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3, SEPTEMBER 2012 1333

Control of Flexible Smart Devices in the Smart Grid

George Koutitas, Member, IEEE

Abstract—This paper investigates load control and demand re- supply from renewable energy systems (RES) and microgrid in-
sponse in a smart grid environment where a bidirectional commu- stallations, it is important to develop scheduling and control al-
nication link between the operator and the smart flexible devices
supports command and data flow. Two control schemes are inves- gorithms to balance the operation of the smart grid and minimize
tigated that can provide energy management, taking into account costs from imported energy or even minimize blackout events.
user’s comfort, via binary on-off policies of the smart flexible de- In order to guarantee a reciprocal fair management scheme, the
vices. A dynamic control algorithm is introduced that considers
real time network characteristics and initiates command flow when control and scheduling algorithms need to take into account
critical parameters exceed predefined thresholds. To sustain fair- users’ comfort and profits as well as operator’s gains.
ness in the system, priority based and round robin scheduling al- Most of the papers found in the literature deal with optimiza-
gorithms are proposed. A continuous control algorithm is also ex- tion or scheduling algorithms that meet certain criteria of energy
plored to define the higher bounds of energy savings. To quan-
tify the discomfort of users that participate in this type of ser- management but are targeted only to the user or the operator
vices, a heuristic consumer utility metric is proposed and mea- side, neglecting fairness and comfort issues. In [3] scheduling
surements with a flexible device (air conditioning unit) are per- algorithms for the offline and online problem of non-preemp-
formed to model empirically possible time intervals of the control
scheme. Reciprocal fair energy management schemes are investi- tive and preemptive scenarios are investigated. The goal is to
gated being both operator and user centric. It is shown that great guarantee cost minimization from power tasks with user ori-
energy and cost savings can be achieved providing the required de- ented time thresholds. A satisfiability investigation of elastic
grees of freedom to the smart grid to self-adapt during peak hours.
demand in the smart grid is presented in [4]. The authors study
Index Terms—Demand response, home energy management,
system behavior under uncertainties. In [5] the demand response
load control, scheduling, smart grids, smart sensors.
problem is addressed to provide a fault tolerant operation of a
microgrid using multi-agent algorithms. User disruption under
I. INTRODUCTION load control is addressed in [6]. Scheduling algorithms that face
the demand response problem and are based on forecasted elec-

T HE Information and Communication Technology (ICT)

sector is called to hold a vital role in the 20-20-20 goal by
providing the energy sector the required technology and infra-
tricity price are presented in [7]–[9]. Dynamic decision for en-
ergy management based on multi-power supply systems is given
in [10]. The aim is to optimize the use of the available resources
structure for energy management [1]. The building and the elec- in a given local generation system. Network architecture for en-
tricity grid sector are the most important sectors of interest since ergy management of smart households is presented in [11].
they are responsible for the greatest energy waste. Great energy To support the operation of such algorithms, advanced net-
savings can be achieved through sophisticated algorithms that work solutions are necessary to provide reliable communication
control and schedule power tasks from smart devices in a dy- links between smart devices and controllers and enable com-
namic manner. These processes provide the necessary founda- mand flow. These are met in a home area network (HAN) or
tions for demand response (DR) and self-adaptable smart grids a machine to machine (M2M) formation over heterogeneous
[2]. Smart devices are responsible in real time monitoring and wireless sensor/actuator networks (HWSNs). In [12] M2M net-
actuation under command flow arriving from the smart grid. In work architecture is presented for smart buildings and smart grid
general, the greatest the number of deployed smart devices is, scenarios. A HAN architecture is given in [13]. A case study for
more flexibility is given to the grid and thus more vibrant the ambient environments in a University building is presented in
grid operation is expected to be. [14], [15]. The authors present semantic web services for the
The smart-building is the fundamental element of the smart integration of HWSNs applied to home energy management.
power grid where real time energy and environmental data mon- Smart grid technologies and protocols for networking of smart
itoring will be used at higher layers, for energy management and devices are presented in [16], [17].
electricity price forecasting. Furthermore, due to limited power The above mentioned algorithms and techniques focus on
the ICT infrastructure used for smart grid applications or they
Manuscript received September 04, 2011; revised December 09, 2011, April focus on algorithms for energy management either at the oper-
19, 2012; accepted June 05, 2012. Date of publication July 03, 2012; date of cur- ator or the user level, neglecting fairness or comfort criteria.
rent version August 20, 2012. This work was supported by the European Union
FP7/2007-2013 under Grant 257740 (Network of Excellence TREND) and by
This paper considers a bidirectional communication link be-
the European Social Fund—ESF and Greek national funds through the Oper- tween smart buildings and the operator and proposes novel al-
ational Program “Education and Lifelong Learning” of the National Strategic gorithms for energy management of flexible smart devices that
Reference Framework (NSRF). Paper no. TSG-00508-2011. are both operator and user centric and take into account fairness
The author is with the School of Science and Technology, International
Hellenic University, 14 km Thessaloniki-Moudania, 57001, Greece (e-mail: and user comfort criteria., and also with the Department Computer Engineering Two control algorithms are proposed, the Continuous Con-
and Telecommunications, University of Thessaly, 38221, Volos (TREND trol Algorithm (CCA) and the Threshold Algorithm (TA) and
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
compared to the No Control case (NC). These algorithms are
at able to change the state of operation of the flexible smart de-
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TSG.2012.2204410 vice which can be described as a Markov chain. The CCA can

1949-3053/$31.00 © 2012 IEEE


The most critical data that is monitored in the smart building

are the total energy consumption/production, the individual con-
sumption from home appliances, the indoor environmental pa-
rameters, which describe user comfort, and other user oriented
data like thresholds and policies for efficient equipment opera-
tion [3]. The agent of the smart building is a central CPU unit
and is responsible for the data aggregation within the house
and the transmission to other parties. Furthermore, the agent re-
ceives and executes control and scheduling commands that ar-
rive from the smart grid to meet certain goals. The execution of
the commands is performed within the sensor network of smart
actuators under binary on/off activation schemes of the home
A wide area network (WAN) is responsible for the data trans-
mission from the agents to other parties. The supervisor is re-
sponsible for monitoring a group of smart buildings and receives
data packets from the agents, usually using TCP/IP. The su-
pervisor can also be the intelligent unit of a microgrid in order
Fig. 1. Smartgrid architecture for a neighborhood of smart buildings controlled
by a single supervisor. to control and optimize the local generation. The operator and
the service provider communicate with all the supervisors of
be regarded as a device level control algorithm where contin- the network for further data manipulation and decision/policy
uous on/off activations are performed by the flexible device. making.
This scheme presents the minimum intelligence and it consti-
tutes the higher bound of energy savings. Despite the fact that B. Definition of Parameters
high energy savings are observed, the discomfort to the user A set of users (smart buildings) is assumed to live in an
is at the maximum level. The TA algorithm is a dynamic pre- area which are served by a local energy generation system (mi-
emptive algorithm where external commands arrive at the user crogrid) or by a smart grid controller. The identifiers of each
premises to enable load control and demand response according user are where is the maximum
to variable user demands and limited load capacities. In order to number of users . We use a discrete time model
provide a reciprocal fair management procedure, the algorithms with a finite time horizon that models a day. Each day is di-
are both operator and user centric, they take into account users’ vided into periods of equal duration, indexed by
comfort criteria and scheduling priorities. . For the purpose or our investiga-
Two fair scheduling algorithms are proposed and compared. tion, was assumed as 06:00 A.M. Each user arrives in the
The Highest Power Next (HPN) is a priority scheduling scheme network (start consumes power) at time and is
that can be seen as a load balancing procedure. The Round Robin active for a time period described by uniform
scheduling scheme provides uniformly distributed number of randomly distributed values between the finite interval
switch off commands among the users of the network. For the and with ( is a generator of uniform dis-
efficient penetration of smart grid services in the user premises, tributed random number).
one should study the subjective parameter of user satisfaction. Flexible Smart Devices: Within the smart building there
For the purpose of our investigation, a heuristic satisfaction are flexible devices that can be controlled by the agent, under
metric is modeled, which is derived from the consumer utility the supervisor commands performing an on/off policy, without
of the economic theory. The expected results by implementing affecting users’ comfort. Comfort is related to parameters
the proposed algorithms is cost reduction, load balancing, and (a physical value) and (a threshold value) and by two
control and energy savings. time thresholds, namely and (Fig. 2).
Parameter describes the minimum time needed to reduce
II. THE SMARTGRID MODEL a hypothetical discomfort metric, to the wanted value. Pa-
rameter describes the time needed the discomfort metric
A. Network Architecture to reach a maximum threshold, . These devices are named as
The main elements of the smart grid architecture are the smart smart flexible devices. Characteristic examples are air-condi-
buildings, the bi-directional communication infrastructure, the tioning units, washing machines, heat/cold water machines, etc.
supervisors (controllers), the service provider, and the operator [8]. The nonflexible devices can not be controlled by external
[18], as shown in Fig. 1. These form an Advanced Metering parties since they are directly related to users’ activity within
Infrastructure (AMI) whose standards and guidelines have been the smart building.
recently developed [19]. The flexible smart device operates under the following
The smart building is the basic element of the smartgrid that assumption: , a random uniformly dis-
consumes energy, it may produce energy from RES, it moni- tributed number between 1 and and similarly
tors critical data with HANs of smart meters/actuators and trans- with . The discomfort metric, is
mits information in real time to the other parties. Characteristic assumed proportional to and can be different for each user
examples are energy plug sensors, usually over IEEE 802.15.4 according to other criteria (effectiveness of appliances, home
Zigbee platforms [20] and energy RF434 MHz clamp sensors. insulation, etc.). A straight forward example is the increase of

Fig. 2. User power profile and discomfort metric.

Fig. 3. The average user activity curve over a summer period [21]. Fig. 4. Measurements of a typical flexible load. An air-condition unit was mea-
sured using a plug wireless sensor.

a room’s temperature when the air-conditioning unit is turned

off until it reaches a threshold value, above which the user and therefore cannot be switched off again due to the time lim-
feels discomfort. In that case represents the time needed itation . The state models the case where the
to decrease a room’s temperature to the desired value, flexible device of the user receives a switched off command and
represents the time needed that the temperature increases above finally describes the maintenance state where the flex-
a comfortable threshold and models the room’s temperature. ible device of the user is on and can be switched off at anytime.
In most occasions it can be stated that . Following the time constraints of user as shown in Table I the
This assumption is used for the analytical computations of following equations are satisfied:
Section III-D and is not a restriction in the algorithm.
Demand Arrivals: Users are activated under Poisson arrivals
during the time period of the simulation. The distribution of the
user density during was modeled according to measured
average activity profiles of typical households and offices over Since the number of switch off commands each user receives
summer periods [21]. The normalized activity profile is pre- is unknown, ( , with representing the identi-
sented in Fig. 3. The summer period was considered since a di- fier of the off command) and the time of the reception of switch
rect application of the proposed algorithm concerns load control off command, , are unknown, the time inequalities in Table I
from air-conditioning units. Of course, the algorithm is devel- describe the main idea and are not representative for all cases.
oped in a generic approach and any activity profile can be in- Power Profile: The power profile of each user, , is divided
corporated in the code. into two main components, as shown in Fig. 2. An average
User States of Operation: Each user, , is described by the constant power load is used to model the power needs of
state of operation which is given by a row vector, the indicator non-flexible devices. Of course, in reality the non-flexible loads
(Table I). This indicator is “captured” by the agent are not constant with time but instead they are opportunistic in
of the smart building and is transmitted to the supervisor (up- nature or even follow their own probability curves. Due to the
link), as shown in Fig. 4. When the user has entered the system, stochastic arrivals of the users in our system and the compar-
meaning that or , the agent can ative simulations related to the no control case, a constant av-
receive four operational/command states from the supervisor erage value can be used to simplify the computations, without
(downlink) which are described by the logical matrix, significantly affecting final predictions. The second component
. The operational states are described by binary row vectors of the power profile is the power load of the flexible devices,
which are the following: describes the charging state . Two cases are investigated. In the first case is as-
where the user first enters the system and the flexible device sumed as a decreasing piecewise linear function of time, , [22]
cannot be switched off due to the time limitation . The and for the second case is assumed constant with time. In
state describes the recharging state where the flexible a mathematical form it is given in (1).
device of the user is turned on after a switch off deactivation Case 1: Piecewise linear function (see (1a) at the bottom


The cost and the load assumed to present a convex relation [3]
described by (5).


C. Measurements of a Typical Load

In order to model the profile of a typical flexible load, mea-
surements of a commodity air condition unit connected to a
smart metering device were performed. The measurement setup
is presented in Fig. 4. A smart plug low power sensor transmit-
ting 3 dBm at 2.4 GHz was connected to the agent PC through
a Zigbee network and M2M communication was established
through web services. The load measurements were sampled at
every time step s and saved in .txt file for further manip-
ulation. The device under investigation was an air conditioning
of the page).
unit placed within a house of size 65 m . The temperature of
Case 2: Binary valued function
the air conditioning unit was set at 23 C and the outside tem-
perature during the measurements was 32 C. The mode of op-
(1b) eration of the air-conditioning unit was set to auto mode. This
means that the air condition unit switches on or off automati-
For the piecewise power profile is the power of the device cally to maintain the air temperature near a constant value (24
when it starts to operate and models the case of C). The measurement results are presented in Fig. 4. The figure
stabilized operation after time . To capture the operation presents the stabilized air condition operation, meaning that the
of multistate devices, one can assume that and describe initial time required to reach the preferred indoor temperature
average stabilized levels. The power needs of active user, is is ignored (the required time was approximately 15 min). Two
thus given by scenarios were considered. In the first scenario, referring to the
no control case, the air condition unit was operating without any
(2) external management scheme. The other scenario refers to the
control case where the user controlled the air condition under
The consumed energy of user over the activated period is comfort constraints. The scope of this measurement set up is to
thus given by investigate empirically, the degrees of freedom (feasible time
intervals) a smart grid controller could have upon an air condi-
tion unit.
(3) No Control: It was found that when the air condition device
operates in auto mode was on (active) for min and
off for min approximately, maintaining a
In the above formulation, represents the area enclosed by C. The power profile in this case is
the power consumption of nonflexible devices for the time pe- W when the device was in full operation and W
riod whereas and represents the area enclosed by the when the device automatically switched off. A mean value can
power consumption of the flexible device over the reception of be used to simplify computations and this is of
switch on/off commands (Fig. 2). For a binary valued flexible (1b) as shown in Fig. 4.
device (case 2) it is . Control: For this case the user was able to switch on/off the
The total power load at any time instance, of air condition according to the temperature comfort in the en-
simultaneously active users and the total energy consumption at vironment. The purpose of this measurement is to obtain the
the end of the simulations can be computed according to maximum or minimum switch on/off time intervals that the con-
troller should consider when external management is imposed.
(4a) It was found that min and min
approximately, maintaining a C in the apartment. The


power profile in this case is W when the

device was on and W when the device was off.
A mean value can be used to simplify computations and this is
of Fig. 4.
For a working period of 70 min and taking into account the
mean load values, and , the total consumed energy
in the no control and control cases was found to be
Whr and Whr. A saving approximately 25%–30%
was observed. This means that the smart grid can externally con-
trol flexible devices (air condition in this case) without signifi-
cantly affecting the comfort in the environment and at the same
time reduce peak loads in the grid and provide energy saving
within user’s premise. It should be stated that the house where
the measurements took place is an old apartment without proper
insulation. The ratio in modern households is
expected to be smaller. It should be noted that in a real smart
grid environment, it is essential to provide the grid the ability to
store for each user and for each flexible device the required pa-
rameters , and the power profiles. These parameters
are stored in the agent of the smart building who transmits them
to the local controller (supervisor). Parameters and that
Fig. 5. The general architecture of the system.
are related to the power profile can easily be approximated by
tabulated values according to the specifications of the devices.
The user is required to inform the grid about the type of de- supervisor is to keep the load under (or minimize the load ex-
vices that can be externally controlled. For the comfort values ceeding) a given capacity or reduce costs during high elec-
that are directly related to there are two options to tricity price periods. The threshold capacity represents a limited
follow. One is a user oriented approach where the user uploads power supply system where excess energy need to be imported
the time thresholds of his/her preference to the smart grid. The or may cause a blackout. A characteristic example is a micro-
other approach can be based on a self-learning system with feed- grid that serves an isolated, off grid, area in an island mode. The
back where the user can inform the grid when he/she feels dis- threshold can be static or variable with time describing en-
comfort. In such a scheme the smart grid (agent and supervisor) ergy production from RES during a day. The supervisor can take
will “understand” the preferred time thresholds after a working actions to meet the objectives under a binary on/off activation
time period of the system. A similar approach is used in modern scheme. This model can also be used for the case of an agent in a
“smart” thermostatic controllers. Privacy issues related to the smart building that controls a large number of flexible devices.
readings of these values is an important issue but does not ex- B. Dynamic Scheduling and Control Actions
ceed the already existing privacy concerns related to real time
energy metering. The control and scheduling problem is a dynamic preemp-
tive one meaning that the flexible device can be switched on/off
III. CONTROL AND SCHEDULING ALGORITHM many times during the activation period, according to real
time conditions. The state of operation of the flexible device is
A. Objectives a Markov chain. Three categories of actions are investigated,
A fundamental characteristic of the smart grid is the flexi- namely the No Control algorithm (NC), the Continuous Control
bility it offers to self-adapt, self-heal, and self-optimize its op- Algorithm (CCA), and the Threshold Algorithm (TA).
eration. It can be considered as a self-optimized network (SON) No Control (NC): This is the case where there is no command
where the main targets are the “peak shave,” the demand re- flow between the supervisor and the flexible devices. All devices
sponse, and the cost minimization. A great amount of energy is in our network are considered to be nonflexible devices and the
expected to be saved and this has a direct consequence on the smart grid has no permission rights to act externally. Based on
reduction of carbon emissions that are related to energy under the indicators presented in Table I the flexible device can only
proportionality factors (x grCO /kWh) depending on the type send . For the NC case the states of operation
of generation. of the flexible devices can only be:
Fig. 5 presents in a block diagram of the required architecture and the following relation
to meet these targets. A stochastic model is used to generate the is thus satisfied:
users’ energy requests in time. The smart grid is allowed to con-
trol and schedule the operation of the flexible devices that can
be either formed in a cluster format or individually. The con-
trol algorithm needs to take into account constraints related to
users’ comfort in order to effectively penetrate the services in Continuous Control Algorithm (CCA): The CCA algorithm
the market. The supervisor is responsible for monitoring a large can be considered as a demand load control algorithm that
number of premises and deciding under certain criteria on the pushes the users’ comfort to the limits. It can be performed
performed control and scheduling policy. The objective of the either externally by the smart grid or within the device level,

Fig. 6. Control/scheduling process.

thus minimizing data exchange between the agent and the
supervisor. On many occasions the CCA algorithm needs to
be performed at different time periods during the day, thus the The decision variables of the problem are the binary commands
external control scheme is more preferable. A characteristic (states of operation) transmitted from the smart grid to the agent
example is the reduction of power load during high electricity (6b). The constraints incorporate comfort issues, which are de-
price time periods. During CCA the supervisor continuously noted in the first and the last line of (6c) and the active duration
sends commands to switch on/off the flexible loads at every of the user in the system which is described by the second line
time interval and . Taking into account queuing of (6c).
theory and by modeling as the “wanted” task the switch off Threshold Algorithm (TA): The TA algorithm is a dynamic
request , the CCA algorithm can be considered similar demand load control algorithm that takes into account real time
to a service system. The first parameter models the load, and capacity, as shown in the decision vari-
arrival time distribution (for our case is memoryless and is ables of Fig. 6. The aim is to try and keep the system’s load, at
written as ), the second parameter models the service time any time instance , under a given capacity threshold , taking
distribution (which is again memoryless- ) and the third pa- into account comfort and fairness issues. It must be stated that
rameter models the number of servers in the system that serve the TA algorithm can also be used for the time-of-use price sce-
the requests (they are infinite to model the case of continuously nario. For that case a price threshold can be defined by the su-
served requests ). In other words, the server of the system is pervisor or the agent of the system and the algorithm will try to
modeled to be always free to satisfy the tasks . The term keep costs under the predefined threshold. On/off actions are
server is used to describe a physical CPU unit or application performed only when the thresholds are exceeded. In a sim-
software in the controller (supervisor or the agent) and decides ilar to the CCA approach, the system can be considered as a
which requests to be served. The infinite number of servers is or service
hypothetical and one could also consider the case of one server system. The forth parameter models the service discipline, the
with zero service time of the tasks. For the CCA case, the states fifth parameter the waiting space of the queue and the sixth pa-
of operation of the flexible devices are modeled as rameter the population size. In this case we have one server with
zero service time, infinite waiting space, and population and ser-
vice discipline that can be either general independent or based
on priority criteria similar to shortest job next (SJN). The pri-
ority criteria reflect the fairness issues that are discussed in the
The block diagram of the control/scheduling algorithm
next paragraph of the paper. The server is assumed to become
is shown in Fig. 6. There are active users which are
free only when the condition of (7a) is not met. The smartgrid
pushed in the controller. The controller, according to the
sends to the controller jobs that are satisfied according to
time counter of each user and the decision variables
the priority criteria. When request is served, it means that
and , decides which users will be switched on or off.
flexible device of user is switched off and thus .
users are switched off if
For the TA case, the flexible devices can perform transitions be-
and - users are on if where
tween all possible states and these are defined as
and is the
identifier of the switch off command. Therefore, for the CCA
algorithm it is .
The objective of the CCA algorithm is to minimize energy
consumption according to the following set of equations: The objective of the TA algorithm is described according to
the following set of equations:

(6a) (7a)

(6b) (7b)

responsible for the high power loads of the system and need
to participate more in the on/off strategy, compared to others.
In this paper, fairness is introduced in three different approx-
imations: in a Round Robin scheduling scheme, in a Highest
Power Next (HPN) priority scheme, and in a Reciprocal Fair
Management (RFM) approximation. Both the Round Robin and
the HPN scheme incorporate sorting algorithms and thus they
present a computational complexity of , where
the number of active users.
Round Robin: This is the case where the multi level queue of
is given priority according to a Round Robin fashion. The
scheduler switches off the first available user and then places
the user back to the queue until all users that have not been
switched off are “served.” In this way, all flexible devices are
expected to be switched on/off approximately equal number of
The decision variables for this case are the same with (6b).
times meaning that (Algorithm 1).
The constraints have changed and now take into account switch
Highest Power Next (HPN): This is the case where the multi
off or maintenance states of the flexible devices, which are de-
level queue of is given priority similar to the SJN. For
scribed by the first line of (7c). The TA algorithm might become
the HPN the flexible devices that operate within users’ premises
similar to the CCA control policy if and only if .
that present high background power loads, are pushed
first in the queue. This algorithm can be considered similar to
a load balancing technique where the goal is to try to equalize
commands for Round Robin algorithm only the power loads of all users during the time period where the
create , (ST-Switch off Time) total load of the system exceeds the threshold. With the HPN
algorithm the number of received on/off commands follow a
commands for HPN algorithm only linear relationship with the average load of the user
create , (MP-Mean Power) (see Algorithm 1). A reward priority algorithm
common for both Round Robin and HPN algorithms for load shifting applications can be found in [23].
while Reciprocal Fair Management (RFM): The RFM algorithm is
Loop not a scheduling algorithm but mainly a constraint that guaran-
tees that the user that participates in the management procedure
will benefit compared to the NC case. In this way, both the op-
erator and the user sides present energy savings and thus cost
savings. This means or .
Consumer Utility: Consumer utility, in economic theory, rep-
resents the satisfaction of the user, relative to a given value, by
using a given service. For the purpose of our investigation, a
heuristic metric, the consumer disutility (DU) was used to model
the dissatisfaction of user that receives on/off commands from
if true the smart grid. It was modeled by taking into account the total
continue next amount of time the users were in off mode over the time that
else these users would be on for the NC case compared to the CCA
scheme. In a mathematical form it follows :
next Loop
end while

C. Fairness Issues
By letting external parties control and schedule flexible de-
vices in a user premise, creates fairness and comfort issues that (8)
need to be taken into account by operators to sustain the effec-
tive penetration of services. The CCA and TA policies reduce
the total energy consumption of the system, compared to the NC where denotes the set of users that have received at least one
policy but there are many occasions where specific users might off command .
be forced to consume extra energy compared to the NC case.
This can be easily understood from the power profile presented D. Analytical Approximation
in (1a). According to the parameters and the It is not always feasible to keep the total load of the system
number of received on/off commands the control policy below the maximum capacity, similar to condition in (7a). Ac-
might cause excess energy consumption. Furthermore, fairness cording to the simulation parameters and the
issues arise from the fact that users with high are more characteristics of the users’ devices there

are cases where it is not feasible to reduce costs or energy under

the CCA or even satisfy the constraints of TA. In some occa-
sions, energy saving at the perspective of the operator (super-
visor or microgrid) can be achieved by sacrificing energy sav-
ings for some users. Of course this holds only for the case of
piecewise linear function .
Energy Saving From a Single Flexible Device: Let us as-
sume that there is a single user in the system and we want to
compare the NC and CCA/TA algorithms. We are interested in
defining the minimum ratio such that energy sav-
ings are achieved from the on/off management scheme. For
the binary valued function , the solution is obvious and is
. For the piece-
wise linear function of (1a) the management scheme will
provide energy savings if

Fig. 7. Switch off time interval and number of switch on/off activations
as a function of number of users in the network. Solid line with asterisks
represents the user centric feasible solution.

To investigate the meaning of the simplified analytical ap-

(9a) proximations lets assume that there is a microgrid with a max-
imum capacity of kW that serves users each one
This formulation provides the relationship of the operational having an average power load equal to kW. Each user
characteristics of the flexible devices in order to gain energy has an air-conditioning unit (flexible device) that requires power
from the control scheme. One can also compute the maximum as given in (1a) with kW and kW. The re-
number of the received on/off commands above which energy quired average time to reach the wanted room temperature is
is wasted. Assuming that and hrs. Each user has a maximum switch off time
(to simplify computations) the maximum number hrs to sustain comfort and an average du-
is given by ration in the network, h. The microgrid has a supervisor
that can send on/off requests in a CCA scheme in order the peak
power never to exceed the threshold. According to (10) it can be
(9b) observed that depending on the used simulation parameters, the
equations of (9) are not always satisfied. This means that the mi-
In the above formulation, operator defines the lower rounded crogrid will achieve a peak power under a given threshold but
integer value. To achieve a reciprocal fair energy management might cause excess energy consumption to certain users, non-
scheme (RFM) the rules presented in (9) should be satisfied. reciprocal fair management (non-RFM). Fig. 7 presents the re-
Peak Power Under a Given Threshold: In many occasions gions of possible solutions and the curves representing the fea-
the peak power is required to be kept under a given threshold. sible and fair solution that satisfies all the constraints.
To simplify computations, we can assume that the user distri- Three regions are distinguished. The non RFM region con-
bution density is described by a linearly increasing/decreasing tains the solution ( or ) where peak power is below the
function whose maximum is met at 14.00 P.M. In that instance threshold but some users suffer excess power consumption com-
the maximum number of active users is approximately equal to pared to the NC policy. The all conditions satisfied region is
, where is the average duration of users in the region of possible solutions where all conditions are met.
the network and the maximum number of users. For a given This means that the peak power is under the threshold, the user
power threshold defined as , the mean required number of gains from the on/off policy without affecting his/her comfort.
switch on/off (assuming CCA policy) is computed by After 1100 users arrive in the network, there are two options to
follow. By placing high priority on the user satisfaction index,
the system selects the user centric solution (asterisks curve) sac-
rificing costs. The other option is operator centric and selects
switch off time internals (or number of off commands )
(10a) higher than the imposed by the user discomfort values. The peak
power is under the threshold but there is dissatisfaction by the
The minimum number of the switch off time interval can be users. The region no conditions satisfied is the region where both
similarly computed as parties are not satisfied. The region with no shading that falls
under the feasible solution is the region where the
load is higher than the capacity. The region above the feasible
solution , with no shading, is the region where the
system achieves a load smaller than the capacity but the switch

Fig. 8. User state of operation during the day. TA algorithm. Fig. 9. Load and cost savings of the CCA and the TA algorithms relative to the
NC algorithm for the HPN and the Round Robin fairness case.
off interval is higher than the allowed margins. Thus, dis-
comfort becomes critical. The following conclusions can be derived. First of all, the load
and cost savings are independent on the type of fairness used
IV. SIMULATION RESULTS at the scheduling scheme. This is expected since the smart grid
switches off the required number of flexible devices to achieve
The scenario under investigation comprises users the goals (demand response) under the given constraints. The
with average load (nonflexible devices) described by uniform TA algorithm starts to present savings after the time where the
randomly distributed values between and total power approaches the threshold. Load savings of approxi-
W and kW to model houses and of- mately 18% are observed, resulting to cost savings of approxi-
fice buildings in a typical urban environment). For the opera- mately 33%. On the other hand, the CCA algorithm initiates the
tion of the flexible devices each user is characterized by uni- on/off control scheme when the user is active for a period greater
form randomly distributed values hrs, than independently to the threshold margin . This has as
hrs with to a consequence of more load and cost savings to be achieved that
satisfy (9a), hrs, kW, and kW. are almost constant with time (21% and 36% respectively). De-
These values can model typical operation of air-conditioners, spite the fact that the CCA algorithm presents high savings for
ovens, or water heaters. the operator, users might become dissatisfied with the system
The users are served by a local generation system that has a since they are continuously pushed to their discomfort limits.
capacity 35% higher (safety margin) than the needs of nonflex- Fairness Issues: The HPN and Round Robin fairness algo-
ible power demands at peak hours meaning that rithms are presented in Fig. 10. The number of received on/off
commands is presented as a function of the users’ average
power . For the simulation results, it was assumed that
all users connect to the system simultaneously and it was set
and kW. These values model the case that
with indicating the maximum number of simultaneously ac- all users are activated simultaneously, resulting to peak hour
tive users at peak hour. All simulation results are averaged over characteristics and so they are all forced to participate in the
500 independent runs of the algorithms to capture a great diver- control scheme during their activation period. These settings are
sity of possible scenarios that can be met in real life. used to gain a clearer picture for the comparison of the two fair-
Change of Operational States During a Day: The process of ness algorithms.
the algorithm for the TA algorithm is presented in Fig. 8. Users The following observations are derived. The HPN fairness al-
enter the system and become active (reduce number of users gorithm yield users with high power needs to be forced to switch
with and increase number of users with ). off their flexible devices more times than the users with lower
When the total power exceeds the threshold, the flexible devices power needs. Since the RFM case is always satisfied, anytime a
from certain users need to be switched off . This oc- user switches off the flexible loads it means that he/she reduces
curs during the peak hour traffic where the highest power load his/her overall power consumption. In that way, users with high
is met. When the time of operation of the flexible device ex- power loads are switched off more times, providing load bal-
ceeds the threshold then the device exits the system and thus, ance in the system. The fairness of this condition can be ex-
. plained by taking into account the fact that the users with high
Cost and Power Savings: The cost and load savings com- power needs are more responsible for the excess of the system’s
pared to the NC algorithm are presented in Fig. 9. The cost load thresholds. On the other hand, the Round Robin fairness
was assumed as a convex function of the instantaneous load de- scheme is independent to the average power of the users, as ex-
scribed by (5). The CCA and the TA algorithm for the HPN pected. For that case, all users are forced to switch on/off equal
and the Round Robin fairness are compared to the NC case. number of times providing another type of fairness policy in the

Fig. 11. Operator Centric graph) Probability to exceed given threshold and
percentage of time exceeding relative to NC, for variable capacity limits.
User Centric graph) User energy saving and consumer disutility. It was assumed
that satisfying RFM.
Fig. 10. Number of switch on/off commands as a function of users’ average-
power load for the HPN and the Round Robin fairness (TA algorithm).

system. The final policy to be followed depends on the oper-

ator’s strategy with respect to the consumers.
Variable Capacity: Fig. 11 presents the simulation results
for the case of variable capacity. The operator centric and the
user centric graphs present the gains from the operator and the
user perspectives. The relation between the extra safety margin
needed at the installed capacity and the probability to exceed
the threshold is presented together with the percentage of time
(relative to NC case) where the threshold is exceeded. The user
centric graph presents the user energy savings relative to the NC
case and the consumer disutility as described in (8). It can be
observed that by increasing the installed capacity, the operator
reduces the probabilities and the time required to import energy Fig. 12. Operator Centric graph) Probability to exceed given threshold and
(cost reduction-OPEX) but requires a higher CAPEX for the in- percentage of time exceeding relative to NC, for variable . User
Centric graph) User energy saving and consumer disutility.
stallation. In addition, the users save less energy (since they are
not forced to switch off) but are more satisfied (lower disutility
factor). As expected, the CCA algorithm yields higher gains for V. CONCLUSION
both the operator and the users but on the other hand, it creates Dynamic control and scheduling schemes for flexible devices
a higher consumer disutility factor. It can be observed that both in the smart grid were presented taking into account real time
TA and CCA have approximately the same time per day where system’s conditions and user centric fairness issues. The pro-
peak power exceeds the threshold. Despite the fact that the CCA posed algorithms can provide the required foundations to the
algorithm reduces the total energy consumption of the system, operators to minimize costs and carbon emissions and enable
it does not significantly reduces the peak power compared to the peak “shave” operations in an effective way. For the smart grid,
TA algorithm. the proposed algorithm reflects to the demand response problem
Variable User’s Comfort: Fig. 12 shows the performance and provides the degrees of freedom for a self-adaptable-self-
of the TA and the CCA algorithms under a given (with optimized network. Two control algorithms were proposed, the
%) and variable . It was assumed that the threshold algorithm (TA) and the continuous control (CCA) al-
RFM criterion stands for . When the ratio gorithm. The TA algorithm initiates control commands between
it was assumed that the discomfort metric the smart grid and the smart devices when the total load ex-
exceeds the allowable margin . It can be observed that the ceeds a given threshold, which can be static or variable with
higher the is, the higher are the savings at both the time. At the CCA algorithm control commands are continuously
operator and the user side. From the operator perspective, it exchanged in an on/off scheme that pushes the user comfort
is highly desirable for the served users to provide a high ratio to the limits. The CCA algorithm provided greater savings but
since it minimizes the costs and provides a more effective load higher user discomfort. To maintain fairness in a reciprocal fair
control scheme. From the user perspective, the high value of scheme, a highest power next (HPN) and a Round Robin sched-
the ratio indicates great energy savings and reduced consumer uling scheme were proposed and compared. In terms of savings
disutility. In order to achieve a high ratio one from the operator’s perspective, the two scheduling policies did
should target to proper house insulation or use of efficient not cause any dramatic change. From the user’s perspective, the
devices (air conditions, etc.). HPN policy sustains fairness since it obliges users that cause

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