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Trends and Strategic Planning: Implications for the Board

Until recently, hospital boards would review environmental trends percent ofthe quality measures; Asians
receive worse care on 21 percent ofthe
once or twice a year—either as a kickotlto the hospital's strategic measures; and Hispanics receive woree
planning process or as one of many presentations at the annual care on more than half of the measures.
Access to care for these populations
leadership retreat. Today, however, the results of environmental showed similar results.
scanning activities are becoming a regular agenda item at more The number of Americans with one or
more chronic health care conditions also is
and more board meetings. expected to increase by 37 percent
The need for constant attention to the Readiness Assessment for boards and between 2000 and 2030 according to the
changing environment is not surprising. hospital leaders to gauge whether their Environmental Assessment—and not just
As care delivery becomes increasingly organizations are behind, in line with, or among the growing number of Baby
complex and challenging, the range and ahead ofthe curve in their understanding Boomers, but across populations of all
depth of issues facing hospitals and their of and responses to environmental change. ages, races and economic means.
boards are staggering. Keeping abreast of A contributing factor to this increase is
demographic and consumer trends, the growing rate of obesity. The AHA's
économie and financial issues, advances
DEMOGRAPHIC AND CONSUMER 2009 Environmental Scan reports that
in infonnation and medical technology,
ISSUES . obesity costs U.S. businesses $13 billion
relationships between hospitals, each year. According to a study by the
employees and physicians, insurance and CHANGrNG DEMOGRAPHICS and Centers for Disease Control and
coverage issues, and ever-present consumer behavior are now having a Prevention (CDC), 66 percent of
concems about quality of care and patient profound effect on hospitals. All Americans are now classified as
safety are daunting, to say the least. indications are that America is getting overweight or obese.
Having a working knowledge of these older, more racially and ethnically diverse, Deaths caused by poor diet and
issues is important for effective and more chronically ill. physical inactivity liavc increased by 33
governance. By helping hospital leaders Relative to diversity, the American percent over the past decade as well. Self-
separate key environmental issues that Hospital Association's 2008 Environ- management plans can help patients take
will have a significant impact on the mental Assessment reports that, in 2004. greater control over chronic conditions.
organization's strategies and goals from about one-third of adults and 40 percent However, only about 60 percent of
those that are less likely to have a major of children in the country were identified chronically ill adults reported having these
impact, the board can focus on the high- as black, Hispanic, Asian, American plans in 2008.
leverage issues and trends most likely to Indian or Alaska Native. The Assessment
have significant near- and long-term also reported that hospitals have not
implications for their health care delivered the same standard of care to Trustee Workbook is
organization's success. -A these populations as they have to whites. made possible through the
generous support of
This workbook discusses the impact A 2005 study of 46 quality measures
that critical demographic and market conducted by the Agency for Healthcare
Research and Quality showed that blacks,
forces make on tbe organization and
suggests steps boards can take to deal Alaska Natives and American Indians
with those forces. It also includes a receive worse care than whites on 40

Nov»mber/Deceinber 2008 Trustee
Ability to pay for care is also pilot program ofthe Physician Quality care decreased from 34.1 percent to 30.4
tightening. Nationally, the uninsured and Reporting Initiative (PQRI) is the first percent.
underinsured population now exceeds 45 step toward requiring perfomiancc data During the same timeframe. money
million, with the sheer size of this group about physician performance submitted by spent on prescription dmgs almost
affecting the hottom lines of hospitais well physician practices for reimbursement. As doubled from 5.6 percent to 10 percent,
beyond those designated as "safety net" part of this pilot, govemment payers are according to a 2006 report by the Kaiser
institutions. About 50 percent of middle- funding providers that deliver cost- Family Foundation.
income families report serious difficulty effective, quality care based on the use of Another trend for boards and hospital
paying for health care and insurance., as tools such as electronie prescribing leaders to consider is consolidation of
health insurance premiums for employer- technology. payers, physicians and hospitals within
sponsored insurance have risen more than Commercial payers also have multiple each of their groups that will continue to
80 percent since 2000. A January 2007 pay-for-performance (P4P) programs affect selected markets, as they will be
report from the Commonwealth Fund aimed at improving both process and influenced primarily by the "dominant
indicates that high premiums and out-of- clinical outcomes as the basis for consolidator" in that market. For example,
pocket health care costs are Americans' reimbuniement. Related to these some markets wiii be heaviiy infiuenced
top health care concern. initiatives, proposals for a Centers for by large hospitais. such as Carilion Ciinic
Not only are Americans sicker and less Medicare & Medicaid Services' (CMS) in Virginia; by iarge physician groups,
able to pay for care and treatment., they are requirement that electronic medical such as the Summit Medicai Group in
also requiring more from iheir health care records be a condition for reimbursement central New Jersey; or by iarge payers,
experience. Baby Boomers as well as are being considered by regulators as a such as Anthem.
younger patients are demanding more and key tool to increase health care efficiency
The impact of these consolidations can
more care with a consumer-based focus. and measure clinical cost-effectiveness.
either be oppressive or empowering to a
These patients want to be involved in Several markets also are experiencing a provider organization. They can contribute
decisions about their treatment and have building boom, with hospitals rapidly to increased rationalization ofthe care
the latest health infonnation at their expanding both inpatient and outpatient delivery process and wiil often lead to a
fmgertips—and they want to share and capaeity to meet increasing patient reshaping of reimbursement incentives.
discuss that information with their care demand. At the same time, competition Whatever the type of consolidation, there
providers. between physicians and hospitals to take is increasing pressure for physicians to
They constitute a growing group of advantage of this growing demand is align with either large groups and/or
well-informed consumers seeking a becoming more intense. hospitals as a way to survive, if not
"partnership" with their primary care Studies also show that health eare prosper.
physicians, who they view more as delivery and disease management will Howçver, even with consolidation,
"managers" ofthe care experience. The likely move beyond hospital inpatient and independent community physicians will
care experiences these consumers seek even outpatient settings. Research not disappear entireiy in part, because of
must be easy, accessible and convenient., condueted by the National Center for the nature of particular markets and
of high quality, safe and participatory. Heaithcare Leadership describes because some physicians wili continue to
characteristics of a not-too-distant health value independence more than income.
care future that supports this trend, such as: Changing hospitai-physician
• The emergence of a global health reiationships and physician supply are also
care system focused on Wellness and fostering development of a new, more
SEVERAL MARKET FORCES are preventive care; integrated medical staff model. Reframing
continuing to create a fmancial squeeze • The transition of treatment from the traditional relationship between
for both hospitals and physicians, disease management to prevention, or hospitais and physicians wili become
particularly primary care physicians. minimizing the impaet of disease rather increasingly important as the number of
The growth of public payment than just managing it at existing levels; primary care physicians continues to
programs, such as Medicare and Medicaid, • More Americans receiving health shrink and as physicians who vaiue the
coupled with consolidation among health care from specialized centers for chronic more predictable iifestyle associated with
insurers has concentrated market power disease; and employment join larger institutions and
among fewer, more powerful payers able • Diagnostic processes enabled by group practices rather than pursuing
to put pressure on providers to invest in electronic data collection and monitoring independent practice.
infonnation technology needed to respond devices that patients can use at home. The movement toward more employed
to their changing requirements. It is also These trends, along with the increased physicians—in both primary eare and
clear that, eventually, the govemment will use of Pharmaceuticals that are taking a specialty medicine—wili be supported by
no longer be able to pay for health care significant share ofthe health care dollar, tight affiiiation agreements between
under the current reimbursement system. are already shining the profile of national hospitais and independent physieían
As a result, a new era of value-based health care spending: From 1994 to 2004, groups, and a dependence, but with more
reimbursement is emerging. Medicare's the proportion of spending on hospital connectivity, between hospitais and

Tiastee Noveraber/Oecetnber 2008

community physicians based on meeting
mutual needs to provide accessible, high-
quality patient care and service.
The new medical stafTmodel able to Boards can help their hospitals focus on key Issues and trends and their implications
fulfill these objectives in a growing for the organization's future by:
ambulatory-centric environment will have • Deveioping the organization's vision/mission. Boards should participate In
three primary attributes: heiplng determine where the hospitai wants to position itseif in relation to the issues
" True partnerships between facilities, and trends highiighted in the main text of this workbook. For example, shouid the
community physicians—whether hospitai become a dominant player in a iocai or regional market or a center of
employed or affiliated—payers and exceiience with nationai or globai reach? Answers to questions iike these are
patients to help grow the medical enterprise essential because they will often dictate very different strategic priorities and goals.
for the benefit of the entire network; • Maintaining an ongoing environmental scanning process. This process should
• Agility to respond quickly to Involve outside resources that can provide fresh perspectives, share what is working
changing market requirements and in other markets, help formulate different approaches to new challenges, and
opportunities, coupled with flexibility to provoke out-of the-box thinking. Results should be discussed at board-of-directors
adapt to unique local market conditions; education sessions and retreats and not only should inform the strategic planning
• Connectivity across the delivery process overali, but also should help inform board committee work to assess
system to provide true care coordination implications and develop recommendations for addressing them that can be shared
and convenience, coupled with the ability with the fuli board.
to demonstrate value and outcomes to all " Assessing organizational readiness. How prepared is your health care
key stakeholders. organization to address important environmental issues and trends? Use the
The need for technology to support attached Readiness Assessment as a springtmard for discussion among board
hospitals in responding to environmental members and other leaders about where your organization stands.
change has never been greater. More than • Maintaining a consumer connection. Boards shouid ensure that their
50 percent of hospital respondents to a organizations use a variety of mechanisms to stay close to consumers, such as
recent Healthcare Information satisfaction surveys, patient advocates and "mystery shoppers" who can help
Management Systems Society (HIMSS) evaluate the patient care experience objectively.
Annual Leadership Survey said that • Exploring options as part of the decision-making process. Boards should ensure
implementing technology to decrease that their hospitals have evaluated altemative strategies to reach their goals and
medical erTors and improve patient safety have adequateiy considered the risks and rewards of each before committing to a
was their top priority. course of action.
However, progress in bringing • Seeking information and answers. One of the most important things a board
technology online is slow. Technology can do is to resist accepting all information at face vaiue. Boards have an obligation
implementation also is costly, and benefits to ask management probing questions about proposais they are asked to evaluate
accrue primarily to patients and payers and ensure that adequate information and analysis are brought to bear on each
rather than to hospitals. strategic issue confronting the organization.
While experts estimate that only about • Setting strategic priorities. Boards shouid guide selection and priorltlzatlon of
10 percent of U.S. hospitals use health key strategies the hospital or system intends to pursue over the next three to five
information systems that include years and beyond.
electronic health records and physician • Monitoring and measuring performance. Establishing measures, monitoring
order-entry functions, the good news is performance against them and evaluating the organization s progress in meeting
that electronic medical record use in strategic goals are all part of performance oversight, a set of activities and skills
ambulatory care settings is being adopted that is coming to be viewed as a key board competency.
faster than anticipated.
However, their adoption will create increased hospital-physician gluing, working to chart the future course for their
challenges and opportunities. These suggesting that because of increased hospitals. Clearly, the rise of informed
include: the need to plan for and loyalty from common data sharing and health care consumers willing to look
negotiate interoperability—ease of control, new and innovative ways to beyond their community hospital to
communication and data transfer— achieve more cost-effective, higher identify providers who can best meet their
between vendor systems and databases at quality care will be developed. needs suggests that the global market of
the delivery system level; and the the future is becoming a reality.
opportunity to offer an increasingly Those seeking a more consumer-
discriminating patient a seamless and IMPLICATIONS FOR
focused health care experience will favor
coordinated health care experience. GOVERNANCE physicians and facilities that can address
Hospitals coordinating care with their needs in a coordinated, efficient and
physicians through shared use of an THESE ISSUES AND trends have several inclusive manner. An accessible,
electronic medical record will lead to implications for boards and other leaders convenient, high-quality patient care

November/Deeembar 2008 Trustée

experience with documented outcomes is RESPONDING TO ENVIRONMENTAL CHANGE: HOSPITAL
increasingly the standard that patients and READINESS ASSESSMENT
payers will require, whether or not
providers are legally integrated.
Organizations that leam to manage How equipped Is your health care organization to identify and address environmental
clinical experience data also will be the challenges? To gauge your organization's readiness, have board memtwrs and key
long-term winners. As these data become executive leaders separately answer the foilowing questions and score their
Increasingly available to the public, all responses using the scale provided. Then have both groups meet, share and discuss
providers should make their clinical their responses and the impiications for action.
outcomes and cost-effectiveness efforts YES NO
transparent. Hospitals that "map" the 1. Do we have a process, in addition to the annual ieadership
planned use of data (see chart) will be retreat, for routineiy looking beyond the day-tOKlay to evaluate the big
better positioned to manage the clinical picture that influences and helps define how our organization operates? D D
experience. 2. Do we have mechanisms to keep us in touch with the needs and
Winners in the emerging medical expectations of our consumers, inciuding patients, employers, payers
marketplace will broaden their concept of and physicians? D
the market and will think more often in 3. Have we committed to a trusting relationship with our physicians
terms of ambulatory care. based on Joint pianning processes, transparency and confidentiailty, a
Maintaining financial viability requires common market strategy, and aiigned incentives?
4. Are we leading the market in physician empioyment, ieasing
a n
hospitals to shift treatment into lower-
cost, ambulatory settings. Attracting and affiliation, and/or network development and providing tangible support
maintaining a strong community and opportunities to all of our physicians—i.e.. the medical staff model
physician network also will be critical to of the future? D D
this ambulatory focus. 5. Are we reaching out into the market and providing more services
Forging stronger connections, and points of access, and a patient-friendiy referral process? D D
especially with primary care physicians 6. Are we leading the market in adopting an integrated
and key specialists, depends on hospitals (Inpatient/ambulatory) electronic medicai record (EMR), and do we
taking both a more active role in have a road map for how we are going to leverage data and
supporting and/or creating employment Information? D D
alternatives for a new generation of 7. Do we provide continuity of care and a predictable patient
physicians with ditTerent interests and experience? D D
priorities and engaging independent 8. Are we actively developing proposals for "value-based
physicians in ways that meet mutual needs reimbursement" to take to our payers and employers? D D
and goals—all with aligned incentives. T 9. Have we developed an ambulatory strategy based on a foundation
of market-supporting initiatives such as facility Joint ventures,
John H. (Hank) Duffy is the founder physician recruitment/development, service-line
and president oftheJHD Group, an development/outsourcing, gain sharing, participating bond
Addison. Texas-based consulting firm transactions, management services organization/practice management
that assists large physician organiza- services, and EMR Stark safe harbor investments? D D
tions to improve their market position, 10. Do we have dedicated ambulatory care leadership and are we
operations and financial results. He can demonstrating ambuiatory care knowledge in the marketplace? D D
be reached at
Rating scale: Tabúlale (he nitmher of times you answered yes to the questions and compare
Reprint requests for 100 or more copies your total with the following scale: I to 2-y^ou are in trouble; 3 to 5—you have a foundation
should be addressed to: for effectively addressing environmental challenges but need more development: 6 lo H—you
Margaret Jablonski (312) 893-6890 can move forward with confidence: 9 to 10—you have achieved star/best practice status.

CONCLUSION While complexity and challenge are accepted as a matter of course in leading
and governing health care organizations, effective leaders help their organizations see the forest as
well as the trees. By helping their hospitals zero in on the key issues and trends likely to have the
greatest impact on performance and success and ensuring mechanisms are in place to address
them, boards can provide the clarity, direction and focus that are the hallmarks of good ,
govemanee. - ' _ ' . '
Tiustee November/December 2008

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