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I am Bhanu Praveen studying Erasmus Mundus Dual Master Degree in Space Science &

Technology focusing on Control systems for Aircrafts & Space Crafts.

As per the course first year is common to all the students joined they need to take tracks provided
by University Of Wurzburg, JMUW, Germany and second semester at Lulea University of
Technology, Kiruna space campus, Sweden .
After successfully finishing the first year studies the student can chose to any one of the partner
universities in the consortium. So, I chose to go to Czech Technical University located in Prague,
Czech Republic for my second and final year of study focusing mainly of Control engineering
for Aircrafts and Space crafts.
Fourth and final semester is dedicated to Master Thesis work .Student can either do it in the same
university or at any other industry or partner universities depending on the project. In my case I
was awarded Master thesis in a company called Astos solutions located in Germany. Where I
was responsible for Developing a Telescopic Instrument required for Automated Transfer
vehicle reentry observation. A joint reentry observation program supported by both NASA and
European Space Agency.
Summarizing the details above
Name Bhanu Praveen R.V
MSc in Control Engineering (Aircrafts & Spacecrafts)
Design of Space Telescope based on Coronagraph for ATV-5 Reentry Observation
Design of Thermal control Subsystem for Czech Cubesat
Design and development of systems to control L410 Turbo Aircraft with successful design of
autonomous control systems for different modes of flight and model the entire longitudinal and
lateral flight modes.
Design of a Student satellite called CANSAT and successfully designed the satellite and
manufactured according to the problem statement and tested. This is the first project in terms of
not only working on a satellite and also managing with the team of engineers with different
engineering backgrounds and cultures which provided me lot of understanding to work in a
global environment.

Working on Czech Techsat was a very good experience to understand how the thermal control
subsystems are developed for spacecrafts will work and also got hands on experience how these
systems behave in harsh environments.
And also this project got selected for REXUS/BEXUS competition organized by European space
agency where I got a rare opportunity to participate in it and also got a chance to visit European
space agency headquarters located in Netherlands and also as a Thermal control lead I presented
how thermal control subsystem developed for Cubesat in front of elite panel of members of
European space agency.

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