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All of the counsels that come forth from the wisdom of this world are nothing but

lying vanities
that make men worthless; yet, she, by reason of deceitful desires and Satans lies
, deceives
men into believing that they are something great and important in their own eyes
. She is the
1st love of the children of darkness; a children in whom there is no light to re
veal the evil in
the imaginations of her counsels. She hides herself in the works of iniquity; th
e works
whereby she justifies all works and deeds by her reasons and lies. By her works,
many will
exalt themselves in their outward show of righteous works, so that they may be e
xalted and
glorified in the sight of men. She is the darkness that appears as the light in
each mans
thinking; the darkness that deceives each man with the illusion that he alone is
right in his
thinking. She says she is never wrong, but she is never right; and she thinks ev
il with all who
disagree with her. She is the illusion that deceives men into believing that the
y must try to
perfect vanity by the works of their own hands. O the illusions of vanity, the i
dols of ones own
self-image; how greatly are men deceived by her desires to make themselves to be
something that they are not. It is only by the wisdom of this world that men are
deceived into
believing that they are able to make themselves something righteous and great in
the sight of
God. Their desire for vanity is their idol worship; and their works are done to
satisfy their
desires. The idols of man are the works of the wisdom of this world, who works t
o deceive all
men into believing and exalting the images of self. Vanities of vanities; for all
of the works of
this worlds wisdom is mans iniquity and appearances of vanity.
The wisdom of this world is the power that deceives because she gives the lust t
o believe lies;
and her lust is the power that makes the lies of Satan desirable and pleasurable
to believe. It
is only by reason of her seductions, enchantments, and enticements that all lyin
words/thoughts are allowed entrance and welcomed into the thinking of the carnal
mind; the
same mind that allows in uncertainty, misery, failure, unrest, sadness, fear, co
rruption, and
trouble into its thinking. Even so, she is still the desire for control and vain
glory, and she is
still able to deceive men who have the same unsoundness of mind that allows for
them to be
friends with death, that they can make the creature to be equal to or greater th
an the Creator.
The wisdom of this world is pure foolishness in the sight of God. She is the way
that leads into
foolishness; and from foolishness she leads into insanity; and from insanity she
leads to
destruction by madness.
The spirit of antichrist leads many of my sheep to refuse to take heed to the co

unsels and
instructions of my voice. For she is that spirit that is expertly skilled in the
lies that teach the
art of self-justification; the justification that deceives my people into believ
ing that I will be
pleased with their good deeds or the works of the law that they have done; yet,
these are the
very deeds and works that are an abomination in my sight, says the Lord. She is th
e lies that
lead many in their fall from grace as they seek to justify themselves through th
e work of their
own hands. For the lies of self-justification are her highest form of deception,
seeing that selfjustification
only blinds men from seeing the truth about their own faults, sins, and
weaknesses; the very deeds and works that my blood justifies. She is the wisdom
that creates
and forms excuses, or reasonings, or the words that bring forth misplaced blame;
words that
deceive one into believing that her counsels are the way to escape any guilt or
blame for any
faults, sins or weaknesses. Those who are self-justified are those who trust self
with all their
The wisdom of this world always works to justify all of her children. She is the
mother of
Legion; and all of her children are named for the nature of the work that they d
o: envy,
bitterness, loneliness, guilt, arguments, covetousness, worry, fears, sorrow, pa
nic, cruelty,
contention, complaints, confusion, greed, hatred, spitefulness, pride, hopelessn
ess, strife,
murder, anxiety, self-glory, impatience, unbelief, adultery, malice, hypocrisy,
doubt, disappointment, arrogance, sadness, frustration, boredom, meanness, forni
stress, evil suspicions, thefts, failure, dread, or self-condemnation. She it is
who nurtures her
children, the seed of Satans lying words/thoughts, until they are believed on; un
til they are
birthed into the thinking of a man as those lively, healthy particles that honor
ed and esteemed
in those who are carnally minded. She nurtures his seed out of her own desires a
nd affections
to believe his lies; lies that only receive power and come to life after they ar
e believed on.
The wisdom of this world never ceases in her work to justify her children; labor
ing in her
attempts to make the counsels of her words/thoughts to appear as the right thing
s to do or the
right words to speak in the daily situations and circumstances that arise in lif
e. Her
justifications are the righteousness of the children of darkness, always supplyi
ng for them
various excuses, and imaginations, and witty words/thoughts, as well as all mann
er of
reasonings whereby she is able to justify all of the evil that men do. She says,
Peace, peace
with her counsels in her attempts to quiet the mind that is troubled by the guil

t of her evil
deeds. She is even the illusion of thoughts that deceive men into believing that
they are able
to justify and balance out their evil deeds with the good works that they do. Th
e way that
seems right is the way of self-justification; and this is the way that all men w
alk in who do not
seek to know the Lord. The deceitfulness and the power of the wisdom of this wor
ld is found
in those who do not seek God out of faith, because they are blind to see any nee
d to seek for
God. She is able to make the ways that lead to death and destruction to appear a
s though
they are the right words to speak and the right works to do, having no need for
God. There
are no changes in the desires of the heart of those who justify themselves.
The wisdom of this world is well-armed with many different types of devices in h
er war against
God as she keeps waging war in the imaginations of the carnal mind of those who
resist her
words/thoughts. She is relentless as she battles to diminish and overthrow the c
ounsels of
Gods words/thoughts. She is prepared to fight to the death, lest she lose her hab
itation and
her throne. She, being the spirit of antichrist, that entity that opposes God, b
rings forth the
desires that hate to receive any of his correction; for the Lords correction deth
rones her of
her power. She is the passion of rebellion that burns in the hearts of the child
ren of
disobedience to hinder them from receiving any of their heavenly Fathers gifts, o
r blessings,
or works. She is the fiery flames of desire that burn with hatred, and scorn, an
d rejection
towards all who oppose her own will; for those who do not oppose her will never
accept the
will of God which comes from heaven. She is the desires and the passions that co
tempt the creatures of God to sin.
The wisdom of this world is also the spirit of harlotry; for she is mother of al
l desires for the
things of this world; the desires that the citizens of this world know by nature
. She it is that is
always tempting my people to go a whoring from me after the desires and the plea
sures of
the being of self. She is the mother of all fornication and whoredoms, and by reas
on of her
desires, my people are tempted to yield to the lies of Satan. For when desire is
conceived and
then joined with Satans lies, it brings forth sin; and sin when it is finished, b
rings forth the
children of death; the thoughts that inhabit the carnal mind. She is the harlot
who dresses
herself with outward appearances of beauty and righteousness to entice the child
ren of God
to the blood unto her deeds. Remember how she bewitched the Galatians? Remember
she seduced the children of Israel into believing the lies that say that righteo

usness comes
forth by the works of the law, when in truth, all that was brought forth were th
e iniquities of
self-righteousness? She loves to deceive all men with the lies that say that God
is pleased
with the best efforts that a man can do of himself. Who is the adulterer and the
except those who love Satans lies and her desires; for the two being joined toget
her bring
forth the sins of this world; the sins that entitle many to be the citizens of t
his world.

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