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K Capitalism

1. The role of the ballot is to endorse the best method for combatting capitalism.
2. Capitalism underlines every political action capital is an inertial system of
corruption, playing upon Gestalt theory, as an attempt to maintain realist economic
systems of profit-motive this subjects the state to corporate desires as capitalism
attempts to spread
3. Cap also invades and permeates debate the people allowed in debate are based
on economic status the literature we study, the topics covered by the media that
are profitable, the monetary power universities have to fund debate teams,
coaches, et cetera is all controlled by capitalism and profit-motivated systems
debaters and judges rejecting capitalism within debate is a prerequisite to any true

1. Economic Justification the use of economics as a justification for policy
privileges elitist discourses and methods of political engagement your attempt to
achieve cost-effectiveness within policy reinforces individual processes of analysis
that maintain the overall system of capitalism
2. Growth Promotion the affirmatives belief in a system of endless economic
growth negates every form of logic resources are scarce, population growth is
infinite the PMCs defense of growth as a long-term solution to any one problem
only forces populations to become ignorant of the state of economic affairs
3. State Methods the methodology of the state is OVERCOME by capitalism
lobbyists, campaign contributors, multi-national corporations and the rest of
wealthy society all have the funding necessary to have their input when it comes to
legislative processes this privileges the elite, and ensures that the state
structurally excludes the vast masses of poor, subject to the wills of the bourgeois

1. Value to life capitalism creates a system in which individuals are constantly
devalued to nothing more than their economic contributions, where those in power
view the middle and lower class
2. Extinction capitalism makes extinction inevitable all environmental destruction
is justified in industrial economies for the sake of profit which leads to unending
coal, strip and mountain top mining, pollution and waste that will inevitably destroy

the life necessary to sustain all populations resources are finite, which means so is
the ability for capitalism to grow resource wars, energy poverty and all forms of
conflict become justified and inevitable in a realist, profit-motivated economic

Vote negative to adopt our specific critique of capitalism.

Alternative solvency
1. Adopting our specific criticism of capitalism motivates political change and allows
us to rupture the systems that perpetuate the changing of capital critique is the
starting point, getting people on board is the effect of critique your ballot is a signup sheet for the revolution, which means each ballot we win is another
acknowledgement of the inherent problems with capitalism
2. Resolves the affirmative capitalism inevitably destroys any the change the
affirmative is advocating for. Only by breaking out of the capitalist ideology the
affirmative represents can we hope to facilitate any lasting, meaningful change
3. No permutations including actions that maintain, support or defend capitalism
results in cooption allowing the system to become a part of the movement
guarantees that it will fail furthermore, their justifications for the 1AC begin with a
position that aims for economic efficiency and growth dont let them sever that
starting point, makes the aff a moving target, re-entrenches the system of capital
and exclusion, but also makes it impossible to generate offense impact is rigged
game, whoever gets aff gets to perm, neg never wins

Response to sustainable development

Sustainable development is a joke. Things like cap and trade just further entrench
capitalism into how we view our planet; as something to sell, exchange and
maximize the economic output of. The only way to solve the environmental
destruction that capitalism will continue to perpetuate is to reject the system.

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