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Terrestrial Biomes





Can be found in high northern latitudes
of the world. It is the coldest and the
driest of all the biomes on Earth. It lies
above the Arctic Ocean in the worlds
highest northern latitudes. The tundra
covers about one fifth of the land surface
on Earth. It is noted for its frost-molded
landscapes, extremely low temperatures,
little precipitation, poor nutrients, and
short growing seasons
A land dominated by conifers, especially
spruces and firs. Dotted with lakes, bogs
and marshes. Populated by an even
more limited variety of plants and
animals than is the temperate deciduous
forest. Tiaga is the worlds largest
terrestrial biome.
An ecosystem in which grasses, sedges,
and other forage plants are the dominant
vegetation. There are tall grass prairies
and short grass prairies. The tall grass
prairies get more water and that is why
the grass is taller. The climate is warm
and dry. The grassland occurs in the
interior of the continents and rain



Other name

Cotton grass, sedge,

dwarf heath, mosses,

Caribou, reindeer,

Frozen prairie

Coniferous, pines, oak,

maple and elm trees.

Mooses, lynx, bears,

wolverines, foxes, squirrels


Corn, wheat

Bison, zebras, cattle,


Prairie, plains, steppe

(Russia and Asia),
pampas (south
America), veldt (south

Stable Shrub lands




Deciduous forests

Naturally stable shrub-land ecosystems
cover large portions of the semiarid and
arid parts of the earth. The climate is
characterized by either hot, dry
summers and cool, moist winters or by
pronounced wet and dry seasons.
A type of shrub-land community that is
dominated by small-leaved evergreen
vegetation. Chaparral is fire dependent.
Fire wipes out decadent growth, disposes
of accumulated litter, recycle nutrients,
and stimulate new, vigorous growth from
seeds and sprouts.
Tropical grassland with scattering of
shrubs and small and large tress. Result
from soil conditions, periodic fire or from
climatic influences. The climate stays the
same from month to month.
Characterized by less than 254 mm (10
in) of annual rainfall, an evaporation rate
that exceeds precipitation and a high
average temperature. Usually located in
areas near the equator.
Occupies the eastern half of the United
States and a large portion of Europe.
During the growing season this biome

Small-leafed evergreen
shrubs, shrubs that lose
their leaves during dry

Oaks, Manzanita,
California lilac, olives,
figs, Vineyards

Black-tailed Jackrabbit,
Cactus wren, Golden
Jackal, Grey Fox, Island
grey fox, Puma, Wild Goat

Scrub forest

Palm, acacias

Giraffe, zebra, antelope,

water buffalo, kangaroo,
cheetah, rhino, hippo,
monkey, lion, warthog,
dwarf antelope, bearded
lizard, baboon, kookaburra,
ostrich, hyena.


Jackrabbit, camel, Gila

monster, iguana.

Beech, maple, oak,


Deer, raccoons,

monsoon forest

Northern coniferous

can be quite productive in both natural

and agricultural ecosystems.
Common throughout Southeast Asia and
India, they are also found along the
Pacific coastal regions of Mexico and
Central America. The climate is
characterized by daily rainfall and
relieved by seasonal dry periods.
This biome forms a worldwide belt in
subarctic and alpine regions of the
northern hemisphere. These forest
usually occupy formerly glaciated
regions and occur in association with
lakes, bogs, and rivers

Spruce, fir trees, Pine,

larch and hemlock.



Other name

Algae and sea grasses

Jellyfish, crustaceans, sea

turtles, sea snakes, sea

Aquatic Biomes


Coral Reef


A coastal and oceanic ecosystem
renowned for its beautiful life forms and
for providing one of the most biologically
diverse habitats on Earth. It is built
largely or entirely by corals. Coral reef
biome is found in a shallow area of clear
water within the ocean.
Partially enclosed body of water, where
seawater mixes with fresh water from
rivers. This is a highly productive
ecosystem, accounting for one half of
the living matter of the worlds oceans.

Sea grass

Ducks, geese, herons,

egrets, red-winged



Estuaries are divided into four main

groups. The coastal plain estuaries,
formed during the last great rise in sea
level when melting glaciers in temperate
latitudes flooded river valleys; Salt
marsh estuaries, contain
predominantly with sea water; Fjords,
formed when continental glaciers
scoured out river valleys; Tectonic
estuaries, form from major geological
events such as faulting, volcanic
eruption, and landslides
A treeless land in which water table is at,
above or just below the surface of the
Freshwater biomes cover 1/5 of the Earth
and they are vital to our survival. More
than half of the drinking water for
humans and animals comes from this


Wetlands are areas of standing water
that support aquatic plants. Marshes,
swamps, and bogs are all considered
wetlands. Always very moist and humid

grasses, reeds, sedges,

and cattails

Waterfowl, shorebirds,
muskrats, frogs, herons,

Spike rush, bull rush,

pickerel weed, cattail,
and water lily,
mangrove leaves

Manatees, frogs, raccoon,


pond lilies, cattails,

sedges, tamarack, and
black spruce

Amphibians, Alligators,
turtles, snakes, Insects.

Environmental Science

Rara Rodora C. Mercado


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