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David Collier - "The Comparative Method: Two decades of Change" in Dankwart Rustow

and Kenneth Paul Erickson, Comparative Political Dynamics: Global research perspectives,
New York: HarperCollins Publishers, 1991, pp. 7-31.

The aims of comparison:


It sharpens our powers of description

It can be a stimulus to concept formation.

It provides criteria for testing hypotheses

It contributes to the inductive discovery of new hypotheses and to theory building.

The comparative method refers to the partially distinctive methodological issues that arise in
the systematic analysis of a small number of cases, or a "small N".
Why study a small N?

Because the phenomena under study occur relatively infrequently

Because, even if these phenomena are more common, it is believed that they are better
understood through the close analysis of relatively few observations.


The problem of having more variables to analyse than cases to observe: the quandary
of "many variables, small N" (Arend Lijphart).

Synopsis of Lijpart:
Four methods of analysis:
1. The Case Study method
2. The Comparative method
3. The Experimental method
4. The Comparative method

Case Study method

examination of cases even
with limited resources.
Contributes less to building
theory than studies with more
Types of Case Studies:
1. Atheoretical
2. Interpretive
3. Hypothesis-generating
4. Theory-confirming
5. Theory-infirming
6. Deviant case studies
Comparative Method
analysis of small number of
cases (small N analysis).
Merit: "Given inevitable
scarcity of time, energy, and
intensive analysis of a few
cases may be more promising
than the superficial statistical
analysis of many cases"
(Lijphart, 1971).
Inherent problem:
capacity to sort out rival
explanations, specifically, the
problem of "many variables,
few cases".
Potential Solutions:
1. Increase number of
2. Focus on comparable
3. Reduce number of
a. Combine variables
b. Employ more parsimonious

Experimental Method
experimental control.
impossible for many or most
topics of relevance to field of
comparative politics

Statistical Method
Assesses rival
explanation through statistical
Inherent Problem: Difficult
information in a sufficient
number of cases, due to
limited time and resources.

Lijphart's proposals: How to solve the limitations of 'small N' (many variables, few
1. The use of triangulation among the different approaches (among the comparative
method defined as the small N approach and the statistical method)
2. The focus on 'comparable cases':
a. Cases that are matched on many variables that are not central to the study,
controlling thus these variables
b. Cases that differ in terms of the key variables that are the focus of analysis,
assessing more adequately their influence.
3. The reduction of variables through their combination or through the elaboration of a
theory that focuses on a small number of explanatory factors.
Innovations relevant to the comparative method
1. Justification of Small N.
Giovanni Sartori introduces the idea of 'concept stretching'. He suggests that if researchers
apply concepts to a broader range of cases, it could lead to conceptual stretching, as the
meaning associated with the original concept fail to fit the reality of new cases. In this way,
the concepts become highly abstract and they do not reflect the conditions specific to the
different (numerous) cases under analysis.
Clifford Geertz advocates the idea of 'thick description', a label according to which it is very
important to unravel the underlying meaning of political phenomena and to understand that
this meaning is rooted in particular contexts. He justifies the need for research with relatively
few cases in order to emphasise the importance of the explicative variables that vary
according to the context.
Other advocates of the small N are authors, such as Skocpol and Somers who introduced the
concept of 'contrast of contexts' (the use of comparison in order to contextualise the research
findings) or Charles Ragin, who draw attention to the concept of 'conjunctural causation'
(causal patterns that vary according to the context) (p.14).

2. Solutions to the Problem of many Variables, Small N

a. Increasing the Number of Cases
b. Comparable Cases versus contrasting cases (Lijphart versus Przeworski
and Teune)
c. Reducing the number of variables in conjunction with using stronger
The central goal in the field of comparative method must be to sustain the communication
between the comparative quantifiers and the experts in qualitative comparison. In this sense,
the country specialists and experts in qualitative small N comparison will push the
comparative quantifiers toward more carefully contextualised analysis; and the comparative
quantifiers will push the country specialists and experts in qualitative comparison toward
more systematic measurement and hypothesis testing (p.25).

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