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72078280 407871

70327813 4243023
If 2000! = m 12n and m is not divisible by 12, m and n are integers. Find the 3r
d last digit of m?
Three boys Ali, Bashar and Chirag are sitting around a round table in that order
. Ali has a ball in his hand. Starting from Ali the boy having the ball passes i
t to either of the two boys. After 6 passes the ball goes back to Ali. How many
different ways can the ball be passed?
A man covers a certain distance on a toy train. If the train moved 4 km/h faste
r, it would take 30 minutes less. If it moved 2 km/h slower, it would have taken
20 minutes more. What is the distance covered?
In how many ways can we reach from point (0, 0, 0 ) to point (3, 7, 11) in space
where the movement is possible only in the positive direction along the x-axis,
y-axis and z-axis or parallel to them and change in axes is permitted only at
the integral points?
Here there is no need to find the last non zero digit of 25!. We know that last
non zero digit of 25! will be an even number and (even number)4k = 6, so last no
n zero digit of expression will be 6.
The sum or difference of any two odd functions is an odd function.The division o
r multiplication of an even number of odd functions is an even function whereas
that of odd number of odd functions is an odd function.i.e. Odd function raised
to an even power is an even function whereas raised to an odd power is an odd fu
nction.Derivative or integral of an odd function is even function.
Mohan leaves at noon and drives at a constant speed back and forth from town X t
o town Y. Ram also leaves at noon, driving at 80 km/hr back and forth from town
Y to town X on the same highway as Mohan. Mohan arrives at town Y 40 minutes aft
er first passing Ram, whereas Ram arrives at town X 90 minutes after first passi
ng Mohan. At what time do Mohan and Ram pass each other for the third time?

pass---pass muster- be adequate

pass the torch-hand over one's responsibilities
bring to pass-bring about
pass one's lips-speak about not 'pass through'
fell---fall in with someone-be acquainted or associated with
fall through-come to nothing
fall to- begin an activity energetically
fell back-retreated
Periwinkle School has taken a reducing balance loan @ 10 % p.a. of Rs. 1 crore
from SBI for financing the construction of its school building. The loan agreeme
nt stipulates that 50 % of the payment in any year goes towards interest and the
rest goes towards the repayment of principal. What will be the amount paid by M
r. Bhasme in the third year?
Rs. 20 lakh

Rs. 18 lakh
Rs. 16.2 lakh
Rs. 8.1 lakh
a kin - relative (next of a kin)
akin- similar to
If x and y are positive integers satisfying 17x + 8y = 3051, what is the sum of
the maximum and minimum difference between values of x and y?
number of dividers that divides 2 umbers which leave same remainder are nothing
but factors of their common difference
ans: factors of (2304,3888)
atrophied-withered,decrease in size caused by disease
emaciate-grow thin,macerate,
desiccate-lose water,lacking vitality,emotionless creature,preserve by removing
all water
precipitously-very sudden,abruptly
arduous-difficult,heavy work,grueling,backbreaking,punishing
stone's throw away-nearer,short distance away,walkable
to cast first stone-be the first one to criticize
etched in stone-definite or fixed
leaves no stone unturned-spare no effort
idealistic-someone guided by ideals than by practical considerations
susceptible-easily impressed emotionally,yielding readily to or capable of
pertify=make rigid,ossify,change into stone,caused to become stone like
pertify=make rigid,ossify,change into stone,caused to become stone like
much more is usage not many more*******
,profoundly honoured,impressive by reaso
n of age
\assailable-undefendable,open attack
nonchalance- the trait of being silen unconcerned,a casual lack of concern
beef up-make stronger
prerogative-exclusive right,a right reserved particularly by a group or person

one has to choose--------------one should choose'

assure and ensure-to ensure a successful life and one has to assure about possib
-----get away vs getaway
getaway---an escape,respite(noun)(adj)
get away- to escape,keep away,interjection
get away-never unbelievable(ex:u r in !!!get away)
stationary-not moving still,
stationery-supply of pens or papers or office's things(tip*e-envelope(pen,paper,
childish-puerile,silly and weak
-----------------------9 contestants for Miss India are seated on around circular table.
he wants to date 3 of them such that he doesn't select any 2 neighbouring contes
The number of ways in which he can do this is
Let T be the set of integers {2, 12, 22, 32 ..., 542, 552} and S be a subset of
T such that the sum of no two elements of S is divisible by 3. The maximum poss
ible number of elements in S is
9 contestants for Miss India are seated on around circular table.
he wants to date 3 of them such that he doesn't select any 2 neighbouring contes
The number of ways in which he can do this is

(n+1-r)Cr - (n+1-r-2)c(r-2)
There are 6 straight lines in a plane, no 2 of which are parallel and no 3 of wh
ich pass through the same point. If their points of intersection are joined, the
n the number of additional lines thus introduced is
(a) 45
(b) 78
(c) 105
(d) none of the foregoing
(n+1-r)Cr - (n+1-r-2)c(r-2)
Eight years ago, Yellow was half as old as Green will be when Green is one year
older than Blue will be at the time when Yellow will be five times as old as Blu
e will be 2 years from now. Ten years from now Blue will be twice as old as Gree
n was when Yellow was nine times as old as Blue.
When Blue was one year old, Yellow was three years older than Blue will be when
Green is three times as old as Yellow was six years before the time when Green w
as half as old as Blue will be when Yellow will be ten years older than Yellow w
as when Green was 1/3 rd as old as Blue will be when Yellow will be three times
as old as she was when Green was born.

3 7 11 13 37---10^3!r =-1
1 1 64=4
99 perfct squares
21 prfct cubes
4 both square and prfct cubes
1 64 729 4096---these numbers are both cube and prfct squares-4 nmbrs
hw mny 3 digit numbrs are there whch are divisble by 4 or 15 bt nt by bth
76^n =76
01 75
----------------------------------If "a" and "b" are two altitudes of a triangle and another altitude "h" (say) is
a natural number then
then h lies between a*b/|a+b| and a*b/|a-b|
A, B and C are standing at three different points in clockwise manner on a 100 m
eter circular track. A and C are diametrically opposite to each other and B is e
xactly midway between A and C. The race starts. All of them run in the clockwis

e direction and the speeds of A, B and C are 7 m/s, 4 m/s, 9 m/s respectively. A
fter what time will B and C meet for the 10th time?
In a shop, there are 12 pairs of gloves of same colour and size. A man steals 4
gloves. What is the probability that at least one left-right matching pair of gl
oves was stolen?
Instead of hoard (A secret store of valuables or money), the correct version will
be horde (A vast multitude)
Jaquar artize
less- adjective

off-causing death
through-to accomplish or complete
on-to continue wothout stoppin
away-got impressed came under the influence
over-extend from one activity or time to antother

no of suits-4
suit names:
heard ,diamond - red in color
clubs and spades -black in color
face cards-j,q,k-4*3 =12 cards
cr:conclusion weakening-same goal nut opposite reasoning
byzantine-an adjective that means that means highly complicated and intricate
insentient-incapable of feeling or understanding things,dissent,inanimate
tardiness-mandam(not punctual,not adhere to paricular time)
titillate-arouse,excite pleasurably,spasmodic,muscular contraction due to nerve
s arousal
maudlin-mathhekina,effusively or insincerely emotional,bathetic,mawkish,sloppy,s
ad homenium-personal attack
catch on-become popular
catch up- to improve and reach the same standard
certitude-nirnayam,TOTAL CERainity or greater certainity tha circumstances warra
bear-its not time or period related where as endure present period of time and i
ts survival
attributed or ascribed-that something originates ,impute-accusing someone
equivocate- deceive or mislead by using equivocal or obscure
to deliberately be non committal
proselytize-to force a person to change his religion
dearly bought-get by great sacrifice or great effort
buy oneself out-obtain one s release from the armed services by payment
buy off(to get rid of)corruption charges
buy something up-to quick buy as much of something as possible
flog-beat,to whip as a punishment
flag-to become tired or weak(end of meeting evry one begun to flag)

It should read Sundays and Tuesdays and not Sundays and Tuesdays. An apostrophe sh
ows possession.
How to find the coefficient of x^18 in the expansion of (x+x^2+x^3+...+x^6)^4
It is similar to get a total of 18 on four dices
(6 - a) + (6 - b) + (6 - c) + (6 - d) = 6
=> a + b + c + d = 6
So, C(9, 3) - 4 (4 is subtracted for the case when a or b or c or d is 6)
=> 80 ways
Ramu mixes 2 litres of mineral water costing Rs. 15 per litre with 18 litres of
milk that he bought for Rs. 900. After selling 2 litres of this mixture to Shamu
, Ramu adds tap water so that the ratio of milk to tap water is 9:10. If tap wat
er is free and Ramu claims to sell at cost, what is his profit?
Option 1. The 2 litres given to Shamu contain milk and water in the ratio 9:1, i
.e., 1.8 litres of milk and 0.2 litres of water. The remaining 18 litres contain
s 16.2 litres of milk and 1.8 litres of water. After adding tap water, the ratio
of milk to water becomes 9:10. the quantity of tap water is 16.2 10/9 = 18 litr
es. Since the mixture already has 18 litres, the total quantity now becomes 36 l
itres. The total revenue is 36 50 + 2 50 (already sold) = 1900 The total cost is
900 + (2 15) = Rs. 930. Thus his profit is 1900 930 = Rs. 970 (970/930) 100 =
less is an adverb-quantity lesser is an adjective-quality
feel out-experience one s intentions,feelings,ascertain
feel for-compassion sympathy
feel up-must be capable of
enunciate--to state or declare
reconnoitering - to examine
hoodwink someone-trick or mislead,beguile,to blind foldS
expropriate-deprive of property,one s progress credit
proletariat,bourgeois-(marx s time people s division)
facts,judgments-if it is author s or person s opinion,particular-it can be concl
uded as judgement
Example: Let Polynomial(a) = a+a. Then Polynomial(11)=121+11=132 and thus DigitSu
m(Polynomial(11))=6. DigitSum(11)=2 so Polynomial(DigitSum(11))=4+2=6.
ind the sum of the sum of the sum of the digits of 25!
25! = 1 2 3 ... 24 25. As one of the multiplicands is 9, the digit sum will be 9
A number will NOT be a perfect square if its digit-sum is NOT 1, 4, 7, or 9, but
it may or may not be a perfect square if its digit-sum is 1, 4, 7, or 9.
There are n stations on the route between Pune and Mumbai. If the total number o
f different kinds of tickets printed is 650, which of the following best describ
es the number of stations between Pune and Mumbai?

Let x = a/b, we want to find y such x + y + x*y = 1.

y (1 + x) = 1 - x
y = (1 - x) / (1 + x)
Substituting y = c/d and x = a/b:
c/d = (1 - a/b) / (1 + a/b)
c/d = (b - a)/b / (b + a)/b
canceling the "/b"s, we have:
c = b - a
d = b + a
Returning to our example:
a/b = 3/5.
Then c/d = (5-3)/(5+3) = 2/8 = 1/4
Or, starting with 1/4, we have
a/b = 1/4
c/d = (4-1)/(4+1) = 3/5
distrust-not to trust based on past experience
mistrust-not to trust intuitively(general sense)
parlay - to bet ,parley-negotiation
\ anathema is - a detested person or thing.
If you re engaged to get married, but suddenly fall in love with someone else, y
ou have got yourself in quite a predicament. A predicament is a difficult, confu
sing, and unpleasant situation
unwittingly-not intentional,without knowledge,without intention,inadvertently
occasional-occurs periodically or irregular intervals infrequent
occasion-main or important event
relic-an object surviving from an earlier time especially one of historical inte
rest(a part of diseased or holy persons kept as reverence)
perpetuation-prolonging,protracting,continuation,something that never ends
procurement-possession of something which is too hard to get it(needy)
to brush up on - to increase one s knowledge
indemnity-security or protection against loss,compensation,legal exemption from
In how many ways can a prize winner choose three CDs from the top ten list if
repeats are allowed ?
Solution. Here nis 10 and kis 3.
There are (10 + 3 1)C3
ways to make the selections.
The prize winner can make the selection in 220 ways.
If three dice are rolled, and we make a set of numbers shown on the three dice.
How many different sets are possible.
Solution. Rolling three dice is equivalent to selecting three numbers from the l
ist of six numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 with repetitions allowed. Because sequenc
e 111, 121 etc. are possible.
Thus the different possible combinations is
6 + 3 1
= 56.
Problem 1.89. A bookstore allows the recipient of a gift coupon to choose 6 book
s from the
combined list of 10 best-selling fiction books and 10 best-selling non-fiction b

ooks. In how many different ways can the selection of 6 books be made ?
Solution. The number of different types of books is 10 + 10 = 20.
A gift coupon recipient may select any 6 books, posd-sible 6 copies of a single
This is a case of selection of 6 objects from 20 objects with repetitions allowe
The number of ways the selection can be made is
20 + 6 1
= 177100.
|x| + |y| + |z| = p.. iske integral solutions are 4p^2 + 2.
palentology-the science of life forms existing in previous geologic periods
set on set upon-to attack someone violently
tardiness-mandamu,the quality or habit of not adhering to correct or expected ti
teemedconjoined-get married in,get hitched with,joinS
jettison-cast away
onerous - burdennsome
verse-charanam,a piece of poetry,line of material text,rhyme,skilled in ,have ex
stealthy-furtive,sneak,sneaky(marked by quiet caution and secrecy,taking pains t
o being avoid
paltry,measly,miserable-small amount,not worth considering
deplete-no longer sufficient,our funds are defleted
churlish-boory,having a bad dispositin,ill minded,ungracious
hallow-worthy of reverence,worthy of religious veneration
consecrated - dedicated,sacred,solemnly dedicated
copious - large in number or quantity,affording an abundant supply,rich supply
-unpleasantly loudand harsh,strident
morose- showing a brooding ill humor,glum,saturnine,dark
premature-akaalpau,untimely,too soon too hasty
punctilious-marked by precise,accordance with details
apocryphal--being questionable authenticity
unsullied - spotlessly clean and fresh
fawning-being obsequoious
tempest-a violent commotion,disturbance,a violent wind
mottled--diiferent patches ,shades of color
ductile-malleable,capable of manage,chnage
prevaricate-lie,mislead,beat around the bush,equivocate,palter
- one whose occupation is teaching,teacher
wreak-to inflict as a revenge or punishment
placate someone-stopping someone from being angry by giving them something,appe
aplomb - assureness,cool,calmness,composure under strain
affectation- a deliberate pretense
sentient-endowed with feeling and unstructured consciousness(boy sentient to su

antiquated-obsoleted ,
fetter-hobble,restricted with shackles
rant-speak, loudly
acclamation-enthusiastic approval,plaudit,acclaim
reactionary-extremely conservative
compatriot-person from the same country,(patriot-one who loves his country)
recusant,nonconformist-akkaraledane,kadane,defyingrefusing to submit
sinuous-curved twisted,sinuous mountains sinuous path
scurrilous-bandabhoothu.opprobrious,offencive,abusive,causing anger or annoyanc
manifold-different kind,many and varied,make multiple copies of
canon-a body of rules,a ravine formed by a river in an area with little rainfal
canonization-to decide
lethargy-feel lethargic,being sleepy or hungry can make anyone lethargic
perdition-hell,infernal region,inferno
covet-envious,desier for someone s,languishing,insatiable,drool
bland-lacking taste,somber,uninteresting,demure,staid,coy
filibustered - a person who delays one s action
nimble-move quickly,lightly,agile as nimble as deer,nimble feet
ensconce- lay place,position, fix firmly,daachuta
,to loll-to recline,or l
ean act lazily or act indolently
diffidence-lack of self confidence,bhayam
avaricious-immoderately desirous of acquiring wealth,covetous,grabby,greedy
detract-take away from,diminish(chaadi,apaninda,ninda)
relent-give in,as to influence or pressure,soften,mansukaruguta
waylay-wait in hiding to attack
amenable,confrmist,liable to answer,comply
verdant-abundant of verdure(pachika),green
peruse-examine in detail,study i detail
bristle- nikka poduchuta,a stiff hair,be in a state or movement acrtion,stand u
hearth-poyyi(fire place,open fire place)
extricate-disengage,to rekease from entanglement
extricate-disengage,to rekease from entanglement
nadir- extreme state of adversity,the lowest point of anything
terminus- final point,or goal
perpetrTE-COMMIT,perform an act
palpitate-beat rapidly,flutter,agitate
compendious-briefly giving the gist of somehing,compact,succinct,summary
improvident-ill judged,mundhu choopu leni,ill considered
decadence-the state of being degeneereate,decadency(kshheeninchadam)
vestibule - a large entrance or reception room or area
quiescence-shanthamuga,state of quiet or inaction
wreathe-verb(decorate or deck with wreaths adorn)
prate-pichi koothalu,idle or foolish talk
intrigue-machination,connive,scheme(kutrachesuta,thanthram),cause to be interes
ted or curious,a clandestine love affair
sunder - split
virtuous-high morale,righteous,morally correct,blameless,right minded

fortitude-one of virtues,guts,bravery,strength of mind that enables one to endu

re adversity
finesse-subtly skillful handling of a situation
prowess-a superior skill that you can learn by study practice and observation(s
succour-assistance in time of difficulty,comfort,ministration
guile-chicanery,use of tricks to deceive someone
tirade-a bitter long speech that denounces something
polemic-controversial,arguable,of or involving dispute or controversy
exigency,exigent-requiring attention,akkara,aagathyam
reparatoin-make amends,fix,expiate
preposterous-incongruous,laughable,absurd,cockeyed(contrary to commonsense,absu
glean-gather,as of natural products
virile-characterzed by a man or enegrgy and vigor,charactership of a man(capabl
e of copulation(rathi,sexual act)
persnickety-fastidious,fussy,extremely concerned,excessive precision and attent
ion to trivial details,conceit arrogant
modicum-small amount
disapprobationan expression of strong disapproval(asammathi)
maverick-independent in behavior or thought,unorthodox,nonconfirmist,recusant
dystpoia-it s a world where people live in utter dire conditions(deprivation,te
fiduciary-person who holds assets in truts for someone else,fiducial-based on o
r having trust
nonplussed-filled with bewilderment,at a loss(kalavarapadina)
transpire-come to know,give off,exude,come about
bedizen-dress adorn in showy manner,gaduy tasteless,gaudily dressed
beatitude-supreme blessedness,exalted
canonise-treat holy,as a sacrosanct
tumescent-becoming swollen,engorge,gorge
twaddle-waffle,talk foolishly,without any purpose,palaver,trivial,feeble
ennui-feeling discontent,lassitude,boredom,listlesness,lack of interest
plebeian-neechudu,pleb,unwashed,behavior that branded him as a common,vulgar and
objectionable person
genuflect-utter servile,,bend the knees and bow in a servile manner,grovel(pakut
gruntle-gain the good will of,cause to be more favourably inclined
travail-use of mhysical and mental energy,work hard,concluding state of pregnanc
y; from the onset of contractions to the birth of a child
termagant-a scolding nagging bad tempered woman,gayyali,raakshasi
serried-pressed together,compact
macabre-gruesome,repellant,,ghastly,inspiring horror
precocious-early development(akaala pakvatham),appearing or developing early
staunch-firm and dependable especially in loyalty,halt,steadfast
vaunt-extravagant self praise,show off,brag
begrudge-wish ill or allow unwillingly,be envious of,set one s heart on
industrious-characterized by hard work and perseverance(jagratha gala)
melange-a motley assortment of things,any combination of anything but related to
glamour quotient
dichotomy - a clear differentiation between two things,two opposite things
solecism - a socially awkward or senseless tactless act,faux pass,gauche,gaucher

fusillade-rapid reaction,simultaneous discharge of firearms
malcontent - dissatisfied
precarious-touch and go,asthiramina,fraught with danger,unstable,parlous,perilou
colossal-prodigious,stupendous(large in extent or size,exceptionally impressive)
externally as
unguent-applied externally as remedy,soothing or healing ointment
inalienable-shaswathamaina,incapable of being repudiated or transferred to anoth
vocative- oertainting to the act of calling
surreptitious- furtive,sneaky,hidden manner,conducted with marked by hidden aims
or methods
preternatural-surpassing the natural,unnatural,transcendental
inane-devoid of intelligence,fatuous
incorrigbile-impervious to change,uncontrollable
missive- a written message
nonentity- a person of no influence,not existing
malady-disease or disorder
nonchalance-the trait of being calmm,seeming not to care,indifferent
repast- a food to be served one time and eaten one time(phalaharam)
preclude-forbid,forestall,prevent,make impossible
scrabble-aimless drawing,feeel searchingly,wri randomly
pervade-diffuse through,imbue
wax-grow up ,increase in phase
derange- derange mentally,throw out mental balance ,make insane,throw into great
confusion or disorder,perturb
degenerate-having declined in quality or value,reduced from a former or a origin
al state
lissome- lithe or lithesome usually related to the body ,moving or bending easil
y or limber
raddle - to intertwine,twist together
thrush-a woman who sings popular songs
fortuitous- having no cause or apparent cause,serendipity,causeless,occurring by
cosmopolitan-growing or occurring in many oarts of the world,of worldwide scope
or applicability
brood-is to be in deep thought,to think moodily,anxiously
meander-to roam aimlessly,ramble,bend,sinuous
congregate- agroup of people with common faith
salvage-act of saving from destruction
riddled-fill with holes
tactile- producing a sensation or touch
dissipate-spread out,spend frivolously,chedaragottuta,move away from each other
objurgate-censure severely,express strong disapproval of,reprobation,berate
ponder-weigh carefully in the mind
relinquish-forego,dispense with,renounce,give up
variegate-make something varied and diverse,mark with different color
capitulate-raajipaduta,surrender or be submitted under agreed conditions
teem - moving in large numbers,be abuzz
wrangler-who wrangles wrangle-an angry dispute,haggle,quarrel,run in words,to qu
arrel noisily,angrily,creating noise argument
peremptory-autocratic,bossy,khandithamina,putting an end to debate dispute,not a
llowing contradiction
insolvent-runagrasthudu,someone who has insufficient assets to meet his debt,una
ble to meet or discharge financial obligations
recusant-nonconformist,refusing to submit to authority,kkadane,akkaraledane
redolent-amorous,smelling,having a strong pleasant odor,reminiscent

winy-thing but being strong,tough and sinewy

frolic + caper, gambol, play, romp, cavort, disport, frisk, lark, lark about, ro
llick, run around, skylark

dissuade-turn away from by persuasion

interred-placed in grave
wraith-a mental representaion of some haunting experience
Osteopathic (adj.)- means a system of medicine pertaining to the
bone and skeletal system.
decorous- characterized by good taste in manners and conduct,exhibiting propriet
y or decorum
jaunty-having a cheerful,lively and self confident air,lively
mawkish - overly sentimentality
callow-lacking maturity,or experience,immature,naive
oafish-boorish,loutish,neanderthal,ill mannered,coarse,acting stupid,clumsy
indignant-anger at something unjust or wrong,outrage
punctilious-maryadagala,marked by precise accordance with details,pariskaaramuga
deleterious- harmful to living things
frowsy-unkempt,negligence in appearance,dishevelled,messy,slovenly
forlorn-dikkumalina, marked by showing hopelessness,dheenamaina
unctuous- insincere earnestness,oily or fatty in appearance
malodorous-smelling bad odor
menace-something that is a source of a danger,pose a threat to ,act of threateni
pavid- timid,fearful
imprecation - a spoken curse
flaccid-out of condition not strong or robust,drooping without elasticity,flabbb
salacious- characterized by lust,lewd,obscene,lubricious
intrepid-invulnerable to fear,audacious,dauntless
instigate- provoke or stir up(set off)
turgid-ostentatiously lofty in style,lofty,puffy
wizen-shrunken,shrinkage,as from age or illness,he look shrivelled ill and disea
truant-one hu is absent without permission,one who shirks duty
expound- add details as to account or idea,dilate,become wider,expatiate(teliyac
recondite-incomprehensible,abstruse,difficult to penetrate
asperity-something hard to endure(garuku),sharpness,grimness,severeness
moratorium-temporary suspension or postponement of a planned activity
congenial-suitable for needs
fledgling- a young lad,beginner in ,young and new partiicpant in an activity
conducive- contributory,tending to bring about
wile- an act or means of cunning deception

consonant-be in harmony,accord
melee - a confused fight,scuffle,tumult,disorder
sedentary- little activity,kurchunde,requiring sitting
tutelage-teaching pupils individually,care,charge,attention and management imply
ing responsibility for safety
latent- not presently active,but potentially exists,latent talent
petulant- easily irritated or annoyed,techy,peckish,peevish
arcane-requiring secret or mysterious knowledge
remiss- careless in performing in duties
erudite-profound scholarly knowledge(paandithaym),encyclopaedism,learnedness
tremulous- gada,vanukuthu,dhada dhada
portent-a sign of something to happen,omen,presage
stanch-halt,stop the flow of a liquid
ebb-a gradulal decline, the outward flow,flow back or recede,ebb away,ebb down
zephyr-a soft breeze
bedraggle-make wet and and dirty,as from rain
accost-means to approach and speak loudly and aggressively,with a demand
forfeit- to be deprived of something
evince- give expression to,express
stigmatize-accuse,or condemn publicly openly,or brand as disgraceful
postulate-something self evident or assumed without proof as a basis for reason,
hypothesis-proposition,set forth an explanation for the occurence of some specif
ied group
perpetuate- to cause or prevail
tempestuous-characterized by anger,raging,wild
truculent-defiantly aggressive
overwrought-labored to excess,exhausting,anxious
stigma- a symbol of disgrace,mark,brand,apavaadham
brunt- main force of a blow,gush,
treatise-formal papers that treats some specified subject,formal exposition
haggle- a instance argument over price of something with seller,petty dispute
annunciation-declaration,announcement,formal public statement
stipulate-give a guarantee of,condition,precondiotn
enervate-weaken,make wear out
partake-to share a part of
plunder-dochukunuta,obtain money illegally,ransack
MARAUD-a sudden attack,raid,search of booty,foray
capitulate-surrender under agreed conditions
ingratiate-gain favor with somebody by deliberate efforts,kiss up someone,cozy u
frenetic-widely agitated,frenzied,frantic
toilsome-laborious,hard work
to whet-make more eager,keen,sharpen,honing
hovel- small crude filthy disorganised house or hut shed
demesne-land,domain,estate,territory over which control is exercised
hacienda- a large estate in spanish speaking countries
lattitude-freedom from normal limitaitons,restraints in conduct,an angular dista
nce from plane
declamation-vehement oratory,rhetoric speech,upanyasam,prasamgam
transmute-to change in nature,substance or form,metamorphose
gratuitously-uchithamga,unnecessary,in an uncalled manner,of no cost
languid-lacking liveliness,lackadaisical
dispassionate-vorpugala,shantham,not agitated,unaffected by strong emotion
acquaint-evince,make known,familiarize

dulcet-mellifluous,pleasing to the ear,extremely pleasant

preclude- to make not possible by preventive measures,to rule out a certain cond
ition or activity
steeple - a tall tower
wantonness- the trait of lackiing restraint or control ,reckless,licentiousness,
joist-vasam,beam used to support floors roofs
abutment- point of contact between two objects or parts
banister-a railing at the side of staircaseor balcony to prevent people form fal
mullion- non structural vertical strip on windows
pediment- triangular construction on houses
miserliness-total lack of generosity,filled with money
expedite-speed up the progress of,process fast and efficiently
to rally - come together to regain their status,for a common purpose means of su
pport to recover
skulky,malinger - avoid duties responsibilities
redress-sum of money paid in compensaiton,make reparations or amends for
slander-defamation,calumny,denigration,asperse,besmirch,falsely spoken words
Acute(adj.) means extremely sharp or intense; keenly perceptive
or discerning; of great importance or consequence, crucial; also,
having a sharp tip or point.
remiss- failing in what duty requires
genteel-marked by refinement and tasteful in selection,refinement in taste and m
flank - be located at the sides of something or somebody
wean/wane-detach someone/decline
wax- increase in phase
tenacity-persistent determination,stubbornly unyielding,recollective,perseveranc
unbridled- lacking restraint,without restraint
relic- sojmething of sentimental value
harrowing - Being attacked by a hungry shark or being chased by an unruly mob o
n the streets can be described as harrowing, which means "provoking feelings of
fear or horror.",extremely painful
temperance-avoiding excesses,mithabhojanam,sobriety,abstaining from excess
ersatz-artificial and inferior substitution,replacement
ulterior-ulterior interest and argument or revelation is one you try to keep hid
den,ulterior motive(hidden motive)
a suggestion ulterior to discussion(irrelevant,far apart in rlevance,dis
iniquity - really unfair,immoral act
malaise-physical discomfort
sedition-disruption in governance
rendition- an interpreatation of musical performance
bedazzle- to cause lose someone s vision especially from intense light,flummoxin
fastened- fixed,make tighten,attach to
nonpareil-beyon or above comparison
profane-blasphemous,degrading of something worthy of respect,desecration
penurious-unwilling to spend,penniless,parsimonious,not having enough money to s
penury-state of extreme poverty or destitution,pauperism,indigence
emissary-someone sent on a mission to represent interests of someone else(dhooth
beleaguer-annoy persistently,surround so as to force to give up,surround,pester
ensconce - fix firmly,settle
winnow-selecting desirable part
diminutive-very small,bantam

posh-elegant,trend fashionable
tenuous-very thing,lacking significance
tremulous-quivering unsteadiness
vocation-regular occupation or profession,career
intrepid-fearless,dauntless,invulnerable to fear or intimidation
inadvertent-not attentive,heedless,unintentionally
bucolic- idyllically country person,charaterstic of charming country life of peo
histrionic - characteristic of acting on a stage performance,melodramatic
discomfit-nervousness,means to make uneasy,disconcert,to cause to lose one s com
posure,to break up or thwart plans of,frustrate
castigate-inflict punishment,chastise,censure severely
demented(adj)-describing behaviour as crazy(dementia)
obliged-be indebted
trepidation-a feeling of alarm,dread,great fear(trepid,intrepid),nervous,uncerta
inty of feeling
ogre-a cruel person,monster
impost-money collected under tariff,custom
aclove- a small opening of a large room
errand- trip fulfil some small business(vachinapani)(his request to run his erra
imposition-the act of imposing something as burden or duty,unfair demand
preponderance-exceeding in number,having great weight,large,superior,powerful
recourse -Recourse is a source of help. If you re failing trigonometry in spite
of studying until your brain hurts, you may have no recourse but to hire a tutor
act of turning to for assistance,took refuge(safe place)
potion-medicinal,poisonous beverage
vitiate-to spoil,to make faulty or impure to corrupt morally
corrugate-fold into ridges
instigate-stir up,provoke,prompt,set off
perfunctory-hasty without attention,not thorough,as a formal only
insolence-the trait of being rude and impertinent,inclined to take liberties,an
offencive disrespectful act,cheekiness,thalakovvu,garvam,norukovvu
clutter-a confused multitude of things,fill a space in a disorderly way,fuddle.m
overt-open and observable,not secret,not hidden,overt hostility
peremptory-order (if u say in peremptory manner u mean to stop doing that)puttin
g an end to debate or action,autocratic,bossy,dominating
nebulous-lacking certain firmness,mabbu
drudge-a person who does distasteful,or menial work,who works in unimaginative w
inerrancy-without an error,infallibility,pious
vulnerable-open to attack,assailable,capable of receivng injuries,assailable
unwieldy-difficult to use handle or manage because of size ,difficult to manipul
ate,lacking grace in movement or posture,clumsy,clunky,ungainly
torrential-pouring in abundance,uncontrolled,(rain is extremely torrential)
subversive-in oppsition to a civil authority or government
sundry-naana rakalu,assorted,miscellaneous,mixed,consisting of different kinds
surly-inclined to angry,with menace,an ugly frame of kind
obtuse-lacking in insight,slow in action,slow to learn or understood
scrupulous-having scruples,arising from a sense of right or wrong,shankinche,anu
maninche,characterized by extreme care and great effort
indemnity-protection from loss or damage,compensation,immunity from punishment
annulment-the state of being cancelled,formal official cancellation

chstisement-verbal attack
ebullient-joyously unrestrained
Esoteric (adj.) means designed for, con ned to, or
understandable only by a restricted number of people, an
enlightened inner circle
undulate-waving form,rippled surface,stir up,increase and decrease
efface-rub out,obliterate,remove completely from recognition or memory,make inco
slather-spread thickly
quake-palpitate,seism,termor,shake with fast,shiver,as from fear or cold
binge-thrupthi,overeat or eat immodestly,make a pig oneself,satiate,
infuse-teach and impress by frequent repetitions or admonitions,impregnate,ferti
lize,infuse to grow
groggy-stunned or confused,and slow to react(as from blows,drunkenness,exhaustio
stupor-brama,maikam,the feeling of distress and disbelief that you have when som
ething bad happens accidentally,marginal conciousness,daze,semiconciousness
profound-deeper than deep,profundity-the quality of being physically deep
grovel-show submission or fear ,crawl,creep,cringe
corroborate - affirm,confirm,substantiate,dhrudaparuchuta,establish or strengthe
waif-is a stray,homeless,neglected wanderer,especially a homeless child
perfidy-vishwasaghathakudu,betrayal of trust,treachery,treason
troubadour-a singer of folk songs
sanctify-make pure,purge,render holy means,free form sin guilt,consecrate
foible-behavioural attitude that is distinctive and peculiar to an individual,id
mendacity-the tendency to be untruthful
To circumvent (v.) is to go around, bypass; to get around or avoid through cleve
rness or artful maneuvering; to surround, enclose,entrap.
rami cation- make into parts,as a consequence for an action
narcissism - an exceptional interest in and admiration for yourself
renegade-spmeone who rebels and becomes an outlaw,break with established customs
superannuated- too old to be useful,old no longer fashionable,out of date ideas
salient-having a quality that thrust itself into attention(salient features)
flaccid-drooping without elasticity ,wanting in stiffness,out of condition,super
inexpedient-not suitable,fit for the purpose,not tending to promote a proposed p
expedite-to speed up
burnish-the property of being smooth and shiny
pilfer- abstract, cabbage, filch, hook, lift, nobble, pinch, purloin, snarf, sne
ak, swipe,steal something typically of small value
concomitant-an event or situation that happens at the same time as or in connect
ion with other,ensuant,consequent,rammification
mendacious- intentionally true
purport (v.) means to give false appearance of being
supine-lying face upwards,offering no resistance,lying on the back(supine on lou
parlous-. Parlous (adj.) means dangerous, risky, or extreme
emly complex and difficult to follow
militate-to have effect,to make less severe,weigh on
evoke-to elicit or draw forth,invoke-make supplication or pray for-to invoke god
s mercy
arrogate-to attribute ,to assign to another,ascribe
A rite ----is an established, prescribed, or customary form of religious or othe
r solemn practice: the rite of baptism.
Ritual ---refers to the form of conducting worship or to a code of ceremonies in

general: Masonic rituals

alieante-When you alienate people, you make them stop liking or caring about you
tenuous-very thin,If you try to learn a complicated mathematical concept by cram
ming for 45 minutes, you will have a tenuous grasp of that concept, at best
To recruit (v.) means to seek to induct or enroll; to enlist
dither-an excited state of agitation,act nervously,make a fuss,be agitated
callous- make insensitive or callous; deaden feelings or morals,emotionally hard
moratorium-a legally authorized postponement before some obligation must be disc
harged,suspension of an ongoing activity
habitude - abhyasam,habitual action
emendation-a correction by emending .correction from critical editing,savarimpu,
jurisdiction-in law,the territory within which power can be exercised
respite-hiatus,postponement of punishment (criminally convicted,sucha as executi
mumble-soft indistinct utternace,usual in low voice,maunder,mutter
Ardent (adj.) means characterized by intense emotion or enthusiasm, passionate,
fervent; glowing or burning like re.
equivocation-intentionally ambiguous,evasiveness,prevarication,tergiversation
Gluttony (n.) is drinking or eating to excess; excessive indulgence
mercenary - profit oriented,freelance
sumptuous-rich and superior in quality,gilded dining rooms
scurrilous- in offensive manner,bandabhoothulu,abusive,opprobrious
Scrupulous (adj.) means extremely careful, cautious in action for fear of doing
pivotal- being of crucial importance
quixotic- Use quixotic for someone or something that is romantic and unrealistic
, or possessed by almost impossible hopes. Your quixotic task is easy to underst
and, if difficult to achieve: establish world peace.
denouement-the result of complex things,the outcome of complex sequence of event
oracle(n.) is a person of great knowledge; the place where answers are given, as
in a sanctuary
vizier-a high official in a Muslim government
behemoth-unwieldy,large in size,giant,enormous in size,power, or importance
charlatans- a flamboyant deceiver,one who attracts customers with tricks or joke
phrenologist-someone who claims to be able to read your character from the shape
of your skull
adjunat-furnishing added support,an additive that enhances the effectiveness of
medical treatment,adjunct
impudent-marked by casual disrespect
Impertinent (adj.) means improperly bold; rude; lacking good manners.
render-give or supply,make,cause to become(an illness may render u unable to wal
k),) means to give in return in compliance with a duty; to make or depict
To disseminate(v.) means to scatter widely, diffuse, spread abroad.
burnish-the property of being smooth and shiny
placate--cause to be more favorably inclined; gain the good will of
Knell (n.) is the sound of a bell ringing slowly for a funeral or death.
delecation-enjoyment,feeling of extreme pleasure satisfaction
strident-conspicuously and offensively loud,being sharply insistent on being hea

rd,shrill criticism,unpleasantly loud or harsh

raucous-unpleasantly loud and harsh,disturbing the public
blandishment-flattery intended to persuade,the act of urging by means of teasing
or flattery,wheedling,cajolery (thiyyanimaatlu,challanimaatalu)
Mores- are the customs, norms, and behaviors that are acceptable to a society or
social group. If your personal morals are in disagreement with local mores,
nebula -is a massive cloud of gas and dust in outer space. A nebula is sometimes
the birthplace of stars, such as the Orion Nebula where new stars a youthful mi
llion years old - are still forming,interstellar space
vicissitudes-mutability in nature or life,a variation in circumstances or fortun
e at different times(maaradam)
To blanch (v.) means to turn pale, as if in fear; to take the color from, whiten
thwarted-disappointingly unsuccessful,defeated,disappointed,discomfited
decried-express strong disapproval of,condemn,excoriate,objurgate,reprobate
herald(n)-forerunner, harbinger, precursor, predecessor, trumpeter, acclaim, hai
l, announce, annunciate,praise vociferously,presage
qualm-sudden disturbing feeling,A qualm is a feeling of uneasiness, or a sense t
hat something you re doing is wrong, and it sounds almost like how it makes your
stomach feel. If you had qualms about taking candy from the bulk bins at the st
ore, your conscience probably told you to go back to the cashier and pay
imminence-the state of being liable to happen soon
resurrection-a revival from inactivity and disuse
Extraneous (adj.) means not vital or essential; not pertinent or relevant; comin
g from the outside or an outside source.
kilter-in working order,being good,is order or good condition
detriment-damage or loss
prevision-the power of foresee the future
succumb (v.) means to give in, cease to resist
secede-withdraw from an organisation,break away
renege-fail to fulfil promise or obligation
palatable-acceptable to the taste or mind,a palatable solution to the problem(ru
resilient-recovering readily from adversity, depression, or the like
ancillary-furnishing added support,adjuvant
dilate,dilatory-wasting time,laggard,Something dilatory creates a delay. If you
are a high school student, once in a while you might have used dilatory tactics
if you forgot to do your homework
diligent-quietly and steadily preserving especially in detail or exactness,chara
cterized by care and perseverance in carrying tasks
Noble(adj.) means having high, sel ess moral standards; of excellent character.
Extrinsic (adj.) means not forming an essential part of a thing,extraneous; orig
inating from the outside, external
Immoderate(adj.) means excessive or extreme; exceeding reasonable limits(immoder
ate spendings)
specious-not true,plausible,but false,meritricious,based on pretense,deceptively
perfunctory-a passing glance,hasty and without much attention to detail,not thor
ough,as a formal only
A quandary (n.) is a dif cult situation.
litany-any long and tedious address or recital,litany of failures,address,speech
tatter-a small piece of cloth or paper
discord-be different from one another
dismount-get down,get off,light
retract-formally reject,disavow,abjure,foreswear,pull inward towards centre
intercede-act between parties,arbitrate,intermediate,liaise
Urbane(adj.) means characterized by re ned manners; elegant or sophisticated
untoward-not in keeping with accepted standards of what is right or proper in po
lite society,contrary to interests
salacious-characterized by light,indecent gesture,lewd,obscene,lubricious
clemency-good weather with comfortable temperatures,leniency and compassion show

n toward offenders by a person or agency charged with administering justice

Nondescript (adj.) means lacking any distinctive characteristics
insolencethe trait of being rude and impertinent ,inclined to take libert
ies,cheekiness,freshness,an offensive disrespectful impudent act
sufferance-anumathi,patient endurance,disposition to tolerate or accept people o
r situations,acceptance
mollify-appease,assuage,pacify,make less rigid,softer(shanthaparuchuta)
culminate-end especially to reach final or climactic change,rise to,bring to the
highest point,summit,to come to completion, end; to reach the highest point or
degree, climax
To languish is to become pitiful or weak because you re sick, in love, or stuck
somewhere. A prisoner might languish in jail, longing for her freedom.
valorous-having or showing valor,valiant soldier
To imbue(v.)is to inspire or pervade with ideas or feelings; to saturate with co
lor; to permeate
Dearth (n.) means a severe shortage or scarce supply, especially of food; a lack
of, insuf cient quantity
meritorius-+ ve contexxt(praiseworthy)
meritricious- - ve context (twardy,insincere,blameworthy,deception)
lurid- - ve word,gruesome,shocking,macabre
livid-angry ,discoloured
To quibble(v.) means to nd fault or criticize for petty reasons
amenable/amendable-managebale/capable of being modified
tortuous/torturous-intricate,complex/causing torture
Sonorous (adj.) means producing sound; impressive or grand in
An ori ce(n.) is an opening, a hole; a perforation; a mouth or
hole through which something may pass
redact-prepare for publication or presentation by correcting, revising, or adapt
ing,someone who puts text into appropriate form for publication
syncope-sudden loss of conciousness
insinuate-introduce,insert,give to understand
temerity-audaciousness, less daring
Compunction (n.) means a feeling of uneasiness or regret caused
by a sense of guilt, remorse; a pang of conscience at the thought
or act of committing a misdeed.
A despot (n.) is someone who rules with absolute power; a
dictator or tyrant.
imbroglio-an intricate and confusing interpersonal or political situation ,a ver
y embarrassing misunderstanding
flout-scoff,reject with derision
Quotidian (adj.) means occurring or returning daily
clairvoyant-foreseeing the future
Vincible(adj.) means conquerable, capable of being defeated or subdued
ornery-having a difficult and contrary disposition
Commensurate(adj.) means corresponding in size, degree, or extent; proportionate
estrus-applies to nonhuman mammals: a state or period of heightened sexual arous
al and activity,extreme passion,irresistible impulse or passion

remiss-ajaagratha,delinquent,derelict(remiss of you not to pay your bills

remiss-ajaagratha,delinquent,derelict(remiss of you not to pay your bills)
Knack (n.) is a natural talent; a clever way of doing something
concourse-throng,gathering of people,confluence,multitude
limber, lissom, lissome, lithe, lithesome, slender, svelte-supple
suave-smooth,charming,pleasant manner
Visage(n.) means the face, countenance, or look of a person
armistice-a state of peace agreed to between opponents so they can discuss peace
tirade-speech of violent denunciation
Taut (adj.) means stretched tight
slack(opposite)-not tense,taut
curt-laconic,terse(curt reply)
vendetta-a feud in which members of the opposing parties murder each other
obtrude-push out,thrust out
Recourse(n.) means a last option or way out(his only recourse)left option
Virulent (adj.) means exceedingly noxious, deleterious, or
grandiloquent, overblown, pompous, pontifical, fateful, foreboding-portentous
Otiose(adj.) means needless, functionless; unemployed or weaken,useless.
Aesthetic (adj.) means concerning or characterized by an
appreciation of beauty or good taste; characterized by a
heightened sensitivity to beauty, artistic.
moratorium-a legally authorized postponement before some obligation must be disc
suspension of an ongoing activity
Nescience(n.) is ignorance, or the absence of knowledge
obstetrics-the branch of medicine dealing with childbirth and care of the mother
Aloof (adj.) means physically or emotionally distant; reserved,
granger-a person who operates farm,armer, husbandman
Vertigo(n.) is dizziness often caused by experiencing heights,a reeling sensatio
n; a feeling that you are about to fall(kalluthiragadam)
inebriation-a temporary state resulting from excessive consumption of alcohol
Genesis (n.) is the origin, beginning, or foundation; the act of
forming something new; the rst event in a series of events
fiasco-a sudden and violent collapse
detriment-damage or loss
Languor (n.) is a lack of energy or interest; a feeling of being
without spirit; sluggishness
Timbre(n.) is the quality of a tone, as distinguished from
intensity and pitch(he has different timbre to voice)
vestibule- large entrance or reception room or area
indignant-angered at something,incensed, outraged
nadir-an extreme state of adversity; the lowest point of anything
the point below the observer that is directly opposite the zenith on the imagina
ry sphere against which celestial bodies appear to be projected
To exhort (v.) means to urge strongly with a stirring argument,
appeal, or advice; to make an urgent appeal.
vie-compete for something; engage in a contest; measure oneself against others
corroborate-affirm, confirm, substantiate, support, sustain, validate, bear out
ignominy-a state of dishonor
Vernal (adj.) means belonging to or suggestive of the spring
venial-warranting only temporal punishment
easily excused or forgiven

Aegis (n.) means sponsorship or patronage; guidance or

direction; or protection
faction-cabal, camarilla, junto

have an axe to grind , which means have a strong opinion about something that
influences one s actions
take something under advisement , meaning to think about it carefully
segue means to make a smooth transition ; it is usually followed by the pre
position into .
Shingle refers to gravel and pebbles
shingle means to cut hair in a short-cropped style
shingle means a wood or slate tile that covers a roof
squiggle , which means illegible scrawl .
suffragist-an advocate of the extension of political voting rights to women
She was a suffragist and urged the community to fight for their rights.
everyone likes rags to riches stories
rags to riches-idion which means poor to exceptional wealth
gamut-a complete extent or range" a face that expressed a gamut of emotions""it
covers gamut of hypothetical situations"
menageries- collection of wild animals
meilieu-social environment that you live or work in
perilious act
quench==challarchuta,satisfy,aarputa,blow out,assuage,supress
usa has payed the highest amount of money for oil
i ill not frighten you too much
altogether,as well as (subject ill come b4 this wrd)
not nly but also, neithr nor ill(sub comes aftr hteses)
thorough and through -in all respects ,FROM BEGINING TO END
GO THROUGH WITH SOMETHING- bring to completion
flogging a dead horse-wasting time on something
forage,wayward-collect or look around for food
,wander and food,eatage,pasture
gastronomy-the art of practice of choosing ,preparing and eating good food
phalanx-body of troops in closed array
phagocyte-stimulates or engulfs other organisms
phaeton- a car
coaStal-littoral,shore region(coastal or littoral countries)
gourmand-lover of good food,
maniac-_ve sense
aficionado-+ ve sense
gravid - pregnant,enceinte
lose vs loose - deprived of/set free,set forth
seed/cede-sproute,sprinkle(gone to seed -loss power,vigor,deteriorate)/surrender
pump - to question closely,to propel,or insert with
pennant-a tapering flag on ship

fly the coop-to get away form home.escape,leave one s parent s house
contrivance-use of skill to create bring about,plan
connivance-secret plot
superlative always precede by the
penitentiary-a correctional institution for those covicted of major concerns
penury-dire situations,state of extreme poverty
Label -short word or phrase descriptive of a person, group, intellectual moveme
Title - the distinguishing name of a book, poem, picture, piece of music,
*even should be preceded by synonym nly
pull in our belts- prepare for lean times,time to reduce expenses expenditures
repartee-adroitness cleverness in reply
finery-elaborate or showy attire and accessories(vesham,sogsu,shrungaram)
pair of trousers is singular and will take the verb form fits instead of fit.
rack up-gain the popularity
rake up-to revive or bring into light
rhetoric-without making nay point,just for sake of impact
his opinion personal opinion-dogmatic,opinionated ,biased,subjective
factual information-subjective
banish - drive away
descry-catch the sight of,decry- to belittle someone
sheer- absolute,shear-to cut the wool of
discreet-caution in speech or action
dissemble-to disguise or conceal
depositary(trustee)/depository(trustable place)
munch-chew noisily(bokkuta)
mince-less severe,
childlike-+ ve qualites,
childish-immature - ve(brandish)
dilemma-between two options like(between)
quandary- more than 2 options
au courant - up to date
coup da grace - finishing blow
dilettante -amateurish,frivolous,not serious towards art,one who pretends to be
an expert or as known,dabbler,superficial
abhorrent--extreme word form of aberrant
lighten-to light up or illuminate
lightning-to move or to speedily
pored - to read intently
persecute- to annoy or irritate or harass
borne(to hold up,support)/born(to give birth)
taut(taut lipped,tight lipped,wasnt communicated)/tout(falunt,advertise,publici
unsufferable(not for persons,intolerable) /insufferable suits
backward-conservative,orthodox,not progressive
antidote-cures for illnes
anecdote- witty tales,stories
imbricate-place so as to overlap
extant- still in existence,not extinct,not lost
precipitous-without much deliberation,do in haste,abrupt,extremely steep

premier-first in rank/premiere - first performance

voluptuous- extreme form of luxurious,indulging sensuous pleasures
paramount - supreme
denigrate- to belittle defame ,play down
venial- to a minor sin
***wreath-noun(arrangement of flowers)/wreathe-verb(envelope,surround,encircle)
marshalled- gather up or together
militate-to influence towards a change,bring about an change,influence
distrust(lack of absence,not having trust,absence of trust)/mistrust(lack of con
brawn,brawny-possessing,powerful,having muscular strength
craven-recreant,lacking even rudiments of courage,abjectly fearful
oeuvre-the output of a writer artist(shakespere s artistic performance)
tirade-a speech of violent denunciation
wheedle-influence or urge by gentle urging caressing
lethargy-state of drowsiness,or sluggish inactivity
extort-an exorbitant charge,unjust action,a felonious act
vista-view or prospect
melees-a noisy fight,battle,riotous fight
fray-fight,kalatha,chafe,disturbance,foray(maraud,a sudden short attack)
Ornate(adj.) means richly and artistically nished or stylized
Ornate(adj.) means richly and artistically nished or stylized
hurtle-move with speed,rush with great speed,to move with great noise,fling forc
inculcate-teach and impress by frequent repetitions,admonitions
aspersion,aspersed-charge falsely,attack the good name,besmirch,calumniate,defam
entreat-earnest requesting,beseech,bid,adjure
riveting-capable of riveting or holding the attention
spartan-A spartan existence is kind of like being a monk. Your room is bare, you
live simply and eat sparingly, and your sheets are probably scratchy,non indulg
ent,resolute,strict self-discipline; characteristically simple or frugal
spasmodic-occuring in spells often abruptly
receptive-open to change,ideas or arguments,able to absorb liquid
uncanny-suggesting the operation of super natural influences,surpassing ordinary
or normal
ponderous-laborious,slow because of weight
egregious-blatantly conspiciously outrageously bad reprehensible(mahaathamaina),
exonerate-freed frm any question of guilt,expulpated
Palpable(adj.) means tangible, noticeable; easily perceived and detected
recoil-jump back suddenly,draw back, as with fear or pain.
vituperative-marked by harshly abusive criticism
throttle-place the limits on
charlatan-one who attracts customers with jokes tricks
prevarication-the deliberate act of deviating from truth,intentinally vague
prima donna -a vain and temperamental person
venerable- impressively ,profoundly honored
implicate-bring in to intimate,connect something,involve something
panacea-hypothetical remedy for all ills or diseases; once sought by the alchemi
dossier-a collection of papers giving detailed information about a particular pe

rson or subject
incantation-ritual repetition of words or sounds believed to have a magical effe
restitude-kudirina,compensation restitution-getting something back again,act of
scurrilous-expressing offensive reproach
Colloquial (adj.) means characteristic of informal spoken language or conversati
on; conversational
fugacious-ephemeral,passing short lived,transient,lasting a very short time
barbarous-primitive in culture,motu,brutal
precocious-apeearing developed early
Quintessential (adj.) is the best and purest part of a thing; the most typical e
xample of a thing
Quintessential (adj.) is the best and purest part of a thing; the most typical e
xample of a thing
Impenitence(n.) is the trait of refusing to repent; unwilling to show regret for
contingency-possible ,imminent event,state of being contigent
To efface(v.) means to rub out, erase; to cause to dim or make indistinct; to ma
ke or conduct oneself inconspicuously
suffuse-to fill with,cover in with light
puritanical-exaggeratively proper,morally rigorous and strict,puritanic distaste
for alcohol,she is everything but puritanical in behaviour
indigent-poor enough to need help form others,kootiki leni ,nirupedhaina,destitu
te, impoverished, necessitous, needy
munificent If you give your best friend a bracelet for her birthday, then youre a good frien
d. If you give her a diamond bracelet, a racehorse, and an oil well, then youre a
munificent friend, meaning you are very lavish when it comes to giving gifts. (
And its possible you may also be broke.)
utilitarian-having a useful function,someone who believes that the value of a th
ing depends on its utility
dissemble-conceal the truth,misleading appearance,one s incompetence in business
disassemble-take apart
concerted-devised,contrived,planned,arranged by agreement
misnomer -is a name that gives a misleading impression.
Misperception -means to understand or perceive incorrectly; misunderstand.
Here it has to be misperception, because the nomenclature of young growth compan
ies has no room for confusion.
backlash-a strong negative reaction
Laissez-faire: Laissez-faire in a doctrine which has its precepts in individual
older and not elder--- We usually use elder if we are talking of the same famil
phase means to plan or carryout systematically. Its usually followed by in or o
ut. Faze means to disrupt the composure of
platonic-intimate,affectionate,but not sexual
vintner-one who makes wine
ventral-pertaining to the abdomen or belly
exigent-requiring much effort,expensive,pressing,demanding
plough on with - to invest
plough through-finish off
venial-excusable,easily excused or forgiven
apostle- an ardent early supporter of a cause or reform
The word apostle which refers to a person who strongly believes in a policy or a
n idea and tries to make other people believe in it is suitable in the given con

text when compared to the word apostate which refers to a person who has rejecte
d their religious or political beliefs.

QUANT----------------------------------------------=========================-------------------------N = 3n
Cubes with 3 sides colored = 8
Cubes with 2 sides colored = 12 *(N-2)
Cubes with 1 sides colored = 6 *(N-2)^2
Cubes with 3 sides colored = (N-2)^3
If x = y(mod z) denotes that when x is divided by z, the remainder is y, then fo
r integers a, b, c, and a prime number, p,
(a + b + c + )^p = (a^p + b^p + c^p + )(mod p)
1) x+y+z+...(r terms) = n

Non negative solutions => (n+r-1)C(r-1)

Positive solns => (n-1)C(r-1)
2) ax+by= n
Non negative integeal solns => [n/lcm(a,b)]+1
For positive solns remove those including x/y=0 from non negative.
3) |x|+|y|= n has 4n solns
|x|+|y|+|z|=n has 4n^2+2 solns
where n => natural number
when n=0, only 1 soln
For n<0, no soln.
4) xy=N ,where N is natural number
Number of positive solns => Number of factors of N.
Integral soln => 2*Number of factors of N
5) xy= N
Number of unordered positive solns such that x and y are coprimes is 2^(n-1), wh
ere n is number of primes containing N.
6) x + y = N, where N => Natural number
Number of positive solutions such that x and y are coprime is Euler of N.
(If N=a^x*b^y, Euler(N)= N(1-1/a)(1-1/b)
7) i) a/x + b/y = 1/n

Number of positive integral solns => factors of a*b*n^2

Number of integral solns => 2*factors of a*b*n^2 - 1.
ii) a/x - b/y = 1/n
Number of integral solns => 2*factors of a*b*n^2 -1
Positive => factors of a*b*n^2 which lies below a*n
8) xyz= N = a^x*b*y
Number of ordered positive integral solns => (x+2)C2*(y+2)C2
Integqral solns => 4* (x+2)C2*(y+2)C2
9) x^2 - y^2 = N
Positive solns => Number of even*even or odd*odd factors
Integral = 4*positive solns
Zero solns if N = 4k+2 form as they are always odd*even form.
10) x^2 + y^2 = N
It will have integer solns only if N contains primes of the form 4k+1 type.
If all primes are 4k+1 type
Then positive solns => number of factors of N,
If it contains some 4k+3 primes with odd power then 0 solns
If it contains even powers of 4k+3 primes, then positive solns = number of facto
rs of 4k+1 form only.
Integral solns = 4*positive solns
For a Lucky Draw during a sale, customers had to choose a set of 7 numbers from
1 to 15, both inclusive. For the draw, 15 ping pong balls with one distinct numb
er each from 1 to 15 were placed in a box. 7 ping pong balls were drawn from the
box with replacement. What is the probability that the largest number appearing
on any of the balls drawn was 9?
The pendulum of a clock takes 7 seconds to strike 4 o clock. How much time (in s
econds) will it take to strike 11 o clock?
The more relevant thing here is not the number of strikes but the number of time
In other words, if a clock has to strike 4, there are 3 time intervals between t
he 4 strikes (the 1st strike happens at the 0th sec).
So, in 7 seconds, the pendulum had 3 time intervals.
To strike 11, there have to be 10 time intervals which will take (10 7)/3 = 70/3
(P 1)! is not divisible by P when P is Prime.
There are 10 prime numbers in this range: 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29.
Also P = 4 satisfies this condition hence total numbers are 10 + 1 = 11.

Ria has three types of boxes viz. red, blue and green. She plays a game in which
she placed 9 red boxes on the table. She puts 5 blue boxes each, in a few of th
e red boxes then she puts 5 green boxes each, in few of the blue boxes. If the n
umber of boxes that have been left empty in the game is 41, then how many boxes
were used in the game by Ria?
non zero digit of a factorial5!--------------2
2^a a! b!
Looking at the last digit, the last digit must be either 0, 1, 5 or 6.Then looki
ng at the last two digits, the last two digits must be either 00, 01, 25 or 76.T
hen looking at the last three digits, the last three digits must be either 000,
001, 625 or 376.Then looking at the last four digits, the last four digits must
be either 0000, 0001, 0625 or 9376.Out of those, only 9376 is a 4 digit number.
Let the radii of the larger and smaller circles be R cm and r cm.
Area of triangle ABC = * AB * OC = * 2R * (R + r) = R * (r + R) = 289
CD = 2R + r, Using AM>GM, 2R + r > = 2 (R (R + r))1/2 = 2 (289)1/2 = 34 cm
So, minimum length = 34 cm. So, none of these
A number of the form xyyxyy will be divisible by 7,11 and 13( difference between
triplets at odd and even places is zero).
ABC is isosceles triangle. Median is same as perpendicular bisector=============
in how many ways can 6 different balls be placed in to 3 identical boxes??
See if both were distinct it would ve been 3^6
Now as here boxes are identical so convert it into unordered. So all are arrange
d in 3! Ways except 600 which is arranged in 3!/2=3 ways .. So
(3^6-3)/3!+1=122See if both were distinct it would ve been 3^6
Now as here boxes are identical so convert it into unordered. So all are arrange
d in 3! Ways except 600 which is arranged in 3!/2=3 ways .. So
------------------------------------------A and B working together can finish a job in T days. If A works alone and
completes the job, he will take T + 5 days. If B works alone and completes
the same job, he will take T + 45 days. What is T?
(1) 25
(2) 60
(3) 15
(4) None of these
Correct Answer - (3)
The time it will take when A and B work together isgiven by the formula
(5*45)^(1/2) = 225^(1/2)= 15 days. Where 5 and 45are the extra time that A
and B take to complete the job if the work alone asagainst working together.

Has mn+1 distinct terms
I have twenty Rs 3 stamps and twenty Rs 5 stamps. Using one or more of these sta
mps, how many different amounts of postage can I make?
(a) 150 (b) 152 (c) 154 (d) 396 (e) 400
If 16 people are sitting in a circular table,in how many ways can all of them be
shaking hands with another person at the table in such a way that none of the ar
ms cross each other?Solution:
2n=16 =>n=8
Total ways T8 =16!/9!*8!=1430.
If n is even
=> [n^2/48[
If n is odd
=> [(n+3)^2/48]
It takes the pendulum of a clock 7 seconds to strike 4 oclock. How much time will
it take to strike 11 oclock?
18 seconds
20 seconds
19.25 seconds
23.33 seconds

Students please note that the more relevant thing in this case is not the number
of strikes but the number of time intervals.
In other words, if a clock has to strike 4, there are 3 time intervals between t
he 4 strikes (this is so taken because the first strike happens at the zeroth se
So in 7 seconds the pendulum elapses 3 time intervals.
To strike 11, there has to be 10 time intervals, which will take (10 7)/3 = 23.3
3 seconds.

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