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The Importance of Navratri and Gayatri Sadhana during Navratri ( Nav Durga)

1. The Importance of Navratri & The worship of Gayatri during Nav Durga (Navratr
i)- Why and How ?
2. The significance of Navratri or Nav Durga
Nav Durga is a festival of strength?
: Symbolizing the building of bodily physical strength and inner (spiritual str
ength). As we know there are three seasons in the year. Two seasons are primary
( Summer and Winter).
The period when one season ends and another begins is cele
brated as Navratri. There are two main Navratri?s and these are celebrated to ma
rk the arrival of summer and winter. Ashwin and Chaitra Navratri. From the Book
Super Science Of Gayatri by Ved Murti Acharya Shriram Sharma
3. Why pray during Navratri? Build Shakti
The meeting of two time periods
is alwa
ys a time for enthusiasm and festivity . For e.g. : The meeting of two friends,
the meeting of dreams with success, the meeting of the old year with the new thes
e events are all marked with celebrations , hope and festivity ..
During a change
in seasons cosmic activity/ Prana Shakti in the Universe is at the highest. Pray
ers and worship at this time allows us to tap into this increased cosmic energy
/ Prana, with greater ease than at other times.
Prayers and worship as we know a
re ways to increase the Prana or cosmic energy in our individual selves. A way t
o build inner strength or SHAKTI. Hence we are encouraged to pray and lead disci
plined balanced lives during Navratri. From the Book Super Science Of Gayatri by
Ved Murti Acharya Shriram Sharma
4. Why are prayers are accompanied by a Balanced Fast..
Changes in season bring
with them -the onset of cough, colds, flu and fever. This is a natural self puri
fication process where the human body is adjusting towards the demands of a new
Limited Fasting and a balanced diet helps the body to cleanse itself of
toxins, get rid of the excesses of the past , rebuild and repair itself for the
oncoming season. So a balanced disciplined diet and balanced Fasting purifies th
e body and regular disciplined Prayers- Jap and Dhyaan serve the purpose of ment
al purification ! From the Book
Super Science Of Gayatri by Ved Murti Acharya Shr
iram Sharma
5. The importance of Gayatri worship during Navratri.. (inner strength , knowled
ge , spiritual energy) The festival of Navratri is a festival of Strength( Shakt
i). Gayatri is known as Adishakti?- The Supreme primordial power/ energy. Durga,
Maha lakshmi, Maha kali, Sarswati are different forms of this Adishakti?. The wor
ship of Gayatri therefore is the ultimate worship of this Supreme Primordial Pow
er. Gayatri is also known as Vedmata
the origin of Knowledge and righteous wisdo
m. Gayatri worship therefore gives us three fold benefits : a)Inner strength b)
Builds Knowledge and generates c)tremendous Prana in the body. From the Book
er Science Of Gayatri by Ved Murti Acharya Shriram Sharma
6. The significance of Gayatri worship contd.. The Gayatri Mantra is the only Mant
ra which when chanted links all the chakras of the body. No other Mantra does th
at . This results in the enhancement of Supreme Cosmic energy or Prana in the bo
dy . Gayatri - Righteous Wisdom
belongs to all . The chanting of this mantra is
above caste, religion , faith and nationality. Anyone can chant it.
The chanting
of this Mantra is known to cause unique vibrations in the atmosphere around us
that are beneficial for the promotion of well being and peace in this world.
7. Procedure for Gayatri Worship during Nav Durga The Sadhana or worship is best
done during Brahma Muhurta- early morning . Prior cleansing of the body by way
of a bath, clean fresh clothes is required.
24,000 Japas of the Gayatri Mantra u
sing a rosary are to be performed. This translates to 27 Malas of daily Jap
usually taken 2 to 2.5 hours.
Havan or Yagya of One Mala Gayatri Jap ( 108 time
s) to be performed on the last day.
Benefits The above Sadhana proves to be bene
ficial for eliminating obstacles, fulfilling desires and in developing inner str
ength and spiritual power. From the Book Super Science Of Gayatri by Ved Murti Ac
harya Shriram Sharma
8. Alternative ways of doing Gayatri Sadhana Laghu Mantra Sadhana
This can be do
ne by chanting just the first part of the mantra Om Bhoor Bhuvah Svah . This has
to be done in the manner prescribed in the last slide. OR
Mantra Lekhan Sadhana
2700 Gayatri Mantras to be written everyday in a dedicated Notebook. Over 9 days
this translates to writing 24000 mantras. For other ways of doing Sadhana please

refer to the Book : Super Science of Gayatri

9. Source and credits
From the marvelous Book
Shriram Sharma . Original Hindi Text : GAYATRI MAHAVIGYAAN & GAYATRI KI DAINIK
visit Guiding Thoughts. OR Please do get a copy of these Books from the nearest G
AYATRI PARIWAR Book centre. They are truly LIFE TRANSFORMING BOOKS with detailed
SOLUTIONS to Life s many problems. This presentation was by Guidingthoughts.blogs

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