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Jin Shin Jyutsu Is New Jersey

Your personal harmony of body, mind and spirit rests

in your own hands!
What is happening in the world of Jin Shin Jyutsu

The Finger Sequences in Self-Help Book 1, Part 2

In issue Number 67, the Winter 2010 issue of The Main Central Jin Shin Jyutsu
Newsletter, Mona Harris writes about the power of using the finger sequences on a daily
basis. Self-Help Books 1, 2 & 3 can be purchased at
WORRY: We start with holding the THUMB (for overcoming the worry attitude and/or look
at Text 1, page 38, TV 1), then we wrap thumb and fingers around MIDDLE FINGER
(relation to the middle toe, thats where the Stomach Function Energy ends) and we end the
sequence by holding the LITTLE FINGER (look on page 38 in Text 1: TV 11 is harmonized
through the little finger which helps Spleen).
FEAR: We start again with the THUMB (this time it has to do with the flow pattern of the 4th
Depth flows: Bladder Function Energy becomes Kidney Function Energy at the little toe
which relates to the thumb), go on with the attitude finger itself, INDEX (see also Text 1,
page 38: Lumbar 2) and end with the LITTLE FINGER (Text 1, page 38: Lumbar 5 is being
helped by holding the little finger).
ANGER: In order to harmonize our anger, we need to calm the 5th Depth first by holding
the LITTLE FINGER (relating to the big toe, where Gall Bladder Function Energy becomes
Liver Function Energy), then we go on to the RING FINGER (Text 1, page 38: TV10 is
related to Gall Bladder) and finally we hold the anger finger (MIDDLE FINGER) itself (look
also in Text 1, page 38: TV 9 has a relationship to Liver).
GRIEF or SADNESS: Our Second Depth has the texture rocks and rods, the hardest
texture of all. Maybe that is the reason why we get more helpers to break it up. We have
more Safety Energy Locks in Second Depth than in any other Depth, and we get more
fingers to hold to harmonize the attitude: THUMB (thats where the individualized Lung
Function Energy flows into), INDEX FINGER (thats where the individualized Lung
Function energy flow becomes the individualized Large Intestine Function Energy),
MIDDLE FINGER (Text 1, page 38: TV 3 Lung Function Energy, and Lumbar 3 Large
Intestine Function Energy) and finally the RING FINGER (Self-Help Book 1, page 11).
PRETENSE: We start by holding the LITTLE FINGER which combines several levels: it is
the attitude itself, it is the finger where the Heart Function Energy becomes the Small
Intestine Function Energy and it has a relation to Text 1, page 38 through TV 5. As this one
finger combines all these different levels, there is only one other helper needed to
harmonize 5th Depth: RINGER FINGER (Lumbar 4).

Attitude is key to our harmony with the universe. Thats how Mary starts PROJECT No. II
ATTITUDES on page 21 of Self-Help Book I. Key being the element of Third Depth
reminds us of the Mediator, which is the cause for disharmony in the body as she states
on page 18 in Self-Help Book I. Looking at the circulation pattern of the Diagonal Mediator,
we can see that it circulates through thumb and little finger. That could be another reason
why Mary includes in each sequence either thumb or little finger. For harmonizing 1st and
4th Depth (energy of regeneration), both fingers are utilized. Simple, isnt it?

The Finger Sequences in Self-Help Book 1, Part 1

In issue Number 67, the Winter 2010 issue of The Main Central Jin Shin Jyutsu
Newsletter, Mona Harris writes about the power of using the finger sequences on a daily
On page 10 (vehicle of the outpouring of limitless Life-Power) of Self-Help Book 1, Mary
introduces us to PROJECT II which is to be applied daily in order to overcome attitudes.
I remember holding fingers from the very beginning of my jumper cable days but somehow
it took me years before I even looked at the sequences themselves. After some discussions
with my LTA colleagues these sequences finally started to make some sense. But it was
only when I started using them regularly that they revealed their power.
On pages 22-37 we find out that we can hold a sequence of several fingers in order to
harmonize each attitude. In total we will be holding 15 (wash our hearts with laughter)
fingers on each side of the body. Mary uses 16 pages (16: breaking down of existing forms
for new ones breaking down my old thoughts, my attitudes!) to show all the
figures/fingers to hold. Mary calls fear the core of all attitudes, which might be the reason
that we get an extra drawing of the index finger (which is a quickie for Fear and not part of
the attitude sequence).
In order to understand each sequence, lets have a look at the relationships involved:

attitude level (page 10 in Self-Help Book 1)

harmonizing vertebrae for organs through holding fingers (Text 1, page 38)

beginning and ending of the individualized Organ Function Energy pattern (see
Text 2)

opposite finger-toe-flow (Text 1, page 46; Self-Help Book 3, pages 18-40) in

relationship to the beginning and ending of the individualized Organ Function
Energy pattern

flow pattern of the Diagonal Mediator Universal Harmonizing Energy

With this information in mind it is easy to figure out each sequence and its importance for
the addressed attitude.
To be continued

Wisdom, Part 2
Mary chose our instructors with such wisdom, and we are blessed to have access to their
thoughts. Each one is happy to share their journey with us so that we may KNOW MYSELF
Michael Hakuzan Wenninger shares part of his awareness and understanding with us in
the Spring 2010, issue Number 68, of The Main Central Jin Shin Jyutsu Newsletter.

The only breath we can ever be is the breath we are.
This transmission of wisdom has been passed from teacher to student from the
beginningless beginning from generation to generation down through the ages. From
Master Jiro Murai to Mary, and, in turn, to Muriel Carlton, Philomena Dooley, and Wayne
Hackett and the other teachers that followed.
Like all teachers, Mary taught using parables, quotes and metaphors. She used
transparencies, colored pens and her hands. She offered her teachings and wisdom in a
fashion appropriate to the students understanding a gesture, a stern rebuke, a pat on the
hand and simple Self-help. Mostly, IT was the Beingness of her Smile. Through her skillful
means, she passed the essence of her study and meditation. If we are awake, if we are
present, we receive this transmission.
We have all witnessed this transformation of wisdom in ourselves and others. When the
energetic body harmonizes, so does our Beingness. If we are watchful to the subtle shifts of
awareness in our bodies and mind, we will see new perspectives, new possibilities, new
wisdom. We will experience Knowingness. Master Murai and Mary have given us 26 KEYS
to open this door. While they have given us the KEYS and opened the door, we have to
walk through and experience IT for ourselves.
In April 1993, Mary was interviewed by Ann Bardwell and David. During the interview,
David asked Mary the question, Is it the philosophy of Jin Shin Jyutsu that attracted you?
Mary answered, Yes. Philosophy is the richness of Jin Shin Jyutsu, and the technique is
for when we dont live the philosophy. Its a tool to get us out of trouble. But as we live the
life of Jin Shin Jyutsu, we dont encounter problems. The philosophy of Jin Shin Jyutsu
infuses our lives with this wisdom. We only need walk through the door Mary has opened

for us. As Master Jiro Murai said to Mary, I have this gift for you. This gift is waiting for all
of usthe gift of her Smilewhich opens the door to reveal the teacher within to finally
Now Know Myself.
(Aside: IT=Infinite Truth; IS=Infinite Self)
Volume 1, Number 2, Spring/Summer 1993, The Main Central, Rocky Mountain Jin Shin
Jyutsu Newsletter.

Wisdom, Part 1
Mary chose our instructors with such wisdom, and we are blessed to have access to their
thoughts. Each one is happy to share their journey with us so that we may KNOW MYSELF

The only breath we can ever be is the breath we are.
In the first two articles, Marys teachings were entitled, Being the Breath and Kindness
introducing the understanding that these realities are interrelated and connected
to the same realization of Onenessthat all is related, all interconnected in wholeness.
There are no exceptions to this natural order. To imagine an exception is to invite
disharmony. These writings offered the understanding that Being the Breath and Kindness
are not two different entities, but a natural unfolding of Being. And yet, how do we know the
truth of these ideas are valid? While we may acquire understanding through written and
spoken words, the final transformation comes from wisdom transmitted by our teachers
enlightened teachers like Mary.
If we are willing to see and understand, if we are willing to put down our own beliefs and
perceptions of the world, we become available for something else. We become available for
wisdom. What all teachers ultimately convey to their students is their wisdom. They transmit
their true understanding, their philosophy of realitya wisdom that goes beyond words,
wisdom that is only realized through experience and one completely free from the limitation
of ideas, concepts or intellectual knowledge. The teacher conveys the experience of an
awakened heart and minda wisdom that sees with absolute clarity beyond transitional
appearances and is ultimately manifested in service to others service that is simply a
natural expression of an awakened heartthat realizes there is no separation from the one
serving, the one being served, and the compassionate action of service. There is only our
Beingness expressing its natural rhythm of relationships and integration.
To be continued

Number 64, Spring 2009; Number 66, Fall 2009; Number 68, Spring 2010

Kindness, Part 2
Mary chose our instructors with such wisdom, and we are blessed to have access to their
thoughts. Each one is happy to share their journey with us so that we may KNOW MYSELF

The only breath we can ever be is the breath we are.
Even today, I vividly remember my first meeting with Mary some 13 years ago. The
occasion started with a phone call from David. He said a slot had opened up and would I be
interested in receiving a week of sessions with Mary. There are special moments in ones
life where the right combination of forces comes together and creates openings for us, and
this was indeed one. So in short order I was off to Scottsdale filled with anticipation, for I
was to see and be seen by Mary. I had seen Mary in classes before, but I knew this was
going to be fundamentally and functionally different. I arrived early (if I couldnt be on time
for this appointment, when would I?), and took a seat in the waiting room. Shortly, I could
hear the door knob turn, and Mary entered the room. She walked over and had a look at
me. That look was felt in the deepest part of my being, and I knew she was seeing me in
a way no other had. And then something magical happened. She smiled. Not an ear-to-ear
smile, but a smile with just the slightest upward turn at the corners of her mouth. There it
wasunconditional kindness, a knowingness that transcends time and space. No labels,
no judgments, no shouldsjust complete acceptance of who I was. After an eternal
moment, she walked over to the window sill, came back with a tissue, placed the tissue in
my hand, listened to my my pulses, patted my hands and started the session. No words
were spoken that day nor none needed. Each day, Mary would enter the room, we would
exchange our Smile and she would continue our sessions.
The days moved one to another, the week ended and I returned home; but within that week
with Mary something had shifted inside me in ways that would take years to comprehend
and realize. That Smile on that day cannot be described or explained because what
happened went beyond words. There would be other teachers and other moments, but her
teaching of unconditional kindness revealed in that Smile was the first and continues as a
transitional moment of my practice.
As my journey evolves, her teaching of unconditional kindness continues to reveal ITself in
deeper and deeper meanings and manifestations. Now I understand the quotes from What
Mary Says: Little can be done for others until I really know myself.and Be the Smile.

Kindness, Part 1

Mary chose our instructors with such wisdom, and we are blessed to have access to their
thoughts. Each one is happy to share their journey with us so that we may KNOW MYSELF

The only breath we can ever be is the breath we are.
In Part I, Being the Breath, Marys quotation offered us the wisdom that the present
moment is where our lives actually reside and that residence manifests not in a future that
never arrives or a past that no longer exists, but where the combination of our reality
actually occursin the breath we are. This understanding creates the realization we are all
When we finally know in the deepest recesses of our heart we are all interconnected, all
interrelated, we no longer see or experience separation of self and others, but integrated
wholeness. All events, functions, lifes varied manifestations unfold together. We realize
what we say and what we do to others also affects us. Out of this Oneness naturally
evolves enlightened kindness, and the essence of this kindness is unconditional love, a
complete opening of heart and mind. Kindness is offered from a genuine concern for the
welfare of others without any discrimination of who is worthy and who not yet qualified. One
sees a need and responds without hesitation, without an intervening thought of deciding
between this or that. Then one doesnt think about being kind, one is just being kind.
Kindness is just kindness being itself. That is the nature of kindness, its purpose and its
meaning. This is the presence of mind offered to our practice and our practice a measure of
its development. Yet, where and when do we learn this compassionate kindness? Who are
our teachers? Certainly our parents, school teachers, family relatives, friends and social
institutions can provide real teaching. If we are exceptionally fortunate, however, our path
crosses that of a gifted and enlightened teacher, someone who manifests transcendent
wisdom, a teacher who sees directly into our true nature. That first authentic teacher for me
was Mary.
To be continued

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