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JB Williams – The Truth About The Progressives – aka Marxists

The Truth About Progressives - aka Marxists

The Health Care debate is NOT over health care, it's all about FREEDOM versus unbridled
federal power

By JB Williams, Tuesday, March 16, 2010

To fully understand the progressive movement and their current rush to grab one-sixth of the
US economy via unconstitutional federal health care mandates, one must follow the trail that
leads from the Maoist Movement of the 60s that started in Berkley California (1), and the
Marxist Movement that has culminated in the joint venture between the Communist Party
USA (2) and Socialist Party USA (3), today’s Democratic Socialists of America (4).

You do not have to believe what I tell you in this column. But if you study the sources linked
in this column, no reasonable mind can come to any other conclusion. Information is power.
If most Americans were aware of all that is presented in this column, they would know exactly
what to do to save their Constitutional Republic, while they still can.

Today’s US Congress is controlled by two Democratic Socialists of America (DSAUSA)

organizations, the Congressional Black Caucus (5) and the Congressional
Progressive Caucus (6).

The DSAUSA explains it very clearly in their publication, “What is Democratic Socialism” (7)

“We are not a separate party. Like our friends and allies in the feminist, labor,
civil rights, religious, and community organizing movements, many of us have
been active in the Democratic Party. We work with those movements to
strengthen the party’s left wing, represented by the Congressional Progressive

They explain their primary methods as well—in the spirit of Joseph Stalin—“Education is a
weapon whose effects depend on who holds it in his hands and at whom it is aimed.”

“Since the Civil Rights movement of the 1950s, young people have played a
critical role in American politics. They have been a tremendous force for both
political and cultural change in this country: in limiting the US’s options in the
war in Vietnam, in forcing corporations to divest from the racist South African
regime, in reforming universities, and in bringing issues of sexual orientation
and gender discrimination to public attention. Though none of these struggles
were fought by young people alone, they all featured youth as leaders in multi-
generational progressive coalitions. Young people are needed in today’s
struggles as well: for universal health care and stronger unions, against
welfare cuts and predatory multinational corporations.”

Vladimir Lenin explained why the political left always targets young minds in the pursuit of
the leftist agenda, - “Give me four years to teach the children and the seed I have sown will
never be uprooted.”

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And so it is in America today. What our children understand to be “progressive,” the older
generations know to be socialism, communism, Marxism and most accurately,
totalitarianism. Young people have been taught to call it “social justice,” the central
governments power to control individual outcomes regardless of individual productivity, or as
Karl Marx put it, - “to take from each according to his abilities, and give to each according to
his needs.” This is the fundamental basis of Marxism, “social justice” and today’s progressive

From March 19 - 21, 2010, like-minded leftist organizations (8) from all over the world
will hold their annual conference at Pace University in New York City. From the Left Forum
About Us (9) page—“Each spring Left Forum convenes the largest gathering in North
America of the US and international Left. Continuing a tradition begun in the 1960s, we
bring together intellectuals and organizers to share perspectives, strategies, experience and

This year’s Left Forum event is titled - Rekindling the Radical Imagination and it
opens with grave concerns about the movement, which explains the desperation in
progressive leaders like Obama, Pelosi and Reid, as they risk all to advance a health care bill
that hasn’t even been written yet—

“The ongoing capitalist crisis generated high hopes that the parties and social
movements of the Left, both in the U.S. and elsewhere in the world, would be re-
energized. So far this has not happened. The Left remains fractured and
confused, drifting away from its labor base, while the Right seems to have
emerged as the stronger or at least the more strident force.”

The leftist Obama Administration is under heavy fire from those who put him in power, the
international left.

Constitutional conservatives opposed Obammunism in 2008 are even more opposed in 2010.
Moderates who fell for Obama’s centrist sounding campaign have since awakened, and turned
against him. But his record low approval rating and that of the DSAUSA led congress, dips
well below the mark of the constitutional American majority.

Their low approval ratings include increasing anger from hardcore leftists who expected
Obama to ram through their agenda by any means necessary, even if 95% of Americans stood

Today’s Democrat Party is NOT run by Democrats, or even Liberals. It is run by Democratic
Socialists, aka progressives.

Following the advice of Karl Marx who said, “Democracy is the road to socialism.”—
Progressives tricked Americans into voting socialists into power, and every time someone
challenges their socialist agenda, they proclaim, “the election is over, we won!”

In other words, the 2008 election gives them the right to run roughshod over the vast
majority of Americans, because they won the election fair and square, and as Democrats, they
believe in the very ideology that Thomas Jefferson warned against—“A democracy is nothing

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more than mob rule, where fifty-one percent of the people may take away the rights of the
other forty-nine.”

On this basis, progressives (aka Marxists) believe that they were elected to power for the
purpose of ushering in global socialism and they couldn’t care less how many Americans
stand opposed. They won the election and that’s that!

As long as Americans think they are debating with Democrats or liberals, they are no match
for the international socialist juggernaut they are up against.

In a recent column I asked, - “Is the Constitution a Partisan Document?” (10)

Over the years, I have known many republicans, democrats and independents that love and
revere the US Constitution, our Bill of Rights and the Declaration of Independence. But today,
these ideas are under attack from within the halls of our own government and that’s what the
anger at town hall meetings is all about. That’s what the 912 and Tea Party movements are

And, the fight for the future of freedom rests in the vote over nationalized health care about to
be rammed down every American throat this week.

The Health Care debate is NOT over health care, it’s all about FREEDOM versus unbridled
federal power.

Every sane American knows that there are things that can and should be done to improve
health care in America. But we also know that handing health care over to the very people
who have bankrupted every federal program under the sun is beyond insane.

The debate isn’t over health care. It’s over the federal government’s need to confiscate one-
sixth of the US economy and gain control over life and death in one fast sweep.

If the American people fail to stand together and defeat this one government grab, they will
have doomed themselves to a life of servitude for generations to come.

These are NOT your grandparents’ Democrats. Know thy enemy, or suffer defeat… Stand now
or be forever silent! (11)


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JB Williams is a business man, a husband, a father, and a writer. A no nonsense

commentator on American politics, American history, and American philosophy. He is
published nationwide and in many countries around the world. JB Williams’ website is:

JB Williams can be reached at:


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