely while accepting gifts from others with gratitude, love, and joy. In this way, we enter
the dynamic flow of the universe and share the experience of pure Spirit with our fellow human
beings around the globe

Question 1 of 4
What is your vision, your wish of peace and abundance for all people on Earth? Write it out with
detail; consider sharing this as a Facebook post or in an e-mail to those you care about. Give
yourself permission to let your hearts intention shine and ripple out into the world.
Question 2 of 4
What is the most influential ah-ha moment you had during our twenty-two days together?
Question 3 of 4
What does gratitude mean to you today? What are you most grateful for in this moment?
Question 4 of 4
Use this space to reflect further on your experience today.


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