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(A Case Study at English Education Program of Dayanu

Ikhsanuddin University)


Submitted as a Partial Fulfillment of Requirement for the Degree of Sarjana

Pendidikan on the English Education Study Program Education and Teacher
Training Faculty of Dayanu Ikhsanuddin University Baubau

10 231 111




This thesis has been proposed and corrected by the consultants at English
Education Study Program Education and Teacher Training Faculty Dayanu
Ikhsanuddin University Baubau.


MAugust 2014

LD. Achmad Suherman

NPM. 10 231 111

Approved by:

Consultant I,

Consultant II,

Dr. Wa Ode Hanafiah, M.Hum.

NIP. 19620322 199303 2 001

Dr. La Dunifa
NIP. 19680813 199802 1 005


LD. Achmad Suherman, 10 231 111, Plagiarism in Writing Academic
Work: A case study at English Education Program of Dayanu Ikhsanuddin
University (Under the Guidance of: Dr. Wa Ode Hanafiah, M. Hum and Dr.
La Dunifa)
The objective of this research was to analyze the content of academic work
written by students from the thesis of English education study program of
Dayanu Ikhsanuddin University in the period of 2013 includes of: citation,
quotation and paraphrase. The problem statement that attempted to be
investigated in this research was How is unintentional plagiarism within the
content of academic work? which can be specified into three specific forms, they
are: How do improperly citation, quotation and paraphrasing occur within the
content of students academic work. The method in this research was a case study
and applied qualitative approach. The source of the data was only the thesis. The
key instrument of this research was the researcher himself. The findings of this
research showed that some patterns of the analyzed thesis plagiarized
unintentionally. It was based on the analyzing which was done through citation,
quotation, and paraphrasing forms that used. The finding in the form of
improperly citation can be found in the thesis of L1, N6, F3, E6 and S5 , while
improperly quotation can be found in thesis of V2, A1, A6 and I3, and improperly
paraphrasing can be found in the thesis of A4, M3,S4 and E2. These findings
showed that students in English education study program especially in the period
of 2013 were lacking of understanding of plagiarism and writing citation.
Key Words: Plagiarism, Citation, quotation and paraphrase.



First of all, the writer would like to express Alhamdulillahi Rabbil

Alamiin, a grateful thanks to the almighty Allah SWT who has given blessing
and marcy to the writer in completing this thesis entitled Plagiarism in Writing
Academic Work.
The writing of this thesis intended to full fill one of the requirements to get
the title as Scholar Education of Dayanu Ikhsanuddin University at Department
Education and Teacher Training Faculty.
Special thanks to Dr. La Dunifa, M. Pd as the second consultant and Dr.
Wa Ode Hanafiah, M. Hum as the first consultant as well as the other english
lecturers who have provided their spare time in giving the guidance and the great
attention to the researcher during arranging this thesis.
The researcher would like to express the greatfull thank and appreciation

La ode Muhammad Arsal, S.Sos, M.Si, as the Rector of Dayanu Ikhsanuddin



Drs. Anwar, M.Pd. as the dean of Education and Teacher Training Faculty.


Baharuddin Adu, M. Pd as the secretary of English education Study Program

of Dayanu Ikhsanuddin University.


All the lecturers of Education and Teacher Training Faculty, especially the
lecturers of English study program whom have guided the researcher in
completing this thesis.


All the experts who have given positive contribution on explaining plagiarism
which became an important reference in completing this thesis.


My beloved parents LD. Syfiuddin and Mustina, S. Pd, my sisters (WD. Nina
Suhartin and WD. Mega Maolana) who had prayed and supported the writer
in arranging this thesis, thanks so much.


Thanks to my clossed friends Dade, Sarina, Harlis, Fany and Uta (DSHEFU)
for giving their contructive information to the writer.


Special thanks also offer to Mr. Yasrin, S. Pd who had given costructive
suggestion and advice during arrangging this thesis.


All my brothers and sisters in Creative English Society (CES) Baubau, thank
you so much.

10. All my friends in english study program, thanks so much.

11. And all the researchers friends that cannot be mentioned one by one. Thanks
so much for you.
The writer realizes that this thesis still has some weakness. Therefore, the
writer expects the contructive contribution and suggestion to complete this thesis.

Baubau, 9 September 2014

The Writer

APPROVAL SHEET .................................................................................... ii
ABSTRACT ................................................................................................. iii
ACKNOWLEDGMENT ............................................................................... iv
LIST OF CONTENTS ................................................................................. vi
LIST OF SYMBOL ..................................................................................... viii
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ................................................................... 1
A. Background of Research ............................................................. 1
B. Focus and Sub Focuses ............................................................... 4
C. Statement of Problem.................................................................. 4
D. Research Significant ................................................................... 4
CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE ............................... 6
A. Definition of Plagiarism .............................................................. 6
B. Plagiarism on Academic Point of View ....................................... 7
C. Common Types of Plagiarism ..................................................... 9
D. Unintentional Plagiarism and Its Forms ...................................... 11
E. Writing Citation .......................................................................... 13
1. Citation Practice in APA style ......................................... 15
2. Citing from On-line Sources............................................ 16
F. Writing Quotation ....................................................................... 18
G. Writing Paraphrase ..................................................................... 19
H. Identifying Plagiarism................................................................. 21
I. Factors of Plagiarism .................................................................. 21
J. Citation Format ........................................................................... 23
1. APA (American Psycological Association) ..................... 24
2. MLA (Modern Language Association) ............................ 26
CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ........................................... 28
A. Research Method ........................................................................ 28

B. Source of the Data ...................................................................... 28

1. Primary Data ................................................................... 28
2. Secondary Data ............................................................... 29
C. Instrument and Technique of Data Collection ............................. 29
D. Technique of Data Analysis ........................................................ 29
CHAPTER IV FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION ........................................... 31
A. Findings ...................................................................................... 31
1. Imrpropely Citation ......................................................... 31
a. Cite in the Text without Reference 31
b.Citing the URL in the Text .................................. 35
c. Poorly Citation of Internet Source
in Bibliography .................................................... 37
2. Improperly Quotation ...................................................... 39
a. Quoting Another Persons Word Without
Citation ................................................................ 39
b.Unmarked the Direct Quotation
Althought the Souce has cited .............................. 41
3. Improperly Paraphrasing ................................................ 43
a. Secondhand Paraphrase ....................................... 44
b.Inter-language Paraphrase .................................... 46
B. Discussions ................................................................................. 50
1. Improperly Citation within the Thesis ............................. 50
2. Improperly Quotation within the Thesis .......................... 52
3. Improperly Paraphrasing withing the Thesis .................... 53
CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION .................................... 55
A. Conclusion.................................................................................. 55
B. Suggestion .................................................................................. 56
BIBILOGRAPHY......................................................................................... 58
APPENDICES .............................................................................................. 62



APA (America Psychological Association)

eds. (editions)

ICT (Information Communication Technology)

MLA (Modern Language Association)

n.d. (no date)
p. (page)
pp. (page to page)
UCL (University of Colombia)
URL (Uniform Resource Locator)
WPA (Writing Program Administrators)


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