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Respeto mucho a la gente que tiene el carcter de hacer lo que le place con su vid

a segn lo que crea. Entiendo que muchos de mis contactos son pro-canabis, pero ta
mbin me parece que hay cosas similares que se manejan muy justificada y superfici
almente con el fin de llevar a cabo dicha actividad.
Pienso yo que cuando publicas algo y dices, esto o aquello me gusta, de cierta m
aenra lo promueves, pero hay que aprender a hacerlo con conciencia. Por ejemplo,
pudiera yo decir me gusta el deporte extremo, pero no lo estara haciendo de mane
ra incorrecta al no hacer explcito los riesgos y consecuencias de practicar dicho
deporte sin su debido cuidado?
Pues ocurre mucho, cuando dices, me gusta y promuevo el uso de la marihuana, tan
to como las dietas, veganismo como ejemplo. Sabemos hoy en da que si bien la cana
bis tiene propiedades que ayudan a combatir el cncer, bien, cool de hecho, pero d
udo yo mucho que toda la poblacin la utilice porque lo padezcan. Digo, est bien si
la usan recreativamente, cada quien, pero no se escuden tras estudios que muchas
veces se publican en redes sociales sin fundamento alguno. Si te gusta bien, exc
elente, pero considero que la informacin est ah afuera, hay que educarse para culti
var conocimiento segn el contexto.
Pensemos en que si bien alguien ya encontr el buen uso de una sustancia, habr pers
onas que apenas se introducen al consumo de las mismas, y lo que otra persona pu
eda conocer como un consumo apropiado de una sustancia, el nuevo consumidor quer
r tomar esa base de el ms experimentado para sustentar sus propiasbases.
Es como el amor, por ms que te digan, te aconsejen y alguien ms trate de decirnos
cmo funcionan las cosas vas a tener que errar y cometer tus propios errores para
poder comprender el contexto real de las cosas, a veces es sabio tomar buenos co
nsejos so, pero el verdadero aprendizaje se da por medio de la prctica y esto es
de igual manera en casi todas los temas.
Pensaba yo, precisamente en los veganos, y me vana disculpar, pero si nuestra es
pecie ha avanzado hasta donde lo ha hecho es precisamente porque somos omnvoros,
si ingirieramos nicamente productos de origen vegetal pudiera tener una consecuen
cia transgeneracional de manera negativa, y el impacto sera mucho peor que aprend
er a consumir producto de animal con conciencia. Muchas veces no lo tomamos en c
uenta porque es un tema reciente en la comunidad cientfica, se llama EPIGENTICA, y
con ello les digo que el ADN no es un destino, se modifica y se altera segn tu e
stilo de vida, lo que consumas y no tengo duda que hasta de como fuiste tutelado
Lo primero sobre el impacto que pudiera tener el veganismo sobres el adn, si lo
planteo como hiptesis porque sencillamente no tengo las bases para explicarlo, ni
tengo en el presente idea alguna si existe algn estudio verdico que lo confirme,
ms sin embargo, el segundo punto en el prrafo anterior, de ese si no tengo duda al
guna, y de eso es lo que estoy hablando, y por eso toco temas que si bien me pud
ieran odiar por tan solo mencionarlos, es para que de manera lo que yo aprenda t
enga uso y sirva de algo, y ms que nada es una invitacin a investigar y conocer ms
de los temas, aparte que si existe retroalimentacin entonces el tema se enriquece
, en fin hoy es mircoles, y me siento agradecido de tener algo de qu pensar y cosa
s por analizar.

I greatly respect the people who have the character to do what he pleases with h
is life acording to his/her beliefs. I understand that many of my contacts are p
ro-cannabis, but I also think there are similar subjects that are handled very s
uperficially justified and in order to carry out such or certain activity.

I think that when someone posts something and says, I like this or that, you prom
ote it in a certain way, but I also believe that one must learn to do with consc
iousness. For example, I could say I like extreme sports, but I would not be doi
ng the wrong way by not making explicitly pointing out the risks and consequence
s of practicing the sport without due care.
As much happens, when you say, I like and I promote the use of marijuana, as wel
l as diets, veganism as an example. We know today that while cannabis has proper
ties that help fight cancer, well, actually, thats cool, but I doubt that all peo
ple use it because they suffer such disease. I mean, well if its used recreationa
lly,to each his own, but please do not hide behind cientific studies, many of them
are often publicized on social networks without foundation. If you like somethi
ng good, excellent, but I think that information is out there, you have to educa
te yourself to cultivate knowledge acording to its context.
Consider that while someone already found a good use of a substance, theres peopl
e who just introduced in the consumption of the same, and while someone else may
know as an appropriate use of a substance, the new consumer will try to take sa
me base support their own beliefs.
It is very similar to love, even if you talk with someone, you get advised and s
omeone else tries to tell us how things are going work, you are mostly inclined
to wander and make your won mistakes in order to understand the real context of
things, sometimes it's wise to take good advice so, but the real learning occurs
through practice and this is equal in almost all subjects.
I was recently thinking, precisely in vegans, and you will have to excuse myself
, but if our specie has been more advanced than others, it has become possible b
ecause we are omnivores, if we would only consume only plant products, it is ver
y possible it could end in a negative transgenerational result, and the impact w
ould be much worse than having to learn to consume animal products with consciou
snes. Many times we do not take into account because it is a recent theme in the
scientific community, and it is called epigenetics, and thereby we can say that
DNA is not destiny, it will be modified and altered according to your lifestyle
and what you consume or not, I also have no doubt that even your genes are affe
cted by the way that you are raised.
To be more specific, first, regarding the impact veganism may have on the DNA, I
have hypothesized it, because I simply do not have the basis to explain it, nor
do I have any idea at present if there is a valid study to confirm it, but yet
again, regarding the second point in the previous paragraph, there is no doubt i
n my mind that its the way it works, and that's the reason why I'm talking about
it, so although I touch certain delicate themes that could lead people to either
dislike or hate me for just mentioning, I have done it so as an invitation to e
xplore and learn more about the issues that we are involved with, aside the fact
that feedback is very important to me, because it plays a vital role in the way
we enrich ourselves as well as the subject/theme itself.
Anyhow, today is Wednesday, and I feel grateful to have something to think about
and analyze.

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