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The Individual and Superstructure Theory

The Individual and Superstructure Theory is my own creation, and all wor
k belongs to me. This theory that I formulated revolves around individuality and
how the human species becomes a collective identity, effectively sharing in eac
h others lives. THis ultimately leads to a collective conformist superstructure,
created in its entirety by the human populace, unwillingly.
The Superstructure is the best way to imagine the collective human ident
ity. Imagine a computer network with individual computers connected by a network
. This network, which cannot be seen to the naked eye, unites all of the the ind
ividual computers together, forming one identity. In the same way, a superstruct
ure is a huge network of individual people connected together. It is best to ima
gine a superstructure as a globe-like shape, with no apparent end to the network
The network is made in its entirety by computers which are 99% alike. In
the same way, the superstructure is created by people who are alike, with most
people being Conformists (people who have no apparent will). These conformists h
ave no apparent desire to escape the general superstructure. If we apply this th
eory to science-fiction movie The Matrix, we can generalize that the people insi
de of the matrix were conformists, not willing to escape. Neo and other agents w
ho wished to escape the superstructure forced onto them found a way to escape by
finding a way out of the general superstructure.
In this conformist superstructure, individuals are not allowed to take f
orm. Though the people of the United States come to value Democracy (freedom and
rights), they live in a conformist society. Mostly everyone wears clothes, live
s the same lifestyle, and goes to work. In this conformist superstructure, indiv
idualism is not allowed. Thus, any form of democracy or communism is destined to
fail because the Human wants, unwillingly or willingly, to be the same and diff
erent at the same time. This is a important part of understanding the general su
perstructure and its contents.
Now, to put it in context, the main purpose of this theory is to formula
te and theorize on how revolutionaries come to be. Human history has been witnes
s to revolutionaries and dictators and other various leaders who lead the human
populace. In the individual superstructure, things can protrude outward from the
general superstructure form. Imagine a globe shape (like the Earth) with a skys
craper protruding out. In the same way, leaders are like skyscrapers who protrud
e out of the globe like shape, or superstructure.
When Hitler and other leaders of the 20th century led their respective c
ountries into a new era, they escaped the superstructure. They allowed conformis
ts to escape their hold or binding with the superstructure, and thus, those conf
ormists/ followers of the respective leader effectively escaped. However, all of
the Revolutionaries failed. Though all revolutionaries are not destined to fail
, it has been apparent through World History that most of them do, because other
s force them too. If the other countries of the world did not oppose Hitler, he
would have succeeded. Thus, we come upon the conclusion that the superstructure
does not allow others to escape; humans do not allow other humans to become diff
Though I have talked about the superstructure and how people make up tha
t low-intelligence, super-conformist superstructure, that is not the main point
of argument. The main issue is how people can manipulate the superstructure. Fic
tion has done wonders in showing the human society what dictators are destined f
or. In the novel V for Vendetta, a totalitarian government is opposed by a prota
gonist. This totalitarian government has manipulated the superstructure to come
into power. Should one wish to come into power, it would be as simple as Superst
ructure (or the Human Population) manipulation, which most politicians have been
doing (George Bush's "supposed" election. That, however, is subject to future r

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