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Context-aware Authoring and Presentation from

Open E-Learning Repository

Ganesh Venkataraman

Arunkumar Ravichandran

Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering, Sriperumbudur,

Tamil Nadu, India

Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering, Sriperumbudur,

Tamil Nadu, India

Chellam Srinivasan
Susan Elias

Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering, Sriperumbudur,

Tamil Nadu, India

Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering, Sriperumbudur,

Tamil Nadu, India

Lakshimi Prabha Ramesh

Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering,
Sriperumbudur, Tamil Nadu, India

Abstract- With the explosive growth in the World Wide Web

over the past few decades, a predominant part of the pedagogical
arena is making a transition from stereotype textbook learning to
massive open online learning. Efforts are being made to develop
and foster crowd sourced massive open repositories of learning
objects, which can be tapped to author courses for diverse
learners with varied backgrounds dynamically. Developing
systems to author and deliver such courses has been of rising
importance to contemporary researchers and this paper proposes
an efficient context-aware open e-learning environment to do the
same. The learning objects having high aptness to the particular
course and high content-based predicted rating pertaining to the
particular learners preferences are picked from the open
repository and the course structure is modeled using
communicating dynamic Petri nets. Ratings and feedback from
the user are obtained during presentation, based on which the
course delivery is made adaptive. Rating prediction through
Collaborative filtering is used for this purpose. The ratings are
also used to implicitly learn the learners preferences and to
establish an aptness score for each learning object.
Index Terms Component e-learning;
authoring; adaptive course presentation.


The exponential growth of computing technology and the
internet over the past few decades have paved way for the
extensive growth of e-learning systems on the web. Most of
the present day e-learning platforms like the MOOCs
(Massively open online courses) offer fixed course content
and are supported by various universities. Very less effort has
been made towards creating an open repository of learning
objects to which anyone can contribute and access. One such
initiative is the National Repository of Open Educational

978-1-4799-6876-3/14/$31.00 2014

Resources (NROER) initiated by the Ministry of Human

Resource Development (MHRD), Government of India. An
open repository is an online archive for collecting, preserving,
and distributing educational content and is supported by a
community of schools, universities, research organizations etc.
These kinds of open repositories can be effectively tapped to
create courses but has been less explored. This paper proposes
a way to author courses using the contents from an open
repository and make the presentation adaptive based on the
student feedback and ratings. The following are previous
works towards creating open, adaptive learning environments
and recommendation systems for e-learning.
[1] elaborates the concept of recommender system in the elearning scenario. In [2], recommender system that works on
the idea of recommending learning materials based on the
similarity of content items (using Vector Space Model) and
good learners average rating strategy is proposed. To realize
personalized e-learning systems, all users have components in
user models. User models consist of a set of information that
describes user characteristics such as preferences and
background knowledge [3]. In [4] a personalized adaptive elearning system using item response theory has been
developed in which personalized learning according to
difficulty parameters of course materials and learners
responses has been provided.
The chief goal of personalized and adaptive e-learning was
formulated in [5] as e-learning content, activities and
collaboration, adapted to the specific needs and influenced by
specific preferences and context of the student. Adaptive
Hypermedia Systems (AHS)[5] that possess abilities to
provide adaptive navigation, structural adaptation, adaptive
presentation and historical adaptation addresses this. Some


research groups focus on adaptability to learners current

knowledge based on the theory of knowledge spaces [6]. The
use of learning objects provides an excellent opportunity for
learners to apply their own meanings in various information
contexts. Dynamic adaptation is used in different instructional
scenarios with content package adaptation facilitated by wide
usage of Web services [7]. [8] presents KnowledgeTree, an
architecture for adaptive E-Learning based on distributed
reusable intelligent learning activities. This integrative
architecture attempts to address both the component-based
assembly of adaptive systems and teacher-level reusability. In
[9] adaptive course uses ant colony optimization where ants
are presumed as learners, and adaptive learning path is made
by considering pheromones which is released by other
learners. [10] Proposes an improved personalized course
composition approach based on modified particle swarm
optimization algorithm along with digital pheromones. [11]
proposes the overlay model to construct models for students
which takes students' knowledge as a subset of the expert
knowledge base and judges the learning condition by
comparing students' performance with the knowledge they
should master, so as to recommend corresponding learning
content to students. [12] proposes a model simply describing
the state of users' knowledge. It groups the users and assigns
initial values for users. [13] Shows that a collaborative
filtering(CF) framework can be used to combine personal
information filtering agents and the opinions of a community
of users. In [14], a proactive recommender system for
authoring based on context-aware information related to the
users needs like topic of the learning object or target audience
etc. is proposed. In our paper, recommendation of learning
objects is made more efficient by establishing an aptness score
and content-based rating prediction. [15] suggests a system
where learning content are generated from adaptable
aggregations of learning objects and media components. This
paper describes the concept of an authoring tool (LOTTILearning objects tutor tools interface) that supports the design
of adaptable, reusable and pedagogically rich learning objects
using proven learning patterns and capitalizes upon the recent
focus of metadata standards for adaptability. In [15] alternate
contents are recommended if the user selects content with
limitations. [16] concentrates on presenting the authoring
process of adaptable content within the context of using the
ADOPTA platform and [17] concentrates on the course
knowledge system where Bayesian Networks are constructed
and then the prior probability table of influence degree
between nodes is obtained deductively through the learners'
user profile and Bayesian Network. Systems that perform
adaptive student assessment exist such as [18] that deal with
adaptive student assessment (EX-COFALE). In [19] an
advanced adaptive personalized approach using grid agent and
artificial psychology techniques is investigated. In the process
of the model construction, grid agent techniques and AP
mathematics theories are synthesized , and integrated to form
the Architecture for personalized e-learning System. Paper
[20] suggests an ontology-based approach to design an e-


learning Decision support system which provides adaptive

learning paths to specific learner. The user profile data are
collected via a registration process to keep track of learners
characteristics and the result of activities tests during the
learning process. The adaptive engine suggested in this paper
analyses user profile data, based on the analyzed results,
recommends an appropriate learning path to the specific
learner and development
in learning of the user is
accomplished using item response theory.
Pattern Collector(PPC) is a web based tool that provides
learning design support environment for teachers and lecturers
where they can build and share ideas on how to teach well
with new technologies. . This paper can also be seen as an
extension of the multimedia recommender system proposed in
[21]. In [21] though, a page rank based ranking of
recommended items is not used. Rather a hybrid two-level
rating prediction concept and a petri net model to make the
course adaptive to the feedback of the learner is proposed for
an open learning environment.
The architecture of the system consists of the open repository,
authoring and presentation tools. The open repository has
discrete learning objects of various media formats residing
along with the metadata as mentioned. Fig. 1 shows the
operational flows in the proposed e-learning system. The user
gives the input parameters required for authoring the course
like the subject, topic, subtopic, duration etc. The presentation
tool receives this and passes it over to the authoring tool
which mines the repository and retrieves contents with meta
data matching the requirements. The learning objects
pertaining to each topic or sub topic that has the highest
aptness score and content-based predict rating for the
particular learner are picked. These contents are then ordered
into certain levels of subtopics to form a petri net and are
passed on to the presentation tool. While the course is being
offered, the presentation tool receives the feedback from the
user based on which the flow of the course is made adaptive.
Collaborative rating prediction is used to find and offer the
most suitable learning object at each level. Ratings for each
learning object is also obtained using which the aptness score
is computed and updated. These ratings are also implicitly
used to learn the preferences of the learner/student and are
stored in the student database that can be used to make the
authoring better in later courses.
As mentioned earlier, all the learning objects in the repository
have metadata associated with them. The various fields in the
metadata are assumed to be
x Subject: The subject to which the content offered by the
learning object belongs (eg. Computer networks)
x Sub-Topic: The topic within the subject to which the
content belongs(eg.Tranfer control protocol-TCP) .

2014 IEEE International Conference on MOOC, Innovation and Technology in Education (MITE)

Figure 1. Operational overview of the proposed system

x Prerequisites- Gives the knowledge to be possessed by the

learner in order to understand the content.
x Type of content: Gives information on degree to which
the content is diagrammatic, illustrative and
mathematical. These can be represented in the form of a
vector which is called as the feature vector and is
explained in the next section.
x Aptness: Score ranging from 0-1 that defines the degree
to which the content is apt for the given subject or sub
topic. This is computed and updated every time a student
rates content.
It is assumed that the meta-data fields are labeled while the
content is uploaded to the repository or there is a state of art
mechanism to automatically crawl the repository and label the
learning objects. This is beyond the scope of this paper and is
a potential lead for future research.
The aim of the authoring tool is to mine the repository and
pick learning objects that has contents offering knowledge
according to the requirements given by the user. The contents
pertaining to each sub-topic are chosen such that they have a
high aptness score. Also, to make the content more suited for
the particular student, content based rating prediction is done.

x 2


T 1
T 2

T 3

Here x1, x2, x3 denotes the degree to which the content is

theoretical, mathematical and illustrative which is obtained
from the meta data. From the ratings given to learning objects
in the past and their features, the degree to which the student
likes the corresponding types of content can be learnt. The
parameter vector gives this. The parameter vector can be
found such that it minimizes the cost function given in (1).

((T j )T X (i )  y (i , j ) ) 2  ( j )

2 i:r (i , j ) 1


( j) 2


k 1

This can be done using various algorithms. One simple

algorithm that can be used for this purpose is Gradient descent
shown in (2)

T k( j ) : T k( j )  D{


) X (i )  y (i , j ) ] X k(i ) }

( j) T

i:r ( i , j ) 1

( j)

: T

( j)



(for k
( j) T

) X

(i )


(i , j )


(i )

 OT k( j ) }

i:r ( i , j ) 1

(for k z 0 )

A. Content-based rating prediction

From the ratings given by a student in the past for various
learning objects and the corresponding feature vectors, the
rating that the student would give for a new content can be
predicted. This is called content-based rating prediction and
can be efficiently used while authoring the course.
Let a learning object have feature vector X and let every
student have a parameter vector T .



r(i,j)=1 if student j rated content i.

T j is the parameter vector of user j.

X (i ) is the feature vector of content i.

y (i , j ) is the rating given to content i by student.


D is the learning rate for gradient descent update.

O is the regularization parameter.
c ( j ) is the number of contents rated by user j.

2014 IEEE International Conference on MOOC, Innovation and Technology in Education (MITE)


Thus, the parameter vector T gives the learning preferences of

the student ie. the degree to which the student likes the various
types of content viz., mathematical, theoretical and
illustrative. The content based predicted rating for a learning
object X
by student/user T is given by (T ) ( X ) .
While authoring the course, the learning objects that have a
high aptness score and high content-based predicted rating are
picked for each level of the course.
(i )

( j)

( j) T

(i )

B. Petri net Structure

The use of dynamic petri nets to author multimedia
applications has been researched in [22] and the primary aim
of this have been to ensure concurrency and synchronization
of media contents and to explore the iterative capability. The
temporal dimension that dominates the multimedia authoring
process and several other issues that need special focus have
been identified and documented in [23]. [23] also provides an
overview of the various authoring environments and classify
them based on four paradigms: structured, timeline, graph and
scripting. Converting the given presentation specifications into
a required temporal format i.e., automatic temporal formatting
and an algorithm to convert a temporal layout into a DPN is
presented in [24]. [25] focuses on modeling workflow pattern
in multimedia presentations using DPNs. The Dynamic Petri
Net (DPN) has been chosen to perform the functions of a run
time formatter. The programmable feature of the DPN makes
it superior to all existing petri nets in representing iterations
and interactions. In [26], since similarity between learning
objects graph and Petri net exists, adaptive learning is
provided based on a high level petri net (HLPN). The concept
of Communicating Dynamic Petri Net (CDPN) is presented in
[27] which introduces modification to the DPN to enable
communicating feature through global variables. This makes it
possible to model distributed systems of isolated DPNs
effectively. The CDPN forms the basis for the e-learning
environment proposed in this paper. This type of modeling
makes it possible to form a loose coupling of numerous
learning objects, ensure concurrency in multimedia
presentations and to make the course offering adaptive to the
student feedback with the help of the programmable feature of
Dynamic Petri nets. Fig. 2 shows a course model with two
levels of contents.
Presenting the course contents is an integral part in creating an
adaptive environment for learning. As said earlier this is done
using the feedback and ratings obtained from the students. The
objectives of the presentation part are:
x Making the students rate course content
x Learning the aptness of discrete multimedia content
picked from the repository to a particular subject or subtopic
x Making the sequence of contents adaptive to the student
performance and feedback
x Learning the similarity between student groups.


While viewing the course, students rate individual contents on

a scale of (1-10) and provide the feedback information when
prompted at the end of each section/content through a form.
Based on the feedback, the control shifts dynamically and
based on the rating, the aptness score is updated and learning
style/preferences of a student is learned.
A. Learning from individual ratings
The Aptness Score: The ratings given for
individual learning objects by students are used to find the
degree to which the content is suitable for the given
subject/subtopic. This is done by establishing a value called
the aptness score for each of the content which is then updated
when they are rated at run time. This is one of the metadata
associated with the objects as specified earlier. The initial
value of aptness score is set as 1 for all the contents in the
repository. When the course is being offered and the content/
the learning object is rated, the aptness score is updated based
on the formula shown in equation (3)


sc  R



sc - Existing aptness score

scnew - Updated aptness score
r - Rating given to the content
R - Maximum rating on scale (10 in our case)
n - Number of times the content has been rated

Learning styles / Preferences: The learning
style/preferences of each student is given by the parameter
vector of the student, the elements of which gives the degree
to which the student likes the various types of contents viz.,
mathematical, theoretical and illustrative. As shown earlier,
this parameter vector is found using gradient descent that uses
the past ratings given by that student. Thus, the ratings act as
an implicit factor in learning the learning preferences of
B. Adaptive Presentation:
At each control place following a level of learning objects, the
feedback is obtained. Depending on the feedback, the contents
offered to the user varies. The different cases are explained as
a) Pre-requisite deficiency: In case the feedback obtained
from the user states that he did not possess the prerequisite
knowledge to understand the content presented, the
communicating feature of CDPN[27] is used. The prerequisite
petri net which was formed initially during authoring for the
particular level/cluster is then offered by setting the
appropriate global variable, on completion of which the
control shifts back to the original course.

2014 IEEE International Conference on MOOC, Innovation and Technology in Education (MITE)

For all i

































{If( =1)


{disable }

If( =1)





If( )
For(j=1 to no of contents)

Content_sort();//in descending

If( )
For(j=1 to no of contents){

Content_sort();//in descending order
{if )
If( ){


if )
If( )

If(content_okay()==1&& i==n)

{ terminate_all();
//deallocate all
memory and

{ G=i;
//set global variable based on
level of course

Figure 2. Petri net model for a sample course with two levels of sub-topics

2014 IEEE International Conference on MOOC, Innovation and Technology in Education (MITE)


b) Proceeding to next content: When the user chooses

to proceed with the course, content from the next level is not
offered at random. Rather, a collaborative filtering
algorithm is used to predict the rating that the student would
give for each of the contents in that particular level. For this
purpose, a cluster of similar students is formed at the start of
the course taking into consideration the past courses
attended and ratings given for contents. The method used to
cluster the students is beyond the scope of this paper. The
contents chosen while authoring is primarily based on high
aptness score and high content based predicted rating using
past ratings of the particular student as given earlier. During
presentation, making a collaborative prediction of rating by
considering the past ratings given by many similar students
and offering the content with highest predicted rating
intuitively gives the best content for the particular student.
The algorithm used for rating prediction is given in the
following sub-section.
c) Problem with clarity of content: When the students
feedback states that the contents of the learning object was
not clear and he/she would rather prefer to study some other
material offering the same knowledge, another learning
object from the same level with the next highest predicted
rating is offered. This is done by firing the output arc to the
previous control place. Refer Fig. 2.
C. Collaborative rating prediction:
Collaborative filtering [28] is the process of filtering or
evaluating items based on ratings from other users: humans
naturally tend to form their opinions about virtually
anything based on reviews and comments provided by their
peers[29]. Thus, in this context, collaborative rating
prediction is similar to the content-based prediction seen
earlier. Here the past ratings given by all the students
belonging to the similarity group are considered. It is
assumed that the elements of the feature vectors are not
known and both the feature vector and the parameter vectors
are updated simultaneously using gradient descent to find a
fit pertaining to the ratings of similar students belonging to
the group. Note that the feature vector that was used for
content-based rating prediction is fixed and is denoted by
X(capital x). The feature vectors used here is x and are
temporary vectors used for collaborative rating prediction
and does not have anything to do with the feature vectors in
the repository. The collaborative filtering algorithm to
predict the rating that the student would give on viewing the
content is as follows:
x Initialize small random values to x (1) ,.., x ( nc) and
T ,.., T ( ns) .
x The aim is to minimize the cost function given in
equation (4).

J ( x (1) ,.., x ( nm) ,T (1) ,..,T ( ns) )

O nc n
O ns n
((T j )T x (i )  y (i , j ) ) 2  ( xk(i ) ) 2  (T k( j ) ) 2

2 (i , j ):r (i , j ) 1
2j1k 1

x Using gradient decent algorithm, simultaneously

update x and T . The equations for gradient descent is
given in equation (5.a) and (5.b).

xk(i )


xk(i )  D{

) x (i )  y (i , j ) ]T k( j )  Oxk(i ) }

( j) T

T k( j ) T k( j )  D{


) x (i )  y (i , j ) ]xk(i )  OT k( j ) } (5.b)

( j) T

i:r ( i , j ) 1

ns is the number of students.
nc is the number of contents.
r(i,j)=1 if student j rated content i.
y ( i , j ) is the rating given to content i by student.

O is the regularization parameter.

Now the collaborative predicted rating for a learning object

x (i ) by student/user T ( j ) is given by (T ( j ) ) T ( x (i ) ) . The

learning object with highest predicted rating in each level is
offered first and subsequent objects on receiving content
not clear feedback are offered in the Now the collaborative
predicted rating for a learning object x (i ) by student/user
T ( j ) is given by (T ( j ) )T ( x(i ) ) . The learning object with
highest predicted rating in each level is offered first and
subsequent objects on receiving content not clear feedback
are offered in the decreasing order of their predicted ratings.
This operation is governed by the function definitions of the
control places of the DPN. Previous efforts of collaborative
rating prediction in e-learning applications have been very
less. In [30], rating prediction is done based on just the
weighted average of other learners ratings which has high
mean absolute error and is reduced by using the above
proposed algorithm.
Thus in this paper, a context-aware learning environment
that efficiently extracts learning objects from the open
repository and delivers the course, adaptive to the learners
feedback, was proposed. The choice of contents for each
level of the course was made based on content-based rating
prediction that takes into account the learner preferences and
the type of contents in each learning object. The course was
modeled using CDPNs, making it possible to adapt the
course delivery to the learners feedback. A collaborative
filtering algorithm was proposed to predict the ratings and to
offer the best possible content at each level of the course
during adaptive delivery. The ratings obtained for each
learning object was used to establish an aptness score that
denoted the degree of aptness it had for the particular course.
They were also used to implicitly learn the learners
preferences, which enables making future authoring for the
particular learner more personalized.




j:r ( i , j ) 1

2014 IEEE International Conference on MOOC, Innovation and Technology in Education (MITE)

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2014 IEEE International Conference on MOOC, Innovation and Technology in Education (MITE)


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