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The Greatest Achievement of Ummayad Caliphate

Arriza Bagus Indra Herdiawan

Department of Administration Science, University of Indonesia
Depok, Indonesia 16424
Tel: +628-577-799-2792 E-mail:
Aditya Maulana Mugiraharjo
Departement of Administration Science, University Of Indonesia
Depok, Indonesia 16424
Tel: +6285694817129 Email:
One of the Caliphate in Islam after The Khulafaurrasyidin was Ummayad Caliphate. Ummayad
Caliphate was tha first caliphate and one of the greatest Caliphate in Islamic Government. This
article explains you about the achievements that reached by Ummayad Caliphate, the administration,
Conquest,finance, and dakwah. The data of this article from history literatures, either online or
printed and either prime and secondary source.Recently, we can see their achievements.Ummayad
conquest all over mediteranian world and govern a half of the world so that other next Caliphate
could transform all of science in the region where Ummayad was conquest to make Islamic
civilization . Kanonization of Hadis also give a role to ease abbasid empire to develop Islamic
civilaztion and to make a justify law to run the government administration. Last, islamic
administration managed finance to maintain spending which had to build Islamic Society.
Keywords : Ummayyad Caliphate, Achievements, Islamic Civilzation, dakwa

1. Background
Umayyad Caliphate was a government that was formed from series of events of first
civil war in Islam. Ummayad Caliphate lead Arabs and Persians during the period of time
that was not too long for a period of government in the Islamic Caliphate. Ummayads name
is derived from Ummayah bin Khalaf 1, who was also the grandfather of the first Caliph of
Ummayad, namely Muawiyah bin Abi Sufyan.
Ummayads was the first caliphate Caliphate of Islamic political system and
government that resembles the formed of a modern state. However, those Caliphates is only
little attention from historians and other academics to conduct research related to one of the
largest Islamic Caliphate. Most of research in Ummayad caliphate focus on negative aspect of

1. See Hitti, Philip K. History Of The Arabs:Tenth Edition. Macmillan Press: London.
Pp. 184. 1974

their government2. Historians or Islamic Scholars just observed the period of Ummayads
leadership as one of the worst period in the history of Islam because of the beginning of the
disintegration in the Islamic society or is called ummah.
Ummayads Caliphate period known as the inquisition conducted by the leader of the
Shia sect. In addition, this period was also known for two major policy -in a negative meanthat is offensive action from Yazid bin Muawiyah to rebellion or resistance was made by
Abdullah bin Zubair in Makkah, Forbidden City3. This event tarnished the sanctity of Muslim
holy sites of bloodshed since The Hudaibiyah Agreement. The second event was a massacre
committed by Yazid ibn Mu'awaiyah to the grandson of Muhammad, Hasan ibn Ali ibn Abi
Tholib, in Karbala-until now commemorated by Shia sect as Karbala Day-.
Western academics more interested in examining the Golden Period of Islamic
civilization during the Abbasid dynasty or Ummayads Dynastyin Andalusia because of their
influence on the European Rennaisance century at 14 B.C4 Western historians didnt do
research related to achievement of Ummayads Dynasty. Whereas Ummayads Caliphate also
had great achievements -like Caliphate who constitute the foundations of public
administration and development for the formation of Islamic culture as the center of world
civilization in the next caliphate. The greatest Achievments in Ummayads Government was
Canonization of Tradition (hadis) by Caliph Umar . Then the expansion of the area conducted
by the Ummayads dynasty covers a very wide area of The world including Andalusia, the
Caucasus Mountains in Europe, reaching the Indus River Valley plains and steppes of
Mongolia on the Chinese border. All over thar, ummayad Caliphate afford to compete with
Roman Emperor, which at that time had much influence decreased as a result of wars with the
Persian empire
Ummaayah Caliphate was also the first Islamic government began to make a
decentralization structure as a consequence of Expanding Territory. Previously, during the
Khulafa'urrasyidin, governance at the local government into Islamic territory held only by the
2 . See Hawting, G.R. The First Dynasty of Islam: Second Edition.Routledge.New
York. 2000
3 . see Chapter The Second Civil War in Hawting, G.R. The First Dynasty of Islam:
Second Edition.Routledge.New York. Pp 46-46.2000
4 See some oriental research on Islam such as. See Saunders, J.J. The History of
Medieval Islam

military government under military governors, like models of the Persian government 5.
Military governor has the more broader authority includes the authority of political, military,
administrative and judicial. It was then pushed Caliphate Ummayads to institute judicial and
administrative institutions and Zakah tax collection, to reduce the power of the military

2. The Great Achievment of Ummayad

There were many things that have been achieved by the Caliphate of Bani
Ummayads during the period of his rule, in spite of all its short comings. This article will
only try to explain the three main achievements ever obtained by the Ummayads Caliphate,
first, power in the territories possessed, second, continued formation of new administrative
system that is new identity of Islam administration in theare as under their control, including
financial administration, to attract zakat and jizya for the people. Last, is the canonization /
book keeping Hadit by Caliph Umar bin Abdul Aziz, who helped Muslims rule in running
governance principles exemplified by the Prophet Muhammad during his government in
Medina Al-Munnawarah.
In the first section, i will explain the general reason behind the expansion of
territory that made Muslims, and particularly in Ummayah Dynasty. Then this section will
also explain the impact of the expansion of the region are briefly for Muslims religious
preaching and for the development of islamic civilization in Abbasid dynasty and later
dynasty. Next, i am going to talk about the development of public administration conducted
by the Bani Ummayads which includes the formation of military and financial administration
in the central government in Damascus and the regional administration to safeguard territory
under ummayad rule. Then in the third section of this chapter will explain the canonization or
the collection, verification and Canonization of the Hadith which will complement the guide
for Muslims in government administration to develop and advance the civilization of society
based on the guidance of Muhammad SAW.
a. Ummayads Conquering : New Path Way For Establishing World Islamic
5 See As Sirjani, Dr. Raghib(Translator: Ihsan, Muhammad and Shiddiq Abdul
Rasyid). Bangkit dan Runtuhna Andalusia.Perpustakaan Al Kautsar. Jakarta. Pp.
20. 2013

As an authority on middle age, Ummayads government tried to expand his territory.

The expansion of this region wass basically to expand their influence. Beside that, the
expansion of this power also to seek economic potential that could be used to meet the
financial needs of the country. But there was one other thing that was unique, the main
reason for the conquest carried out by Muslims, namely: as a way of religion preaching or
disseminating religious mission to continue Prophets life 6. For example, in the Andalusia
expansion, Berber Muslims in the African region more choose to conquer Andalusia than
conquest the African continent. The main reason behind that decision because of religious
preaching. Berber moslem choose Andalusia, although it has more difficult military strategy
than others. At that time, Ummayads suppose that other Africa has indeed more cultural
affinity with North Africa, however, Musa Bin Nushair as governor of Morocco assess that
Andalusia had a number of Celestial population is so great to give instructions to the "right
path". In addition, the expansion of Islam was inspired by the promise of Heaven for the died
The expansion was carried out by Ummayads Caliphate was a continuity of the
expansion of the age Khulafaurrasyiddin. During the Khulafaurrasyidin, religious preaching
and expansion of the region has reached Palestine and Egypt in the Mediterannian region and
until cetiphon, center of the kingdom of Persia. In this Expansion, Muslims were able to seize
the cultural center of the Roman past of Alexandria, in Egypt. At the time of Bani
Ummayads, religious preaching

and expansion of the region's power continues in the

direction of every side of the corners around the world8. during the reign of Yazid ibn
Mu'awiya, territorial expansion into Sind region and the Indus river valley was led by Al
Hallaj bin .... and Muhammad bin Al Qosim At Tsaqafy9. This expansion also affected the
absorbed various science is in the region into Islam like math.Besides that, Hindu culture

6. See As Sirjani, Dr. Raghib(Translator: Ihsan, Muhammad and Shiddiq Abdul

Rasyid). Bangkit dan Runtuhna Andalusia.Perpustakaan Al Kautsar. Jakarta. Pp.
20. 2013
7 .See As Sirjani, Dr. Raghib(Translator: Ihsan, Muhammad and Shiddiq Abdul
Rasyid). Bangkit dan Runtuhna Andalusia.Perpustakaan Al Kautsar. Jakarta. Pp.
20. 2013
8 . See Hitti, Philip K. History Of The Arabs:Tenth Edition. Macmillan Press:
London. Pp.156-157 . 1974

started to get into some areas sinkreitisme Islam thus began the rise of Islam with Hindu in
some streams in the race Islam.
In other side, .Ummayad Caliphate expansion into the region of Transoxiana and
Mongolia , moslem military led by Commander Qutaibah bin Muslim 10 . This expansion
resulted in the spreading of paper around Ummayad Territory, which found in China . It was
then used by the Abbasids in the next period to develop science and their civilization. It 's
also what makes the culture produced by the Muslims at that time can be up to these days .
On the other side, Ummayads government seized some territory in the Caucasus region led
by war commander named Maslamah bin Abdul Malik 11 . This expansion won some region to
the region near the Greek island of Crete and the more narrow the scope of authority of the
Eastern Roman Empire ( Byzantium ) 12 . The expansion of this region affects the position of
Muslims in the international political landscape at that time dominated by China and
Byzantium . In addition , the expansion of this region further facilitate the flow of ancient
Greek science community to heart of the Islamic Ummah , which then once again managed
capitalized by Daula Abbasid to build a islamic civilization. Their conquest

make the

Muslims became the main heir of the Ancient World Civilization . Muslims inherited the
culture and science of Astronomy and treatment of the Ancient Babylonian Empire , then the
Muslims also inherit math Science of Sind / India and Hindu and Buddhist wisdom into him .
At the same time, the Muslims dominate the literary and administrative and military
capabilities of the Ancient Persian Empire and most importantly the ancient science of the era
of Plato , and the Greek Aristoteles also successfully inherited by Muslims . All of science is
then developed and aligned with science which comes from moslem themselves are like the
9 . See Hitti, Philip K. History Of The Arabs:Tenth Edition. Macmillan Press:
London. Pp. . 1974
10 See As Sirjani, Dr. Raghib(Translator: Ihsan, Muhammad and Shiddiq Abdul
Rasyid). Bangkit dan Runtuhna Andalusia.Perpustakaan Al Kautsar. Jakarta. Pp.
20. 2013 and See See Hitti, Philip K. History Of The Arabs:Tenth Edition.
Macmillan Press: London. Pp. 209. 1974
11 . See Hitti, Philip K. History Of The Arabs:Tenth Edition. Macmillan Press:
London. Pp.213 . 1974
12 See Kennedy, Hugh(Translated by Ratih Ramelan). The Great Arabs
Conquest:How The Spread of Islamic Changed The World We Live
In.Jakarta:Pustaka Alvabet.Pp.409-421.2010

Science of Hadith , the Qur'an thus creating a wide range of new science in the reign of the
Abbasid .
The last conquest was an important part not only for Muslims but also for al over
people today. This is because in the absence of the Islamic conquest is not possiblefor the
greek philosophia to spread in Europe now , then

Rennaisance in Europe was never

happened. In the end this comquest make Ancient Science and Islamic civilization could
progress till our day. Because, at that same time, the center of Islamic civilization in the East
precisely in the city of Baghdad was destroyed by Hulaghu Khan, Empire of China or
Mongolia .Territorial expansion continued in Daulahh Ummayads in Andalusia and even
extends to some plains of Europe as now Portugal , Sicily , Palermo , until finally stopping at
Borders with Pyrennes Mountains region of France now 13 . European troops led by
Europeans famous warrior namely Karel Martel or Charlemagne the Great .
B. New Identity: Islamic State Administration
Along with the growing extent of powers possessed by Muslims during Ummayads
Government who spread from Andalusia on the west, the Indus river valley region and the
eastern region to penetrate China and Mongolia , it took a system of administration to manage
that vast area. In the reign of Khulafaurrasyidin as well as during the early reign Ummayads
Daulah, the system of government used by the Islamic state was still very dependent on the
existing governance system that was used by the Byzantine Empire and the Persian Empire .
In the reign of Khulafaurrasyiddin , executive and judicial powers possessed by a military
governor appointed by the Caliph in Mecca 14 . The military governor also has the authority as
commander of the war in this region . As for the other administration was given to the people
of Byzantium and Persia with adjustments to syairat Islam that is given by the military
governor . This makes the centralization of power in the region . in the period of Kholifah
Umar, government has begun the reduction of the authority of a military governor included
was appointing a qadi to judicial or judicial authority .
13 . See Hitti, Philip K. History Of The Arabs:Tenth Edition. Macmillan Press:
London. Pp. . 197 and See As Sirjani, Dr. Raghib(Translator: Ihsan, Muhammad
and Shiddiq Abdul Rasyid). Bangkit dan Runtuhna Andalusia.Perpustakaan Al
Kautsar. Jakarta. Pp. 20. 2013
14 .See Hitti, Philip K. History Of The Arabs:Tenth Edition. Macmillan Press:

In the reign of Mu'awiya , he was still continuing the tradition carried by Umar ,
however , in his time began to set up an agency to withdraw the Jizya , land tax and zakat of
society , namely Sahib Al Kharaj15 . This institution had a direct responsibility to the caliph in
Dntamaskus , not the head of government in the territory . Major reforms occurred in the
Caliphate of Marwan bin Hakam , Bani Ummayads achieve their zenit in governmental
reform16 . During his reign , the massive efforts of Bani Ummayads to strengthen the power of
the Arabs with important policies such as the nationalization of the state 17.This policy has two
main elements namely the unification or harmonization efforts in the administrative language
into Arabic , Persian replace .
Another element of this policy is an attempt to replace the Byzantine and Persian
money into currency Bani Ummayads decorated with verses of the holy Qur'an. Another
administrative reforms occurred during the reign of Marwan bin Hakam. that was the tax
collection efforts of others in the form of land tax levies outside of the Jizya and Zakat 18. This
then caused a controversy , which was then in the days Umar bin Abdul Aziz caliph, the
withdrawal of these charges was revoke, although it re-enacted in the future government In
Hishams government era.
There were few other administrative changes that by appointing a na'ib for Armenian
territory ,but these changes were not so described. Administrative reforms carried out in the
Islamic system of government administration be gradual and more radical changes in the
reign of the Abbasid Daula . These changes lead to a positive impact because the shaping and
15 . See Hitti, Philip K. History Of The Arabs:Tenth Edition. Macmillan Press:
London. Pp. . 197 and See As Sirjani, Dr. Raghib(Translator: Ihsan, Muhammad
and Shiddiq Abdul Rasyid). Bangkit dan Runtuhna Andalusia.Perpustakaan Al
Kautsar. Jakarta. Pp. 20. 2013
16. See Hitti, Philip K. History Of The Arabs:Tenth Edition. Macmillan Press:
London. Pp. . 197 and See As Sirjani, Dr. Raghib(Translator: Ihsan, Muhammad
and Shiddiq Abdul Rasyid). Bangkit dan Runtuhna Andalusia.Perpustakaan Al
Kautsar. Jakarta. Pp. 20. 2013
17 . See Hitti, Philip K. History Of The Arabs:Tenth Edition. Macmillan Press:
London. Pp. 217. 197
18. See Hitti, Philip K. History Of The Arabs:Tenth Edition. Macmillan Press:
London. Pp. 218-220. 1974

perfecting a new identity for the Muslims as a nation that can compete with the power of the
world at that time . However , radical changes in the administration of government by Bani
Daula Ummayaah negative impacts , one of which is the emergence of segregation in society
so as to form several groups of people , which in turn is magnified Ummayads able to
overthrow the government.

C. Canonization of Hadis
In Islam, there are two books of instructions for the Muslims in order to gain
happiness in this world and the hereafter that is the Book of the Qur'an and hadith or sunnah
of the prophet . Al Quran is the guidance that comes from God through the intercession of the
Angel Gabriel to the Prophet Muhammad received during the 22 years 2 months 22 days .
While the Hadith was the states, deeds and attitudes shown by Muhammad prophethood of all
time. Hadit has functions to reinforce law and explain the meaning of the Koran. Qur'an
recorded during the caliphate of Abu Bakr As Siddeeq and refined during Uthman ibn Affan ,
but as a complement to the Qur'an Hadith recorded during Daula new Ummayads Bani
precisely at the time of Umar bin Abdul Aziz.

The process of recording the actual traditions of early prophetic went hand in hand with the
recording of the Qur'an that the Prophet performed companions like Abdullah Mas'ud , Zaid
bin Thabit and some other friends , including the first Caliph of Bani Ummayads Mu'awiya
ibn Abi Sufyan ie . However, when Muhammad knew this because he mengeur they fear
companions of Muhammad difficult to distinguish between a sentence or utterance that
comes from God the Holy Qur'an and the words that come from his own form of hadith or
sunnah of the prophet . Muhammad 's fears were based on changes that occur in today's
Gospel that is not pure words of God but there are interpretations of the Prophet Jesus and his
disciples . This was later reinforced by the prohibition of writing hadith by Caliph Umar bi
Khottob .
The process of growing interest in tradition and desire for listing it came during the
reign of Marwan bin Hakam while serving as governor of Mecca , which ordered the
secretary Abu'l Za'za'ah to write down all records were kept in mind by the hadith of Abu
Hurayrah . Then during the time of Umar ibn Abdul Aziz became Gub Ernur Mecca , he was

also trying to collect the traditions of the various companions of the Prophet were scattered
there .
After becoming Caliph of Bani Ummayads , Umar bin Abdul Aziz Hadi intend to
record the still scattered on some companions of the Prophet . Umar bin Abdul Aziz desire is
because in his time began to develop false hadiths that are used by some groups to seek
profits berkempentingan respectively . This false hadiths since the growing division among
the Muslims into three groups of Sunnis , Shia , Kharijites . Each of these groups on behalf of
some of his opinions as perkataaan or decision of Muhammad to justify his actions . This has
led to unrest in society and disrupt the stability of the kingdom. Therefore , Umar bin Abdul
Aziz took the initiative to do this during the hadith collection pemerintahanny .
In early development , these traditions are widely spread in the two Islamic holy
cities of Mecca and Medina as the residence of the Companions . Then along with the broader
Muslim areas , some friends went to leave the two holy cities and look for another place to
stay , including Kufa and Basra . Both this city during the reign of Bani Ummayads end and
beginning of the Abbasid Daula , becoming one of the Hadith education centers in the Islamic
world and became one of the pioneers of the Islamic civilization in the region terbntuknya
Baghdad during the Abbasid . bookkeeping of this tradition is a great masterpiece after
accounting Qur'an during Kholifah pemeirntahan Uthman ibn Affan Abdul . Both the book
later became the basis for the rapid growth of social science , philosophy , religion and
science about the universe .This Hadith also later became the driving force for the formation
of Islamic civilization during the Abbasid ..
In the reign of Al- Ma'mun and Al Hadi , they actually want to apply the hadith
especially Kitab Al Muwattho 'by Imam Malik as a positive for the rule of law 19. In the reign
of the Abbasid Daula , the study of Hadith science itself is a separate part of the study of the
Qur'an, Hadith nevertheless still be a joint study with the Qur'an in a study of the new science
of fiqh and Shari'ah. Hadith further justify the importance of knowledge to the world 's
happiness hereafter . As described in the following Hadith " when someone wants to get the
happiness in the world , then mastering its knowledge , if someone wants to get happiness in
the hereafter , then mastering its knowledge , and if you want to get the happiness of both ,
then mastering theirs " . This Hadith means that the Islamic Ummah is heighten the scientific
19 . See Hawting, G.R. The First Dynasty of Islam: Second Edition.Routledge.New
York. 2000

group (ulama) then tradition also plays a role in stimulating ummmat to seek knowledge/
science(ilm) . Many traditions that emphasize the importance of learning from birth to death
. The Hadith at above strengthen the position of the Ulama, as described in the Qur'an Surat
AL Mujadalah verse 11. Then it pushed to develop the Islamic science and attract people like
Avicenna , Al Razi , Al -Tabari and AL Ghazali to develop their respective disciplines.

From the explanation above, we can conclude that Ummayad Caliphates orientation
program was to spread an Islam velue to the world. The Ummayad Caliphate made many
historical achievements during its period. That achievements could say to the world that
Islam could improve their politic, defense, economy. Those were a key to more deveoped
civilization of Islam. Those achievements could be seen today, like a book keeping of Koran,
administration of finance and the spread of Islam around the world.

Hawting, G.R.(2000) The First Dynasty of Islam: Second Edition.Routledge:New York
Hitti, Philip K. History Of The Arabs:Tenth Edition. Macmillan Press: London
As Sirjani, Dr. Raghib(Translated by Ihsan, Muhammad and Shiddiq Abdul Rasyid).(2013)
Bangkit dan Runtuhna Andalusia.Perpustakaan Al Kautsar:Jakarta.
Kennedy, Hugh(Translated by Ratih Ramelan).( 2010) The Great Arabs Conquest:How The
Spread of Islamic Changed The World We Live In.Jakarta:Pustaka Alvabet.Pp.409-421.
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