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To: Dr. Sharon Dye, Principal

From: Julie West, Media Specialist
Date: September 21, 2015
Dr. Dye,
As the media specialist at Wrens Elementary School, I used the 2015 Judy Serritella Exemplary
Library Media Program Self-Evaluation Rubric to evaluate our media program.
There are 6 categories with 21 target indicators in the evaluation rubric with the ratings of basic,
proficient, and exemplary. There are six areas that fell into the Basic category, 10 areas were in
the Proficient category and 5 areas were Exemplary. For each of the areas that fell into Basic or
Proficient, I have added an action plan that would help us meet the Exemplary status. Below is
a summary of the results of my evaluation using this rubric.

Basic Areas:
Category 1 - Student Achievement and Instruction
Information Literacy Standards are integrated into content instruction. AASL Standards for the
21st-Century Learner are integrated into content instruction.
Professional library media staff are engaged in active teaching roles.
Student achievement is routinely assessed.
Action Plan - It is imperative that there be more collaboration between the media
specialist and all teachers at all grade-levels. I will develop a schedule where we meet at
least monthly by grade and as needed with individual teachers. In these collaborative
sessions, lessons reflecting the standards will be developed and teaching of the lessons
will occur with both the media specialist and the teacher. Rubrics will also be developed
that show mastery of the standards being taught. These lessons will ensure that the
needs of all students with varying diversities and abilities are met.
Category 2 - Technology
The school library media specialist integrates the use of emerging technologies as a means for
effective and creative teaching and support P-12 students conceptual understanding, critical
thinking and creative processes.
Action Plan - Provide staff development for teachers in how to use the available
technology in their classroom effectively with their students. This needs to be done
throughout the year and as the need arises. Begin with Google Drive and Google Apps.
Category 5 - Administrative Support
Each local board of education shall adopt a library media policy that provides for the
establishment of a media committee at the system level and at each school. A library media
committee makes recommendations and decisions relating to planning, operation, evaluation,
and improvement of the library media program. This committee shall annually evaluate library
media services and develop a multi-year media plan for budget services and priorities.

Action Plan - The media specialist should conference with the administration and share
the rubric and GLMA standards for the library media program. A media committee
should be established and should meet regularly to discuss the budget, planning and
operation of the media center. These recommendations should be shared with the
district as well.
Local Board approved library media policy is current. This policy requires development of
procedures for the school system and for selecting materials locally, handling requests for
reconsideration of materials, considering gifts of instructional resources, using non-school
owned materials, and complying with the copyright law.
Action Plan - We have a policy in place, but it needs to be reviewed and updated,
especially concerning BYOT/ BYOD and information literacy. It will be recommended that
this be addressed at the next meeting so that all policies are clear and up-to-date. Each
committee member could make recommendations and then they could be discussed,
revised and then published for everyone in the district.

Proficient Areas:
Category 1 - Student Achievement and Instruction
Collaborative planning includes both the Library Media Specialist and teachers to ensure use of
library media center resources that support on-going classroom instruction and implementation
of state curriculum and the GPS and CCGPS.
Services are provided to students who have diverse learning abilities, styles and needs.
Action Plan - In order to move to exemplary, it is necessary to plan collaboratively with
all teachers on a regular basis using the CCGPS across all disciplines. All learning
styles are addressed in the instruction that is planned. Meetings can be set up using
Google Calendar.
Category 2 - Technology
Provide and manage access to digital collections, technology tools & technology resources that
support and enhance instruction and reflect the needs and interests of diverse P-12 students,
school and community.
Action Plan - This area had some that was proficient and some that was exemplary. In
order to fully move to the exemplary status, it is necessary to have an active plan in
place. This needs to be developed with the county technology team to ensure
consistency across all schools in the district. There should also be more staff
development for teachers to make them aware and to also ensure their use of the
databases that are available to them. A survey can be given through Google Forms to
find out which teachers need the staff development.
Category 4 - Facilities, Access, and Resources
There shall be a plan for flexibly scheduled library media center access for students and
teachers in groups or as individuals simultaneously throughout each instructional day.
Accessibility shall refer to the facility, the staff, and the resources and shall be based on
instructional need.
Action Plan - Access to the media center can granted by opening the media center
certain designated days throughout the month for parents and students during evening
hours. This needs to be addressed with the administration and a survey could be given
to the parents to see if this is a feasible plan and what days would be the most useful.

One of the national educational technology goals states: Effective and engaging software and
on-line resources will be an integral part of every schools curriculum. The GALILEO Virtual
Library provides Georgia students and teachers access to exceptional online resources at no
cost to the local school district.
Action Plan - Plan and implement more staff development for teachers on the use of
GALILEO and how to effectively implement this when doing research with all students.
Plan classes to demonstrate to students how to use GALILEO and its effectiveness.
Category 5 - Administrative Support
The local system superintendent shall appoint a system media contact person (SMCP) to serve
as a liaison to the department.
Action Plan - There needs to be better communication between the district and each
schools media center. Meetings should be held more frequently instead of just twice
yearly. I will discuss this with my administration and county SMCP.
Administrative staff support at both the school and district levels is essential for the development
of a strong library media program.
Action Plan - Increase communication between all benefactors. Talk with BOE about
setting monthly or bi-monthly meetings where media specialists across the county get
together to share ideas, discuss concerns, and update the county policy. Encourage
teachers to use the library media center by making it available and bringing the
resources to them. Plan collaboratively with teachers and showcase what the media
center has to offer them and their students.
Each local school system shall spend 100 percent of the funds designated for library media
center costs.
Action Plan - Make long-range plans for the media center budget with the help of the
local and district media committee. Discuss and locate supplemental funding and followthrough on acquiring these funds. The Media Committee will hold the media specialist
accountable for all funds spent from the budget.
Category 6 - Staff Development
Staff development opportunities are available both for the library media staff to enhance their
own professional knowledge and for the library media staff to provide information and
technology literacy skills to other teachers and administrative staff. Professional resources and
services for all faculty members are provided in the library media center for the learning
Action Plan - There needs to be a needs assessment done yearly to determine what the
needs of the faculty are. A plan needs to be developed that would best serve these
needs. This will be done while working with the administration closely.

Exemplary Areas
Category 1 - Student Achievement and Instruction
The library media center is a critical element in the schools reading program. The library media
program meets the needs of both the reading/language arts curriculum and recreational
Category 3 - Staffing
A school system shall employ a full-time Library Media Specialist for each base size school or
Category 4 - Facilities, Access, and Resources

School library media center square footage requirements based on FTE.

Streaming video is used throughout the school to support the curriculum. Interactive
whiteboards and computers are used for teaching and learning throughout the school. A central
electronic media distribution system is also available.
Print and non-print resources and access to online information are basic to a library media
program. A school network is effective for delivering media resources to the classroom and
beyond. Multiple computers are available for student access to online resources that enhance
All library media resources are managed for maximum efficient use. The library media center
has an electronic online public access catalog (OPAC). Funds for acquisition of computers are
utilized to implement the goals/objectives set forth in the State Technology Plan 2007-2012 or in
the System Comprehensive School Improvement Plan.
As you can see, our media center is overall proficient, with room for improvement. Our
goal should be to strive to reach exemplary in all areas so that we can better serve the
students, teachers, staff and community. By doing this we will become a 21st century
learning center that will teach 21st century learning skills effectively.

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