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Topic Name

Autumn Term

Spring Term

Summer Term







Where will my wellies take


How do we
remember events
from the past?

What caused the

Great fires of
London and

Is there no place like


Would you like to live

like an Aboriginal?

Why are bridges so

important to us?

Throughout the year, children will cover these objectives:


Reading: Children will read aloud books closely matched to their improving phonic knowledge, sounding out unfamiliar words accurately, automatically and without
undue hesitation. Re-read these books to build up their fluency and confidence in word reading. Children can understand both the books that they can already read
accurately and fluently and those that they listen to. They will learn to make inferences on the basis of what is being said and done.
Spelling: Children will learn new ways of spelling phonemes for which one or more spellings are already known and learn some words with each spelling, including a
few homophones. They will learn to add suffixes to spell longer words.
Handwriting: Children will start using some of the diagonal and horizontal strokes needed to join letters.
Writing: children will build stamina for writing through a variety of genres, outlined below. They will learn to consider what they are going to write before beginning.
Go on to make simple additions, revisions and corrections to their own writing. They will read aloud what they have written with appropriate intonation to make the
meaning clear.
Vocabulary, grammar and punctuation - Learn how to use full stops, capital letters, exclamation marks, question marks, commas for lists and apostrophes for
contracted forms and the possessive (singular). Expanded noun phrases to describe and specify e.g. beautiful, orange butterfly (2A phrase - 2 adjectives describing a
noun). Children will use the present and past tenses correctly and consistently including the progressive form. They will learn to include subordination (if, that,
because) and co-ordination (or, and, but) in their sentences.
See what a Seal can do - Chris
The Bog Baby - Jeanne Willis
King of the tiny things - Jeanne
Non-fiction writing:
Instructional writing.
Explanation writing.

Number: count in steps of 2, 3,

and 5 from 0, and in tens from any
number, forward and backward.
Recognise the place value of each
digit in a two-digit number.
Number - addition and
subtraction: add and subtract
numbers using concrete objects,
pictorial representations and
mentally. Recall and use addition
and subtraction facts to 20
fluently, and derive and use
related facts up to 100.
Measurement: choose and use
appropriate standard units to
estimate and measure
length/height in any direction
(m/cm); to the nearest appropriate

Archies War and

Memorial (Gary
Crew) - lead on to
information writing and
poetry about
Remembrance of
World Wars.
Winters Child - lead
on to Instructional
Writing - How to
make a snowflake.
Write own story Springs Child..
Number: Compare
and order numbers
from 0-100 use <,>
and = signs.
Number - addition
and subtraction:
Recognise and use the
inverse relationship
between addition and
subtraction and use
this to check
calculations and solve
missing number
Number multiplication and
division: recall and
use multiplication and

Fire Cat
Fire Poetry
Newspaper Articles
Diary entries
Non-fiction writing

Meerkat Mail
Letter Writing
Write Non-fiction
information booklet
about The Dark is
Write a postcard from
another country.

Where the Forest

meets the Sea
Write a story with an
Aboriginal setting.
Instructions of how to
make a campfire.
Persuasive writing Should Caldy Valley be
built on? (T-REX day)

The Sunflower House

Instructional writing
A Day in the life of a
Victorian Miner.
Extended stories Victorian life.
Bridges - non-fiction

Number: use place

value and number
facts to solve
Number - addition
and subtraction:
Show that addition of
two numbers can be
done in any order and
subtraction of one
number from another
Number multiplication and
division: calculate
statements for
multiplication and

Number: Pupils learn to

partition numbers in
different ways. Extend
to numbers beyond 100.
Number - addition and
subtraction: Solve
problems with addition
and subtraction.
Number multiplication and
division: show that
multiplication of two
numbers can be done in
any order and division of
one number by another
Measurement: find
different combinations of

Number - addition
and subtraction:
applying their
increasing knowledge of
mental and written
Number multiplication and
division: solve
problems involving
multiplication and
division, using
materials, arrays,
repeated addition,
mental methods.
Number - Fractions:
find, name and write

Number: use place value

and number facts to solve
Number - multiplication
and division: solve
problems in contexts.
Number - Fractions:
write simple fractions for

example, 2 of 6 = 3 and
recognise the equivalence

of 4 and 2
Measurement: tell and
write the time to five
minutes, including quarter
past/to the hour and draw
the hands on a clock face

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