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See also: Setting Personal Goals

Self-motivation is, in its simplest form, the force that drives you to
do things.
Self-motivation is far from being a simple topic; there are many
books, webpages and articles that attempt to explain selfmotivation and some top academics have dedicated their lifes
work to trying to understand, model and develop motivation

Self-motivation is a key life skill and something that everybody interested in

personal development should think carefully about. It is also a key part of
emotional intelligence, one of the three areas of personal skills that are integral
to the concept.

What is Motivation?

Motivation is what pushes us to achieve our goals, feel more

fulfilled and improve overall quality of life.

Daniel Goleman, the author of several seminal books on Emotional Intelligence,

identified four elements that make up motivation:
Personal drive to achieve, the desire to improve or to meet certain standards;
Commitment to personal or organisational goals;

Initiative, which he defined as readiness to act on opportunities; and

Optimism, the ability to keep going and pursue goals in the face of setbacks.

There are many advantages to self-motivation. People who are self-motivated, for example, tend
to be more organised, have good time management skills and more self-esteem and

Understanding and developing your self-motivation can help you to take control
of many other aspects of your life.

What is Your Motive?

Fundamental to self-motivation is understanding what motivates you to do


This may sound straightforward but sometimes your motivation is hidden from your
consciousness your own personal hidden agenda. Your motivation may well change from hourto-hour, day-to-day and through life. As this happens your needs, wants and goals change and

There are two main types of motivation: intrinsic

and extrinsic motivation.
In their simplest form you can think about these two types
of motivation as:
Intrinsic = love, because we want to.

Extrinsic = money, because we have to.

A more detailed definition is:

Intrinsic: To perform an action or task based on the

expected or perceived satisfaction of performing the action
or task. Intrinsic motivators include having fun, being
interested and personal challenge.
Extrinsic: To perform an action or task in order to attain
some sort of reward, including money, power and good
marks or grades.

Different people are motivated by different things and at

different times in their lives. The same task may have more

intrinsic motivators at certain times and more extrinsic

motivators at others, most tasks have a combination of the
two types of motivation.


John works because he has to pay his mortgage and feed himself and his
family.He gets no satisfaction from his job and there is no chance of
promotion.Johns motivators are purely extrinsic.
Sally works because she loves what she does, she gets enormous
satisfaction and self-fulfilment from her work. Sally has enough money
put away that she does not need to work, she owns her house outright
and can afford to buy what she wants when she wants it. Sallys
motivators are purely intrinsic.

Clearly Sally and John are at different ends of the spectrum when it comes to selfmotivation.Most people, however, fall somewhere in the middle.

Most people do have to work in order to earn money, but at the same time they also find
their day-to-day work life rewarding or satisfying in other intrinsic ways - job satisfaction
and the chance to socialise with colleagues, for example.
See our page: Work-Life Balance for more on this.

We all have a tendency to work better when we love what we are


Its easier to get out of bed in the morning, we are happier in our work, and
happier in general.

Research shows that this is particularly important when were under stress. Its much easier to
cope with stress and long hours if we generally enjoy the work.

When thinking about what motivates you to perform a certain task, think about both intrinsic and
extrinsic motivators if you have trouble getting motivated to perform specific tasks it may be
useful to write them down and list the motivators for each.

The Importance of Obligation

What about if a task has neither intrinsic nor extrinsic motivators?

The obvious conclusion is that we are unlikely to do it, because it will be pointless.

We all know it doesnt always work like that. There is a further issue: feelings of obligation.

Obligation motivators are not necessarily strictly intrinsic or extrinsic but can still be very
powerful.Obligation comes from our personal ethics and sense of duty, what is right and what is

You may feel obliged to go to a party because you were invited by somebody you know there
will be no obvious extrinsic or intrinsic benefit to you attending but you may worry if you dont
go. You are more likely to enjoy the party you feel obliged to attend if you go with a positive and
open attitude this way you have also added an intrinsic motivator, fun and enjoyment.

Skills Involved in Self-Motivation

There are a number of skills involved in self-motivation.

These include:

Setting high but realistic goals.

For more about this, see our page on Setting Personal Goals.
Taking the right level of risk.

See our page on Risk Management for more about this.

Seeking constant feedback to work out how to improve.

For more, see our pages on Giving and Receiving Feedback and Dealing with Criticism.

Being committed to personal or organisational goals and going the extra mile to
achieve them.
See our pages on Setting Personal Goals and Effective Team-Working for more.

Actively seeking out opportunities and seizing them when they occur.

You may be interested in reading our pages on Courage and also on Personal Empowerment.
Being able to deal with setbacks and continue to pursue goals despite obstacles.
See our page on Resilience for more.

Those who are motivated also find it much easier to motivate others. This
can be particularly important in leadership roles.
See our page on Motivation Skills for more.

Keep Motivated

Finally, it is important to keep track of what you want to achieve and stay
motivated to do so. To keep your motivation levels up try to:

Learn and Acquire Knowledge

Read, study and talk to people knowledge and information are key for feeding your mind and
keeping you curious and motivated. See our pages What is Learning?, Lifelong Learning and
our section: Study Skills for some tips on how to make your learning more effective.

Keep the Company of Enthusiastic People

Try to avoid negative people and seek out positive, well-motivated people.It is a lot easier to be
motivated if the people around you are.

Keep Positive

Keep a positive attitude, see problems and set-backs as learning opportunities. For more about
this, see our pages on Mindsets and Positive Thinking.

Know Your Strengths and Weaknesses

Work on ironing out your weaknesses and building on your strengths.

Do It

Try not to procrastinate, assess the risks but keep working towards your goals. See our pages
Time Management and Minimising Distractions for more.

Get Help and Help Others

Dont be afraid to ask other for help and dont hold back if you can help them. Seeing other
people succeed will help to motivate you to do the same.

Continue to:

Setting Personal Goals

Motivation Skills - How to Motivate Others

Creating a Motivational Environment
See also:

Motivation Skills for Teachers

Organising Skills | Action Planning

Reflective Practice | Avoiding Stress

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