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Extra-curricular activities should be made compulsory in school

School is considered as a learning platform where students gain a perspective towards their life. The school is responsible to
make the students fit in every area. It also includes extra-curricular activities so that students dont get restricted to formal
studies. But then there is a group who dont want their kids to waste time on extra curricular activities. It considers a waste of
time reaping no benefits in future. Do you think extra curriculum activities should be made compulsory in school?
Students need some other ways to relax and have some good time to rejuvenate the spirits. Students need play as well as
studies to have right balance in life.
Extra curriculum activities provide the students with an opportunity to learn and practice things on a practical level.
Extra curricular activities not only provide a break from routine studies but also help the students to improve their health.
There are many students who dont want to choose the specific subjects to make a career. They find their future careers in
the form of extra curriculum activities.
Extra curriculum activities are a way to bind with different people and often enhance the team spirit in the children.
There is no lucrative career made by opting for the extra curriculum activities. It is just a form of entertainment.
It is not possible for every school to give equal importance to the extra curriculum activities. It requires resources.
Students tend to lose their focus on studies due to the extra curriculum activities. It is not welcomed by parents.
If extra curriculum activities are forced on the school then it will only result in boredom and exhaustion. Children want the
extra curriculum activities for fun, and cannot enjoy it under compulsion.
Making extra curriculum activities compulsory cannot reap any significant benefits. Students need the space to choose their
career and it comes when their family allows it. Even if the extra curriculum activities are kept optional, they can make a
difference in students lives. Making it compulsory will only kill the fun of activities.
RE: Extra-curricular activities should be made compulsory in school
devesh 04-17-2014 02:52 AM
Yes, extra curricular activities should be made compulsory because it will not only help in wholesole development of a child
but also improves his social and emotional quotient. It will help to overcome lethargy and child's real and unique qualities are
RE: Extra-curricular activities should be made compulsory in school
RSW 12-7-2014 12:48 PM

Extracurricular activities should be compulsory but with a free space for students to be creative and enjoy it without feeling
stress. For example, students get to choose the clubs they want to create and it's activities corresponding to their abilities and
interest. So even if there were kids who only care about studying and good grades, they can be in a club for studying or
something related to their subjects to help them improve in studying, or a research club.
This will benefit them in too many ways, they get to explore, have fun, improve their soft skills perhaps and teach them
Saying that extracurricular activities won't help kids in the future is absolutely wrong. Education is not all about grades and
information in books, it is all the experiences skills and information a person receives in their daily lives.
RE: Extra-curricular activities should be made compulsory in school
RSW 12-7-2014 12:50 PM
Extracurricular activities should be compulsory but with a free space for students to be creative and enjoy it without feeling
stress. For example, students get to choose the clubs they want to create and it's activities corresponding to their abilities and
interest. So even if there were kids who only care about studying and good grades, they can start a club where they can study
or together or research o topic related to their subjects to help them improve in studying.
This will benefit them in too many ways, they get to explore, have fun, improve their soft skills perhaps and teach them
Saying that extracurricular activities won't help kids in the future is absolutely wrong. Education is not all about grades and
information in books, it is all the experiences skills and information a person receives in their daily lives.
RE: Extra-curricular activities should be made compulsory in school
Pankaj Yadav 12-7-2014 05:14 PM
Making Extra curriculam activities compulsory in schools would be a idea.These activities are good physically and mentally.
Students come to know their area of interest and learn many thing like working as team,interacting with other schools
student.It will help good athleate to find a platform.
RE: Extra-curricular activities should be made compulsory in school
Deepanjul Rai 12-8-2014 09:33 AM
Extra curricular activities shud be made compulsory in school.....
When a child got an admission in school...wht he/she is interested in diff kinds of activities such as dancing,acting etc.....This
interest of dem later give dem a kind of boost in future...What i want to say is if Extra curricular activities are not being
introduced or made compulsory in schools...i m sure dat dey wont become einstien either by only concentrating in books...
If we talk abt future aspects of extra curricular is lot more benificial....

A person who is frm village nd not getting proper education ...Wht will he do in future...??
So dat person switches on to sports which counts in extra curricular activities...nd dis person will be more successful dan d
person studying in schools with no extra curricular activities....m sure abt it....Nd dis is becoz d village guy has no option to
achieve something in he will definitely work hard in sports nd will make footprints fr others to follow..
RE: Extra-curricular activities should be made compulsory in school
alok 12-9-2014 03:38 AM

In today's scenrio of d world, if you want to selection in a reputed place/company/organisation then u hav to perfect in every
field & it z only possible whn extracurricular will hav to be made compulsary in schls/colleges n universities..
and learning is not a part of only reading books...we can learn from everywhere....everyfield has a lot of we
should retain nd it shud be made compulsary....thank u
RE: Extra-curricular activities should be made compulsory in school
puja singh 12-9-2014 10:59 AM
allowing children to participate in extra carricular activities is like giving them wings to fly, giving them a chance to persue
thier own field of interest be it in games,drama literary,research , studies etc. it gives them freedom to think rationally. but
when the choice becomes compulsion it leads to unwillingness and frustration. ..
so instead of making it compulsary it should be kept as a choice in school so that children can get a chance to decide properly
about what they actually want..
Translete :
Sekolah dianggap sebagai platform pembelajaran di mana siswa memperoleh perspektif terhadap kehidupan mereka. Sekolah
bertanggung jawab untuk membuat siswa masuk di setiap daerah. Ini juga mencakup kegiatan ekstra kurikuler sehingga siswa
tidak bisa dibatasi untuk studi formal. Tapi kemudian ada kelompok yang tidak ingin anak-anak mereka membuang-buang
waktu pada kegiatan ekstra kurikuler. Ia menganggap buang-buang waktu menuai tidak ada manfaat di masa depan. Apakah
Anda pikir kegiatan kurikulum tambahan harus dibuat wajib di sekolah?
Iya Nih
Siswa perlu beberapa cara lain untuk bersantai dan memiliki beberapa waktu yang baik untuk meremajakan roh. Siswa perlu
bermain serta studi untuk memiliki keseimbangan yang tepat dalam hidup.
Kegiatan ekstra kurikulum memberikan siswa dengan kesempatan untuk belajar dan berlatih hal-hal pada tingkat praktis.
Kegiatan ekstra kurikuler tidak hanya memberikan istirahat dari studi rutin tetapi juga membantu siswa untuk meningkatkan
kesehatan mereka.
Ada banyak siswa yang tidak ingin memilih mata pelajaran tertentu untuk membuat karier. Mereka menemukan karir masa
depan mereka dalam bentuk kegiatan kurikulum ekstra.
Kegiatan ekstra kurikulum adalah cara untuk mengikat dengan orang yang berbeda dan sering meningkatkan semangat tim
pada anak.
Tak Ada
Tidak ada karir yang menguntungkan yang dibuat dengan memilih kegiatan kurikulum ekstra. Ini hanya suatu bentuk
Hal ini tidak mungkin bagi setiap sekolah untuk memberikan sama pentingnya dengan kegiatan kurikulum ekstra. Hal ini
membutuhkan sumber daya.
Siswa cenderung kehilangan fokus mereka pada studi karena kegiatan kurikulum ekstra. Hal ini tidak diterima oleh orang

Jika kegiatan kurikulum ekstra dipaksa di sekolah maka hanya akan mengakibatkan kebosanan dan kelelahan. Anak-anak
ingin kegiatan kurikulum ekstra untuk bersenang-senang, dan tidak dapat menikmatinya di bawah paksaan.
Membuat ekstra kegiatan kurikulum wajib tidak dapat menuai manfaat yang signifikan. Siswa membutuhkan ruang untuk
memilih karir mereka dan datang ketika keluarga mereka memungkinkan. Bahkan jika kegiatan kurikulum ekstra disimpan
opsional, mereka dapat membuat perbedaan dalam kehidupan siswa. Sehingga wajib hanya akan membunuh kesenangan dari
RE: Kegiatan ekstra kurikuler harus dibuat wajib di sekolah
Devesh 2014/04/17 02:52
Ya, kegiatan ekstra kurikuler harus dibuat wajib karena tidak hanya akan membantu dalam pengembangan wholesole anak
tetapi juga meningkatkan kecerdasan sosial dan emosional. Ini akan membantu untuk mengatasi kelesuan dan kualitas nyata
dan unik anak dikembangkan.
RE: Kegiatan ekstra kurikuler harus dibuat wajib di sekolah
RSW 2014/12/07 12:48
Kegiatan ekstrakurikuler harus wajib tetapi dengan ruang bebas bagi siswa untuk berkreasi dan menikmatinya tanpa merasa
stres. Sebagai contoh, siswa bisa memilih klub yang mereka ingin membuat dan itu kegiatan sesuai dengan kemampuan dan
minat mereka. Jadi bahkan jika ada anak-anak yang hanya peduli tentang belajar dan nilai yang baik, mereka bisa berada di
klub untuk belajar atau sesuatu yang berkaitan dengan mata pelajaran mereka untuk membantu mereka meningkatkan dalam
belajar, atau klub penelitian.
Hal ini akan menguntungkan mereka terlalu banyak hal, mereka bisa menjelajahi, bersenang-senang, meningkatkan soft skill
mereka mungkin dan mengajar mereka tanggung jawab.
Mengatakan bahwa kegiatan ekstrakurikuler tidak akan membantu anak-anak di masa depan benar-benar salah. Pendidikan
adalah tidak semua tentang nilai dan informasi dalam buku-buku, itu semua keterampilan pengalaman dan informasi
seseorang menerima dalam kehidupan sehari-hari mereka.
RE: Kegiatan ekstra kurikuler harus dibuat wajib di sekolah
RSW 2014/12/07 12:50
Kegiatan ekstrakurikuler harus wajib tetapi dengan ruang bebas bagi siswa untuk berkreasi dan menikmatinya tanpa merasa
stres. Sebagai contoh, siswa bisa memilih klub yang mereka ingin membuat dan itu kegiatan sesuai dengan kemampuan dan
minat mereka. Jadi bahkan jika ada anak-anak yang hanya peduli tentang belajar dan nilai yang baik, mereka dapat memulai
sebuah klub di mana mereka dapat belajar atau bersama-sama atau topik penelitian yang berkaitan dengan mata pelajaran o
mereka untuk membantu mereka meningkatkan dalam belajar.
Hal ini akan menguntungkan mereka terlalu banyak hal, mereka bisa menjelajahi, bersenang-senang, meningkatkan soft skill
mereka mungkin dan mengajar mereka tanggung jawab.
Mengatakan bahwa kegiatan ekstrakurikuler tidak akan membantu anak-anak di masa depan benar-benar salah. Pendidikan
adalah tidak semua tentang nilai dan informasi dalam buku-buku, itu semua keterampilan pengalaman dan informasi
seseorang menerima dalam kehidupan sehari-hari mereka.
RE: Kegiatan ekstra kurikuler harus dibuat wajib di sekolah
Pankaj Yadav 2014/12/07 05:14
Membuat kegiatan curriculam ekstra wajib di sekolah-sekolah akan menjadi kegiatan idea.These baik secara fisik dan mental.

Siswa datang untuk mengetahui wilayah minat mereka dan belajar banyak hal seperti bekerja sebagai tim, berinteraksi dengan
sekolah lain student.It akan membantu athleate baik untuk menemukan platform.
RE: Kegiatan ekstra kurikuler harus dibuat wajib di sekolah
Deepanjul Rai 2014/12/08 09:33
Kegiatan ekstra kurikuler shud dibuat wajib di sekolah .....
Ketika seorang anak mendapat pengakuan di sekolah ... wht dia / dia tertarik dalam jenis diff kegiatan seperti menari, akting
dll ..... Ini kepentingan dem kemudian memberikan dem semacam dorongan di masa depan ... Apa saya ingin katakan adalah
jika kegiatan ekstra kurikuler tidak diperkenalkan atau dibuat wajib di sekolah-sekolah ... im yakin dey bahwa tidak akan
menjadi einstien baik dengan hanya berkonsentrasi dalam buku-buku ...
Jika kita berbicara abt aspek masa depan kegiatan ekstra kurikuler .... itu jauh lebih benificial ....

Seseorang yang desa frm tidak nd mendapatkan pendidikan yang layak ... Wht akan dia lakukan di masa depan ... ??
Jadi orang dat beralih ke olahraga yang penting dalam kegiatan ekstra kurikuler ... nd orang dis akan lebih berhasil Dan d
orang belajar di sekolah tanpa kegiatan ekstra kurikuler .... yakin abt itu .... Nd dis adalah becoz guy d desa tidak memiliki
pilihan untuk mencapai sesuatu dalam hidup ... jadi dia pasti akan bekerja keras dalam olahraga nd akan membuat jejak kaki
fr orang lain untuk mengikuti ..
Thnx ..
RE: Kegiatan ekstra kurikuler harus dibuat wajib di sekolah
alok 2014/12/09 03:38
Dalam scenrio hari ini d dunia, jika Anda ingin seleksi di tempat / perusahaan / organisasi terkenal maka u hav dengan
sempurna dalam segala bidang & itu z hanya mungkin ekstrakurikuler whn akan hav dibuat pergantian di schls / perguruan
tinggi n universitas ..
dan pembelajaran bukan merupakan bagian dari hanya membaca buku ... kita bisa belajar dari mana-mana .... everyfield
memiliki banyak peluang .... jadi kita harus mempertahankan nd itu shud dilakukan pergantian .... thank u
RE: Kegiatan ekstra kurikuler harus dibuat wajib di sekolah
puja singh 2014/12/09 10:59
memungkinkan anak-anak untuk berpartisipasi dalam kegiatan ekstra carricular seperti memberi mereka sayap untuk terbang,
memberi mereka kesempatan untuk mengejar bidang mereka sendiri kepentingan baik dalam permainan, drama sastra,
penelitian, studi dll memberikan mereka kebebasan untuk berpikir rasional. tapi ketika pilihan menjadi keharusan itu
mengarah ke keengganan dan frustrasi. ..
Jadi alih-alih membuat pergantian itu harus disimpan sebagai pilihan di sekolah sehingga anak-anak bisa mendapatkan
kesempatan untuk memutuskan dengan benar tentang apa yang sebenarnya mereka inginkan ..

Co-curricular Activities Should Be Made Compulsary

Co-curricular activities should be made compulsory for entrance into local universities. I do support that students should be
involved in co-curricular activities but it should not be made compulsory. These activities include uniformed bodies,
societies, clubs and games. Every secondary school student should be involved in at least one activity from each unit of the

co-curricular activities offered in their school. There are many advantages that students can reap by taking part in cocurricular activities.
3. First of all.. Students learn to socialize and interact through the activities that they take part in when they join any cocurricular activities. They make friends, learn to give and take besides respecting their teachers and friends.
4. In addition, they will also learn to be leaders and assume responsibilities. As the saying by Zig Ziglar goes, it is your
attitude, and not your aptitude that will determine your altitude. Therefore the importance of co-curricular activities is for
shaping the attitudes of our future generation.
5. Moreover.. by joining a co-curricular activity, the students fill up their time constructively. They learn to be involved in
healthy activities that will build up their self-confidence and self- esteem. They will not get involved in unhealthy activities
that will bring social ills to the nation. Some of the activities that they can take up include games such as football or
badminton, swimming, involvement in Chess Club, Girl Guides or Scouts. These activities keep students occupied so that
their minds do not turn into the devils workshops.

As students, we are encouraged by staff and peers school to engage in co-curricular activities. In so doing, we can
expand our horizons, take learning out of the classroom, and make school a more meaningful experience.
According to a research paper written by the National Centre for Education Statistics in America, those students
who participated in extra-curricular activities were more likely to have consistent attendance at school, perform
in the top quartile on a standardized composite math and reading exam and aspire to higher education.
Kegiatan ko-kurikuler harus dibuat wajib untuk masuk ke perguruan tinggi lokal. Saya mendukung bahwa siswa
harus terlibat dalam kegiatan ko-kurikuler tetapi tidak boleh dilakukan wajib. Kegiatan ini meliputi berseragam
tubuh, masyarakat, klub dan permainan. Setiap siswa sekolah menengah harus terlibat dalam setidaknya satu
kegiatan dari setiap unit kegiatan ko-kurikuler yang ditawarkan di sekolah mereka. Ada banyak keuntungan bahwa
siswa dapat menuai dengan mengambil bagian dalam kegiatan ko-kurikuler.
3. Pertama-tama .. Siswa belajar untuk bersosialisasi dan berinteraksi melalui kegiatan-kegiatan yang mereka ambil
bagian dalam ketika mereka bergabung dengan kegiatan ko-kurikuler. Mereka membuat teman-teman, belajar
untuk memberi dan menerima selain menghormati guru dan teman-teman mereka.
4. Selain itu, mereka juga akan belajar untuk menjadi pemimpin dan memikul tanggung jawab. Seperti kata oleh
Zig Ziglar pergi, itu adalah sikap Anda, dan bukan bakat Anda yang akan menentukan ketinggian Anda ". Oleh
karena itu pentingnya kegiatan ko-kurikuler untuk membentuk sikap generasi masa depan kita.
5. Selain itu .. dengan bergabung aktivitas ko-kurikuler, para siswa mengisi waktu mereka secara konstruktif.
Mereka belajar untuk terlibat dalam kegiatan sehat yang akan membangun mereka kepercayaan diri dan harga diri.
Mereka tidak akan terlibat dalam kegiatan yang tidak sehat yang akan membawa penyakit sosial bangsa. Beberapa
kegiatan yang mereka dapat mengambil meliputi permainan seperti sepak bola atau bulu tangkis, renang,
keterlibatan dalam Chess Club, Girl Guides atau Pramuka. Kegiatan ini membuat siswa diduduki sehingga pikiran
mereka tidak berubah menjadi workshop iblis.

Sebagai mahasiswa, kita didorong oleh staf dan rekan-rekan sekolah untuk terlibat dalam kegiatan ko-kurikuler.
Dengan demikian, kita dapat memperluas cakrawala kita, mengambil pembelajaran dari kelas, dan membuat
sekolah pengalaman yang lebih bermakna. Menurut sebuah penelitian yang ditulis oleh Pusat Nasional untuk
Statistik Pendidikan di Amerika, para siswa yang berpartisipasi dalam kegiatan-ekstra kurikuler lebih mungkin
untuk memiliki "kehadiran yang konsisten" di sekolah, "tampil di deretan teratas pada komposit matematika
standar dan membaca "ujian dan" bercita-cita untuk pendidikan tinggi "

Some school systems see so much benefit in co-curricular activities that they make them a compulsory part of the
education experience. Singapore, a country with one of the leading education systems in the world, has created a
mandatory CCA (co-curricular activity policy), so that all students expand their horizons to extra-curricular
activities. In this program, students are not limited by choice; there are over 100 different programs to choose from,
and activities that engage different interest groups, whether it involves, athletics, fine arts, political interest, or
community involvement. While all students need to participate in at least one activity, participation in multiple
CCAs is encouraged. The students participation in these activities is then graded, and is counted towards
university or college for entrance to different programs.
Some people believe that this type of mandatory programming is beneficial, because it encourages social
interaction, leadership, healthy recreation, self-discipline and self-confidence. Conversely, others may feel that this
system encroaches upon their freedom of choice, because it dictates their life after school. I personally feel that cocurriculars should not be mandatory, because I see them as a social outlet for enjoying myself, and I feel that the
burden of a grade would add unnecessary pressure to the students life.
Extracurricular School Activities and the Benefits
There are many high schools out there today that provide a plethora of extracurricular activities. Some occur before
school, some after school, and a few may even take place on the weekends. While some parents are a bit dubious
about their children participating in extracurricular activities, these activities actually bring with them many
benefits. Allowing your child to get involved in extracurricular activities at school is a wise choice, and it can be
very important in helping them to develop many working skills, people skills, and more. Of course, while a few
activities is a great idea, there is a point where you need to draw a line. Here is a closer look at some of the benefits
of extracurricular activities for your child, and how you can know when these activities become too much.
The Benefits of Extracurricular Activities
If you aren't sure whether or not you should let your high school student get involved in extracurricular activities,
you definitely need to consider all the benefits that come along with these activities. Here is a look at just a few
benefits your teen will enjoy if you allow them to get involved with these activities.
Benefit #1 Learning Time Management and Prioritizing
One great benefit of your teen being involved in extracurricular activities is that they will learn about time
management and prioritizing things in their life. As adults we get very used to juggling a variety of different tasks
and commitments. Our teens need to learn how to do this as well, and getting involved in these activities can give
them some practice at it.
Benefit #2 Getting Involved in Diverse Interests Getting involved in extracurricular activities also allows
students to get involved in diverse interests. It is important for your teen to be very diverse in their interests. These
activities allow them to explore various interests that they may have.

Benefit #3 Learning About Long Term Commitments

Teens learn about long term commitments when they are involved in extracurricular activities as well, which is
another excellent benefit. When the join one of the activities or clubs, they commit themselves to that activity for a
period of time. If they don't hold up to their end of the deal, no doubt they'll hear about it from their peers and
perhaps even teachers. Learning to take on commitments is important, and these activities can teach your child this
important lesson.
Benefit #4 Making a Contribution Extracurricular activities allow your child to make a contribution in some
way. It shows that they are getting away from just thinking about themselves and contributing to something else.
This is important in their growth as a person.
Benefit #5 Raises Self Esteem Many times, being involved in extracurricular activities helps to raise the self
esteem of teens. There are many teens that feel worthless or that there is nothing they are good at. Teens struggle
with self esteem, and these activities are a way that they can build self esteem. Everyone wants to find something
that they are really good at, and extracurricular activities provide them with a way that they can get involved in
something and really shine, giving their self esteem a boost.
Benefit #6 Building Solid Relationship Skills Your teen will have the benefit of building solid relationship
skills as well when they get involved in extracurricular activities. Teens need to get involved in social activities and
learn how to appropriate act in social situations and these activities give them a chance outside of school to do this,
while they are still being supervised by adults.
Benefit #7 Looks Great on College Applications
Yet another benefit of allowing your teen to get involved in extracurricular activities is that it looks great on
college applications. Most colleges not only look at grades, but they take a look at extracurricular activities that
students are involved in while they are in high school. They want to see that students are getting out there and
doing more than just book work. The activities that teens are involved in reveal a lot about them, and definitely will
say something to the college admissions committees.
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How Much is Too Much?
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Of course, while there are definitely many excellent benefits to extracurricular activities for your teens, you need to
consider how much is too much. Getting involved in a few different activities can be a great choice, and is
definitely beneficial, but too many activities can end up having negative effects. Teens involved in too many
activities often end up having academic problems, or they may not get the rest and recreation that they need. It's
important that you talk to your teen and set some limits to extracurricular activities. Have them pick out a couple of
their favorites and make sure they can handle them. For freshmen, you may even want to limit the activities to one,
until you see how they handle the activity and their school work. Then they can work up to balancing more
activities if they perform well. Some kids feel like they have to be involved in many activities to be a success, and
this is not beneficial to them. It's important that kids don't try to "do it all," but that they have a passion and
commitment to a few activities, which definitely builds character.

If your kids want to get involved in extracurricular activities, let them. There are definitely excellent benefits that
they'll enjoy. While it can be tough to play taxi driver to all these activities, keep in mind that you are doing it for
their well being and future success. Just make sure you put your foot down if they try to take these activities too

6. On the contrary, Involvement in any co-curricular activity takes up a lot of time. Therefore, students may not be
able to allocate sufficient time for their studies. As we all know, the academic world is getting extremely
competitive these days. Those 10% of extra-curricular activities marks will not contribute much if the students,
especially those who are not all- rounders do not perform well academically for the rest of the marks which make
up a whopping 90%. Thus, those students who are not interested in these activities should not be pressured in
joining extra-curricular activities.
7. All in all, students who are actively involved in co-curricular activities are able to spend their time wisely.
Students who spend a considerable amount of time in co-curricular activities are well-mannered and possess
positive values. As such, I strongly feel that co-curricular activities should be encouraged but not be made
compulsory for entrance into local universities.

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